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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42831046 No.42831046 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.42831108

No, stay away of the girls pervert

>> No.42831117

I am dorry

>> No.42831138

Ok Vesper I concede, you are alright

>> No.42831146 [DELETED] 

>of the girls
Spic detected

>> No.42831157

Im *kisses tip of dick* so *another kiss* so *another, louder wet kiss* sorry *gives tip a little lick* sir

>> No.42831191

I am sorry.

Sorry that Vesper accidentally thrust his bare cock into a McDonalds fryer terribly burning it during a bit gone horribly awry.
Sorry that no one would believe it happened so he sent photos of his immolated schlong to the other Holopro talents on their company Discord.
Sorry that the other talents reported him to management for sharing grotesque injury porn.
Sorry that management suspended him for three weeks to reflect on his unprofessional behavior.
Sorry that the Japan breakdown incident distracted you all this truth.

>> No.42831204

Based. I hope he goes after JP next.

>> No.42831315

i belieb

>> No.42831341

Why? They had a buttbaby together.

>> No.42831367

I'm sorry for wishing StarsEN didn't exist instead of just wishing for the most brutal, painful and agonizing death imaginable for you faggots and all your loved ones.

>> No.42831388

I kneel grandpa, you were based all along and we just couldn't see it.

>> No.42831422

An actual schizo poster

>> No.42831443

Retard detected

>> No.42831450

Don’t have to, I was always on his side

>> No.42831469

I only regret that I have two knees to kneel with.

>> No.42831510

No need to believe my friend. In the face of absolute evidence you simply “know”

>> No.42831553

Better a pervert than a tranny.

>> No.42831581

An actual puke-brained monkey bitch faggot

>> No.42831651

>ehhm uhhhm dude i need 1 year of haitus to recharge my battery please wait me

>> No.42831671

At that time I didn't knew.

>> No.42831726
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Apologize for what? He did nothing wrong.

>> No.42831867


>> No.42831936

Suicide-bomb all of Tempiss and I’ll consider it.

>> No.42831963
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You ok dude?

>> No.42832041

I'm sorry you were born male

>> No.42832043

Vesper acts more like a woman than the genmate he keeps hiding from who desperately wishes they were a woman

>> No.42832086

t. Gura

>> No.42832184

How can a man (if you even are one) elevate the schizo levels of this board so much?

>> No.42832210

I am sorry that he’s too sensitive about his terribly, terribly burned cock, from the McDonalds incident, to feel comfortable hanging out with his genmates.

>> No.42832222

He’s the “pretends to be a woman to invade women’s spaces and rape them” kind of tranny not the autogynophilic kind

>> No.42832260

that is a weird way to spell kronii

>> No.42832296
File: 320 KB, 573x544, 1673929626079485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys creating tranny scenarios in your head?

>> No.42832379

Utterly obsessed. And the wizard game drama has validated their constant unending thoughts about trans people.

>> No.42833085

Sorry, but I’m not getting rid of the baby.

>> No.42835742


>> No.42836523
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I never doubted him, I don't need to apologize.

>> No.42837256

This faggot has done nothing but cause drama ever since he debuted same as the rest of Tempiss
You have to be some kind of ultimate cuck omega loser to call him based

>> No.42837341
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t. Altare

>> No.42838002

Go play ff14 with your 2 whales followers altare

>> No.42838557

Sorry for fucking your mom, OP, I promise I'll be a good stepdad.

>> No.42841589


>> No.42841655
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, 111254488194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He went on a schizo bender in Japan, came into a meeting with Yagoo wearing a full set of samurai armor and screaming YOOOOOoooOOOOOO! and then ate so many burgers he got sick and skipped collabs.

>> No.42841668

You will never be a woman

>> No.42842218

>eat your hamburgers Apollo

>> No.42845717

cry baby faggot and kwab of the year

>> No.42846195

I was away for a while, what's the QRD

>> No.42846489

Nah, I'm not gonna pick a side in a fight where both are revolting.

>> No.42848802


>> No.42850680

there is a rrat saying that altare is actually omega and a korean troon, the fight vesper had some months ago with "a manager" is suspected to actually have been with altare because they havent collabed in like 3 months, now it makes more sense with some shit that got leaked, the fight was actually vesper tryign to put altare in his place for being a bitch crybaby but ended up getting suspended for 2 weeks which made everyone mad at him, canceling or delaying a bunch of tempus projects because of his suspension

>> No.42851491

This is almooooooooost believeable.

>> No.42851558


>> No.42851790

Vesper hasn't collab with any of his branch in 3 months now because he's a bitch. He ghosted Axel. Is Axel now omega too?

>> No.42851798

Awwww did the 41%ers get bullied today? Are you gonna rope yourselves?

