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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4248004 No.4248004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4248023

she's just taking some time off to let the braps out, she holds it in during streams, it's not good for her body

>> No.4248034

I heard she reaped the Prime Minister's cousin and they got pretty mad about that.

>> No.4248050

Is she getting deported for stalking rap artists again?

>> No.4248092

Travel bans loosened so she's going to Austria to fuck Kiara for a week.

>> No.4248114

Calli is actually an international assassin who is going to Taiwan to kill the prime minister as a favor to the Chinese emperor.

And other unbelievable rrats.

>> No.4248146
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>> No.4248255
File: 54 KB, 720x609, cuw6uoyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disrespects Coco in her meme stream
>Gets Calli deported from Japan.

Heh, nothing personal kid.

>> No.4248527

I think her visa is fine. It could be something to do with her health though.

>> No.4248582

Got sick after having sex with Cocock.

>> No.4248645
File: 51 KB, 269x320, bz DeadGrimReaper 02-18-09WB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death comes for us all

>> No.4249947 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 600x112, 1622093963339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best guess? She's got her citizenship exam coming up soon and is feeling just under the weather enough to take a break from streaming to prep for it instead of trying to juggle both.

>> No.4250272

Like full Japanese citizenship? How does she do it, i though it was hard as fuck to get that?

>> No.4250318

Hold down gainful employment in Japan for over a year, and pass a series of exams about the Japanese language, culture, history, and laws.

>> No.4250335

She's taking a week to search for another job while she's planning her graduation. She hates being an idol and cried in the bathroom after realizing her genmates don't care about WoD and are only humoring her with it.

>> No.4250406

>citizenship already

>> No.4250459

If she's no longer bound to the IRS, and I see no reason for her to be lying about this, it has to be some degree of citizenship.

>> No.4250591

I though that would take years and not just one.

>> No.4250627

Well shit. It's just that I'm pretty sure one is required to have lived for at least five years there to get it.
That is unless this 5'6 amazon intimidated them into making an exception for her.

>> No.4250773

There are always loopholes, and Hololive probably has enough money to grease the right wheels.

>> No.4250885

>It's just that I'm pretty sure one is required to have lived for at least five years there to get it
Well that is pretty soon isn't it? She moved there like in 2017.

>> No.4250983

it's really easy if you have a job in japan i think, the girls are officially employed at hololive right?

>> No.4251109

Japan visitor visas only last 90 days. She needs to take a flight to Guam and then re-enter Japan to restart the clock. But with the current spread of new coof she needs to be quarantined for a week before she is allowed back in.

>> No.4251292

Anon, she doesn't have visitor visa. And looks of it she could be getting full citizenship.

>> No.4251424

She had a Work Visa, which can be continuously renewed if her employing company keeps up on it.

>> No.4251483

If they were kiara wouldn't have to leave

>> No.4251517

>Kiara cancelled her stream for today

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.4251747

Yeah, its all about visa category, which you have to register before you come into the country. Kiara was on a one year visitor's visa. Mori was (maybe still is) on a worker's visa.

>> No.4251771

she just meant she finished paying her taxes

>> No.4251932

May 17th is the US tax deadline, she waited until the last minute to file. Nothing to do with becoming a Japanese citizen.

>> No.4251960
File: 221 KB, 1110x611, tankmanlaugheth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one even considering the realest path
She's going to meet up with Tankman and settle this once and for all

>> No.4251976

To America right? That could also mean that she is looking for full citizenship.

>> No.4252089

>can't read japanese well (2/10)
>can't speak japanese well (4/10)
>Knows probably very little of the history and culture beyond weeb references
Maybe in some years anon, but all she'd be doing now is wasting money and time

>> No.4252130

>and pass a series of exams about the Japanese language
she's fucked.

>> No.4252185

So that's what the one way ticket to Philly was for. Jeff is too powerful, mori is underestimating him

>> No.4252207

She is doing her reps though but i see your point.

>> No.4252212

cocock heals you, it doesn't make you sick.

>> No.4252217

>series of exams about the Japanese language, culture, history, and laws
mori getting deported LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO

>> No.4252467

But what if she actually gets in?

>> No.4252560

ehh i've heard conflicting rrat-reports
She either is considered independent contractor work with Hololive, which means she is utterly fucked unless she can get some job that, while extremely easy and very low effort/stress, is willing to help her with the visa, or she's out
That she got Cover to vouch for her and transfer the visa to them so she can carry on doing what she does

She's a smart girl, but no genius. Kiara is a weeb + japanophile and even she wouldn't be able to pass the nationalization exam. Calli is low-lowmiddle tier in language, and virtually non existent in the other fields (History, Culture, Law, Their equivalents of intellect)

>> No.4252710 [DELETED] 

Le hoo-biddity!!!

Le he-biddity!!!!!

Le ha-biddity!!!!

Le ho-biddity!!

Le EPIC!!!!!111

Le ABSOLUTELY LE EPIC!!!!!111oneon

Le we le did le it le reddit!

