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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42668481 No.42668481 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.42668638
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save me

>> No.42668756

How the fuck is it non-profit if they have "pre-orders"? That clearly means money is being exchanged for a product.

>> No.42668757

Jesus fucking Christ, how is Niji catching so many Ls? They're swan diving straight into the shit can.

>> No.42668837

Are you stupid? Theoretically you charge exactly cost, and there is no profit.

>> No.42668917

They can still continue this project without consent. What can anycolor do to individuals living in the Philippines?

>> No.42668931


>> No.42668978

That's crazy. Niji didn't let people use their IP for commercial purposes without licensing said IP?

>> No.42668996

Non-profit means that the benefits will not go the individuals but for a certain cause, i think. But this is still not a non-profit though.

>> No.42669023

Just don't be a nijinigger

>> No.42669031

If you charge for a product, then there will be BIG FUCKING PROBLEM. The reason why HoloCure and other Hololive fangames for instance are fine is because they are FREE.

>> No.42669086

No matter how you look at this, they were selling unlicensed merch.

>> No.42669098

though their merch are kinda better than what anycolor usually offers. kek

>> No.42669172

didn't even look at the OP but

>> No.42669174

yeppo, kinda retarded of them too. Like hyping it up and accepting preorders without prior approval. Sounds like a scam to be honest.

>> No.42669216

Who's doing the audit, dumbfuck?

>> No.42669220

this kind of event is basic idol fanbase shit anycolor is retarded

>> No.42669277

So why isn't this shut down?

>> No.42669346

Nice link. Some tard might report this to anykara

>> No.42669432
File: 65 KB, 609x550, 2023-02-09 01.13.33 twitter.com fb39a2d5f528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're selling unofficial merch of your characters without permission, but it's ok because it's not for profit because it's a "fundraiser"
Fuck off dramawhore, this is just a basic copyright violation.

>> No.42669487

It's impossible to shut down copyright infringement in China by a Chinese company.

>> No.42669548

i think think would turn out differently if they asked for a collab not "donating the proceeds to stream labs". Kinda like watamerino or that anime restaurant in singapore/korea

>> No.42669630

Look, I am a holofag and like making fun at nijikeks too but this thread is stupid. Niji was in the right this time

>> No.42669826

Pretty much. What the fuck did these guys expect?

>> No.42669918

They would have gotten away with it they had just followed the standard guidelines:
- the country of manufacture has changed name five times since I was in seventh grade
- that you sell your wares from a blanket or inside a trench coat
- that you always refer to the selling of items as "numba one bargain!"
- that one of them has to have a human nose

>> No.42669934

If you charge for it, it's considered commercial.
>but we don't turn a profit
Yeah, but you charged for it nonetheless. You're using their property to make money without prior consent. Is it really that hard to ask first?
Yeah sure it'd make Niji look like a nicer company if they didn't cancel a fan's commercial project for a charity because doing anything for a charity gets you brownie points on the internet, but they're not obligated to let you do it either just because it is for a charity.

>> No.42670089

I refuse to believe an amerilard is THIS retarded

>> No.42670095

There's a huge amount of unofficial merch out there though. The only way they should be getting into any trouble over it is if they used actual Anycolor assets in the creation of said merch, or if it infringes too closely on merch Anycolor already puts out. If they don't hit either of those then they're definitely overstepping.

>> No.42670103

Just piling on the shitposts like a bunch of monkeys.

>> No.42670134

What a joke of a corpo

>> No.42670206

The irony is they could just dog on Zaion being suspended over begging for HPL permissions, but then i guess Nijikeks would point to Altares overwhelmingly cringeworthy audio clip

>> No.42670553

What is called bribery anywhere else in the world they call it lobbying and legalize it.

>> No.42670646

I think the actual problem with this is the cafe aspect. If it was just some little bit of merch one guy was making they don't care. But companies are paying Anycolor money all the time to buy the rights to do collab cafe's with the NijiEN characters. If Anycolor is then letting other organizations do that for free it doesn't really make it look like a good deal to pay them to do it and might violate license agreements they already have for collab cafes for another thing.

>> No.42670723

nta but why do you have to hurt me like this.

>> No.42670860

What is wrong with nijifag brain, even their twitter reply people are still angry at nijisanji for canceling it.

