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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 439 KB, 3040x4096, 1612829502367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
419064 No.419064 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.419067

This one

>> No.421560
File: 27 KB, 768x435, sad-drunk-dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time Aki sings
Even if she's not technically the best, I can feel the soul from here.

>> No.421872

>literally everyone plays hollow knight and nier simultaneously
what is this arc

>> No.421885
File: 464 KB, 595x594, kuva_2021-02-09_190525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My blain is mine

>> No.421887

The kino videogames arc

>> No.421886

Enma fucking oji-sans for game permissions arc

>> No.421893

The "They now play REAL games" arc.

>> No.421895
File: 559 KB, 2464x1776, 1609967486617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me all of your bait
I will respond to every single quote with an Ame image.

>> No.421899

How new are you to permissions arcs?

>> No.421900
File: 255 KB, 1904x2216, EtwqD-mUcAIT_lj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kino arc

>> No.421902

The 2views...

>> No.421908

>we finally got new permissions after so long

>> No.421909
File: 432 KB, 2400x1550, 20210209_111141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Amelia

>> No.421914

But why

>> No.421916
File: 4.01 MB, 392x408, jeb-4mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe yeb

>> No.421915

You are all a bunch of white knights

>> No.421918
File: 1021 KB, 2176x4096, EtxTjvYUYAYCDDX.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some trinity

>> No.421917

Gura and Ame never did endurance till x amount of subs streams and I'm fine with that, my oshi and her wife at least plan celebration streams and I'm happy soon she will get the 1 mil she deserves and get boosted by the algorithm on her best week yet

>> No.421923
File: 747 KB, 3013x3982, DFC98317-55A4-4F4F-802F-89D7BBCCB662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets how many eggs will Gura buy this week

>> No.421925

Someone post that Enma picture

>> No.421926
File: 479 KB, 1451x2048, Miko 2b ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Nier and Hollow Knight arc is going to make some wonderful art. Mario Galaxy too had one really nice Ame/Rosalina art.

>> No.421927
File: 72 KB, 595x587, 1603354837347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina, Gura, and Mori not playing Nier is a travesty. We, yes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WE need those 2b art.

>> No.421928
File: 1.18 MB, 868x872, hollowlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina stream sooner onegai....

>> No.421935
File: 142 KB, 531x671, Screenshot_20210208-232109_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is a whore!

>> No.421936
File: 2.89 MB, 960x540, Roboco butt ero.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight friends!

>> No.421937
File: 2.17 MB, 4096x2648, EtzIieDXYAAv-_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.421938

amelia is too toxic. aside from her JP reps, she needs to do some basic decency reps

>> No.421943 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 565x318, 20210207_225757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Amelia Watson while brother Watson is forced to watch

>> No.421949


>> No.421948

That's some good ass art

>> No.421951

VShojo x HoloEN collab when?

>> No.421952
File: 72 KB, 768x768, 1610391476923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest i actually feel good about posting about how much ame has integrity for not chasing subs so if they're trying to make me seethe they're doing a really bad job

>> No.421953

Trinity? Ah the thing that no longer exists cause Ina rather be ID Gen 0 (cute are tho)

>> No.421956

Why does this trigger people?


>> No.421957
File: 124 KB, 1280x905, wheezing_mio_by_nlpsllp_de2xhhg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama gonna hit 1M before Ame
>Teamates in full panic mode, seething, in denial
God, this is better than any stream could ever be

>> No.421958
File: 1.99 MB, 1280x606, yeb[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgmxgds.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeb heh...

>> No.421960
File: 1.14 MB, 929x930, 1582888512039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.421961

>recycling an old thread

>> No.421962

>She's BUILT for 2B art
That's what I've been SAYING. I think there's a better chance she'll try out Replicant whenever it comes out.

>> No.421967
File: 20 KB, 236x224, 16103957894926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's awake.

>> No.421968

Trinity? More like never collabing again!

>> No.421969
File: 178 KB, 501x588, MoriFGOsprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enma/Jenma should sell their souls to get the Persona Permissions

>> No.421971

Ina and Mori IIRC have played it before.
But yes, I need my boy in the A2 outfit.

>> No.421972

>REAL games
boring to watch
>hollow knight
boring to watch

>> No.421973


>> No.421974
File: 1.28 MB, 550x550, She Will Be Loved[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flkx7ds.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.421975
File: 419 KB, 1638x2048, 1606529744848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.421976
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger who JWU here,
I decided to stay awake past 3 AM and see Advanced SEA hours.
It's infinitely worse than anything that other burgers can do to the thread.
I love you guys now.

>> No.421977
File: 130 KB, 707x441, 20210207_225759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking clip watching retard. Scurry on our of here, no one likes clip niggers in these parts.

>> No.421978

Zero. She lays her own.

>> No.421979

>making a new thread when there's already a perfectly good thread not being used

>> No.421980
File: 451 KB, 4096x2604, En-bK0ZVEAI78Jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would die for amelia watson

>> No.421988

first time watching aki's karaoke
it's pretty good

>> No.421989

That's so fucking cute.
And all those happy meal toys lol

>> No.421991
File: 120 KB, 1350x729, Pic_798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me Holos that have mass

>> No.421992

I woke up at 4 am saw the threads and decided to just go back to dreaming of Gura

>> No.421993
File: 3.00 MB, 574x1024, 1609841041854.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night Robobro

>> No.421995

from memory from the last thread:
>ame is losing the 1M race
>mori is lazy
>why is are [fan]keks like this?
>what's wrong with doxxing?
>why is gurame such a shit ship?

>> No.421996
File: 876 KB, 3840x2160, 1610726627324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great picture

>> No.421997

Every time you post this I assume you are using Ame to shit on the other girls who do this

>> No.422000

t. minecraft autist

>> No.422003

How long before HoloEN do anything like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM9JYONjxHk

>> No.422004

This isn't bait... this is just pain...

>> No.422005
File: 607 KB, 3300x3000, Etju4kQUcAI4PJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy 4 u

>> No.422009

think of all the oranges we could kill

>> No.422012
File: 264 KB, 366x558, 1609907163350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts spell to send make the oshi's of all the anons who chose this thread over the aki one to have a bad day*

>> No.422014

>yandere eyes every time haachama is mentioned
not bad, haato

>> No.422016
File: 225 KB, 1392x875, kiaraswimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) know why this is Kiara's Fried Phoenix, right?

>> No.422017

so what do you think happened between Aqua & Lamy that they got shadow suspended for a week?

