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42200079 No.42200079 [Reply] [Original]

>hmm sweaty women are easy just be an asshole to them
What does she mean by this?

>> No.42200212

Just be over 6 feet tall, have a full head of hair and a great jawline, and white.

>> No.42200258

So much more to it than that

>> No.42200276

"I can fix him" is easier than being a doormat.

>> No.42200355

I'm beyond repair
Totally fucking worthless

>> No.42200449

Then you are behaving like doormat.

>> No.42200550


>> No.42200730

Mi-chan has never or ever will say this go back to making Nina shitpost Phase is gaining on you Niji

>> No.42200780

Nina is fucking amazing

>> No.42201013

Just be a guy she wants to fuck and she'll make compromises and excuses as to why you being a fat disgusting lard poorfag in massive debt is actually a good thing.

>> No.42201176

>Nina is fucking
You could have stopped there

>> No.42201273

I have no debt

>> No.42201327

Shut up

>> No.42201464

Like having a positive canthal tilt, sub 15% body fat, deep voice, and long d size

>> No.42201584

WTF is canthal tilt?

>> No.42201631

10ma would never say that, she would however say
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out", kindly.

>> No.42201752

Then you are already slightly superior to the average slob that the average woman ends up having to settle for once she realizes she's no longer a 16yo trying to tan for her social media likes in her backyard and is in fact an alcoholic hag with a shitty job and a side gig that pays better but she can't go fulltime because her parents would be ashamed and think she's a neet and will fail to bear them grandkids, and ending a family line is srs bzns in asia because it means no one will pray for your ancestors.

>> No.42201830

Epicanthal folds refer to asian eyeshape so I guess he's talking about actual-incel shit like "hunter eyes" which they think are associated with alphachads. The actual reason he doesn't get anything on tinder is because that app was completely ruined by 2016 and there hasn't been anything of value there for the better part of a decade, sadly.

>> No.42201992

I do however recieve SSI which gives $880 monthly, that's my only income and I'm allowed to have $2000 max.

>> No.42202220


>> No.42202560
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all this but still virgin

>> No.42204190

Exactly what it means

>> No.42204428

Tenma here I come.

>> No.42204456

>sweaty women
Who are sweatiest chubbas?

>> No.42204789

Polka and Okayu?
Speaking of which, watch this amazing MV

>> No.42205328

If you are over 6 feet and a virgin its honestly because youre just an homosexual.
Literally playing on woman mode.

>> No.42205383

le manlet seethe

>> No.42205402

I am certainly not homosexual
There's literally nothing desireable about me

>> No.42205612

This is like hearing a woman complain. Its stupid.
Youre 6+ feet, just ask someone out, its that easy.

>> No.42205636

roastie mad at the truth?

>> No.42205726

It really is not that easy

>> No.42205896

>everything I can't control is the secret to getting laid
>it can't be anything I can control because that'd mean it's my fault
The very convenient truth, eh?

>> No.42205943

Height is the single most important trait a man can have and women are not shy about admitting so.

>> No.42206117

Of all things, that's THE most important?

>> No.42206119

That's why everyone that exists is over 6' tall, no one shorter could ever breed so they all went extinct
I'd say women exist outside of tinder but you probably wouldn't believe me

>> No.42206307


Easily explained, many men prefer shorter women, which contribute their genes as well.

>> No.42206377

You're funny, thinking that's the only thing

>> No.42206380

How do you explain every short man I know having no problems getting laid, except the ones that are losers?

>> No.42206452

>How do you explain every short man I know having no problems getting laid
Because anyone can make up shit on the internet. Im the queen of england by the way.

>> No.42206517

You don't know a single person that isn't a loser?

>> No.42208024
File: 341 KB, 1000x2236, z3I8kK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon short men is the most pathetic thing in a man, but there are rare women who like it, like Mori

>> No.42208145

Wow a 1 inch difference is so major

>> No.42208239

Also, they're obviously at least 1ft difference in that pic. Where is from BTW

>> No.42208535

Some hentai mango. I forget the name.

>> No.42209055

How about a lady that's 7ft tall?
When does it cross into giantess fetish?

>> No.42209496

>I'm below 6 feet tall, I might as well stop eating healthy and exercising and talking to people and engaging with my community and showering and grooming myself, I don't stand a chance anyway
You have fallen victim to the saddest psyop I have ever seen.

>> No.42209638

It isn't a psyops, they're just pathetic losers entirely by their own doing

>> No.42209775

Pussy is overrated, don't hate yourself over the unrealistic expectations of shitty women.

>> No.42210187

Yeah, the lady from a country which listened to its ally rant about Jews and banks, and decided after hearing all that to invite Jews to their country in order to fix their economy, hates Jews. Sure.
Seriously, though. The yellow people love the chosen people. We see them as a bunch of smart people who are good at business but are hated by lots of white people for some reason. So, yeah.

>> No.42210191

NTA but we're all currently shit-talking on 4chans /vt/ board. We're ALL fucking losers here, and anyone who DOES have irl friends are friends with people who are just as big as losers as themselves.

>> No.42210329

I don't know about you, but I went to highschool, not everyone that was in my class is a loser

>> No.42210659

What about non sweaty women?

>> No.42211114

Yes nigga, is today your first time on the internet? This is well known

>> No.42211470

No I'm just not gullible enough to believe every copium I see on the internet
Is it your first time on the internet?

>> No.42213982

The 6 foot tall virgin is talking about other people coping Kek. You must have negative rizz my nigga

>> No.42214479

I'm 5'9 and not a virgin
But tell me all about how people shorter than 6' can't get laid and how it's scientific fact and not copium at all

>> No.42220564

Nobody anywhere said that being short precludes you from having sex autismo just that being taller makes it way easier.

>> No.42224615

She doesnt like athletes

>> No.42224826

She likes muscly men instead
