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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42709876 No.42709876 [Reply] [Original]

He's afraid.

>> No.42709955

No, the one who's really scared here is you, OP, because if you don't your quota of catalog spam for the day you won't get your gift cards from the Discord. Fuck off, you already have a thread, use it.

>> No.42709975

just before IRyS debuted, she did a test stream that was accidentally set to public. In the chat, staff were posting including AO-chan and a staff member named Jyumi T.
>When people looked up Jyumi's youtube channel, their subs were all public and they were subbed to a bunch of channels about transitioning and resources for trans people including a small, local resource center for trans activism in Singapore.
>They also subscribe to channels such as this:
>AO-Chan was in IRyS' chat leaked test-stream which suggests a far more important role in management than just being Ina's personal bitchnigga / Omegatroon is literally listed as a producer for IRyS
>leaked minecraft logs had a person named "holoEN" pushing FFXIV and suggesting the idea of "joining in", but for that they "may need AO-chans design first"
>holoEN person turns out to be Enma, who's clearly working UNDER AO-chan/Omega
>Kiara has confirmed that management tried really persistently to push FFXIV on them as a continuos Myth collab/campaign (to the point that she bought the game multiple times because they tried to push it multiple times)
>Exact same robotic, passive-aggressive ESL typing style
>Omega appears after AO disappeared, yet Omega is confirmed to have been there since the start
Fast forward
Is Altare Omega?
>Takes all the credit for "making Niji collabs possible" since she was fighting for a Pomu collab for years.
>Altare asks for niji the collabs and they "suddenly" are instantly possible
>some faggot tranny in management that probably suspended Vesper. We know that Altare and Vesper probably had a fight(from Axels membership stream).
>We don't know for sure but it would be 100% in char if Vesper did not want to collab with Altare anymore.
>Altare being a pityful little shit does 7 member collabs to make Vesper look bad or like a loner. Altare never answers why Vesper isn't here, it's usually only Magni that does it, who's actually more of a Leader than Altare will ever be. We know that Altare invited himself to Magni in an offcollab shortly after he and vesper had a fight, probably because Magni is the only one who actively is on Vespers side.
>He slips that he's responsible for collab ban time in the Holotempus by saying "I'll give them a week before collab ban is over" on stream

>Altare claims he won't play Hogwarts Legacy to "SUPPORT THE CAUSE"
>Bae mentions wanting to play it once in a zatsudan, but goes dead silent after that

>> No.42709984 [DELETED] 

jannies every time you delete these threads you just make more people believe they're true

>> No.42710015

>Omega Altare
>AO = Japanese for blue
Yup, he's a faggot.

>> No.42710023

I've achieved cosmic singularity and I'm absorbing rrats through cosmic radiation as I type this post.
we know you browse catalog, but mostly stay in the splits. you glow.

>> No.42710037

original thread reaction:

>> No.42710072

Bros is it actually true the deleted threads make me wonder now

>> No.42710092

Tarkov? Yikes. A little insensitive with the Ukrainian genocide going on. Xhe should just cancel.

>> No.42710112


>> No.42710143

it's funny to see dramafags create their own narrative

>> No.42710157


>> No.42710172

I think it's true, bro. The jannies are trying to cover up all the info regarding Omegaytranny being Regis

>> No.42710185

RIP thread. jannies are on high alert.

>> No.42710203

mods out in full force trying to get rid of this narrative lol

>> No.42710218

I garuntee he did that because he thought it was so fucking clever too.
>Hmm, Omega Alpha's initals are OA
>Reversed is AO, which is jap for Blue
>One of the StarsEN character has blue hair
>It's the perfect way to own the haters and get away with it!
What a chunni faggot. Your lore is trash and you are so thin skinned a fucking video game makes you ass mad.

>> No.42710236

oh no no no """they""" are trying to cover it up! THE RRATS WERE TRUE

>> No.42710257

Trans people suffer more, I am just glad SOMEONE in holopro is finally standing up

>> No.42710311

I applause whoever made this Rrat
It's very confincing

>> No.42710352

>Word are violence!
We need to get that 41% up to 50% asap, and trannies need to fuck off from vtubing.

>> No.42710378

Clip shill, ragebaiting and thinly-veiled /pol/ threads should be deleted instantly. They are already obnoxious asf on /tv/. Dont need them here.

