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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 463 KB, 980x551, 1675677647083658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42487062 No.42487062 [Reply] [Original]

>playing Hogwarts on release
Why can't any EN vtubers do this? I don't see anyone saying they're going to play the Harry Potter game.

>> No.42487119

It is impossible to teach about human rights issues to those who use fax machines.

>> No.42487139


>> No.42487144

It really is weird how no EN has shown interest in it.
Theres no way they're actually afraid of a few twittertrannies, right?
Maybe Gura is, but I can't imagine the rest are.

>> No.42487146
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>Why can't any EN vtubers do this?

>> No.42487223 [DELETED] 


>> No.42487261

Sasuga, EN0...

>> No.42487269

harry potter is a cultural parasite

>> No.42487281
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ENs basically are twitter trannies at this point.
Youtube feedback is too harsh or retarded, so they shrink back to the trannyspace where feedback is more moderated. They have unfortunately come to believe these internet trannyroaches are a major part of their audience.

>> No.42487283

well, time to cancel her

>> No.42487334

You expect anyone from EN to be a big fan of Harry Potter? I've literally never heard anyone talking about it.

>> No.42487345

Even without all the culture war bullshit, the game is mid at best.

>> No.42487360

I mean if they say they aren't interested I might even believe them. The game really doesn't look interesting to me and I think the only reason it could be to others is the fact that there's a whole generation of people whose brain has been melted by this brainrot.

>> No.42487368

If it wasn't for troons throwing their blood stained shit, i wouldn't even know there's HP game coming out...

>> No.42487395

The gameplay so far looks lackluster. So unless they were huge harry potter fans this game is an ez skip.

>> No.42487399

this hasn't been established yet as FOTM. It is impossible for them to do anything out of their own idea or intrests because they have none

>> No.42487400

I think the funniest part out of all this whole ordeal about the game is that Rowling isn't even anti trans and people throwing shit like monkeys simply can't read

>> No.42487441

Chimchamchamaroonie mentioned troonhatewarts months ago.

>> No.42487444

My oshi ignore FOTM entirely and play and do whatever she feels like tho

>> No.42487595

The worse part is that it will be cause of the trannie outrage and then we'll have to sit through days of shitty fucking gameplay on every channel. It's going to be the fucking everywhere and it's going to become a miserable zatsudan at best. Troons are ruining it for me even indirectly by existing AAAAAAAAA

>> No.42487646

Fallout NV is FOTM?

>> No.42487653

The franchise name alone should be able to carry the shit game, just like FGO

>> No.42487723

Wasn't Tenma gonna play it.

>> No.42487765

>video game have right
>burger moments

>> No.42487790 [DELETED] 

you know why they can’t. even if nobody cares about trannies, they’ll still get hate because JKR hates cripples and jews too

>> No.42487795

The game's pretty shit from what I can tell. Why play something that's not good and but not Kusage tier.
But you can go on about your eternal paranoia bout TRANNY MENACE as they live rent free in your head.

>> No.42487822

>Why play something that's not good and but not Kusage tier.
Because that's literally never mattered before?

>> No.42487824 [DELETED] 

trans women are real women

>> No.42487827

Most people don't know that there is any controversy around that game btw
No one cares about people whining on twitter

>> No.42487855

I mean it IS one of the most boring franchise in existence. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though "No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.42487858

I still don't get why people are making this game into a controversy.
>please don't make the millionaire woman even richer! she has opinions I dislike and that makes her literally Satan!
What the fuck causes anyone to think this makes sense at all?

>> No.42487863

i'm a real attack helicopter with confirmed kill all over the world
suck my rotor blades nigger

>> No.42487884

I'd expect there's not a big overllap of people who like anime and HP. HP is pretty "normie" as far as a YA "secret magical world" plotline goes, anime fans would want something with more focus on cool swords and sexy school uniforms and shit than quaint British humour and regular school uniforms. It's also primarily a book/live action movie, not drawn or animated. Game also looks like ubisoft booty. I'm surprised 4chan is even talking about it this much, I wouldn't expect them to care about a run of the mill AAA open world tie in to a movie franchise.

>> No.42487966

I think it was also linked about the fact that JKR thinks that the fact that people buy the stuff that makes her rich means that people agree with her views. Which is retarded in its own way.

>> No.42487992

(me) linked to*

>> No.42488171

>says the mutts after they bomb another afghani wedding.
>but muh trans...

>> No.42488191

No eigo muzukashi.

>> No.42488390

Keep your tranny shit to yourself mutt.

>> No.42488465

Did we already forget Mumei saying there was only 2 genders just 2 days ago lmao

>> No.42488601

wait, what's going with the harry potter game? what am I missing?

>> No.42488693

Nothing important.
Just another retarded twittertranny meltdown that happens once a month.

>> No.42489050

Are any of the ENs avowed Harry Potter fans?

>> No.42489083
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Mori likes Harry Potter for the fantasy of being able to fit a broom between her legs

>> No.42489100

well mumei was just reading stuff google gave her
as long as it isn't about taiwan it's okay

>> No.42489125

How many of the EN girls are even HP fans to begin with?

