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42750591 No.42750591 [Reply] [Original]

stop making fun of him,
if you dare, 1 vs 1 with him
but I warn you, he has a black belt in martial arts

>> No.42750754

>stop making fun of him
I wish, he is just boring

>> No.42750806


>> No.42750813

He is a black belt in tae Kwan Do, thats the type of shit parents make their kids do because they want them to get into sports but are too out of shape to join any school sports teams.

>> No.42750858

You don't bring black belt to a gun fight.

>> No.42750898

don't tell me you people actually believe the omega rrat.

>> No.42750961

Going over the stuff he's said as blue man/PL, I'd put money on him raping an anon that tried to fight him, than on him being pro-twitter

Still only allowed to live because kobo abuses him though.

>> No.42752062

It's too late to save face Onegatroon. Kill yourself

>> No.42752114

his senpai is playing the game, grow the fuck up faggot.

>> No.42752189

Not that you have one

>> No.42752397

Post it, the "fight me" clip
God he's such a fag

>> No.42752812

Fight me 1vs1 bro was possibly the most embarrassing thing I have heard a chuuba say to a troll. No surprise he is cringe enough to think not playing harry potter is some kind of important act in defense of trannies. I don't even give that much of a shit about potter but I think it would be fun to see the girls sorted into houses at least.

We shouldn't be having any talents making public statements about the "controversy" around this game but now that this this faggot has gone and done it I want my pound of flesh and by that I mean a single EN talent to actually have the balls to stream it.

>> No.42752889

Fuck Blueboy! He should "1v1" himself, the losing one has to cut off his dick and become a tranny.

>> No.42753745


>> No.42754275


>> No.42754760

And i have a baseball bat

>> No.42756141

I will give you my honest thoughts and critique.
Regis, is ok if you wanna support the cause, but DO IT under your own rl identity. Bringing any kind of political spectrum to Hololive, especially gender identity, is going to attract the twitter crowd that will only care about fulfilling their vision of how things should be. Given that you said "gotta support the cause", you have literally, in their eyes, become their ally in hololive. Doesn´t matter if you added that you disapprove of any harassment, they won´t care. Most of the times the people doing the harassment, are not, mentally stable people desu.
Hell, you will see soon when one of your genmates does something the alphabet twitter crowd won´t like, and then they will go to you, their ally, to make you do something about this.

>> No.42756294


>> No.42756338

His recent vr boxing stream said otherwise. I'll take him 1 v 1

>> No.42756406

> Black belt
> scared to be hated
> "support the cause"
Ye i'm pretty sure he have a black belt in punchingball and that about it.

>> No.42756467

>he has a black belt in martial arts
And I have a gun, so what?

>> No.42756541

Omega/Loserbait/Altaire is sickly and frail. I can take him

>> No.42756574

he/it is guilty until proven innocent

>> No.42756587

Man the NijiDeflection is infinite.

>> No.42756801

Nice flaseflag, Altare.

>> No.42756808

not fully but part's of it are real

>> No.42756886

he is like a teenager trying to act tough on the internet but irl he gets btfo

>> No.42757003
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Blackbelt in sucking dick. He knows the secret cumbending technique taught from only the wisest waterbenders.

>> No.42757113
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I have the nuclear launch codes

>> No.42757172

Oh, I'd slide a knife between his ribs if I had the chance to

>> No.42757216

Well... Ame likes him...

>> No.42757272

I've seen his build and arms, I don't care what meme martial art he knows. He's a weak faggot.

>> No.42757284

Women are easy. Just be a gullible faggot.

