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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43037152 No.43037152 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so glad this board has stop hating on Kronii.
She made mistakes, but at the end of the day she's the most "literally me" corpo chuuba that I can't imagine people hating on her.

>> No.43037171


>> No.43037183 [DELETED] 

>literally me
I don't have gender disorder

>> No.43037271 [DELETED] 

Most people on this board are troons in denial.
Most people on this board literally lived their lives on the internet (Kronii)
You're also all socially awkward, and probably have legitimate autism (Kronii)

>> No.43037469


>> No.43037536

Boring as fuck. Carried by brand like all of EN.

>> No.43037574

>Most people on this board literally lived their lives on the internet
Social media addiction is not a special trait anymore like it was in the 90s and 2000s.

>> No.43037596

Obvious bait thread, if you want to see more hate then do it yourself indog, I don't watch k*reans

>> No.43037686

>she's the most "literally me" corpo chuuba
I'm not gender confused, left-wing, and I'm not afraid to play a wizard game.

>> No.43037899

Most people on this board are borderline depressed, could be suicidal millenials (Kronii).

>> No.43038001

Are you insane? Everyone still hates her fucking guts. She's the epitome of what's wrong with chuubas these days. Lazy, lying, boring, fan-hating piece of shit. The only reason the hateposting has died down is because a) Niji is trying to yab itself out of existence and hogging the spotlight and b) she ran away and hid with her tail between her legs, never rocking the boat or doing anything to catch people's ire again in quite awhile. But everyone knows what she's like now, she is beyond redemption.

>> No.43038069

>Don't you guys have female friends??? Like omg I can't even COMPREHEND not being a fucking normalfag who chats about how dudes try to flirt with you at the airport!
Yes very "literallyme" indeed

>> No.43038201

She made mistakes but people make it out like she doesn't feel about about it, she has already shown remorse over it.
Not to mention she didn't mean it to be something with ill intent.

Women experience that all the time it doesn't mean anything

>> No.43038237 [DELETED] 
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Roru rumao

>> No.43038317

niji deflection thread

>> No.43038348

>shown remorse
Me when I make shit up to defend my oshi due to sunk cost fallacy

>> No.43038393

Anon that's just you, don't over-generalize

>> No.43038404

She has, though. Don't pretend she doesn't. It's just that when she does like apologize she fucks shit up further because she's an autistic woman
So she just kept quiet about it

>> No.43038448

If it was only once I could believe that, but she made it a pattern of lying repeatedly, and even crying to management to save her from the mean fans. Then does the whole Vesper therapy stream just to take a steaming shit on anyone who may have still been giving her the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.43038468 [DELETED] 

You sound like a jealous woman or a troon kek

>> No.43038480

When was that? When did kronii in any way show remorse for how she’s acted?

>> No.43038484

She apologized and immediately doubled down and backtracked on her apology

>> No.43038511 [DELETED] 

Seanigs are getting uppity again, Kronii is cute and you're all seething faggots

>> No.43038524

>made it abundantly obvious that she fucking hates streaming from the very start, between "BREAK DAY BREAK DAY BREAK DAY BREAK DAY BREAK DAY AND UMMMM... BREAK DAY!" schedules constantly and the off-stream minecraft fiasco that she defended by unironically admitting that having to entertain chat distracts from her fun (so not only does she hate streaming but it's also less important to her than LE HECKING FREETIME GAEMZ XD)
>didn't know a single shit about Hololive and din't care to learn after getting in, typical entitled bitch behavior. Infamously didn't know Ahoy and Weather Hackers
>pissed away her high potential (golden voice, top tier model etc.) by being a lazy fucking retard cunt
>cucked her majority-gosling fans by becoming a tempiss cocksleeve
>so fucking detached from the reality of vtubing that she it's normal for her audience to have "female friends"
>not only did she cuck them, she betrayed and backstabbed them in the most snakey way after outright promising in a member stream to care about their feelings and not initiate male collabs, before suddenly having a spiteful meltdown the next day and spamming male collabs just to drive away the people she made promises too a day ago
>"unfortunately idol culture exists"
>refuses to visit Japan because she doesn't care a single bit about hololive and oh nyoo le hecking travel to another country is just so hecking troublesome when you're a fucking manchild that still lives with their parents, gosh what if i get lost at the airport???
>delays Fire Emblem Engage just so she can play through the game off-stream (for reasons see the first point), is now faking her reactions to it
>of fucking course, nowhere to be seen around valentines day

