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42418806 No.42418806 [Reply] [Original]

It was a long time coming. I think Mori is learning some good lessons from her new pink friend.

The Deadbeats need more trial by fire. Burn away all the annoying faggots that are only there hoping to see her owning the incels, and whatever remains from the Takamori days. Burn away all the thinskinned pussies that can't handle even mild banter. Burn away the normies that can't handle occasional strong cringe.

Burn it all away and Make Deadbeats Great Again!

>> No.42418943

based mori is coming. I can feel it

>> No.42419046

i dont even know what youre trying to say

>> No.42419094

Long time fans know she's always been like this. That's why she's so based.

>> No.42419116
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im going to fuck moris chubby ass and give her 12 children

>> No.42419131

Just because mori made a dedicated schizo stream doesn't mean you need to go full schizo too, cuckbeat

>> No.42419173

I'm saying she's going the Ame/Pippa route of truly not giving a fuck, and intentionally pruning the undesirables from her audience.
She finally learned that gatekeeping is good.

>> No.42419299

>She finally learned that gatekeeping is good.
she (like all of them) want a lot of fans though

>> No.42419366
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>pruning the undesirables from her audience.
But if she does that she won't have an audience at all?

>> No.42419389

Sure. She just wants fans that aren't huge faggots.

>> No.42419420

beggars cant be choosers

>> No.42419472

Then complain about numbers on 4chan
"why do we hate her again?"

>> No.42419491 [DELETED] 

We're desirable, cuckbud. She calls us chads for a reason. Even fucks us occasionally, and lets us have our way with Bae and IRyS.. and Gura that one time.

>> No.42419616

The amount of cuckbeat delusions is off the charts after that stream
Here's a good example lmao >>42419491

>> No.42419685

Please take your birth control, you not making any sense

>> No.42420813

What did she even do? I checked in a few times and it didn't seem as special as everyone is making it out to be.

>> No.42420854

I don't know what she did because I don't watch Mori but I'm sure it was retarded because she is retarded.

>> No.42420885

Mori is the one the gate was supposed to keep away

>> No.42421317

Pippa fags truly are the scum of the earth

>> No.42421518

This is ironic right? With deadbeats you never know.

>> No.42421626

If you can't see a false flag by now you haven't been here long enough. Deadbeats basically all stick to their split and global. Only people trying to bait and tourist would make a catalog thread.

>> No.42421690 [DELETED] 


>> No.42421882

Nice try deadbeat.

>> No.42422039

not gonna cap, mori's still kind of cringe and gay but the stream was definitely what Secret GC wanted to be. Like, the execution was actually good and it was a mildly entertaining self-parody/rebuttal of schizo fans without being too obnoxious

idk if I'd fuck with Mori generally still but yeah, I guess she's kind of cooler now. desu she should lean in harder on the whole "speaking your mind" vibe generally tho even if what she's saying isn't actually super controversial.

Like, being "unfiltered" is kind of what people expect from their rappers. Nezumori hits closer to that kind of vibe. Tho, now I think about it, post-irony is the spirit of the zeitgeist, so playing more with the opacity/ambiguity of "Mori's lack of self-awareness" could also get positive traction.

ye, idk, good job, Mori

>> No.42422071

Thank you for not capping anon, it's appreciated.

>> No.42422355

You might not be capping but if that's the sentence you were gonna come up with, you probably should have put a lid on it

>> No.42422412

>not gonna cap
people fucking say this now
this is real

>> No.42422423

My mans is straight up cappin with this response all his insecurities came out at once and ion fw that

>> No.42424437


>> No.42424577

Is there anything left to filter in first place?

>> No.42426240

She literally has the lowest CCV in EN right now and sometimes has lower numbers than homos overlapping her.
Pretty soon there won't be anyone left to filter.

>> No.42426390

Ironic since if the company and the fanbase would have been good at gepatekeeping she or her fans wouldn’t exist like they do today

>> No.42426446

I fucking hate the people the “people” mori brought to the fanbase, and I hope some Insane nip Shinzo Abe’s her

>> No.42426489

If gatekeeping was successful you wouldn't be here.

>> No.42428929

What did she even do?

>> No.42428948

Rrat starvation at this point.
Mori's been doing well recently and hasn't had any major meltdowns, while most criticizms and "yabs" seem petty and forced. Now add in the usual catalogfagging and you've got folks making this into some major fucking balk similar to some of the Niji stuff going on right now.

>> No.42429017

Something we have in common

>> No.42429486

>yfw within a couple months mori collabs with the yabbit and pippa being on a holostream makes reddit, twitter and omega off themselves
>holoEN is saved (and based now)

Mori was the antihero all along..

>> No.42431302

What are you talking about? Which deadbeats did this filter? I only see weirdos who probably never liked her kvetching.

>> No.42431982

trash taste era deadbeats are here to stay

>> No.42432094

what did anon mean by this?

>> No.42432106

Nobody knows. No one here actually watches Mori so one guy can just suggest something yabbish happened and everyone goes along with it.

>> No.42432144

has she lost her weight?

>> No.42432694


>> No.42432751

Look at her last "b side stream"
the answer is no

>> No.42433156

>ever great
I pity you, Delusionbeat.

>> No.42433220

Hopefully that will make her an hero.

>> No.42433452
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>> No.42433522

Same desu.

>> No.42433601

How is she gatekeeping? The nezumori stream was done as a promise when her music video hit one million views

>> No.42434054

Ame is DESPERATELY trying to stay relevant after her blunder, what do you mean?

>> No.42436840

You don't make sence, "burn away all the annoying faggots that are only ther hoping to see her owning the incels" but.... they aren't even watching streams. How do you filter your audience from people who aren't even part of your audience in the first place?

>> No.42437246

Mori has always been " I will do what I want, how I want" and that's made people love or hate her. She's very honest with what she plans, and she only alters those when she realizes it's not a good idea (trying to do collabs with people Cover would never agree to.)
She's also learned how to poke fun at herself and fans. Keep in mind that Nezumi Scheme is the sin of pride, so the character for it is prideful, to a disgusting extent. Mori was able to do something extremely dumb but totally fitting. And she doesn't have to answer to it.

>> No.42437405

She has a UMG contract, she's not a beggar anymore and she finally realized it.

>> No.42438679

Is it weird that I like NezuMori more than regular Mori?

>> No.42438958

nigga straight outta pocket with that one fr

>> No.42439114
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She had a roleplay stream based off of a fictional version of herself from the MV she made a few months ago. A lot of very confused tourists and threadreaders have been making threads like these coming up with schizo theories to fill in the gaps in their knowledge.

>> No.42439240

For some reason this feels like a post Mori would write here after a yab.

>> No.42439496

I also don't watch vtubers

>> No.42439694

Nobody is talking about the character itself you dumb little retards. We're talking about her unhinged behavior during the stream.

>> No.42440091

I thought she already filtered everyone except her most hardcore fans during the “dunking on the haters” arc she did last time?

>> No.42441119

She also filtered some of her hardcore fans

>> No.42441423

I really hate her wannabe Fake Type art. I hope she never draws again

>> No.42442629

>We're talking about her unhinged behavior during the stream
Yeah that was the point of the stream. To act like unhinged.

>> No.42442757

>Mori a year ago
>Mori now
Curious how her mentality changed now that she's quickly becoming irrelevant.

>> No.42443013

Still hate Mori
