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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.42746147
File: 1.02 MB, 1300x1300, IRySo Comfy 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah...

>> No.42746174
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>> No.42746177
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penetration cum blast

>> No.42746206
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my wife

>> No.42746209
File: 13 KB, 302x119, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one random heart today for someone other than timestamp man

>> No.42746219
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>> No.42746226
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I love IRyS!

>> No.42746250
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>6hours streaming and no shower in the morning

>> No.42746329

>wake up
>there's another 7 hour long archive waiting for me
Yes, honey...

>> No.42746339
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>> No.42746359


>> No.42746365
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I love IRyS, she's a cute dork

>> No.42746378

>Why were you sleeping?

>> No.42746408

Uh, so I wouldn't die from exhaustion, I guess?

>> No.42746441

Commendable but you've still got a 7 hour archive to sieve through. It doesn't matter when you do it.

>> No.42746499
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>> No.42746587

Yeah, but I still have a full time job, a second and third gacha jobs, and then there's HoloCure update just came out. And I have to do some preparations for my bday tomorrow. The long archives just keep piling up. Thankfully the girls are busy with the offline stuff for the time being, so hopefully IRyS won't be streaming too too much in the upcoming days.

>> No.42746619

>so hopefully IRyS won't be streaming too too much in the upcoming days.
That's a bit of a selfish mentality. The archive will always wait for you.

>> No.42746763

Speaking of sleeping (or not sleeping)...What kind of daki should I buy? And where from (needs to be able to ship to the US, since I can imagine shipping costs being high)?
I just want it to sleep with, so I think I'd like one that is more firm (as opposed to a cheapo one that I assume would just flatten out and not offer any support).
Obviously I'd be using it with IRyS's cover. I bought two so I could keep one mint condition and actually use the other.

>> No.42746880

I understand that feeling, but my response is always more of the "Oh you!" dog meme, with the guy making the face at the dog. "Oh boy, here she goes again talking about keyboards/anime/streaming for 6 hours! Haha, what a goofball!" And then I die because, between work and watching IRyS streams, I have no time to sleep.

>> No.42746925

https://www.amazon.com/Full-Pillow-Vacuum-Package-160x50cm/dp/B01C6OX8OC something like this

>> No.42746934

What a chonker

>> No.42746961
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>> No.42746982

her face rigging actually makes her look worried here without toggling pouty face

>> No.42747040

How do you know if it's any good? I need to buy one too. It needs to be able to ship to the UK and apparently that amazon.com link does (and unlike my merch which I won't get till Monday thanks to the fuckers at customs, Amazon reckons there's no VAT),

Should I just be an idiot and get the one that says it's "Made in Japan"?

>> No.42747080

>flaps around jets on Isaac's costume don't move when he changes direction in zero-G
>the little hydra necromorphs that grab onto Isaac have NO fucking squirming attack animations, they just sit on his back doing nothing
Fuck demake, and fuck Japan for region blocking the original game.

>> No.42747086

The one I linked is just the one I saw recommendations for when body pillows got brought up one time, you can check the reviews and see plenty of people are using it for anime shit just fine. I don't think there's any need to get one specifically made in Japan, but it probably can't hurt

>> No.42747230

Did she say when she’ll stream next?

>> No.42747240

Not directly but indirectly before Pokemon perms run out

>> No.42747264

I am kinda surprised she did one. She almost never show any appreciation recently

>> No.42747272

When is their baby coming out?

>> No.42747303

I told you. This place is full of people that dont watch streams and do not have her as a priority.

>> No.42747308

Is this a Dead Space reference to all of the babies she's been killing?

>> No.42747342

No. I mean the BaeRyS project that's been in the work for 9 months.

>> No.42747352

>One person
>full of them
You're really wearing that schizo badge of yours with pride today, huh?

>> No.42747366


>> No.42747397

It is supposed to be a valentine's karaoke... so good idea. And mori will be there too.

>> No.42747423

Holocure tomorrow, first 2023 members soonish

>> No.42747452

The karaoke itself can't be the project that took 9 whole months, can it?

>> No.42747465

a cover

>> No.42747486


>> No.42747493

No, there are coverS coming out AFTER the baby projects. So it's supposed to be something else.

>> No.42747503

It is a cover. They will use the karaoke to promote it.
And sacrifice a valentine's stream. Being around en was the worst possible outcome for her.
They really made her change the way she does her thing.

>> No.42747511

Sounds a terrible idea.
I maintain that I'm not spending Valentines day with Bae.

>> No.42747583

Last year "I am so happy to have you guys" she totally embraced her vtuber career with pride and happiness.
Than she gets closer to en girls. Constant debates over idol culture being cancer.
She no longer plays around with chat and no longer cares about valentine's. Next stop is the whole "we are not friends or improve yourselves".

>> No.42747586

I still have faith she will do a solo valentines stream.