Anything else? Honestly, the only reason she's not hated more than Mori is because her cancer is largely self-contained.

>> No.43038541

Provide a source where kronii apologizes for what she’s done or else shut up

>> No.43038569 [DELETED] 

Found that faggot who's projecting.

>> No.43038579 [DELETED] 

Nice english nigger

>> No.43038629
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>she's the most "literally me" corpo chuuba

>> No.43038631 [DELETED] 

Spoken like the true troon, defending your sjw whore queen

>> No.43038748

Biggest normalfag in EN, no doubt

>> No.43038774

She apologized

She tried to control it too after that then she started saying dumb shit like woman friends etc
that's my point.

>> No.43038819 [DELETED] 

>defending your sjw whore queen
>deadnamed and then misgendered Ellen Paige in front of 15K people live even after chat corrected her
The fucking lefty troon ratt is so fucking funny

>> No.43038846

She really isn't.

>> No.43038865

>you're a fucking manchild that still lives with their parents
She's been living alone for more than a year now

>> No.43039091

She also called out Omegatroon as a male. I hate Kronii but the idea that she's a tranny superSJW is egg levels of schzo

>> No.43039166

Kek this

>> No.43041130

>shown remorse
>release a cover of bakushou
Bitch knew what she was doing

>> No.43041769

This is gold kek

>> No.43042331


>> No.43042916

>She apologized
Then she recinded the apology by saying syke and then hiding behind mangement

>> No.43043117

Unfortunately, idol culture is a thing.

>> No.43043394

>a pattern of lying repeatedly
Weird take when there's only one event that people are angry at

>> No.43044005

Then give me a source numbnuts, i asked you for a source and you just said “she apologized”… send me a link to her apology or i won’t believe you

>> No.43044939

This is unironically true and so many anons /here are in denial just because she collabed with males.

Do remember, her personality and demeanor are still the same on her rm account.

>> No.43045143 [DELETED] 
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The origin of why Kronii is being called a troon is because in her RM days, she did claim as gender-fluid. Granted, that is already a few years ago. This is a citation from a fandom wiki of the rm.
Now whether she still hold those belief or not, I don't know. But the proof is available.

>> No.43045338

this, but don't forget that her values and believes always change over time,
Kinda hard to tell what she's thinking these days.

>> No.43045462

I'm not trying to defend the other stuff, just the "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" one.
That, in fact is an out-of-context meme.
Here's the whole thing if you want to read it by yourself.
But in that exact part, she's saying more of
>"unfortunately, double standard between same-sex and opposite-sex shipping exist BECAUSE idol culture is a thing"
rather than,
>"unfortunately, idol culture is a thing"

Feel free to shit on the other things, I'm not even a Kronies, just make sure to shit on her based on facts

>> No.43045463


>> No.43045519
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whoops, here, forgot the image

>> No.43045609
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>borderline depressed, could be suicidal millenials
Thats just you anon
We want to live longer so we can shitpost more

>> No.43045792

I think she gets too much flak for this. It hasn't been that long since Kronii was out of college, and like her when I was in college, I had a group of people I hung out with, some of whom were females even if they were just the gf of a guy in the group. The difference is we kinda grew apart as college ended. And that's not normalfaggotry, we were all turbonerds and half of us were spergs. We just gravitated around the people who were like us.

