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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42626863 No.42626863 [Reply] [Original]

I just don't understand why we can't all get along and not have complete and utter assholes bully and harass one of the nicest and sweetest chuubas out there into cancelling her stream just because "jk rowling bad".
It's made me really upset and angry.
I honestly can't even blame Pikamee in this situation given that she's never had to deal with western hate mobs like this before, not to mention she's already not in the best mental state.
I just want my cute kettle friend to be able to enjoy herself and play what she wants without fear of bullying or harassment.

>> No.42626936

Stop shitposting with Pikamee, faggot.

>> No.42627016
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did you watch her mugnemite stream

>> No.42627029

what kind of crack are you smoking to see this thread as a shitpost

>> No.42627111

Because you faggots don't give a shit about Pikamee nor do you watch her. You just found out about her and use her in your stupid fucking culture war. Shut the fuck up and go back to twitter.

>> No.42627135

maybe because the people that chop off their dicks and pretend their taint wounds are vaginas are not the most rational ones

>> No.42627144

She could've just ignored and blocked the comments, why did she have to be such a pushover.

>> No.42627201

They did it because they could and it worked so it's funny.

>> No.42627230
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It's never enough with them too

>> No.42627251

i've been a fan of her for 2 and a half years, i don't like seeing her be treated like this

>> No.42627275
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It's sad, HL supposed to be her first stream after the break, and after that whole situation most likely it pushed her into another break

>> No.42627347

Kill every troon. Every single one.

>> No.42627353

She already played it off stream, get over it

>> No.42627356

If you are her fan and know ANYTHING about her you wouldn't drag /vt/ schizo attenton to her you retard. Learn to lie better.

>> No.42627496

>becomes Twitch streamer
>gets cancelled
like pottery

>> No.42627578

>Be weak
>Fold to retards

>> No.42627718

Post membership faggot

>> No.42627738

And both are right. She is a retard after all.

>> No.42627796

>I just don't understand why we can't all get along
>It's made me really upset and angry.

There's your answer. All of this started from being emotional over something someone said on twitter.

>> No.42627938

Itt troons gaslighting pika's fans with stupid cope like >she's playing it offline anyway

Nah troons all deserve the rope.
Do your part and turn 55% into 100%

>> No.42628021


Most of the bullies are astroturfing trolls/bots from /pol/

>> No.42628090

You mean /leftypol/

>> No.42628199

It's trolling to look like astroturfing and then they come hide behind the astroturfing excuse
I see you.

>> No.42628428

Its always deranged Amerimutts attacking innocent people, especially Japanese creators and streamers are their easy targets. They do it in every other entertainment/geek industry as well. Amerimutts are as animal as chinks. Learn it. They arent any different from angry chink mob. If you encounter them, just counter against them. Embarrass their nationality and tell them fuck off back to their Amerimutt cesspit and other countries are absolutely different from their rotten degenerate society. They think every other country must be the same as Amerimutt shithole and their mindset will NEVER change. Dont think you can convince them. Just kick their asses out.

>> No.42628679

>I just don't understand why we can't all get along and not have complete and utter assholes
I thought you were talking about /vt/.

>> No.42628692

>no condemnation from the 'normal' trannies because deep down theyre ok and agree with it

Nah fuck off all you troonies share responsibility
Mashallah we bring back stoning and hurling your ilk off rooftops

>> No.42628817

at least on /vt/ pretty much all of its anti-ing is contained here

>> No.42628822

that's what you get for being too nice to sjw and tranny audiences. Pikamee is literally the kindest vtuber ever but that's also her biggest weakness. Getting all chummy with those vwhorejo is the biggest mistake she's ever made because their cancer SJW woke audience spilled to her.

>> No.42628896

I watched her retard, not on the membership level but I watched her every time she stream

>> No.42629003

are you retarded?

>> No.42629369

Did it hurt you faggot? He is right and you know it.

>> No.42629649

Calm down. Pikamee saids it's alright and she's made her decision
Why the fuck are you still pissed trying to white knight

>> No.42629708

Did any catch what exactly happened in Pikamee's chat before the cancelled stream?

Any caps of that?

>> No.42629752

you're on a website that sincerely wishes for nothing less than the eradication of all trans people, and get surprised and upset when they're extremely defensive? worse yet; you whine about innocent people getting harassed... when harassing innocent people is this website's favorite past time.
If (You) want to keep terrorizing trans people, this is the price you pay.

>> No.42629868

Who are you complaining to? Almost every single person using this board thinks it's retarded that Pikamee had to cancel her stream or suffer even more garbage in her twitter replies/stream chat because some little fags were upset for a retarded reason.

>> No.42629874

i think you've misunderstood OP

>> No.42629887

Obviously pikamee doesn't deserve this, but neither do trans people deserve the hate orchestrated by people like /here/ and rowling. and, frankly, pikamee's getting a whole lot less shit than they are, so it's hard to feel bad for (You) getting upset by all this.

>> No.42629893

>Pikamee saids it's alright and she's made her decision
Ooh you are right, the publicly harassed and threatened girl (the same one that cried over people calling kson fat) said its OK so it's actually OK, got it

>> No.42630020

I understand OP. It fucking sucks. But raging against the wizard game makes perfect sense when it's owned by one of the biggest existential threats to your existence. if people /here/ want inhumanity, well, that's what they'll get. You can cultivate a subhuman culture of hate or you can do your best to get along and people like pikamee don't get caught in the crossfire. one or the other.

>> No.42630074

Death to all troons. Leave.

>> No.42630155

bad behaviour will continue until it is punished

>> No.42630160

basically this. ideally, she should stop streaming in english. woke niggers are mentally ill. they totally lack critical thinking skills and can never self-control, so even after this, the same shit will definitely keep happening. they never think they are the problems. ops okimotchi statement is honestly fucking laughable. spoiled as fuck. just escapes from the hard and obvious truth.

>> No.42630235
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Just don't pander on trannies

>> No.42630250

Pika deserve to be bullied

>> No.42630280

Anyone without a uterus and periods isn't a women and will never understand being a woman.
Stop trying to erase women because of someone born with a broken body, it's no different than removing normal classes from school and banning College/University because 70 IQs exist.

We will defend women's rights.

>> No.42630319

As I said; it's your call whether innocents like pikamee get caught in the crossfire. When people harass innocents like pikamee, it's because they know rowling has people like you on their side. only a retard doesn't understand that a cornered animal will fight back to the death.

>> No.42630380

You're concern trolling. This place is almost as misogynistic as it is transphobic. You don't actually give a shit about women's rights.

