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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42582413 No.42582413 [Reply] [Original]

I am the most based vtuber and 4chin
She doesn't want to play Hogwarts legacy
she is afraid of twitter

LMAO She's a scammer

>> No.42582464

Hahaha pippiggers BTFO

>> No.42582675

>we've reached a point where playing a fucking game for kids is a big point of contention
What a fucking ridiculous civilization

>> No.42582716

>she doesnt want to play it

its on brand for her

>> No.42582762

It doesn't look like a fun game at all desu

>> No.42582761

Is she even into HP? I never heard her mention anything Rowling related other than the controversy on Twitter.

>> No.42582998

Make it less obvious next time you post Chase. Why are you following and trying to interact with 14 year old genshin players anyways on twitter? Are you going to tell them about how you killed that dog?

>> No.42583077

What the fuck are you talking about
Why is everything to do with Pippa so fucking weird

>> No.42583129

I don't like Pippa at all,but her anti's make SEAfags seem redeemable, how bad does life have to be to constantly harass some streamer?

>> No.42583162

>pickme cucks out when her money is threatened
What a shocker

>> No.42583184

>how bad does life have to be to
welcome to 4chan

>> No.42583223

Pank played it so you can't blame fishman forcing them to cuck out.

>> No.42583281

How pathetic you must be to be afraid of twitter

>> No.42583549

I will cancel my membership of Pippa, I am disappointed, a whole year following her watching the pink rabbit based but in the end she is just another scammer, why she is afraid of twitter, Pippa if you read this I just want you to know you have DISAPPOINTED me
T.Ex capippi

>> No.42583753


>> No.42583864

>she's a scammer
It took you this fucking long to figure it out? She doesn't actually have any epic based 4chan views but still appeals to /here/ because she knows it gives her numbers. I dislike Pippa but I admire her ability to fool retards like you for so long.

>> No.42583903

Anon have you ever watched a Pippa stream? She's not into goyslop like hairy pothead

>> No.42584368

of course she wont play it she's just a fucking grifter. you didn't actually believe the act she put up did you?

>> No.42584758

What is this trend with calling antis random names?

>> No.42586151

>She's a scammer
No fucking shit, she's a female that found a niche.
She's gone the second something better comes along. Which I think it already has, considering she's been calming down on what she says recently.
Or she caught too much flak.
>She doesn't want to play Hogwarts legacy
I can't fault her for that one, looks like shit.

>> No.42586388

>Calling a game goyslop
Please go back

>> No.42586491


>> No.42587085

...Maybe she just does not like harry potter? Like she said in one of her streams. You would know that if you actually watch her.

>> No.42587154

>why won't the pink rabbit do this thing that will bring harassment to her from twitter and plebbit retards

I wonder you paste eating anti retards. Why wouldn't she do that thing that would do your job for you.

>> No.42587225

>Suddenly twitter and reddits opinion matters
So you're just saying she has a faux based persona and instantly bends to any real negativity, even from le meme sites she will make jokes about hating and not caring about

>> No.42587282

I'm saying you're obviously writing in bad faith like any anti does so I'm not bothering to respond to you anymore lol.

>> No.42587329

>bragging about being carried by redditors

>> No.42587350

>crying over goyslop
Get over it. HP has huge appeal to normies. Does Pippa strike you like a normie? Does she seem like the kind of girl who got tingles thinking about Harry and Hermione? She's probably seen the movies once or twice but I doubt she was in the wizards Kool kids klub at school.

>> No.42587432

Kinda reddit tranny chungus grifter among us 100 not gonna lie

>> No.42588017

Pippa is a SHILL

>> No.42588103

The pink grifter finally showing her true colors?

>> No.42588322

Chase, you decapitated a dog.

>> No.42588376

>Does Pippa strike you like a normie
yes actually. Shes good at pretending she isn't but she is.

>> No.42588638

She’s cringe bandwagoner that jumps on whatever the current trend is.

>> No.42588876

Nigger do you even watch vtubers? That's 90% of all vtuber content

>> No.42589027

She'll play it but offline probably. Because of retards

>> No.42589227

I don’t mean FoTM games,

>> No.42589257

This thread was made by a femoid.