>> No.42489189

Mori actually said she love Harry Potter because of how young they look which is kinda creepy if you think about it

>> No.42489227
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Someone should cast a spell to sew her mouth shut.
No more talking and no more eating!

>> No.42489231

Where did she say that? I know she responded to a hate post by saying "idc lol im rich" but I don't recall her ever trying to make the argument that people who buy HP stuff inherently agree with her views.

>> No.42489280

Will they try to cancel her on Twitter?

>> No.42489287
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>> No.42489319 [DELETED] 
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>> No.42489374

harr potter author/creator hates trannies openly so sjws cucks say that if you buy/play this game you're openly supporting transphobia
even though she has nothing to do with this game, even liking harry potter franchise or offshoots at all is seen as transphobia apparently

>> No.42489388

I don’t know how many of them even like HP in the first place, but consider that some girls might also be avoiding the game because of the controversy surrounding it (aka Rowling and her hobby of insulting western minorities)

>> No.42489432

>harr potter author/creator hates trannies openly
But it's not even true, saying that you identify as a tranny but still have an hotdog so you shouldn't be sent to a women's prison isn't hating trannies, it's called common sense

>> No.42489501


Doesn’t she own the rights to HP? Meaning she had to be paid by the creators of the game? In that case you can’t really say she has nothing to do with the game, there’s financial gain here.

>> No.42489693

Let's see here:

Gura: No streams, in japan, no laptop.
Ina: In japan, has laptop, but the game will probably not run on it.
Kiara: Currently streaming FE
Mori: Currently streaming Persona
Ame: Currently streaming New Vegas

Irys: Could probably stream it
Bae: Too zoomer for HP, still streaming P5
Fauna: Probably avoiding it
Mumei: Not really her type of game
Kronii: Will only stream kusoge

Out of all, Irys has the highest chance of streaming it, but most are busy with other games, can't stream it, or has no interest.

>> No.42489699

dude this is 4chan, stop obfuscating
she literally doesn't like trannies, no one here cares for you cucked "but she didn't literally say it so she doesn't actually!"

she has nothing to do with the game's development; art/coders/sound etc.

>> No.42489864
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Yellow woman is playing it, I have no idea why.

>> No.42489902

she's based

>> No.42490328
File: 111 KB, 238x216, 1663107693546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say you're wrong, but that adults associating with such a shit teenie franchise is in any way good is a hard pill to swallow.

>> No.42490386

Most HP fans in 2023 are 30+ year old women because they grew up with it.

>> No.42490399

HP is the Star Wars of millennial women, and just as cringe.

>> No.42490536

You're using that word wrong.

She probably believed like those Disney Tween shows that Harry Potter was a super mature story.

And a fandom just as psychotic about it. At least they bathe more than the Warsies?

>> No.42490561

/lgbt/ hands out sidewide bans like they're candy. Their hugbox cannot exist with suppression of free thought. Merely questioning the transexual's delusion will get you iced off every board on this website

>> No.42490603

you're gonna lose your mind when you find out what the target audience for anime is

>> No.42490608

We're talking about people who dress up in women's clothes and shove frozen tomato paste up their asses to simulate menstruation. genuine lunatics

>> No.42490616

Your analogy is stupid, they only hand out candy to children.

>> No.42490673
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A lot of anime isn't better than HP, but that's irrelevant to this.

>> No.42490734

women in like their 40s at my work had people in different groups dress up like harry potter houses for halloween a few years back. it's an institution for them these days, something that just doesn't go away, like star wars is for some guys.

>> No.42490872

long ass thread
It's basically star wars but magic

>> No.42490991

>At least they bathe more than the Warsies?
lol. lmao. The average female HP superfan is an unwashed landwhale endlessly schlicking to gay fanfics. Basically every anime neckbeard stereotype but applied to women.

>> No.42491219

My god... That's nightmarish.
I thought the Warsies and Trekkies were the lowest of the low for crazed Western fanbases.
I never thought it could be that bad.
At least Twilight burnt out mostly for deranged adult women. Please tell me I'm right about this one at least!

>> No.42492068 [DELETED] 
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EN vtubers would probably avoid to play this game because this kind of people exist

>> No.42492714

Game looks ass and I hate bong accents. Tranny seething is funny though so I'm more inclined that people play it.

>> No.42492849


>> No.42492889

Star Wars is already space but magic.

>> No.42493292

almost every anime is better than HP, it's a shit high school but with magic powers anime, which there are a billion of, but worse because of ugly weird bongs and bongistani accents

>> No.42493797

She never said that retard, stop creating imaginary scenarios in your head

>> No.42493804


>> No.42494200

Daily reminder that J.K.Rowling was a hardcore feminist virtue signaler, who made a bunch of characters gay. But even degenerates have their limits. That said, it is fun to watch women who have pushed for men oppression for so long, only for them to be oppressed by men pretending to be women. Chef's kiss.

>> No.42494230

You aren't a human and don't have rights regardless.

>> No.42494293

>just like FGO
Never in my life have i been so pissed off about something I 100% agree with.