>> No.42630438

Troons really think they are a cornered animal fighting for their life? Delusional in more ways than one.

>> No.42630519

The guy I replied to LITERALLY said "Death to all troons", retard. What, you think that's the message of a pacifist who wants to co-exist?

>> No.42630575

Of course I don't, just like normal people don't think men in women's bathrooms is anything but inherently wrong and destructive.
At the end of the day, the complete and utter failure of the boycott to hurt anything but innocent women is truly the Transwomans Legacy.

>> No.42630606

If you don't give a shit about women's rights, then your argument is void, retard.

>> No.42630621

>a cornered animal will fight back to the death
troon + chuuni = trooni

>> No.42630625

I was actually on the fence before all this, but seeing you all chimp out collectively and harm some innocent's livelihood because of the retarded belief that a game threatens your very existence has changed my worldview. Your cope is that somehow this is comparable to board shenanigans mostly contained /here/, when we look down on containment breachers just like everyone else.

Didnt like JK Rowling but now I agree with her on a lot of things. You're all subhuman mistakes. Act like a dog, get put down like one.

>> No.42630646

>When people harass innocents like pikamee, it's because they know rowling has people like you on their side
Mf try to justify their action just because some rando attacked them. All of this bullshit won't happen if those retard don't make a big ruckus about this game

>> No.42630668

Turn off your screen, retard. The internet is not real, or cant you survive without twitter?

>> No.42630715


>> No.42630747

>if you say that they're gonna feel the need to fight back.
pretty simple argument to understand if you aren't retarded.
the average mentally ill trans person still isn't as psychopathic as your typical /here/ poster, so who are you to throw stones? even if you think being trans is a mental illness i can't see the justification for people who are equally or more mentally unwell to go after them.

>> No.42630795

Don't watch pikamee, don't use twitter, don't comment on youtube, and never read harry potter. i haven't done shit besides farm (You)s.
But yeah, you were TOTALLY on the fence before this anon. Totally. I believe you 100%.

>> No.42630837

Just like the existence of "trans" women who do nothing but hurt women. Glad you understand.

>> No.42630846

All of this bullshit "won't happen if those retard" didn't terrorize trans people. Both are bad, ESL-chan.

>> No.42630874

You're concern trolling. You're just playing devil's advocate with this retarded circular argument that harassing pikamee is justified because people here are mad at trans people for harassing pikamee. You don't give a shit about any of this and we both know it

>> No.42630886

Stop making these threads.
Stop bumping these threads.
The best thing you can do for Pika right now is to let the whole situation lay. What's done is done and everybody needs to move on. Everybody already knows troons are insufferable subhumans that belong in a mental ward.

>> No.42630937

When you slice and dice your own genitals you lose the ability to claim anyone is more mentally ill than you are.

>> No.42630940

This guy believes destroying women to let men cosplay as women is social justice when women weren't even equal in society yet to begin with

>> No.42630945

post some shadow the hedgehog inspirational images while you are at it, trooni

>> No.42630955

Show me how many trans people have done mass shootings vs how many non-trans people.
Or how many men have done murder-suicides with their families vs how many trans women have done the same.
Or how many trans roommate chuubas have been exposed for grooming, abuse, bullying or assault vs how many non-trans male and female roommates have been caught for the same.

>> No.42631035

My mom is a man now since she got a hysterectomy after my birth?

>> No.42631037
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ayo hold on

>> No.42631098

>a cornered animal will fight back to the death
Oh you "people" are animals alright.

>> No.42631117

>it's your call whether innocents like pikamee get caught in the crossfire
Spoken like a deranged terrorist. Hang yourself and save us the effort you fucking freak.

>> No.42631146

Your dad*

>> No.42631248
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I have 2 dads? Sweet. Most troons don't even have one.

>> No.42631325

Work on your reading comprehension, retard. I don't think harassing pikamee is justified. What I want is for innocents to not get caught in the crossfire AND for trans people to not live their lives in fear. Trans people are acting out because they CORRECTLY identify transphobia as an existential threat to them (as the people replying to me are more than happy to demonstrate), and Rowling is pretty much the terf queen at this point. Pikamee was wrong to buy/stream/advertise the game, but it's not her fault that she didn't realize why that would've been a bad thing, so she doesn't deserve harassment.
The ONLY solution to the problem of twitter trannies sperging out is to stop telling them to kill themselves like it's the only thing that gives your life meaning. They didn't become a problem until diet neonazis needed a new class to bludgeon after gay rights went mainstream.

>> No.42631372
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>> No.42631379

>You just found out about her and use her in your stupid fucking culture war
You're the ones who attacked her. You're the ones who turned HL into a massive issue.

>> No.42631439

mutilating yourself harms nobody else. wanting to exterminate others is objectively worse.
so you agree, then? that trannies sperging out is entirely the fault of those calling for their extermination?

>> No.42631465

Most troons are from the same perpetually angry and unhinged pool of incels that make up r9k and pol. So any overlap in behavior is due to that. Spery porn addicted nerds don't suddenly become elegant the moment they claim to be a woman.

>> No.42631492

>wtf why are the trannies so agitated?

>> No.42631552
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Harrasing pika should be a crime punishable by death, thankfully troons end up killing themselves.

>> No.42631561

No excuses. Raise the 55%

This martyr narrative is pathetic. People outside of /here/ are starting to say the same things because of your sperging. There will be no stopping because you really are the animals you claimed yourselves to be

>> No.42631583

Just fucking attack me then and not someone who doesn't gives a fuck about your political agenda, retard

>> No.42631608

>trannies harass people that have nothing to do with anything
>us extremists then see this and say damn i fucking hate trannies
> wtf trannies are justly upset!!!
delusional, maybe dont be a disgusting piece of shit troon that does shit like this and then tries to indoctrinate and groom kids and they wouldnt be so hated?

>> No.42631626

playing a video game doesn’t make you transphobic. there is nothing wrong with playing it as has already been proven given that it’s now the most watched single player game of all time. tons of people are streaming it without issue. Now you need to ask yourself why they went after people like pika and that girlfriend reviews stream. It’s because it’s not about troons being accepted, it’s about power. They go after weak and small streamers because they know they can bully them. Meanwhile streamers like xQc play the game for 100k+ viewers and trannies don’t do shit against them. Just admit they only want to pick on the weak because it gets them off like their fetish

>> No.42631657

>the average mentally ill trans person still isn't as psychopathic as your typical /here/ poster

You are not in the best position to say that, retard

>> No.42631713

Until the last ten years or so, people didn't even think about you.

