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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43113049 No.43113049 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to point out while Unicorns deserve to be shat on, the other extreme ie that it's 'okay' to do both GFE and squeezing money out of lonelyfags while being in a relationship/sexually engaged themselves is abnormal. These people are mentally sick in the head. These people are deluded beyond repair.
No sane person thinks that should be tolerated or a thing.

>> No.43113185

>the other extreme ie that it's 'okay' to do both GFE and squeezing money out of lonelyfags while being in a relationship/sexually engaged themselves is abnormal.

That's like saying a movie actor who does romantic scenes can't have a real spouse at the same time.

>> No.43113203

Shut the absolute fuck up

>> No.43113243

it’s more like a prostitute having a boyfriend in that the John’s debatably deserve to know

>> No.43113654
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>the movie actor argument
I knew some retard's gonna bring this shitty argument up.
We don't pay actors to be our pretend girlfriend. We PAY THEM to make good movies ie entertainment aka NOT TO PRETEND TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND.

That's why the actor argument is retarded (aka like you cumguzzlers bringing this up).
The appropriate comparison is a priest making sermons about faithfulness and being one with god and taking your donation money and you find out he gambles it all away and fucks multiple whores while he cheats on his wives.

The average retard (aka you) would say

>> No.43114021

>squeezing money out of lonelyfags
Most vtubers do this. Evil is synonymous with female

>> No.43114078

>Still seething about Rushia over a year later
I don't think unicorns are the mentally ill ones here Nijisis

>> No.43114224

holy based
also rushia cute

>> No.43114245

Psst your own family is only pretending to love you

>> No.43114405

actors on tv/film aren't directly interacting with their audience, it's one of the key differences from livestreaming/vtubing

>> No.43114463

> There are mentally sick people in the world.
> Tries to rally up a crusade against those people.
> /here/

>> No.43114561

And your point is: "Only tip is okay"?

>> No.43114620

where do you think we are anon? this is just another theoretical facility for the mentally ill

>> No.43114728
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>Rushiafag is still seething

>> No.43114906

terrible analogy.

>> No.43115015

Nigga your Mi-chan fucked mafumafu

>> No.43115208

Your family only loves you to keep up a social facade.
A family that doesn't "love" their reject member gets looked down on by others, even before social media.

>> No.43115218

Why did you decide to use my wife Rushia instead of the current GFE scene? That being Lamy and Chloe? My wife barely streams.

>> No.43115263


>> No.43115393

No she didn't nigga. Shut your bitch ass up mf. It's been over a year and nigga's like you still regurgitating false shit and don't know a god damn thing about the real truth. And if you ain't a nigga and some white boy or sea mf mind your tongue bitch when using that word. You ain't us and will never be us.

>> No.43115670

You would of had more impact if you had used all the hololive en girls pretending they're GFE for a single day just to hose money out of us single men instead of using my wife Rushia. Then you would of had hololive fans come seething and trying to defend these women who sold out unless they were forced by management to take part in that shitty video.

At least with Nijisanji those who weren't on break didn't have to pretend or be out of the possibility of doing GFE that being Scarle and Aia. And Enna obviously would do what she did by being cringy and making the whole thing creepy af.

>> No.43115844

The evidences showed they lived in the same house and she got kicked out by him after termination nigga

>> No.43115894
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>> No.43116137 [DELETED] 

>poorfag flip
It always them

>> No.43116181

It's like going into a leather club and then complaining the dominatrix does not actually love you.

>> No.43116182

stfu phony fuck. You're talking to an actual fandead and that "evidence" as you called it lol has been debunked for a long time moron. You're so out of the loop. Stop pretending you know what's going on it'll save you from being embarrassed.

>> No.43116221

Sounds like you got experience.

>> No.43116719

>would of had
>would of had


>> No.43116739


The worst part about your counter argument is that you don't have to pay them for the GFE. Another angle is Boybands/Girlbands in america (or older manbans like NSYNC and Backstreat Boys). That was played on the radio for free frequently, burned on CD's illegally. Their music uses the words "you" all the time trying to make you think they're talking TO you and the song is ABOUT YOU the same way a GFE does.

You can enjoy all of it and the fantasy of it just like reading a doujinshi. You can buy the merch and enjoy the idea of it with the understanding that she's getting boned. None of it is real, none of it is paid for (unless you buy a physical copy) and if you think you're actually having sex with that person irl you're insane.

This type of parasocial shit is why actors get stabbed 30 times and live because the people who are psychologically insane enough to think this way are too weak and don't exercise. Look up the actress in the 80s who got stabbed 30 times because a guy believed he was being told through the TV that she was actually telling him to stab her.

About your priest argument: There is a sect of churches with married priests, and they can still enlighten you about god. They're not mutually exclusive but

>> No.43116790

I would trade Kronii, Ame, Mori, Ina, Bae, and all of ID just to get Rushia back. Oh and kill all the Homofags.

