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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42770708 No.42770708 [Reply] [Original]

>Alright I'll give you some crumbs.
>Only 2 are JPs. And one of them is unexpected.
> Every branch is going to be hit with sadness this year.
>ID is maybe the least affected (in my opinion at least) while Holostars are pretty much fucked (lol)
>There hasn't been any inside drama about leakers though so I doubt they care
>Also I'll give you some more info which I guess could count as proof? At the very least you'll be convinced when they happen or don't.
>1. Currently no EN will be streaming Hogwarts Legacy. This was a decision from the management after a couple members convinced them that it's a bad idea. The decision might be reversed but not for a while at least (drama needs to settle down first)
>2. March will have 2 very BIG and exciting announcements :DDD
WHAT THE FUCK DID HE MEAN BY THIS? Something is definitely going to happen in April. Kiara hinted it, Miko hinted it, Astel hinted it, Axel hinted it. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING TO HAPPEN? WHO ARE THE 4 GRADUATIONS?

>> No.42770759

Lap, Shion, Ayame, Gura

>> No.42770865

Gura, Roberu, Anya, and Ayame

>> No.42770895

>They're not included in the graduations since I was talking about Hololive. Also I'm not closely involved with them so I don't have any info on who specifically is graduating. All I do know is that their branch is basically gonna collapse this year.
This is the definition of a larper.

>> No.42770905

All four of these are expected though

>> No.42770938
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I'm scared bros...

>> No.42770953

Reminder this is some Nijisister trying to deflect from all the Nijiyabs that has been coming one after the other and trying to ruin Holofes by giving ''insider info''
Keep crying and Reimu got NTR'd LMAO

>> No.42770989

t. chumkek

>> No.42770998

>Astel hinted it
Astel said it wasn't graduations

>> No.42771161
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They're discussing the issue about Hogwarts Academy. There's currently a rift between tranny lovers and tranny haters in EN, and they need upper management from JP to intervene. Pray that the tranny lovers don't win.

>> No.42771162 [DELETED] 

Why? Because some schizo larps as a fucking Hololive insider to get attention away from NijiEN shitshow?

>> No.42771301

Why? Because some schizo is larping as a Hololive insider to get attention away from NijiEN shitshow?

>> No.42771481

>OP still trying to push the rrat he made up
Nobody's buying it, fag

>> No.42771617

He isn't Hololive JP, of course there's no graduations for Holostars JP. Miko mentioned she had an important meeting with the rest of Hololive and that she couldn't say anything yet.

>> No.42771663

Explain Miko's mandatory all hands meeting with Hololive JP then.

>> No.42771680

How would an insider know about graduations in other branches unless they are at Yagoo's level in corporate?

Would a high level Japanese exec even know enough English to post here?

>> No.42771681

>Super important
You nigga never got tired of this?

>> No.42771744


>> No.42771790

HoloEN staffers? Some post here. They're even in the official company Discords so ofc they know what's going on.

>> No.42771794

Why would all of Hololive be in meetings if the reasoning was graduations?

That wasn't the case during Sana, Coco, or Rushia's graduation preludes. Everyone kept streaming as normal during that time, excluding ofc the members who left.

>> No.42771825

Company have mandatory meeting all the time. Have you consider if it because they have a big company-wide project in the work?

>> No.42771843

Should also add
>Roboco, Haachama, and Matsuri all had to delay their streams last afternoon

>> No.42771857

Kill yourself.

>> No.42771904

Explain the 3 delayed streams from 15-18 JST

>> No.42771910

The only believable part of this is that EN members told management that streaming Hogwarts Legacy was a bad idea. But, then, that would beg the question of why exactly was Bae allowed to do her spell learning stream?

>> No.42771933

They say they have meetings all the fucking time and by my estimation 80% never lead into anything that we will see or it's sponsor/merch shit no one cares about.
Don't worry too much about it, it can be for many many reasons.

>> No.42771957

Holofes stuff prob.

>> No.42771974

it's actually aqua, not gura

>> No.42771997

They forgot she existed

>> No.42772013

HoloEN staffers will know information pertaining to their own branch. However this larp falls apart because JP side is not going to freely share graduation information that is 3 months out with a side branch.

>> No.42772060

If Pekora don’t care and don’t mention it then it’s not THAT important or is bad news at all. I speak from experience

>> No.42772064

Got it, 4 niji graduations coming up.
Thanks Watamage.

>> No.42772102

Lap and shion makes sense because they are on some weird hiatus right now.

>> No.42772133

Watame, Mio, Fubuki, Botan

>> No.42772228


>> No.42772236

>Dad will disown his tranny faggot son
I will bend the knee to Mori if this happens.

>> No.42772246

with nijien getting yab every hour and holofest coming up soon. they want to remind everyone that opsec matter and don't be and idiot.

>> No.42772308

If this is alluding to what is making the girls delay their streams, then yeah. They look like they're just overworked rn. Lots of deadlines.

>> No.42772346

Holofes preparation?
