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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 41 KB, 315x392, nervous kettle friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42918244 No.42918244 [Reply] [Original]

>Last seen: 5 days ago

>> No.42918345
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>> No.42918404

She has been Mindbroken since my Mates Gangbanged her in my Suite

>> No.42918433

>come back from a break
>get mindbroken into another break

>> No.42918473

Why do you type like that

>> No.42918506

>all because of a shitty game that isn't even good

>> No.42918516

Damn the trannies got to her. Should have stayed away from Twitter. She, like EN management, seem to think Twitter have actual sway or power.

>> No.42918574

The trannies got to her. They will force her to become a man now.

>> No.42918657

at least pika has a better excuse for thinking that

>> No.42918744

The game itself is not to blame.

>> No.42918779

Why do you type like a retard?

>> No.42919106

really the only issues i have with it seem to stem from proton and denuvo

>> No.42919160
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>> No.42919197

They got her.
They made her go through gender surgery to shut her up.
Now she is a he. Pikahim.

>> No.42919262

"My trans friends finally made me understand who I truly am, dayo!"

>> No.42919373
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I hope she's at least enjoying the game on her own time while the 41%ers seethe

>> No.42919412

>Raped by trannies

>> No.42919472

>not pikahee
you had one job and you blew it

>> No.42919530

She's obviously playing the Harry Potter game. Would've done it on stream if not for the trannies.

>> No.42919568
File: 617 KB, 1125x780, FomN5uAaAAQ4g9N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're worried she's gone forever, I wouldn't be. GYARI just announced a popup shop for the 3rd anniversary and I doubt he'd do that if Pika was graduating.

>> No.42919589

as much as i'd like to watch her play it i hope she is enjoying herself with it in her own time

>> No.42919648

I cant imagine why the other VOMS members have zero interest in interacting with foreigners

>> No.42919744

yeah, and they're all borderline 2view aside from tomoshika, who is squarely in low 3view territory.

>> No.42919853
File: 89 KB, 1560x720, FgPvyxsUUAA9I5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies being taken to task by everyone over harassing a sweet innocent kettle, among others
Your sacrifice was not in vain pikarmy...

>> No.42920037

Of course she'll be back, but this happening on the tail end of a depression hiatus is unfortunate.

>> No.42920306

I've only seen Pekora play it a bit. The pace of the combat seemed kinda slow. But not sure, haven't seen too much.
Don't think she's going to throw in the towel, but this project probably was in the making way before Pika had her run in with mentally ill social media fags.

>> No.42920953

Well I'm sure this situation will endear people to each other. No lingering animosity will come out of this, that's for certain.

>> No.42922057
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>checks twitter
Yep, none at all.

>> No.42922108

it's dumb that trannies are trying to justify it because of the reaction to them when they're the ones that started it

>> No.42922244

Reminder that /voms/ defended people who harassed pika.

>> No.42922408

*baiters in /voms/

>> No.42922481

Behead those who bullied Pika.

>> No.42922587

No, this is the schizo who demanded we publicly execute trannies over the harassment when his oshi was too chickenshit to even plan a stream.

>> No.42922886

Her fans are gigantic cucks and trannielovers. Poor pika...

>> No.42922989

You guys should have seen the public meltdown this faggot had last thread

>> No.42923064

Retard never should've bent over and cancelled the stream
>giving a fuck what some retards on twitter say
They were never her viewers
They were never her fans
They would never have been either

>> No.42923143


>> No.42923186

>They were never her viewers
>They were never her fans
You're kidding yourself. A significant portion of EN vtuber fans are trans. I'm talking like 10-20% from personal experience. Another significant portion is allies who will stand by the trans folks.

>> No.42923209
File: 23 KB, 839x163, 1676244436564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.42923360

Yup, the rough reality is that if you play the wizard game as an EN vtuber you're essentially spitting in the face of at least half of your viewer base. HoloEN and NijiEN haven't blocked it for no reason.

>> No.42923369

If only she waited one day to start streaming HL. Her only mistake was being the first target, before all those people were made forced to realize their campaign was a massive failure and everyone ended up playing the game anyway.

