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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 573 KB, 912x912, Usada_Pekora_-_Portrait_Transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42578287 No.42578287 [Reply] [Original]

What's so great about Pekora?
>She gets really high concurrent viewers.
Ok? Anything else?
>Umm... uhhh... t-the numbers....
Is this all she's known for?

>> No.42578340


>> No.42578388

Le war criminal XD

>> No.42578414

Watch streams clipfag.

>> No.42578501

I do. She's not really funny and her voice is annoying. I honestly don't get it.

>> No.42578566

I am sorry she played the wizard game "sister"

>> No.42578577

Mischievous, funny interactions with chat, some weird ass topics from time to time, gets bullied by other members a lot but knows how to take it.

>> No.42578606

She's a comedienne

>> No.42578649

I like chaos. She is an agent of chaos.
That's it.

>> No.42578673

>bringing troons out of nowhere
burgers are fucking rotten.

>> No.42578771

her raspy voice remind me of a touhou doujinshi artist that i loved a lot back in the day
i guess nips also love her voice too.


>> No.42578782

I like the way she plays Minecraft.

>> No.42578856

this but gura

>> No.42578862


>> No.42578939

She is like your top western male fleshbag streamers but she happens to be a cute Jap woman. Also she does this without relying on sex jokes so dudes don’t feel ashamed to watch her when they aren’t horny. Other positives include:
Super anti social
Ad friendly so name gets pushed out even more
Keeps proving doubters wrong since her debut
Mogs Jun after he talked shit

>> No.42579038

found the clipwatcher
idol shes an idol

>> No.42579132

professional, been streaming decade, right out of highschool, she know the game, better than all those faggots who just jump on fad and get angry when they found out they can't get easy money.

>> No.42579143 [DELETED] 

Literally the funniest woman in the planet, not even a competition.
The universe agrees and creates scenarios which allow her to be even funnier
Any stream
>Example doko?

>> No.42579186

the funniest vtuber, without question

>> No.42579228

>chumpedo made this thread

>> No.42579242

She bought a monkey

>> No.42579272

Well, people are attracted to numbers. If you ask me if they are interesting, they are not.

>> No.42579667

She's quite possibly the funniest human to descend upon this earth. If you wish to issue a counterpoint, please name somebody funnier

>> No.42579954

Considering the other guy claimed "she isn't funny" but stopped at that instead of explaining her "funny traits" and why they aren't funny, well
we can only conclude he doesn't speak Japanese--he'd at least be able to try explaining why her routines aren't funny

So these posters are about on par with one another.
>Someone who doesn't understand Japanese talking about Japanese vtuber
>Someone talking about troons making a mess of the game Pekora is playing
Both are invasive.

>> No.42580121

She's fucking cute. Literally too cute to fuck and that's all that matters.

>> No.42580163

>No BF
roru roru rumao

>> No.42580201
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Shes the sexiest holomem
What else do you need?

>> No.42580239

Her humor requires at least three digit IQ.

>> No.42581663

That's not funny.

>> No.42581708 [DELETED] 

That's funny

>> No.42581788

That's amusing.

>> No.42581844
File: 302 KB, 660x649, 1625009588472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's so funny! why? she just is, ok??????

>> No.42581880

How can anyone tolerate that horrendous voice?

>> No.42581884

troons SEETHING at pekora for playing harry potter
Yes. THE Hololive vtuber pekora played harry potter and probably will play it again on stream :)

>> No.42582112
File: 426 KB, 865x672, 5v3yr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us on the doll where the troons hurt you.

>> No.42582167

She's a great entertainer. Plays for laughs even if it makes her look like an asshole. She has the isshokenmei mentality which I respect.

>> No.42582180 [DELETED] 

Show us on the doll where JK Rowling hurt you

>> No.42582341

No on in this thread is talking about troons or J.K. Rowling but you, bro.

>> No.42582381 [DELETED] 

It wasn't me and you would have to be a literal retard to not understand how this works by now.
Who made the thread?

>> No.42582540

the sex syndrome videos of that one peko cosplayer were hot

>> No.42582580

Bro, just shut the fuck up. Make your own thread if you want to talk about troons and Rowling so badly. You're looking like an ass right now.

>> No.42582591 [DELETED] 

The first person to bring up trannies was a seething tranny>>42578673
I wouldn't be surprised if it was you

>> No.42582594

Numberfags are the meidos' chosen people, and nousagis rule /#/.

