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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42742348 No.42742348 [Reply] [Original]

what with the trend of people sending msg like this. What do they expect for the answer?

>> No.42742433

Post the rest.

>> No.42742550

The solution is psychiatrist vtubers.

>> No.42742647
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It's time. For his debut.

>> No.42742654

People can send me messages like that if they pay me $20

>> No.42742723

Imagine spending so much money to trauma dump just to get told GSH

>> No.42742748


>> No.42742842

>Hope you get better John! Thanks for the supa!
Or get some help from Kaela

>> No.42742855


>> No.42742946

desperation for crumbs of attention, validation and for someone to save them. it is both sad and worthy of pity that people end up like this.

>> No.42743373

Kaela needs to fill the dead air somehow so these types of sc's work in her favor.

>> No.42743447

u gud?

>> No.42743569
File: 68 KB, 610x720, bad advice korone 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42743632

>underweight by some standards outside of health-related ones
Sounds like cope....

>> No.42743696

>Sneedson Niggerchuck
>Hi there Gura, I was feeling an overwhelming suicidal depression today and was on the verge of journeying to my local walmart with an AR-15 and kill hundreds but your streams really brightened my day :) Love you Gooba :)

>> No.42744946

peak parasocialism or peak trolling

>> No.42745033

does he actually help people or just interview twitch streamers for clout

>> No.42745134

He has made videos giving advice on stuff but it's really general shit because it's not personalized therapy

>> No.42746613

>What do they expect for the answer?
Streamers should be ready to deal with that

>> No.42748014
File: 1.89 MB, 1355x1920, 88474545_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean it's normal to trauma bump in chuubas' chat

>> No.42748058

>What do they expect for the answer?


>> No.42748113

Pretty sure that one of his patients who was a huge twitch streamer ended killing himself soon after talking to him. Lmao. Dude is a fraud.

>> No.42748318

At least he used actual currency and not ARS monopoly money. One GWS well earned.

>> No.42748355
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May I introduce you to Rita?

>> No.42748659

I think he bwell-meaning and has the proper credentials but the fundamental nature of his content is horrible and predatory which is something he'd never admit to himself, because it'd lose him a lot of money and maybe more importantly, requires that he acknowledges he's a bad person.

There is no fucking world where performative therapy will ever solve more problems than it causes.

>> No.42748663

Just eat bruh

>> No.42748733
File: 779 KB, 604x794, 1661091900910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is therapy the ultimate scam?
I know exactly why i'm depressed and suicidal.
What would talking about with some money hungry quack do for me?

>> No.42748792

fucking kek

>> No.42748997

Its designed to placate depressed housewives. Its not designed for men. Or even modern women really.

>> No.42749001

Send them to Rita Kamishiro.

>muh therapy
therapy is mostly useless. I got the big sad, was on meds too, but they did jack shit. Unironically going to the gym and long walks in nature helped me a ton more. Don't get scammed by snake oil salesmen.

>> No.42749052

You can talk to the wall if you want to vent because saying it out loud and hearing it is helpful. The fact that you pay someone to listen to you makes it seem more important and valuable. Much like it is with streamers, you pay them for their attention and the act of spending should make you think it's worth it.

>> No.42749205

Yes, it's a scam.

>> No.42749238

therapy can help, but it's not magic

>> No.42749275

I know one
>Get get get some help

>> No.42749354

it can guide you on the right direction for self improvement, but you have to find the right one for you
It took me at least 4 different therapists until i found one that was actually helpful

>> No.42749703

why so weak

>> No.42749832

A therapist can offer a different perspective on your problems and suggest solutions you may not have considered.

>> No.42749974

therapy only works if you want it to work
and it you want it to work, you can get yourself out of it
there are a few conditions where you legitimately need the outside perspective and knowledge, but for most stuff you can legit fix yourself
source: I cured my own decade-long depression

>> No.42750881

It's a parasocial thing. Remember, the point of a streamer is that it's supposed to feel like you're interacting with and befriending the entertainment. Some people take it too far, though, and think they're actually friends and can start unloading heavy topics for their "friend" to help them with/ give them moral support/ show them sympathy/ just listen to their problems. Instead it makes the talent uncomfortable and the interaction between the talent and audience becomes more awkward which ruins the whole core tenet I mentioned at the beginning. Nothing wrong with a little parasocial fun in moderation, but some people don't know how to differentiate "fake friend for entertainment purposes" and "real friend".

>> No.42750907

It's just Dr Phil for twitch streamers, most he can do for you on stream is point out your weird thought patterns or coping mechanisms but unless they seek therapy after it's all meaningless.

Also like Dr Phil his end-goal is that you buy his program so just another grifter.

>> No.42751347

Funny enough I had a less positive opinion of therapy after watching some of his VODs. He straight up contradicts himself when talking to different people. Basically will just authoritatively spout psychology "science" that he'll later say the exact opposite of to another person. And if they seem like the type to be influenced by it, he'll start pushing his Hindu spirituality shit on them. Like unironically talking about karma and doing the "ohm" thing while meditating.
Whatever is necessary to get them motivated to fight off the bad behavior/ thoughts. Which I guess is therapy in a nutshell. Let the person vent to another human being (the main actual benefit of therapy) and then use whatever they're most readily influenced by to trick them into thinking you have a scientifically proven methodology to explain and solve their specific problem. Good intentions and if it works, then I guess no harm no foul. But I don't see how publicly showing people that you just make up half the shit you say is actually helping anyone. Also the performative and voyeuristic aspect of it feels like it kind of undermines the main thing that therapy is actually good for: giving the person a safe space and a real human being to vent to and confide in. I don't hate the guy, but I think he does more harm than good.

>> No.42751957

I'd really like to see the figures on having a fulfilling social life and propensity to trauma dump, attention seek or anti-post

>> No.42753422

I believe he does to a point. His videos/streams where he discusses medical terms/conditions seem legit, he gives tons of practical advice which is (mostly) backed by science some of them have been pretty useful for me, and he fully acknowledges the fact that any change in your life takes time even if you watch all his streams and/or use his (easily pirateable) products.
My issue with him is that he sometimes tries too hard to integrate everything with hindu spirituality with his excuse always being "hindu spirituality has figured this out thousands of years ago, Freud and Jung just rediscovered it and repackaged it as psychology and modern science is still playing catch up". Members of his community called him out on veering dangerously close to pseudo-scientific territory (specifically Ayurveda), so he recently toned it down a notch.
The "not-therapy"/interviews are of questionable value to those he does them to, but sometimes they're interesting to listen to like that one time he interviewed an outspoken hardcore Trump supporter because a lib streamer, whom the Trump supporter was bullying, asked him to.

>> No.42753720

Psychiatrist might help you better. The good ones will first check your physical condition to see if something easily fixable is worsening your mood, and if it doesn't then they'll give you the option of taking antidepressants. Antideps get a lot of bad rep, mainly because they need months to kick in and figure out correct dosages and cope with the side effects if any, but they worked in my case. Main thing they do is that they forcibly make you more resilient to anxiety and depression, which in turn makes the process of psychotherapy easier.

>> No.42754157

I wonder does the propensity to trauma dump cause a shitty social life, or a shitty social life causes propensity to trauma dump?

>> No.42755030

everyone feels guilt because they're not good enough. we all create a mask that we wear to justify our existence and feel that we belong here but no one has any real identity. most people cannot accept that things cannot be perfect and the way that they want things to be, at least not here on earth, so they cling very hard to the mask and need other people to give their created identity attention and sympathy so they feel like they are allowed to exist.
most people will not be able to let go of their guilt and take off the mask.
