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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 403 KB, 1894x1289, FoJ8-H7XkAUSvzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42391385 No.42391385 [Reply] [Original]

Come home unicorn man.

>> No.42391633

too busy enjoying kino streams from the kino Tempus boyz, nty

>> No.42392016

But I never left...

>> No.42392059

What do we call this trio?

>> No.42392095

>periods and shaving our pussies lmao

>> No.42392217

None of these girls are unicorns and not on Gura's unicorn level. All of them follow the homo's on Twitter, have mentioned them on stream and Kiara has even promoted them. So no, they aren't unicorns

>> No.42392401

Mumei says she likes unicorns and rainbows. Has Gura said the same?

>> No.42392566
File: 273 KB, 777x931, Fnp2YjsaUAMI7LE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is the unicorn queen.

>> No.42392615

Thanks for letting me know which chuubas I need to avoid so that I don't have to deal with unicorn retardation.

>> No.42392704

Fair enough.

>> No.42392718

Yes Gura said she loves unicorns. None of these 3 girls are unicorn friendly.

>> No.42392732

Every single woman has talked to men while you weren't looking

>> No.42392768

God I love women...

>> No.42392884

>girl says she likes unicorns
>not unicorn friendly

>> No.42392930 [DELETED] 

kiara admitted to fucking people guys what the fuck she is not a proper idol

>> No.42392932

Yeah, me.

>> No.42392997

>kiara admitted to fucking people guys
What the fuck? Eggs were AIs all along?

>> No.42393004
File: 182 KB, 1080x728, 1673877585865692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I shall remind them.

>> No.42393046

Mumei is not. She follows the homo's on Twitter and has talked about them on stream. She was even in a collab with a jp homo

>> No.42393148

Again, she says she likes unicorns. What the fuck is this irrelevant nonsense you’re going on about?

>> No.42393208

Owlcucks don't care. It's in the name. Would be nice of them to stop larping as unicorns though.

>> No.42393266

Mods hate this image because it speaks truth

>> No.42393408

Going by that logic Gura isn't unicorn friendly either because she complimented a homos voice at one of the cons with myth.

>> No.42393432
File: 1.63 MB, 1348x1732, chadcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGL, sorta boring, chadcast is better, so was that one with kronii and gura.

>> No.42393490

She said sure, that's not a confirmation

>> No.42393520

He's talking about the stream that just ended where she said "i like unicorns"

>> No.42393593

Y-you're not supposed to point that out

>> No.42394049

my stand for "nutty" I assume? Like your face is nutty after sucking off the homos?

>> No.42394091

I don't have a fetish for vegans with hairy arms, so no.

>> No.42394112

Of course gura is the number 1 unicorn, can't interact with males on stream if you don't stream.

>> No.42394169


>> No.42394211

Ha yes the stream were she barely spoke, and then for one year she purged her sentence of being excluded from the good girls club with full mark, you weren't here during that time fucking newfag? there were a lot of discution.

>> No.42394225

Chadcast with IRyS and Bae where Mori was gone was shit. Those two didn't know how to make a conversation flow.
I don't even like Mori but she's the one who brings up and keeps topics flowing.

>> No.42394299

Explain, in detail, witb timestamps preferably, what was wrong with her on that stream.
For kronii, ollie, etc i can point to multiple moments

>> No.42394502

That's true. But I'd argue that she could be replaced.

>> No.42394555

>he doesn't know

>> No.42394566

you mean CGDCTfags?

>> No.42394631

at 6:66, mumei proceeds to push down each of the holostars and rape them in turn until they're in tears, once you've seen it, you'll never be able to forget the screams

>> No.42394836

See? that wasn't so hard was it? now if you could stop bothering every girl who doesn't want to collab with males with your retardation we would be dandy.

>> No.42394841

Nah its good the one who should be replace is IRYS and bae replace them with kronii or someone else

>> No.42395380

Based. Whori and Bae both ruin chadcast for me.

>> No.42395397 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1080x1082, 1646341133517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If she collabs with males it means she wants male attention and dick.

If she doesn't collab with males it means she's getting dicked off stream.

You can't win.