>> No.422019
File: 6 KB, 208x242, 1590145209219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of dicksucking J/Enma could do, would get those permission.

>> No.422020
File: 1.26 MB, 1592x2167, 1588562290010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's not that cute.

>> No.422021
File: 486 KB, 309x863, 1612736407134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mini cunny meido Mori cameo
You're a faggot

>> No.422022

She alive!

>> No.422023


>> No.422025

Welcome to the lounge, have a drink friend, mogu mogu

>> No.422026


>> No.422028

Yeah, I can't wait to watch APEX and Minecraft for the 435th time in a week!

>> No.422030
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, 84458360_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is gura's day off! there are to be no complaints about "when gura stream hurr" and "when gura schedule durr"! just come back tomorrow!

>> No.422031


>> No.422032

The Overrated Arc.

Both of these games get way more praise than they're due. People are too easily swayed by pretty visuals or 'muh kino' narratives.

>> No.422035

Thanks for the pain.

>> No.422038
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, aki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki is singing City Pop, please watch my cute space half-elf


>> No.422040

Did the port got better?

>> No.422041
File: 209 KB, 1300x1528, El5QGl0UYAAwX99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, keep seething about stuff i never said. that definitely doesn't make you look like a schizo.

>> No.422043

Guys, I think I've finally found the root of all evil
We blame SEAniggers, different fanbases, chinks, antis, and others for shitting up the threads
But what if it was burgers falseflagging and responding to their own bait all along

>> No.422044

Ame is a participant on Haato's current arc, expect an appearance from her soon

>> No.422046
File: 3.19 MB, 2550x3000, Inferno[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxivygh.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said I was going to respond individually. But it's alright, since it's all been (You) anyways.

>> No.422047

She said so herself that she’s taking today off anon. Everyone knows this already.

>> No.422049
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1611862621681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that, Ojisan took his time teaching shion chan a few lessons.

>> No.422050

There is literally nothing wrong with doxing
weird wrestlin image. jpg

>> No.422052
File: 294 KB, 430x574, 1611855096037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this last thread, shit.

>> No.422055

The oranges are declining anyway. Their numbers are nothing compared to ours.

>> No.422056

She can take more than one day off if she needs to

>> No.422058

Jesus, these baits are STALE

>> No.422060

They even try to defend it by saying that looking down on other holos instead of praising that they're doing something interesting for once. I actually don't understand what's wrong with them.

>> No.422061
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1602148483694.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Aki's wonderful singing as she blesses our souls with her beautiful voice in her karaoke stream.
While Astel has returned to Apex as he's determined to get to Masters this season. He's being accompanied by his brother Izuru and his nemesis (best friend) Makea on this journey.
While Okayu shakes (read as lies down) next to us in order to wake us up as she uses her soft voice in order to hold a zatsudan.
While Haatochama is finished with her building project in Minecraft and is now placating our bodies with a supachat reading.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.422063

Well which games do you think are better Mr. Kino?

>> No.422064

Ina is already planning to play it.

>> No.422068


>> No.422069
File: 217 KB, 281x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422072

Nice try, SEAnigger.

>> No.422071

angry doomfag pretending his game isn't overrated too

>> No.422073

I wish it was LoboCorp for Ina but at the same time I'm loving her HK run so this is okay too.

>> No.422075

That legit looks like a HK boss

>> No.422078

you telling me that we were the seanigs all along? i don't believe you

>> No.422080
File: 20 KB, 721x126, ame chaama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me all of your bait

>> No.422083
File: 463 KB, 593x337, 1612713681482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will her next stream be an endurance to 1m?

>> No.422086


>> No.422087


>> No.422089

Mori would IMMEDIATELY jump on it.
Unfortunately, Enma has her on a leash.

>> No.422090

Which is dumb because they've had Hollow Knight permissions forever

>> No.422091

haachama with Ame's head...

>> No.422092

Already there. She has beautiful voice, anon

>> No.422093

But sharks don't lay eggs...

>> No.422095


Did I just have a stroke? Shit is so surreal.

>> No.422096

she's only taking today off which is surprising I don't mind if she has the usual 2 days off but it seems like she's in really good spirits to stream so I'm glad. I'm just happy to see Gura and my oshi incline with their streaming output and mood

>> No.422097

I'm not gonna deny they are both somewhat overrated, but they are both good games besides. Ina/Mori are enjoying HK, Ame is enjoying Nier outside of the moment she realized she had to do half a hour of the tutorial all over again because she died.

>> No.422099

I hope a hurricane destroys your hutt

>> No.422104
File: 109 KB, 236x224, Bab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Gura do on her day offs?

>> No.422105
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1600233819631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.422109
File: 372 KB, 3507x1968, 1612409545731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nier Holomata arc

>> No.422112
File: 24 KB, 565x304, fbk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422113
File: 113 KB, 500x500, EtzLuqDWgAIyh3J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.422115

im chumbabby

>> No.422117


>> No.422119
File: 145 KB, 933x600, 1607179995435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i probably watch less clips than you. yes, she's toxic very rarely. and this is exactly the reason you can't disregard these moments as "that's just her way of dealing with stuff". all her slips are genuine and really poison the water for me. she wants to HURT people

>> No.422120

Sorry, that was rude of me, have a good day anon

>> No.422121

Yeah, no there's no use defending SEAniggers. Even the good ones hate their countrymen.

>> No.422122
File: 92 KB, 957x957, EtzOQFWVcAIkp85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long Ina

>> No.422125
File: 104 KB, 177x279, 1605003885404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i've been saying that haato deserves it more because she's working for it and that ame needs to take notes from her for her creative streams this whole time?

>> No.422126

>no stream today
>stream tomorrow
>making schedule after that stream
Does she have a collab or something

>> No.422133
File: 99 KB, 661x768, 20l62d4y22161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chama sisters will hit 1M at the same time
They should celebrate together by giving me a double-team footjob!

>> No.422132
File: 4 KB, 240x104, 867d1ad5817b3d7a01841f46a2966519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... they already walk among you

>> No.422136

Anything but my hutt, Jabba is my oshi.

>> No.422137

Goodnight fellow RBCbro!

>> No.422138
File: 33 KB, 162x143, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disappointing as fuck

>> No.422139


>> No.422141

Right here, friend!

>> No.422142
File: 291 KB, 444x800, EtujhAMXEAIu67m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to make a trinity folder, took me way too long to find this in the general folder

>> No.422143
File: 2 KB, 352x17, 1612717165943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, what would happen to hololive if Shion retired? People are really sleeping on the bomb that's about to happen

>> No.422144

Ame is legitimately mediocre. The only reason she's gotten popular is due to reddit perpetuating her meme gremlin side while leaving out all the troubling issues she has as a streamer.