>> No.42710406
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>IRyS stream gets leaked in /hlgg/ and NOWHERE ELSE
>manager's YT channel gets found
>The channel gets deleted THE SAME DAY
That was almost 2 years ago.
Now, the perspective of Cover's managers monitoring threads /here/ doesn't seem so schizo anymore, does it?

>> No.42710437

they do? i didn't knew trannies suffered as much as the starving kids in africa, guess we have to support their cause now

>> No.42710445

>Jannyop to memoryhole evidence of Sana being Omega

>> No.42710484

Cmon anon you could have at least copied my post from the previous thread correctly.
Omega Alpha = OA, that's AO backwards, AO is blue in japanese, Altare has blue hair.
Surprised that he didn't use a surname with O.

>> No.42710497

There never was any evidence of Sana being Omega. A few rrats saying she might be AO-chan, but that's it.

>> No.42710509

it makes sense that they wat to patrol the place where any real discussion can be said about the talents

>> No.42710569

>Everyone is /here/

>> No.42710604
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Do trans people get bombarded by Russian artillery every day and forced to fight for the enemy if they live in occupied territory?

>> No.42710661

>they don’t know he’s management’s favorite golden child who breaks rules all the time and never gets into trouble and is going to a birthday party today
keep sending your emails sisters, i’m sure someone will care

>> No.42710664

If trans suffer so much then we should put those sick puppies out of their misery, IT IS JUST THE HUMANE THING TO DO!

>> No.42710687

I don't give a fuck what rrats you want to indulge in, just keep it to one thread and stop spamming, the vast majority of us do not care

>> No.42710720

>He is Omega
To be honest i believe it after all he used to mod Dez chat, and also that explain why he doesn't want to talk with Vesper

>> No.42710741

mods are deleting threads. can stay to one of they're being pruned.

>> No.42710745

Even worse, they get bombarded by transphobic media and are forced to use the bathrooms of their birth gender.

>> No.42710786
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>Everyone is /here/

>capcha: YNADW

>> No.42710788

the threads are getting deleted constantly, so they cant be contained to one

>> No.42710795

>mod Dez chat
Shit I forgot that. What other shit did Blue do?

>> No.42710808

Why mods are deleting his threads? even if are ""bait"" they don't break any rule i don't get it.

>> No.42710837

When even the jannies are getting sick of your bullshit maybe you'd better start rethinking the quality of your posts.

>> No.42710855
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>effortlessly makes /vt/sisters seethe

>> No.42710873

He was warned.

>> No.42710874
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Who cares? You can't appeal short bans.
the same jannies who keep stirring shit in threads by samefagging?

>> No.42710876
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I believe this rrat

>> No.42710894

Protect trans clocks.

>> No.42710911

t. Seething trannoid

>> No.42710918

Mods and jannies abuse their power all the time. In other news, water is wet.

>> No.42710937

Seek mental help.

>> No.42710940

but not their cocks

>> No.42710945

This is the most well-crafted rrat I've seen in a good long while here.

>> No.42710966

Technically incorrect, "wetness" is a property of solid bodies, water being liquid cannot be wet. Ice can be wet.

>> No.42710984

What is he afraid of?

>> No.42711014

>not a new ip

>> No.42711015


>> No.42711020

this rrat is retarded, people have been saying this for months, do you think some millionaire is funding this shit? cause that's the only way anyone could be bribing people for fucking months

>> No.42711037

It makes sense to me that the dude would be the 'leader' of the new male branch, and then run to his protag complex alter ego to describe Tempus as 'wishes being granted' and then having Calli shill them as 'real male V-Tubers unlike Luxiem'.

This rrat has my stamp of approval. Fuck Altare.

>> No.42711066

Kys trany you can't ve seriously implying that trained have it harder then civilians in a war zone.

You should get some mental health help about the way you see yourself

>> No.42711077
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>> No.42711096

looking in the mirror like all trannies
though i wonder what kicked off the discussion that he's omega? i thought this was a proven fact months ago.

>> No.42711199
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>> No.42711202

Real monkey paw on those wishes. Jesus Christ bless my vomit as it falls at the feet of Tempus and let it repel their evil, bestial ways.

>> No.42711245

i unironically believe this, it makes so much sense

>> No.42711257

>having Calli shill them as 'real male V-Tubers unlike Luxiem'.
When did she say that?