The difference is unlike Kronii apparently, these groups tend to fall apart once college ends. So I don't have female friends anymore, but if she asked me in like 2012 I'd say yes.

>> No.43046128

Let's be fair, it's not actually because of idol culture. I mean we say it is but not really, that's just an excuse. The actual reason there's a double-standard between same-sex and opposite-sex shipping is the perception that lesbians aren't in it for real, that they're just doing it for attention or to experiment (hence the old phrase "college lesbians"), and that when they're ready for a REAL relationship they'll get with a man. A standard that I should note doesn't apply to gay men, no one assumes they're actually straight but are faking it.

>> No.43046201

Kronii is Gen Z. She is literally a zoomer, not a millennial.

>> No.43046796

Look who's back from the shadow realm.

Well, as long as she doesn't put any assertion over these old fact, then people will just use the latest fact, no matter how old those fact is.

Yeah, sure, I'd agree with that explanation.
Can't really say the same for Kronii though, she never elaborated on the issue.
I'm just trying to straighten up the fact that most of EN fanbases somehow got the catchphrase "Unfortunately idol culture is a thing" when it's not what she said.
If any Kronies saw this, you better save that image and use it for your defense, I don't understand why you won't do anything when someone shit on your oshi like that.

And yeah, jannies deleting a properly censored rm image doesn't really help either, because most people just get their information from shitposts.

>> No.43048699

Kronii is a millenial. Her stories make it obvious, even though she memes like a zoomer sometimes.

>> No.43048911 [DELETED] 

Vesper is not streaming today so you know he's smashing kronii troon bussy all day long till stream time.

>> No.43048938

It's funnier because that comment was directed at solely at the people sending her SCs saying that she and the blue man were in a relationship now because they were on screen together.

She fumbled her response certainly, but let's not act like the people who were sending her that kind of shit wouldn't have done it to anyone else who they felt was out of place in that collab. Imagine if it was Kiara, Fauna, or god forbid Gura in that position, do you honestly believe people would have left well enough alone and not sent them similar SCs afterwards?

>> No.43049115

>Literally me
I'm not a hot sad korean lesbian with self image issues that thinks they are a man when they get especially sad and who has to pretend to to like lonely otaku to be able to afford food.

>> No.43049467

That's actually kind of hilarious. It started from the oh yeah im coming! Baby! When she played that dbd collabed with him and so somehow the rrat transitioned from blue fag being her bf to her being in love with him because she retweeted at a photo of his underwear.

>> No.43049534 [DELETED] 

Being in love with vesper. Typo

>> No.43049584

Why are you on this board then??

>> No.43049603

The underwear stuff happened after iirc

>> No.43049643

There is no rrat. Fans being annoying signalizes to the talent to cut out that bullshit.

>> No.43049868 [DELETED] 
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>E-Everyone still hates her! Please hate her! You must have the same opinion as me! Please!
lmao @ all the seething unicorncels in this thread

>> No.43050009

Collabing with homos is a can of worms that she opened herself.
Nobody but herself can fix that image now, that is if she even wants to change her current image.

>> No.43050015

>I don't understand why you won't do anything when someone shit on your oshi like that
Why the fuck would I defend an internet celebrity? I'm not that deluded and pathetic like you.

>> No.43050108


>> No.43050116

You're already in /vt/, no need to trick yourself that you're not deluded

>> No.43050240
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Twitter was getting a bit too peaceful

>> No.43050250 [DELETED] 
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>E-Everyone still hates her! Please hate her! You must have the same opinion as me! Please!
lmao @ all the seething unicorncels in this thread

>> No.43050475 [DELETED] 


>> No.43050522

I don't hate her, but she has shown that most corpos gets carried alot by their brand and model, she pales in comparison to other small corpos and indie vtubers.

>> No.43050578

How long has it been? How has she not done a single thing to drum up some goodwill in that time?

