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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43061079 No.43061079 [Reply] [Original]

>can't play Hogwarts because "gotta support the cause"
>being parasocial is okay though
What kind of hypocrisy is this?

>> No.43061200

It's not parasocial if they somewhere, at some point, say "it's just a joke hehe" in the tiniest font size.
(This is how these scumfucks actually think btw)

>> No.43061258
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>> No.43061389

his karaoke is in the same time of myth collab, he is going to destroy myth ccv

>> No.43061432

He is Omega confirmed

>> No.43061444

stop shilling your faggot 3-view, tranny

>> No.43061535


>> No.43061557

Tempus sisters beware, he is a groomer

>> No.43061648

what does being parasocial have to do with playing the hogwarts game?

>> No.43061666
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It's okay when males do it

>> No.43061711

why are you so obsessed with him?

>> No.43061734

Hey Altare, play Hogwarts Legacy instead

>> No.43061800

>"gotta support the cause"
>literally a throw away line to not get cancelled by the twitter mob
>/vt/ incels are raging about it for days

Do you have nothing better to do?

>> No.43061841

and people said they were going to be brotubers lmao

>> No.43061874

Its over we cant do anything

>> No.43061914

Anon, are you jealous because your oshi isn’t doing anything for Valentine’s day or something?

>> No.43061930

Tempus antis are retarded, the thread

>> No.43061979

He cares for his fans unlike certain whores that just won't stream. VN shit doesn't count as it was organized by Mori

>> No.43061989

My favorite is when they get caught in blatant, explicit, unequivocal lie like Rushia and redditfags STILL insist 'she's just a character, you should have known!' as if using an avatar gives a streamer carte blanche to lie to and deceive their audience.

>> No.43062078

Sucking up to trannies and catering to fujos does not feel hypocritical. After all neither group will ever have children and both smell like human waste.

>> No.43062240

Because Twitter fags are always complaining about vtubers being too "parasocial," even though he was appealing to those same Twitter fags by implying that not buying Hogwarts Legacy is supporting some "cause."

>> No.43062361

he might be the most parasocial person in tempus though. are you sure you’re not just wildly making things up despite never actually having watched him?

>> No.43062389
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>> No.43062431

This is even more retarded than using “unfortunately idol culture is a thing” to prove that Kronii hates parasocial stuff.

>> No.43062548

Kronii does hate parasocial stuff though

>> No.43062674

>gotta support the cause because otherwise 12 cents of JKR's royalties might go to a biological woman's only domestic abuse shelter and that's a bad thing!
>it's okay to exploit lonely people into giving you money by taking advantage of their loneliness on a couple's holiday though!

>> No.43062691

Do you get all your information from random bait threads or something? Also, if that was the case, it’s unrelated to any statement about idol culture.

>> No.43062726

What do those two things have to do with each other?

>> No.43062756

>Caters to his fans for the holiday with a Valentine’s day date and a love song karaoke
>Somehow this infuriates the /vt/ anons that are used to their oshi putting in the absolute bare minimum of effort to show any kind of gratitude for them

>> No.43062766

>making a clear stance that he opposes the girls
I'm glad can't tell will be watching and permanently ban anyone who chooses his stream instead of the Myth collab

>> No.43062812

She spammed male collabs literally out of spite just to drive away her goslings so yeah

>> No.43062841

It was always jealousy. Both holo males and niji males actually put effort into giving their fans love so that's why there's always bait threads about them. They'll grasp at the most nonsensical reasons like op is doing.

>> No.43062848

you say that as if he wasn't grooming kobo on stream for the past 4 months

>> No.43062989

Don't you have a suicide to do?

>> No.43063036

So you do get all your info from shitty bait threads, got it.

>> No.43063053


>> No.43063071

This thread is shit bait but half the Niji males are ghosting Valentine's this year

>> No.43063125

Pretending it isn't true doesn't make it actually not true, cucknie.

>> No.43063145

t. a proud cluck

>> No.43063187

I can't believe Kenmochi Toya is such a massive bigot

>> No.43063236

Kek exactly the same

>> No.43063284

Who would go on a date with this faggot? The (admittedly few) girls I know who've seen him cringe at his voice and say he sounds/acts like a spineless homo with no balls. Who does he appeal to? Surely no big burly bears are watching vtubers to fulfill their twink kink

>> No.43063311
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Forgot to attach image.

>> No.43063336

Holy projection
My oshi gives me love every stream unlike your obligatory valentine faggotry
Stay mad trannoid

>> No.43063344

Trannies, apparently

>> No.43063440

Or the faggot could've said nothing and no one would've cared.

>> No.43063443

Trannies. He fights for their rights after all so I imagine they throw him a bone once in a while.

>> No.43063448

try writing this without the seething jealousy next time

>> No.43063450

when will somebody more schizo than I am do something about this tempiss problem?

>> No.43063461

>Who does he appeal to?
Women who want a plaything because their father’s showed them no affection. And troons

>> No.43063529

You really need to stop projecting sister. You are the one who sounds mad.