>> No.42851941

Regis/Omega won’t let anyone collab with Vesper or else he’ll fire them. He’s that much of a power-tripping tranny. He LITERALLY made himself the leader take the fucking hint you retard

Kill yourself troon

>> No.42851951

For what Hololive EN as a whole is one big scandalous fuck up away from imploding like nijisanji EN is

>> No.42852016

No, i refuse

>> No.42852147


>> No.42852157

Why does Axel have a job then? Why was he in the thumbnails for the large group collabs that he on stream said he didn't give a shit about ghosting?

>> No.42852240

No chance lol. What happened to NijiEN can only happen with NijiEN due to the culture and fanbase culture there, let's be real here.

>> No.42852452

fuck off bluefag

>> No.42853088

What troons want most in the world is drama and the attention their mommy and/or daddy never gave them, so why is it so bad that we then give them what they want? Not our fault that they decide to rope when we give them exactly what they ask for.

>> No.42853365

What for?

>> No.42853374

He can't just fire his entire gen, hes got Vesper in a corner though and could afford to lose him with the very swift addition of the new batch of guys they just recently got.
Hes trying to get Vesper to give up and quit on his own

>> No.42853583

first of all, you are a retard that cant read
second, the rest of the guys speak his name, everyone in the new gen shows up in his chat when he streams, axel wanted him not to show up in either of the collabs because he knew first hand that ves was going menhera, he said he was relieved when he canceled joining, magni actually talks about him and stuff they do outside streaming, blue troon is the only one who's actively avoiding him

>> No.42853980

You can always tell the difference between shit posters and real schizos by how they respond to being called a schizo.
Example A:

>> No.42854475

What did he even do?

>> No.42854656

the only reason the bluetard cant fire ves by his own hand is because ves makes the most money out of starsEN, and in less than a year reached astel numbers of SC in 5 months, meanwhile he cant make 1000 yen in 7 hours of ff14 stream, I would bet he bought up the idea of firing him after the fight but got turned down because it was petty and they couldnt lose their money maker before half a year since debut

>> No.42854911

You sound like an Altare fan lmao

>> No.42855044

Pissed off Omega aka Altare

>> No.42855215
File: 209 KB, 399x398, 1675942564698666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's our last line of defense against the tranny menace.

>> No.42855680

Even ignored him with a candy bar called "noir"

>> No.42855799

LMAO. you faggots are blaming each other for your menhera oshii now? Kek. /mans/fags are so pathetic. Go blame yagoo too why don’t you lolol. Only trannies watch male vtubers.

>> No.42865651

fuck off altare

>> No.42866327

If any of you ever had a real job in your life you'd know Regis isn't management.

>> No.42867136


>> No.42867406


>> No.42869751

To be fair omega isn't exactly management material either

>> No.42870482

Regis Altare = ACKSHUALLY OMEGA? Is the most retarded conspiracy theory I've seen. There is no way Cover would allow a talent to also be a manager. Now, do some talents have better relationships and more power with managers? Most likely. It's like Ame working closely with Cover to do behind the scenes stuff. More likely is Vesper is still schizo and Cover doesn't want his menhara-insanity infecting the rest of Tempus.

>> No.42873352


>> No.42874350

Seems Legit

>> No.42874493

For what? Two menhera retards don't make a right.

>> No.42875192

Seems obvious that Omega stepped down as manager to be talent, but maintains his connections to management. Remember Magni said Omega isn't actually anyone's manager now. I think there's a lot of validity to the idea.

>> No.42875546

Why would I apologize when I did nothing wrong? He is a manchild and a faggot and should graduate irl.

>> No.42878942


>> No.42880771

Altare is Sana after detransitioning. Think about it rationally.

>> No.42882207


Never forget

>> No.42882573

>Is Axel now omega too?
Oh shit I never thought about the Axel angle, that would explain how he can get away with flirting with a female manager

>> No.42884041

I'm sorry you're a WHORE.

>> No.42884106

dude should apologize for wasting my time, unsubbed from his ass and the 2nd wave of dudes are so much fucking better its not even funny
he can wallow in his little $10 tier where he farms for pity karma from the landwhales who give a shit about his almost geriatric self while he posts like a tumblr woman

>> No.42884709

>Be mentally ill tranny
>Get make fun off my supposed coworker
>make him look back on purpose after suspending him
>cancel nearly all his projects
>know exactly you also banned him from 1o1 collabs
>now defend yourself on /vt/ of all places like some nig tranny
Stfu subhuman kimchi eating tranny and go play with the red height stunted tranny that is flay.

>> No.42884790

Axel is too honest. it's literally Axel that got us most of the information in the first place before we had to make rrats about it because he confirmed them, as to him we would have found out later anyways, which is right.
Axel lowkey has jp management, that's it. That's why management isn't to hard on him and why Altare can't bonk him for stating his mind of these subjects.