>> No.422145

holo coop risk of rain 2 fucking when

>> No.422146

Honestly it seemed like she may have just been wrong about her schedule, so she may not stream tomorrow. She said one more stream tomorrow and then she'd make a new schedule, implying that she didn't realize she had gotten through the current one

>> No.422148

googoo and uchaaa

>> No.422147

>he's never seen a shark egg on the beach

>> No.422152

Haachama sits back and gets all the views for herself arc

>> No.422154
File: 259 KB, 1600x2400, 1612651888917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every morning I wake up Ame is the first thing I think of

>> No.422158

Haato took her meds.
Also, I never knew she was so good as sewing. She's so feminine.

>> No.422160

glad we came to an understanding, my nigga

>> No.422161

Is hollow knight the new sonic? Instead of furries it's just bugs

>> No.422162

Fuck off Ina.

>> No.422163
File: 28 KB, 638x360, Rozen Maiden - 07 - Large 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. Already planning to get out of that hellhole, especially when your president is selling you off to the Chinks.

>> No.422165

Art Direction is a really important part of games, something that "m-muh gameplay" fags don't seem to get.
Of course, gameplay is still a central part, and both Nier and HK are mediocre in that department.
They still are great games.

>> No.422167


>> No.422168


>> No.422169

I love these 2 retards

>> No.422171

>hitting it the same time as Haachama

nice delusion

>> No.422172

get me out of this country

>> No.422174
File: 252 KB, 720x720, 1611619482784.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.422175
File: 1.32 MB, 1536x2048, 87642498_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but what if

>> No.422176
File: 606 KB, 2600x4000, 1612049172956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean to post a different catchphrase, anon?

>> No.422178

New permissions are slim

>> No.422179

>they are both good games besides
They're 7/10 games at best for me. They're fine, but nothing to write home about.

>> No.422180
File: 832 KB, 916x966, me_too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE INA?!?!?!?!

>> No.422185

Sounds like a shitty way to wake up.

>> No.422186
File: 459 KB, 2800x2800, 1612023013948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422187
File: 33 KB, 128x127, watson grin (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numberfag is fucking livid that no one cares
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.422188

goo goo ga ga

>> No.422189

>visit the thread at 5 AM (burger)
>niggers were trying to do the 'merge nijisanji and hololive threads' faggotry
>some fags was trying to prove why vshoujo was better than hololive
>SEAniggers were stuck in the "MORI HATES TAKAMORI" time loop
i knew that SEA hours were bad, but i didn't know they were THIS bad.

>> No.422190

It's... my girl?

>> No.422191

Have you ever felt too light but heavy at the same time

>> No.422192


>> No.422195
File: 757 KB, 3072x4096, Etxjg6NUYAI70Bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.422196

What the fuck is that real??

>> No.422197
File: 194 KB, 301x385, 1609830034287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video is CLEARLY edited

>> No.422200
File: 146 KB, 547x283, pop on Rocks .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Ame used her lore as much as Haachama...

>> No.422201

our girls are too strong, there is no good bait to juice

>> No.422202
File: 11 KB, 293x103, chrome_2021-02-09_17-16-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422205



>> No.422206

lore rrat:
Haachama is Haato's dead twin sister. Haato killed her accidentally

>> No.422207

You don't fit into my narrative so I'm going to ignore you.

>> No.422208
File: 231 KB, 1019x483, blondbumbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should repurpose this one as an Amel coupon

>> No.422215

Witches are real???

>> No.422216

he just want an excuse to post Ame.

>> No.422217

this but unironically. One of her voicepacks is an alarm, and so far it's the best alarm sound I've ever had

>> No.422219
File: 350 KB, 500x750, 1608942845089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422220
File: 108 KB, 500x616, H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422223

>Superchat reading
>11k watching

>> No.422225


>> No.422227

Schizo arc

>> No.422228

It would be the first real tragedy, everyone would be melancholic for a while and maybe the the entirety of Hololive would become even more united a la 5th gen post-aloe. Many things would have to be rearranged to avoid whatever may cause Shion to retire to happen again

>> No.422232

Many people think E.Y.E is a hidden gem. It's not.

>> No.422233
File: 477 KB, 1447x2047, 1607373533621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame could get to 1M in 2-3 hours if she started streaming now. But she wants all teamates to be present, so she's trying hard to postpone it till weekend.

>> No.422234

Mars is not on the globe

>> No.422236
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1612712775007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are too nervous to leave in case new Kino happens

>> No.422237

>something that "m-muh gameplay" fags don't seem to get.
Oh I get it, art direction is important. And both of those games have great visuals. But gameplay is, for me, unequivocally the MOST important component of a game. It can be a beautiful game with a gripping story, but if the gameplay isn't up to par why even make it a videogame?

>> No.422239

Today was especially bad for some reason. Usually no where near as bad as this.

>> No.422242

it's no use arguing with someone that's this retarded. Might even be a samefag anyway.

>> No.422243
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, Red Heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that anyone comparing is a falseflagging faggot. Haatochama and Ame are cute sisters and both reaching 1 million soon.

>> No.422245
File: 3.43 MB, 1868x2450, 1607457865922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina needs a spanking badly

>> No.422244

>Not Haatochama.

>> No.422248

Use DeepL

>> No.422250

Someone slap the Ollie witch cackles soundpost on this.

>> No.422251

North Carolina certainly isn't SEA

>> No.422252

do you know the jazzy song she just sang awhile ago?
it was catchy

>> No.422253
File: 7 KB, 300x300, COPE_by_Manchester_Orchestra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422255

The gurame collab but that's on firday, pretty confusing ngl.

>> No.422256

Ina would count as ID Gen 1.5 anon.

>> No.422261
File: 437 KB, 1546x2048, 1604999807726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my two gfs!

>> No.422260
File: 329 KB, 375x523, Takanashi KiaraPhoenix Guardian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking in the first person, sorry.

>> No.422262
File: 644 KB, 773x773, 1604598762903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato is actually just a Malkavian

>> No.422263

Sometimes I forget Aki actually reaches low tones and is an underrated singer...

>> No.422264

Remember to SC Ame about Haachama speeding to 1mil!

>> No.422265

That's a good idea too, checked

>> No.422268

She's an M, so she'd like you to be rough with her. Maybe a good slap in the face too during sex.

>> No.422270


>> No.422271
File: 1.03 MB, 1133x1633, 1612390383421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open fridge
>see Ina
What do?

