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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 890 KB, 1067x811, image_2023-02-11_145148829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42846111 No.42846111 [Reply] [Original]

do i intervene y/n

>> No.42846179

Do you think you can stop the milk maid? I don't think you can

>> No.42846214

No. Your friend will just resent you.

>> No.42846227

Your friend might actually kill you if you try

>> No.42846249

you need to become a vtuber and catfish him for his own good
its the only way

>> No.42846275

No, just be ready to laugh at them if they regret it later.

>> No.42846292

Unless you can give sex, a fruitless effort.

>> No.42846326

Don't. Tell him to ask her to get an even bigger titty model instead. She might listen to a paypig.

>> No.42846355

What do you think you can do about it?

>> No.42846413

Man for 10k you could actually rawdog and knock up a real milf or two.

>> No.42846438

I'm gay and I've had feelings for him since middle school, maybe I can confess my love to him and make him realize someone close to him is willing to be there and not some vtuber online

>> No.42846482
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Hire a prostitute to get surgery to look exactly like her and then send him a video of you fucking them. Its the only way

>> No.42846492

No way fag, you are gonna lose your friend if you do that, lol

>> No.42846511
File: 151 KB, 880x1180, 1657747684718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your friend is a smart man

>> No.42846532

is he a good friend? if yes, then yes.

>> No.42846540

Why would you? different from spending 10k on a gacha game, his money is going to another person
if she deserve or not is a complete different story, at least is better than 10k in PNGs

>> No.42846577

Do you think he'd say yes? If yes then of course. Then you can spend money on her togheter.

>> No.42846582

Cucked by the Cow

>> No.42846615

Depends on if it's a lot relative to his income or not. If he's making like 250k a year then it's still a lot yeah but more like him flexing on poorfags (but also in way too deep on this literal who as well which is stupid and bound to cause regrets within a few years, maybe not even a year). If it's causing him hardship or otherwise you know it's like every penny of disposable income he's got probably yeah you should get him to stop unless he's actually-fucking her.

>> No.42846626

i need more info.
do they have a decent job?
are they barely scraping by?
over how long did they spend the money?
did they get anything in return?

>> No.42846661

10k what?

>> No.42846730

Yes, have sex with her

>> No.42846790

Isn't she married

>> No.42846831

Get some of those fake super realistic cosplay boobs from AliExpress, commission someone to make her outfit, dress up as her and then get down on your knees in front of him and make blowjob gestures.

>> No.42846848


>> No.42846966

This is the correct choice.

>> No.42847038

he lives with his parents
makes 13 an hour
spent this money in 6 months
and he gets 1 call a month with her through her 200 a month patreon
i think he is spending his savings on her

>> No.42847115

Man that's just sad...

>> No.42847135

Do this but only as a joke.

>> No.42847172


>> No.42847279

This sounds like a good man. I'm sure cow woman will take good care of him. You may want to move onto someone else. It's over.

>> No.42847333

as a joke cosplay as her and fund your life

>> No.42847334

Who is this cow?

>> No.42847429

he'll hate you but yeah you try to get him to stop.
as other have said the longer he does this the more its going to hurt when they eventually quit, and he doesn't make enough to support her on his own.
It's easy for me to be like threaten to tell his parents if he doesn't but i don't know what i would do in that situation.

>> No.42847447

What if you told the cow woman about the situation? If she intervenes herself without outing you, you might not lose a friend. But he also might assume you told her. Kind of a tough situation, your friend is fucking up his whole life for nothing. I'd intervene even if it meant he hated me for a while. If he's not retarded, he'll eventually figure out that you helped him.

>> No.42847455

Why are homobegging GFE and CGDCT haters usually faggots?

>> No.42847494

Make him see his mistake by giving him a blowjob.

>> No.42847837
File: 285 KB, 540x461, 1656812930433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute cow!

>> No.42848034


>> No.42848276

So as a joke..

>> No.42848281

No fuck off if he isn't putting himself in crushing debt or causing himself to become homeless let him do as he pleases with his money

>> No.42848667

For that much money you can hire a pornstar who does escorting and he will have a much better time than just taking to this bitch.

>> No.42849120

jesas. as was said yeah he'll hate you for it but you'll have to find a way to pull him out or at least get him to scale back a ton. so basically because he lives with his parents and doesn't pay rent, he just spends all of what that would have been on this girl, it seems. which means he literally cannot sustain that if he ever hopes to move out and move up in life. like, what does he think he'll get out of this? he'll get to groom her or something? girls won't be too impressed with a groomer who can't even support himself - how can he support her on top of it?

in essence without knowing this guy at all it seems like he does this to feel powerful/relevant about something and in this case it's feeling like one of the top donor VIPs and fooling his brain into thinking he's working on a relationship when obviously he isn't.