>> No.42494362
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>> No.42494701

The game can only be shit from the developers that only did mostly unknown Disney Movies to Games the last 20 years+ but Lui is a hard HP fan, had the whole series watchalong. She is also a hard Disney fan and well anything from her childhood. She doesn't let current politics sour her memories.

>> No.42494786

Weren't these the devs that made the Mad Max game. That one was fun.

>> No.42495050
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I'm sure people left and joined but this isn't looking promising. I don't care about the twitter fight but ... nah i wait and probably pass

>> No.42495128

Truly based

>> No.42495228

That isn't candy.

>> No.42495336

The hell? So this is the main dev? What did Avalanche even do then? Was mostly excited if they were the main dev, since they can handle their open worlds (they also did Just Cause iirc). I guess this is a pass for me then. Don't wanna own the troons that much.

>> No.42495351

The only one that isn't afraid of twitter backlash is Mori and she won't play it because she'd get shit from the people she surrounds herself with.

>> No.42495597

Not even Ironmouse had the clout to play the game when she announced she was gonna do it. If she can't do it, Mori definitely can't.

>> No.42496710

This isn’t Niji, they don’t care about that kind of Twitter backlash, most of them just aren’t Harry Potter fans to begin with.

>> No.42497906

That list of games developed is a big red flag alone.
And with such a big break from their last game the talent turnover should be pretty hard unless they've been going hardcore into this one game pretty much after the Cars 3 game (wait there was a THIRD Cars movie?)
And I presume that you know making Turn Left Game with a talking car is a good deal different than a RPG.

>> No.42499402

I haven't hear a single EN member talking about Harry Potter ever, maybe only to say "You're a wizard ___" or to laugh about the british accent. I don't even watch Moona, but I know that she loves Harry Potter. Idk maybe it's that no one cares about that game?

>> No.42500496
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>On realese
but she's not playing it right now

>> No.42500548

Pikamee is playing it

>> No.42500632

top selling game on every platform
meanwhile they played embarrassing flops like Forspoken that nobody in the real world played

>> No.42500713 [DELETED] 

Japanese aren't human.

>> No.42500733

Hayama is gaming. I love her so much.

>> No.42500784

Lets assume for a second someone actually wants to play the game. Why stream hogwarts legacy and deal with the headache of twitter trannies? Just play it on your own and avoid dramaschizos

>> No.42500830

Hayama also played Forspoken. And Dead Space. I love her.
Botan also played Forspoken

>> No.42501581

why are the troons anti harry potter? I don't get it

>> No.42501703

Damn, she immediately jumped in at midnight? Now that's a real gamer.

>> No.42501752

In a functioning society, this crap would be treated as a fetish.

>> No.42502914

>Lui is a hard HP fan, had the whole series watchalong. She is also a hard Disney fan and well anything from her childhood. She doesn't let current politics sour her memories.
She's just like me, fr fr.

>> No.42502968

Bae is doing a stream to learn about Harry Potter stuff, that might mean she’s going to play it.

>> No.42503064

wait what's wrong with this game

>> No.42503077
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>> No.42503137

>It's basically star wars but magic
lucas managed to build a world better than rowling. seriously its a fucking disaster looking at HP's world building.

>> No.42503182

You'd have to either play it or watch some gameplay ti decide if it's good or bad for yourself. The "controversy" is over the original writer, jk Rowling's politics. People are insinuating buying or playing this game makes you all kinds of -ists.

>> No.42503189

she's a harry potter addicted hag that knows NOTHING about why HP is shit because she doesn't read or watch any other western fiction series.
like my mom

>> No.42503315

She single?

>> No.42503556

>PLEASE care

>> No.42503722

Just read the books and they can sound or look however you want.

>> No.42503731

God where were the women like mori when I was a little boy. I could have had masturbation fuel for life

>> No.42503781

just like this>>42502968

>> No.42503877

I’ve only seen two types of people talking about this game.
>If you’re buy this game you’re transphobe
>I’m going to buy this game just to make you mad

I’ve never seen anyone talk about the actual game, what to expect or if it’s going to be good or not. I honestly thought that it was just a random game with low expectation. I didn’t thought that any streamer would actually plan to play it.

>> No.42503898

its better than another round of kusoges.

>> No.42503902

Kek shameless

>> No.42504039

The only thing that matters is how well it’s going to sell to the general public, Twitter troons and the people obsessed with them were never gonna buy the game anyway

>> No.42504049

How would you like to be my stepchild?

>> No.42504170

It's an open world rpg with a character creator, I hope it gets popular enough to get some loverslab mods.

>> No.42504181

Its probably watered down garbage that WB pushed to milk the series further, but will sell well because of the IP.

>> No.42504226

EN doesnt have the balls

>> No.42504255

Stop projecting

>> No.42504274
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>Why can't any EN vtubers do thi-ACK

>> No.42504305

Based, don't let other people ruin your enjoyment for things you love

>> No.42504347

what's wrong with hogwarts legacy?

>> No.42504405

Trannies are seething about it. That’s it.