>> No.42711269
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>> No.42711287

I remember all those anons who kept telling me Omega had no power in the company and shooting down people who suggested he might try to reincarnate into stars.
Now after all the drama,shilling and instances of vtubers being /here/. I believe a lot of the anons and jannies are vtubers and management trying to push agendas and censor things they don't want being discussed.

>> No.42711358

>another fucking korean

>> No.42711369
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>Be superior white man
>gets one of the worst 2d models ever, worse than most indies

Also Magni:
>Be asian version of Chad
>You hire someone known to have a very special style to make his 2D shit
>The mama absolutely nails it and you seethe
>pay the rigger to ruin it anyways by missplacing the eyes, fucking up the chin and purposefully ignoring the design sheet

I swear if Altare is Omega he has to be the most insecure faggot ever in existance.

>> No.42711398

>corpos are doing fucking discord gayops on /vt/ to enforce their narritive
How fucking pathetic.

>> No.42711417
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I don't remember typing this

>> No.42711436

seething is a strong word, do you call it seething when an older kid bullies someone? because i'd refer to this as bullying, not seething, and clearly it works cause altare said he's noticed all the hate he gets

>> No.42711481

So how do we explain the piss poor quality of Flayons model?
I mean sure Flayon started out with a huge quantity and quality of extra assets like that animated short. But his model is probably the weakest in the vanguard gang.
Meanwhile Bettel gets the top tier model and Shinri gets the one the bitches all get wet over (to go with his voice)

>> No.42711487

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.42711536

>OmegAltare tried to kneecap he genmates
>Still failed due to them having a personality and him not

>> No.42711538

Its just a game you dont need to suffer

>> No.42711591

Is altare also a tranny?

>> No.42711602

>all the Ina-isms that Altare used during his debut

>> No.42711627

The little faggot was nearly suspended when he made monkey noises while the others were collabing, so his model might have been delayed or something.
Possible, just listen to his voice.

>> No.42711680

>unsuccessful voice change surgery
that would explain everything

>> No.42711707

He's now the least popular of the bunch, don't let subs he got thanks to the 10 kobo collabs fool you.
With everything going for him, people can't be arsed to watch him and i fully understand.

>> No.42711710

It's been proven that Idol Corp's got some deep pockets and it's CEO doesn't give a shit about stomping on other corpos for profit.

You be the judge

>> No.42711716

Voice change surgery? Is that even a thing?

>> No.42711766

Are you suggesting that Idol Corp set up a long term scheme to get its people inside Cover and sabotage them?

>> No.42711769
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>> No.42711821

>trying to deflect to the jews for altare's seething

>> No.42711892

Maybe if you were saying that in third world countries, maybe?
I'm not saying LGBT communities don't suffer and that there haven't been crimes like murders committed against them, but I wouldn't say they suffered nearly as much as black communities in America, or compared to other parts of the world like the earthquake in Turkey, Russia's work against the Ukraine, or the many deaths that happen in Mexico and the Southern Hemisphere as a whole. Or the many starving children in Africa, or the human rights violations that occur in the Middle East.

>> No.42711909
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>writes the most powerful rrat outing his coworker and posts it on /vt/ while streaming (but when the screen is black), clearing himself of any suspicion
What is he trying to achieve?

>> No.42711920

Never liked that faggot since the beginning. Retard deserves to be the least liked.

>> No.42712062

I believe this.
Altare is a narcissistic psychopath, this just added to the fuel for me to dislike him.

>> No.42712096

Who cares, I have less respect for his dogs that support his cause rather than align themselves with Hololive. Bae is worse than Altare in this situation because she makes him out to be in the right.

>> No.42712147

Also he keept doing Ina's WAH at debut. He was lowkey confirming the rrats.

>> No.42712214

>people with untreated mental illness suffer more
thank you captain obvious

>> No.42712232

no, that's axel

>> No.42712236

Actually he isn't the least popular anymore because half of the 2nd gen that they rushed to debut after less than 6 months flopped hard. Could it be that he forced an early new gen just so that he wouldn't be the runt of tempiss?

>> No.42712254

This is a quality rrat. I approve.

>> No.42712260

Hogwarts Legacy is our 9/11

>> No.42712276

It WAS Axel, now it's him.

>> No.42712284

I mean, it's possible you are just pretending to be retarded but it seems you are equating numbers of people with severity of suffering. By that metric obviously no minority can ever suffer the most. What fags have over every other group you mention is that they exist within all those subgroups and within those groups they are then treated worse than everyone else by their peers.