>> No.42395551

You mean when they forcibly put on a video with Holostars on it and she complimented a guy for having a nice singing voice? A lot different than voluntarily collabing and following them on Twitter.

>> No.42395560 [DELETED] 

this just means its better if they collab with males because at least then they arent getting dick, they just crave it. they could even be craving yours.

>> No.42395621 [DELETED] 

What about the Mumei situation where she did it once then avoided anything like it afterwards?

>> No.42395670

>orange woman taking meds so she can get Nakadashi'd anytime
Is it like equivalent of virgin boy carrying condom in his wallet "just in case" for couple years?

>> No.42395747

>Oh yeah I have a story about that too, what happened wa---
>Yeah, so--
How the fuck could anyone watch this?

>> No.42395824

So am I

>> No.42395844

no, the virgin boy never uses it, kiara does

>> No.42395857

IRyS is the most boring part of Chadcast for me desu, the other two have interesting stories to tell with a nice pace but IRyS takes way too long to get to the point, her delivery and storytelling is shit

>> No.42395914
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>> No.42395944
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>> No.42395981

Why would I watch beauty products? Play minecraft or something

>> No.42396135
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, FLRkqJzXIAEvAWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holobronies will defend a stream with girls talking about periods, makeup, and other girly shit because... it doesn't have males in it???
They don't call them holobronies for nothing.

>> No.42396146

The fuck you mean interesting stories bae do nothing just stay silent while the other talk just replace bae with kronii it will be better

>> No.42396219
File: 14 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck could anyone watch this?
Why did you continue watching the entire thing since you're intimately familiar with what happened during the stream?

>> No.42396258

Sorry but I will continue to wait for my wife Gura

>> No.42396264
File: 135 KB, 1080x591, 1660789608884597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No u, you're the bronies

>> No.42396274

We have more femanons on this board than you realize

>> No.42396320

It's not my fault you can't be arsed to pay attention to streams and would rather read threads and shitpost

>> No.42396589 [DELETED] 

It means she successfully got the guy she collabed with.

>> No.42396683 [DELETED] 

Yeah, me.

>> No.42396696 [DELETED] 

>pic of 3 of the 5 confirmed non-virgins in EN.
unicorns only appear to pure maidens, anon...

>> No.42396720

I know you're lying since male vtubers are cringe and physically incapable of producing kino.

Homobeggar salt makes me erect. Keep it coming.

>> No.42396842 [DELETED] 

>no proof

>> No.42396851

She's been forgiven and absolved of her sins after a year of good behavior. The only thing you remind people of when you post that pic is the fact that Mumei realized the error of male collabs and is now pure as the driven snow.

>> No.42396900 [DELETED] 

t. hymen inspector

>> No.42397005 [DELETED] 

and who are you?

>> No.42397059 [DELETED] 

It just means they're on the hunt and will find it soon. If they suddenly stop collabing with him it might just because they don't want to draw attention to their relationship.

>> No.42397346


>> No.42397524 [DELETED] 


>> No.42397622

Hoomans won
Mumei had been redeemed

>> No.42398646

Man cannot wait to hear lame Twitch lingo for the millionth time in a NijisanjiEN stream that all the Nijikeks think is funny

>> No.42398779 [DELETED] 

Show it you pussy

>> No.42398886 [DELETED] 

Bring your cuck fantasy somewhere else nigger

>> No.42399019 [DELETED] 

Rushia is my proof.

>> No.42399116 [DELETED] 

Not a single EN is unicorn-friendly by the actual definition of the term, other than maybe IRyS depending on how you treat the Brian thing. Fauna, Mumei, and Kiara definitely aren't.

>> No.42399197 [DELETED] 

Fauna, Mumei, and Kiara are unicorn certified and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

>> No.42399248

Mumei is the ultimate unicorn, burned by the homo fire she is now on an unmatched path of redemption.

>> No.42399565 [DELETED] 

Don't play dumb.

>> No.42399696 [DELETED] 


>> No.42399741 [DELETED] 

pretty much. If even Rushia is taking dicks off stream, you know your whore oshi would too. This is why I just view them as normal streamers with png avatar nowadays

>> No.42399881 [DELETED] 


>> No.42399934 [DELETED] 

lol, lmao even
Doesn't even meet the watered-down /vt/ definition.