>> No.43050935

I do have female friends, but she couldn't be more tone deaf with this statement. Literally what the fuck was she thinking

>> No.43051709

Heh she's one of the most interesting/entertaining talent in EN and it's obvious when she's in any group collab

>> No.43051721

The reason is that men don't see women as competition on mating field. Men see other men as a threat, they are there to deny your bloodline. Other women are incapable of that so they don't stimulate our caveman brain on same level.

>> No.43051763

You can't put the mask back on and continue the performance like nothing fairness, Kronii.
The audience has seen your true face. It'll never be the same again. There's a reason some moments are called "mask off" moments.

>> No.43051813 [DELETED] 
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>E-Everyone still hates her! Please hate her! You must have the same opinion as me! Please!
lmao @ all the seething unicorncels in this thread

>> No.43052023

>She made mistakes
When she apologized for her mistakes?

>> No.43052089

menhera women, they won't ever apologize
there's alot of them in hololive apprently

>> No.43052251
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I haven't stopped hating her.

I was neutral then I learned she did NOT know Ahoy or Weather Hackers.

This list isn't current.

>Irys: Kronii did a guerilla stream over Irys' anniversary stream.
Ame: Kronii was the only EN to not call in to Ame's birthday stream.
Bae: Kronii spent less than an hour in an offcollab with Bae when Bae came by from Austrailia and stayed in NA for a week
Kiara: Kronii was the only one to not call in to Kiara's NY outfit reveal stream, after she promised to call in
Calli: Kronii left Calli hanging in her birthday stream, barely calling in as the last caller iirc.
JP: Didn't know Ahoy. Didn't know Coco's Weather Hackers.

>>1. Kronii clearly doesn't put value in HoloEN. She spent less than an hour in offcollabs for colleagues that literally traveled over Oceans, and instead spent time with her genderfluid twitch girlfriends. .
>2. Kronii clearly doesn't care for Hololive in general, not knowing something as basic as Ahoy or any of the JP songs.
>3. Kronii never prepares for any of her streams, having constant technical issues EVERY FUCKING STREAM, wasting your time.
>4. This is even worse for any collab streams. Even after a year, Kronii is late or causes technical disasters - and her collab partners "playfully" pointing it out every time.
>5. She clearly hates streaming as a female personality pandering to male viewers, being literally the only talent that's still using her New Years outfit in July and always hiding her model.
>6. How long has it been since she has had a stream with actual effort? Her last Karaoke stream was months ago.

>> No.43052310

Wow I malformed that post kind of bad. Oops.

>> No.43052392

"hate" is a strong emotion.
I simply stopped watching her purged her clips from my Youtube recommendations so that I never have to encounter her again.
just kidding, I don't watch EN VTubers

>> No.43052524

Not deluded enough to defend bullied internet girls.

>> No.43052644

deluded enough to reply to an anon's post which obviously doesn't concerns you.

>> No.43052860


>> No.43052963

Try to argue, anon. You sound pathetic

>> No.43053145

>Kronii is a millenial. Her stories make it obvious, even though she memes like a zoomer sometimes
No, it is determined by age and her birth year is literally after the most common agreed cutoff to be a millennial. She is Gen Z.
It is all somewhat arbitrary because obviously the youngest millennial and oldest zoomer will have more in common with each other than with those at the other extreme in their own groups, but if you are going to use the generational labels then realize there is a denotative definition to them beyond the connotations and biases you have regarding what people in those age brackets are like.

>> No.43053185

>they are there to deny your bloodline
But they can't actually do that, women don't become infertile after giving birth the first time. You can be disgusted by a woman who has children with 10 different guys but in reality, 10 dudes DID continue their bloodline with her. It doesn't matter if you raise the kid, if it did then raising someone else's kid wouldn't have you be seen as a cuck so it only matters if you're raising someone else's. All that matters is that you had kids, period.

>> No.43053273

>Collabing with homos is a can of worms that she opened herself
And she made it way worse by saying she wouldn’t and then immediately going back on it, then attacking people that were upset over it.