>> No.42923382

Holy shit dude, is this real?

>> No.42923449

>Source: trust me bro

>> No.42923494

And yet not a single person that was attacking her can be seen ever interacting her before she announced that she is playing the game

>> No.42923499

My source is talking and getting to know fans outside of this anonymous hellhole

>> No.42923685


>> No.42923832

my guess is he's german since they capitalize all nouns, not just proper nouns

>> No.42924522

Hopefully she doesnt stream Atomic Hearts dont want her to get cancelled again.

>> No.42924792

Did the vax get her?

>> No.42925069

no the tranny SJWs bullied her into not streaming the harry potter game and she disappeared for the time being. They were gloating about it too.

>> No.42925281

Found the tranny

>> No.42925377

Poor kettle… all she wanted to do is okay ‘arryn pooter

>> No.42925381

She bent the knee. She will never be the same sadly.

>> No.42925434

It's really weird how you guys act like she's fucking dead because she cancelled a stream. How do you guys survive watching HoloEN?

>> No.42925815

Bullying anime girls off the internet because some completely unrelated dumb white woman in her 60s said some mean stuff about you should be a crime punishable by torture.

>> No.42925995

Still can't get over the fact that HoloEN and NijiEN unironically blocked it. Most other EN streamers are already playing it and a significant portion of the JP branches are playing it but apparently it's haram for EN vtubers especially

>> No.42926123

To be fair, 80% of NijiEN is not streaming at all in the first place

>> No.42926246

They probably decided that it wasn't worth the trouble. Nevermind that some ENs might be tranny adjacent anyway.

>> No.42926326

Yea it's weird that huge corporations would try to avoid controversy

>> No.42926453

>implying people who have good enough taste to watch Pika would ever watch holos

>> No.42926645

Not allowing it to be streamed is also taking a controversial political stance. And Altare specifically endorsed "the cause" as his reasoning for not streaming it so they can't even argue otherwise.

>> No.42926675

>traens send 100s of harassment messages to Pika
>rinji takes 4 hours to read them all
>/voms/ are bystanders for bullying
>try to downplay everything
>they get called out for enabling bullies
>/voms/ refuses to bake another bread and run away

>pikamee runs away
>/voms/ runs away

>> No.42927014
File: 236 KB, 1207x933, the numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hogwarts is most streamed game on twitch.
Nobody cares about you.
They never did.

>> No.42927028

Imagine being a schizophrenic anti for a general thread lmao
Give your suicide baiting rabbit more money cuck

>> No.42927189

Altare is an absolute fucking retard for saying that.

>> No.42927257
File: 123 KB, 726x766, 657898p9y0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What thread? Pikamee has a general? Oh you mean /lig/ yeah those guys are great.

>> No.42930017

The wizards got her

>> No.42932484

yeah he lost a decent amount of my respect for it

>> No.42932747

Off topic, but damn its almost 2 years since magnet left, where'd the time go...

>> No.42932984

She defiinitely got severely gaslit into thinking she did something wrong.

>> No.42933312

Pika is too stupid and pure. Should've just removed the tweets without engaging with schizos and proceeded to play the silly game on stream.

>> No.42933390

She's not stupid. She doesn't think all these Japanese women playing it without trouble are "transphobic," she just really doesn't want to be associated with a group like (You) guys in the thread because she's a severely autistic, messed up girl who wants to quietly live her life. That's why /voms/ went away for now

>> No.42933656

Pikamee and VOMS as a whole would've been better off if clipleeches never made "let's kill da ho" go viral among EOPs.

>> No.42935103

>Not allowing it to be streamed is also taking a controversial political stance
Not really. Only to /vt/schizos.

>> No.42936198

People who voluntarily castrate themselves really aren’t in a position to call anyone else mentally ill.

>> No.42939790

I'll never understand GTA rp

>> No.42940616

>listen to the 99.9% supportive viewers

>listen to like 5 nut jobs

>> No.42941521

she's gonna take two weeks to genocide the goblins and 100% the wizard game

>> No.42945853

...Okay? Have a source next time.

