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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 31 KB, 400x436, 256631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42303057 No.42303057 [Reply] [Original]

>Lies about everything for no reason

>> No.42303104

>no reason

>> No.42303228

>for no reason
None of the things she talks about would be half as interesting without a little embellishment.

>> No.42303270


>> No.42303294


>> No.42303323


>> No.42303473

That's called a pathologic liar

>> No.42303653

Is pic related ?

>> No.42303931

how new?

>> No.42305211

No. OP is just an assblasted schizo.

>> No.42308154

All vtubers lie to some extent, their everyday life are boring after all. Making up everything about yourself is just a step above that, and you can always divert blame with
>I was just in character guuuuuuys

>> No.42308618

Yeah, it's moronic. But enough about you...

>> No.42308730

I agree, thank you CEO of Sex for defeating the CEO of Lies and Cucks

>> No.42308759
File: 93 KB, 900x900, 256632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. OP used wrong pic.

>> No.42309183

They shouldn't be talking about their lives in the first place if they can't make it sound interesting without lying.

>> No.42309290

And who are you to decide that?

>> No.42309362

Probably some autistic person on the internet

>> No.42309434 [DELETED] 

So true reddit sisters! Holo defense force in full effect!
If she didn't blatantly lie in a way that is basically pity baiting, it would be ok but
>My house burned down and Yagoo found me
From retarded stories like that one, to little lies that were completely unnecessary like when she meets up with one of the girls and then makes up a story on stream about their "date", then fans start asking questions to the other person and she is like "huhhh? What happened?". It put some girls (like Luna) in a weird spot.

>> No.42309612

Luniatos truly are aunhinged bunch to be shitting on their Hime’s friends

>> No.42309840

her house actually burned down. her only "fictional" part was that she acted like a high school student. which is the same sora was doing. sora was using the fiction from day one and in official interviews. it was just covers business decision. nothing more nothing less.

you eop nigger seems to get some schizo narrative out of nowhere. it only happens in your mentally ill space.

>> No.42309900

Just saying. There are plenty of topics to choose from, so why do they decide to tell lies about their shitty lives?

>> No.42309904

Dont be gay anon all girls lie about your cock when say its big

>> No.42309965

Because that's what Subaru got clipped for in 2020 and that's what her viewers keep tuning back in for

>> No.42309986

Now this is some real eop bullshit right here

>> No.42310062

>It's another episode of imaginary drama by schizo anon

>> No.42310229

Wait, Sora didn't start as a high school girl? Have the last few years of my life been a lie? The Japanese are unparalleled in their use of kayfabe.

>> No.42310230

Source of Subaru lying about meeting up with other holos?

>> No.42310369

The real reason is because she's a woman.

>> No.42310421

Subaru is a duck.

>> No.42310544

schizopost and you eop nigger dont even know what has happened with her for the last few years. shes getting much more popular than ever. 5ch is a schizo board but even there nobody talks about a schizo rrat bout her like yours. not only that, shes treated as a top tier holomen, along with pekora, miko, suisei, marine, and aqua. which is so called ichi-gun group = top tier group. pretty much none of subatomo has turned away from her.

>> No.42310627

>you eop nigger seems to get some schizo narrative out of nowhere.
It's worse than that, it's not "nowhere"
this absolute nog >>42309434
got everything he "knows" about subaru from shitty seanig translated clips and ironically enough, trash speculated upon and then parroted ad nauseum on leddit without any actual basis in anything.
They made up shit about subaru, parrotted it to eachother on reddit and then one gets assblasted enough when he discovers the truth that he seethes about it on here over a year later

>> No.42310687

Subaru is a girl too.

>> No.42310702

i personally dont believe any rrats. im just super kindly talking about shit in line with your schizo narrative. i intentionally compromise with you eop nigger rrat eaters as much as possible cuz rrat eaters like you never listen to anything other than what you believe. im just omitting it.

>> No.42310717

OP's unwashed, crusty ass

>> No.42310737

Jesse what the fuck are you saying, I was asking you a question.

>> No.42310744
File: 246 KB, 493x492, default_whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Sorry used the wrong image.

>> No.42310766

Redditfags fuck off. I don’t give a fuck about your stupid site bullshit.

>> No.42310789

Sora's more a stupid JK now than ever.
Wouldn't survive a day outside the familial household.