>> No.42757348

just before IRyS debuted, she did a test stream that was accidentally set to public. In the chat, staff were posting including AO-chan and a staff member named Jyumi T.
>When people looked up Jyumi's youtube channel, their subs were all public and they were subbed to a bunch of channels about transitioning and resources for trans people including a small, local resource center for trans activism in Singapore.
>They also subscribe to channels such as this:
>AO-Chan was in IRyS' chat leaked test-stream which suggests a far more important role in management than just being Ina's personal bitchnigga / Omegatroon is literally listed as a producer for IRyS
>leaked minecraft logs had a person named "holoEN" pushing FFXIV and suggesting the idea of "joining in", but for that they "may need AO-chans design first"
>holoEN person turns out to be Enma, who's clearly working UNDER AO-chan/Omega
>Kiara has confirmed that management tried really persistently to push FFXIV on them as a continuos Myth collab/campaign (to the point that she bought the game multiple times because they tried to push it multiple times)
>Exact same robotic, passive-aggressive ESL typing style
>Omega appears after AO disappeared, yet Omega is confirmed to have been there since the start
Fast forward
Is Altare Omega?
>Takes all the credit for "making Niji collabs possible" since she was fighting for a Pomu collab for years.
>Altare asks for niji the collabs and they "suddenly" are instantly possible
>some faggot tranny in management that probably suspended Vesper. We know that Altare and Vesper probably had a fight(from Axels membership stream).
>We don't know for sure but it would be 100% in char if Vesper did not want to collab with Altare anymore.
>Altare being a pityful little shit does 7 member collabs to make Vesper look bad or like a loner. Altare never answers why Vesper isn't here, it's usually only Magni that does it, who's actually more of a Leader than Altare will ever be. We know that Altare invited himself to Magni in an offcollab shortly after he and vesper had a fight, probably because Magni is the only one who actively is on Vespers side.
>He slips that he's responsible for collab ban time in the Holotempus by saying "I'll give them a week before collab ban is over" on stream

>Altare claims he won't play Hogwarts Legacy to "SUPPORT THE CAUSE"
>Bae mentions wanting to play it once in a zatsudan, but goes dead silent after that

>OmegaAlpha = OA
>OA = AO... AO-chan
>OmegaAlpha = AO-chan
>AO in japanese = Blue
>Blue Man... Altare
>AO-chan = Altare
>OmegaAlpha = Altare

>> No.42757554

Based rrat peddler

>> No.42757581

whoa we got some real badasses over here. Are you people underage or something? Is this the only board where people act this fucking cringe and it's treated as normal? You're literally like that gorilla warfare copypasta except comletely sincere like the original was and it just makes people who criticize people like Altare look immature and easy to dismiss. Blue fag is bad but you cringelords are way more embarrassing than the people you seethe about.

>> No.42757708

And you sound like a whiny bitch.
Go back to Tumblr, or R3ddit, or whatever other neo-liberal shithole you came from.

>> No.42757764

It's ok to make fun of him. Just don't harass or bully him for his beliefs.

>> No.42757796

Why not? He looks like a bullying material.

>> No.42757811

Who is he? He looks pretty cool. I don't have a black belt but I want to learn more. I would be happy to spar with him.

>> No.42757902

The type of shit your out of shape ass can't do because you're a pussy that can handle biz without his gun

>> No.42757909

Because Ame probably supports the cause too, she doesn't have one inch of femininity in her

>> No.42758057
File: 76 KB, 851x851, 1675606129970132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punch, kick and karate chop all you want. The only way this bullet misses is if my aim is shit.

>> No.42758089

Having a black belt in taekwando means you completed 2 years of training. It doesn't actually mean shit.

>> No.42758133

He has DEX, I have STR, who would win?

>> No.42758178

dex is a meme, bigger guys do not get slower

>> No.42758267

this. i'd argue that hololive is like one of those anime universes people go to for escapism kind of thing, we just want to see funny anime characters do funny anime shit dont go bring real world's bullshit into that whole thing ffs.... i wanna hear none of that support whatever political bs you like whatever you want but can you just do all that stuff with your irl persona please

>> No.42758374

Which it is, you ain't no marksman.

>> No.42758490

I wanna seem him 1v1 a bullet to the skull.

>> No.42758506

He's corrupting EN with woke agendas and is making his move onto ID with my sweet little Kobo being his way in.

>> No.42758612

And you're no spiderman. I doubt you're a difficult target to hit.

>> No.42758672
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>> No.42759593

Of course I'm not Spiderman, I'm SU-PAI-DA-MAN!

>> No.42760995

>"Are you winning leech?"

>> No.42761268

So he's only part Omega?

>> No.42761437

>he has a black belt in martial arts


>> No.42761508

Nigger have you ever been in actual danger? If some coked up nigger tries to rob me I'm not about to have a fair fight, the gun comes out 100%

>> No.42761536

but isn't ID a majority muslim country?

>> No.42761649

The ID talents will have their faith in allah chipped away by blue man. Kobo has fallen for him and succumbed to the trans rights.

>> No.42762034
File: 312 KB, 498x498, moricalliope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm so proud of him"
