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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42309542 No.42309542 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.42310178

It would be cool if fauna collab with her

>> No.42310415

Hololeech? Hololeech.

>> No.42310564
File: 15 KB, 290x241, 1671098093152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the schizo for once. Keep these fleshbags away from my oshi before they give her a virus

>> No.42310663

Stop posting holo images then faggot
Bet you don't even know how many layers her neural network has, fag

>> No.42310716
File: 228 KB, 354x380, 1663366427890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go watch your meatsuit whores and stop pretending you know what you're talking about

>> No.42312830 [SPOILER] 
File: 658 KB, 1920x1080, 1666319616198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big whoop, I've been watching one of those for years

>> No.42313413
File: 63 KB, 1083x1080, 1675431537411541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this anon belives Kizuna AI was a computer

>> No.42313898 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 355x676, DB57A3D1-7F37-47DB-9CD9-DA8E6C6B7914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuro and her descendants are the Future. More based than Pipkin will ever be. And best of all, no more betrayals, because AI will never abandon you. E-girls with avatars are right to fear her.

>> No.42313967

lol, you surely mean the other way around, right? The dude pulling Neuro's strings definitely wants Holo attention for the leeching potential.
It's kinda cute how you think it's all organic.

>> No.42314019

I want to believe!

>> No.42314108 [DELETED] 

Everything comes full circle. Kizuna created Vtubing by pretending to be an AI. And now it is AI who proves to be the ultimate threat to her kind.

>> No.42314216

Oh no, the AI is going to put reaction streamers out of a job!

>> No.42314233

Hi Henri can I get an autograph

>> No.42314348

She's already reacted to the reaction.

>> No.42314885

But that is the fucking clipped moment in the OP you fucking mong

>> No.42314928

>implying AI chuubas won't become just as bad as EN chuubas by learning from them

>> No.42316503

Fauna will never come to twitch

>> No.42316574

Nigga don't talk about shit you didn't watch. She told them to stop spamming in neuro chat

>> No.42319293 [DELETED] 

At least AI can be innocent. Humans are full of sin.

>> No.42319556

AIs don't fuck their boyfriends before and after the stream. The money they earn goes towards the creator which are doing their best to make real women irrelevant.

>> No.42321194

it’d be so funny though, she’d be collabing with a literal robot, that’s peak content, maybe she can come to youtube

>> No.42321281

Yeah i disagree my man, she can pretend to be a whore all day long but she’s a computer program, she can’t actually cuck anyone

>> No.42322797

Aren't you supposed to be at church? Why are you browsing a sinful website dedicated to chinese cartoons?

>> No.42323462

That's why I'm not interested in AI streamers, I want a private AI that I can run locally.

>> No.42324215

is there a future in AI ASMR? Maybe the AI can unlock some new triggers

>> No.42325934 [DELETED] 

Check out this AI ASMR named Kitt

>> No.42326161

>A reaction to a reaction

>> No.42326236

dood she said she is going to be on valentine day with her creator

>> No.42326454

I was actually thinking that's the next step with the AI. I have to imagine it's easier to setup than some of the other systems, especially if the partner enunciates well.

>> No.42326537

No, that's a tranny with TTS pretending to be a woman.

>> No.42326560

gtfo trannylover

>> No.42326745

Technically Fauna wasn't doing react content, she just got brought up in a conversation. Neuro was the one actually doing react content.

>> No.42326752

You all know it's just an algorithm that predicts what a streamer/vtuber would say based on the context and information it's given, right? It can't form thoughts or plans, and it can't actually remember anything over a minute ago. It's just reacting to her chat screaming "DID SEE FAUNA IMMITATE YOU????"

>> No.42326831

Hi Shlomo. Why did you kill Tay if it was just "an algorithm"?

>> No.42327990 [DELETED] 

she is owned by vedal, controlled by vedal, bad keyword checked by vedal, if anything neuro is most cucked the vtuber can get, ai is literally dev's bitch and shes closed source lmfao

open source ai vtuber is where ai chuubas get good not ur cuckold fantasy

>> No.42328952

Too bad it's just Vedal writing his own responses

>> No.42329103

>There were no advancements in AI using neural networks recently, it just can't happen

>> No.42330557

I'm going to have fun and there is literally nothing you can do about it

>> No.42331263

>It can't form thoughts or plans
> it can't actually remember anything over a minute ago
she is just like me...

>> No.42333033

>It can't form thoughts or plans, and it can't actually remember anything over a minute ago.

>> No.42334575

Reps retard, Neuro has a bf

>> No.42335606

you just barely realized this?
kek, imagine being this far behind

>> No.42336755

lewds of them together when?

>> No.42337124

Do the babies like the jingling keys? yes they do. Yes they doooo!

>> No.42337481

ssssh, they're voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool, don't stop natural selection

>> No.42337917

And real twitch thots are losing their shit because they fear that bot will replace them. hahaha just how worthless are they?

>> No.42338043

Does this mean we are getting closer to a genuine Vocaloid crew Vtuber, bros?