>> No.42631771

Don't feign not being an extremist when you're literally calling for people to be exterminated. Be honest and own up to how terrible of a person you are if you expect people to even humor your arguments.
Never said playing a video game makes you transphobic, retard. That's a strawman.

>> No.42631827

so you recognize then that you had absolutely no excuse for harassing pikamee then

>> No.42631895
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>> No.42631911

How did an open lolicon get a following of woketards?

>> No.42631962

I sure as shit am. I don't condone harassing innocent people OR call for the extermination of people. I'm the moral superior in this thread. libertarians are retarded in their own wonderful ways but the non-aggression principle is obviously the way to go.
Yes, that's exactly the point I made before. trannies on twitter only started acting up one (You) became an existential threat to them.

>> No.42631988

>Never said playing a video game makes you transphobic
So, she is allowed to play the game right? Because it is just a game

>> No.42632006

>anon can't follow the conversation

>> No.42632026

>I'm the moral superior in this thread

Oh brother you just made it worse for yourself, kek

>> No.42632095

>pika was wrong to buy and stream the game
Why would you say that? Just because Rowling is ? You’re basically saying that by buying the game you’re supporting her transphobia. This is false. It’s a video game. The troons aren’t having their way of life threatened by Harry Potter. The entire shit show is because retards equate playing the wizard game to being transphobic.

>> No.42632107

You are the ones who started acting up. You are the ones who started forcing yourselves down everyone's throats, including children. And now more and more people are fed up with you.

>> No.42632142

That's all it really is. They can't fight someone with 10's of thousands of concurent viewers because they will easily be ignored or lost in the sea of comments. Some of the bigger name chuubas are alright because their fans will dogpile on any fag willing enough to try and shit on them, but it's the small ones that get wrecked the most.

>> No.42632165
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>I'm the moral superior in this thread
you are so fucking cool dude

>> No.42632414

>Pikamee was wrong to buy/stream/advertise the game, but it's not her fault that she didn't realize why that would've been a bad thing, so she doesn't deserve harassment.
nobody should blame pikamee for not knowing why people would get upset at her buying/streaming HL. It's an unreasonable burden of awareness to put on people to know every little thing about the stuff they buy/use. Like, if someone needs to buy AA batteries or whatever, it's unreasonable to expect that person to first research everything about the company which produces those batteries and figure out whether they've got good labor policiy or whatever.
The people at fault are the people who decided HL needed to be a political matter. Rowling, /here/, and friends. Every dollar spent on this game is a dollar that funds the terf queen's efforts to exterminate trans people. MAAAAYBE it could slip under the radar if rowling herself wasn't accompanied by a horde of psychopaths screaming for extermination, but that's just not the world we live in, is it, anon?
It's true. I don't want anybody to get harassed OR for anybody to get exterminated. Therefore, I'm better than damn near 100% of the rest of this thread. Seethe all you want at an argument you can't directly counter. Maybe consider putting my comment above a basedjack?
Even if that were true (it's not; diet neonazis only started to care about trans people after gay marriage was legalized in the US), it's still not as egregious as calling for extermination, retard.

>> No.42632423

Plus, Pika is not the most mentally tough vtuber out there, making her an even easier target.

>> No.42632490

Harsh words on an anonymous image board are an existential threat? Such weak lifeforms deserve to go extinct then

>morally superior
>an apologetic for bullies who target innocents

Morally and biologically, you have no footing. Neck yourself.

>> No.42632526

The more you keep pushing your trans agenda the more people start thinking about just exterminating the whole lot of you. It's not enough that you make your mental illnesses and fetishes an inescapable part of everyone's lives, you even have to go after children. Just keep going and see what happens.

>> No.42632599

If words on an anonymous image board are meaningless, than so is the harassment pika received. If you're going to argue that there's nothing wrong with what happened to pika, by all means, the floor is yours, even though I still don't agree.
i don't approve of any harassment or "harassment", retard. towards pikamee OR towards trans. still your better in every way.

>> No.42632631

Yeah, bullying and harassing people for doing something you disagree with is extremely shitty, I'm sure the posters of /vt/ will refelct on this for future events.

>> No.42632648

>I'm better than damn near 100% of the rest of this thread

Stop, this is not helping.

>> No.42632680

>wizard game
>"existential threat"
>harrassing a pretend anime girl is "fighting back to the death"
Your first world ass is not facing genocide. Meds. Now.

>> No.42632744

>Every dollar spent on this game is a dollar that funds the terf queen's efforts to exterminate trans people.
Rowling doesn't want to "exterminate" trannies, do you think she's the second coming of Hitler or something? Her most extreme take is "People who menstruate = women". You're completely delusional.
Not to mention, in case you forgot, she's the author of one of the most popular children's book series ever, she has so much money already she's already completely set for life, she doesn't need pittance royalties from this shitty game to do anything. It makes 0 difference who buys this or not, stop being such a narcissicist.

>> No.42632773

It is hypocritical to chastise people for making their nonsense an inescapable part of other peoples' lives when you yourself are in favor of making your nonsense an inescapable part of other peoples' lives.
You probably aren't very good at reading, so I'll simplify it: even if I accept the premise that trans people make their mental illnesses everybody else's problem; you are doing the exact same thing by making your transphobia inescapable. Except you're still worse because exterminating people is worse than being obnoxious assholes on twitter and genital mutilation.

>> No.42632807

>every dollar spent is a dollar that goes to the terf queens efforts
That’s a moot point because everything everyone buys fuels some sort of injustice in the world. Every phone purchase they’re posting their shit on is another dollar towards funding the slave labor that built it. and again you’re ignoring that only small streamers are being targeted by them. Bullying the weak isn’t rallying anyone to their cause, in fact it’s just pushing people who never gave a shit to begin actively disliking them. The game is going to sell record numbers whether she played the game or not. Now it’s just going to sell record numbers while making more anons hate them and what they stand for

>> No.42632840

>feeding the trolls
This is why zoomies are perpetually mocked. Despite growing up on the internet you tards have no idea how to use it properly.

>> No.42632876
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Everyone on this thread is fucking retarded
>but that includ-
Yeah I'm also fucking retarded

>> No.42632912

>you yourself are in favor of making your nonsense an inescapable part of other peoples' lives
What nonsense? Biology 101? Social norms that maintain rather than destroy a society?

>even if I accept the premise that trans people make their mental illnesses everybody else's problem; you are doing the exact same thing by making your transphobia inescapable
You started this. Now suffer the consequences.

>Except you're still worse because exterminating people is worse than being obnoxious assholes on twitter and genital mutilation.
If you don't want to be exterminated then maybe stop giving people good reasons to start thinking about that as a viable option.