>> No.42399936 [DELETED] 

This opinion is a bit too based for the catalog.

>> No.42399953 [DELETED] 

This. Moronic EN fans don't even understand what the word means ffs.

>> No.42400067 [DELETED] 

>le sole homostars collab!!!!!!!!!!!
Come now, anon, that same screencap has been posted a multitude of times to no avail. You can do better than that. Give me 5 solo collab streams she had with stars.

>> No.42400533

All I see is three girls who are on birth control pills

>> No.42400617 [DELETED] 

Bae accidentaly admited that she used tinder, she is also a Star cock sucker, so no, she is not

>> No.42400952

Kiara’s prescription ran out and Mumei had to stop due to the side effects.

>> No.42401108 [DELETED] 

I know fauna and mumei... but kiara?

>> No.42401516 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 799x734, 1675562694091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this news?
Her old blog is full of mentions of her ex back when she was a teen
The difference compared to Fauna and Mumei is that it was a decade ago

>> No.42401789

I will never understand the goalposting with Mumei and Fauna.

>> No.42402063

I thought she was gay...

>> No.42403133


>> No.42403560 [DELETED] 

Oh anon...

>> No.42405312 [DELETED] 

Owlcucks refuse to acknowledge the truth

>> No.42405931

>All of those deleted posts
Jesus, what the fuck happened? Like half of the thread was deleted.

>> No.42406080

Someone probably got banned with all of his posts deleted.

>> No.42406585

Hooman mafia makes these threads on purpose to punish her detractors.

>> No.42406695

The sheer paranoia in this post (if serious).

>> No.42408025

i've checked the archives, more than half of that seems to be directed at those who dare to doubt mumei.
so we now have not only a deadbeat janny but also an owlfag janny...

>> No.42409130
File: 159 KB, 471x496, 1666049816471436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based.

>> No.42410618

Well, I'll be damned

>> No.42410652

Fucker shouldn’t be samefagging if he doesn’t want mass deletions.

>> No.42410851
File: 1.08 MB, 2171x3070, 1671381683458514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont expose us like that

>> No.42411390

didn't look like samefagging to me

>> No.42411616
File: 83 KB, 519x519, 1660237875302682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A stream about being a woman, taking hormone therapy, looking good for cute boys and feeling ugly as a teenager is the ideal unicorn stream
>Unicorns are obsessed with transexuals
They are...

>> No.42412534

this doesn't work on gura cause she's the most popular vtuber, we say who? when people make threads about indies or small corpos because they always act like everybody should know them... but everyone does know gura, so if you don't know her, that doens't mean she isn't well known like it usually means when people post that... it just means that you are stupid, big difference

>> No.42412608

Who? I only know vtubers that stream.

>> No.42412843

Either you’re failing to pick up on it or he managed to get some bandwagoners this time.

>> No.42412936

you clearly have no context for that event, she was doing collabs with bae all week and bae just shoehorned a homo collab in there without mumei knowing, it'd be one thing if it was a one off, but they were collabing all week and mumei was involved in all of it, it's bae's fault for dragging her into a collab with the homos in the first place... it's pretty obvious that it wasn't intentional from mumei considering she pretends the entire thing never happened and hasn't acknowledges any of the homos in nearly a year (and besides it was a JP collab and she doesn't speak japanese, the only one talking to them was bae)... if anything this is ideal, it's better that they do it once and then stop because now we can pretty much confirm they'll never do it again, but with the others like fauna and gura, it'll pretty much always be up in the air whether or not they'll do homo collabs in the future, unlike mumei who did it once, didn't like it (or got bad reception from it) and never did it again, she actually has a reason to not do it unlike the others (besides, even if it was intentional, that means she heard the unicorn's complaints and stopped on our behalf, which would win her a lot of points with us and would make us like her even more)

>> No.42413000

she's also coming back in like a week retard, this is an outdated meme, it only works if they're on indefiniate hiatus, since she has a return date you're just being gay

>> No.42413117

NTA, but Gura literally said the only people who've ever seen her naked are her family and doctors. Since her only "relationship" has been a short, online LDR, it's not unbelievable that that would be the case.

