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File: 13 KB, 524x125, Screenshot 2023-02-09 204742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42723505 No.42723505 [Reply] [Original]

She'll stalk your twitter if you're even a little bit relevant. Mameng is also the most prolific Kronmei artist.

>> No.42724226

Shit like this and last night's unarchived karaoke should put the breaks full stop on the "KrOnIi hAtEs hEr FaNs" bullshit but I am sure someone will find a way.

>> No.42724631

She absolutely loves her fans that give in to cuckoldry, which given her Korean heritage, makes perfect sense.

>> No.42724842

I thought that said
>Kronii appreciates her farts
and was wondering what the fuck led to that subject.

>> No.42724877

This post reminded me that Ina and Kroni are both Korean that speak English and Japanese but neither speak Korean.

>> No.42725706

It's more how badly she handled tempus collab and how little she know about Hololive. I admire someone who can ignore and power through drama like Moona with Howarts, or just completely avoid it if they can't handle it, like Fauna with Tempus. Didn't really want to heard Kornii dissing idol culture when that is what Hololive success build on, and the need to take a mental break over it. Learning she doesn't even know Weather hacker and Ahoy doesn't help either. I don't hate her, but definitely lost some affection.

>> No.42725971

if you watch them nijinigger you would know they spoke korean before.

>> No.42726337

As someone who was anti-tempus collab I really don't fucking care anymore. As for her not knowing much about Hololive, that is not a requirement for entry. Sucks, but go complain to Yagoo about it because he apparently doesn't feel as strongly as you do. She also didn't diss idol culture.

>> No.42726574

this is cope, she's trying to improve her image because she knows she's hated on places like /here/ for being fake

>> No.42726664

i watched the whole thing for context, her unfortunately idol culture is a thing IS a diss, it's not like she will go on a crusade against it, but if she had a choice, she would not do it. She mentioned before she just audition to Hololive like any voice acting job, you don't care you do you, but don't expect others to be the same.

>> No.42726958

>says happy birthday to a random fan
>screenshots and makes a thread about it here
Good try, Kronnie.

>> No.42727082
File: 154 KB, 1068x708, hello nenechi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is what appreciating your fans looks like.

>> No.42727144

You want to know how I know you didn't watch it? Because she never said "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" in the video. She didn't even write it in Nerrev's comments. You are holding a position based off of wrong information. You don't have to like Kronii, but you will not spread lies about her. Sadly, you made the mistake of trying to fool an original member who follows Kronii's every move. If I were a casual, you may have succeeded.

>> No.42727178
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>> No.42727297

Not a random fan, s/he is one of her most prolific fan artists.

>> No.42727447

nigga i literally remember her saying that clearly when she was addressing the drama, of course they fucking delete it. I don't care how much you suck kronii's cock, this is the one thing i have clear memory on because i was surprise she needed to say it. Aren't you the fake faggot?

>> No.42727482

She never said it in the video, dumbshit. She was shitting on het shippers in the clippers comment section. So, unless you're a het shipper, then she wasn't insulting you.

>> No.42727833

She never said those words in the video or anywhere else. You have allowed shit memes to alter your memory of what actually happened. I wish you were the only one.

>> No.42728100

so you saying my memory was correct? fake faggot "never said it." what i expect, a waste of time with blind defenders.

>> No.42728345

>Blatant favoritism
Hololive would never

>> No.42729534

That wasn't me, dumbass. That anon was wrong too. She never said "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" in any video or comment section.

>> No.42730006

my dumb wife is very lovely

>> No.42730130

I need me a wife like Nenechi...

>> No.42730256
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>Love bombs you before something her fans might not like
She must being going on a long break or another homo collab is coming

>> No.42730320 [DELETED] 

She didn't say it in any stream, she -did- say it in the comments under that guy's video. If you really want to defend her, don't use lies that are easily debunked

>> No.42730673

Yeah, she is getting jaw surgery. She has prepared us for this for weeks.