>> No.42632918

>comparing vt board shenanians to collectively going up to a streamer's platform and harassing her

Its like comparing boys in the locker room joking around to a mugger. Intellectually dishonest

>doesnt approve of harassment
>keeps deflecting blame from actual bullies and defends the ideology behind the bullying
>what happened to pika cant be helped

No, you're abhuman trash

>> No.42632954

Based af

>> No.42632957

>THE REST OF THAT SENTENCE: when it's owned by one of the biggest existential threats to your existence
I know reading is hard, anon, but at least finish the first sentence before hitting that post button.
Oh? Are we going to pretend that people /here/ are just joking about wanting all trans people to get murdered? interesting strategy, let's see how it plays out.
that rowling is the face of terfs and general transphobes is indisputable. why do you think this board was so hyped up about the game to begin with? You really think /vt/ is just filled with potterheads? honestly, you people are so dishonest with your own arguments. And more money is more money, retard.

>> No.42633161

>Bullying the weak isn’t rallying anyone to their cause, in fact it’s just pushing people who never gave a shit to begin actively disliking them.
How come this logic is never applied when it's diet nazis screaming "EXTERMINATE ALL TROONS" i wonder
nonsense being the 4gb folder of trannies getting murdered/committing suicide gifs on your harddrive and things like that, anon.
I'm not suffering any consequences whatsoever. I'm not a fan of pikamee, harry potter, or whatever, and transphobes aren't an existential threat to me.
It's delusional to think that (You) would leave them alone if they were more meek. If you don't want trannies to sperg out, why don't YOU stop giving them a good reason to sperg out?
If you're going to argue that text on the internet is meaningless, then that invalidates any complaints about what twitter trannies did to pika. You're free to make that argument to the rest of the freaks.

>> No.42633227

>that rowling is the face of terfs and general transphobes is indisputable.

Just because you see it like that, it does not make that a reality.

>> No.42633252

Well, then who is it?

>> No.42633295
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I just want to say that I don't watch Pikamee but I'm excited that the tipping point is upon us and the day we get to hang troons draws near!

>> No.42633316

yer mum

>> No.42633324

Why are you asking me that?

Do you expect me to have all the answers or something?

>> No.42633362

Doubt any of them are fans of hers, and if they are they're "fans" in that all they actually know about her is the kill da ho clip. Regardless though, she's made herself an easy target by acknowledging them. Now even if she grows a spine and streams Hogwarts, they're not going to leave her alone.

>> No.42633387

>nonsense being the 4gb folder of trannies getting murdered/committing suicide gifs on your harddrive and things like that, anon.
It's because you're extremely annoying and people don't like you yet you keep forcing yourselves on others harder and harder.

>It's delusional to think that (You) would leave them alone if they were more meek.
That's exactly what happened before trannies became the new cause célèbre of the left.

>If you don't want trannies to sperg out, why don't YOU stop giving them a good reason to sperg out?
You're the ones sperging out and giving people a reason to strike back.

>> No.42633400

once more, the comprehending the mysterious cause and effect of
>wtf why are the troonies sperging out
fails to escape the mental giants of /vt/.

>> No.42633408

>>wtf why are the trannies so agitated?
Can't be agitated if you're dead, so die.

>> No.42633502

>how come this logic is never applied when it’s exterminate all troons
It is plenty of times. That’s why if you do anything like that on any site aside from here you get insta-banned.

>> No.42633538

You retarded, anon?
>Rowling is the most notable TERF
>No she isn't
>Ok, then who is?
>How the fuck would I know?
Again; playing NUH UH HE STARTED IT MOMMY is a pointless endeavor, because one side is being obnoxious assholes on the internet and the other side wants total extermination and is also being obnoxious assholes on the internet.

>> No.42633547

You know is so easy to close your tab and go to a different website.

But here you are still sperging the fuck out.

>> No.42633586

No Eunice, a few meanies on 4channel calling you bad words doesn't mean you sperging at some random unrelated vtuber who just wants to play the wizard game is logical or justified in any way. Try again.

>> No.42633615
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And you fail to grasp that people hate you because you pray on children and mentally unwell autists. You will never, ever be a woman, no matter how much of your body you mutilate.

>> No.42633620

If you don't want to be exterminated then why are you doing everything in your power to make it happen?

>> No.42633629
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You threaten to murder this absolute sweetheart, you forfeit your right to exist

>> No.42633630

You expect me to point at a random person and say "LOOK THIS IS THE FACE OF TERFS AND TRANSPHOBES".

Im not like you people.

>> No.42633651
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>> No.42633668

>wtf why are troons sperging out
the question that should be asked is why are they sperging out on streamers like pikamee. But we know why that is and that makes any sort of point they want to make worthless.

>> No.42633811
File: 187 KB, 424x524, imagen_2023-02-08_144727949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people telling trannies to kill themselves
>Trannies attack someone like pikamee who didnt do anything at all and didnt even mentioned them in the first place.

I dont know, you tell me.

>> No.42633884

My point is that if arguing like a shitbag actually put people off their arguments, then this board would be empty. So it's obviously not the case. Most people aren't so sensitive to be persuaded by tone alone. Which is why it's always so obvious that people like
are completely, unambiguously full of bullshit.
Once again; if internet words are meaningless, then nothing bad happened to pikamee. If you want to be logically consistent, you should be chastising pikamee for getting upset over nothing, precisely like you are doing now towards twitter troons.
>4chan user saying that preying on children and mentally unwell autists is bad
good news on the not being a woman part, i guess.
threatening murder is always retarded. i'm just asking for logical consistency.
Yes, retard. If you're going to directly contradict an argument that someone is the most notorious TERF, I'm going to expect you to offer an alternative.
oof, yeah, that was pretty bad.

>> No.42633987

holy mass replying faggot
you have actual issues dude, get a hobby, watch streams or something instead of arguing on /vt/

>> No.42634025

It's obvious why trannies don't want this game getting streamed and why they're sperging out, retard. Think before you type.
>and didnt even mentioned them
i don't want to misunderstand your argument so please type it coherently ESL-chan.

>> No.42634029

>Yes, retard. If you're going to directly contradict an argument that someone is the most notorious TERF, I'm going to expect you to offer an alternative.

You expect me to care that much about this kind of topic, and like i said im not gonna point fingers at random.

This isnt twitter jackass.

>> No.42634144

>That Joe Biden is the president of the United States is indisputable
>Just because you see it like that, it does not make that a reality.
>Well, then who is it?
>Why are you asking me that? How should I know? I'm not going to point fingers at random.