>> No.42582658

so all this pekora hate is just magically coming out of the blue, no real reason? at least be intellectually honest enough to realize you're baiting for hate responses when EN audiences are actively shitting on her for the reason you said we're never allowed to bring up

>> No.42582660 [DELETED] 


>> No.42582704

She's just a really good game streamer. She's great at setting up routines with her chat and the game, like that one dude who went on TV fanboying about her said, "miracles happen when she plays". And even without the funny shit happening and her hubris blowing up on her face, she gets really into the game's world and reacts to them from the perspective of someone in that universe, if that makes sense. I didn't find her TLG playthrough particularly funny, but it was really comfy how immersed she was and how many details she was noticing and commenting on as she played.
This is something all JP chuubas do to some extent, they always meet the game halfway and if they're playing a game you like, chances are you'll enjoy them playing it if you like them, because they'll rarely "hatestream" something.
So she notices how structures are made to fit the large creatures, and wonders about how people navigate these environments and interact with the beasts, it's a lot more entertaining than just "WHY DOESN'T BEAST RESPOND WHEN I CALL REEEEEE"

>> No.42582757
File: 277 KB, 687x458, 1619839772772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds, now.

>> No.42582860

troon talking about med

>> No.42582881 [DELETED] 


>> No.42582938

Those don't really sound like particularly strong selling points. Do you even watch her? You sound like a kid who's fudging his report on a book he didn't read.

>> No.42582981

NTA but they sound like fine reasons to like a chuuba, are you sure you're not seething?

>> No.42583080

Are you sure you're not seething just because someone disagrees with you?

>> No.42583118

No, I brought up a specific example from a game series she did in 2021 from a dream I had, retard.

>> No.42583144
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She's funny.

>> No.42583187

Here is a pity (you) just don't forget she as an official cameo in a Square-Enix and a life size figure in Akihabara wearing a custom handmade kimono made just for her.

>> No.42583211 [DELETED] 

Was it this game or the detective game that basically broke her PS5?

>> No.42583220

I don't think anyone's going to get much farther in this discussion if the best you have is NO U, but to your question, I watch Pekora and this pretty accurate. She treats games as worlds to live in instead of just systems to beat, and that makes her reactions very cute. She's also got the kayfabe balance better than anyone in the game, and knows when to play up her ego or set it aside based on what's funnier. That takes a lot of self-reflection and talent.to do effectively and most of the EN girls struggle with that skill.

>> No.42583248

Her ccv begs to differ

>> No.42583254

Pekor is real life Willie E. Coyote.

>> No.42583325

She's funny and entertaining. Do you think she just got a shitload of viewers for nothing? She's a neet with a weird voice, people wouldn't watch that if she wasn't entertaining

>> No.42583343

That doesn't sound entertaining to watch. Seems like you're just trying to find an excuse besides big numbers.

>> No.42583367

The PS5 dies at the start of this stream, yeah. She had to play it on PS4. She even shows her roommate's profile when she boots up the PS4 and chat asks if it's ok. She didn't even care to edit it out, kek.

>> No.42583380

troll better please, I was having more fun when you weren't being so on the nose about it

>> No.42583408
File: 60 KB, 680x665, 1675537721328535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think she just got a shitload of viewers for nothing?

>> No.42583435 [DELETED] 

A pekostalker would get drawn and quartered before they could hurt her I'm sure

>> No.42583472

Find better reasons other than "she reacts good."

>> No.42583496

I'd watch her if I could understand JP. Actually, any that doesn't rely on GFE, but on their ability to entertain. Earned my respect watching the RUST arcs. RUST is dead without the main actors.

>> No.42583600

Unless the streamer is particularly skilled at the game he's playing (like top 1%), gaming streams are, indeed, react content.

>> No.42583672

You are tilting at windmills on a Japanese animation image board over the imaginary girlboys that are injecting estrogen, all rent free in your head.

>> No.42583704

These two things aren't mutually exclusive. You just need to learn to filter what to watch. Would you really miss out on some incredibly kino 3D Live just because the chuuba flirts with GFE for her day to day content?

>> No.42583732 [DELETED] 

We get it, you are a transsexual. Why do you have to seek attention literally everywhere?

>> No.42583761

Humor is subjective. She might be a bad streamer for you, but for me she's not. Say what you want to say. At the end of the day, I'm having fun watching her and that's what matters.

>> No.42583782

bro you have to make it less obvious

>> No.42583821

It's just bait thread by people who can't understand her for people who can't understand her. Don't take it too seriously. I just talked about the reasons why she's a good chuuba in case anyone reading the thread actually wants to know, OP clearly doesn't.

>> No.42583878

Agreed, and that makes them shit. The only good game streams are ones with sandbox games because then it's basically like an art stream where the streamer is actually making something of value instead of just using the game as a crutch.