>> No.422272

her twin is not actually dead and they just switched bodies[\spoiler]. Her twin's head is now using her body to accumulate as high a body count as she can

>> No.422275

But if Haachama's body is different from Haatos then Haato and Ame may not be sisters.

>> No.422277
File: 679 KB, 714x517, haachama autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422278

Why does Roboco have such a lewd, bouncy butt?

>> No.422279
File: 202 KB, 1215x1037, 1612287520190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's probably super anxious about 1M and not sure what to do.

>> No.422282
File: 900 KB, 2960x2031, 1607272374531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just going to keep fishing for yous even if he doesn't get them. Just keep posting Ame to piss him off.

>> No.422281
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 3fsx5g [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3fsx5g.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422283

vtmb stream never ever

>> No.422284

Teamates, your oshi is so erotic...

>> No.422285

Everyone know there's gonna be kino at the end of the stream.

>> No.422287

>mori jokingly responds to kiara over twitter about the sims stream
it's all so tiresome.

>> No.422288
File: 59 KB, 660x660, 1609007013137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422290

>turn down temperature knob
>close door
>duct tape

>> No.422291

sometimes i forget aki

>> No.422293

Good card, but your card generator is scuffed

>> No.422294

This. It doesn't have dialogue too so JP can play it.

>> No.422295

Just play oblivion.

>> No.422298

This current Haachama story arc is kinda funny because I remember a member post from her before new year's that said she wanted to try and do exactly that (story arcs, like little anime) in 2021

>> No.422299

Do the backsides of Ina's fanart seem bigger to anyone else ever since that posterior revelation?

>> No.422301

Tie her up and drag her to the bedroom

>> No.422302

>open fridge
>see wagie
>close fridge

>> No.422303

Well Haachama and Haato are sisters right? So that would just make Ame a sister to them both.

>> No.422305
File: 1020 KB, 1300x1700, EqMf2ZOU8AET5KU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are bromies

>> No.422306
File: 451 KB, 511x497, 1601424061830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.422307
File: 56 KB, 374x482, IT'S OVA, DON'T YOU GET IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive reclining

>> No.422309
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1405, 87469373_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will pink start acting deredere towards kiara?

>> No.422312

I really hope we get to see a Haato vs Haachama confrontation that's not pre-animated. Just two live 3d's slugging it out and Haato's roommate doing superb character work.

>> No.422316
File: 321 KB, 1639x2048, EtkT_y-VEAAlWaV@17_tmsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422317 [SPOILER] 
File: 1000 KB, 336x498, 1612891330358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no TEAKEKS explain this

>> No.422318

squid skewers

>> No.422320


>> No.422321
File: 668 KB, 844x623, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ichi_go__309c1d8e3a604f8bba5fc9fc1367cd26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of porn Ame gets is the only numberfagging I care about.

>> No.422325

>Shion tweets on the same day gooruh said there will be a senpai collab but is keeping it a secret
>Gooruh also said she wanted to collab with anya
Cunny collab soon

>> No.422323
File: 31 KB, 258x376, 1610646896454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine the viewership when everyone can go outside again?

>> No.422328

Tick tock?

>> No.422329

1m club...

>> No.422330
File: 46 KB, 739x415, peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Showed my coworker a video of Mori singing Feel Good Inc. because she's a fan of Gorillaz
>Decided to check out her songs and jammed to it.
>few days later, I found out that her friend circle became a group of fembeats and 2 of them are T3beats
How does she attract ladies so easily bros?

>> No.422332
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1500, 84603570_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ame went online right now and did 1 hour unarchived english karaoke and then 1 hour rating her own ecchi fan art she'd instantly speed all the way to 1M

I know she doesn't care, just saying.

>> No.422333

the (You)s tell how much it bothers them than what they say
>no it doesnt bother me
>it doesnt bother me so much that I will reply to every haachama post
what pathetic cucks lol

>> No.422334

not going to lie, I love how youtube counts subs over 1 million for dumb images like this.

>> No.422336


>> No.422335

I'm just lonely man

>> No.422337

what revelation? sauce?

>> No.422338

Who would even control permissions for it right now? Paradox?

>> No.422339
File: 5 KB, 227x222, 1612505717553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do all these numberfags even watch streams? I don't get the appeal of spamming numbers all day

>> No.422340

Holy shit, Aki

>> No.422343


>> No.422348

I want her to play Morrowind, but not sure how that would go if she has to play it without OpenMW to avoid mod permissions.
Haven't played Oblivion in like 12 years, but it's probably better if you want to just run around like she did with Fallout 4.

>> No.422350

Literally never, the sooner Kiara and you Mamaloni faggots realize this, the better

She literally cold-shouldered Kiara to the point of making her cry, I guess she really can't take a hint

>> No.422353
File: 292 KB, 412x463, 1610588405422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame really is a liar huh

>> No.422354
File: 242 KB, 369x360, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PEKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422352

Hollow Knight filtered the shit out of me after the first boss. I had to look up where to go.

>> No.422355

You retards aren't content with Ame leeching off of Gura you want to associate her with Haachama now all of the sudden too? Where was your unity when Haachama got kicked off the MC server? Where was your unity when she lost use of the EN tag?

It's too late faggot. Haachama got here on her own merit without teamates help. Fuck off.

>> No.422357
File: 385 KB, 2048x1302, 1612891406707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an idea: Haatocahama fusing with Ame

>> No.422356

i would want it even if just for UOHposting like that we've never seen before

>> No.422363

You've only seen the tip of the iceberg, the nijis breaking containment was the only bad thing about the thread.
t.ausfag forced to endure these monkeys

>> No.422362

I don't watch her, but out of curiosity, how did the reaper do in Hollow Knight compared to Ina? Is she better?

>> No.422366 [SPOILER] 
File: 349 KB, 281x281, 1612891438335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at peace.

>> No.422370

>including Ame in the pic just so people will respond with GO AME GO
smart anon


>> No.422372
File: 48 KB, 622x622, ce6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422373

I can't believe Haachama is the Bray Wyatt of Hololive.

>> No.422374

Oblivious Harem Protag energy

>> No.422376


>> No.422377

That could work since Anya could translate for Gura.

>> No.422378
File: 676 KB, 390x558, free bait [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpdvadd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even I can't defend this.

>> No.422380
File: 270 KB, 389x463, 1611814794479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts spell to make Coco reach 1 million before Ame or Haachama*

>> No.422383
File: 135 KB, 1199x848, 1610247072917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia sings Red Heart for her 1 million karaoke
How kino would it be? I think she'd make a real effort to learn it since she mentioned it got stuck in her head from playing the stage in Smol Ame. Plus it's an easy song for Amelia since it's all in English and doesn't require high pitch.