Le using le the le power le of le pe le pe le the le frog le and le wojak le we le have le taken le over le 4 le chan!!!!!!1111oneoneon

Le truly le the le narwhal le bacons le on le 4 le chan le now!!!!

Le thank le you le based le redditers le on le the mod le and le janitor le team!!!

Le you le have le made le 4 le chan le great!!!

Le lol


>> No.4252768


>> No.4252771

when are you planning on leaving this world?

>> No.4252804

>She is doing her reps though
I guarantee that she couldn't give even a basic explanation of who Hideyoshi, Nobunaga, and Tokugawa were without having to look it up.

>> No.4252846

>That she got Cover to vouch for her and transfer the visa to them so she can carry on doing what she does
It is probably that.
How hard is that nationalization exam anyway?

>> No.4252871

Uhh that trap kid, right?

>> No.4252882

Well i was talking about her Japanese language reps.

>> No.4252962

She probably can't even read Hideyoshi, Nobunaga, or Tokugawa either.

>> No.4252988

Hard enough to where, unless you're loaded with reliable money and have a company vouching for you, they're going to tell the gaijin to go home and come back next summer for vacation.
It requires at least an in depth knowledge of major fields of interest for the japanese government, all of them reinforcing and reference their pseudo-caste/rank systems. It's apparently ultra steeped in their tradition and history

If just anyone with quick cash could go in, a lot more youtubers and hollywood celebs would be in there

>> No.4252993

If Mori only did her holo reps, she would already know who this is.

>> No.4253008

>How hard is that nationalization exam anyway?
japan takes immigration very seriously and actually passing the exam takes a lot of general knowledge and near perfect Japanese.
it's probably one of the hardest countries in the world to become a citizen

>> No.4253020

We all know full well that she didn't.

>> No.4253035

>She forgets to do basic japanese homework
She wouldn't be a vtuber if she was studying for the citizenship test

>> No.4253039

>That is unless this 5'6 amazon intimidated them into making an exception for her.
Gaijin smash.

>> No.4253068

Her plane is getting diverted to Belarus as we speak

>> No.4253110

All these giant white girl at 5"6 posts make me laugh, thanks anons

>> No.4253127

Are chuubas gainfully employ.......?

>> No.4253162

ask HoloCN

>> No.4253175

>Be a Japanese bureaucrat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
>Enjoying the fact that you only have a short 15 hour shift of denying visa and residency applications today
>Golden Week is fast approaching and you're looking forward to doing nothing but watching shitty food culture shows on NHK for a week straight, the height of Japanese culture
>Suddenly, your assistant enters
>"Y-Yamaguchi-san, the next applicant will see you now..."
>She seems nervous? Well she is 27 and unmarried, she's basically worthless to society, no wonder.
>Suddenly, you hear hulking footsteps approaching your office... have your pachinko debts finally caught up with you?
>The door bursts open, and a truly massive woman bends under the door frame, having to keep herself hunched over to not scrape the top of her head on the ceiling
>Good lord, she must be over 5 feet tall...
>Stricken with fear, you can barely move as she opens her mouth, the sound resonating from within so deep you can scarce believe it came from a woman, let alone a human being
>"U-Uh yeah, ya boi came to get all her residency jazz sorted out... ha ha..."

>> No.4253193
File: 506 KB, 1654x2339, jp-residency-table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can attain permanent residency in Japan in as little as one year now

>> No.4253240


>> No.4253318

So that's what Kiara's doing for her endurance stream

>> No.4253388

So could Mori get one?

>> No.4253423
File: 36 KB, 512x288, VOY_Kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Good lord, she must be over 5 feet tall...

>> No.4253504

>so what's your annual salary... Mori-kun.
>guh... about 45 million yen, after tax.

>> No.4253556

She's barely even a weeb, so I doubt she knows anything about Japanese culture. It's weird, she is the least weeblike out of HoloEN despite actually moving to Japan. She's just autistic and obsessed with a dead musical genre.

>> No.4253581

She's the biggest weeb I know, she full on moved to japan my dude

>> No.4253625

Maybe that is why she didn't get filtered hard by Japanese society.
>I doubt she knows anything about Japanese culture
I don't know, maybe not a lot about history but she clearly is trying to blend in with how much she has no plans leaving the country.

>> No.4253630

I disagree because she barely has any typical weeb interests, but I get what you are saying. I'm just saying that if I move to Japan to study some gay lichen that only grows in the Japanese highlands, that doesn't make me a weeb. It makes me autistic.

>> No.4253652

she could get a residency but not a citizenship.

>> No.4253692

death sensei's overworked and needs the apprentice to pick up the slack.
nothing's certain but death and taxes, and she'd better get some practice.

>> No.4253728

>weeb interests
And what exactly do you think weeb interests are? Mori literally moved to Japan because she loves J-Rap so much and wanted to be a part of the scene. That is pretty fucking weeby, like, super fucking weeby. Just because she isn't an anime otaku or plays touhou games doesn't mean she isn't a super weeb.