>> No.42583893

She's one of the most bulliable holomems.

>> No.42583960

It genuinely sounds like you don't like this hobby as a whole... I can watch my neighbor's community football game because I like him and I care about if he wins or loses without shitting on him for not being in the NFL, you get that right?

>> No.42584014


>> No.42584017

Not at always. Pekora's DQV is what got her the attention of SE, turned Watanabe-san into a Vtuber fan and her eventual participation on Dragon Quest Treasures.

>> No.42584036

why are you singling out pekora then? that's what 99.999% of streamers do, and some do it better than others.

>> No.42584186

>Humor is subjective.
Humor doesn't exist. What you perseve as humor is actually your brain trying to get you to fit in a social setting. If you see or hear others laugh or think others will laugh at something, you'll laugh. It's all fake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbyIYXEu-nQ&t=412s

>> No.42584255

she's probably the most naturally gifted entertainer in hololive. You don't even need to understand japanese to be entertained with her because she's so expressive. She also has an iconic model. She's the Queen of Vtubing.

>> No.42584260

fuck you for ruining what could have been an interesting bait thread because you're too autistic to troll correctly

>> No.42584310

While GFE makes a loyal and dedicated audience, it also limits getting a broader appeal. Takes talent and experience to be continually engaging without it.

>> No.42584328

>that's what 99.999% of streamers do
Wait, I thought Pekora was special though?

>> No.42584361 [DELETED] 

She is. She will literally save the world from the NWO one day.

>> No.42584500
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It still got you butthurt though.

>> No.42584558
File: 42 KB, 467x719, 1675519783402874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just a vtuber, anon.

>> No.42584609

Must be doing something right, how else would she get the views?

>> No.42584637 [DELETED] 

The anonymity while being very public is very important for preventing their tactics.

>> No.42584651

Sure, but whether they're fulfilling the yearning of lonely fags for a girlfriend or building random shit in Minecraft or taming animals in ARK, filler content is filler content. If they have literally nothing else to show but the GFE, then I get it, but that's very rarely the case for corpo JP chuubas. A chuuba will do borderline JOI members ASMR one day, and throw a god tier free concert the next. Nobody has time to watch all of the filler stuff for more than one chuuba anyway, just focus on your oshi and show up for the kino shit the others do.

>> No.42586521

but you're taking other people's arguments and then reducing pekora to "reaction streamer", you might as well say "so she's a streamer? isn't that what they all do?". and as i said some people do it better than others, because they're more charismatic.

>> No.42587053

JP Gura

>> No.42587152

meme word

>> No.42588995
File: 529 KB, 640x360, bucketcrabs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pekora's turn on the pincers today, sisters?

>> No.42589040

Clippers clip the funny shit from her streams and making me laugh is all that matters.

>> No.42589096

Learn japanese you filthy eop. Pekora is based.

>> No.42589194

She managed to make crawl her way to the top from sheer force of personality from such a unsexy model.

>> No.42589219

>no argument

>> No.42590631

Gura is still not going to stream though.

>> No.42590770

t. goldlet 53piss.

>> No.42590803

Technically true, husband is no longer BF right.

>> No.42590900

she is basically if a minecraft youtuber from the 2015 were to be given an anime girl form.

>> No.42591122


>> No.42591141

How does it feel knowing your oshi will never reach her heights?

>> No.42591232

These kinds of anti threads always reek of 2view jealousy.
>Pekora only gets consistent high viewership because she's famous! It's all luck and has nothing to do with her skill as an entertainer
>If my 2view shitter oshi got the same chance she would definitely be 10x more popular

>> No.42591397

I've only seen her clips, but I'm sure she's far more funny than ironmouse.

>> No.42592421

marketing, my indieshi is cute and funny but she is just 300 at most when playing horror game jesus fucking christ this world is so unfair

>> No.42592972

If (You) can’t even list「her playthrough is entertaining to watch」then its (You)r problem not mine

>> No.42593102

Just watch the stream, you dumbass

>> No.42593944

Her streams are generally for everyone. Doesn't go nerdy or lewd yet funny. Her jokes are easily understandable but not so casual. So every type of listener can enjoy her streams. One of the cons is her normie taste like she plays too many mainstream blockbuster games, doesn't have a unique video game content, so it's boring that way.

>> No.42593965
File: 130 KB, 900x542, peko_streaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's so great about Pekora?
While the vast majority of chuubas are fine with being glorified streamers with avatars, she actually goes out of her way to play her character, arguably being the best and most consistent one at that.
Pair that with an actual passion for streaming and her understanding of the medium, and that should tell you why she was basically born to be a vtuber in its current, most popular form.

