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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42570933 No.42570933 [Reply] [Original]

Kusogaki edition

Nina resumes her Jump King attempts!

>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan, ASMR and singing.
Her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work have won the hearts of many anons on this board.

Also known as the CEO of Seiso.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Check out her latest concert:

>Other links and resources
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/
Retro VTubers >>>/vt//vrt/

Previous thread: >>42377558

>> No.42570979
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I love Nina so much, bros

>> No.42571016
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Lads, I bloody love Nina!

>> No.42571175

>refers to herself as "white"
the hapa rrat is ded bros

>> No.42571293

She has openly talked about it multiple times. She's probably 5% Japanese from generations back in the Dutch trading era.

>> No.42571297

she said she has "some" asian Genes

>> No.42571362
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>nina missed my name
I'm ok...

>> No.42571493

F for the ninabro overhere

>> No.42571638

I was early too...

>> No.42571643
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>Jump King
>Sing Mode redeem is ON
I have a feeling this is going to turn into a karaoke stream very quickly...

>> No.42571662
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It's never personal as far as I can tell, she just has streamer brain

>> No.42571794

yeah, h-haha...

>> No.42571842

You'd have to monumentally fuck up for Nina to willingly ignore you, anon.

>> No.42571904
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I missed this...

>> No.42572009
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remember its okay to be a proud sexpest if youre part of the circlejerk
if colt arthur or spooki said this you motherfuckers would shit yourselves sperging out but ok

>> No.42572019

I'm pretty sure she hates my guts
t. got blocked by her but she doesn't know I made an alt and I still talk to her

>> No.42572027
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She read my name. I'm ok for real this time

>> No.42572072

Yuusha is based though and the others are cringe

>> No.42572085

damn, mcm*ti calm down bro

>> No.42572101

I missed the shot

>> No.42572147

what did you do

>> No.42572160

Hey Br*sk*e
>but she doesn't know I made an alt and I still talk to her
>He doesn't know
If you made a new twitch account on the same IP anyone with mod status knows it's your alt
take that as you will

>> No.42572391

>nina picks a tool to learn japanese
>its warning cunny

>> No.42572393

This is not how it works

>> No.42572403

T. Mooncricket88

>> No.42572437

How do you get blocked by Nina of all people

>> No.42572443

huh, wonder what the 88 stands for

>> No.42572449

wanny cunny

>> No.42572481

I was sending her cum tributes

>> No.42572529
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>> No.42572592

and you stopped? when she blocks you she's just testing your dedication, if you don't continue sending them on your alts then you never really meant it

>> No.42572649

Well she seemed okay with it for a while but the last one I sent was tributing the postcard she sent with her first merch wave, I nutted all over her handwriting and she blocked me after that one for some reason

>> No.42572913

nina looks for the youngest, freshest and most fertile wife

>> No.42573024

The load wasn't big enough, clearly

>> No.42573136

I hope thats the case and I didnt hurt her feelings or something

>> No.42573278

Maybe megadose magnesium a bit before trying again, see if that changes things.

>> No.42573401

I'm surprised she didn't block you after the first one desu

>> No.42573482


>> No.42573495

Both, ideally.

>> No.42573500

My main theory is that she wasnt looking at het dms and then
One day she opened them, saw all the tributes, and then blocked me but that may just be cope.

>> No.42573557

Sounds like you're jealous. Maybe you should have become a vtuber yourself if you wanted to be part of the circlejerk.

>> No.42573599

Post them

>> No.42573815

Kwappers, this one is for you

>> No.42574003

I cant my phone number, address, and salary were included in all the videos. Also my cock is weird and I only want Nina to see it

>> No.42574066

>weak loads
>mutant cock
No wonder she blocked you

>> No.42574111

shouldve sent her her credit card number and the funny numbers on the back

>> No.42574463

Hey I had to try
Honestly Id be totally willing to just add her as an authorized person on my account and send her her own card. But theres probably some opsec problems with that

>> No.42574539

you can achieve the same by sending her a dono of 1k a month i think.

Speaking of, Nina updated her throne and added some super-high-end equipment I saw

>> No.42574696


>> No.42574715

>shondo is the cum tribute guy

>> No.42574720

>mention throne
>something gets bought
Nina has another spy in her ranks.

>> No.42574743
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wew laddy
Yeah, I didn't get the timing wrong right? She bought that right after the post?
Shondo, your containment reps onegai

>> No.42574772

>~4k for the gloves and mic

>> No.42574799
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I really want the full version of this picture

>> No.42574822
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Shondo if you are /here/ say "I love Nina" in chat

>> No.42574957

I did say high-end...

>> No.42575056

What vitamins does nina take?

>> No.42575087

I remember vit D for sure, think she might be a zinc maxxer as well. But I'm not sure on that one.

>> No.42575122

she takes a fuckton of them as i remember from the subathon, she doesnt leave the house much so she probably needs a lot

>> No.42575248
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Yeah I wish she would post the full pictures from her schedules more often, lots of great art in there

>> No.42575291

Why would a woman need a fuck ton zinc? Unless...

>> No.42575368

Zinc is great for fertility for both sexes. Also, she'd probably need more than average since she doesn't eat red meat.