>> No.43116872


>> No.43116924

you cucks honestly deserve this experience, expecting a lot from 3dpd

>> No.43117403

>the other extreme
no, the other extreme is the dumpster fire that is nijien at the moment.

and gachi whales are just a specific type of whale. there was a thread the other day about some retard dumping his savings on a lewdtuber, twitchkids spend their parent's credit for their le parasocial friend, and weebs are fucking rich and spend the most on overpriced merch.

these 'people' are as vulnerable as they are fucking stupid, but there isn't some sort of phenotype that causes lonely men to whale just as there is for weebs to whale that isn't already inherent on the person BEING a whale.

>> No.43117658


>> No.43119137

It's APT as fuck what are you on?

>> No.43119696

The worst kept secret is that left wing people want to destroy Hololive

>> No.43121126

That is correct.
Unicorns and cucks both deserve the rope

>> No.43122077

What are you, a commie? It's just business, emotional manipulation 101.

>> No.43122100

we're both ok with it retard, us fans like GFE and pay to support these girls so they can do it more and they do it as a living to pay the bills, it's a symbiotic relationship, a win-win, idk why you have to make it out to be so bad

>> No.43122563

lmao she doesn't even bother to translate the comment that she liked, what a whore

>> No.43122577


>> No.43122630

Us unicorn chads were right about NijiEN and about Tempus2 and we will continue being proven right.

>> No.43122722

Isn't the vtuber like a character in a manga that gets written by the roommate? Something like Tamaki does with her agency.

>> No.43122775

>Western vtubers

>> No.43122777

>Shits on unicorns
Stopped reading, don't care, kill yourself shitty tranny normie garbage

>> No.43123377
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>> No.43123760

Why do retarded redditors always try this "vtubers = movie actors" analogy? It doesn't work at all.
Actors are given a script and a character with an already complete personality that they temporarily play for a movie.
Vtubers are given a model and that's it. Their personality is their own, what they talk about is up to them, the opinions they share, the tastes they have, that's all them.

>> No.43124058

Kind of? But if the actor spent a crazy amount of time and effort trying to convince you they were single, doing crazy ass shit like stalking your twitter, gaslighting you into thinking they can like you as a person, and having the ticket to their movie cost potentially thousands and thousand of dollars. It's hard to really judge it as it's a game of degrees and every chuuba plays the game differently.
Oh, and I know not everyone would have a problem with it, but having to reschedule your Valentine's plans to late in the evening or early in the day so the people that watch your spouse don't catch on to the dirty little secret that is your existence is a level of filth that makes me truly despise the depths human beings will sink to for money.

>> No.43124083 [DELETED] 

Rushia may have fucked up in many ways, but she was loyal to her fans and seething about her a year later isn going to change that. Bad example to use if you wanted a disingenuous GFE streamer.

>> No.43124134

Rushia may have fucked up in many ways, but she was loyal to her fans and seething about her a year later isn't going to change that. Bad example to use if you wanted a disingenuous GFE streamer

>> No.43124172

It's not about unicorns. Any kind of antis deserves to be roped. You don't like = you don't watch, as simple as.

>> No.43124207

You're fabricating this horrible reality in your head. Membership is like 5 dollars you don't have to supa or buy merch if you don't want to.

>> No.43124300

>The worst part about your counter argument is that you don't have to pay them for the GFE.
You don't have to tithe to attend a church service either.

>> No.43124389

Seeing how Fancucks are still the most retarded fanbase, I am glad that she fucked up and got thrown out along with her schizo fans

>> No.43124461

It's never morally good to take advantage of the mentally disabled. But that is the kind of service she provided, so who is in the wrong here?

>> No.43124484

Depends on your Christian denomination

>> No.43124607

You said it yourself, you pay somebody to be your PRETEND girlfriend. This means you both know its pretend. Beyond the pretend veil. the vtuber, is a streamer that is not your pretend girlfriend and so, only the most retarded schizos here get angry when said streamer is revealed to have a life beyond what lonely internet nerds think.

>> No.43125036

Hey atleast he has 'evidence'. lol Put up or shut up.

>> No.43125767
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Nice try faggot, but Rushia antis are lower on the totem pole than any fanbase. Including Nijis and twitter indies.

>> No.43125883

Now the problem is how widely you classify GFE, because GFE originally meant that your interaction was more casual.

>> No.43126051

>The evidences showed they lived in the same house and she got kicked out by him after termination nigga
Except for the fact that she has Instagram pictures of her living in the same house she's always lived in until August when she officially moved because she wanted to. You can stop being retarded now.

>> No.43126178

Instagram between the months of Feb to August, those pictures taken between those months are in the same house she's always lived in. I'm sure you can find the Insta page itself as it's linked in the rumina general but I'm not linking it because I'll probably be banned for "dox".