>> No.42594396

>she plays too many mainstream blockbuster games
which is unironically a niche for something as "FOTM-heavy" as corpo vtubing.
wasn't Miko the only one to stream Uncharted? series sold a shitton of copies, won a billion awards, and corpos ignore it, even when they can get permissions.

>> No.42595266

No miko was the only one with the permission, it was a special case.

>> No.42595645

did Sony reach out to her? because if not what's stopping others from requesting it as well?

>> No.42595838

Her clips are the best out there. If she's not the JP queen of clips, who is? Watame? Korone? Those three have by far the best quality and quality of clips for me as a clipwatcher, honorable mentions being Miko, Fubuki, Luna, Aqua and Nene.

>> No.42596157

From what I remember she played it because it's her mom's favorite game series. Other members are probably not very interested in it, I suppose.

>> No.42596519

Right, I do remember her mentioning that, how she used to watch her mother play it when she was younger and all.

>> No.42596521

This world is fair if it revolves around Pekora.

>> No.42596584

Pretty sure she's the one with Korone to have played the most indie games/shady old games, but Ogey retard

>> No.42598221

>The only good game streams are ones with sandbox games
Oh cool. Pekora is a good streamer then. Try to watch her old minecraft streams if you wanna see the "art" she had built

>> No.42598263

Pekora's video game streams are pretty shit
her relaxed and normal streams like utawakus, watchalongs and cooking are top tier though

>> No.42598427

How did she get those numbers in the first place? You know they started small right?

>> No.42598554

Pekora is a bit mixed bag when it comes to video game stream. Unless it's a game that she actually fully immersed playing she's just another generic FOTM chaser
She's an amazing entertainer outside of gaming though

>> No.42598596

i've always wondered why people like you still believe that? did you miss the wedding? it's basically debunked at this point but you people still use it

>> No.42598828

>mainstream blockbuster games
she's the guinea pig when it comes to new games for hololive. If she gets good numbers then it's viable

>> No.42600289

sisters we are losing..
call in the twitter reinforcement

>> No.42602241

She streams consistently, which I cannot say about the 4 million subscribes sharl

>> No.42602923

I think she's cute and she seems pretty intelligent. She's also funny for a women

>> No.42603368 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 308x308, 1576A400-CCB8-4DB6-B83A-D47EEBACF4A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: 35piss and cucksagi argue about which one of their dicksucking whores is better at sucking dick

>> No.42603575

>She gets really high concurrent viewers.
According to /vt/ this is all that matters.

>> No.42604196

le funny voice rabbit

>> No.42605409

>You sound like a kid who's fudging his report on a book he didn't read
Oh yeah? And you sound like a nigger

>> No.42606096

>le christmas nostreams dog

>> No.42606183

t. chumbud

>> No.42606385

She was sick you disgusting shit

>> No.42606473
File: 522 KB, 1125x1648, 0762E4D1-9BF1-46D0-9A77-ECCBC3798DEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>42606385 (me)

>> No.42606856

She isn't great because she has high concurrent viewers, she has high concurrent viewers because she is great (to the people who like watching her obviously). How can someone not wrap their head around such a simple logical conclusion?
No, you know what, OP, you figured it out, obviously she gets a high amount of viewers just because. They one day just showed up magically out of thin air and kept watching for no reason, you absolute retard.

>> No.42607608

Why are koronecucks like this? Are you the numbertard who often shits up Pekora's number with his Korone trash?

>> No.42607710
File: 473 KB, 1941x1124, 84368598-767E-4A27-8DEC-46C5CC332897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry about it

>> No.42608378

>What's so great about Pekora?

>> No.42609257

She is quite possibly the most entertaining stremer to ever set foot on the internet

>> No.42609409

Yeah she was literally the runt of 3rd gen at debut

>> No.42609542

That's Flare (and still the runt now)

>> No.42609725

Back when three people watched Hololive? Who gives a shit

>> No.42610163
File: 285 KB, 900x698, 1673783204129261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just one insane dog poster (who by all impressions is pretty despised in the mogudoog general) who is very upset about Pekora existing. He gets especially mad when Pekora and Korone hang out and have fun together. It was pretty funny when Pekora and Korone had the highest synergy in the 3rdgen-gamers collab stream where they tried to all guess the same answers.

>> No.42610706

Retard hololive was plenty popular at 3rd gens debut Cocos debut was 100k CCV

>> No.42610911

Coco debuted half a year later before 2020 NYE and actually brought international audience to Hololive retard. The most subbed member in the summer of 2019 had like 200k and 99% of the audience was Japanese