>> No.42747602
File: 573 KB, 782x870, 1675175331790907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have a cheeb so my dog has someone to play with

>> No.42747610
File: 703 KB, 620x648, 1643060466412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can baelz drop dead already? I'm more tired of her than mori at this point.

>> No.42747612
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>> No.42747619

I don't think you should allow this creature around pets

>> No.42747623

Your dog is child friendly, right?

>> No.42747638

She is the pet.
I want to put a leash and collar on Cheebs and make her sing and dance among other things.

>> No.42747690
File: 294 KB, 720x441, 3ee36f69-2195-4a21-aeda-bbc6cebc1c3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is.

>> No.42747721

>Next stop is the whole "we are not friends or improve yourselves".
IRyS isn't a bitch. If she believed self improvement makes a fucking difference she'd have already have said something by now.

>> No.42747755
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>> No.42747799

We legit had the En version of korone. Hard working, creative, is not afraid to play around with her community.
The en girls turned her on The total opposite. It is not just bae. And we finally got 2.0. I am legit disappointed.

>> No.42747808
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>> No.42747839
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Cheeb seems pretty good at getting along with other pets

>> No.42747847

Her change started recently though. Even her topics are becoming different from before.
It is very clear the girls in japan have changed her behavior towards vtubing.

>> No.42747887


>> No.42747899

Baelz and mori mainly, gura would be a better influence but there's little to no chemistry between them to maintain a 2h stream.

>> No.42747920

Their Rust streams were good, it's not a chemistry issue. She doesn't bother with any ENs that aren't named Baelz or Mori.

>> No.42747942

Only 19 more days for the rat being there, after that we can hope we get some semblance of normalcy again. I knew the moment the rat said she'd be extending her stay till the end of February they would pull something like this on Valentines.

>> No.42747973

you fuckers are funny. it's like watching animals in the zoo

>> No.42747989

Kill yourself baelz.

>> No.42747998

Are the Brazilians here multiplying?

>> No.42748022

I hope not

>> No.42748071

t. newfag deflecting to a new boogeyman

>> No.42748079
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>> No.42748087

yeah don't stop. keep chimping out. entertain me

>> No.42748126

When did this brazilian thing start? I haven't spent as much time as i used to itt so i am out of the loop in regard to this new group being brought up.

>> No.42748197

Few months ago after a pokemon stream where IRyS' rigger appeared on her friends list some brazilian with an ntr fetish appeared schizo'ing out about how IRyS is fucking him or something and how she doesn't take a shit anymore, says she views us as nothing but cashiers.

>> No.42748220

world cup threads in /sp/

>> No.42748304

caught brown-handed on /sp/ just like piggyschizo on /lgbt/

>> No.42748311

I was here and barely saw any shitposting aside the usual cuckbait. Did he schizo out in her twitter replies and youtube comments or something?

>> No.42748347

Nah, he's mostly been shitting it up here when his favela has power and he happens to be unbanned.

>> No.42748384
File: 257 KB, 463x453, 1642353357480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, i missed that then. I get it now.
Still i don't see how hating on baelz, mori and their influence on IRyS is related to his cuckbaiting.

>> No.42748489

It does seem like brrats and cuckbeats are using it as a deflection to conflate unicornRyStocrats with schizos.
The "brazilian monkey" is the new SEA monkey from months ago.

>> No.42748548

schizodamus thinks he's a prophet for predicting that bae and irys will off-collab because bae is in japan

>> No.42748969

She is going to finish Dead space,RE7,Pokemon and FAFNER next week

>> No.42749151

Okay, the new Stamp system and being able to aim her attack is making her strong in Holocure

>> No.42749304

Her new default outfit turned out super cute

>> No.42749401

I can't even run Holocure anymore, it lags out after 5 minutes, despite being something that looks like it was made in the 90s

>> No.42749442

I was out today, is the VOD worth watching?

>> No.42749445
File: 759 KB, 2895x4096, 1675423521130655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like IRyS' name because you can affix '-ex' at the end of it to make 'IRySex', and I think that's cool
and sex

>> No.42749465

it was ok

>> No.42749583


>> No.42749707

Remember when /vt/ hated Irys and said she was destroying hololive?
What happened?

>> No.42749730

>Remember when /vt/ hated Irys and said she was destroying hololive?

>> No.42750348

Others got shittier causing an influx of refugees

>> No.42750973

Kek you just made me remember /lgbt/ thing. Christ, good times. Our third worlders really are enigmas

>> No.42751152

I'm enjoying IRyS's coin farming build w/ the Gold Skull stamp and weapon limit perk. Coins pretty much drop every seconds or so.

>> No.42751680

It's been getting difficult to give Cheeb correction...
When I spank her for being a lazy and disrespectful brat she has started to moan and beg for more, rather than cry and beg for mercy.
It's become a real issue and I don't know what to do.