>> No.42310814

Says you that takes shit leddit takes for granted and gets angry when reality fucks you in the face.
Go back there.

>> No.42311026

the only thing i've known her to lie about is her height. she explicitly said her feet don't touch the ground at restaurants and that she's shorter than everyone else, but that pic that came out of her shows her being a head taller than everyone she's standing next to

>> No.42311075

you only push your schizo rrat. i just accepted the most plausible part of it to move ahead with a discussion. her highschool story could be covers decision since sora was doing it but her other stories, in the first place, have nothing to do with cover.

idk why eop niggers are so obsessed with it and pretend to get so offended. its gay as fuck. no japanese rrat eaters give a fuck about it.

>> No.42311153

When did we get a subaruschizo?

>> No.42311155

>you only push your schizo rrat.
Brother, I asked you if Sora started as a high school girl in the hopes that you would tell me or something, that was my first post. Am I encountering a schizophrenic indonesian here?

>> No.42311205

It's up the air if sora's "doxx" is real.
So up to you if she was a HS or an old VA.

>> No.42311450

Thats not Marine in that picture. Did you choose the wrong image by mistake?

>> No.42311659 [DELETED] 

>Have the last few years of my life been a lie?

whats this tranny-like victimhood then, weak faggot. do you need your safe space to escape from subaru and complain 24/7 like twatter woke cretins.

>> No.42311754

This is the most schizophrenic thread I have ever been in on this site and I have been here since 2006. Is this a complete lack of understanding of English or is it true schizophrenic delusion? Do you have fun on the internet?

>> No.42311771

>claims chubbas a liar
>Get assblasted when someone asks for proof

>> No.42311841

Both. If not then it's just farming (You)s.

>> No.42311988

it's called good opsec, anon. what's next? wh...whaaa???? these v-vtubers arent actually REAL anime girls irl??!? they...they've been lying to us this whole time?!?!

>> No.42311991

you have zero argument. what do you want know? nobodys gonna validate you feelings here.

>> No.42312046

This just keeps getting more bizarre and hilarious. What argument do you think we're having? What feelings do you think I want validated? Explain how you arrive at these conclusions.

>> No.42312065

nah her "doxx" is just some minor VA with a slightly similar voice, she was barely out of high school (attended with a chan) when they found Cover.

>> No.42312155
File: 194 KB, 1754x1240, 20230203_150100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is message for you in
>pic rel

>> No.42312160

whats your argument then? you only said you got offended like a tranny cause someone lied to you and everyone should understand your fee-fees.

>> No.42312219

Holy mother of ESL in this thread ! This is the most ESL thread I've ever seen.

>> No.42312229

>isn't actually a duck
I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.42312298

??? I asked you if Sora was actually a high schooler, that was the extent of everything I posted. From this, you have extrapolated that my feelings are hurt (???), that I am arguing for something(???) and that someone lied to me(???). On that last point, it's a common English construct to add some levity and humour. So in short, continue to study English and you won't embarass yourself like this anymore. It must be late in Indonesia, so maybe get some rest.

>> No.42312309

The only one who got offended here is you, kek

>> No.42312371

This but not even a shred of irony.

>> No.42312425

eop nigger, explain this shit then. i keep asking you this but you dont answer.

>Have the last few years of my life been a lie? The Japanese are unparalleled in their use of kayfabe.

>> No.42312472

...Have Subatomos always been this easily offended?

>> No.42312501

you dont need to make so many posts.

>> No.42312503

I answered that in the post you're replying to. This is going to be my last reply because you don't understand English well enough to have a proper conversation with a native. auf wiedersehn

>> No.42312510
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>> No.42312543

This is my second post in the thread lol

>> No.42312546

Those sentences are meant to be a joke.

>> No.42312564

she just like me fr

>> No.42312599

Damn, are Subaru fans the biggest schizos in hololive?

>> No.42312698

you were only talking about esl this esl that. you didnt answer anything. i wouldnt believe you actually didnt know the most basic rrats about jp holomens. if you REALLY didnt know anything about it, then you should go back to r3ddit and never come back.

>> No.42312714

This thread is so confusing

>> No.42312719

If you’re honest about not being a samefagging schizo, OP is Marineschizo’s retarded cousin and the “Subatomo”, if it’s not a falseflag by OP, is an ESL shitting on EOPs for their lack of fluency while unwittingly putting his own on full display.