>> No.42849383

Intervening directly would cause the opposite reaction. You could subtly hint at shaming your friend for that and then back off and let him figure out for himself that he shouldn't be spending excessively like that. A little manipulative but the correction has to come from within, not without

>> No.42851904
File: 693 KB, 882x944, 1656610563824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what to do, become the milk maid.

>> No.42854036

Try to intervene, if he cuts off the friendship then move on, that's not a friend you want around in the long run.

>> No.42854159

Nope, she's amazing and has giant tits like her model

>> No.42854650

Let the retard spend his money, if he's too dumb to spend money on 2D women, he's clearly too stupid to realize he has a problem. That being said, god, I fucking love this fucking bimbo cow so much. Her hands are so cute and small.

>> No.42854811

Sorry anon. He wants a mummy.

>> No.42854988

>friend clearly likes fat-tiddy women
>I should confess my love to him
genius idea, anon.

>> No.42859953

To be fair, 10k is exactly how much you would make in 6 months at $13/h. If he's living with his parents then he can afford to spend. It's stupid but sustainable for now.

>> No.42860122

your friend has shit taste

>> No.42861681

Anon, we know 'the friend' is you

>> No.42865380

cut ties with him, ghost his ass
Once this type get broke, they start becoming a problem to other people
if he lives with parents and nothing is being done, what the fuck can you do?

>> No.42865682

Tell Milky if you haven't already. If she believes you and is a decent person, she will refund him when he whales.

>> No.42865827

I respect the love of mega milkers.

>> No.42867056

do you know how many women you can buy with that salary in my country? and I'm not even joking.

>> No.42867757

Just forcibly breed him already

>> No.42869816


>> No.42869825

nha, you should donate 20K and flex on him with that.

>> No.42872346

yeah, I used to whale for her too. her personality makes it way too easy to simp over her

>> No.42873129
File: 35 KB, 680x459, 1671853221507505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let him know you're worried about him and have him gradually reduce how much he spends. At first it will be slow and feel like you aren't getting anywhere but help him be consistent in cutting down. He probably feels unappreciated and incapable and copes this way. Let him know he's a good friend and tell him you appreciate him/ and get him to regularly acknowledge his own accomplishments no matter how small.

>> No.42873380

If he's part of her Patreon then encourage him to vote for more cow paizuri.

>> No.42873449
File: 892 KB, 1366x1080, 1638771671734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confess or you will kill your soul.

>> No.42875652

If its true, then tell him he is a massive faggot and maybe beat him up.

>> No.42876045

this is the most logical thing to do, but don't be a faggot about it at the same time.

>> No.42878062


he's never going to know his investments are a waste if you intervene, if you're jealous you should fuck off and find someone else go donate to your VTuber you seem like the Vox Akuma type

>> No.42879407

I mean, you can tell him that you're concerned with his spending habits and warn him that it ultimately may lead to financial, but also emotional hardship down the road if has literally become an obsession (which supposedly it already is). Outside that though, you can't control how other individuals live their life and spend their money. If you try to force it, they'll resent you, and that does no one any good.

>> No.42879476

she has fat tits, your "friend" is spending his money well

>> No.42880464

Okay so is she milking him? (literally, not figuratively)

>> No.42881029

iirc she lives with her parents as well to look after them

>> No.42881207

A bit late don't you think

>> No.42881835

1 US= 19MX
13US= 247MX
247MX* 40hr week = 9880mx
9880mx*4 week = 39,520mx
>39,520mx = an engineer with 7 to 10 years of experience
this son of a bitch could have a wife a kid a decent house and still have enough to spend on vtubers.

>> No.42884521

good choice

>> No.42884545

An interesting cross reference can be found here too...Basically OP needs to order his friend a cosplay hooker to dress up as his oshi. For $200 a month, he could get 3-4 SEA/LatAm hookers easy. Only way to save him is to ship him off for the ride of his life with nonstop booze and hookers, and let him realize what he could be getting for his money. More bang for the buck...literally.

Long term, he could look to move over there. Sure...life ain't easy in the 3rd world, but just being white/yellow would be a huge boon (and spic/black would still be exotic compared to the local population), and you could afford a decent living off just minwage as a local.

>> No.42886801

her irl boobs are nearly as big as her model btw

>> No.42886853


>> No.42887748

easy, he needs to get huge breast implants

>> No.42888171

>3views indie
>doesnt really do anything special
>still gets thousands of dollars per stream and constantly gifted shit through those simp websites with wishlists
I dont hate Milky, even would say she is a sweet person from the streams I watched, but this shit is too much. Women live life on easy mode and never let them tell you otherwise.

>> No.42889434

You don't really love him.
Your love is narcissistic and an attempt to fill a hole inside of yourself.
You can't force someone to love you.
Love will come naturally to you from an unexpected source once you don't need it and have integrated it into yourself.