>> No.42946286

I hate wokeoids so fucking much. I hate them almost as much as I hate Russians.

>> No.42947635

Shit bait or retarded? search vom's she's not an indie.

>> No.42950118

She deserves to get cancelled Bullied, she wanted this audience afterall.

>> No.42950171

Please be well, Pika.

>> No.42950577

More like Pikatarou

>> No.42950745

Why would they? They have their local fanbase that understands and supports them well enough, that's the comfort zone for an indie Japanese chuuba.

>> No.42950854

> my source is the discord groups that are grooming my teenage ass
that does not make it any better

>> No.42950909

Holos are all at Japan for Holofes so it was a convenient timing for them to avoid this whole shitshow

>> No.42950954

Japs are all about bending the
knee, so this is nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.42951398

>blaming the game and not the tranny fucks who shit up her channels

Trannies deserve their oppression and eventual extinction

>> No.42952004

>schizo who demanded we publicly execute trannies over the harassment
Sounds based. Maybe we should do that.

>> No.42952134

the sorry part is her english fans were just watching and not defending her while she was getting harassed by the trannies. all they could do was post pussy ass passive aggressive shit instead of telling the trannies to fuck right off.

>> No.42952540

Hopefully Pikamee will hate trannies after what they did to her.

>> No.42952887

Just look at all that knee bending

>> No.42954638

Pika did a members' stream every week during her break, but didn't do one yesterday...

>> No.42954777


>> No.42954902

She's going to transition to a black man transitioning into a white man and call herself Pikaheehee

>> No.42954952

>I don't want you, a stranger, to play the game, because I think you hate trannies and want them all to die, if you do play it
Even in the most positive light possible those fags sound mentally ill. And there were a few comments in her old member post about how brave she is or happy they were that she cancelled it.

>> No.42955529

I don't want to play the game but I do hate them and want them all to die

>> No.42955612

Used to frequent /voms/ until they went full chickenshit pussies trying to shut up anyone defending Pika and glad she wouldn't play the game. Wouldn't surprise me if there are dickless men there.

>> No.42955656

I miss magnet

>> No.42955778

>Already part of the EN ecosystem
>Has trans friends and even supports it
>Doesn't research enough about that wizard game
Worst yet, she didnt even apologize properly

>> No.42955886

Meanwhile JP Streamers are happily discovering - some for the very first time - Hogwarts.
Currently watching Matsuri play it who said she knows nothing about it, which gets you an unfiltered experience. Actually convincing me to get the game since I too never had any interest in the IP.
Definate sign for a good game when it can draw in people who know nothing about the universe...

>> No.42956156

The combat looked kinda slow paced, though.

>> No.42956223

Havent seen her fight once - except bullying a sheep, I can forgive it if its not the main focus of the game though, if it gets combat heavy towards the end - as RPGs sometimes tend to do - then thats an issue if combat aint fun :/

>> No.42956534

Granted that was only my impression after watching pekora for a bit. Could have been just that section in particular.

>> No.42958004

>Japs bend the knee
>but look, these ones who aren't bothered by anyone didn't
Doesn't disprove what I said. Put the spotlight on them, they shrivel up. Then again, a lot of westoids do as well. It's just that Japs are culturally reinforced to behave like that.

>> No.42958375

Explain to me how this bait thread lasted longer than /voms/?
>This thread came first
>someone made /voms/
>/voms/ died
>this thread is still alive

>> No.42958759

You mean like the homo who blocked the fags complaining about him playing Hogwarts?
This entire situation is only a problem if you let it be one by listening to the angry retards who never had any intention of watching you in first place. Just look at how many western vtubers have streamed the game so far, and how many more pick it up every day.

>> No.42958795

because this isnt about voms and maybe people dont want to intrude on voms but have an opinion on the controversy of pika being bullied

>> No.42959188

How do you all claim to not be pedophiles when all you do is infantilize grown women?
No ones posted any examples of "harassment".

>> No.42959405

Pikamee got what she deserved.
Trans Rights!