>> No.42589701

Le based yabbit won't play terf legacy???
Wtf is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.42590567

Time to build that cabin in the woods and live off the land.

>> No.42591261
File: 122 KB, 926x1200, 1669816211699553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys we have this thread every day and it's always the same two faggots, find new material

>> No.42591321

>how bad does life have to be to constantly harass some streamer?
google a picture of the Indonesian / Filipino slums

>> No.42591414

No its not him.
Because chase is busy sucking my dick rn

>> No.42592728

We're all too busy watching car crashes to worry about this car crash of a thread.

>> No.42593251

Because this fits Chase's MO making catalog bait threads against Pippa and speaks in a similar manner. Chase is a fucking retard >>42484889 Case in point, look at this thread he made himself that uses a reddit screencap that left his profile pic in the image. It's obvious when it is chase the dog murderer. He's also dumb enough to samefag in his own thread.

>> No.42593444

Antis aren't sending their best. or they are


>> No.42593754

>/pol/tard zoomer who's entire political viewpoint is based on 4chan copypasta screencaps won't stream hogwarts
>some chubby mexican who bearly understands english is having the time of his life being a wizard while trnnies seethe in chat
The white race is finished....

>> No.42593876

Considering this is the other mastermind behind anting pippa I honestly don't know.

>> No.42594441

Yeah she will sure be harrassed over it just like all those people playing the game on Twitch right?
Sorry OP but your culture war attempt was a massive failure. Even the site that some spiteful faggot made to keep track of anyone who played it was taken down, and the spiteful faggot in question has been silent ever since.

>> No.42595002

>Car crash stream just got nuked

>> No.42595049

it's a fake transition screen, don't worry.

>> No.42595096


>> No.42595521

Good bit it got me so much to find here

>> No.42596763

Let's stream people dying in car crashes! She's trash and so are her fans.

>> No.42598134

Said the anon posting on 4chan

>> No.42598179

Dammit I was gonna watch it tomorrow

>> No.42598334

Pippa with Nyanners: Who cares if people don't like me?
Pippa with troons: T-they'll say mean words to me...


>> No.42601267
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No she isn't into hp at all,tenma is going to wait a week for some extra patches, and panko was advised to play it on lowest setting since her laptop isn't great, and lumi pllaning on playing it

>> No.42602258

Anon, pippa doesn't play games, if she happens to have one going on it's just a background screen for tangents

>> No.42602921

Do any of you people even watch her?
This is like the gayest viral marketing plot I've ever seen.
>pway hawwy powta wid me or you're a shill!

>> No.42603090

She's not a video game streamer retardchama.

>> No.42603120

>lumi pllaning on playing it
Already played it last night.

>> No.42603792

It's literally
>holy shit guys look at this /pol/tuber! She's so politically incorrect, just like me! Can't wait until she plays the Harry Potter game to own the people I hate!
>wait why aren't you playing the game don't you like controversy I TRUSTED YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH STOP SIDING WITH MY ENEMY
Sure Pippa's unhinged and filter-less but I have no idea why some people got convinced she's like that

>> No.42604029
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True and they already have lumi who let slip that they won't ever be real women

>> No.42609144


>> No.42611764

The most annoying part about her

>> No.42612879
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x1200, Pippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her actual reason if anybody in this bait thread cares:

>> No.42612984
File: 231 KB, 323x306, 64908dbea2ba1062e0ad5c942d74033e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People boycott Hogwarts Legacy because of Rowling
>People don't boycott Disney because of Walt
>To this day there is only 1 black princess in Disney, their only focus is on Elsa and Anna who are average Stacey characters

Do Twittards really?

>> No.42612999

A grifter would play the game, because pretending that Harry Potter is hecking based is the current grift you all fell for or at least pretend to.

>> No.42613042

No way you can leave that up with Youtube's copyright system. Was clear from the beginning that the vod wouldn't survive.

Poor moralfag pretending to be a good person.

>> No.42613073

Pippa's just shit at her job, one look at her thumbnails shows how hard she tries to grift. Remember this is the girl who claims she's a virgin now when there's clips of her huge boyfriend grabbing her hands and letting chat know their place.