>> No.422385
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gato Gordo

>> No.422386

We need a full blonde fusion, I don't think we have a single blondie that's flat. Imagine the size and dyke stacy energy

>> No.422388

>gurame collab
please don’t be BBT or phogs

>> No.422390

gonna guess paradox, yes, as they're publishing the sequel i think that means they have the rights on the first one

>> No.422394

Unfortunately Ame has outright refused to sing red heart once, she seems weird about it

>> No.422396 [SPOILER] 
File: 413 KB, 2210x1719, 1612891534209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how unbothered the teamates are by their oshii getting mogged by Haachama
Truly masters of mental fortitude in the way they dont respond to obvious bait, nor do they seem to be cope posting either

>> No.422397
File: 102 KB, 850x817, 1591675551038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't allow foul sorcery like that around here, dragon.

>> No.422399


>> No.422401

It's gonna be BBT

>> No.422400

having tranny jannies caring more about an orange rather than discord raids will do that to a general

>> No.422407
File: 79 KB, 230x320, 1612249718485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a high spec robot. You should hear what her vocal cords can do too.

>> No.422410

>do all these numberfags even watch streams?
I think we all know the answer to that anon.

>> No.422411

Mori love!

>> No.422414

Watch her and you'll know

>> No.422416
File: 262 KB, 640x360, Mantis_Lords_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Ina beat them today?

>> No.422419

She LOVES it

>> No.422421

Short blonde hair, thighs like Aki's, a chest like Ina's
The perfect HoloBlonde

>> No.422425

Why not watch her then?

>> No.422426

It was just one dude talking about a merge, wasn't it? You're telling me a different faggot showed up?

>> No.422427

they open the stream but only to watch the live view count

>> No.422429

don't tempt the dragon to pull out the forbidden weapon she has resisted until now; yakuza boss ASMR

>> No.422430
File: 792 KB, 800x564, 1610152922025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't numberfag for competition between the girls, but I can assure you, watching numbers hit a nice milestone is better than sex.
Imagine looking at the number 464,032. That's a fucking mess. I don't give a single fuck about that number. It's got some ok stuff going on, but there's nothing substantial.
Now think about the number 500,000. Holy FUCK man, that is a good number. It's nice, round, and both the end of the last set and the beginning of a new set, WHILE ALSO being halfway between the progression of 0 to 1,000,000. It's an incredible number.
Now I'm not out here condoning being a numberfag for the puposes of comparison. That's boring, that makes it about something else. But numberfagging over the number itself? That shit is inherent to humankind. It's the same reason why people care about dubs, and post milestones. As a human being, it should be inherent in your nature to feel immense satisfaction at seeing good, full numbers.

>> No.422436

She wouldn't sing it without Haachama's permission and Ame is too shy to ask.

>> No.422437

Time is a limited resource?

>> No.422440


>> No.422441

She said she'll practice it so she can sing it later, she didn't outright refuse it or anything.

>> No.422442

Haachama is the Stan Brakhage of hololive.

>> No.422444

She refused because she hadn't made an effort to learn it, that's probably changed now that she knows how much we want her to sing it.

>> No.422445

Same. It's why I'm also surprised to see people shitposting about Ina being bad at the game.
Though with the global tag I'm inclined towards believing those complaining about it being from /v/.

>> No.422446
File: 1.13 MB, 1169x1654, 1612230492050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to put my face between Ame's sweaty breasts and breathe in deeply

>> No.422449 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 1234x1234, 1612891688840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so goddamn much. My heart hurts because of how much I miss her

>> No.422450

Shut the fuck up. Ame is amazing she('s):
>the best gamer
>an aspiring singer
>the most dedicated streamer
>cares the most about her fanbase
>has the best ships
>holds the best collabs
>has the best design
>has the best membership
You're just jealous that your oshi isn't as perfect as Ame.

>> No.422452

Numberniggers only care about the next milestone, they'll latch to whoever can satisfy their empty sad autism. Like an addict to heroin, they only care about the next time once they are fulfilled

>> No.422453


>> No.422455

Holy shit, I didn't even know that Mori is in top 5 now.

>> No.422457
File: 408 KB, 595x673, 1601078751731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fault people for trying to re-live the good times

Numbers arc Gura was peak /hlgg/. We've never reached a point as based as that ever again. People just want to go back. It's natural.

>> No.422458

Then I'll not waste my time spoonfeeding you.

>> No.422459
File: 35 KB, 637x358, nedladdning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame doesnt care about numbers
Try harder next time

>> No.422460

there were vshoujo fags and more timeloopers

>> No.422461


>> No.422462

Because I can barely watch the streams of my oshi as is and don't have the time

>> No.422463

She probably won't find them yet.

>> No.422465
File: 232 KB, 335x298, 1610639221220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sucks when I wake up to eat breakfast and see the thread decline in real time. Shit sucks man.

>> No.422469

Maybe I just took a fucked-up path in the bit I played, but I remember them being quite a long ways after where she left off.

>> No.422470

I’ve noticed that some bots will actually spam about reporting bots. It’ll be the same 3 people spamming the same line over and over again. That freaks me out...

>> No.422472

it was a full blown raid by nijis upset that their general is dead, then vshojo showed up for the same reason

>> No.422473

I miss the bitchin kitchen

>> No.422474 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 512x512, 1612891754928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illegal image do not open

>> No.422475
File: 71 KB, 371x210, 1611339973835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.422476

This is what teakeks actually believe.

>> No.422477

>Imagine looking at the number 464,032. That's a fucking mess.
>Now think about the number 500,000. Holy FUCK man
You're like a normie that only masturbates to supermodels, the more flawed the number, the hotter it is.

>> No.422478 [DELETED] 


>> No.422482
File: 222 KB, 2048x1526, EqVks1tU0AECGNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of trinity, but I like this

>> No.422483

I've been thinking about Ame's detective background with Haachama-Haato-sisters murder-whatever lore for a while and how both of them have unnatural powers which goes well with whole HoloMyth pairings.

>> No.422484


>> No.422485

I did it the day after the collab and there were SEAniggers falseflagging as kfp and some as chumbuds and going at each other baiting newfags in the process and some others that claimed that they weren't SEAnigs and just like to shit up the thread for 'fun'. Truly the worst hours.