Also take some ivermectin to cure your illness.
You are being used by parasites to propagate them.

>> No.42891897


>> No.42896139

he's basically a small business owner at this point, make him invest more

>> No.42897977


>> No.42898849

n. you should join your friend

>> No.42900650

Actual best advice on here.
If he refuses cut the friendship or tell his parents

>> No.42901850

You can tell there are young idiots in here that have never been in a situation where their friend is doing something unhealthy. Stop giving advice if you've never been in the situation and go to class.
Your friend will resent you if you intervene. That WILL happen.

>> No.42902491

>still being friends with someone since middle school
what the fuck? lmfao

>> No.42902585

>that belly
God I love Milky

>> No.42902713

Yes, to a black guy in fact.
Kinda hilarious.

>> No.42903190

>to a black guy
ew. racemixing

>> No.42903833
File: 650 KB, 586x542, milky depress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my oshi is now getting large enough to the point she's getting her own rrrats
it's a mixed kind of feel

>> No.42904069

Milky is getting large alright

>> No.42904181

you have to dress up like the vtuber, it's the only way

>> No.42904277

Cow woman make my pp hard, I say let him wither his life away if he wants

>> No.42904853

Wish she was fatter

>> No.42905037

she's a big gal

>> No.42905800

>That living situation
>Spending enough money to significantly improve your life prospects on a person that is nothing to you and you are nothing to them.

Can someone enlighten me on this? I dont understand why anyone would ever give a substantial sum of money for this quality of entertainment. Streamers are the internet equivalent of street performers and i hear about people dropping thousands regularly. Is it a total lack of self awareness? No conception of how many hours you had to work for that money and you just give it away? I hear its due to loneliness often, but will dropping cash on this person really improve the situation?

>> No.42906168

Just fuck her behind his back, it's what I do with Gura and her paypigs that are financing our wedding

>> No.42907394

I don't know if I would call it bittersweet, but I guess it's nice that she's getting attention. I miss her being a literal 2view.

>> No.42907420

Loneliness and cope

>> No.42908324

Might have something else hoing on in his life. Everyone's got their reasons to simp. For me it's gratitude. I found my oshi after break up from long term relationship and those streams were the only thing that made me smile for a long time. I remember donating the money I had saved up to buy
christmas present for my ex.

>> No.42909739


>> No.42909820
File: 1.29 MB, 1511x972, 1676153223989635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the now unarchived hand-cam stream she did yesterday.

>> No.42909839

how do you know?

>> No.42909873

Now deleted tweets from early 2022

>> No.42909895

Is your friend financially stable?

>> No.42910094

If you can find screenshots or other proofs, send them to the friend, it may be the only way to save him.

>> No.42910305

I get that women have it easier in vtube/streaming but I wouldn’t say it’s a “be woman = money” type of thing. Best way to further yourself in stream seems to join a big company or leech off of people until you become big enough. Look at a few of the men that are popular.

>> No.42910593

Is there any anon here that archived this stream? I missed it.

>> No.42910681

Holy cow, I hope she has a separate channel where she does lewd ASMR and shows off her tits, like Noel does.
Hiding tits like that is a crime

>> No.42910683

Is she still constantly spamming that chink battle royale?
Her voice and model are great, but her game choices really aren't.

>> No.42910687

I speak from experience when I say someday your friend will regret spending that much money on an egirl

>> No.42911852

I think in the past two weeks she's played it once, maybe? I usually don't watch her when she plays it because it's boring.

>> No.42911897

>will dropping cash on this person really improve the situation?
It won't but lonely people aren't always rational
Just view it as an addiction and it will make more sense

>> No.42911902

She did start a lewd twitter and even posted some toys she has, so she might start uploading there if she gets brave enough.

>> No.42912308

Can you share it please?

>> No.42912478

She's mostly reposted lewd art and stuff, but if she ever gets the courage to actually do lewd stuff, this is where she'd do it.

>> No.42912513

>only 10k
Tell him how pathatic he is for spending so little.

>> No.42912619

>irl friend
what is what?

>> No.42914024

I wanted to like Milky because I love her model, her voice and her mommy rp, but her reaction streams are painfully boring and she insists on playing that shitty game Naraka or something like that.

>> No.42914921

Spending 10k on gacha should be shamed

>> No.42915133

It’s not uncommon you just had to have friends

>> No.42915779

Just let him crash and burn, and be ready to catch and saviorfag him before he kills himself
But be dropping token efforts to get him to stop without making him hate you all the while

>> No.42915897

why do you care what your friend spends their money on

>> No.42916290

That's depressing.
You need to save your friend.

>> No.42916667

"let's just pretend" kek

>> No.42916738

mental illness

>> No.42917271

Good luck saving your friend, OP.