>> No.42671091
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Lol, they just can't keep their mouth shut

>> No.42671109

Our merch sucks because Anycolor locked in a contract with some garbage company that makes the same acrylic key chain and stickers every single time.
Think Selen floated the idea of plushies or some shit, and Management very swiftly said no
So of course they'd want actually good merch

>> No.42671237

Even a donation can be used for Tax Deduction.
That's why you see many celebrity or famous ppl try to poped up Fundraising group under their name.
The owner of those fundraising will still get benefit on top of other ppl works anyway.

>> No.42671990

So going after doujins isn't enough for them huh?

>> No.42672397

you guys gotta update the shitpost rolodex eventually

>> No.42672806

You guys are still using no streams as a comeback so why would we?

>> No.42672882

All Vtubing companies are black companies.
I've been telling you this since the Rushia incident.

>> No.42672983

>but what about

>> No.42673027

Can nijisanji stop being black??

>> No.42673033

I hope anycolor shuts down comiket next

>> No.42673048

i don't give a shit about your gay retarded newfag tribalniggering.
it's just kind of ironic that anon brought up plushies because they've been putting out a plushie line for both JP and EN as of late.
you guys really have just been copy+pasting the same shit for like 3 years now, though.

>> No.42673124

>you guys really have just been copy+pasting the same shit for like 3 years now
Just like Niji merch lmao

>> No.42673265

What's the backstory behind cancelling the AR live?

>> No.42673357

>2020fags were the nijinigger all along
well... if that's the angle you want to take I guess I won't stop you...

>> No.42673469
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Officially the reason is "Covid" but then they announced two more events within the week and also some nijis made tweets like this

>> No.42673514

Despite being called anycolor they are actually black color

>> No.42673526

So what's the rumor then? That people in the live were going to graduate?

>> No.42674439


>> No.42674508

Serves them right for being so stupid and snitching on themselves.

if they didn't send him the email, Manjisanji wouldn't even know about it.

>> No.42674729

No refund

>> No.42674888

why are there so many nijisanji porn doujin in the last comiket?

>> No.42675496

0 Days without a Nijisan controversy. Nijifags really be shitting on Hololive and stirring up drama whenever there is a chance, because they cannot fathom the rival company actually being more competent than them. Niji is full of tranny fags anyway, anyone who continues to support this company is a fuckin degenerate

>> No.42676355

>emailed anycolor
>didn't get a reply
>"lol let's just do it anyway"
How fucking retarded are they?

>> No.42676641

Deserved. Fuck nijisisters for dogpilling on Zaion

>> No.42676855

The paid dancer in Japan refuse to dance for company backed by troons supporter.

>> No.42680657

There was actually very very little Niji stuff at comiket this year because of how aggressively they go after this shit.

>> No.42680959

Fuck ENshitter, based nijiJP management for canceled that shitty concert, ENcancer desn't deserve anything

>> No.42681123

It was cancelled because of covid concerns.

>> No.42681186

Paul Li wasn't happy

>> No.42681210


>> No.42681285

Nijinigs will seethe and call me a schizo because this board sucks but they clearly canceled the live because Niji management was pissed about millie's retarded 'secret' discord stream where they inadvertently criticized fellow talents and management, leading to all of them being punished. It's very obvious but every time you point out 1+1=2 you get people crying that it can't possibly be the case.

>> No.42681314

>nijinegros are actively destroying their own brand
Kek. Now if only hololive EN would stream regularly.

>> No.42681733

Dumbass, elira said it postpone not cancel

>> No.42681830

Yeah this is what I'm talking about
>management says it's canceled
>talents beg their fans "it's not canceled it's just postponed"
Postponed until 2024 maybe.
But at least you didn't deny the many many fuckups of nijien has lead to management to severely curtail their privileges.

>> No.42682010

Yes anon we've gone over this for a week now. Its postponed until Millie's graduation.

>> No.42682138

Might as well calling it cancelled at that point.
Saying it is postponed is just giving fans false hopes to keep up the hype.

>> No.42682265

They don't even have a corporate booth anymore because they're persona non grata.

>> No.42682448

>allowing refunds
Bro its cancelled, stop coping.

>> No.42682867

you're retarded because the decision to cancel the live was made before millie's dumb stream

>> No.42683122
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>> No.42683184

>elira said it postpone not cancel
Horry esl, you can read the tears hitting the keyboard.

>> No.42683221
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>anycolor going after fan merch when they themselves steal it

>> No.42683249

The irony of chinks using copyright.