>> No.43054006

She never said she wouldn't collab with males

>> No.43054102

She's boring. I thought the whole "doomer zoomie who wants to le die XD" schtick would just be a phase and not her permanent personality. Had she kept a persona similar to her PL she would've been much more entertaining.

>> No.43054576

Problem is anon, we're 2 sides of the same coin, Wasting your time hating on an internet celebrity is also pathetic.

>> No.43054646

I'm talking about the perception of the situation. Female (That you are attracted to) enjoying their time with male (not you) triggers that primitive impulse to interfere, but since that situation is not even real, it merely causes confusion and frustration.

And yes, its common for males to kill "conquered" males offspring and any offspring they deem not theirs. This is why human children promote fathers features at young age, so they don't end up collateral to cleanse.

>> No.43054892

She said to her members in a now deleted members stream that she would do group collars only any not interact on twitter much with them, then Immediately went back on it.

>> No.43055026

I didn't

>> No.43055546

One tweet reply doesn't mean that she's interacting with them much on twitter

>> No.43055683

Their underwear was really important, she couldn't help it.

>> No.43056137

Then after that she immediately went on break and then started doing male collabs again.
She said she wouldn’t initiate the collabs, interact with them in public much or on twitter, nor stream her own perspective when she is in a collab with them. She absolutely was lying and misleading her members. When she got backlash for this she got spiteful and attacked her fans over it. People that were her fans had every right to be upset.

>> No.43056542

>And yes, its common for males to kill "conquered" males offspring and any offspring they deem not theirs.
It's actually not unless you live in the middle east. People who aren't sociopaths haven't purposely devastated entire lineages for centuries because society looks down on killing children. You're thinking of lions, not humans.

>> No.43056676

what's it like being teleported to 2023 from caveman times

>> No.43056859

No. Whiteknighting some internet celebrity is pathetic and a collosal waste of time. You're delusional if you think you're fighting the good fight.

>> No.43057420

That's kinda true. Those tweets got a lot of replies from different holos
She changed her mind and communicated that on twitter before going ahead with the psychiatry collab. She never attacked her fans over any of this

>> No.43057571

Who's saying I'm fighting the good fight?
I'm jusy wasting time like you.

>> No.43057850

>fighting the good fight
kek, you're talking about fuckin chuuba
fuck off with your superiority complex

>> No.43058446

She puts the least effort into hololive out of all of myth and council and that is quite an achievement when Gura and Ina have both been on hiatus this/last year. Has she done any kind of project outside of releasing a song or two? Nothing comes to mind.

Despite all that I do still kind of like her, she is a fun presence in collabs, she works well with everyone. I hope 2023 is her year and she gets a 3d live or something and makes use of her VA talents for some kind of big project. Not off to a great start if she actually is not going to go to Japan at all and is remote recording the bare minimum for holofes.

>> No.43059686

No apology, no forgiveness.

>> No.43060790

I think people are blowing the whole full Myth offcollab part out of proportion in that it was supposed to be about MYTH in the first place. If you took Bae showing up stateside out of the equation, none of the Council girls would have gotten flak if they didn't show up, plus LA traffic is hell if you've ever experienced it. Plus that "traveled overseas" part extends to one of her friends too, so it was a "caught-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place" situation where she'd probably get more chances to interact with Bae in person in the future anyways.

>> No.43061406

>I don't understand why you won't do anything when someone shit on your oshi like that
Keep wasting your time.

>> No.43061549

She's still the same, she's just been laying low and stacking the activist "fans." Had to get an "ironic" dunk line in that roleplay thing, so she's not over it.

>> No.43061585

Struck a nerve, knight in shining armor?

>> No.43061897

Yeah, and? Did I ever mention that this is even my oshi?
>Keep wasting you time.
Well, so do yours, you're not special anon.

>> No.43062190

OP is falseflagger. She's no one's oshi here.

