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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43015123 No.43015123 [Reply] [Original]

You can be parasocial here

>> No.43015339

Shut the fuck up incel, my girls have talent freedom at least.

>> No.43015432
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>> No.43015512

Damn you called him an incel, nice one sister!

>> No.43015611
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>my girls have talent freedom
>meanwhile zaion:

>> No.43015630

you don't even watch them, femcel

>> No.43015812

Which route doesn't end with me being cucked?

>> No.43015843

ngl that was hard to watch

>> No.43015918

Not with Kronii in that bunch

>> No.43015972

Official thread theme:
Who will you choose?

>> No.43016918

>bored fisherman eats his own bait

>> No.43017056

Finana fell off when she stopped being just a dumb, horny fish that likes to eat Doritos.

>> No.43017270

Shut up Femcel, you know you want Luxiem to do this shit to y'all too

>> No.43017460

Look at it this way, isn't everything parasocial?

>> No.43017477

Sorry, fauna. Hard pass on the cuck route.

>> No.43017765

>Crazed schizo thinks /vt/ is just him and one other person.

>> No.43017859

>talent freedom
Yeah freedom to get suspended to placate twitter trannies lmao

>> No.43017926

I don't even watch ina I just followed her route because I felt bad about going to a party and not cleaning up.

>> No.43018624

Is there still a place for me there after i left them? Is there still hope for redemption holo bros?

>> No.43019033

>pick me choose me

>> No.43019586

Come home brother

>> No.43020025

You are always a Part of us brother, if you are not a Nijisister then you will always be a Holobro

>> No.43021360

It's not too late to repent, bro.

>> No.43021690
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are there any horny femboy sapling that wants to fuck here? Im so lonely

>> No.43021778

>watch dont touch

>> No.43021882

This is honestly getting pathetic

>> No.43021926

My oshi is better than any of your holowhores

>> No.43021931

Yeah, about that...

>> No.43022063

I specifically watch Nijisanji because I hate the parasocial shit. Same reason I actively avoid any Niji members who do GFE. I just want to watch some cunts play video games.

>> No.43023584
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Yeah bro you might want to get off that boat real soon

>> No.43023863

reddit tourism is high this year. Did the jannies clamp down again?

>> No.43023931

y-yes mom

>> No.43023961

>everything I don't like is reddit

>> No.43024074

Fauna is cute.

>> No.43024157

Sobbing about anything that even smells parasocial is peak reddit.

>> No.43024235
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Uhh, sorry, but I have my eastern european fox mom to watch on Valentines. Have fun, though.

>> No.43024300

okay, just dont kiss her in the lips, thats gay.

>> No.43024556

The only good Ethyria and has great game choice to boot. Good taste, enjoy Valentine's.

>> No.43026333


>> No.43026413

Streaming is inherently a parasocial action you absolute retard. You can't watch streamers to avoid "parasocial shit". The literal only way to avoid parasocial anything is to not watch streams at all.

>> No.43026433


>> No.43026501

Do you think watching movies is parasocial too?
I don't interact with the streamers in any fashion, so there is no social aspect at all.
I suppose you probably have brain damage from spending so much time thinking that your oshi is your girlfriend, though, so I can understand why you would make such a completely retarded post.
I hope you get better soon.

>> No.43026542

>Come home, nijifans
at this point who are you even appealing to? cuck fetishists?

>> No.43026561

Jesus fucking Christ the absolute state of this board.

>> No.43026579

Yeah, when you make a retarded post like yours you're going to get called out for it.
Sorry. Perhaps Reddit is more your speed.

>> No.43026718

Do you know how the term parasocial was coined and what it refers to?

>> No.43026781

>The term parasocial relationship refers to a relationship that a person imagines having with another person whom they do not actually know, such as a celebrity or a fictional character.
I don't think I have a relationship with the streamer. I simply watch them for entertainment in the same way I watch movies or play video games. I don't care about the person in any fashion.
Honestly, you people really need to take a break from watching vtubers. It's really given you brain damage.

>> No.43026812

That's not what parasocial means, you retard.

>> No.43026834

>T-that's n-not what it means b-because I said so!
Give it up. You've already gotten BTFO multiple times, and your pathetic attempts at pretending to be different people is just sad.

>> No.43026912

>I don't care about the person in any fashion.
niji"fans" lol

>> No.43027742

What a fucking retard lmao. Doesn't know he or she is a parasocial having mf. Stay off twitter fucking idiot maybe then you won't look like a total moron as you proudly use terms with the wrong definition.

>> No.43027836 [DELETED] 

Why did you bump the thread just before it died with a very clearly falseflaggedly-written post using lingo that nobody here uses?

>> No.43027871

Fucking moron lol. Don't take some half assed definition actually read what it means you fucking dumb fuck. The term comes from decades of phycological studies from the 1950's. Parasocial came about the 1980's when phycologists looked into the phenomena in more serious study.

>> No.43028017

>Gives literal definition
>N-no that's wrong!

Like the wise Jewish philosopher Ben Shapiro once said: Facts don't care about your feelings.