>> No.42712307

He announced that before even talking about Harry Potter at all.

>> No.42712331

>have the 5th and 6th on standby
>his numbers flop hard

>> No.42712394

Doubt it.
They're not doing half bad. Especially when you compare them to the JPstars which is the company baseline of performance for males.
They're what 2 months three months old? And they're approaching 100K subs.
Bettels doing a collab with Shinri and Magni right now. Pulling in a bit over 3k views. Shinris only managing 500 mind you. But then people make a living off channels that perform worse.

>> No.42712400

Yeah I just save this, this is some quality gold tier rat. It actually adds up.

>> No.42712412
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>> No.42712415

What did he mean when he said "people already hate me so I won't play wizard game :( ". What do people hate him for

>> No.42712424


>> No.42712457

Sounding like a faggot mostly

>> No.42712626

would fuck desu

>> No.42712660

Anon you were too convincing

>> No.42712671

It's a man, but I don't judge you.

>> No.42712683 [DELETED] 

I thought Shinri is supposed to apeal to woman, why is everyone watching bettel?

>> No.42712702

any hole is a goal. no homo

>> No.42712820

Because Bettel is pure kino.
He's the most entertaining member of Tempus

Also why did Magni just call him a bellend? Does he not know what it means?

>> No.42712825

Poor Gura. Imagine the peerpressure from your faggot boss into this new direction. She talked about getting more assertive against management a while ago, that was even before Tempus. Probably coulnd't stomach xher buillshit anymore and took all those "sick" leaves to get away from it. Hopefully she kickstarts the great graduation wave post Holofes, let the trannies rot into their our snake pit.

>> No.42712855

Scarily plausible.

>> No.42712871

she's clearly gearing up some sort of move to JP

>> No.42712898

why do you say clearly, that sounds too good to be true

>> No.42713013

she noped the fuck out of everything to do with EN but has been showing up for 3d lives with Marine, Pekora etc. She's obviously far more interested in the actual idol stuff rather than shilling mobile games and shit for EN management

>> No.42713036

big pharma makes so much money of you mentally ill freaks

>> No.42713039

Gura lacks the spine or will to do anything.
Personally I think the best outcome would be for central management to step in. Which might be happening considering we had that statement from Yagoo a bit ago about him improving his english to spend more time with EN.

>> No.42713074

I really hope you're right

>> No.42713086

>implying I take my meds

>> No.42713160

Yagoo new bromance with Tempus makes more sense when you consider the catalyst for it is also the one behind Holo EN in general, OmegAltroon. I don't watch the blue fag, does xhe speak fluent Japanese? Imagine the poison that xhe must have filled Yagoo's brain with?

>> No.42713166

I would kneel so hard if true

>> No.42713188

If you watched the very zatsu you keep quoting the whole way through, you would know he cancelled because he got invited to a friend's birthday thing.

>> No.42713189


>> No.42713193

>>Kiara has confirmed that management tried really persistently to push FFXIV on them as a continuos Myth collab/campaign (to the point that she bought the game multiple times because they tried to push it multiple times)
This was just stupid.
FFXIV really isn't the kind of game you stream a coop playthrough for unless it's only one person streaming their POV like with Fulger and Millie.

>> No.42713203
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you should if you're a pre op tranny, there is still hope for you

>> No.42713219

Yagoo has interacted with Magni more than all of HoloEN combined. I don't think yagoo liking the homos has much to do with altare, considering his favorite is the only one with a spine.

>> No.42713262

i think OP is just making a joke but the OmegAltare rrat is quite convincing otherwise

>> No.42713272

He also seems to like Hakka since he was willing to record audio for Hakkas debut.
Even if said audio was of him threatening Hakka for speaking spanish then beating the shit out of it.

>> No.42713302

100% when?

>> No.42713377

oh fuck.... it just dawned on me. Xhe was gonna debut as OmegaAlpha as a solo talent right? And it was probably gonna have the same fucking voice, it was intended already to be a troon talent. I wonder what made it get "cancelled". Maybe it was the backlash, especially over the pronouns tweet, or maybe the holoStarsEN ended up getting greenlit before xhe could debut and xhe shifted the plans around, ended up being a part of that. Fuck I need to start taking meds, my brain is getting eaten up by rrats.....

