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42978085 No.42978085 [Reply] [Original]

The most overrated streamer in all of Hololive En

>Gura, Mumei, Moona and Kobo are better singers than her
>Anya can speak better Japanese than her
>Kiara, Ame, Zeta, Iofi, Bae are more creative than her
>Ina, Mumei, Fauna and Kaela are more comfy streamers tha her
>Gura, Kiara, Kobo and Reine are more entertaining to watch
>Kaela and Kiara stream longer than her
>Fauna, Gura, Kiara and Mumei provide a better GFE than her.
What's the point of having her again?
Is there any particular thing which makes her stand out like Gura being the memelord, Ina being a top notch artist, Ame being a Technical leader and design a lot of the projects, Kiara being a jack of all the trades, Mori being a rapper, Bae and Kronii being voice actors, Fauna being an ASMRtist ?

People who claim she is the best En, explain how she is any better than any of the ID's or En's?

>> No.42978180

Nobody gives a fucking shit about Anya so you invalidated your post on the second point.

>> No.42978186


>> No.42978203

>cancelled her collab with the homo rat
>Brrat cucks got BTFOed so hard they have to make bait thread on the catalog to seethe

>> No.42978252
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>> No.42978281

NijiEN deflection post

>> No.42978307

You faggot, they were never collabing in the first place. They only talked about covers

>> No.42978437

i watched a clip of the guy on the left (i think) and he has to be a gay nigga

>> No.42978453

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

>> No.42978461
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>the most overrated streamer in all of Hololive En
*blocks your path*

>> No.42978512

I like anya anon

>> No.42978564

I mean, she's not good, but she's definitely the most entertaining EN Holo.

>> No.42978633

>ever rated high

>> No.42978666

Cry more rat cuck. IRyS will not give an ounce of attention for your whore to leech

>> No.42978709

Enna you cant be making bait threads about irys the entire time youre suspended for being a drama whore

>> No.42978723

Why are you telling on yourself like this? Fauna does GFE? First of all, you know right? Second, you’ve literally never interacted with a girl before holy shit. She’s just normal. She acts normal. As for gura doing GFE, yes 100% you are right.

>> No.42978770

Ina being a good artist doesn't help her have good streams.

>didn't draw Coco because of chink loyalties, despite vowing to draw every hololive member
>made a very half-hearted goodbye tweet that didn't refer to her by name and only said that she inspired many people (implying she didn't inspire her)
>insulted her fans and basically called them losers for watching vtubers
>had a literal personal pet mod (almost certainly was omegatroon) in her chatroom early on who was very obviously male and constantly made passive agressive ESL comments during streams
>is responsible for getting the lazy fired nigger Sana into hololive via nepotism
>did a "baking" stream without camera because she knows her retarded takoshart NIGGERS dont even watch her stream and just use her as background noise
>never reads superchat but still enables them because she's a greedy cunt (Ame turns them off when she doesn't want to read them)
>lets hired dancers skinwalk her model because she doesn't care about idol stuff
>blatantly lied to her fans about why she went on break for months
>tried to keep her Japan visit a secret because it conflicted the "le illness hort" lie, only admitted it way later when others leaked it
>ghosted her fans during this entire time despite promising she would stay in contact
>un-fucking-ironically tried to use the "PC broke" excuse to justify the ghosting AS IF PHONES DON'T EXIST

Good on you not mentioning Kronii anywhere though, I hate that cunt even more.

>> No.42978930

I am a fucking IRyS fan retard. I know you have been shitting HIRyS by falsefalgging as a brat there and blaming everything on beats there as well because you are a fucking nijinog

>> No.42979058

>IRyS fan
>Not the actual fanbase name
Nice job rat cuck. Now go back to sucking Roberu cock. Maybe he will give your whore some attention, after he is done with Kagura Mea of course

>> No.42979298


>> No.42979334

Now post your's or get the fuck out of here Nijinigger. I don't even watch Bae, but hating on her and creating rrats about IRyS's friend for absolutely no fucking reason?

>> No.42979753


>> No.42979864

No no no, stop samefagging in /HIRyS/ and stick to one place you coward. Also I am still looking for the proof "IRyStocrat"

>> No.42979916

Meant to tag this

>> No.42979990

>Moona Kobo are better singers
Fuck off Sea fag, their accent is horrible and any actual English speaker know this

>> No.42980143

I have to admit she dropped a lot in the rankings over the past few months. Her first month in the company was the best, and then she started the whole YabaIRyS and BaeRyS cringeshow. There's just not many memorable moments from her, even though she's the girl next door of HoloEN.

>> No.42980202

>Accent bad so singing bad
retard alert

>> No.42980378

retarded much?

>> No.42981631

maybe the difference of their fake speaking voice (in kobo's case her fake voice is absolute shit and debuffed even more by speaking the disgusting indog language) and their singing voice boosts their opinion on them
irys doesn't fake her voice so when she sings it's just her using her regular sex and cute voice
tldr: they gay

>> No.42981820

There may be people who do things better than her (except singing, you're completely retarded if you think any of those girls are a better singer than IRyS), but as a complete package, she's the overall best. Jack of all trades AND a master of one, of course she's the overall best.

>> No.42981875
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Who's IRyS? Is this some recently debuted indie?

>> No.42981966

>posting Bae of all people for this weak bait
>when the only reason anyone cares about her is because she leeches off of IRyS with their cringe business yuri

>> No.42981970

Settle down ayame christ

>> No.42981973

So…what happened to NijiEN this time?

>> No.42982044

Ennaschizo, you are getting lazy.
20 more threads in the catalogue and might get uncucked. Stirring holo vs holo crap here doesn't count.

>> No.42982248

Why am i sharing a board with femoids, fuck off you bastards. You shitters must have come fron Niji cretin generals. go back. Hololive does not welcome you

>> No.42982322

i'll kill you for disrespecting my oshi

>> No.42982686

Falseflag by
>checks which name was mentioned most
Kiara antis

>> No.42982784

Anon, at least half of EN girls are overrated. Give Kiara's model to Gura, erase everyone's memories of her and make her debut in HoloEN3 without coof and first-mover's buffs. Chances are she'd be streaming to 7-15k people instead of her usual 25-30k. Some of them don't seem to realize how lucky they are to have blue dorito's stamp on their forehead.

>> No.42982804

You meant, other than having 18 of their members being MIA - taking a break, "taking a break", being outright suspended and throwing shades at each other on Twitter?

>> No.42983449

Damn, Enna would make my dick look huge