>> No.42575492

Well thats a less fun answer than futaninari

>> No.42575593

>she doesn't eat red meat

>> No.42575671

I can fix her

>> No.42575680

>Hogwarts Legacy
uh-oh, dont tell the trannies

>> No.42575708

she eats meat, she doesnt go out of her way to eat veg

>> No.42575787

She took a pretty hard line against anyone bringing up politics while she was trying to play that game in discord yesterday

>> No.42575880

Based TERF Nina

>> No.42575953

Good, hopefully the mods will do their jobs and keep it in check, too.

>> No.42576094

hope it works out, they already bullied pikamee into submission

>> No.42576144

Luckily I dont think nina is quite big enough for them to use as a battleground.

>> No.42576156

And then trannies wonder why people hate them.

>> No.42576205

This is one issue that ive seen even normies start to push back against them for. Support for those freaks is waning every time some shit like this happens

>> No.42576234
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she does eat red meat though, she loves bacon

>> No.42576254

Oh, I thought she only ate chicken, huh.

>> No.42576290


>> No.42576509

i think it's more like pika is cursed by not being culturally western while being bilingual and having her self-esteem down in the dumps

>> No.42576655
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guess what time it is lads

>> No.42576690

It makes me awfully sad to see what Pikamee has had to deal with because of this. It's one of those things that make me want to play the game out of spite, even if it's an actual shit game.

>> No.42576839

Looks like Nina's back on the menu, boys.

>> No.42577231
File: 279 KB, 1200x900, 3A579881-93C6-4C9C-965B-44C7E204A732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have always minded my own business and just want to modify my body to look feminine and cute without others trying to control what I do
>liberalism, culture war retards, and consoomer warriors desperate for another gamergate harass my favorite chuubas over a fucking videogame
>getting lumped in with the most useless excuses of humanity in recent history
I am becoming the joker over liberalism and I wonder how extremist I will be in a decade when modern society finally collapses. It is not making me depressed, it is making me furious and psychopathic. I want both sides to be dragged kicking and screaming into a furnace

Thankfully nineer is handling this all very well, it’s why she’s the best. I’m fucking furious over the harassment of pikamee though

>> No.42577578

>I want both sides to be dragged kicking and screaming into a furnace
dangerously based

>> No.42577744

based and moderate-pilled

>> No.42578129

respect, but it sounds like you would benefit from trying to ignore all the bullshit

>> No.42578651

I really hope Nina can find someone soon if she wants 5 children. She deserves the happiness.

>> No.42578704

Once she retires from office work maybe she can actually look for someone

>> No.42578724

How old is she going to be this year? 27?

>> No.42578827

27 in March.

>> No.42579050

She should just have viewers send in semen samples

>> No.42579227

very comfy stream bros

>> No.42579556

>no taste in men
cya l8r

>> No.42579570

Weirdbros, we're in

>> No.42579596

>likes weirdos
No wonder she likes us so much

>> No.42579626
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>> No.42579863

I missed quite a lot of streams due to work, the last one I saw was the second one after the release of the new model, and now she is streaming again with the old one, what is the reason?

>> No.42579895

being fixed by grape

>> No.42579902

Her new model is in the shop to be renovated by Grape, as it was still very rough when she debuted it. It should be back soon looking at Grape's progress.

>> No.42580032
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She loves us, bros...

>> No.42580066

Oh, that's great, it was really bad on release but sounded like it was about to be finished, I was afraid that something went wrong in the end.

>> No.42580095


>> No.42580100

Super comfy / 10

>> No.42580110

>not singing for the raid
Nina spoils us too much. Also Chapipi's name is too big for Twitch.

>> No.42580156

I dont know anyone else who sings for raids..

>> No.42580180

Aw, come on, let the 2view celebrate.

>> No.42580242

>nina spoils us too much
More like Chapipi has 0 shill abilities, didn't even greet the raid properly...

>> No.42580248

I think Freya does.

>> No.42580644

Chapipi has dedicated singing streams every week though. Not a lot of VTubers do impromptu karaoke in the middle of regular streams. Actually, now that I think about it, Nina is the only one I watch who does that

>> No.42580791

Nina's Jump King streams are maximum comfy.

>> No.42580801


>> No.42580849

Not a lot of vtubers sing, at all. And the ones that do scarcely do scheduled karaoke content.

>> No.42581019
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On a tangentially related note a certain hag plans to do a 100 song karaoke stream for her birthday in like a week or so

>> No.42581146

>torturing herself for her birthday

>> No.42581637
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Anons, I'd like to say I'm really looking forward to what future may bring for Nina. Tally ho!

>> No.42582162

What exactly did she say?
I managed to miss it.

>> No.42582300

something along the lines of "You all know by now I have bad taste in men, I like weird things!"

>> No.42582527

W-well an anon would surely be considered having bad taste in men.

Maybe I do have a chance...

>> No.42582610

You know how dangerous this line of thought is, anon

>> No.42583356

As long as it's not in the same level as Grimmi's taste in men she'll be okay... I hope...

>> No.42584533

She's not that far gone, she simply likes goofy personalities such as Jack Black in addition to the usual rugged handsome doctor types.

>> No.42588374

