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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.58 MB, 1000x1288, Enna_Alouette_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42203366 No.42203366 [Reply] [Original]

the quintessential dropme girl

>> No.42203556
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>> No.42203705


>> No.42203986
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>the chad pickme vs the virgin dropme

>> No.42205245

drop her where

>> No.42205423

In the shredder hopefully

>> No.42206052

Directly ontop of my dick

>> No.42206066

>actively hurts your company in your path

>> No.42206220

the catalog sure can't stop thinking about her for almost a year now

>> No.42206290 [DELETED] 

on her fat chinky head when she was a baby

>> No.42208202

Into the trash with the rest of the chinks.

>> No.42208309

Into the fire! Destroy her!

>> No.42208369

Fuck off hateposters
You have poor taste

>> No.42208458

Nothing wrong with enna. She just does her thing
>hololive fan

>> No.42208505
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>> No.42208572

Wait no, please come back!

>> No.42209331
File: 132 KB, 900x900, drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a partial list of all the shit Enna has done.
>the first to stream over time at nijimelody setting a precedent for the others, resulting in Layla having to take songs off her setlist
>The famous fried chicken incident which nobody was offended by, and she chose to make it a huge incident and do a 30 minute apology sounding like a whining SJW
>goes menhera on chat when they say she has a bad personality
>Dramabaits her wisdom tooth surgery even doing a will-writing stream, keeps saying she will die. The same surgery with a 99.9% survival rate and she recovered in less than a week.
>Plays a video of herself punching Jesus in the face several times. Laughs about it. Even though her "best friend" Millie professes to be a christian.
>Constantly donation baiting. Stays 2 hours after stream to bait memberships. Always povertybaiting (I can't afford a car, I can't afford a phone, I can't afford my rent....waaaa)
>always joking about graduation
>acts super depressed, constantly whining about herself and how sad she is. But laughs on twitter about how she lied about being lonely. Always talking about her friends and family.
>calls herself a virgin practically every stream, but also talks about having multiple boyfriends in the past.
>encourages Millie to do a backlash stream to "own the incels" on 4chan. Didn't read the stream prompt and the stream went off the rails. Calls out 4chan in the stream and whines about people questioning her virginity status.
>calls herself a "weeb" because she watched Sailor Moon. Her favorite show is The Kardashians, The Bachelorette, and Korean dating dramas.

Then there's her disrespect for her coworkers and her fans.
>is a sore loser after being beaten by ren in mario party, hasn't been in a collab with him since
>Overlaps Mysta's birthday with a chinese-stream. Steals lots of his donors. During the stream shits on Mysta's fans calling them all "clowns", says their oshi is a clown too.
>Shits all over Ver during their first collab. Mocking his masculinity.
>Doesn't tweet Selen's 3.0, leaves Selen out of her intro.
>Shits all over Selen's big wrestling event. Is late the first day because she was partying for chinese new year. Acted super tired the second day and ruined everyone's fun. Later admitted her tiredness was just an act to copy Kyo who was tired from his meds.
>Shits on Pomu's NKODice tournament saying she wants to leave. Pomu seems hurt by this.
>Insults Doppio for no reason, causing huge outrage with female fans.
>Shits all over Ver during their first collab. Mocking his masculinity, insulting him for no reason.
>snaps at zaion on twitter for no reason, apologizes says she doesn't know why she keeps doing this
>Snaps at Elira after the girl's offcollab screaming at her in all caps on twitter
>Semi-ruined the monopoly collab by singing random annoying things. Even Kyo thought it was weird and kept telling her to stop.
>Keeps shitting on her own fans every stream. Insulting them and deriding them all the time.
>Badmouthed her own father when he criticized how degenerate her content was.

Then there's her NTR arc. She constantly flirts with males on stream. Her excuse is that her chat isn't parasocial with her so it's totally ok to do this.
>Does a "workout stream" with Luca and is flirting with him the whole stream. Brags about her ass, calls him "sir" and "boss". He invites her to australia to drive her around in his car and she agrees.
>Is borderline rapist to Hex on twitter. Asking him to choke her, sending him a sexual voice tweet. Later tries to call him "little brother" the same way she did with Luca.
>She constantly flirts with Kyo on her stream. Kyo laughs about cucking her fans, then she invites him over to her bedroom for a 1v1 offcollab. They flip off her fans together while holding hands. Afterwards she likes a bunch of NTR comments and says they made her laugh.

Her being parasocial with her fans, showing her hypocrisy.
>Holds weddings with her fans at animeimpulse. Claims she is "just parasocial for one day" but extends this to the next day too so she can get donations from chat.
>retweets dozens of her fans faces calling them "handsome", "cute", "hottie" etc. Including both male and female fans.
>Planning to do a "wedding stream" for her fans.
>Constantly talking about wanting a boyfriend, gets tons of superchats asking to marry her.
>Constantly tweeting every minute action of her daily life, treating her fans as a psuedo-boyfriend to offload her problems on. (nobody else does this)

Her lack of professionalism as a vtuber:
>keeps fucking up her schedule, having to repost schedules multiple times
>known to be extremely lazy, one of the lowest-streaming girls. According to Kyo, never reads the prompt for streams. Never prepares for streams. So lazy she begged her fans to do her work for her.