>> No.42312761
File: 145 KB, 638x776, 1675442346258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great, even shuba has a dedicated schizo now

>> No.42312804

All me

>> No.42312832


>> No.42312912

Subaru did nothing wrong.

>> No.42312935

No, I want you both to fuck off with your reddit obsession and projection. You are both just accusing each other of it and then anyone else too, both claiming at the exact same time that the views or beliefs that oppose theirs are the result of being a redditfag which is obviously a paradox on its face.
I have never and will never use reddit. Nor Gaia nor Ebaumsworld. I fucking hate everything reddit and the others stand for as it goes against my own beliefs on the virtues of anonymity which are similar to those outlined in Shii’s famous essay, though you probably don’t even know who that is because people like you are retards incapable of lurking. Instead your type overcompensates by accusing anything that confronts their own beliefs as being that of an outsider, in an obvious attempt to distract from your own lack of information and mental distress over opposing views via ridiculous ad hominem. This goes for both you and the other retard you are raging at.

>> No.42312968

Maybe, the posting style of the (pretending?) subatomo reminds me of the guy that used to seethe at duck threads dying

>> No.42313216

>Hate everything reddit
>Post in a reddit duck thread
You're not fooling anybody.

>> No.42313671
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>muh reddit
you automatically forfeit any argument by throwing that out of nowhere

>> No.42313698

>reddit goblin

>> No.42313901

>On that last point, it's a common English construct to add some levity and humour
Sounds like he answered it well enough.

>> No.42314029

Careful anon, last time someone shittalked Marine they got sued

>> No.42314565

Anonymous, that was obviously a joke by the other Anonymous. L2Context my guy ;3

>> No.42314921

If you're talking about her house burning down, even a manager asked if it was made up but she still insisted it's true

>> No.42315025

I wouldn't be surprised if the heart thing was also greatly exaggerated.

>> No.42315079

Japanese homes are designed to be cheapily disposed due to the high frequency of earthquakes and all.

>> No.42315122

Because eop retards gets their drama news from fags like octamori rev and khyo

>> No.42315381

Japanese houses burn down easy if they are lit flame, its not really that unbelievable

>> No.42315450
File: 51 KB, 360x340, 1667757079433620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? This is where we're at? Going after Subaru of all people
Just how desperate can you people get? This is getting sad

>> No.42315547

This bitch just dumped her "friends" once she realized she could get more money showing her face.

>> No.42315669

>Tried to act like an oblivious tomboy
>Is actually the most lovable and fuckable girly girl in hololive
I know right. I need to teach her a lesson about honesty with her body

>> No.42315719

Damn, Subaru schizo could give a Marine schizo a good run for his money

>> No.42315747
File: 812 KB, 968x1011, 1653890601021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you just not reply to me, you unwashed schizo of a woman? I honestly have no interest in your delusions

>> No.42315789

Did anything happen recently? Why is the schizo acting out?

>> No.42316218


>> No.42316473

How is her tracking still so shit?
That is insanely hot btw. Saved.

>> No.42316504

Damn, the e-thot defense force is here at full strength today

>> No.42316580

subaru was cute today so he's losing his mind

>> No.42316643

Yeah and I'll FUCK her tomboy feet one of these days

>> No.42317449
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>> No.42317600

God that's hot
Someone overlay it with that one jav

>> No.42318195

Seems like bird Holos getting bizarrely dedicated antis isn’t just an EN thing.

>> No.42318375

t. assblasted schizo

>> No.42318421

Who actually gives a fuck about "muh rising star"? I'd rather my chuubas be professional and no the score in some related field like va or idolwork. Better than all the low experience e-thots with zero discipline or talent

>> No.42318486
File: 244 KB, 1280x762, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she does that on purpose or if she actually sounds like that when working out.
Those sex moans are only as explicit as Marine's.
Gura's were pretty good too.

>> No.42318973
File: 552 KB, 287x216, 1672549721941993.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know she's just being coy. Turning you on while keeping up that oblivious tomgirl act. GOD I WANT TO FUCK HER SO BAD

>> No.42319266

If Korone isn’t in the top tier list then it’s not valid

>> No.42319541

>no u
go back

>> No.42320477

Her rm's blog literally has her birth date
>a minor doxx
Lmao you can find whole interviews of her rm in YT. And her personal blog

>> No.42322987

Wow, luxiem trannies don't have any alternative to attack and choose weakest rrat. Go suck Riku dick

>> No.42323063

Man, wait'll you find out they're a bunch of middle aged women and not actually anime girls. Your wig gonna flip

>> No.42324071

then achan is a liar too because numerous times she did talk about starting as highschoolers.