>> No.42504422

Holy SHIT tak and the power of juju is a fucking memory

>> No.42504540

I think this is a placeholder voice, not just because it's a guy, but because it sounds "off" even in terms of quality. Would be hilarious if trannies in a magic setting still can't be real women though.

>> No.42504701

harry potter fucking sucks

>> No.42505214

Hopefully she learn this spell https://youtu.be/qweHmc_KQOc

>> No.42505237

Haachama has been saying she wants to play it ever since the announcement, what more than EN0 do you need?

>> No.42505407

Bombing Afghan is wrong because…?

>> No.42505630

Lui asked Kronii if she was a fan and she said no.

>> No.42506055

Well we know about Kronii so no surprise.

>> No.42506339

LOL based Lui

>> No.42506414

>playing a woke game

>> No.42506548

Wokists HATE Harry Potter because Rowling isn't woke enough.

>> No.42506920

Rowling is TERF so supporting HP in any way makes you literally Hitler

>> No.42508041

Because the game fucking sucks. Retards are really gonna throw $70 away for a dogshit game to “own” some terminally online people on Twitter. You’ll have way more fun just burning your money.

>> No.42508324

Dumb girls love Harry Potter, they don’t care about owning trannies they just wanna play the nostalgia wish fulfillment regarding finally being a watch in their childhood book.
There are doing what you are saying out there though, but probably not many. Rowling is right about trannies but she is a retard about many other political shit, she only cares now that it is starting to affect her as a woman.

>> No.42508455

It's not like /v/tards actually play video-games. They've too busy trying to "own" game journalists for the past decade.

>> No.42508482

Because trans people are almost non-existent in Japan (because its a social contagion).

>> No.42508682

inb4 tranny mods delete this thread also

>> No.42508684

Most late night anime (the season stuff) is for the 18-30 year demographic, “seinen”.

>> No.42508698

Wanting to play harry potter goyslop is a bigger red flag than not playing the game.

>> No.42508786

This will be a JP FOTM, and that’s what matters really who gives a fuck about EN?

>> No.42508947

70 bucks is jack shit. I'd pay 10 times that to make twitter troons seethe and rope.

>> No.42509086

Is the harry potter game going to be a reskinned Disney Infinity then?

>> No.42509486

but chama is going to play it in Japanese

>> No.42509553

ppl legit care about Harry Potter?! in current year?

>> No.42509560

I played the ps2 game, I'm playing this just for nostalgia. Keep your tranny dementia out of this.

>> No.42509585

My Italian panda wife Panko will be playing this friday

>> No.42509627

congrats on the marriage

>> No.42509704

Probably. I mean the fanbase will eat it up either way.

>> No.42509717

Harry potter is a fag. No amount of tranny bashing will make me care about this game. Will watch if my oshi plays it tho lol.

>> No.42509730

kek even in a world of potions there's no such thing as genderfluid

>> No.42509842

why don't they just genocide all the slytherins?

>> No.42510078

That's because this is a Twitter board more than a 4chan board.

>> No.42510136
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Moona is playing it https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1622673429781684224

>> No.42510153

>Bae's prechat
holy shit I hate westerners

>> No.42510190

>I'm surprised 4chan is even talking about it this much
/v/ has loved Harry Potter for a long time for whatever reason. They always used to complain on /tv/ that no one there liked it as much as they did on /v/.

>> No.42510226

Subreddit is going to complete shit too. Twitter troons raiding the place. Probably about to raid Bae's superchats. Get ready for a troon spergout in superchats.

>> No.42510282
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Can't wait

>> No.42510335

Keep us updated

>> No.42510439

Any EN that stream this will be saying "all according to keikaku".

>> No.42510559
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How can Cover allow such transphobia within their talents?

>> No.42510616
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oh it gets even better

>> No.42510723
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Is this the same game that twitterites and /v/cels are fighting each other for?

>> No.42510734

Wtf I love Harry Potter now

>> No.42510743

Oh for fuck's sake, catalog threads about this shit. That's not even true first of all because Tenma put this on her schedule some time ago. You just wanted to talk about the stupid /pol/shit with this game, which I will be pirating by the way.
I don't know what a 4chan poster would find particularly "based" about playing this game anyway, considering you can make trans witches and stuff. Rowling herself hates the game and doesn't have any involvement in it. But hey, if that's up your alley, be my guest.

>> No.42510848
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>> No.42510972

Politics aside, the game looks pretty lame

>> No.42511068

i'm watching and so far it seems pretty standard, nothing amazing

>> No.42511113

Back in the days of the NES and SNES we learned pretty quick that most games with movie IPs were universally dogshit.
It's just harder to tell since now games usually have more moving parts.

>> No.42511148

Not him but it's a fetish and you know it, best thing for you to do right now is enjoy the awkward calm the normalfags are giving you until the big pushback comes your way

>> No.42511240

I think there are some people that have messed up brain biology that makes them incorrectly identify themselves as the other gender but in this case it is their brain that is malfunctioning and not their body. A bit like people with body integrity disorder who have their brain incorrectly making it feel like a perfectly normal, functional limb shouldn’t be there so they want to cut it off.