>> No.422492

>expecting the most thin-skinned fanbase to not respond to obvious bait

>> No.422493
File: 48 KB, 735x627, EpK_UO2U8AI6tJ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422494

The reason why Ame is successful is because toxic degenerate gremlins with shitty taste finally have someone to self insert

>> No.422495
File: 2.22 MB, 320x180, 86e8bd6f5c4fd673adccce20c5ecf15a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't discuss kino from Mori and Haato's streams.


>> No.422496
File: 419 KB, 3840x2160, EtwK15bVoAAVy6V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422499
File: 126 KB, 800x1079, 1606090019605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course we do
you don't think that about your oshi?

>> No.422501
File: 41 KB, 400x300, paimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must reject

>> No.422502

Watch her VODs, that might help

>> No.422503

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.422504

>those complaining about it being from /v/.
Bitch I might be.

Stop being bad at videogames.

>> No.422505
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1600461989878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro Mori will swap sexualities soon and tounge your chicken any day now, just keep making her feel awkward it will work the 50th time

>> No.422506


>> No.422507

>You're like a normie that only masturbates to supermodel
wait, are you one of those who calls FAT women, beautiful at any size?

>> No.422508

Actual retard.

>> No.422510

they all play DBD

>> No.422513

She said last karaoke that she hadn't practiced it yet. Not saying she's doing it for 1M, but she's probably going to do it in the future.

>> No.422517

I think Noel's version is pretty good.

>> No.422518


>> No.422519
File: 109 KB, 675x1200, 1607046816760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422521
File: 644 KB, 2048x2048, EthvshlWgAIhf9e.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could teamates for the large part react in any other way? Our oshi is a lazybum so this was to be expected. Hell, even her geurilla stream has lower than 20% happening rate now because she is in hibernation mode.

>> No.422522
File: 211 KB, 582x679, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's likes are always a trip, you never know what you're going to see.

>> No.422524

Just here to say


>> No.422525


>> No.422527

Imagine being a /u/schizo

>> No.422528

What the fuck is this song, Aki?

>> No.422529
File: 827 KB, 1202x1016, magenta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, (You) are living in bizarro /hlgg/. snap back to reality, this is the way

>> No.422530

Why haven't the holos covered something like Babymetal yet?
Megitsune is a legit good song.

>> No.422531


>> No.422532

Kiara mentioned her poop was extra hot in her collab with Gura, so think her pee is like molten lava?

>> No.422534

What if she reads that?

>> No.422535
File: 266 KB, 2533x1480, 1610243935272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she's based

>> No.422537


>> No.422542
File: 118 KB, 1200x675, De7t3dWXcAAXVYm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perhaps mori did visit /m/ too....
Holy fuck.

>> No.422543
File: 37 KB, 718x119, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, women are not beautiful at any size.

>> No.422545

There's a couple MEGA retards who apparently think "If I literally spoon-feed (You)s to every single falseflagger that will surely make them stop"

I have rarely seen posters this stupid, all I can pray is they have to go to work soon or something

>> No.422547

She's used to reading worse.

>> No.422548

calm down you faggot. liking Takamori is hurting no one.
Mori would’ve told Kiara to dial it down if it made her uncomfortable

>> No.422550
File: 267 KB, 850x1186, sample_4a30d9cc8d75fc3ef2f38d906e9bf844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice range really is incredible.

>> No.422551


>> No.422554

based pierce poster

>> No.422557

Why do you think she's getting the rabbit just as the chicken is flying the coop?

>> No.422559

Since we're in dead hours I want to COLLECT INFORMATION
Tell me why the FUCK you GIVE A SHIT about your OSHI. Calling them CUTE means NOTHING because THEY'RE ALL ADORABLE.

>> No.422560
File: 2.45 MB, 3508x2480, 1609723582694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422561
File: 268 KB, 512x512, 1602083253582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might be watching, she might be reading and getting frustrated that it'll never happen

>> No.422562
File: 318 KB, 710x704, 1611809382831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422563

last karaoke was like a week ago, it doesn't take that many reps to learn a song, especially something easy like red heart

>> No.422564

You're actually retarded if you can't tell that Mori finds anything to do with Takamori or Kiara annoying.

>> No.422566

>e-e-e-everyone called me a retard instead of crying about numbers
>t-t--they must be mad about numbers
Rope nutsacki.

>> No.422567

she's REALLY cute!

>> No.422568

im not leaving

>> No.422571

I know. I just like to shill my favorite song of hers.

>> No.422573

the architects

>> No.422574

>Mori's researching toku in preparation for Koopa's EN gen 2 debut

>> No.422575

>vtmb without fanpatches stream
That'll be interesting.

>> No.422577
File: 111 KB, 800x1138, 1605437266091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame isn't perfect, but I still love her despite her imperfections!

>> No.422578

Women are beautiful at any size, but some sizes are more beautiful than others

>> No.422582

> The best gamer is Aqua / Suisei. Ame is hot garbage.
> I'm an aspiring singer too I guess since I can butcher SSS
> Slashed her hours. Some dedication you got there.
> That would be Kiara and Mori. They are much better at showing appreciation to fans and they return that in kind with way bigger superchats.
> Ship? Looks more like leeching to me.
> She should try talking in these collabs
> Subjective
> Not all of us want mediocre GFE ( there are better Holos for this anyway)and watch a longs are a sad excuse for content.

What else you got?

>> No.422583

>he says as he gives the shitposter a (you)

>> No.422585

Well, mine's cuter than the others.
That's if she practiced it though, she doesn't have to do it right away.

>> No.422587
File: 254 KB, 1563x2198, 1601665963662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not gonna stop either way so why bother

>> No.422588
File: 763 KB, 1000x1326, 1611965012706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just here to say

amelia watson is cute

>> No.422589


>> No.422590

I'd rather they do Karate, but I'm sure permissions are impossible and it's not a genre where your vocals can really shine, so a cover wouldn't draw that much new attention unlike if they do better versions of a vocaloid song.

>> No.422592
File: 24 KB, 353x353, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no longer allowed to play Muse Dash
>no longer allowed to play Red Dead Redemption
Those are like the most fitting games for her and they're gone. Was it Enma causing this or was there another controversy?

>> No.422591

>falling for obvious falseflag
For what purpose?

>> No.422593
File: 148 KB, 636x562, new meds for a new era [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr74iye.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you are right.

>> No.422596

>not R18 Minecraft Villager ASMR

>> No.422601

When’s the Takamori shrek collab? I thought it was this week

>> No.422602

>Women are beautiful at any size
lel these are the people calling others normies, hilarious

>> No.422604

>>no longer allowed to play Red Dead Redemption
What? When did this happen?