>> No.43028123

What do you think genius? To correct some damaged brain twitter fool on the internet about its correct usage. The fuck do you think? The fucking idiot tried to play it off he or she wasn't parasocial. If it gets this bitch or anybody to stop using it wrong then what more is there.

>Like the wise Jewish philosopher Ben Shapiro once said: Facts don't care about your feelings.
Quoting a known racists and a fake jew of all people and thinks he quoted the right definition. You're a fucking retard there's more to it then that.

>> No.43028213

Conversations with Myself.

>> No.43028381

You're not that smart are you fucking idiot? The first one I literally quote the white boy who quoted a known racists. The 3rd and 4th have links to who it's directed to in the reply you mentioned fucking retarded moron.

>> No.43028447 [DELETED] 

Why reddit and twittertroon here again? Do you have parasocial comnection with this board, kek

>> No.43028592

you think this is high? you should've seen /jp/ back in 2020

>> No.43028726

>Fake Jew
Do you have the authority in judging Jewishness?

>> No.43029030
File: 62 KB, 640x354, parasocial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence.
>I don't interact with the streamers in any fashion, so there is no social aspect at all.
A defining component of a parasocial relationship is in fact not interacting with the "celebrity" at all.
>I specifically watch Nijisanji [and] actively avoid any Niji members who do GFE
>I just want to watch some cunts play video games.
This is parasocial, whether you want to admit it or not. You don't care solely about whatever content is put in your face, you specifically choose which people you want to watch react to games you like. You're not watching them for the skillful gameplay. And you're not watching THEM for the game itself when you can watch a walkthrough any time. You're emotionally invested in seeing their responses to things you are interested in. You avoid entire streamers because of some content they make, regardless of whether their current stream of that same game is related at all. Of the ones you do watch, by definition then, you specifically are invested enough to consider them "one of the good ones" whose thoughts and emotions and reactions you are emotionally invested enough in to consider sitting through a stream of them reacting to a game or whatever the fuck you're even watching vtubers for instead of a myriad of actually funny or actually skilled content creators.

>> No.43029105

go back to cable tv then

>> No.43029122
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Ironically, the hardcore gachifags making up the consistent core who interact with the streamers on a daily basis aren't even classified in the same way as a proper psychological parasocial relationship, since the reciprocal degree of interaction doesn't fit with the definition. A whole new term had to be coined to describe those relationships.

>> No.43029851

>I hate the parasocial shit
Go watch no commentary gameplay on youtube instead. All live streamers are "parasocial shit"

>> No.43029983

There are nijifans left who aren't straight kppoop fangirls?

>> No.43030553

Of course since that shit is made up including the fucking religion. It's no where in the bible that talks about that fucking cult anywhere in its text. In addition, the people themselves are not Israelites as the original people are shades of brown complexion just like the rest of the people in that region with the exception of one people and that's where white people come from, mount seir. Also, the "Jerusalem" that is up right now is not even where Jerusalem ever was. The real place would be desolate and empty.

Most important prophecy. None of it fits any of those cavemen in fact the only prophecies they fit are gentiles living in the land as if it ever belonged to them in the first place when it also adds that during that time the real Israelites (all 12 tribes) would be in captivity and also be together and they would wake up one day and remember who they are and once a set number are sealed the Messiah would return back and save them from their enemies and return back to the wilderness like the days of the exodus and once rebels are purged they will enter the land of Israel again. No where in the Bible does it say 2 out of the 12 tribes would return to Israel first. I can say even more but this ain't the place and as time passes everybody is knowing more and more the real truth.

>> No.43030842

Trans isn't even used at all. The term Parasocial Interaction is a better fit but it can be used interchangeably with Parasocial Relationship to mean the same thing in the end of the day.

To add it can go both ways as the starter will always be the streamer who initiates the parasocial relationship at their debut they too can be very reliant on their viewers for a number of things such as receiving more confidence et al. So it's mutually beneficial to both especially here on /vt/ who post shit like to be a streamer something has to be wrong with you.

>> No.43032753

Theyre not going to change

>> No.43035523

works everytime

>> No.43035633
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Sorry Fauna. I chose Gura's route. She asks for anal at the end

>> No.43037188


>> No.43040018

they prefer NTR

>> No.43040133

Whose route has the most dramatic story

>> No.43042857

Does Fauna consider her saplings friends?

>> No.43042923
File: 563 KB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_20230214-082958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43044153 [DELETED] 

Fuck no. Enjoy your single life Fauna... oh wait never mind you have E.....

>> No.43044508

>7:56am and you're life is over because no one's looked at you
Ah, high school.

>> No.43044631
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>Enjoy this visual novel-style video series written by @MoriCalliope!

>> No.43044747

I highly doubt she has read a single eroge in her life that's not mainstream ironic garbage like DDLC

>> No.43044762
File: 4 KB, 296x101, PPRRRRRRR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god it isn't MerryFaggot right?

>> No.43047843

Talent freedom? Doubt. I don't expect everyone to like Kson but there should a few that does and would like to collab with her. You're telling me they have the freedom to collab with her with the Chinese watching? I bet Niji management wouldn't allow it.
