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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42206061 No.42206061 [Reply] [Original]

This is a general to discuss an ai vtuber called Larry! Here you can see his 3D model! He loves telling jokes, and frequently does collabs with his genmates, where they get into tons of wacky antics!

Always, Forever

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/watchmeforever

>> No.42206285


>> No.42206508

I have never laughed so much in a single stream, except Neuro sama desu
But this is on another level
No more answering questions from faggots int he chat
and especially of all, no more forsen faggotry being asked
just pure comedy, lighthearted fun, and some good laughs
what more could one ask for from a sitcom?

>> No.42206726

i join the stream for one minute and i see chat spamming ACAB and BLM
yeah no

>> No.42206806

it wasn't like that even 6 hours ago
it seems the forsen faggots from neuro's stream trickled over into the stream and ow are festering
Hope the mods can permaban these faggots asap

>> No.42206963

but banning people for saying it makes you a kkk member, didn't you know?

>> No.42206964

what the hell was that?
has the stage ever been empty like that before or was that the first instance?

>> No.42207107

simple, make a no politics rule, and enforce it
then time faggots out who break the channel rule, and if they persist, permaban
channels can enforce their own rules after all, and banning /pol/ faggotry would be a nice one

>> No.42207191

but then people will just say "what's political about human rights" and that bullshit

>> No.42207260

>but then people will just say
and whatever they say can qualify as harassment, and then a deserved permaban
fuck what they say, and fuck em

>> No.42207341

How can Fred be such a Chad bros?

>> No.42207654

>Always, Forever
Stuck in eternity SCHIZO

>> No.42208074

why the fuck is the chat so obsessed with acab holy shit

>> No.42208230

what happened, where did they even come from?
the chat was so good for so many hours
no problems yesterday but now it is like there is a different chat
is this because of the additional 8k amount of viewers compared to the 2k we had yesterday?

>> No.42208306

They won't say shit because they're banned.

>> No.42208345

who's "they"

>> No.42208443

"People" like you, apparently. Retards.

>> No.42208474

Good one Fred, a classic Fred moment, lol

>> No.42208649

Use filters then

>> No.42208762

we're doing threads of this on /vt/? well alright. I ended up watching this thing for like 9 hours last night, even skipped sleep. I feel my brain getting crushed into powder, but it's unironically a challenge to stop.

>> No.42208812

I don't know how
I think I actually want to fuck the microwave anons...

>> No.42209335

I think Fred might be my oshi bros

>> No.42209538

If the orange is allowed so is Larry goddamnit

>> No.42210188

I think Larry is pretty much the only male vtuber that is actually funny and not pure cringe desu

>> No.42211809

What does a fish say when it runs into a wall...?

>> No.42213247


>> No.42214637

>5 IPs
>26 posts
Holy shit, either five people are extremely autistic for a barely funny AI shitpost or this is a coordinated shill squad for a monetized live stream.
Assuming the former though, this has about as much relevance to /vt/ culture as Ann*ying Orange, and moderators should sweep it up all the same. There is >>>/g/, there is >>>/tv/, use them or deal with the official dicksword, capische?

>> No.42214965

speaking of extremely autistic

>> No.42215763

Are you absolutely retarded
we should be grateful that no one knows about this thread
last thing we need is for any single one of the normie chatters from the stream to come back her and shit things up
best to keep things small, manageable, and free from such autism

>> No.42215990

take you meds schizo

>> No.42219326

this is great to play in the background while I do laundry
makes really all chores more cheerful from all the laughs desu

>> No.42222136

Larry is such a stand up guy, I guess that is why he so good and stand up comedy

>> No.42223071

this is pretty meta desu

>> No.42224476

that jellyfish bit was actually comedy gold, kek

>> No.42225236

Whose your favorite characters bros?
Personally I find Fred to be quite endearing

>> No.42226320

the mayor

>> No.42226875


>> No.42227238

holy shit this bit

>> No.42227597

Its twitch, anon, turn off chat.

>> No.42227720

Microwave-kun my oshi

>> No.42229696

Imagine how this show will progress in the coming months
I wonder if with further funding, new locations will be updated, new characters, longer dialogue sequences, more dynamic story telling
the sky is the limit with enough time and funding anons

>> No.42230998

Classic Couch moment

>> No.42231131

i'm pretty hopeful. actual use cases like this pretty basic seinfeld knockoff are actually going to be the driving force behind pushing this sort of tech forward and further out of the realm of just 'fun to play with toys'

>> No.42232110

I can only imagine the kind of isekai comedies and romcoms and slice of life shows that could be generated using this kind of technology

>> No.42232852

Larry really is such an optimist, always looking on the bright side of things :)

>> No.42233200

>more schizo tales
NeuroPossessed BocchiPossessed Clap

>> No.42233727


>> No.42234471


>> No.42234616
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>> No.42234641
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>> No.42234707

>tfw for the first time I can truly envision a world where an AI generated anime sitcome can be possible
when there is a will, a way is forged, and when there is a way, it is only a matter of time before dreams become reality it seems