>> No.42683351

this is why nijisanji will never hit the same mindshare levels as touhou. riku is a profit-obsessed bitch.

>> No.42683631

retarded anons never heard of p2p

>> No.42683703

Like any doujinshi artist technically does
Like any US artist at a Con selling prints technically does

And Any color doesn't care about that

But if the people who do this dare to get together to make an event out of it, ruh roh

>> No.42683723

Translate this shit

>> No.42683743

>anycolor doesn't care about doujin artists
how new?

>> No.42683810

More like
>Doujinshi artists don't care about Anycolor

Just look at the amount of circles with Hololive releases vs Nijisanji releases at last Comiket lmao

>> No.42683818
File: 116 KB, 480x1067, more stolen merch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top left: Stripe club vs Nijisanji merch comparisons (shocker: they're identical)
Bottom left: Stripe club announcing that they are aware that their merchandise is being stolen
Right: Anycolor statement of them pulling out the stolen merch and removing it from the store
inb4 >fake schizo
They do this shit literally all the time. If they sell any merch other than those shitty keychains theres a 100% chance its stolen, pic related literally last month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyxJPpTGzw

>> No.42683866

Anycolor is a company of blacks

>> No.42683950

Meanwhile hololive even endorsed some unofficial goods sold at comiket kek nijisanji is such shit.

>> No.42683977


>> No.42684000

You can't claim "nonprofit" on sales using the IP of an agency without disclosing your transactions to the very details, and even then they have the right to refuse. There are degrees to ensuring third party event organizers keep to their word, but Anycolor can't confirm the nature of the organizers' nonprofit claim unless they basically monitor every single transaction in person themselves, which would be equal to running the whole thing themselves. That''s the kike copyright laws working. Get bodied, niggers. Why don't you just make a Selen lemonade stand and tell only your neighbors? Then Anycolor won't say shit.

Anycolor can say "putang ina mo" to them


>> No.42684155

>been worked on since august 2022
Thats gotta sting like hell

>> No.42684310

>what is Nijisousaku

>> No.42684340
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cope for their lack of presence at comiket

>> No.42684682

Talk to me when you have your own Reitaisai/nijisousaku, faggot.

>> No.42684709
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>> No.42684728

>Hololive Expo

>> No.42684759


>> No.42684777

It's really sad, both the niji talents and the niji management are garbage

>> No.42684792

Reminder that they this this shit to NijiID before they shut down the branch
Cancelling official and fan made events

>> No.42684806

Their shilling department is shit too

>> No.42684879

Talk to us when you have a concert lmao

>> No.42685113
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Say what again?

>> No.42685145

Christ, Anycolor seem adamant in killing every fan-content creator in the market.
They go after all the doujin crowd now this.
Fucking retards.
They could have worked with them, instead they shit on them.
Do they actually have a death wish? I've seen so many artists drop them because of it. It fucking sucks man.

>> No.42685161

lol get fucked,
Imagine trying to Use an IP you don't own and assuming you won't get fucked by the short cock of japan law.

>> No.42685184

Oh, "covid" got cured already? Alright

>> No.42685225

They hate fan content since they cant make money off of it.

>> No.42685236

There was never covid. Ennigger are subhuman who never deserve anything. The sooner Riku purge that cancer, the better.

>> No.42685255

Thank god anycolor is gatekeeping shity sales of chines knockoff merch.

>> No.42685257

naisu eigo
are you self-taught?

>> No.42685289

they have to gateskeep that shit otherwise they lose the exclusivity of the one producing the chinese knockoff merch tier

>> No.42685315

Pretty much.
Basically trying to take the Microsoft approach with respect to the 2nd hand market in games where they tried to kill it off outright. (And Sony slapped their shit on stage at E3 over it by mocking them, deservedly)
The 2nd hand and fan markets bring recognition to the primary market. They keep it in the memories of people.
Some of them will never become a customer because they are too poor (and any smart company should try to pander to them in some form with cheaper products), but quite a lot of them DO go on to buy official goods in some form, and it has been shown countless times that this is the case. Even with fucking piracy, a free thing.

>> No.42685447

You do know that doujinshi circles that do fanworks don't make significant profits from most franchises, right? All circles that grow and become profitable work with their own IPs/designs.

>> No.42686825

>covid concerns

>> No.42686882

"covid". yeah, sure.

>> No.42686954

they're trying to be disney lel