>> No.42752045
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>> No.42752498
File: 1.31 MB, 1800x1300, 1674792561506482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop saying unseiso stuff about cheebs she's just a baby

>> No.42753212
File: 38 KB, 474x370, eaca844f6c6019c4df5c72a30463860a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what she wants you to think.

>> No.42753429

clearly you should stop dancing around the issue and start raping cheebs

>> No.42754136
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>> No.42754673
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>> No.42754935
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say aahhh

>> No.42755939
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>> No.42756460

*shoves pipe bomb into Gyates mouth*
Heh, serves you right

>> No.42756531

IRySoSEX. What's with her voice? It's pure sex

>> No.42756743

She's dumb

>> No.42756866
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>> No.42758676

airisu sleeping

>> No.42760851
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>> No.42763230
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>> No.42765828 [SPOILER] 
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>my 3rd page 10 bump
that's it I am posting TimeRys jkjk

>> No.42766463

She said she would stream today. Did something happen?

>> No.42767118

She'll either put a frame up later or not at all

>> No.42767249
File: 111 KB, 1080x607, OhFuckIts2Am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can sleep now

>> No.42767468
File: 2.69 MB, 490x490, GIF-7271772879376977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42768332

FrameRyS soon

>> No.42768719
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>> No.42769485

She did not touch twitter. She is not home.

>> No.42769827

She can schedule them

>> No.42770202

That is the laziness we are talking about. She does not use twitter when she is far from her holo iPhone

>> No.42770239

quite a lot of comments on the vod about her awful sleeping, hope she'll take some of it to heart (she won't)

>> No.42771348

How does IRyS say so many weirdly suggestive things about sexually charged topics while being so innocent about it?

>> No.42771784


>> No.42771805

>another tweet 5 hours before the stream

>> No.42771855


>> No.42771970

And people will be: please dont stream for too long. Protect your health.
Streaming was never a problem.

>> No.42772022

Do you really believe she reads them ?

>> No.42772043

I’m assuming she is taking big naps after streams and then doing studio work cause I’m scared at the rate things are going bros

>> No.42772078

considering she hearted two comments on the vod, yes she clearly read some of them

>> No.42772094

She doesn't stream on days she records

>> No.42772136
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>> No.42772313

ok thanks

>> No.42772393

>ridiculously long nap
or it's just her new circadian rhythm or whatever

>> No.42772422

I feel like it'd make more sense to stream at her usual time so she can get more sleep, instead of streaming 2 hours earlier with barley any sleep only to take a nap afterward anyway

>> No.42772618

I sure hope she doesn't think that a nap is a proper replacement for lack of sleep as well.

>> No.42773162

Do you believe studio work happens at midnight ? You guys are clueless.

>> No.42773309

I really dont get it. The 9 and 10 am streams make no sense.
Specially if your job allows you to adjust everything to feel comfortable about it.

>> No.42773429

Especially when she streamed at 12-1 JST literally for fucking ever. I understand streaming earlier if you have shit to do in the afternoon, but if she just took a nap after the stream why fucking wake up early

>> No.42773477

Her lack of sleep is her own fault though. She chooses to sleep late and to stream earlier for no good reason.
Her numbers are going down. She almost never streams. And still decides to stream without any rest.

>> No.42773535

Here we go again

>> No.42773543

That is exactly why you guys called me schizo. It does not make any sense at all. It must be for something she is hiding that happens during the night.

>> No.42773596

Yeah I know it's her own fault, my comment is just that she seems to think taking supplements and taking a nap will make up for sleep deprivation, which they don't. And it's baffling that she could just do neither of those things, and instead get a normal amount of sleep, yet chooses not to.

>> No.42773655
File: 584 KB, 635x548, 1672866976755805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anons are so bored that they look for something to be upset about, don't mind them

>> No.42773662

I don’t have to explain anything but if I did you would choose to parrot something else

>> No.42773799

It is easier for her, because she can blame "working too much" later and get another huge break.
Meanwhile we have a bunch of holos working really hard like watame, korone, kaela that do not use the same excuse.

>> No.42773846

I will never not be upset at her sabotaging her own health for no good fucking reason.

>> No.42773854

You could explain Irys. Much better than making people worry.

>> No.42773907

>she will never stream!
She streams
>she should stop streaming so I can go back to the first point!
Ad infinitum

>> No.42773947

I wasn't talking about you (probably) concernfagging is alright i do it too sometimes, i was refering to the retards going 'she must be hiding something!'

>> No.42774040

Oh fair enough, carry on then. I pay no attention to that guy, I just want IRyS to be happy and healthy

>> No.42774051

Let's say her mother is still in jp. She is forcing her to wake up earlier to work (even though she was not streaming for a long time).
It does not change the fact that she still has to finish a bunch of stuff later. It would be much better to stream later or to go to sleep earlier. Blaming streaming is not the solution at all. It never did her any harm.