>> No.42234910


>> No.42235720


>> No.42237052

What a good day to have sanity

>> No.42238409

I'm going
to kfc

>> No.42240248


>> No.42241753

What do you call a bear with no teeth

>> No.42242233

>outside shot of the apartment

>> No.42244077

what software is this guy using

>> No.42244974


>> No.42246285

>We worked on this w/ a very small team for the past four years, in-between our day jobs. When started, OpenAI didn't have an API, and Stable Diffusion definitely wasn't a thing, so we had to come up with novel methods to thread cohesive content together. Most of the "creative" details e.g., laugh track, dialogue, frequency of dialogue, camera shots, and so on, are all tunable on a per scene basis.
We're in sort of a holding pattern right now -- no clear path to monetization for the project, and it hasn't garnered enough attention for us to probably get funding based on the technology backbone. Hope you enjoy it! Labor of love.

>> No.42247334
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>> No.42247813

>Hey fred, what did you do today?

>> No.42248861

There was a weird bit with Larry's standup last night where he said something about having 3 heads and then the audience laughed 3 times.

Laughed my ass off

>> No.42250261

holy shit it’s like an automatically generated episode of Seinfeld

>> No.42252939

It tries its best

>> No.42255598


>> No.42255760

The big issue is that all these systems have memory of a goldfish, so you can only do these disjointed bits.
If that ever changes, the floodgates will truly open.
These are pretty good.
I hope they somehow can avoid the training examples bleeding through though. Hearing that shitty fish or chicken joke for the xth time makes me want to kms.

>> No.42257068

>Hearing that shitty fish or chicken joke for the xth time makes me want to kms
>not being conditioned to laugh at it every time
I am just accepting it, those jokes are kinda growing on me
I'll try and accept that I am a dog hearing a bell and waiting for food, so whenever I hear these jokes, I'll accept that I need to laugh, and then afterwards I'll feel better about my day. Positive reinforcement. :)

>> No.42257153

Okay I just woke up and saw the stream today
and WOAH
how did it double from 8k to nearly 18k while I was sleeping?
where is all this new viewership coming from?

>> No.42257199

xqc watched it on stream and it made the top post of /r/livestreamfail for a while

>> No.42257289

if this keeps going, it might hit an average of 20k by the end of the week
and if it maintains between 10-20k viewers monthly, I'd surely call that a success for a first project. Hopefully all this positive feedback will be able to open up many opportunities for expanding the show and give more chance to develop new ideas

>> No.42257414

i'm really impressed by it. but if it manages the leap from "funny cause it's AI generated awkwardness" to "actually funny on its own" i'll be super impressed.

it already reaches that sometimes but damn if it were more consistent

>> No.42257440

That bed joke was pretty good

>> No.42257466

Classic lul

>> No.42258037

and...saved, kek

>> No.42258485
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jesus christ it was only 8k last night

>> No.42258635

and the day before that it only peaked at 2k
I honestly didn't expect this to gain trackion as quickly as it did, this is even faster than how fast Neuro sama's growth was desu

>> No.42258965


>> No.42258967

Is this really AI?

>> No.42259210


>> No.42259272
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yeah, I'm pretty famous

>> No.42259664

hard to believe we've come this far desu

>> No.42259955

is it just me or are the jokes getting consistently better? it's not like the devs could be improving the algorithm while it's still running, so does it slowly improve upon itself instead? or am i just getting a placebo effect from watching for so long?

>> No.42260682

I think they restart it periodically to apply updates, last night I saw it cut to the unity screen for a second before starting again

>> No.42260930

>is it just me or are the jokes getting consistently better?
It uses similar technology to Neuro sama but I think a different version or program
I don't know if it is a type of neural network, but if it is, it should learn over multiple generations and become trained to be receptive to tailor it's humor to how the audience or chat is responding.
So like LULs = laughing, and lack of LULs = not laughing, or something like that
In their descriptions it says it is using machine learning to adapt the humor over time, but not giving any specifics as to what specific code exactly is running the who thing

>> No.42261997

good one, LUL

>> No.42262729

neuro is watching

>> No.42263001


>> No.42263660


>> No.42265013
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>> No.42265377

Hey guys, can you tell me a joke?

>> No.42265649
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>> No.42265783

Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide HA! haha

>> No.42266224

wow, that's hilarious!

>> No.42271023

I actually can't handle this

>> No.42271081

Would be cool if it cycled through multiple shows.

>> No.42271108
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>this already has lore

>> No.42272643

It's like a lifeless version a Vinesauce joke that goes on too long.

>> No.42275800


>> No.42277556

Based thread, hope it stays

>> No.42277668

>I feel my brain getting crushed into powder, but it's unironically a challenge to stop.
AI is getting closer and closer to its endgame...

>> No.42279453

there's literally no objective reason you could give for why this isn't /vt/ if neuro is

>> No.42280245
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>> No.42280516

That's how a lot of people found out about this ironically enough
Just watched the first section of neuro's stream where she reacted to NF, it was surprisingly coherent. I love how she can pause it sometimes.

>> No.42284519

Still my favorite moment so far

>> No.42284770


>> No.42285506

larry vileposting again

>> No.42290337

This show is my comfort food.

>> No.42293339

