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42658175 No.42658175 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nijisanji cursed? Are they doomed to become the laughing stock for eternity?

>> No.42658277

They were cursed the minute they hired Paul Li for their managerial position. Because of him there is no more freedom in Nijisanji. And everything after Ethyria is evident as to why.

>> No.42658337 [DELETED] 

live by the chink, die by the chink
live by the troon, die by the troon

>> No.42658417

Including Ethyria* they're nothing but cocksleeves for the m*les

>> No.42658775

stop trying to falseflag falseEyed, you want to shitpost this use Kiho's thumbnail

>> No.42658958

Shit managers and even shittier hires. Niji's scouting department have no idea what the fuck they're doing. I really think that for some of them they just look at the liver's PL subs and go "wow big number good" and then hire them without even looking at what kind of person they're hiring or waht kind of content they do.
Still not watching your shitty videos tho falseeyed

>> No.42659249

Zaion and Kotoka were the best hires since Obsydia and put all of HoloEN's hires to shame. Now Paul Li wants to take one of them away because they go against his stale ways.

>> No.42659438
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>Ey I warned ya Zay-own, one more fuck up, you're out like DAT

>> No.42659568

This is why I will never go back to Nijisanji again, it started with the "DONT MAKE FUN OF ADHD" shit he pulled when he's the one playing as this fucking dumbass motherfiucker reeks hypocritic like the rest of the branch's policies. Holo is still the superior branch afterall. I retact my statements of NijiEN taking over HoloEN/StarsEN.

>> No.42659713

SEA spergout? Someone decipher this

>> No.42659779

>Holo is still the superior branch afterall
Production Kawaii, Idol, and Indies dwarf it in terms of authenticity

>> No.42659816

I think this is something Vox did?

>> No.42659866

He's right. Ethyria and Paul Li were the beginning of the end for Nijisanji. People are just coming out right now because the poison was clearly there.

>> No.42660252

Yeah they've always been shit. When you debut two people at the same time that were a "guy who lasts three days because people find his RM Twitter where he says he loves to drug and rape women and is gonna join a corpo to do it to his coworkers" and "girl who's so fucking miserable working here that she leaves for another corpo she's been at ever since" i don't know how you keep the same strategy

>> No.42660334

Date rapist? What the fuck?

>> No.42660518

Point is: Nijisanji died when Paul Li was hired as EN Manager and Ethyria made their deubts. Afterwards came m*les and the invitation of trannies in the fanbase.

>> No.42660526

no one even knows who paul li is

>> No.42660687

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.42660765

He's that guy from the Sopranos with the two-tone hair.

>> No.42660846

There's absolutely no coherent discussion here, holy shit. It's just lines and lines of headcanon vomit

>> No.42660880

They hired dumbass tranny loving politically correct activist managers, and then hired talents of the same breed. All those things are good for is fucking up, they were doomed to be garbage the moment they showed up in EN.

>> No.42661108 [DELETED] 

kys paul
Worse, they hired a Canadian Chink as lead manager. Meaning they pander to both trannies and chinks. This is why everything post-Lazusydia has been a slow but steady dumpster fire.

>> No.42661449

>t. Paul Li

>> No.42662054

They hire paul lee when they go public, it only number with him.

>> No.42662092

They're not cursed, they're simply suffering the consequences of their own actions.

>> No.42662229

NijiEN just grew too damn fast for their own good.

>> No.42662372

>NEVER FUCKING EVER do business with the Chinese.txt

>> No.42662656

Ethyria and m*les killed the soul of Nijisanji and perhaps ruined its potential to grow and unseat Holoshit on its own.

>> No.42662956

Does Falseyed get paid by Any Color to shill Nijisanji EN? 80% of his news is about them and they are almost always first. It's either that or he does it because NijiEN gives him attention. Holo EN is too big to care about Vtuber news channels. Why do 2nd rate and indie vtubers always communicate with these people?

>> No.42663064

They unironically need the exposure

>> No.42663456

Its probably because at least a third of NijiEN are willing to turn themselves into sideshows and believe that any publicity can be good publicity.
Which wouldn't be wrong if there wasn't so much constant drama that paints them in a bad light, drama is as good as getting attention as much as it is a bad thing.

