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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42344124 No.42344124 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Niji/Anycolor lying with the Covid excuse?
Whats going on behind the scenes?

>> No.42346122

they're all pregnant actually

>> No.42346307

They probably arent lying. Covid is probably one of the factors contributing to the concert getting cancelled

>> No.42346357

The bat eaters aren't happy.

>> No.42346414

They cancelled it because their EN branch decided to collectively piss off their viewers and they didn't want to spend money hosting an event no one was going to watch or spend money on.

>> No.42346643

>Deleted stream
>China pulls out
>Canceled concert
>Anycolor bends the knee
>" " Graduates
see you next time to collect my bet

>> No.42346767

Why is the EN fanbase angry?

>> No.42346899

its mostly the femcels who can't handle there slut oshi collabing with other females.

>> No.42347036

Because nips are retarded, ENs have no choice but to lie.

>> No.42347260

They didn't actually tweet that stuff in response to the cancellation did they? Wouldn't management get angry?

>> No.42347356

Your delusion

>> No.42347430

They do and why not

>> No.42347437

They did.

>> No.42347510

Nijifest in December btw

>> No.42347540

They are not lying about the covid excuse. China is badly hit with covid nowadays so NijiCN's activity is badly crippled.
Sadly, the livers who live in their ivory towers failed to realize that. They failed to recognize the ones who support their activities behind the scenes.

>> No.42347571

Yeah with me

>> No.42347595

Here's some food for thought
1) using covid as an excuse was retarded. It's an online event, even holo could do it during holofest2 no problem. Plus it's 2months away ffs.
2) when they announced the concert, most would assume they already did 80-90% prep works. And for prime shiller like anykara, the shill for the concert was suspiciously low.
3) lets assume that some staff that are core to the concert got covid. IF they truly have made preparation for the concert, there is NO WAY they'd cancelled it instead of just find a replacement.
4) Conclusion : the concert was either planned in hurry and fumbled OR it was never exist in the first place and was just a bait for hype

>> No.42347681

>female plays with male nijien member
>female plays with Himbo for 1 stream
>female gets banned from ever streaming with anyone in niji.
yea, Delusion.

>> No.42347842

Not sure what a fumble would be,
>OR it was never exist in the first place and was just a bait for hype
I assume this is what you want to have happened, but refunding money back to people is very expensive to do for a company.

>> No.42347996

This is not hololive

>> No.42348149

Not sure if your ignorant to happenings or what you mean your point to be.
its happened despite this "not being hololive"

>> No.42348197

Weren't the luxiems in japan the past few weeks presumably to be recording for this event? I mean yeah the work is already fucking done for them. how/why would covid even matter for an online event where the physical work involved was done long before.

it'd be like calling in sick for a workday that already happened. they're in essence doing that @the talents/audience.

>> No.42348491

Yeah I ignoring you

>> No.42348552

Wouldn't that mean they were basically leaving money on the table and disappointing the fans for no reason?

>> No.42348633

females are the worst anons.
afraid of the truth.

>> No.42348665

Who let the bugs in again?

>> No.42348693

Luxiem shiting on management is dramafag, Fans can't even criticism anycolor, they make nijifest in December

>> No.42348756


>> No.42348777
File: 40 KB, 854x471, AnycolorStock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anycolor's stock followed the Nikkei 225 down but didn't follow it back up. Means the stock is either overvalued or investors lack confidence. Nijisanji announces the EN AR live and their stock doesn't even go up. They cancel it and it doesn't go down.

Conclusion: Anycolor investors don't give a damn about EN events. On the one hand, that provides "talent freedom" for the EN branch because it's likely no one important cares. On the other hand, it means EN events have to be profitable in themselves because they don't encourage stock speculation to prop up the financials.

>> No.42348821

Why is everyone suddenly from Aceh?

>> No.42348895

Ticket sales boost revenue on end of year reports to investors
Fabricate a concert, boost the numbers, get through reports, drop the covid word, give out refunds over time or not at all

>> No.42348957

VPN server sale

>> No.42349004

Catalognigger always this fucking stupid kek

>> No.42349074


>> No.42349223

This is why the rule exists. Everyone on the internet is just a big, burly, husky fag; there are no exceptions.

>> No.42349241

Gonna be honest I fucking hate Nijisanji but I respect that at least some of their "livers" are willing to question the company like this.
I feel like Hololive girls would never dare do that to Cover.

>> No.42349357

Rat say, management tell them tweet this
EN management having war with JP management
NGL sounds hot

>> No.42349603

It’s just 3 of the boys tweeting this. Which implies that the cancellation has something to do with their group

>> No.42354216
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Most likely the reason was that ENs weren't bringing in enough ticket sales. Losing money to fly in ENs to concert? Takumi isn't gonna do that shit. Want your event, bring audience.

>> No.42354555

They don't even need to abide by American business laws because they're a Chinese company, damn

>> No.42354689

>refunding is expensive
Only if they automatically refund everyone. If you need to do it manually, hardcore fans won't do it.

>> No.42354871

No see they take the money, invest it, get more money out of the investment, then pay them back

>> No.42355508

The hornet nest was already poked that's why it's cancelled in the first place. It's not like they can terminate their entire branch.

>> No.42355672

I still think it's actually COVID that got spread around by the kissing offcollab.

>> No.42355749

Millie naked dogeza would've been a better option. She wasn't the only one involved sure, but I think people still would have been satisfied.

>> No.42355784

The pre event ntr gangbang got too violent and now they need to rest for a while.

>> No.42356307

Or Luxiem are the only ones who think they're invaluable enough to the company that they can openly rebel without immediately getting terminated

>> No.42356375

She hasn't been heard from in days, they probably have her locked up in a basement somewhere

>> No.42357991

Cockroaches aren’t people and they can still spend their hard earned slave wage bucks watching a concert while they are quarantined in their homes.

>> No.42358451

People don't realize they also had merch planned for this. That's a lot of money they fucking fumbled hard.

>> No.42359999
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Ah yes, Covid

>> No.42360090

luca is too dumb to care while shu knows when to shut up

>> No.42360134

The concert is only online
Sick people would be their best clientele

>> No.42360199

I feel like Luxiem knows that NijiEN needs Luxiem and it’s Chinese fans
They’re always getting them extra merch and such

>> No.42360387

It's all Millie's fault.
The stream showed the liver's true colors and Anycolor had to take action.

>> No.42360508

Anycolor or Ichikara for that matter has already terminated entire group before, you know

>> No.42360754

They literally hired a guy named Fungus Covid to ensure it will happen

>> No.42362061

Because they fucked up behind the scenes and wanted to be vague about it, but their retarded ass talents couldn't keep their mouths shut.
