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42599865 No.42599865 [Reply] [Original]

Ame actually managed to beat Mori in this contest.

>> No.42600021
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I mean, could you imagine Amelia making you a sandwich or washing and ironing your clothes?
No, she's a fuckin' gremlin that finds pulling up couch pillows and hiding under them a thrilling way to spend her time.

>> No.42600078

those votes?
not me

>> No.42600214

based tomboy
>my oshis all have tomboyish qualities and have possibly higher power level than me
yeah it's over for me

>> No.42600262

Where was this vote? /tranny/?

>> No.42600315

>>42600262 (me)
Never mind i’m retarded, i read it as most feminine, hence why i thought this was made by trannies, i agree with these rankings

>> No.42600368

36 votes in total

>> No.42600420

Ame is kakkoi not kawaii.

To be honest she truly is the most tomboyish and "one of the boys" type.

>> No.42600457

Surely you can post better bait than a fucking poal screenshot right?

>> No.42600470

Global actually

>> No.42600532

mori is the most feminine in all the worst ways

>> No.42600546

Why is Gura not in the choices?

>> No.42600602

Gura is girly as fuck

>> No.42600800

nice sample size, scrunguloid.

>> No.42600897

Gura is extremely feminine.

>> No.42602030

Gura deserves a spot in Girls Talk, she's right up there in girliness with Fauna. There's a reason they get along so well even irl, Fauna's one of the few people Gura can go all in about fashion with.

>> No.42603191

>open poal
>vote Ame
>close poal
Fucking newfag

>> No.42604537


>> No.42604950

>36 votes total

Wow great amazing representative poll, we don't totally get polls several size that in several threads across this board daily. This is truly definitive, it's fact forever, those 36 people out of thousands are all that matters.

>> No.42605604

There is multiple testimonies and examples that Mori's tomboy image is a front and she has very fucking girly moments such as getting her nails done. Ame on the other hand struggles with being feminine and dresses like she's only has ever been to a thrift shop. Kiara exposed both of them after the Summer off-collab.

>> No.42605735

36 votes, why don't you show us a poll with your vote only?

>> No.42606866

Teafaggots seething.

>> No.42607195
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43 now

>> No.42607311

>36 votes
>sure is a valid sample size

I just voted between me, myself and eye and we came to the result that OP is a faggit.

>> No.42607379
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Hey am I getting fucking trolled here or are you guys being serious? I refuse to believe Watson is less feminine than Mori. What am I missing?

>> No.42607464

Plenty of evidence on Watson being a tomboy mess, not in the good way.

>> No.42607499

yassss kiara with the tea fr fr

>> No.42607560

>See ame
>Vote ame
Glad to see nothings changed

>> No.42607603
File: 963 KB, 5116x1118, 1648491409483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends
This is all her stuff

>> No.42607610

Streams nigga, you are missing streams, go watch them

>> No.42607657

when would someone ever consider something set in stone with 36 votes

>> No.42607665

>What am I missing?
Perspective, knowledge, judgment, among others

>> No.42607667

Mori is the most feminine in the sense that she represents modern women the best being a bitter barely sane wine drinking alcoholic.

>> No.42607718

Pretend buying stuff that looks somewhat girly makes the person feminine.
Only attitude and looks matter

>> No.42607858

>Attitude and looks
Watch any stream
Look at the post you're replying to

>> No.42607964

t. genuinely never interacted with non-fictional women

>> No.42607977

>Watch any stream
"I ate bread and my shit came out green"
She looks like an american drug addict

>> No.42608096

We're taking about Ame, not Mori

>> No.42608172

Of course there are times where every member says something "un graceful" but compared to other ENs she has the most girly attitude
>She looks like an american drug addict
Keep ignoring everything in the image if it makes you feel better

>> No.42608355

i still wank it to mori hentai while listening to her songs

>> No.42608363

Ame is a middle sister of 2 brothers, was raised in a broken family and used to play FPS games all day with CSGO, TF2 and overwatch voice chat. Considering all that she still has very feminine moments
Obviously she's more of a tomboy than Mori who was raised like a typical high class white girl until she decided to go full wigger, but still they're the 2 most tomboy ENs easily

>> No.42612038

women will never be masculine
love from kazakstan

>> No.42612284

Gura is probably among the girliest EN, what are you on about? Especially in members content

>> No.42613807
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Tomboys are hot as fuck and anyone that actually watches Ame knows she is a romantic who has plenty of girly traits she would show to that special someone Me

>> No.42613903

Also fat

>> No.42613946

but she made Gura a sandwich.

>> No.42614353

Wait a second... you didn't actually think the moss collecting, terrarium building, aquarium attending autist was actually a girly girl, did you? Ignoring reps for a second, you weren't that delusional, right? I would argue even Kronii is more feminine. Kronii actually knows how to dress herself according to Mumei and Fauna.

>> No.42614465

Every time I see a poll with Ame in it, I vote on her. I disregard completely the context as well.

>> No.42614582

I kneel

>> No.42614672

Hypothetically, let's say the poll is who is the biggest whore in Hololive. Do you nominate her?

>> No.42614675

Kiara mentioned that she and Ame were the only members to not have their nails done in a fancy way.

>> No.42614746


>> No.42614824

Makes sense Mori is a tomboy out of necessity
, ame is a natural tomboy

>> No.42614860

He will also nominate her in the who is the biggest idol in Hololive poll

>> No.42615578

IRyS I'd say is the most feminine.
She has all qualities of a disgusting 3D female
Feigns ignorance, fake personality, fake voice, acts like she doesn't know what she's doing
She's such a piece of shit

>> No.42615665

Remember Kiara's "bag stream" where Ame had like some tissues, her phone, and 3 Milk Duds.

>> No.42616588

Hey look! I spotted bait! I'm guessing you don't want votes because you don't even provide a link?

>> No.42617297

Ame isn't super feminine, but thinking she's the least feminine in EN surely shows that you don't watch streams. She says and does some pretty girly things on a regular basis. I wouldn't place her on the high end of a list like this, because she can be a slob and likes to wear things like plain black hoodies. But surely not the least feminine.

>> No.42618926

who IS the manliest hololive then stream watchers?

>> No.42619271

The ones who:
>have deep voices
>go to the gym to lift weights
>make music for a genre aimed at antagonistic young men