>> No.42511255

>Same guy in both posts
Really makes you think

>> No.42511291

No shit, kronii would be crucified by her irl friends if she didn't play along

>> No.42511301


>> No.42511384

Ohnono transisters

>> No.42511412

>No oshi flair
Yep, this guy is a hardcore hololive fan that constantly posts on the subreddit. This isn't a raid.

>> No.42511440

Anime and vtubers seem to have an alarmingly high number of trans people, so when that's your audience and you play a so called "anti-trans" game it's painting a target on your back.

That being said, i feel like the kickback would be so miniscule that Holos certainly wouldn't feel it.

>> No.42511481

Trans rights aren't human rights. If they were, they'd already have them by default.

>> No.42511484

It's really only a handful of people starting things. And the usual idiots gobble it for attention.

Probably just hired shitposters too since they're not even trying and just posting the same shit everywhere.

>> No.42511494

>Bae just doesn't know OKAY
These people have to go through mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're not monsters for liking Bae. How the fuck do they manage to stay alive.

>> No.42511510

damn that voice is jarring. did they not even try to sound feminine?

>> No.42511519

I live in austin so I've had many personal accounts of actually dealing with trannies.

There are two types of MtF trannies, gay men who want to predate on straight men because it's their fetish to be treated like a bimbo stereotype that cannot be achieved through normal gay sex, and virgin men who go their whole life hating and idolizing women they've never talked to until they develop a cope strategy to transition into the feminine ideal they always wished was into them.

For FtM's, it's mostly tomboys and zoomers who are butch lesbians who get gaslit into the identity spectrum craze and get lost in the sauce of seeking validation from others.

>> No.42511624

I expect Ina to play it unless Kronii talked her out of it.

>> No.42511664

I don't think ina would care, but I think management might, every streamer is waiting for other big streamers to play it first so they get the brunt of the tranny backlash

>> No.42511682
File: 10 KB, 447x115, vatek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he's still at it

>> No.42511712

Trans people are mentally ill and their suicide attempt rate is only going to go up. No amount of acceptance will stop you from the voice in your head making you want to off yourself, dead end faggot.

>> No.42511739

This isn't Niggersanji I dont expect shit to happen and if it wasn't obvious enough the shitstirrers are from here

>> No.42511765

Those are potential slave voters that can be imporrted into the western world of course its wrong to squander them you chud

>> No.42511831

As a genderbender fapper, I can tell you it's way more than just two types.

What kind of kink turns a man into a tranny is can be anything, including said mental disorder to just because they have a softer ass than real women as a "physical disorder". Your imagination is the limits.

>> No.42511932

I hope they sperg out and she bans them.

>> No.42511973

Yes humans have rights.
Now stop killing babies, enslaving other people, and killing people en masse just because they're a ethnic minority.
Looking at you, eurotrash.

>> No.42512034

But is Diagon Alley in the game? I just want to walk around and visit the shops.

>> No.42512197

That's a poor argument to go with, saying your imagination can mean you can be anything is exactly the kind of awkward calm I spoke about earlier.
When you say something so ridiculous to normal people that you cause them to intentionally coddle you out of civil diligence, you are setting yourself up for a rude awakening once the weimar period is over.
There's only so much a calm people can take before they've had enough, I've seen so many millennial women flip on trannies due to women's sports issues and harry potter that the wave is coming my unfortunate friend.

>> No.42512370

Because they want to enjoy the game and not have to entertain chat/be backeasted

>> No.42512424

>Have a wand
>it goes pew pew like a gun

>> No.42512474

I am not saying that more and more of it is due to memes and to political zeitgeist pushing it. However I think there are some people who have a biological issue in their brain causing them to wrongly believe there is a problem with the rest of their body. Mutilating and deforming their body with surgery and chemicals isn’t the correct approach because the malfunction is in their brain.

>> No.42512601

I used to believe this line of thinking, until I realized how much these types were predated on by the pharmaceutical industry and plastic surgeons that promised them they could be anything they want for a price

>> No.42512797

to be fair, it's Bae
I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if it's her of all people that doesn't know about it considering how detached she is from the internet and pop culture

>> No.42512889
File: 565 KB, 1280x720, USS Liberty Incident Boom Boom[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2v11fp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she knows but definitely don't give a fuck

>> No.42512910

Body integrity disorder still exists despite most people being against it in medical fields. There are lots of things that can actually go wrong with a brain.

>> No.42512930


>> No.42513073

The fuck are you talking about muttoid

>> No.42513118

OmegaTrannie won't even let them ask for perms...

>> No.42513121

And no plastic surgeons advocate for eye removal as a treatment towards these people having an obsession with incapacitating blindness.
We don't have psychologists telling 9 year olds that if they don't want to walk to school anymore that a life in a wheelchair is a perfect substitute and recommend their parents to psychiatrists that have their children put on pills to stop developing their legs.

Like I said, the more informed you are about the subject, they more you understand that human beings are stupid, and that instead of blaming people for being stupid, you should be attacking the people who intentionally profit off of their suffering.

>> No.42513299

I believe this.

>> No.42513343

Which EN has the highest proportion of trannies in their audience? And the least?

I'm think Gura (highest) and Kiara (least).