>> No.43063530

>y-you don't like me so you're JEALOUS
Holy shit just say you were bullied for being a fucking retard in school and this is what your mom told you so you could cope you faggot, adults who have this mentality are autistic as shit, go kill yourself and I say that genuinely, you don't deserve to live

>> No.43063561

An axe wound victim wrote this.

>> No.43063603

>All lowercase
>Shitty “argument”
Either fuck off back to twitter or stay in your containment general.

>> No.43063642

You shouldn't say that to a tranny because they're 41% likely to actually do it.

>> No.43063680

men are so hysterically easy to get (You)s from kek. did i trigger you guys?

>> No.43063751

Fuck off back to twitter or that general will turn into a bigger wasteland than it already is.

>> No.43063790

You will never be a woman

>> No.43063806


>> No.43063832

Dial 8

>> No.43063867

mmmm my delicious replies

>> No.43063907
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>tfw no dudebro vtuber that does a Valentine's stream that's just three straight hours of dunking on fat chicks

>> No.43063970
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Are you craving attention because your parents never gave you any?

>> No.43064008

parasocial and transphobia are two different causes

>> No.43064062

2 completely unrelated things

>> No.43064138
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You twitter trannies are such hypocrites.

>> No.43064185

not intrinsically connected, but the Venn diagram of SJWs crusading against either would show a huge overlap.

>> No.43064232

But its ok when the "pure" girls from HoloEN do it too, right?

>> No.43064355

I don't give a fuck what some twitter SJW believes. I don't base my opinions on troons or on parasocial chuubas on what some 35 year old woman with blue hair thinks

>> No.43064375

never. /vt/ anons are cowards. can't even make a throwaway account just for spamming his chat or commenting.

>> No.43064494

Ok, then you obviously missed the entire point of this thread.

>> No.43064531

So why is it hypocritical exactly? Do you have a reason that’s not “uhh well Twitter trannies”?

>> No.43064541

Male incel fans not allowed to be parasocial towards female vtubers, I thought this was made clear? Being parasocial is only allowed towards male vtubers because its kino

>> No.43064544

He's the one that decided to signal how virtuous and moral he was for 'supporting the cause' and not playing the wizard game.

>> No.43064567
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Reminder that a small indie made a Tweet calling out all those against Hogwarts Legacy and she got more likes and retweets than Altare has ever gotten.

>> No.43064611

Parasociality doesn't kill trans women.
Trans women kill trans women.

>> No.43064640

The main reason he didn’t go for it was that he gets enough hate from you cockroaches in this board,
He didn’t need the Twitter troons joining in.

>> No.43064680
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No, that just is the reason.

>> No.43064793

Does he even browse /vt/? And if so why would someone like him even be on a website like 4chan in the first place?
Also he never really got any hate here until he made that statement.

>> No.43064885
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fuck this dude

>> No.43064964
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If he thought he got hate before he said this, I bet his skin must be crawling from the hate he's getting now.

>> No.43065014

Tempus gets extreme hate from the kiwifaggots that migrated to this board.
He got hate from both SEA and Amerifat Holosimps in the beginning.

>> No.43065120

he is a twitter troon.

>> No.43065124

Actually Hex gets in shit for doing such things.

>> No.43065215

Even so letting such people put you in such a state of fear that you can't play a game is something that looses respect.

>> No.43065237

Kek. Dude went to a birthday party on the day everyone thought they managed to scare him and has been happy as a clam playing games with his friends since then. You guys can’t even coordinate yourselves enough to send emails to Cover.

>> No.43065336

Who fucking cares.

Go back to Nijisanji threads

>> No.43065357

If you are streaming BFE on valentine's day you aren't a brotuber....let's see...who in Tempus is not streaming today...

>> No.43065574

OK, i'll believe that. But how much is he aware of this?

>> No.43065686

I don't even like the homos but I don't understand the connection you are trying to talk about here. It is two totally separate issues.

>> No.43065699

I remember when i had a parasocial relationship with a VTuber.
Never again and i do not wish that on anyone.

>> No.43065818

Predicting sub 1000ccv like his flop asmr

>> No.43065844

vesties stop embarrassing yourselves

>> No.43065869

>flop asmr
I wanna know more.

>> No.43065974


>> No.43066227
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Tempus would be better off without him.

>> No.43066235

Im not sure I get your point, but if anything this entire Hogwarts situation just shows that Twitterfags are the biggest hypocrites and pieces of shit ever, they constantly cry and berate gachikoi because they don't want male collabs and want to control the streamer and "don't want the streamer to do whatever they want" yet it's the same Twitterfags that are raiding and railing on chuubas playing the Hogwarts game and forcing them to not play it because they don't agree with the fact that Jake Rolling doesn't like Trannies.

>> No.43066668

Everyone has known twittertrannies are mentally ill sociopaths for years. Do you think this is their first controversy or something? They rallied behind a literal pedo groomer tranny who built her fame off "canceling" anyone that slighted him. There is nothing more to prove, people know what they are. The problem is the power they hold because retarded traitor fucks like Altare bend the knee to them.

