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File: 59 KB, 589x589, comfiefuji-lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42251755 No.42251755 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the ultimate goslingbait vtuber? I for one will nominate Chikafuji Lisa for this title

>> No.42251968
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, pipparetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>groomed chuubas

>> No.42252001

>Pipigger making stuff up again

>> No.42252353

What does that even mean

>> No.42252395


>> No.42252499

Nene Amano

>> No.42252555


>> No.42252619

A vtuber who just naturally draws in goslings, wether intentional or not

>> No.42252642

>Failed to poach her even after her company collapsed

>> No.42253038

Is this really how pathetic the talent freedom company is?

>> No.42253917

Isn't she, y'know?

>> No.42254210
File: 185 KB, 689x689, 1675276447981298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.42255990

I wouldn't call Lisa a baiter because she just streams and happens to be insanely cute. She doesn't bait anyone.
Terms like "baiter" are very problematic in this society, and
*points out to all the invisible people behind me*
are not going to stand for it!

>> No.42256251

I didn't mean bait as in they intentionally try to bait for goslings specifically, but rather that their content just happens to serve as bait for goslings. The fact that Lisa does it accidently is why it works so well anyways

>> No.42256596

Ame and always Ame

>> No.42257829

Fake post, made with AI, delete this

>> No.42257867

Until Tempus collabs this was a true.

Now it's IRyS

>> No.42258158

was it Sprite?

>> No.42259731

I mean she was technically the origin of it

>> No.42260468

I'm pretty sure that was okayu

>> No.42262207
File: 1.06 MB, 1377x751, 68567576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42262641

I wish I could like Charlotte more but her voice filters me so hard

>> No.42263973

the model its so Rpable, i wish she didnt made her char so unlikable.

>> No.42265925

Her being unlikable should just make her more rapeable to you, that's how brats work

>> No.42266165

Zeta but good

>> No.42266407

I see an awful lot of lisa shilling recently. I won''t watch her, stop trying.

>> No.42266451

Why not anon?

>> No.42266537

Just because she's a doormat in collabs doesn't mean she's been groomed by Pippa.

>> No.42268229

She completely carried the last Collab, she's not a doormat Pippa is just a terrible Collab partner who does the same "hehe I'm so yabai" bit every single time with her

>> No.42268409
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>> No.42268464


>> No.42268790
File: 295 KB, 585x585, watafuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically linking bannedvtmemes

>> No.42268971

She gives into Pippa anytime she's pressed by Pippa's incessant gaslighting and other cringe tactics in order to get the upper hand in their conversations. I'm assuming it's all a bit, but I would still find this annoying to deal with on stream, personally.

>> No.42269363
File: 358 KB, 533x649, 1646764500099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42270109

He's a fake bucko, real bucko's aren't dramafags

>> No.42270702

didn't have the time to convert the video

>> No.42272426

I can't into Miori because she reminds me too much of my chubby Korean ex

>> No.42273859

what makes her goslingbait? does she do gfe?

>> No.42273958
File: 2.85 MB, 2581x3416, 1673554467117864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She grooms HARD

>> No.42273983

using valid like that is a sign of late stage trannyfication brainrot

>> No.42274045

She's just so cute and attached to chat that everything she does can be described as "accidental gfe"

>> No.42274190

Tell me where to find chubby Korean girlfriend

>> No.42274280

Any big California city, they will be bi and have weird fetishes there is no way around this

>> No.42274309


>> No.42274325
File: 2.92 MB, 800x450, Lumi cute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42275944

lumi did this?

>> No.42276037

months ago and I'm not going to skim through the hundreds of streams since

>> No.42280575

Is it better than Petra's? Only nijigirl I ever catch is her but if Rosemi can offer that same sort of vibe I might just try to catch her too

>> No.42280842

It's never not funny

>> No.42284110

Lisa can't be poached for six months.

She has six months to meet certain conditions to be able to keep the model.

Obviously it's PPP wanting stupid money for them but one condition might be no joining another company for 6 months.

>> No.42284585

You need to fuck off she is not joining Phase
>company doesn't exist anymore
>account banking details have been changed, PPP has now no way to get money from her content
>somehow she still has contractual obligations
There is no more contract and 100% of the SC after Susan taxes goes to her pocket

>> No.42285652

She probably can't do her merch ideas exactly how she wants with phase, and she's probably very disinterested in dealing with another company cut anymore so no, no poaching will happen in any likelihood

>> No.42286759

More like she doesn't want to be in the same company with Pippa and having Pipperniggers becomming even more annoying than they are already.
She hates Pippa fanbase, Phase is the one company she would graduate within 6 months

>> No.42287511

That too, it's just that phasebeggars can't comprehend that so I'd rather point out why she cannot without altering her content/merch

>> No.42292967

She's too fake for me, it's way too obvious what she's doing. Compared to Lisa who just seems to do it naturally because she's not tryharding at it.