>> No.42774181
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Based anon, she will be happy and healthy just trust her

>> No.42774304

It has to be though. Why would she change so much for no good reason?
The new slot brings worst viewership, she cant sleep, she cant keep up with a schedule.
And she is doing it since she came back from vacation.

>> No.42774379 [SPOILER] 
File: 613 KB, 1200x1200, 087CE397-638C-4B8A-948F-D968CE7EBBA1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, deez nuts

>> No.42774450
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>> No.42774494

I kinda wish she'd just take it a bit easier until after her birthday and fes, but either way I imagine things will go more back to normal around then

>> No.42774546
File: 295 KB, 362x463, 1661285296811789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon she's really bussy with me, but i'll tell her to change the time back don't worry, we have all the say to go on a date

>> No.42774624

>she's really bussy with me
welp found the anon that likes getting pegged

>> No.42774668
File: 541 KB, 524x621, 1672633030617173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if it's with her...

>> No.42775238
File: 284 KB, 600x504, 1654383981561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to summon the fat hog poster

>> No.42775491
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>> No.42775732

she could do whatever she wants to my body and leave hickey or claw marks all over me but i draw the line at getting pegged

>> No.42775950
File: 2.55 MB, 3024x4032, Fon-GB9aYAAfuE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS meatballs

>> No.42776007
File: 285 KB, 480x458, MelonRyS with full halo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HiRyS! It's MelonRyS!

>> No.42777056
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>> No.42777097
File: 32 KB, 627x587, Crewd Cheeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some?

>> No.42777745


>> No.42777871
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>> No.42778015

IRyS is good for grinding coins in the new update. Don't even need halu. Got 30k in my first try of stage 3.

>> No.42778269

Honestly the hardest part about playing her now is just dodging bad upgrades. She's great

>> No.42778539

Man I can't wait to see her reaction to her 2.0, the fact her character can aim now, and that Hope Soda has been added to the game. I also hope fags in chat don't spoil shit for her

>> No.42778871

That and dodging furniture. I can definitely see BlindRyS getting stuck on the furniture in stage 3.

>> No.42778942

Chat will always go out of their way to spoil. They did it with the "Make us whole" by just fucking spamming it hours before it even happens

>> No.42779718

That's on her for being so open to spoilers man, can't expect these nerds to have any decency.

>> No.42780251

That's a good thing. I took a long nap today too. When she streams regularly my sleep has consistency. I only feel shit when something else throws that off.

>> No.42780395
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>> No.42780553

chat behaves like that regardless of tolerance, just look at any stream of a game with something similar like Bioshock with "would you kindly"

>> No.42780778

It's not the whole Chat just a selection of shit people. I'd never spoil anything for anyone unless it's in a situation where that's appropriate.
She obviously doesn't mind though otherwise she'd say something.

>> No.42780783

So why is IRyS playing Holocure at the exact same time that Bae is playing Holocure? This is going to hurt her viewership. She also needs to stop fucking streaming at 8pm EST. I don't know why she started doing this but she needs to go back to her usual 10/11pm EST time slot.

>> No.42780790

i hope her 3D has a fat ass like the ID painting girl

>> No.42780908

Bae had her stream scheduled first so this is on IRyS. I legit think IRyS has sociopathic tendencies. The fact that she doesn't care about overlapping Bae with the exact same stream when Bae had hers scheduled first shows that she has anti-social tendencies.

>> No.42780921

I don't think she's streamed often at 11pm EST.
9-10pm she's done so pretty regularly but it's only a few hours difference. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.42780968

I hope CouncilRyS doesn't have to wait too much for their 3D debut stream, i want to see her nails more closely

>> No.42780974

She doesn't give a shit about overlapping anyone unless it's something "important" like a new outfit reveal.
Personally I hate that double standard. I don't care if anyone else that is not named IRyS is streaming.

>> No.42780982

The numberfagging is one of his angles isn't it.
I think I've seen this exact post in global before

>> No.42780993

It matters a lot. Her viewership numbers are significantly better when she starts later.

>> No.42781022



I don't care about the numbers. I'll be there. It's not my fault if others can't make it.

>> No.42781051

yes, he posts it on global and /#/ more often

>> No.42781110

It's called doing managements job. Where is management to tell them that this is fucking retarded. Bae could start at 8pm and IRyS could start at 10pm. Both of them would get much better viewership performance that way. Do their managers do anything?

>> No.42781116

>sociopathic tendencies
I need a crazy nephilim gf rn!!!

>> No.42781210

Viewership doesn't matter unless it's consistently so poor that they might as well pack it up.
It's better for IRyS to stream at a time that's comfortable for her.