>> No.42730954
File: 80 KB, 1406x145, Kronii proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't use lies that are easily debunked
Maybe you should take your own advice. I have the receipts and nowhere in this comment did she state "unfortunately because idol culture is a thing."

>> No.42731078

If she truly appreciates us, why doesn’t she let us fuck her butthole?

>> No.42731568

This hurts like jumping off a plane and debating on opening up your parachute

>> No.42731659

>Unfortunately because idol culture is a thing, this double standard exists
You understand the sentiment is the same right? Playing word games doesn't change that. I was going to leave it since I don't wanna contribute to her getting more hate but not if fags like you are gonna try and rewrite history.

>> No.42731672

>Kronii appreciates her fans [...] if you're even a little bit relevant

>> No.42731858

>Just become a prolific artist and MAYBE she'll give a shit about you
not exactly sure what this is supposed to prove...liking the fans is about liking the little guy

>> No.42731963

>Playing word games doesn't change that
>Entire argument is based on a word game
The history is right there anon. I am arguing based off of what Kronii actually said, you are arguing based off of what you felt Kronii said.

>> No.42731985

whens the next Vesper collab coming?

>> No.42732176

Kronii loves yesmen, not fans kek.

>> No.42732190

So if I call you a homo and you get mad and say I called you gay, I can say "well I didn't actually call you gay" ? The meaning behind the words is the same. Unless you're trying to say she's -happy- with the double standard and the cause of it?

>> No.42733036
File: 490 KB, 700x700, 1662295508314994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A legit Cover intern damage control thread.

Kronii's destiny is but a single one, intern-kun: The dumpster of vtuber history.
Even after Hololive, she will always be remembered as the "talent" who lied to her fans and spat at the very idol culture who made a nobody like her become a thing in the first place.

>> No.42733053

You understand that your argument hinges on her saying "unfortunately because idol culture is a thing" exactly as you say she did, correct? The problem is she didn't. She said "Yes, there unfortunately is because idol culture is a thing and some people can get heated about it, take things far and take it out on the talents directly."
Words matter, taking out certain words (as you fucks are doing) changes the meaning of statements in their entirety. You cannot take out words and say this is what she said when the words you removed are integral to the meaning of the original statement itself.
I cannot believe that I have to type out the words when they are literally right there in the image I posted for everyone to see.
Your analogy with calling me a homo would only work if she said "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" and then I replied with "well technically she said *sadly* idol culture is a thing."

>> No.42733535

>You understand that your argument hinges on her saying "unfortunately because idol culture is a thing" exactly as you say she did, correct?
No I don't and it doesn't. The original anon post that started this mentioned "dissing idol culture" and that is what happened. Whether a comma gets left out the meaning is the same; I'd rather this thing didn't exist and idol culture is the cause of it. If I was claiming that she wishes idol culture didn't exist then maybe you'd have a point but even that's arguable.

>> No.42733853

>Whether a comma gets left out the meaning is the same
It wasn't just a comma anon. It was three entire words. Actually more than three if we are going to count everything said after the word "thing."

>> No.42733971
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>> No.42734103

Kronii will be the last HoloEN and you will be left coping and seething into eternity.

>> No.42735308

not a random fan, kronii even follows her on twitter dipshit

>> No.42735462

really retard? keep reaching. you're so pathetic for spreading misinformation on the internet just to get a reply since no one gives a single fuck about you irl. poor ugly virgin

>> No.42735547

so you mean she loves any crumb of clout.

>> No.42735645

ESLchama... get better reading comprehension

>> No.42735746

FYI she actually hates Yesmen and acknowledged that on stream

>> No.42735870

Prove that it's not her manager trying desperately to keep her client's channel alive, IRyS said all the managers have access to their socials.

>> No.42735951

Reminder: This is literally every corporate vtuber ever. If you benefit them IN THE SLIGHTEST they give you attention and actually befriend you.

>> No.42736682

Her fans that watch her know how she really feels. It doesn't matter what the rest of 4chan thinks

>> No.42737085

Kronii has never done anything for her fanbase. She only streams for herself, everything she does is for herself.