>> No.42634150

I hate troons not because I actually give a fuck, but because hurting people is funny as shit. I love watching those fans suffer

>> No.42634167

All of these replies and you're still not an inch closer to becoming a woman. Lmao get dabbed on.

>> No.42634202

yeah, we all know. you and I are the only ones who are gonna be honest about it though.

>> No.42634213

I actually want troons to sperg out more so normalfags form an increasingly negative image of them. Can't wait for a night of long ropes.

>> No.42634246
File: 249 KB, 604x340, imagen_2023-02-08_145513611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should be chastising pikamee for getting upset over nothing

im speechless, how can someone be this retarded.

>> No.42634299

>a handful of autistic trannies cyberbully a grown ass woman
>/vt/ activates Full Reich mode
everyone involved in this mess needs to log off
this culture war shit is ruining everything and both sides are responsible

>> No.42634314

>It's obvious why trannies don't want this game getting streamed and why they're sperging out

Because they are mentally unwell.

>> No.42634344

Way to miss the point and strawman lmao

Going into /vt/ is not the same as your official channel and chat getting gooned by faggots. Your livelihood actually gets affected in the latter due to disruption of service and activities.

I guess I shouldnt expect too much from lifeforms no greater than wild beasts

>> No.42634375

>It's obvious why trannies don't want this game getting streamed
Wyell, I believe this game won't become this big if those retard just stay silent about it, no?

>> No.42634380

Retard POTUS is an official title while "Leader of terfs and transphobes" is a completly nonexistent title that you decided to give to a famous person whose worst offense against trannies is "I don't like how they take the spotlight away from real women".

>> No.42634425

How new

>> No.42634444

Thanks anon, you took the words out of my mouth.

>> No.42634450

>getting angry at abusive pedophiles is just as bad as being an abusive pedophile
brainbroken mutt

>> No.42634501

>both sides

>> No.42634506

don't bother dude the retards ITT didn't learn shit after gamergate crashed and burned. they're not gonna learn now.

>> No.42634533
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I welcome this development. It was about time /vt/ collectively raises its right arm to the one nation.

>> No.42634538
File: 26 KB, 680x382, 752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be serious for a second guys, does trannies say "UWO AHH AHH ARGH" every time they transform into the opposite sex?

>> No.42634556

okay le epic centrist fencesitter faggot

>> No.42634561

posts like these make me laugh because i remember the times where they're directed at transmen. very supportive of you, anon :)
My question is why everyone else here is fucking around with all of the smoke and mirrors and not just admitting it like you are.
learn to read, retard. The anon I replied to was arguing that internet text is meaningless. If that were true, than the internet text directed against pika is also meaningless. i don't agree with the premise, I was just challenging that anon's terrible argument.
and/or because of the diet nazis terrorizing them at every opportunity. but you're still not being honest like that other anon.
what is disrupted?
>nobody would care about A FUCKING AAA HARRY POTTER GAME if it weren't for twitter troonies sperging out

>> No.42634605

"she's never had to deal with western hate mobs before" pika had an identical menhera episode when people here went schizo and harassed her over the new model. very easy to tell who actually gives a shit about pika and who's an opportunistic tourist

>> No.42634634

You keep making contradictory claims and pedal back on issues multiple times in this thread and accuse me of bullshit?

Sincerity is wasted on dogs

>> No.42634639

>nobody would care about A FUCKING AAA HARRY POTTER GAME if it weren't for twitter troonies sperging out
Yes, did you miss the part where people start to preorder this game just to make your kind seethe?

>> No.42634706

Delusional mutt
>muh both sides!

>> No.42634707

What are we supposed to "learn"? To stop resisting you?

>> No.42634732

I didn't say internet words are meaningless you colossal faggot, I said people on THIS website you are browsing right now saying bad things about you does not justify dragging in an innocent person into a hate brigade, nor does it make any logical sense. For that matter, yes, Pikamee should have just ignored the dumbasses like you because she was not wrong in any way to play a videogame which does not have any affiliation with Rowling's opinion on twatter, unless you're delusional enough to think one copy bought = one dead tranny. You're completely out of your mind, you freak.

>> No.42634758

>you should be chastising pikamee
I am though, because it was a mistake to give into them. she’s never going to be able to stream normally again because they know they can just bully her into doing what they want now. again, the ones doing the harassment don’t give a shit about transrights, they just want to exercise power under the guise of being just. If they really cared about the exterminate them all shit they’d go after the people doing it and not someone completely detached from it

>> No.42634770

>abusive pedophiles
but enough about /vt/

>> No.42634776

>and/or because of the diet nazis terrorizing them at every opportunity

You forgot the point of this thread, you say that "diet nazis terrorize them at every opportunity" but pikamee didnt even said anything and they just went ape shit for no reason.

Explain that.

>> No.42634790

>GamerGate killed gawker
>GG called it a day and everyone lost interest
>crashed and burned!!!
You wanna know how we know you're a troon? It's obvious

>> No.42634805

Stop shifting the blame, tranny.

>> No.42634815

Literally just don't reply or pay attention to antis
But women prove themselves unable to glance over any kind of attention.

>> No.42634829

Certain people have a vested interest in destabilizing a culture.

>> No.42634850

gamergate is hogan?

>> No.42634878
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>did you miss the part where people start to preorder this game just to make your kind seethe?

Troons are blind?, who could had thought of that.

>> No.42634883
File: 40 KB, 720x688, FnBsfLSWQAwhewV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, seriously get a life. Go out there and try to hang out with your friend, I'm starting to feel bad about your mental condition now

>> No.42634958

no the people harassing pika now are absolute scum no question, its just embarrassing watching some of you who clearly have no problem with their methods pretend to be shocked, she's been getting this shit constantly for at least a year

>> No.42634959

>My question is why everyone else here is fucking around with all of the smoke and mirrors and not just admitting it like you are.
The "diet nazis" as you aptly label them are simply in denial about what they really want. It will take time for them to come to terms with their unconscious desire for total tranny death. They will admit it eventually.

>> No.42635030

>simply in denial about what they really are
thanks for the input, JKR

>> No.42635032

I'm not "pretending to be shocked," I just want the trannies to fuck off.

>> No.42635057

>what is disrupted?
You're on a board dedicated to vtubing. figure it out.

>> No.42635117

Optimus Pride

>> No.42635131

your whole premise was pika has never dealt with this before, maybe you should just say what you mean instead of making things up

>> No.42635141

>It will take time for them to come to terms with their unconscious desire for total tranny death

They are saying to your face, how is that unconscious?