>> No.42781251
File: 334 KB, 413x490, yesrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sociopathic on my dick

>> No.42781282

>comfortable for her
>She sounds dead at the beginning of the stream everytime she streams this early
>Didn't even wake up in time to stream yesterday
>comfortable for her
Yeah, she needs to go back to 10/11pm EST. I hope management isn't forcing her to stream during this time slot.

>> No.42781350

>She sounds dead at the beginning of the stream everytime she streams this early
It's called "Just waking up". It's fine.

>> No.42781354
File: 160 KB, 391x477, 1377237183131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah

>> No.42781398

>crazy nephilim gf
they say don't stick your dick in crazy but... i'm willing to make an exception

>> No.42781476

Which wouldn't be a problem if she streamed 2 hours later like she did for basically her entire year and a half up until the new redesign. This 8pm EST thing is relatively new and it fucking sucks. She sounds low energy and her viewership takes a noticeable hit.

>> No.42781551
File: 83 KB, 900x900, 11372737274174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noticeable hit.
I don't notice it because I watch the stream instead of the viewcount from Holodex like a faggot

>> No.42781579

It's not problem to sound like that when you first wake up in the morning. it's fine. it'll pass.

>> No.42781653

who fucking cares about the viewership??? she has a loyal fan base and those who care will always watch (vod watching is acceptable) no matter what

>> No.42781674

Management forcing her to stream would be the only good explanation for this.
Her numbers are very low. She barely streams and the work ethic is gone (no schedule).
She was doing much better before november.

>> No.42781722

The cuck fetishist faggot that's more interested in other people watching than himself seems to care.
I hope he can get some help.

>> No.42781725

Glad Fauna shit on those people, and the "clippers get ready!" Fags

>> No.42781769
File: 93 KB, 611x488, 29811E4D-3444-4D10-BB64-5BFCA9D43F94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man stfu ur trying way too hard and blew your cover instantly dumbass

>> No.42781977

Honestly, I am starting to believe management is adopting a competition style. They are forcing them to stream at the same time now.
Because they are competing, they will work harder... and it is totally not working.

>> No.42782184

It doesn't matter what they do. I'm watching IRyS regardless of who else is streaming.

>> No.42783030

>Her viewership keeps sinking due to stupid scheduling
>Her superchats drop because nobody is watching
>She is mocked and ridiculed as the least watched HoloEN member much like Sana was
>All because of her stupid scheduling

>> No.42783172

Correct! Dumbass. Why would I care what they say when they're likely not even watching her themselves?

>> No.42783292

You realize Hololive isn't a charity right? It's very much performance based and she is hurting her own performance because her scheduling is so retarded.

>> No.42783379

Oh, noes! Hololive might go bankrupt and IRyS will be forced to be an indie again. Whatever will I do?
>Not my problem

>> No.42783696

rrats says holopro is going to dissolve project: hope

>> No.42783899

Then she'd just become a regular holo like AZKi and be able to do covers whenever like she wants to

>> No.42783945

IRyS i know you don't open the thread at this hour but please use glasses today

>> No.42783990

They're not comfy

>> No.42784035

Can she access the app that lets her pin stuff on her model now?

>> No.42784075

oh yeah i forgot it's dead right now, Fauna couldn't wear her bald hat yesterday

>> No.42784122

Please do it already.

>> No.42784186

Schedule? Are you sure it is about irys? She does not have one for so long.

>> No.42784254

>samefag detected

>> No.42784257

That's probably the plan, Vsinger cost more than a regular Vtuber. By now, normally IRyS would do all sorts of recording, but we only knew the holofes, baerys valentine and mori. No notable mentions for Project:Hope recordings. So I had to give the rrat a benefit of the doubt.

>> No.42784269

But she is doing stuff for the others all the time. She will valentine's with bae. She stops her streams for mori.
It feels like she gave up after 2.0 or found better stuff to do.

>> No.42784427

She recorded stuff for project hope during the throat hurt arc number 5. She even tweeted she was going to die.

>> No.42784767

I won't be watching any of that stuff so her stopping didn't really accomplish anything. Maybe I'll catch the VOD at 2x speed. In Mori's case I didn't watch and aren't going to.

>> No.42784796
File: 20 KB, 259x259, woahrys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting from the future to tell you that she did do a solo valentines stream and it was amazing

>> No.42784846

The thing is she never pointed out that she was recording for project:hope. she just quoted it as a "homework".

Aside from the rrat there was an alleged leak.. didn't put much thought into it, but intrusive thoughts won over me. 4 members of hololive would be G announcements should be early march. Some are expected and some are unexpected.

>> No.42784884

Now you've altered the timeline dummy

>> No.42784892

I really hope you're fucking right. I won't be watching Bae.

>> No.42784922

She said at the end of the stream she will leave something recorded. At least she implied it.
Which sucks even more. For someone that hates yuri bait, she does a lot of it with bae.
I bet they are going to hunt after the collab is done.