>the brian thing.
You mean her L2D rigger? Sure, it's weird that he's friends with her on switch, but how the fuck does that mean they're together? Are you retarded? Besides, he lives in fucking Canada. If you go look at the photos he's uploaded to twitter, there's French on all the food labels.

>> No.42413198

Huh I didn't hear about that. I only watch vtubers that post schedules and communicate with their fans.

>> No.42413215

So if a vtuber doesn't stream for a bit you literally forget they ever existed? Do you have goldfish memory?

>> No.42413275

Sorry, meant for >>42399934

>> No.42413397

It's less about memory and more so focusing brain power on vtubers that care about their job

>> No.42413478

Except that you still have no proof that Bae dragged her there, Mumei commented in Astel's karaoke chat earlier that month too

>> No.42413585

>a vegan
>a bitch
>an autistic


>> No.42413692

Everyone in your camp is either there or with a similar girl already. This thread is pointless, you're just shitting up the catalog, again.

>> No.42413702

Not that anon, but Mumei said in her collab with Iofi this week that she accepts collab invites without thinking, so it’s probably just the other girls not thinking it was important info to tell her beforehand.

>> No.42413858

uhh the proof is that she had been doing collabs with bae for like a week... like objectively she was dragged there, they were doing like a collab week with the JP's, and then there was one collab with holostars snuck in there, which she proceeded to say nothing in and then pretended never happened, after which she never acknowledged the homos ever again (and like i said, even if it was intentional, that's a good thing for us, it means mumei heard out criticism and stopped on our behalf... unicorns like that, if kronii said she would never collab with the homos again after the DBD collab, unicorns would have ridden her dick off into the sunset, except that's not what happened with kronii, but if that did happen with mumei... people would actually like that...)

>> No.42414239

That's.... not objective proof anon, I asked for tangible timestamps, not rrats. I don't know if you are an up and coming comedian or what but you almost got a chuckle out of me
The more likely scenario is that she dipped her toes into the water to see what it feels like and wasn't happy with the experience so she never did it after, I'll take this moment to remind you again that she has commented in two homo chats before that point, one being Astel's Karaoke and the other being Roberu's collab with Ollie and Bae
I'll also take a moment to remind you that only a day prior, she ASKED Bae to let her join the Haachama collab she was having in minecraft which already disproves what you say since Mumei clearly took the initiative here and wasn't invited or dragged

>> No.42414513


>> No.42415130

>How the fuck could anyone watch this?

You did apparently

>> No.42416095

Thank god I only watch JP

>> No.42417221

Please I have heartitis

>> No.42419821

>talk about exes, relationship hunting, etc.
>this anon doesn't watch JP

>> No.42420418
File: 3.84 MB, 1432x1620, 1674083097218886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave my wife Choco out of this

>> No.42420704

>openly discusses their use of birth control
jesus this stream was a mistake, I'm sorry for being excited for it

>> No.42421045

For medical reasons

>> No.42422032 [DELETED] 

>has a bf
>a literal prostitute
>has a bf

>> No.42422233

Please don't make it that obvious you have never talked to girl IRL, it makes me feel sad for you...

>> No.42422261

Kiara is NOT unicorn-friendly because she is my wife.

>> No.42423433

>EN whores

>> No.42423528

I will when you all actually stream more and not the piss poor thing you call a schedule you do now

>> No.42423590

Birth control has more negative effects on women than positive ones, it explains why Kiara is a fucking menhera who will die alone with her cats.

>> No.42423917

Yes, Mumei stopped taking them because of that

>> No.42427315

yea to have my baby

>> No.42427589

I'm happy Ina never gets included in whichever side of this retardation, probably because her only """interaction""" has been a diplomatic statement when they debuted
Have fun eating each other up fags

>> No.42427594

I have a legit question: Why are all three of them on the pill?

>> No.42427666

I can only speak from personal experiance but in europe every single woman i know is on the pill because it helps regulate your period. Even the lesbians take them

>> No.42430096
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>> No.42435410

I got attempt /ss/ed when I was like 19 by some woman in her 30s who told me she was on the pill.