>> No.42513361

I cant wait. There will be fun streams. There will be great fanatt of the girls in the school uniforms and colors. And the best of all, people will need to fo mental gymnastics on why it's okay for them to do it, while theyre forced to consume the content they oppose. Because theyre unironically terminally online and cant do anything else

>> No.42513372

>that leddit thread is already in flames with people screaming about how they'll unmember anyone who plays it etc.
So much for this staying contained to twitter lmao. I admit I didn't expect these trannies to be invade everywhere, and maybe the HoloEN's didn't either. I can actually imagine Bae cucking out now. If they do stream it they're gonna get bombarded with schizo comments and SCs.

>> No.42513397

Harry Potter is for fags

>> No.42513564

so it's perfect for /vt/ and vtuber fans in general

>> No.42513567

Kiara actually had some of the highest numbers in the beginning, it's probably because they have some kind of kinship with the forced voice thing so Kiara felt more relatable?
That and Kiara was always pro LGBT, she tried giving a wink and nod to some annoying "trans lives matter" posters in her chat early on but never mentioned them ever since.

>> No.42513733

Didn't she start ghosting Shartemis when she found out he's a troon

>> No.42513770

Reap what you sow, bird girl.

>> No.42513842

She only started ghosting that troon when he was caught watching a pirated stream of holofes

>> No.42513899

That was the rrat but a lot of people started distancing from him at the same time, my guess was heshe was an annoying dm'er

>> No.42514015

I know. But the idea that there are no examples of people that actually have malfunctioning brains regarding how the brain signals their sex and that it is 100% a fetish is also inaccurate, like how kids that pretend to have schizophrenia and multiple personalities (“headmates”) doesn’t meant that schizophrenia itself isn’t real.
It would be evil to encourage the kids to take drugs for schizophrenia but it would also be wrong to tell a genuine schizophrenic that their hallucinations are real and that they should listen to them. Hormone therapy and body mutilation is wrong even for the “real” trannies as the problem is their brain rather than their genitalia, but they do have a real problem. I suppose this issue is small in comparison to the large scale push in proliferation of gender nonsense on children and vulnerable individuals that aren’t even really suffering from the extremely rare brain problem but I won’t say it doesn’t exist at all and only het better research of it at the source rather than enabling the symptoms can proper treatment be developed.

>> No.42514093

Who's that? I thought the only HoloX members were Koyori and Chloe.

>> No.42514307

Hey, girls are allowed to be a little retarded, I'm willing to forgive every girl that felt sad about trannies having shitty lives and thought that saying meaningless phrases out of pity for their existence would make their miserable lives a little better.
Everyone's given a homeless man money before, I won't hold people's pity against them their whole life, I will just expect people to gain wisdom as they grow older.

>> No.42514448
File: 601 KB, 566x800, AQATWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin Harry Potter
>lackey to the government

>the chad Alexandra Quick
>becomes witch terrorist by like the third book
>her magic powers are literally hacks

>> No.42514532

Stop lying, she's leech prime so you have definitely seen her collab with your oshi

>> No.42514858

We aren't disagreeing at all, but the way I now come to the whole discussion is that it's impossible to "save" someone mentally ill, "they" in an abstract exist how they currently are.
Lets take Ed Gein, actual, verifiably brain damaged.
If you were to scramble his brains to be less problematic to society, who exactly would he even be?
The answer that most asylum physicians came to the conclusion of is, a vegetable. No longer a problem to society.

In a moral society, should we be attacking people for not being uniform? Chemically castrating them? Disfiguring them? Handicapping them?
All these sorts of questions have ugly answers that no moral man would reasonably even want to answer because it would carve at what it means to be human until we are nothing but ants.

So my answer to the entire equation has evolved to, people will sometimes be mentally ill, they are their families problem for bringing them into the world with bad rng, and that any doctor that attempts to play god in this circumstance for financial gain should be labeled as evil and treated as such.

>> No.42515089

really curious how the jp holos are gonna react to this shit. I'd imagine they're just going to be really confused why that woman has a dude's voice

>> No.42515109

Cuz other continents have never done that lmao

>> No.42515183

the trannies are going on a witch hunt now

>> No.42515264

Simping for some dumb broad's AAA vidyaslop because it supports your side of an online culture war is the most cucked thing imaginable. Do burgers really?

>> No.42515308

>implying the JP version will have a troon voice actor

>> No.42515419

>it supports your side of an online culture
Are people really deluding themselves that this game is a win for conservatives / the right? The game does 1984-style historical revisionism by making 70% of the cast brown even though the game is set in late 1800s Britain (when a total of 20,000 blacks inhabited Great Britain, in a population of ~40 million). They even included a tranny character to try to soften the blow.