>> No.42713463

No I'm pretty sure Omega was just meant as an official replacement for Enma.
But it was poorly received and all the Enma hate fell on it instead.

>> No.42713477


>> No.42713498

the rrats write themselves

>> No.42713508
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I beleb

>> No.42713527

What did Vesper do to him? Was he just too based?

>> No.42713542

>Trans people suffer more
If only. I hate them so much.

>> No.42713572

Not reading tranny janny slop

>> No.42713571

All that production money on that teaser and that stupid ass model.... it had to be gearing up for something bigger.

>> No.42713614

So what you're saying is that this is all Ina's fault?

>> No.42713618

>Bettel is pure kino
>froot (vshojo) orbiter
>flag "ally"

>> No.42713643

Tempiss was the biggest mistake in vtubing so far. Nothing has been a bigger mistake then Tempiss.

>> No.42713653


>> No.42713656

He just wanted to stream, but they didn't let him.

>> No.42713674
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Nope that was Luxiem since they indirectly caused Tempus.

>> No.42713675

Only Altare really, I can even live with Magni since Vesper and Axel were worth it but Altare is a real piece of work

>> No.42713689

>Nothing has been a bigger mistake then Tempiss.

>> No.42713737

Did they actually make a model? Or did they just put out art?
Mind you they may have been planning to have managers use Omega in streams. An english speaking A-Chan.

I blame not the zoomer for being too young to know any better.

>> No.42713787

>a literal >
>"ally" who is also a vshojo relation

>> No.42713873

>too young to know any better
Anon, Froot's sibling is a 41%. He knows.

>> No.42713888
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>Tempus 1 = Tempiss
>Tempus 2 = Tempoop

>> No.42713906

All this time >EN had LITERAL tranny jannies

>> No.42713919

Wonder what Tempiss 3 will be called.

>> No.42713934

Tempuke, we've been over this

>> No.42713936

Still in doubt about Tempus 4.

>> No.42713940


>> No.42713947

The fact that HoloEN has tranny manager is really disgusting and whatever it is should be fired immediately. This is clearly the root of the cancer in EN

>> No.42713967

>this rrat
As Pekora the Ogey would say: ITSU ARAIBE

>> No.42713978
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>> No.42713988

It'll be a group being cast as the villains. The corruption that Tempus must fight.
All will be straight white men.
They will despite the best efforts of management completely overshadow Tempus.

>> No.42713989


>> No.42714004

My bad, I rarely go into threads about Tempiss.

>> No.42714014

Sending in my application now

>> No.42714016

>“Boo hoo I have it so hard here.”
This fag wouldn’t have been able to handle being Kiara or Mori. What a bitch ass faggot

>> No.42714023

Magni is a Hasanfag. He can burn in hell.

>> No.42714032
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He's an enigma isn't he? Leader ah ah ah

>> No.42714060


>> No.42714066

i dont think altare is omega but they do share a lot of common goals and attitudes so i understand the comparisons and they are valid as they could be basically the same person

>> No.42714091

Sure, but think of th context: August-November 2021 was the apex of FFXIV hype as WoWheads defected and Endwalker's PR cycle was already in full effect.

Hololive playing together at that specific moment in time was the ultimate numberfagging ploy by AO.

>> No.42714120

Nice try, holo employee #367. How's the weather in India?

>> No.42714153

>Everyone is /here/

>> No.42714159
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>> No.42714161

Considering how many members are in Hololive, I think that they could have made a Free Company at least in JP to do raids and such. EN didn't have enough.

>> No.42714189

You need a house for that, don't you?

>> No.42714194

Holy shit...

>> No.42714202

>altare is omega
Thanks for your contribution to the thread

>> No.42714209
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Literally what is it now

>> No.42714213

he keeps calling himself "the holostar"... if he has all the power.. it makes sense..

>> No.42714223

good bait

>> No.42714224

im confused

>> No.42714260

vesper probably found out and confronted him

>> No.42714261

>jannies doing their job drives the monkeys further into schizophrenia

>> No.42714275

Very high quality rrat but I'd like a source or streamable of
>He slips that he's responsible for collab ban time in the Holotempus by saying "I'll give them a week before collab ban is over" on stream

>> No.42714303

Today was the first time I ever heard this faggot talk. People call Tempiss brotubers?? Dude sounds like a cringe discord groomer.