>> No.42884862

We already know who both Regis and Omega’s RMs are and they’re not the same person. Regis was a vtuber for several years before Holostars while working full time. Regis also still talks about Vesper regularly and gets bonked by management himself.

>> No.42884947

Yes but do we know who Regis and Omega's RM's RMs are?

>> No.42885085

Yet, flayon was the so called gorilla manager debut into a talent.

>> No.42885464

He wasn't a manager. That was a cover story Magni made up so Flayon wouldn't be fired for appearing in the RAFT stream before his debut.

>> No.42885546

>start being a basedboy

>> No.42885559

Why are you mentally ill vesties not putting your menhera oshi in check instead? Your rrat is shit anyway, Altare wished Vesper happy birthday on stream. I'm pretty sure at this point people are just being careful because Vesper is a walking minefield so everyone's better off minding their own business until he shows he's stable.

>> No.42886009

This doesn't mean that Regis wasn't a manager or does not have special rights.
He even graduated much earlier than the other 3

>> No.42886052

Mane-chan should've never agreed on their story and just let that little faggot get fired

>> No.42886191

There’s zero evidence he’s a manager or has any special rights. He regularly gets admonished by management and has his ideas shot down like the others. Regis also defended Vesper during his suspension and talked about him every day. Any “special powers” I’ve seen people theorizing about are on the level of “he joked about telling management to change one of his genmate’s theme colors” which means nothing.

>> No.42886272

What did he do? Are people still mad he didn't go to another collab? Why do you guys(?) even care if you don't like him in the first place?

>> No.42886341

Pot calling the Kettle black, remember altare acted like a menhera to the menhera. Menhera greeted him during his birthday but it took 1-2days before he got a reply, If altare just go with the flow, he wouldn't be on this mess. /vt/ would probably look at altare as a hero but nah.

>> No.42886387

sister… can you BELIEVE altare didn’t reply to vesper on twitter fast enough??? omg they totally hate each other!

>> No.42886457

Actual retarded defense force using most attributes of a troll

>> No.42886498

b-but the birthday tweet!

>> No.42887188

>Tempus had meetings (confirmed by Shinri)
>After they get out, Vesper posts a schedule and Altare replied to the birthday tweet.
>Altare blocks someone who replies 'Tempus is healing' to the reply.

They clearly got wrangled.

>> No.42887201

Magni(Minecraft stream)
Axel(Drunk Stream)
all of those talk about how altare decide and act as a leader. We also got snips that altare for the most part call the shots.

>> No.42887318

Also Altare replying to Vesper happened right after the thread here.
We know for sure that Altare is a little petty fuck and that he gets some special rights. If you say anything else you are delusional.
He's literally the poster boy despite being less liked than the others by a mile and gets his way by actively sabotaging Vesper.

>> No.42887339

So what did he do?

>> No.42887362

Omega was loserbait. He was fired and Ame took the Omega role.

>> No.42887364

there's a date on twitter anon. you can't convince me with "after the thread here".

>> No.42887420

one of magnis minecraft streams from a month or two ago he talks about how he talked with Vesper about ''going easy'' on Altare because Altare is just a dumb kid who takes the role of ''leader'' too seriously despite being very young compared to them so they had to cut him some slack, this was after Vespers suspension so the rrat kinda holds up, Axel also said there was an argument and compared it to mom and dad arguing so it's safe to say it WAS something between Vesper and Altare, Altare might not be ''Omega'' but they did put him in charge of Tempus quite literally which is dumb.

>> No.42887454

>Had gay sex with Magni during the offcollab
>Was too rough and threw Magni's back out for a week
>Did NOT give him a reacharound so he had to finish on his own later
>Magni also had gay sex with Altare during their offcollab
>Vesper calls up Magni afterwards and is like "oh yeah I have AIDS, you guys might want to get checked out"
>Magni and Altare now both have AIDS
Needless to say its a big yab.

>> No.42887839

I don't have to convince you, most people know exactly what i am talking about

>> No.42888078

Option 1) Omega left Cover and isn't working for them anymore
Option 2) Omega has taken up another role, like a manager for managers or some other lame job for Cover like social-media-managing or video editing.
Omega's connection was with Council and never had anything to do with Tempus. Omega was such a nothing-burger Cover-corp entity they abandoned shortly after Council's debut. If anything they would've been in an A-Chan role but for EN, but that never happened.
That's just because Vesper went schizo, it's the only concrete evidence for any of this. For all the shitposting, Vesper staying away from the rest of Tempus is probably for some mental-health reasons or whatever. Like the rest of the boys could be forbidden by management to interfere or some shit incase he goes on another bender.
Also clearly Cover is putting lots of stock into Vanguard right now. Vesper is just an after-thought. He'll probably announce graduation in a few months, after his mandatory 6-month/birthday merch stuff is fulfilled. Sana did the same shit.

>> No.42888102
File: 38 KB, 601x507, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean most people are delusional?