>> No.42635163

In contrast to the other anons who are desperately trying to conceal their sadism with nonsensical arguments they don't believe, I think you are just sincerely a complete fucking moron who honestly believes the idea of a high-production harry potter game doesn't have mass appeal. sorry, but IDK what to do with that, so have your (You) and be off, I guess.
what is it with 4chan tards always thinking their little website is somehow isolated from the rest of the internet? good lord, it isn't 2006 anymore, idiot.
opposition to streaming/buying the game is completely justified from the trans perspective because doing so will fuel the transphobia which is an existential threat to them. pika obviously doesn't deserve harassment or blame, but don't pretend like you don't understand why she got caught in the crossfire.

>> No.42635189

Wouldnt know, im not /vt/ anon's keeper.
I do hate containment breachers though.

Cant say the same for your tranny apologetics

>> No.42635201

The amount of cope you are injesting is litteral suicide you should stop. That whole HP stuff painted trans in the worst image they never had, and you would agree they didn't need that. Now well the extinction is closer than never and cherry on the cake i personnaly got the "told you so" right when talking to any of the survivors.

>> No.42635251

she talked about it on her stream, you should
try watching it sometime

>> No.42635266

>My question is why everyone else here is fucking around with all of the smoke and mirrors and not just admitting it like you are.
Because zoomers and election tourists are pussies who can't even muster up the courage to be properly edgy online. There are multiple elected officials in the United States who have called for the execution of all trans people. If those boomers can do it, so can they. But these newfags realize that normal people think that their transphobia is more insane than chopping off your tits. No conviction!

>> No.42635265

Well I'm not aware of trannies previously attacking Pikamee, and if I were aware then I would again say that trannies need to fuck off. This isn't complicated.

>> No.42635330

I know you aren't aware, thats why I called you an opportunistic tourist. glad you're caught up

>> No.42635334

You'd have to make me believe I'm worse off than the freaks calling for extermination for that feigned sympathy to land, anon. Why should I care that you think poorly of me when I'm surrounded by so much worse?
No, they're generally perfectly honest about it when they don't think outsiders are listening in. That's a lesson I learned from my family down south, as a white guy who passes for a conservative until he opens his mouth.
What of pikamee's got disrupted by people other than herself? She made the decision to cancel the stream.

>> No.42635345

Pikamee did nothing wrong.

>> No.42635388
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>but don't pretend like you don't understand why she got caught in the crossfire.

Simple, troons just went ape shit and started attacking her without even giving that a second though.

I get that "transphobia is a existential threat to them" but come on, not all of them justified what happened to pikamee so.

Explain that.

>> No.42635427

I've watched vtubers since Kizuna Ai was the only one. I was aware of VOMS before they debuted. Maybe stop bullshitting and shifting the blame.

>> No.42635433

>nonsensical arguments that they dont believe
Mentally ill assumption. Take meds.

>4chan tards, isolated
You dont have to come here. Not comparable at all to getting harassed on your own platform which streamers need to do.

>all the sperging is justified because this game!
And there it is, this is why your optics are so bad even normies are changing their tune when they hear whats going on

Youre contributing to your own extinction. Serves you right.

>> No.42635468

>still using the "containment" meme in 2023
ironically, trannies are one of the few people that can relate to how rightoids mask themselves in public spaces.

>> No.42635505

Nigger, people on Twitter saying mean things about you wouldn't justify or rationalize it either, the point isn't about the sob story excuse you're trying to make to shift blame, the point is Pikamee has nothing to do with that. So no, I don't fucking understand why she got, not "caught in the crossfire", but put directly into the firing range, by YOUR type.

>> No.42635534

not rly directed at pikamee (cus i know japs don't play nice with sailing the high seas) but jfc pirate the goddamn game
giving your money to a feminist retard in exchange for souless AAAslop is gayer than being kinda nice to trannies to avoid their internet harrassment campaigns
anyone who CONSOOMS WB trash needs to fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.42635550
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You absolutely do not know who this is without looking it up.

>> No.42635557

The only people still retarded enough to believe that "containment" boards are a real thing are all /here/. Even fucking reddit figured it out like a decade ago. Not a single person on any other website is under the delusion that 4channers stay in their containment website.

>> No.42635659

I don't know every vtuber. There is literally not a single person on the planet who knows every vtuber by sight. I also care very little about male vtubers. You're just trying to deflect because you know I'm right.

>> No.42635678

>jannies still allowing these threads
This isn’t even about Pika anymore, just pure /pol/ shitposting.

>> No.42635769

Theres a reason you need mods for chat if it gets too rowdy. Individual lines of spam mean nothing but if i literally cant see actual messages i need to read it needs to go.

If pika's official channels and chats are all filled with this bs, it will disrupt activities, regardless of content. Disrupted activities affects her livelihood.

No one argued that words have no effect. The idea that you come onto vt and find the banter here to be so threatening to your existence is what is mocked. Because you do not need to go onto vt to live. Unlike pikamee who needs her chat and official channels, you dont lose anything for logging off

Does such a concept need to be explained to you? Are you such a child that you cant understand such a simple concept?

>> No.42635798

if the jannies start deleting these threads then the chimps will revolt and start spamming -ACK!jaks and get us /qa/'d

>> No.42635856

FYI, if you actually want to have a shot at hurting my feelings, accusing me of being trans isn't gonna work, and I hate to see so much effort being wasted. Try going after my weight instead? Still haven't burned off all the covid pounds.

>> No.42635899

Oh god, then the trannies might harass another vtuber because they saw a troonjak on 4channel.org

>> No.42635910

LOG OFF, try that it can be very helpfull to you.

Trust me.

>> No.42635914

reddit spacing

>> No.42635977

You schizos think everything is vt related once it triggers your confirmation bias

>> No.42636111

>pressing the enter key is bad because...
>it just is okay?!
>wait, what do you mean people used to space their paragraphs properly before us children ran off all the oldfags?!?!?!
>blah blah blah i can't hear you la la la la la

>> No.42636215

4chan spacing

>> No.42636287

How new?
No one worth their salt actually cares

>> No.42636294
File: 110 KB, 1075x1408, FO3TpMaagAcl-TH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much for knowing VOMS before debut you tourist faggot

>> No.42636317
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, happyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why should I care that you think poorly of me when I'm surrounded by so much worse?
The fact that you are replying to all these replies kinda tells how fucked up is your mental state anon. Believe me, you won't get anything by doing all of that here. The thread will disappear and all of your hard work will go to waste.
If you really you care about your kind, start to actually do a good thing, and make people think you guys are harmless instead of attacking everyone that is not aligned with your ideology, especially when they have no intention to attack you from the start.