>> No.42784973

I really hope you're fucking right. Solo stream on top of BaeRyS and possibly Mori's thing, it'll be a good day.

>> No.42784980

don't tell IRyS but i'd watch cheebs instead

>> No.42785002

If you check 4th fest it is project hope and council. They are stronger than ever.

>> No.42785037

how could someone be so obsessed with cuck fetish anyway?

>> No.42785065

mental illness does that to people

>> No.42785071
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>> No.42785259

thank you, I trust you anon because I am already delusional enough (also if you are from the future who wins the superb owl?)

>> No.42785438

>who wins the superb owl

>> No.42785708
File: 214 KB, 2048x1280, 0F82DF9A-8654-41D6-8471-EBF8374D7C5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see I will bet my entire life savings on the bird, ty anon

>> No.42785880
File: 207 KB, 394x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42785941

"Streams we might be on" this could be about a pre recorded stream.

>> No.42786020

It is a funny case where irys would do anything with her friends, but nobody likes them. We just want irys.

>> No.42786033
File: 5 KB, 220x254, AAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fast forward to the day
>We get a pre-recorded stream to soften the blow of the shitshow of collabs throughout the day
>Its a pre-recorded collab

>> No.42786137

Hahahah this would be so bad it is actually funny

>> No.42786448

started early

>> No.42786700

Did not sleep probably.

>> No.42786746

yeah sorry we were up all night if you know what I mean

>> No.42786797


>> No.42786851

>repeating her intro
IRyS is developing dementia too

>> No.42786917


>> No.42786944
File: 391 KB, 1200x852, 1670040972881182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to be infected eventually. Is Cheeb okay? Does she have dementia too!?

>> No.42786997

nah she sleeps a lot

>> No.42787107

>Cute background noises

>> No.42787112

Cheebs sleeps 18 hours a day

>> No.42787136

Low energy and scuffed. Why not to stream later ? I miss the good old days

>> No.42787158

Piss off if you don't like it

>> No.42787186


>> No.42787338

>halloween night

>> No.42787402

>IRyS has suipiss

>> No.42787730


>> No.42787740

>can't hear game
>she sees the one retard that says it's loud enough

>> No.42787765

It's true. She wants to feed her breasts to me on a plate!

>> No.42787772

someone should make "chibirys kill the fans" fangame

>> No.42787791

Grandpa, re-attune your ears

>> No.42787842

the game volume is like a 5th her volume you moron

>> No.42787873

I can hear it fine.

>> No.42787907

Should have worn earplugs to those rock concerts grandpa

>> No.42787965

So you admit the game volume is low

>> No.42788015

What kinda fag cares if the game volume is loud in this type of shit?

>> No.42788029

No, I'm asking why you think the level is a problem. Are you deaf?

>> No.42788070

Because it's a 5th her volume. You can't be this retarded

>> No.42788095

Why is that an issue? Do your ears not work?

>> No.42788147
File: 649 KB, 1169x1110, 1669756217419482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a silly argument

>> No.42788178

Clearly I can hear her just fine so clearly my ears work just fine. Retard

>> No.42788182

superspreadeRyS my beloved...

>> No.42788206

It's not even an argument, it's one deaf retard that thinks he's fine.
Grandpa, we have technology that can help you. Ask your clinician about hearing aids.

>> No.42788264
File: 2.87 MB, 2460x2855, 995860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42788377

You really are retardef

>> No.42788428

>I have nothing to say so I will resort to name-calling

>> No.42788448 [DELETED] 

>one deaf
>can hear her at normal volume

>> No.42788463

I just want to hear her voice idgaf about this game desu

>> No.42788513


>> No.42788516

Theres gonna be collab fusions in this eventually right?

>> No.42788535 [DELETED] 

fuck you autocorrect I meant desu not desu wtf

>> No.42788627

>>I have nothing to say
I've clearly made the case. Her volume is at normal listening levels. The game is at a 5th her level therefor it's low. Nothing you say changes this fact.

>> No.42788676

You're the only one that can't hear it fine. You have no case.

>> No.42788863

>there were hundreds of comments in chat to raise the volume versus 1 or 2 that said it was fine
Try again.
>You have no case.
Saying it doesn't make it true. I made my case in my last post. If her volume is at normal level but the game is at a 5th of that then the game is low. Nothing changes this. Present an actual counter argument of forever be labelled a retard.

>> No.42788949

Lol, I knew the furniture would kill her.

>> No.42788950

Somebody called that she'd get stuck on furniture like 2 hours ago, Where are you?

>> No.42788987

Are you stupid?
If the game volume is raised from fifth to +5 so that there is an equilibrium between her voice and game volume the two clash together making it harder to hear.

Right now I can hear her voice perfectly and the game volume.

>> No.42789093

Holy shit both of your vaginas are cute can you faggots off yourselves already

>> No.42789243

Right here.