>> No.42209361

Into a Detroit prison.

>> No.42209551

Tempus collabs

>> No.42209744

Lmao I love Enna she's so funny.

>> No.42209783

Jesus, That's almost as bad as Finana, what the hell?

>> No.42209874 [DELETED] 

She won. Holobronies are obsessed with her and she doesn't think about them at all.

>> No.42209914

Fuck off bitch I love both of them

>> No.42209974

>replies in less than 30 seconds
Holobrony... time for your meds.

>> No.42209989

Sorry was not meant for you
To that anon who said Finana is also bad

>> No.42210158

Finana's more of a fuck-up, whilst Enna's yabs are downright malevolent

>> No.42210168

I take my meds as prescribed
Thank you so much for being concerned

>> No.42210230

Aloucucks your response??

>> No.42210252

And just how successful and pure are you?

>> No.42210317

Kill yourself

>> No.42210376


>> No.42210455

didn't read lol

>> No.42210724

Actual cuckolds

>> No.42210821

Dropher on deez nuts

>> No.42210981

What Im gathering from this is she's a walled chinese woman who lusts after tall muscular deep voice white boys and treats all other men like garbage. Its like she's playing the exact stereotype from redpill youtube channels

>> No.42211495

Us men also sometimes place too high of standards on women

>> No.42211744


>> No.42211849

>us men
nice try

>> No.42211886

Wasn't she the one that literally started the stream the other day with "hello 4chan" or something like that?

>> No.42211939

I will say it again
I will drop her (ontop of my dick)

>> No.42211998
File: 57 KB, 203x149, 1664971954851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Us men

>> No.42212337

Why did you post smug Pippa?
You don't believe I am a man?

>> No.42212498
File: 1.60 MB, 1067x1092, 1668184128710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cock

>> No.42213115

Shall I self doxx by providing you a photo of my face?

>> No.42214381



>> No.42215438
File: 495 KB, 832x764, 1649938657984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lets see it

>> No.42215960
File: 59 KB, 225x225, 1654676625159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about your face anon. POST COCK

>> No.42216011

My dick or my face?

>> No.42216101


>> No.42217287
File: 57 KB, 469x595, 1670865442072673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but picrel absolutely wins this one

>> No.42217362

>and she doesn't think about them at all.
Have you not been here the past couple days..? Or are you just being retarded on purpose

>> No.42217555

what'd she do?

>> No.42218279

shes literally with a 10/10 chad

>> No.42218746

Think this is gonna be the first time I actually jack off to an AI

>> No.42219086

That clip where she talks about her father is actually sad, obviously I don't know her relation to him but she was overly rude to him when he was just concerned for her.
If she was my daughter I would feel like I failed as a father hearing those things

>> No.42219122

you're new here aren't you

>> No.42219202

QRD please

>> No.42219496

Is a 30 second clip you can do it I believe in you

>> No.42219604
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 29284849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In summary, she is a deadbeat

>> No.42219770

Holy shit that explains everything

>> No.42221839

30sec is not enough to judge someone

>> No.42223311

No I think I got a pretty good image of her actually

>> No.42224050

I remember how troublesome I was from my childhood into my late teens and even early to mid 20s

>> No.42224280

I'm not fond of Enna

>> No.42226216

Enna is living proof of the JBW theory

>> No.42226479

Lmao @ Selen laughing at/mocking Pippa as if Enna isn't the Niji EN vers of her but x100 worse.
Imagine a fucking totally /here/ zoomer from a literal who company being more tolerable than you.
Being in a 'real' company can't save your reputation if all you and your coworkers do is actively degrade it.

>> No.42226549

She used to be less of cunt towards her audience but the "shitting on awkward nerds" went 100% up when she got her influx female chinks from Luxiem.

>> No.42226895

Only difference between them is Enna wasnt lucky enough to find a guy to groom her at the age of 13

>> No.42227931

With the way Enna's desperate enough for any male validation, i wouldn't have known otherwise anon.

>> No.42228274

Ironic with her being an awkward nerd, just shows how hypocrite she is.
She loves her father, but she had somewhat of a strange childhood and having Millie as an influence in her life isn't a good thing too.
Still, it feels so stupid listening to her trying to deflect her own degeneracy calling it a "brand", but since she is a woman taking responsibility of her own actions doesn't even get into her mind.

>> No.42228822

>any male
only from white guys

>> No.42229262

Anon that's not any better

>> No.42229333

>Selen laughing at/mocking Pippa
When did this happen?

>> No.42230084

Ironic that Pippa is more relevant than Selen nowadays

>> No.42230220

This doesn't feel like personal mockery...

>> No.42230384

I was just thinking today that it's weird that there are only like 2-3 white people in nijisanji en out of like 30 vtubers kek.

>> No.42230753

If you want to defend your purple laughing dragon that's fine but let's not act like Selen can't be a cunt sometimes

>> No.42230829
File: 402 KB, 666x666, 1650830218621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds more like she wants to give them a shoutout but doesnt know if shes allowed to promote other vtubers companies. Truly the nicest dragon

>> No.42234466

In Florida

>> No.42236562

High standards? like what?