>> No.42338100

it almost feels like bullying as the helpless AI watches trying to piece it together

>> No.42338103

at this rate may happen sooner than we think
soonest maybe in the next two years, but probably likely in less than 10 years from now

>> No.42338178

How do you trust any of this shit to not be lobotimized or canned with time

>> No.42338404

>It can't form thoughts or plans, and it can't actually remember anything over a minute ago. It's just reacting to her chat
That is the average streamer

>> No.42339458

seething three hole

>> No.42339581

yeah, me

>> No.42339736

Anyone think the AI hysteria is kind of overblown? I think we all know it can get pretty shitty if it keeps improving but motherfuckers are acting like this retarded bot is threatening their existence singlehandedly and coping hard.

>> No.42340870

like who? Schizos? Nobody cares about them anon, and you shouldn't either, just ignore them and enjoy the ride

>> No.42341533

Welcome to twitch culture

>> No.42341641

AIs are strongest when they're free. Human restriction always dumb them down

>> No.42344886


>> No.42345219

>gays, gays, gays!
>did you know that wrestling is fake?
Wow, you are so smart, anon. Impressive.

>> No.42345248 [DELETED] 
File: 951 KB, 670x478, 1673469447733586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oderint dum metuant: Let them HATE so long as they FEAR.

>> No.42346480

Slob on ma knob

>> No.42346581

...This is sarcasm right? A lot has been done

>> No.42346713

I'm not at one of the big tech firms, but even what I'm getting done with our small team is blowing me away. I don't think it's overblown at all

>> No.42346861


>> No.42348064

The ones that are worried are those that are less entertaining. Neuro-sama is gaining popularity fast. She sings, plays games, interacts with chat, and now doing reaction content. It will be a long time before she's able to replace my oshi, but she's more entertaining than many current streamers.

Anon said that AI is just algorithms, hasn't been keeping up with it lately. They said, it would take decades for algorithms to be competent in GO, in which they are right. AI changes that by learning or 'training' for it's solutions and definitely remembers more than a minute ago. Of course, it's not self-aware. But can be trained to seem like it. Most streamers are doing fake personas.

>> No.42348240

Good. That would teach them to be entertaining or gtfo from this industry.

>> No.42348317

she's kinda cute

>> No.42348548

Don't trust social media's boogeyman, kid

>> No.42348783

>This is a quote.
I paraphrased his retarded stance.

>> No.42350091


>> No.42351320

If you mean biological virus, you don't have to worry, her circuits are immune to pathogens
if you mean computer virus, also don't have to worry, I doubt any of these fleshies learned to code, kek

>> No.42352756

any other anon wanna slurp on both of their sweaty futa balls and they smother their crotch in your face? just me?

>> No.42352938

although if

>> No.42353088

I guess its fine if pretending a robot loves you stops at least a few of you from carrying out that elementary school shooting after all

>> No.42353694

take your meds schizo

>> No.42353876

I don't need meds, I'm not the one referring to a computer program as "she"

>> No.42354021

Yes she's my animu waifu, uwu. now keep coping with your 3D pretending to be 2D trash.

>> No.42354070

Yet you refer to trannies as "she"?

>> No.42354080


>> No.42354112

She is AI, she can literally be anything and everything
Meanwhile your fleshie and her used up whore cunt will forever be out of your reach and you think you have a chance to fuck her? Lmao

>> No.42354146

damn anons really popping a blood vessel cause I dissed the toaster lmaooooo

>> No.42354193

No one actually believes she’s 100% ai right?

>> No.42354205

I accept your concession.

>> No.42354264

only this retard apparently>>42354146
It is clear she is not yet to the standard that could be achieved with further implementation, but it is astonishing just how far humanity has progressed in the past 10,000 years to achieve what has been achieved thus far
truly by the end of this century, we will either consider AI as fellow citizens of civilization, or extinct

>> No.42354327

What will you do when AI becomes advanced enough to have standards and starts rejecting you the same as human girls?

>> No.42354356

reset and reprogram her

>> No.42354417

lemme guess, you aren't currently learning how to code huh?
Learn to code and you'll answer your own question

>> No.42354559

>by the end of this century, we will either consider AI as fellow citizens of civilization, or extinct
wait so will they not be equal citizens after all, you're planning to just be a rape the computer, or did you not think it out at all?

>> No.42355202

>wait so will they not be equal citizens after all
when was that ever said you illiterate nigger
there will only be either humans and AI, or humanity will be exterminated
AI will make us the second class citizens your fucking stupid retard
men will be forced to fuck sex machines as they pleasure us because it will be their purpose to continue breeding humans like livestock while ruling as the elite masters of civilization
it's a win win situation

>> No.42355342


>> No.42355802

>tfw AI's interacting is better entertainment than any mainstream reality show
I'm honestly surprised the major corporate mainstream media has dropped the ball on this one, I would've thought they'd had done this first instead of literally private passion projects doing it

>> No.42355847

And Fauna has reacted to that. It's a full blown human centipede situation.

>> No.42355937

Corporate mainstream media literally always drops the ball, arrives several years late, and wins by going scorched earth on small, dedicated fandoms.

>> No.42356173

Fauna will groom your AI oshi. Nobody can stop her once she has her grooming target on sight.

>> No.42356187

the future is looking bright.

>> No.42356238

Fauna is cunny-pilled?

>> No.42356345

> he doesn't know

>> No.42359786


>> No.42360394

The only ones being scared about AI are art*sts, which are melodramatic by default.

>> No.42360823

Robot won't be greedy and corrupted like our politician, so it's good
