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42462420 No.42462420 [Reply] [Original]

Yuko Yurei of IdolEN has publicly acknowledged that she has favorite viewers. What is your opinion about this?


>> No.42462635

It's pretty common for top donators of Donothons to get a small reward.

>> No.42462774

Isn’t this one of the reasons that bitch from project kawaii got axed?

>> No.42462788 [DELETED] 

>ignoring that it was established over a week ago that the final reward of the donothon was going to be letters for the top 3 donors
My opinion is that you're a retarded SEAnigger OP and that you need to be 18 to use this web forum

>> No.42462855

1. who fucking cares?
2. >>42462788
conclusion: neck yourself.

>> No.42462901

poorfag seething thread

>> No.42462915

She is writing to palestinian boo bros

>> No.42463007

Why is she writing to a fictional race?

>> No.42463141

She's a whore and I regret supporting her

>> No.42463207

Good if me. Whore if not me.

>> No.42463903

This is a good thing. There's no reason you should receive the same treatment if you're a huge fan. Casuals don't deserve shit.

>> No.42463956

So she's like every other vtuber.
You should know by now paypigs and people who get them to laugh consistently are their favorites.

>> No.42464051

Hey, I would write for Belkan too.

>> No.42464073

For me it was her being an an animal abuser, but you do you

>> No.42464152

If I was crazy enough to send over 5k to a vtuber on the same day I would also like a letter, is just from her donation stream so who cares

>> No.42464191

>Animal abuser
>Bullied autistic kids at her school
>Plays favorites with her fans
>Unironic scat and urine pandering
And that's just the stuff I'm allowed to post. This girl is something else for sure.

>> No.42464199

this weak bait does not please me

>> No.42464297
File: 330 KB, 850x1285, cute gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura isn't back because she's been sleeping with her top donors all last month and I fucking hate it

>> No.42464395

imagine donating a bunch of money just to get a generic email that 2 other cunts are going to get with the only difference being your username.

>> No.42464401

What is it with jews and scat? I dont get it

>> No.42464425

I could never give a shit. Leave my Jewish wife alone.

>> No.42464498

This was a donothon reward you fucking retard

>> No.42464768

Yeah, ME

>> No.42464809

you're retarded, she literally said her top 3 donators would be sent letters during her donothon, it's the same for every member of idol-en, rin is doing the same thing for her donothon

>> No.42465052

She's not jewish, she just works for them

>> No.42465240

cringe gura skinwalker whore

>> No.42465974

Is that you Jason?

>> No.42466037

OP has publicly acknowledged that he is an absolute faggot. What is your opinion about this?

>> No.42466040

thanks for the update discord tranny

>> No.42466349
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>> No.42467582
File: 71 KB, 587x680, FjKMklsXkAQw3gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that's so hot!

>> No.42467751

Well said.

>> No.42467844

>What is your opinion about this?
That you have no idea what a yab is

>> No.42468866

>urine pandering
Fuck yes. I need to watch more Yuko.

>> No.42468981

>takes a break right after membership opens
>does a donothon right after she comes back
>now playing favorites with gachikois, only months after debut while rubbing it in others faces
i’m glad i dropped her during that break.

>> No.42469145

all of them are me

>> No.42469356

my guy she was gone for a week for christmas calm down... every other member is doing donothons too, and some of them also took breaks for the holidays, and besides... you're dumb if you think they're getting some super personalized letter, yuko knows nothing about these people, it's gonna be a generic thank you letter with their names swapped out, at best she will write three seperate and still generic thank you letters that are just worded differently, you're freaking out over nothing... even the other idol en girls are sending letters to their top donators during donothons

>> No.42469426

yab! yab! another yab bros! we got another yab! qrd on the new yab? jwu, whats the new yab? A new fucking YAB!!!!!!!! do i fit in yet?

>> No.42469461

>they're all doing it so its okay
based shill

>> No.42469552

was seething off cooldown for like 4 hours not enough for you OP?
Did you get tired of replying to yourself over and over?

>> No.42469568

You also have to sperg about numbers and be brown

>> No.42471157

They unironically believe Jesus is being boiled in a vat of feces in hell for eternity.

>> No.42471175

I'm one of those favorite boo bros btw

>> No.42473422

They eat baby dicks but scat is what you got a issue with?

>> No.42473508

weird cope

>> No.42479812

skill issue. What's stopping you from being one of her favorites?

>> No.42482603

how? all she did was take a break for the holidays... that's incredibly reasonable... you guys are being incredibly schizophrenic

>> No.42482686

All of them are for Gura in different costumes. She’s a little bit schizophrenic

>> No.42482707

>Yuko Yurei of IdolEN has publicly acknowledged that she has favorite viewers.
>What is your opinion about this?
Yeah, they're all me, I'm her favorite

>> No.42482837

qrd on the animal abuse?
first time I've heard this

>> No.42483475

No she got axed for trying to doxx and harass her gen mates and senpais by weaponizing her brown handed sea husbands behind the scenes in a full blown secret anti discord.

>> No.42484901

talked about putting things up a dogs ass then deleted the vod after

>> No.42485219

Hope they enjoy their anthrax.

>> No.42485898

lol are you serious?
thats a weird thing to even share on stream

>> No.42485995

search yuko chopstick in the archive if you want to find out more thats a good starting point