>> No.42789534


>> No.42789634
File: 8 KB, 120x116, 1656738977630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42789736
File: 3 KB, 249x29, 1674406087701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42789777

Only one of these is a faggot. I'm glad he's stopped. I can focus on listening to my wife now without retards spamming in the chat to increase the volume.

>> No.42789792


>> No.42789795

so this is how to get her attention

>> No.42789796

bob plz chill don’t state the obvious, we all want to

>> No.42789824

stop doxxing me

>> No.42789836

Where is she going?

>> No.42789860

that retard has been super chatting that to every holo after Gura gave him attention

>> No.42789878

I wonder how many times and how many different members he's sent that to at this point.

>> No.42789905

She sounded really put off, is that the attention you want?

>> No.42789933

It's the same one? They sent that to IRyS too.

>> No.42789945

better than none...

>> No.42790049

IRyS is very good at being cute

>> No.42790064
File: 1.20 MB, 1600x2000, 1652408641451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a ouji domination fetish, she likes shoving them in your face and demanding you worship them against your will.
Shes only offput in this instance because they expressed the desire to do it before she mind broke them with her Nephilim toe stench

>> No.42790092

She clearly isn't too put off if she's still reading it out after all the times he's sent it.

>> No.42790346
File: 19 KB, 995x70, 1658243281665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, Gura read it everyone laughed and then he went and superchatted everyone with the same joke, it was in the sonic stream

>> No.42790434

Bros...Kay Yu is making her laugh so hard.

>> No.42790487

Based SC schizo tracking people over different streams from months ago.

>> No.42790536

Bless these cute giggles....

>> No.42790539

no, i just watch streams and don't have dementia

>> No.42790560

she loves it!!

>> No.42790574

If you remember peoples superchats from months ago you've got something worse than dementia

>> No.42790602

long term memory?

>> No.42790614

Really? Do you know who is on the spreadsheet the Kronies always mention?

>> No.42790632

yeah autism

>> No.42790662


>> No.42790741

I think most people remember him because he been to too many chat with same sentences, he been to ID too iirc

>> No.42790772

no, i watch streams i don't know the schizo thread culture of other fanbases

>> No.42790777

this dork

>> No.42790783

the only superchatters I remember are the people who get their names read out constantly

>> No.42790799

Guys it's not necessarily autism. Autism would be if he remembered all the chats people sent from months ago. Clearly he just remembers the ones that get noticed by the Holo. That's not autism, that's just seething jealousy and resentment.

>> No.42790801

I never saw brian support any of the others. He is in chat again. Crazy

>> No.42790913

i'm starting to think the schizo wants to fuck brian

>> No.42790957

stop dick ridding brian schizo

>> No.42790995

He really is spamming to get noticed too.

>> No.42790998

focus on the rgb IRyS instead of your BL shipping

>> No.42791031

He's gay not surprising

>> No.42791053

Other people notice him for him

>> No.42791118

the fact that he read the chat entire stream just to find brian dude is amazing

>> No.42791231

It is very clear they are really close.

>> No.42791284

we get it anon, you want to get rigged in the ass

>> No.42791285

You realize this goes against your cuck narrative, right? If they are close enough to have trans-pacific e-sex, then IRyS could tell to fuck off from public interactions; but she doesn’t do that does she? Presumably because their relationship is purely formal. She has yet to even acknowledge his presence in chat and he doesn’t even like her stuff on twitter. The dude talks to 15 different vtuber girls in a day and meets them in Canada — he takes what he can get from literally anyone. Kill yourself.

>> No.42791393

Dedicated gay

>> No.42791439

just like my 2hus

>> No.42791778

>i can't pull shion
>IRyS can't pull shion

>> No.42791811

Did she pause for a moment to read Ayame's name? Did she forget Ayame existed for a moment? I don't blame her, I did too

>> No.42791839

He is not playing splatoon with any of the others though

>> No.42791909

Ayame might be the holo she never met

>> No.42791949

Ayame hates hafus too

>> No.42791967

IRyS smelling Haachama's stinky feet when?

>> No.42792053

Will this be a 6-hour stream too

>> No.42792172

Ayame despises impure Japanese even more than she hates Koreans.

>> No.42792205


>> No.42792223

no, 7

>> No.42792433

Im a day one member and I still can’t believe they ruined IRyS’s model. They turned her into another generic anime moeblob. The model change has unironically kept me away from enjoying her streams and I doubt I’m the only one disappointed in the change from what I see in the catalog.

>> No.42792476

this is a fresh angle

>> No.42792521


>> No.42792578

>the catalog

>> No.42792580
File: 462 KB, 927x864, 1667717382304701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy please don't forget about my game...

>> No.42792608

I'm sorry you're so shallow you can't enjoy her personality if her model is not to your liking.
I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Fuck off, you won't be missed.