>> No.42636387

are you retarded?

this ain’t a shitpost

>> No.42636429

Man, zoomers are legitimately bigger assholes than the people who were before them

>> No.42636448

He debuted in the second wave long after Pikamee, Tomoshika and Monoe, you fucking galaxy brain. And you're still deflecting.

>> No.42636499

No, youtube didn't notify me and i will never forgive Susan for it.

>> No.42636528

it takes like 10 seconds to type up a reply dude

>> No.42636618
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Because trannies urgently need to step into a noose

>> No.42636622

>masculine tranny hands typed this

>> No.42636717

No I didn't you fucking faggot. Kill yourself tranny apologist.

>> No.42636770

based FtM supporter
we love our trans brothers here on 4channel dot org

>> No.42636917

FtMs lowkey fine tho, like extreme tomboys

>> No.42636975

think of all the real life futas you could be enjoying right now if you just stopped being a little bitch, anon.

>> No.42637091

they are a product of extreme tomboy erasure. cock should be sufficient to remedy their illness

>> No.42637212

the only existential threat to them is themselves

>> No.42637333

This whole Hogwarts Legacy Yab feels like a Falseflag operation by whatever game company made this generic shit.
So many streamers trying to bait Twitter and gain notoriety, actual gameplay looks like boring Ubisoft Fisher Price garbage.

>> No.42638112 [DELETED] 
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femaleanons. add me Dainsh#5305

and chat about creative hobbies /m/ shows lolis kemono girls pokemon digimon. vidya and weeb stuff yuuka meiling patchouli shion yuugii from touhou megaman monster hunter FU vtubers. ( and dab on deadbeats )fantasy the 4 heroes of light SFM animations females from the DoA games final the rwby anime and other stuff

>> No.42638172

You're overestimating companies and underestimating twitter and reddit mental patients.

>> No.42638251

WB's PR firms are almost certainly working behind the scenes fueling this culture war retardation to get that Streisand effect rolling.
Any rightoid or troon that falls for it needs to jam themselves headfirst into a woodchipper.

>> No.42638340

This all goes back to the early 20th century if not before and has nothing to do with any imaginary WB marketing campaign.

>> No.42638842

I mean, it wouldn't be surprising that culture war keks are marketing shits or atleast plants starting the shilling. It wouldn't be the first time

>> No.42638915

tomboys lust for girlcock
trannies won
chuds lost

>> No.42639584

>It sucks that we're harassing a content creator that didn't do anything wrong, but it's okay because these cherrypicked individuals supporting her are abhorrent individuals
Terrible human beings.

>> No.42639739

>me punishing those who offend pikamee

>> No.42639853
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>me forgetting the webm

>> No.42639943

There is no way he survived that.

>> No.42640100
File: 89 KB, 266x417, sumire fist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have been mean to her then

>> No.42640313

Out of all the comments they could have used to try to make an example with, they picked one that mild?

>> No.42640684

It's on his fucking vest you monkey.

>> No.42641196

>anyone who CONSOOMS WB trash needs to fuck off back to plebbit
fuck you bastion’s a good game

>> No.42641480

>I'm the moral superior in this thread.
>trannies on twitter only started acting up one (You) became an existential threat to them.
Congrats anon I've been on this website for over a decade and this is the most delusional thing I've ever read. You really outdid yourself this time, good job!

>> No.42641562

4channel is a LGBT++ website sis.

>> No.42641687
File: 359 KB, 400x400, 1673841881954362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah harassing people on Twitter is what someone actually struggling for survival is doing.

>> No.42641857

Why would they STILL go after Pikamee if she did what they ask?

>> No.42641976

Because its not sincere
She still admits to wanting to play it without acknowledgement of why it's bad
She's evading the question by playing dumb and ignorant
I commend her for not playing, but the apology felt half assed

>> No.42642038

Oh my god anon how many times do people have to tell you to fucking log off already.

Jesus christ you are starting to piss me off for real now.

>> No.42642097

She gave them attention so of course they'll come back for more

>> No.42642114

Stop the white knight. Pikamee isn't going to magically appear and say I love you
Go get some help

>> No.42642126

The ones doing the GG shit here are the deranged trannies that cannot separate games from reality.

>> No.42642132

>She's evading the question by playing dumb and ignorant

Maybe she really doesnt know why you people are getting angry because she just wanted to have fun on stream by playing a game like anyone else would.

Do you think that she was playing it just to piss you off like some people do? are you really that delusional?

>> No.42642162

Yes. Twitter outrage mobs can only get angrier, like this sped is. Being upset makes them feel in control of their lives and people like >>42641976 would hold onto any imagined insult for dear life. If they didn't then they'd have to stop and admit they were wrong.

>> No.42642177
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>> No.42642215

White knight?

Im just tired of this person saying the same fucking shit and not seeing that the solution is to just log off.

>> No.42642224

It's not about doing what they ask; they want you to be fully on board with their outrage and delusions. You're either one of them or you're everything they stand against. There is no middle ground.
That black and white mentality along with thinking that the whole world HAS to be involved in their politics is why I find it so hard to sympathize with them.

>> No.42642234
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>> No.42642262
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>> No.42642336

Hope she plays it and you neck yourself desu. You'll never be a woman by the way.

>> No.42642417

Pikamee made her decision
She will not play Hogwarts
I can't believe you incels are still angry about this. You barely even watch her

>> No.42642469

Barely is still more than your nothing.

>> No.42642822

>some retarded anon sperging for hours about "existential threats to trans"
>those threats? a video game and random shitposters
>the "extermination"? trannies becoming normal people again
>this is somehow a bad thing because reasons
>attacking random streamers for playing a game because you're scared of looking at yourself in a mirror is somehow a good thing
I can't unpack all this bullshit. Anon you need to kill yourself immediately. There is no hope, you aren't going to make it, the rest of your life will be perpetual misery. You will never be a woman and the madness that you have inflicted upon your own psyche can never be fixed. Until the very final moment when you pull the trigger you will forever see yourself as the victim instead of the guilty party that you are. I thank you for making it clear to anyone you interact with just how little value there is in listening to anything that tranny supporters say. Nothing you have to say is of any worth and the world will be a better place when you're gone.

>> No.42642905

I mean... unironically yeah. '00s 4chan was extremely influential in nerdy millennial queer culture.

>> No.42642945

no creative control?