>> No.42515442

>"ehhh?did they mix up the voice files?"
>"why does he have a woman model? bagu?"
>"kimoooooooiiii HaHAhaHa"

>> No.42515728


if this was for anything game related it would of been called hurassment. trannys are worse then the bigiots who they clam

>> No.42516339

Can't wait for Pekora to play it

>> No.42516348
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more that are playing it

>> No.42516450

So the devs don't even share Rowling's views but that won't stop the reeing I guess

>> No.42516757
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saved this lmao

>> No.42517151

It is just a game made to keep the copyright alive, so it is not worth playing

>> No.42517191
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>> No.42517306

nice lol

>> No.42517310

>troon character
>game is set in 1890
>the characters act like nothing is out of the ordinary

>> No.42517323
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>> No.42517467

>Male voice
It has to be on purpose...

>> No.42517872

>I’m not saying that more and more of it is due to memes and the politic zeitgeist pushing it
Oops, what a typo. I meant to say that I am NOT saying that much of it is NOT due to memes and political zeitgeist pushing it currently. By leaving out that second “not” I accidentally said the exact opposite in that sentence, no wonder some anons were confused and started attempting to counter with viewpoints with which I was already in agreement regarding that part.
And now it is saved for the future. At least I hope it serves as a cautionary tale regarding the importance of reading your posts prior to posting them.

>> No.42517895

I love how none of these people have oshi flairs. I bet they're huge hololive fans.

>> No.42517907
File: 627 KB, 1025x871, Screenshot 2023-02-06 141428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are literally doing harassment campaigns targeting anyone playing the game. Fuck these losers

>> No.42518500

People sometimes believe that a person is just their brain rather than the body. However the brain is made of meat as well and is part of the body, it is vulnerable to flaws and disability just as the rest of the body is. Part of that Illness can even include not being able to realize they are unwell. I have read articles, blogs and posts by people with schizophrenia that indicate how much they suffer without treatment and how their lives fall apart. And they are the lucky ones because they can often get some form of treatment, other brain maladies are not so lucky currently.
But just doesn’t mean we should just give up. There may not be a proper cure for body integrity disorder currently but that doesn’t mean we should cut off the arms and legs if people suffering from it just because that is what their brain is telling them is right. Frankness and openness regarding these issues will help encourage them to be researched so that one day true treatment, cure or prevention can be developed. Hiding it away as a family shame like they do in Japan is not going to fix things.

>> No.42518727

There's a disturbing amount of Gura flairs screeching about the game being evil in the comment section. Then again she's basically the normalfag/casual chuuba so I'm not sure they count as hololive fans either way.

At the end of the day I think there's a real possibility that management will ban this game for EN because they fear for the talents getting harassed (which is also a very likely outcome). As soon as that lazy fuck T-Chan wakes up and sees the comment section he's gonna tell Omegatroon about it.

>> No.42518752

She also said there’s only two genders this weekend.

>> No.42518977

harassing people for playing a game will totally not backfire for these trannies

>> No.42519040

>every being held accountable for literally anything
They could start stoning the windows of straight people and nobody would care.

>> No.42519055
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>It's okay when they do it

>> No.42519238
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isn't it weird that trannies watch the holo girls more than the males? I never see these types of people on any of the male's chats

>> No.42519245

Ngl, ideologically I support trans people, but I've been psyops'd into hating them by how fucking annoying they are.

>> No.42519325

That guy is literally breaking twitter TOS right now by calling for a raid but nothing will happen to him. Nothing ever happens to them.

>> No.42519345

The vast amount of trannies are """lesbian""". It's just a coincidence though. It's not like they're just hetero men who let a fetish brainwash them or anything...

>> No.42519409

And yet it's the most right wing major game release this year.

The culture wars were a complete defeat for the right.

>> No.42519468

I'm old enough to remember when Harry Potter was for fags and now that half the fags who used to like it hate it retards who hate it because of the fags who like it now pretend to like it now to dunk on the fags who hate it now because they're retards.

>> No.42519542

Really? I grew up with it. Now I'm nearly 30. I am in the UK though so maybe everyone around my age just grew up with it. Well, most people. Just talking about the movies also.

>> No.42519596

>one day, suddenly, for no reason at all, none whatsover...

>> No.42519607

Harry Potter was never good but it's fun to see twittard faggots get pissy at literally nothing. I will still not buy the game

>> No.42519634

Rosemi and Elira plan to play it

>> No.42519710

>I'm old enough to remember when Harry Potter was for fags
congrats on turning 15

>> No.42519809

The British are inherently fags my guy.

>> No.42519813

Same, but I live in Europe
It was a book series for kids that went edgy by the end of fourth book because most of readers were kids who just entered their edgy phase. Pretty sure the original idea of HP was a fairytale for Rowling's own kids, so no wonder first few books are full of magical dumb stuff that contradicts the rules of later books.

>> No.42519831

Not that old then because in my time, everyone grew up with Harry Potter. Harry Potter didn't become exclusive to women and gays until everyone else had moved on (i.e. after the last book).

>> No.42520344

>oshi flairs
What the hell is that?

>> No.42520374

I'm not sure why everyone hates people on our island so much, or am I just missing a maymay. Maybe it's the English? I guess some of them can be nobs, but no more than anywhere else.
The movies did that too, which was quite funny in retrospect.

>> No.42520409

Someone explain what the hell the Author said or did? It cannot be as bad as people are making it?

>> No.42520433

some subreddits let you choose a little icon to go next to your name. the hololive one let's you have an icon of your favorite holo member.