>> No.42959593

100+ harassment messages on twitter
Takes 2 hours to read them all
Read every single one before posting again

>> No.42959716

>Bullies harass student
>Classmates ignore it
>Teachers ignore it
>parents ignore it
>student grows up to be streamer
>tronies bully streamer
>fanbase ignores it
>genmates ignore it
>entire streamer group ignores it
This is sad

>> No.42960038

Maybe this is the final straw for her and she’ll finally abandon her EN audience

>> No.42963218

Hopefully when more and more shit like this keeps happening people will finally wake the fuck up and realize that mentally ill troons are nothing but mentally ill troons and throw them all in a psych ward. What a blessed day that would be. Imagine how nice it would be to say that only women can be women and no one attacks you like YOU'RE the crazy one.

>> No.42963665

>last seen: 5 dayo ago

>> No.42967571


>> No.42967712

She is mentally fragile, even only one negative message is enough to get her, I'm really not surprised she breaks down so easily.

>> No.42969238

The game does take a while to get its engine revving, but it is still a character action game. The objective is still to combo hard and fast. They start you off slow in the early game because even if you're experienced with character action games, usually you aren't completely starved of melee options. They're trying to ease you in.

>> No.42969988
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 20230213_084321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a reminder to tourist fags that Miu seiso

>> No.42970072

She got Pikametoo'd
Give me all the you's. I worked hard on this one

>> No.42970153

the combat looks slow paced.
But when you're actually in it, it feels very different

>> No.42970417

Alright, I'll watch Ichinose play it a bit more. Maybe I'll try the game at some point later.

>> No.42970624

every other jp vtuber can stream with the game but only she had to be canceled so probably she cant stop thinking why.

tho its obvious that the answer is eop niggers incl amerimutt tranny creatures.
she should stop streaming in english and pandering to eop niggers. the eops/trannies will never ever stop cancelling her unless she stops it. they never think they are the problems. NEVER.

>> No.42972015

This. Maybe if you ignore the 5 trannies shouting, then maybe you don't need to fucking disappear and ruin your current and future streams.

>> No.42972214

She got what she deserved but not because the mentally ill people, it was because she bent the knee to those freaks.

>> No.42972762

She's apolitical and Japanese

>> No.42972936

the combat is fun cos it includes a certain puzzle element
Different spells work best on different enemies. Human enemies are actually the most boring due to the wide array of what works on them

>> No.42974816

lol wtf

>> No.42974818

>how this bait thread
You answered your own question. It’s a bait thread.

>> No.42977131
File: 259 KB, 1908x1146, 1676128372098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lights flicker
>A hurricane is bearing down on the house
>You're pacing across the room, biting your nails, eyes bulging
>Suddenly, you turn on your heel and scream at me "WE HAVE TO GO OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING"
>I tell you everything will be fine if you just wait for the storm to pass
>You grab your shotgun
>You run out and slam the door
>You immediately get knocked unconscious by plywood flying at 80mph

>> No.42977741

What a cutie

>> No.42977916

its a bit unbelievable that tranniggers are literally and factually everywhere in every amerimutt entertainment industry. they are every fucking where. why do amerimutts have so fucking many trannigers.?

>> No.42979564

Because american big pharma have given them deep pockets to campaign with and the mutts are obsessed with their weird identity politics bullshit

>> No.42979678 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 1233x1142, e054a5de75ea3197c27a60ac6a7b3c80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she isn't

>> No.42979939

Nothing good comes when a JP vtuber panders to EOP monkeys in English. Only trannies come.

>> No.42980012
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>> No.42980650

vay vud yu heit rashans? zey heit vouk amerikans tu !

>> No.42980676

>most of their workforce is "on break" or suspended

>Half of the talents are on the other side of the world with laptops that couldn't play the game in the first place (actually does anyone in EN own a PS5 in the first place, legitimately asking) and no one in the other half never came across as being HP fans to begin with like how Lui and Haachama are on the JP side

Some of these "blocks" are not like the others.

>> No.42981839
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 1675717812387095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself troon

>> No.42982699

>A significant portion of EN vtuber fans are trans. >I'm talking like 10-20% from personal experience.
It takes one to know one