>> No.42324275

NIJI Deflection thread?

>> No.42324404

one example here
she talks about when she debuted and refers to herself and sora as kokosei (高校生) which means final year highschool student

>> No.42325190

Shuba can be lucky Holocaust happend like it did for her. Lot of the shit she said got deleted including her claiming her voice is totaly natural because of the hole in her heart or how she doesn't have girly clothes but also streams in a one-piece because her room gets so hot in the summer.

>> No.42325904
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>> No.42325947

But enough about Ina

>> No.42328323

This. I don't care about her roommate, I genuinely and unconditionally love Subaru and consider canon whatever she says. Will love her even in July this year.

>> No.42328431

tomgirl? anon....

>> No.42328434 [DELETED] 

fakest holo out of them all, besides gura and mori ofc

>> No.42328582

>anon discovers the concept of acting

>> No.42328905

>willingly buys into the lie some ethot came up with
>calls other schizos
holy cope

>> No.42329054

You mean the person you’re claiming is her roommate. It’s like how doxxers once misidentified someone as Shion’s roommate and started harassing her.

>> No.42329068

>Going after
how sensitive are you? on fucking 4chan of all places. fuck off.

>> No.42329128

Kid named Subaru

>> No.42329362

Okay. Elaborate. Or you're full of shit. What's the context of your shitting OP? Let's hear your rrat.

>> No.42329868

Just trust me, her RM shit is really bad and she's an evil liar. Ignore that doxx loving JOPs adore her, all holos adore her, and I'm the only schizo that melts down and spams "reddit duck" comments and shits up threads at any mention of her on /vt/ or /jp/ because I hate that no one else hates her so much that I namesearch her on warosu and say the same three things over and over again.

>> No.42330558


>> No.42330781

She was created in an era when the vtuber audience insisted that anime girls were real and various corpos had somehow found dozens of them in VA auditions. It wasn't like they just played along with the character background for entertainment purposes or anything.

>> No.42330810
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, subawink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's cute everyday!

>> No.42330920

he thought you were a different guy

>> No.42331071

I can't really concentrate during her streams, I have no idea how she does it. Her model is literally perfect. Especially the new year's and the sixth one (with short hair of course). Really captivating.

>> No.42331455

Subaru ditched her original character almost immediately though. She tried to keep the kayfabe going for a bit by latching onto the likes of Maimoto and Tenkaiji early on, but that didn't last very long.

>> No.42331713

Literal who

>> No.42331732
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>> No.42331858

>We want the female chink audience
This is just sad

>> No.42335254

She's streaming now!

>> No.42335296

it's fun.

>> No.42335550

Qrd on the duck?

>> No.42335825

>am birb
This makes schizos seethe.

>> No.42336960
File: 672 KB, 2912x4096, Fn5E1GeaMAA9Xvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thumbnail art by hashira_14
i love this duck

>> No.42338167
File: 3.81 MB, 498x280, 1667698076348317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main schtick is kayfabe
>somehow fans are mad because of "lies"
don't tell me you actually believe that their birthdays are their actual birthdays.

>> No.42339102

>their birthdays are their actual birthdays
>their 3d models are what they actually look like irl
>their voices are their actual voices and are not an act
>they actually like each other as friends and not as business partners
>none of them ever had a boyfriend and they're all virgins

>> No.42339386


>> No.42339795

I don't care if she does lie its not an issue shes manages to keep the right things hidden unlike: Matsuri, Ollie, that one Niji, Rushia, Lia, Pippa, Koronii and any other slew of whores that have openly cucked their fans

>> No.42340361

Who is that? qrd?

>> No.42341698


>> No.42345301

One-piece is an obligatory dress every girl has no matter how boyish they are. If they don't have one, then they are lying being a female

>> No.42345669
File: 421 KB, 732x722, FMVAox4UUAI_1zl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She learned from the best. Hololive's very foundation is built upon lies.

>> No.42345702

I will NOT stand for slander to my oshi!

>> No.42348416

This is 100% true, Yagoo and I are played F-Zero GX years ago and divulged this as his business plan.

>> No.42348974

I'm sure you can point out where she said this EOP-kun~