>> No.42520564

She said people with penises shouldn't be in women's prisons and shelters.

>> No.42520613

Rowilng forgot to praise trannies during her feminism speech and now she's worse than Hitler
Something like that

>> No.42520682

I see you containment breakers in the replies. Normally I'm against that but fuck it, I'm glad to see the troons seethe

>> No.42521036

Extenuating circumstances, I guess.

>> No.42521410
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>> No.42521466

h8 this website m8

>> No.42521552

They can only hope to bring down the juicer. But they did succeed in brigading a smaller streamer bc they were simply playing the game.

>> No.42521599

Calling it now. Kiara or Fauna will play it first. That or the rare chance Gura comes back from tummy hoort.

>> No.42521683

Yea nothing like the youtube "WE MISS YOU COME BACK. JOIN MEMBERSHIP AGAIN" popup

>> No.42521705

Let's just say the UI design is not what I was taking issue with, anonymous.

>> No.42521775

Basically this. The whole phenomenon was driven by adult soft brains and kids who didn't know any better.

>> No.42522002

Honestly the only EN girls who probably aren't into it are Kronii, Mumeii, and maybe Watson. The real reason none of them are streaming it is because none of them stream. Bae will definitely play it at some point

>> No.42522291
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Mumei streaming it would be kino but...

>> No.42522459
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Haha, it's not like 4chan has ever harassed people over video-games befor-ACK

>> No.42522760

go back

>> No.42523142

Might as well be gifted

>> No.42523261
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Does it really?

>> No.42523264

>he thinks people here are innocent and don't harass people

>> No.42523489
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The most funny part is they serious they have the power to cancel any streamers career.

>> No.42523526

Mental illness

>> No.42523708

> bullying people who disagrees with you.
When did they become the bad guys?

>> No.42523755

It takes place in a magical world where you can literally drink a potion to physically change your sex. Even Joanne herself confirmed you can polyjuice a sex change - https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/polyjuice-potion

>> No.42523758

This is going to cause a massive backlash. 99% of people don't give a single fuck about them and this is going to be the best selling game of 2023.

>> No.42523810

In reality everyone would try this at least once.

>> No.42523821

I fight like this, but with my benis

>> No.42523847

You forgot to that she also said it's a disguise, exactly what trannies are doing wearing a disguise.

>> No.42524224

>Feeding a troon polyjuice potion infused with their own hair so they turn back into a man

>> No.42524240

Where's Flippendo?

>> No.42524872

it looks like infamous 2 or 2nd son combat systems
i loved those games

>> No.42524944

Shes on suspension for making a 4chan drama stream

>> No.42525055

why are people pretending to like Harry Potter now? Politics aside it was always shit.

>> No.42525069

Goddamn I'm fucking hyped as shit.

>> No.42525103

no he thinks it's okay when his side does it

>> No.42525125

It's the game that they like

>> No.42525248

2012 I think?

>> No.42525490

i always though an open world game of that franchise would be interesting
i wished for something more sims/sandbox like, this but this looks alright

>> No.42525619

Fuck you, I loved Philosopher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets games, especially since PS1 / PS2 / PC / Gameboy had completely different versions

>> No.42525678

People never stopped loving it. Especially Asians. Shit is massive in China and Japan.

>> No.42525689
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They're probably going to play it offstream. Even flesh streamers with boyfriends get attacked by the troon army over playing it.

>> No.42525702

Sounds like you're admitting that you're a normie

>> No.42525713

Little bitch Nobeta is better

>> No.42525741

>Sir Ryan
I wonder why

>> No.42525839

Makes the troons seethee, I don't like it but I like to see them malding over it

>> No.42526016

NTA but stop trying so hard to fit in, newfriend

>> No.42526031

oh no i like harry potter, now a group of mentally ill strangers on the internet won't like me, what am i going to do??

>> No.42526251


>> No.42526455

Ive always loved Harry Potter in spite of Rowlings retarded feminist views. This new tranny stuff is icing on the cake

>> No.42526528

The game literally has one though, on top of the "body type 1/2" instead of male/female.

>> No.42527163

Lord of the Rings and Book of the New Sun are better.

>> No.42527232

You misunderstand. I dont give a shit about trannies existing. The fact that they seethe and rope when people dont cater to their every whim is extremely funny. Trannies exist for my entertainment.

>> No.42527566

Trannies would be a self solving problem if people stopped playing pretend with thme

>> No.42528014

All I know is if Kronii plays this game I will bow eternally to her.

>> No.42529575

Harry potter's creator (A hardcore feminist by the way) hates trannies.

>> No.42529811

It's basically Troons vs feminists fighting over who gets to be the biggest victim and JK rowling is on the side of women.

>> No.42529821

how? didn't she make dumbledore gay just to appeal to those "people"

>> No.42530326

Yeah but it stops when Men are getting labeled Women for her. Even the most bonkers have a line they don't cross.

>> No.42530332
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>W-WhY dO yOu HaTe Us!!!!!!!

>> No.42530708
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>> No.42530882

Everyone as a limit anon.