>> No.43064815

Nah I still hate her. Just saw a recent clip about a valentine's day stream, and she still comes off as a condescending bitch even when she's trying to appeal to her fans.

>> No.43065418

I still hate her though

>> No.43065434

why isn't she streaming today?

>> No.43067186

Apathy is the best weapon against whorish, attention-seeking behavior. She's in my oshi's clique and I completely forgot she was in the company until she showed up in the Valentine's Day video. I suspect more stupid shit is coming and I'll be right here not caring.

>> No.43068287
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I never really had a problem with her. I like her avatar and voice... Buuuut fuck me she's so damn boring her stream is unwatchable. Unless she's being carried by a game with a good story or another vtuber she's just not good enough on her own.

>> No.43070668

The only reason to watch is if you're on her spreadsheet.

>> No.43072402

she isn't streaming for a few weeks

>> No.43072602

I don't know man, I just like her karaokes and powerwash streams, they're comfy

>> No.43074113
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>> No.43074322

I like kronii, but power wash simulator is really boring to me.

>> No.43075582 [DELETED] 
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>Unfortunately idol culture is a th--GWAK!!!

>> No.43075693
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>Unfortunately idol culture is a th--GWAK!

>> No.43075844
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>E-Everyone still hates her! Please hate her! You must have the same opinion as me! Please!
lmao @ all the seething unicorncels in this thread

>> No.43076119

I don't like her. Pretty sure a lot of the board is currently in the apathy phase with her, won't regularly shitpost about her anymore but will forget she exists unless she is in a collab or being used to bait Kronies.
I dislike her but necessarily because of the Tempus collabs and unarchive member stream shit.
I hate her because:
>For nearly a year Squandered her big tits model because she didn't like that her fans loved her breasts so much.
>Wasted the entire Minecraft arc not streaming and playing the game offline to the point Omega of all people had to tell her to fucking stream, and she still didn't do it.
>Continously played fun games offline and would only do a stream of it after she got through most of it or would only play indie games she already beat on stream.
>Kronies in her member streams used to be weird. I am a fan of GFE and Parasocial shit but god a lot of kronies were trying to make her continue bad behavior's to form a codependent relationship and would attack grey names.
>Would not do Karaoke until Tempus showed up.
A lot of the stuff with Kronii and even the other girls could have been ignored and gotten past if they just streamed consistently and put effort into their streams. But as Kiara accidentally leaked all of the girls besides a couple were procrastinating on projects until the last minute and wasted so much time on vacations and breaks instead of doing their job.

>> No.43076430


>> No.43076656
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I want to fuck kronii.

>> No.43076676

well I just listen to it like it was a podcast, I don't need to look at the gameplay

>> No.43078137

Don’t care for Kronii anymore. Too much groomer likes in her chat/community. Wouldn’t be surprised if it ever comes out that she has a secret discord with those namefags .

>> No.43078675

You're almost a year late there buddy. I don't know if the archives survive but she got into the discord when they put her on times square and she would regularly reply to those specific people in chat over people who actually donated a lot.

>> No.43078977

Bro I don't even watch her lol

>> No.43079168

Like I said try to argue

>> No.43079244

vesper onahole

>> No.43079283

Still hating

>> No.43079694

>she made mistakes
Anon she is a mistake.
Why do people even like this parasite?

>> No.43079856

I was a Kronie on debut and I am a Kronie now. Kronie today, Kronie tomorrow, Kronie forever.

>> No.43081268

This useless fuck loves memes so much she turned into a fucking meme

>> No.43084563

thanks for reminding me, hate that bitch

>> No.43085828

Fuck kronie All my homies hate kronii
She can't keep wining by doing literally nothing.... dumb bitch

>> No.43085905

I don't hate her, but I don't watch her either

>> No.43086189
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No surprise she's using vesper like a onahole, my man's the biggest gaping slut in all of cover...