>> No.43066673

yeah men like you lmao

>> No.43066903

Oh please I know this is not their first controversy but Holy hell I hate the Twitfags holier than thou attitude against gachikoi while doing shit like this, I don't like Jake Rolling either but that's for different reasons, but like holy he'll can you at least not be hypocrites and let chuubas actually do what they want like what you all say to attack gachikoi, God I hate them.

>> No.43066912

The only question a corporate vtuber needs to ask themselves is: Will Twitter approve of this?
If the answer is yes, they'll do it.
If the answer is no, they won't.

>> No.43067125

You’re on 4chan, the girls you know aren’t the majority

>> No.43067499
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Only cowards bend the knee to the mentally ill.

>> No.43069543

No hypocrisy. You can be pro trans and make BFE content.

>> No.43069859
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He should learn from this guy how to really appeal to the Twitter crowd.

>> No.43069987

Are they protrans or are the Twutter trannies trying to force them to not play the game, pretty sad how Twitter trannies are not letting chuubas do what they want and just play a game, if you don't like it then don't watch...

>> No.43070227

Believe it or not Twitter is not a single hive mind.

>> No.43070290

I fucking despise these faggots but I'm not seeing the correlation here

>> No.43070545

You're suppose to play along and find any reason to make him look bad. Were you not around when Mori was /vt/'s prime target?

>> No.43070581

>Expecting unicucks to be sane
Anon look where you are. They'll keep screeching until the next Holo girl gets canned in a month or 2

>> No.43070586

Blue HoloPro vtubers think alike

>> No.43070627

He was talking about trannies in the first comment.
Being parasocial is irrelevant.

>> No.43070727

the whole concept of valentine's enforces heteronormative ideas and this stream is in particularly poor taste considering how difficult it is for transgender people to date, this just feels like twisting a knife

>> No.43070801

I'll be honest the better and factual bait is the hypocrisy of Twitter trannys and this whole "let the chuuba do what they want and if you don't like don't watch" vs "don't play this game because it hurts KY fefes", not whatever anon who made the OP is trying to spin. OP, as always, is a fag.

>> No.43070874


>> No.43070987

What is this thread even

>> No.43071007

Somebody on Twitter might bite, but most people would probably call you a tenderqueer and tell you to fuck off or something.

>> No.43071099

That is true. A lot of people were sloppy about evoking that principle.

>> No.43073749
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kys Omegatroon you disgusting faggot

>> No.43073752

Dumb homobeggar. Fuck off

>> No.43076960

If he wanted to be a woman he would have said "she/her please"

>> No.43079644

Literally no correlation between the two you dumb faggot.
I hate the troon kneeling and commie talking points he sometimes spouts off but I can't hate the guy for making insecure beta faggaloons that think they're alpha bitches because they buy into GFE schizo larps seethe with unconditional rage.

They'll call me a tranny or a woman, but I assure you I'm a straight male That has better things to do than seethe at anime twinks on the internet.

>> No.43090321

you should come out of closet anon.

>> No.43090702

>Gotta support the cause
He said its because he knows that people are looking for excuses to hate on him and he knows that if he plays it then he'll just be getting more hate.
Hell, he's getting hate for not playing it.

>> No.43090902

>Lugia: Genderless
>Everyone loves Lugia
>Omega: Genderless
>Everyone loses their minds

>> No.43093426

>nah, it doesn't interest me
>I'm not really a fan of the series so I don't really care
>maybe some time, there's other games I really want to play right now
There's so many ways to not make it political, and he went out of his way to be political. His fans are homos themselves, so obviously they're over the moon, so any hate he gets will be minimal, but it will be well deserved.

>> No.43095155

It’s one more reason to demand a firewall between the girls and the homos. Even if you didn’t care about male collabs you can’t serve this audience and the girls’ audience well at the same time.

>> No.43096287

>It’s one more reason to demand a firewall between the girls and the homos.
That's not gonna happen, so why keep demanding it?

>> No.43096979

Kys troon.

>> No.43097190

>gotta support the cause
I don't watch holostars and I don't know in what context that quote is taken from, but I find it just as likely he was being sarcastic as anything. You really can't do anything anymore that pisses off trannies without them trying to jump down your throat. You might as well just feign support to get them to fuck off. Vtuber fans are autistic as fuck and absolutely will throw down with trannies on equal grounds using similar methods. It's best to just avoid the whole thing.

>> No.43102778
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>> No.43103340

Imagine if he actually gets outed as a groomer.
It'd be like if Niji didn't notice Raito.

>> No.43107734

Altare knew that the movement is already fucked
He's supporting a perpetually sinking ship where the troons are working so hard to keep the water out but they also too busy stabbing each other or decided to jump into the water.

>> No.43107903

If you stay silent then you have no right to complain when something happens that you don't like, after all silence is consent regarding large group matters. Kind of like deciding a science project, if you offer no ideas and stay silent while everyone else is discussing roles and what to do then you have no right to complain if you where assigned a role that you don't like or the project is of something you hate doing. Simple as.

>> No.43112854


>> No.43113013

Nobody gives a shit about this blue haired manlet cock sucker. Have a terrible and lonely valentines.
