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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42311618 No.42311618 [Reply] [Original]

I miss her bros

>> No.42311714

Try getting closer before pulling the trigger.

>> No.42313804

She doesn't miss you.

>> No.42314269

Phase Connect EN3

>> No.42316887

That's fine. She didn't ask for friends. Well she did ask, but that was a joke. She didn't mean it.

>> No.42318385

No other vtuber feels worth watching after her. Nobody else is as creative or charismatic or had a fanbase like she did.

>> No.42318483

Shame she's fucking dead. She could have been a suitable replacement for that two-faced whore Pippa.

>> No.42320414

>dads i used a maid outfit at love hotel
>the place where girls go with their boyfriends to fuck and have cosplay sex
>fast forward the leaks happen
do you think the cosplay sex video is uploaded to her couple channel?

>> No.42320812

Makes me wonder where most the Risunas went. Doesn't seem like there's a suitable replacement.

>> No.42320967

I follow a lot of dads, and I occasionally see them tweeting about her. Poor goggog is losing it...
Wait, did he delete his twitter? I can't find it.

>> No.42321104

I've been following her at the start and then I stopped watching Vtubers for a while before coming back not too long ago.
How was she past the first month or two?
Did she graduate for any particular reason?

>> No.42321298

She did really good overall the fan projects reflected that with how much everyone cared. Graduation seemed to be a bit of burnout mixed with irl changes but she handled it gracefully and replied to every email sent to her for closure.

>> No.42321390

she went into a long hiatus where no one or at the very least most dads didn't know what her plan was, so when she came back and had a lazy schedule and no energy or interest anymore, everyone thought she was going to quit soon
she announced her retirement after finishing her vn project and sort of explaining what beatani was and how she came to be in a meta way, then wanted to say goodbye with a special stream, after that she deleted or locked her accounts

>> No.42321854

How can such an evil person be such a good vtuber?

>> No.42321973
File: 843 KB, 488x498, beatani-kumagai-chisato (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't. And if she did she could have come in as Beatani.

YouTube is still up. And her final video was mindblowing.

>> No.42321998

Koopa, Beatani and Pippa are the worst things that happened to this board. I wish painful death to every /here/whore.

>> No.42322052

Got some favorite moments you want to share?

>> No.42322500
File: 284 KB, 2000x2000, 1655127151968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you, I want to forget about her that no one talks about her, and that her fucking dream that someday someone will find the channel will never happen too, all of this was dragged out just for fucking money, for the right price you could fuck with the community and get a dm like the fucking ars, her fucking graduation was just that she felt obligated to do it, god those she really cared about had told them a long time ago that she didn't want to do stream anymore and no doubt she is still talking to them, fuck her, lol she won't even miss us

>> No.42322625
File: 329 KB, 463x441, 1645920670734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, everything you said to me was just to stop me from leaving, it didn't mean anything, thank you for the half assed email you sent me, I'm not even enough for that, you won't give me a fucking letter or a postcard in ink like those rich people.

>> No.42322702

Shouldn't have called her the n-word

>> No.42322722
File: 63 KB, 641x681, 8c296bf1f48511596081ec4f44b994a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamt about you too, you and your bunch of dogs messed with me and made me cry and I just thanked you.

>> No.42322803

if you miss her so much just ask Canna, Max, or Z*a about her new internet persona

>> No.42322864

you're absolutely right, she was their whore

>> No.42322968

tell me what it feels like to know that you were mocked in private? she was the best at it

>> No.42323145

I hope she comes back one day, I don't care if it's under a new identity, she comitted a lot of mistakes and I'm sure she looks back and regrets some things. If she were to return hopefully it serves as a lesson and manages to create a better community with boundaries, if not then it'll just be a cautionary tale to everyone else

>> No.42323168
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>> No.42323237

people don't change, they just repeat the same shit over and over again, I imagine she behaved so awful in the manga circles as well

>> No.42323239

Her having to quit to find a real job because her fanbase is all broke neets too.