>> No.42714334

You don't need housing to form a FC, although it makes a lot more sense to have one.

>> No.42714365

No fucking way, this actually might be true, literally everything is well supported and adds up
If it were not for archivefags this info might've never come out, I kneel...

But then that leaves me with more questions, like
-Why the hell would they go and make someone from management part of a new talent wave? Is it to spearhead the New Changes a Holostars EN wave would come with? But even so, wouldn't this create an awful power imbalance between them, especially given that Altare is already the "leader"?
-If he was supposedly the manager closest to Ina's brand, and no longer AO-chan/now Omega, why the fuck did he not let her do what she had planned lore-wise???

>> No.42714380

>Dude sounds like a cringe discord groomer.
You should see his Kobo collabs.

>> No.42714382

>doing their job
those posts didnt break any rules retard

>> No.42714405


>> No.42714422

I, for one, applaud their ventures into the new strategy of "let's not shoot every rrat on sight, let's instead let it fester for just enough posts, have a couple falseflagger there comment stuff like >>42714066 to attempt to dissuade the rrats, and only then close it". Bravo mods!

>> No.42714428

I was just starting to like Kobo and then she went and ruined it.

>> No.42714510

I can't listen to him more than twenty seconds at a time. Is he an ESL? I remember Omegay was.

>> No.42714521

They really aren't tho
Everywhere I go that they can be seen, everyone else is expected to bend over backwards to accommodate them

>> No.42714524
File: 69 KB, 777x582, omega listener san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Omega is Ina's sister
>Then Omega is Jenma
>Then Omega is Sana
>Now Omega is Altare
I look forward to seeing who this nigga is next.

>> No.42714538

This board is deranged.

>> No.42714567

>Why the hell would they go and make someone from management part of a new talent wave?
Probably convinced the dumb elevens using A-chan and Nodoka as successful examples.
>why the fuck did he not let her do what she had planned lore-wise
Because that wasn't his idea, it was Ina's.

>> No.42714581

>Be asian version of Chad
lil bro bottoms so hard if he were a fish you'd find him in the benthic zones of the ocean

>> No.42714618

I think he's fooling. He sounds like a rapist grooming young confused girls. Kinda based.

>> No.42714668

Gura speaking Japanese is like Suisei speaking English, she sounds great pronouncing something she's memorized but otherwise is a complete kszk.

>> No.42714747

Now, for real tho. How's the FUCK is this thread still up? Did the reverse psychology actually work? Cause if so, I'm fucking pasting>>42709975
in every single thread, claiming it will be confirmed true if it gets deleted.

>> No.42714807

t. Poor

>> No.42714828

What if I told you Altare is active in /MANS/ and steered them towards driving Vesper posts out of /MANS/, thinking it'd decrease his popularity?

>> No.42714836

I guess the janny got bored, anon.
>thinking reverse psychology works
Jannies or mods in general can do whatever they can for whatever reason they want, it's all the luck of the dice.

>> No.42714849

I will 100% support Vesper with the assumption that this is true, the dude hasn't been on a collab with the new gen and I will support this man who's currently being crippled by his own gen.

>> No.42714858

It worked

>> No.42714876

I'd tell you you don't watch tempus

>> No.42714900

No, the rest of the world is deranged. We are sane.

>> No.42714947
File: 279 KB, 1212x1184, 1675976853541632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sana graduated before Altare debuted
>her rm hasn't streamed since Altare debuted
>Ina's sister = Jenma = Sana = Altare = Omega

>> No.42714979

Sana was a troon this whole time?

>> No.42715029
File: 318 KB, 493x767, pizzagreatswordmerc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they pass the mantle of Omega over like a highlander?

>> No.42715035


>> No.42715045

Magum Opus of rrrats

>> No.42715048

she streamed arknights actually

>> No.42715068

Strawberry Prince killed Kizuna Ai.

>> No.42715091

Orc-sama, you are such a great entertainer, I was really glad to see you move up in life at the time, I couldn't possibly expect the amount of bullshit that was cooking up in the background and that you have to deal with today. Hopefully you land on your feet after all of "this" is over. If you ever feel shunned and pushed aside, know that you will always be welcome back where you started. Hoping for the best o7

>> No.42715097

>I'm already half omega

>> No.42715115

Jannies know if they start deleting threads with it then people like you will go nuclear.

>> No.42715149

That is quite the leap of logic

>> No.42715160