>> No.422606

you get used to it anon. For all the shit you see in dead hours these threads still aren't as bad as they were on /jp/ last month. Eventually you just have to accept retards will reply to obvicious bait and even if they don't some of these people will just reply to each other or themselves. I feel pretty assured in saying each HoloEN's membership are fairly satisfied with how their oshi have been performing lately. Ame had a good week last week and this weeks schedule looks great.

>> No.422608

>not allowed to play Red Dead Redemption
wait, did i miss something?

>> No.422609

Nah my oshi is honestly pretty shit.

>> No.422611

Are we really going through the "Mori hates Kiara timeloop" again?

>> No.422612

You've never seen anyone so fat they can't walk.

>> No.422613

I like her music.

>> No.422614

Their next offcollab

>> No.422615

I'm not trying to say anything about the quality of the game itself but the ending of Nier and its meta-aspects can't really exist in any other medium, or at least they wouldn't feel as natural.

>> No.422619

I don't have the picture saved

>> No.422621

You guys literally cannot help yourselves can you? Made me remember why I stopped coming here.
For your own good I hope you are falseflaggers and not this retarded.

>> No.422623


>> No.422628

No they are fucking not

>> No.422632

Gura said permissions were lost.

>> No.422630 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 400x300, 1612892227019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you people asked Koopa about Gundam? I'm from /m/, because if she's really addicted to toku... I'm worried that she might be...an old tripfag from there.

>pic related.

>> No.422631

She's not only cute, she gets cuter than usual every stream!

>> No.422633

I mean, my first playthrough of VTMB was without any fanpatches. It's still very much playable.
But oh god... the sewer level... never again...

>> No.422634
File: 1.41 MB, 696x1000, 1604214876416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coexist forever

>> No.422635
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, ILOVEAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree with this

>> No.422640
File: 114 KB, 1199x902, 1605464475103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't, but she knows we want to hear her sing it, it got stuck in her head, and the 1m celebration is a perfect occasion to sing it what with their 1m milestone overlapping this week.

>> No.422642

I thought they lost Rockstar permissions or did I just hallucinate that arc?

>> No.422645

She wasn't allowed to play RDR during the variety stream because Rockstar doesn't allow monetization. She's still allowed to stream it otherwise.

>> No.422648
File: 187 KB, 483x613, 1612095103312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her being imperfect is what makes her more perfect

>> No.422649

>aki fingersnapping

>> No.422651

I really want her to sing it, but I'm not getting my hopes up just in case.

>> No.422654

>no longer allowed to play Red Dead Redemption
I really hope you aren't saying this because of her saying she couldn't play it on the variety stream, because it's well known that they can't monetize R* games streams

>> No.422655

Her faults somehow make her perfect.

>> No.422656
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1607386584444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The best gamer is Suisei.

>> No.422657

>no longer allowed to play Red Dead Redemption
You fell for her lack of explanation or you're retarded , she couldn't stream it on the variety stream cause she can't monetize it.

>> No.422658


>> No.422659


[Sad News] Mamaloni does not have a God complex

>> No.422660

When? Didn't she JUST say they could play red dead during her variety stream?

>> No.422662

Pushed back a week since Mori is in the studio recording every day, and didn't have a 5 hour block for it.

>> No.422663
File: 244 KB, 775x641, 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki's sexy voice
You just KNOW she could milk any dick

>> No.422664

it didn't. either he's a retard who misunderstood that not being able to play RDR2 during her variety stream means the permissions lost (it's not) or he's baiting you.

>> No.422666
File: 610 KB, 864x1013, hvk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422669
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1612207598021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw she farmed money offstream to buy out the stores

>> No.422670


>> No.422671
File: 797 KB, 589x534, 1610767679931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a mess, I don't even know what the main shitposting target is anymore.

>> No.422672

why would anon reply to an ironic teakek?

>> No.422675

She did talk about it in her L2D Q&A before the WIFI died and killed the stream

>> No.422680

She couldn't play it during the variety stream because they can't monetize rockstar games

>> No.422682

Her singing voice has hypnotic qualities to it!

>> No.422684

Theres actual evidence to prove that she does though.

>> No.422685

I told you faggots so.

>> No.422688

Yesterday koopa said her ideal MS is something like the MKII, she also sang toki wo koete in her first karaoke and she builds gunpla

>> No.422687

I think you might just be autistic

>> No.422689

As always it is (you)

>> No.422691

Is the title a reference to that Crash Test Dummies song

>> No.422692
File: 800 KB, 1000x750, b9a36e3c940501551bfbd24aaaa7029b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay anon, I'll take any chance to talk about RBC if it means a small chance someone here might go out of their way to check her out and support her

>> No.422693

now on Ame's practice list:
I wanna be your girlfriend
Red Heard

>> No.422695

I'm not saying she won't, just saying she maybe won't. She might not even sing at all.

>> No.422698
File: 8 KB, 272x185, Zechs_Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that spoiler
Why must you ruin Koopa?

>> No.422699

>make a retarded post
>"disprove" it yourself
>20 (You)s

>> No.422700
File: 40 KB, 647x505, 1611543252781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki and Okayu streaming at the same time
What do you fags do when your favorites are streaming and your PC can't handle multi-stream drifting

>> No.422702

I can’t even tell what people are mad at anymore. It’s just random shitposting at this point.

>> No.422704
File: 354 KB, 1959x2043, 1602595486447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before and I'll say it again:
We need to fuse Haachama, Polka and Ame into one SUPER holo

>Polka's English and reliable streaming slots
>Haachama's intelligence and seisoness
>Amelia's Japanese and singing

>> No.422706

she mentioned how if people really wanted it she could end the stream and start another one, but said that would kinf of take away the spirit of having it all in one big stream.

>> No.422708
File: 37 KB, 112x112, aced69b5-c845-4b46-814e-68d7648a3082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable. Roboco deserves more attention.

>> No.422709

She's a Zetafag first and foremost so don't worry.

>> No.422711

Get a PC that handles multi stream drifting

>> No.422713
File: 2.67 MB, 1200x1697, 1604466675911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughhousing with Ina!
Manhandling Ina!
Spanking Ina!
Tying up Ina!
Having your way with Ina!

>> No.422718
File: 125 KB, 943x854, watson clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring them doesn't make them stop, so who cares? They'll just reply to themselves and pretend to be mad about numbers.