>> No.42323324

the bitch got almost 100k with no fucking effort, she wasn't even on time for her fucking streams.

>> No.42323377

why do they think the streams were her job? she has a job, the streams were just to mess with her fans.

>> No.42323401

You forgot Kiki.

>> No.42323477

We''re taking about vtubers, not sorry attempts

>> No.42323529

>And her final video was mindblowing.
stupid fucker, she didn't even make that video, it's from a community event.

>> No.42323688

It was also an attempt to destroy her own channel in the process

>> No.42323747

When the threads went from focusing on Beatani to Rrats and nameposting everything went downhill just like this thread.

>> No.42323772

they are not rrats, they never were, she caused it herself, enjoy it.

>> No.42324050

She made sure it is that way

>> No.42324236


>> No.42324289

suck my dick look in the fucking archives, bea was talking shit about dads with some fans and chuubas like lumi and eira.

>> No.42324413

something that always gave me a good laugh is how some dads stopped doing things for her the moment they got into her dms.

>> No.42324500

why is it?

>> No.42324639

it's funny, a lot of dads made an effort to do a lot of things for her they got as she said a fake chuu while those guys who were messing with everyone got their dms and one bragged about voice calls

>> No.42324750

>one bragged about voice calls
the fuck? when did that happen?
i'm 90% sure all her dogs are the ones who donated the most and are all groomers too

>> No.42324811

in his fucking dms, you know who the cunt is that started to interogate everyone.

>> No.42324869

someone posted a bunch of his dms and i never read anything about voice calls. this is ten times worse than all the favoritism i previously knew he had

>> No.42325016

I could expect anything from her, that's why I believe him, I wouldn't doubt that she talked to someone else, I don't know if you remember that kyle received a private video because she didn't read his donation, I'm pretty sure there are more of those.

>> No.42325241

the video wasn't private, it was an upload to her channel after the stream because she left him out
but i would like to see where you got the voice call thing from. otherwise it is bullshit. at least him knowing about her graduation beforehand and a lot of other stuff were shown in a leak

>> No.42325301

believe what makes you happy

>> No.42325404

Omg Japanese girl speaking English equal funny!!! Clover btw 4chan!!! Ohhhhhh!

>> No.42325557

so it's a load a bullshit. very hypocritical to complain about >dads messing with everyone and do the same

>> No.42325569

we already said she was a bad person, what's your point?

>> No.42325680

I’m making fun of her fanbase

>> No.42325714

it's not, I just don't want to share my dms with him, there's a lot of shit you find out just by asking like the secret minecraft server or that it was z** that caused the unfollow, I'm not messing with anyone these threads are dead anyway, everyone's already moved on with their lives

>> No.42325783
File: 138 KB, 460x370, 1645139950736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear doko
tabun wageslaving

>> No.42325798

dead and gone, like she wanted

>> No.42326093

dogs protect each other.
you don't think so bad of him if you won't show a small portion of your chat in here to show "how bad" things were since according to you, the threads are dead anyways and everyone moved has on.
the secret minecraft server is the euro one they had and z causing the unfollow is common knowledge.

>> No.42326914

does anyone have the link to the character.ai beatani?

>> No.42327188


>> No.42327605

Dad trip to a love hotel when? Please pair up if you’re interested.

>> No.42327726

You could be rubbing dad pecs and patch instead of missing this dumb bear.

>> No.42329545 [DELETED] 

she dates redditor now and feels like its cheating if she streamed, so nah i dont miss her, worse cuckery than kana lel

>> No.42329712

Then why is this thread here?

>> No.42329830

cadaveric spasms

>> No.42331885

not thinking about us that's for sure

>> No.42332295

do you think her new boyfriend will beat the shit out of her too?

>> No.42332361

no but he will fuck her better

>> No.42332949
File: 14 KB, 567x231, EyF1BiNWUAsc1_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42334498

What's the link for the risunacord archive, again?