>> No.42663524

If you pay attention the news and how it's presented is done in the order of how much they suck indie dick. Vshojo, who open their legs to the indies and let them have their way with them and their numbers all the time like the whores they are barely ever get covered and if they do he takes their side. Niji, who play nicer with indies but not as much as Vshojo, get covered fairly consistently but not as much as Hololive, who don't do jack shit with the garbage western vtubers, and he covers them every single chance he can scrape up and isn't afraid to side against them like he is Vshojo.

>> No.42664927

He covers NijiEN a lot more than HoloEN

>> No.42665029

It all went downhill when ethyria debuted.

>> No.42665068

Yeah, his usual format is "half the stream on some nothingburger niji yab, also mori got a new outfit or something."

>> No.42665158

I mean it just makes sense
>one company is inoffensive and doesn't stream as much
>other company has a yab literally every day
Even TV news doesn't bother wasting time on positive things.

>> No.42665159

>>42665068 me
video I mean

>> No.42665509

Nijisanji Japan is perfectly fine. English agency is the same everywhere. Trying to find a western weeb that's apolitical is trying to find a needle in a haystack.

>> No.42666664

Nijisanji EN is what happens when you hire hags who used to browse tumblr in 2008 and discord groomers to be the bulk of your streamers, the end result was predictable.

Each company has a culture that reflects who was hired into that company. Most of the girls in Nijien are slackers who probably furiously retweeted Obama when he was president, liking everything he said. Many of them are dropouts who feel entitled to success.

Production Kawaii is mostly normal, friendly girls with 6 figure day jobs as programmers, most of them have Master's degrees or have been to college and have day jobs and educationally mog the other companies.

Hololive EN is mostly 'actual' streamers, the kinds of girls who were min wagies and broke college students with loans whose first choice was to make it from being a streamer.

Phase Connect is full of the kinds of chicks who open a date by talking about how they were at the doctor to renew their xanax prescription because they're so fuckin quirky and crazy (ironically they also make fun of quirky girls).

Prism is full of girls who are always on hiatus since it's not serious to them.

Idol is full of women who served in the military.

Obviously there is sometimes overlap, culturally, since they are all hos aged 18-39 running in similar circles but the types of girls getting hired are influenced by the types of girls already working there.

>> No.42666805

Does idol even have any Israeli chuubas?

>> No.42667956

EN Vtubers are doomed to fail, the crumbling is only beginning

>> No.42667986

Katta, Nikki, Lily.

>> No.42668183

He's a con liaison from Otakuthon. He's one of the only names people have ever seen in a discord conversation so they use it for lack of anyone else (other than Noor, and using Noor's real name is dox and bannable). Also it's Chinese.

>> No.42673139

>Kawaii production
Eww, i don't want company that filled with bitter SEA Menhera like oceane. You must be from SEA to like them

>> No.42676022

>Is Nijisanji cursed?

>> No.42680700

what did they did now?

>> No.42680771

he makes videos about vtuber drama and nijiEN is always involved in drama, I think that's all there is to it

>> No.42681192

Every business executive should be mandated by law to read the DO NOT LEARN MANDARIN thread before doing business with a Chinese company

>> No.42681216

They already are the laughing stock

>> No.42681263

I've noticed it's similar with khyo, he also shills tempus on a regular basis despite their shit numbers so I can buy that companies either pay or just ask this dramatubers for favors or else...

>> No.42681279

>Is Nijisanji cursed?
Yes, by me.

>> No.42681337


>> No.42681821

When you stretch so thin the pasta will break with a bit tension

>> No.42682988

Nijisanji contender for Vshojo KWABOTY.

>> No.42683288

News at 11: dramatuber covers drama
Guess who generates the vast majority of drama

>> No.42683427

>Hololive EN is mostly 'actual' streamers, the kinds of girls who were min wagies and broke college students with loans whose first choice was to make it from being a streamer.
Look, I mostly watch holo EN, but this is way off
Very few were dedicated streamers pre-holo
Cover recruits based off filling niches, prior clout, or nepotism

>> No.42683473

>>42683427 (me)
also the token multilinguals in the non-JP branches

>> No.42683635

>HoloEN news
New song
Who is on break this month
One might stream today
>NijiEN news
Suspension for shitpost
Rape joke
Cancelled event
Fighting with fans, again
Thinly veiled fighting in public with management

>> No.42683664

no nepotism hires or prior clout hiring in nijisanji, no.