>> No.42792616

fucking based

>> No.42792631

>Haachama is not a cutting board, sadly

>> No.42792636

I don’t know what you’re talking about and Im 100% genuine

>> No.42792642

why does she like blonde loli's so much

>> No.42792646

Holocure is a better game

>> No.42792697

because she's based like that

>> No.42792758

Never, my dearest Cheeb...

>> No.42792761
File: 2.72 MB, 1118x1004, UohhRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff8boc8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42793027

I think Aki should give IRyS provste belly dancing lessons

>> No.42793036

IRyS and aki belly dancing collab when...

>> No.42793076

IRyS and Aki rubbing their bellies together when...

>> No.42793157

IRyS Singing Shallys...

>> No.42793177

Aki has a sexy belly
IRyS on the other hand...

>> No.42793268

IRyS belly dancing stiffly with her skinny-fat proportions and

>> No.42793317 [DELETED] 

No. Brian is waiting for her already

>> No.42793328


>> No.42793348

she'd be all out of breath and panting...

>> No.42793412

And sweaty...

>> No.42793464

I missed the start, is this going to be a short stream or a short stream?

>> No.42793466
File: 166 KB, 1387x912, irystakeshi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwxlq3p.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42793540

Sex with Aki while IRyS plays Splatoon in the other room

>> No.42793590

I'm convinced anyone who keeps bringing this guys name up wants to deepthoat him

>> No.42794166

she didn't say, so a short stream

>> No.42794365


>> No.42794484
File: 421 KB, 649x685, 1652811628564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INCREDIBLE! What is this?

>> No.42794511

Close to me, but I hate driving down there.

>> No.42794584

I'd assume a concert but who knows

>> No.42794640

If you're close to it you're obligated to go.

>> No.42794776

If its a concert thats separate from Holofes that'd be a pleasant surprise if it isn't paywalled desu.
Also explains all of the extra recording going on.
Ganbate! IRyS!

>> No.42794855

Looks like one of those fan meetings

>> No.42794890

IRyS wants all of hololive to be dfc

>> No.42794912

Stay strapped or get capped

>> No.42794918

The low buzzing sounds from this game makes me mad. It sounds like phone vibration.

>> No.42794975


>> No.42795002
File: 9 KB, 153x129, guyrys0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS had her feet resting on my mouth and my saliva was making them fall asleep

>> No.42795018
File: 40 KB, 564x626, 1652229563924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats me buzzing your phone bro, pick up I got a
scandalous secret to tell you

>> No.42795043

Just as God intended.

>> No.42795053

fair, LA traffic is sudoku-inducingly awful

>> No.42795142

>scandalous secret
Yeah, IRyS is my wife, I know that.

>> No.42795191

If it is one I can't imagine it being free.

>> No.42795246
File: 67 KB, 564x626, 16522295639242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Dial tone*

>> No.42795429

Cali traffic fucking sucks in general last time i drove around there

>> No.42795431

It's just the vibrator

>> No.42795498

You're right, whatever it is I must go.

>> No.42795539

>Can only drink strawberry milk
She's a fucking pre-schooler.... uoh erotic

>> No.42795560
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1649934927972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink your milk IRyS

>> No.42795587

She is really picky with food

>> No.42795716

If a lotto is involved at least it's less annoying for you than somebody else travelling miles. Imagine planning a trip to LA, having to fly miles to get there all for an event you may not even be able to see anyway if you have bad luck.

>> No.42795727

>doesnt like milk
>likes eating organs and other disgusting shit
shes just asian

>> No.42795740

Are you sure it is the game ?

>> No.42795762

I think IRyS should drink Ina milk or CowFauna milk instead

>> No.42795863

I think she should drink my milk

>> No.42795918

Her vibrator or dildo then.

>> No.42795981

That thing she heard? The mailman who brought the letter that I sent two years ago which is filled with compliments such as how beautiful her hair is, etc. You guys are getting kek'd

>> No.42796053

Eating organs is more natural than cow milk. You know... cow milk was supposed to be for cows.

>> No.42796091

it's the lovense that's rigged for blush emotes!

>> No.42796190

She does not use them. She does not buy that kind of stuff because she is scared her grandma would see

>> No.42796209

the milk we drink is barely real milk nowadays

>> No.42796261

That's what she wants you to think

>> No.42796273

and organs are supposed to make your body work not be eaten by someone else

>> No.42796629

You can get that from vending machines in Japan, no need to risk grandma seeing a delivery.

>> No.42796675

She is so sleepy and low energy. I would love to understand what is going on with the stream slots. Since last year with this bad decision.

>> No.42796747

she just woke up schizo-kun

>> No.42796748


>> No.42796920

fuck concerts i cant go.. where is EN3 so i can be free from irys...

>> No.42797059

Just go now.
If you really love her EN3 won't free you from her grasp.