>> No.42642954

It's time to go outside

>> No.42643678

Bizarre how I have basically never ever heard of a trans person doing anything of actual substance to help trans people. Instead they spend all their time being total messes and harassing people on the internet over nothing. In the meantime I see cis people fundraising for trans charities and stuff all the fucking time

>> No.42643705

Pika is finished. 1 year from now people will still be screeching about trannies in her threads. If she even lasts that long. One false flagger (like in this thread) will post some random lgbt comment and 12 epic red pilled BASED chatters will start chimping out. Then she'll end stream. Repeat a few times and she's retiring. Pika is unfortunately too frail.

>> No.42643808

this nontroversy doesn't even have enough gas to last another week anon. she could have streamed the game if she just spoke mostly japanese and things would be fine. she cancelled the stream because she was upset and couldn't put on a good performance, not because she feared some perceived consequence. this exact scenario has happened to her before, shit is fine when she chills out and gets on stream again

>> No.42643817

She had already soft retired before this.

>> No.42643951

I hope you're right

>> No.42644009

>One false flagger
And this what actually sucks. This "drama" will be over in a week or less, but falseflaggers will be around for much longer. Unless her mods actually do their jobs.

>> No.42644243

>bunkertranny mentions gamergate unprompted
it achieved making you seethe forever

>> No.42644465

Just for you I'll go harass a tranny in person instead of online. Where would be the quickest place to find one? Starbucks? I've grown bored of doing it to trannytubers online so this should be fun. Thanks for the push, anon! If the thread isn't dead in a few hours I'll report back.

>> No.42644609

You will give them more reasons to victimize themselves by doing that, think about it anon

>> No.42646139

We all know your not doing that
But I'll continue to pester smaller vtubers about the game
You lost

>> No.42646229

Ok you just wanna be beaten up on the streets so badly at this point.

>> No.42646321

Oh are you back? Or did you sit here for 30 minutes thinking about how cool you would be punching people

>> No.42646421

Im not the same anon you retard.

>> No.42647268

Pikamee was obviously unjustly attacked. So why haven't the people responsible come forward and apologized?

Otherwise it's like them saying, "We can attack whoever we want, without any consequences. We can hurt innocent, nice people if we feel like it." The only way to make this right is if the collective trans movement apologizes.

It honestly breaks my heart knowing a bunch of egotistical shit heads hurt Pikamee as a part of their little culture war. Why does she have to suffer for that?

>> No.42647372


>> No.42649122

A decision made out of fear for an unhinged mob isn't a decision worth honoring. The mob can go to greenland or try and rediscover atlantis without scuba gear.

>> No.42649224

I didn't know JK Rowling threw trannies off buildings in UAE, retard.

Does it feel good to try and make her the villain because you know deep down that she won't actually fight back more than some mean words?

>> No.42650262

How's your neovag doing? Nice and smelly today?

>> No.42650956

>thread nears page 10
>only then do responses appear

>> No.42651536


Cool, she still isn't playing you incel

>> No.42651849

TROOOOOOOONS. I am indifferent to them but now i truly and legitimately hate these fags ngl

>> No.42651941

Based retard

>> No.42652196


Same fag.

>> No.42652329

>I just don't understand why we can't all get along
Humanity has been at it for a long time anon

>> No.42652828
File: 19 KB, 440x118, 1650289029650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.42653017

Yeah anons, how dare you try to defend a vtuber that was harased by troons for no reason at all.

you should be ashamed.

>> No.42653100
File: 18 KB, 579x128, 1655986124168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42653325

You are in the right. Ignore the other retard. I would advice going for brave 2views and 3views that stream the game and are not afraid of hate mobs and troon ideologues (or any for that matter).

>> No.42653329

Good call.

>> No.42653373

implying i can buy or even play the game in the first place.

>> No.42653562

in her case she already knows the en "culture", there was no reason to cancel any stream at all, she just have to ignore them, or maybe it was just her boss being retarded, he is full japanese without much en experience after all.

>> No.42653640

Ignoring troons doesn't make them go away and you cannot ever coordinate millions of people into doing anything.

>> No.42653658

For a sheltered first worlder those are the equivalent of being told to kill yourself.

>> No.42653826

>How did an open lolicon get a following of woketards?
People keep bringing this up but when is the last time she ever, even indirectly mentioned lolicon? The Klee pulling stream? Hell, you can't even look up receipts of the 9 year old thing anymore since 'loli' is banned from twitter search.

>> No.42654020

And yet Tenma didn't cancel the stream or apologize for buying the game.

Pikame should have done the same. Just ignore twitter and have your fun.

The "slapfight" doesn't happen without the harassers instigating it and they aren't fans or viewers so there's no downside to 'offending' or 'losing' them.

>> No.42655128
File: 27 KB, 400x400, klasnd124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stupid troons ruins your comeback stream

>> No.42655561

>'loli' is banned from twitter search.
Fucking lol, it gives an error. I didn't know they did shit like this. Google removes it from the autocomplete but you can still search it.
Searching ロリ still works on twitter though.

>> No.42656213

NIGGA YOU ARE INSANE, pikamee was one of the /jp/ starter pack vtubers, delete your fucking post

>> No.42656336

I already knew you were mentally ill because of the whole "cis" thing but no anon, you are unwell

>> No.42656412

please get off the internet

>> No.42656586

For every single person in the world, you are born, people are happy about it, then the further you go on in life people stop giving a shit.
Trannies are the only people that demand you give a shit about them and notice them.

How about you be silent and invisible like the rest of the world and you won't be fucking bothered.
The weeb hobby you are a part of has a popular saying for this.

>> No.42656644

>vtuber board
>people outside of vtuber harass vtubers
>vtuber fans are upset

>> No.42656742

Anon these people are mentally ill, THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL

>> No.42660434

yeah i guess venting isn't allowed

>> No.42660760

implying someone would care if you do that.

>> No.42663692

this but unironically, like no seriously, getting upset at them will backfired asap so let them be is indeed the best solution here

>> No.42666117

How do you even get bullied on twitter? What did they even tell her?
I want non cherry picked, non shopped tweets.

>> No.42666169

If you close your eyes, your problems will disappear. Gotcha.

>> No.42666184

From what I've heard, the majority of the bullying was in the pre-chat.

>> No.42667394

Look at these heroes, fighting /vt/ because trannies harassing someone... just couldn't be helped??? HAHAHAHA

>> No.42667863
File: 67 KB, 258x372, v06 c051 - 152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really stoned. You'resaying that a load of people cancled her stream because the game does something that fucks them up? What does that mean? Just don't watch her stream?

>> No.42668854

nta but he's right. Bitch at them for longer than necessary and they'll flip the script and suddenly be the victims of angry overreacting online incels. They already took an L with how much the game sold along with publicly making fools of themselves; don't give them an excuse to save face.