>> No.42737206

If Kronii only streams for herself than so does every other Holo.

>> No.42738183

>Last HoloEN
>Not the eternally spiteful Mori

>> No.42738475

>Unironically unable to comprehend sentences

>> No.42738542

>If you benefit them IN THE SLIGHTEST they give you attention and actually befriend you.

Welcome to the adult world. Kid.

>> No.42739286

>Saying Happy Birthday on Twitter with nothing else is appreciating your fans.
Meanwhile Irys sings to you on your Birthday.

>> No.42741521
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Yeah that's why she's the first HoloEN member to run away and hide behind management to protect her when she got some pushback and has 5 fucking mods patrolling her chat to get rid of any sort of dissent. Ouro "I thrive under adversity" Kronii has been the most fragile HoloEN member since Sana.

>> No.42741641

No. The other girls don't share personal problems with their members unlike Kronii. And she doesn't entertain chat when playing games and has favorites.
She only stream to make herself feel better.

>> No.42741791
File: 28 KB, 589x434, Iseeasnek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read thread
>have a chuckle
>check my Twitter
>Guess who

>> No.42742071

Most of her mods are also composed of her friends rather than long standing members/fans like what other Holos do when they require mods, she'll sometimes even specifically call attention and banter with her mods during streams.

>> No.42744543

cause unlike other holos, *coughkiaracough* kronii actually has a lot of irl friends.

>> No.42744598

keep telling yourself that nerd

>> No.42744755

Kronii is a fucking shithead who dumped all over her fans after they went in to bat for her to defend her lazy as fuck schedules for months

>> No.42744929

If she doesn't even know you exist, why should she care?

>> No.42745046

NTA, but she is happy about the double standard, blaming idol culture is a cop out, she hates het shipping regardless.

>> No.42745102

>Unfortunately, because idol culture is a thing, het shippers should rope themselves.

Don't forget that last part, anon.

>> No.42745331

She wasn't though, she'd hate het shipping regardless.

>> No.42745379
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>> No.42745422

Shes about to take a month or more break for "surgery" so I wouldn't say she appreciates her fans

>> No.42745436

Taking measures to deal with trolls and harassers is a good thing

>> No.42745515

wow, that is too friendly, keep your distance please.

>> No.42746078

He drew the animation for Mumei's brainrot BGM so he somewhat deserves it

>> No.42746754

>Thought kronii was good at the start
how bout yall stop been retarted and admit you only ever watched for the voice and model.
she was never entertaining

>> No.42747096


>> No.42748344

>trolls and harassers
>"Kronii when will you collab with Vesper again?"
And if you're referring to Gabe he's stopped chatting in her streams or he got permabanned.

>> No.42749158

Imagine if she got Sana's model

>> No.42749343

Of course she would. The few loyal Kronies remaining are all she still has after she shat on idol culture and made it clear she doesn't like idols or anything surrounding them.
Couple that with her having a ton of collabs with the men and it's no surprise she'd really want to hold onto the people who still support her despite all that.

>> No.42751312

Post disregarded

>> No.42751325

cope, she isn't
just move on faggot.
save yourself

>> No.42751400
File: 121 KB, 850x1202, smug levels topped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a spineless cuck who's been beaten down, why doesn't everyone else just accept it?
>Getting to watch your oshi fuck isn't so bad, she is your whole world after all
Thanks for reminding us Kronnies are by far the most emasculated and pathetic posters on here.

>> No.42751700

so much for not being Parasocial
what a two faced bitch

>> No.42751726

where did kronii say anything about being parasocial or not?

>> No.42751838

She said it in the members stream that was later unarchived. Also stop arguing with intern-kun. He's just doing his job.

>> No.42751850

wants to be savior fag
does parasocial shit.

>> No.42751932

Rushia 2.0 in the making

>> No.42751963

faggots lie as normal as they breath
it's in their nature.
human scum they are

>> No.42751978

Kronii is fluent in Korean and Ina is somewhat conversational. Ina doesn't speak it because people like you judge her for not being fluent.