>> No.422720

>Santa Lucia
Porca miseria

>> No.422723

hahaaa no, unhealthily obese or skinny women don't get to be called beautiful, they are sick and need treatment, the "all bodies are beautiful" meme has caused more harm than good

>> No.422724

>the ending of Nier and its meta-aspects can't really exist in any other medium
All the more reason for why gameplay needs to be up to par with the rest of the experience. If you're crafting a story that's unique to the medium, then the other aspects of your work that are unique to that medium should receive the same amount of care.

Whatever the deal with Nier's story and endings may be is lost on me because I get fucking bored playing that game and end up dropping it.

>> No.422725


>> No.422726

Woah there we're just talking fantasies not delusions

>> No.422728

Do you not have phones?

>> No.422729

Watch one on pc and the other on your phone.

>> No.422730

Why stop there? Fuse all blondes into the MEGA ULTRA holo!

>> No.422732

PC and phone, retard.

>> No.422733

>especially something easy like red heart
red heart is actually pretty hard considering your have to dumb yourself down to sing the retarded lyrics

>> No.422738
File: 42 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have awakened once again. My only wish is that today is a good day of Hololive Global threads. ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳᶠᵘᶜᵏᵉʳ.

>> No.422739

I don't get it

>> No.422740

how do you watch multiple streams and this thread at the same time without losing any information? it's impossible

>> No.422741

He’s saying that anon was a samefag

>> No.422742


>> No.422744

It was a pretty dumb idea for Mori to stream a game that's slow to start like Hollow Knight for only 1.5 hours. Now most people watching her probably think that it's an easy and boring game. At least Ina made it to the Hornet fight.

>> No.422745

Thank you MMLoni-TL-san.

>> No.422746

>Yesterday koopa said her ideal MS is something like the MKII, she also sang toki wo koete in her first karaoke and she builds gunpla
Ah yes, the MK II, the leading Gundam in looking cool but being a jobber piece of shit.

>> No.422749 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 300x168, 1612892540063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a relief.

>> No.422750
File: 364 KB, 700x777, 1608909479824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Gura's gone forever

>> No.422751
File: 267 KB, 500x362, 2855-1403998291[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Four vaginas
>Maybe more

>> No.422753

Her English is pretty good. How can I marry her?

>> No.422754

>today is a good day of Hololive Global threads
Not on my watch.

>> No.422755 [SPOILER] 
File: 939 KB, 954x534, 1612892557228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion on this girl?

>> No.422756

>trying to have an opinion on something that you are literally too much of an ADHD zoomer to even play

>> No.422757

>Ignoring them doesn't make them stop, so who cares?
Yes, it does
They'll just reply to themselves and pretend to be mad about numbers.
You reply and now they have to wait one less minute to give themselves another (You) because you gave them one, even gave them a dopamine hit because it was from someone else.

>> No.422759

I mean she join Hololive isn't out of the picture

>> No.422760
File: 36 KB, 372x341, taklue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot marrying Ina and having a happy family with Ina, pal

>> No.422762

Torez a cute

>> No.422766
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, towa....webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422769
File: 317 KB, 426x412, Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a whore lol

>> No.422774

I'm explaining what he's doing

>> No.422776
File: 13 KB, 340x191, Jeremiah00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Flay was the only SEED tripfag on /m/. You're dead wrong. Lacus was way way worse.

>> No.422777

>They'll just reply to themselves and pretend to be mad about numbers.
How do you know if they're all not him?

>> No.422780
File: 492 KB, 624x850, 7867864534543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this little minx.

>> No.422781

The mkii had a great pilot

>> No.422784
File: 326 KB, 720x705, 291om022udh51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422787
File: 158 KB, 283x379, 1612594371419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, it does

>> No.422786

you're giving them much more of a dopamine hit by actually being mad at us for replying, stop it.

>> No.422790

Nice voice

>> No.422792

Overwhelmingly based tb h.

>> No.422793

Cute, looks like an angle

>> No.422795

>watamage appears
>thread descends into shit-flinging, falseflagging and bait

>> No.422796

I miss the among us arc purely for how great the interactions between english players and jp holos were.

>> No.422800

Oh got it

>> No.422803
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, azvRFVr (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mark II still has a better service record than the Wing Gundam.

>> No.422804

yeah I really wish we could have another Amon9 Us stream

>> No.422805
File: 245 KB, 1400x994, 20210126_220408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is exactly why they went on a week-long vacation with each other, yes.

>> No.422807

>Yes, it does
No, it doesn't.

>> No.422809 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 892x497, 1612892757190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a strange thread.

It's like there some, unforeseen force causing the falseflagging ahd shitposting to reach dangerous levels.

Something infecting the minds of all the anons...

>> No.422810

Towa study Engrish when?

>> No.422811

I hope she will study english!

>> No.422812

Nier's combat wasn't bad, though. It was a fairly solid action game, even if you could get through it without using most of the intricacies like DMC. If you don't like the action game genre, then of course you'll get bored, but it's not like the gameplay was offensively bad or jank. If you got bored, maybe you should have cranked the difficulty up so you had to fucking git gud, since the slider did change more then just increasing enemy HP and damage. Not having lock on made it much more challenging and fun.

>> No.422823

kinda cute but I dont understando nihongo

>> No.422824

That's cute as hell

>> No.422831
File: 156 KB, 850x1146, sample_8047e9a7e0ca966f80104badde0cd2ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great, right? It's a shame the VOD got wiped, but luckily someone has it archived. It's hauntingly beautiful.
Of course! She deserves only the best and most positive attention possible.

>> No.422832


>> No.422833

She doesn't need to study english to appeal to westerners (for some reason) so there's no reason to bother.

>> No.422834

I wanted my energy to be replenished...

>> No.422837

Great singer, massive autistic dork, needs to have managersan stop her from ego searching and then go back to using her normal voice.

>> No.422841
File: 201 KB, 1302x1355, 1612040394454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... maybe.

>> No.422845

This year. Maybe.

>> No.422846


I made a thing about news where the twist is (You) would all give ME the news instead but that's like a mini-nuke for super dead hours or an entire dead day, not today since streams will be going on.

>> No.422847

My prediction for today is that Ina will make it to the Soul Master, die to him 8 times, and then end the stream sad.

>> No.422849

she has a nice singing voice

>> No.422852

The artifacting on that image bothers me.

>> No.422855

Yeah Heero really had no love for Wing. What a shame.

>> No.422856


For whoever needs a guide to Nier Automatas endings.

>> No.422858

It sounded like Sora is setting up another Among Us collab during her eigo stream earlier today, so we might get a few practice streams with daisenpai of all people.

>> No.422861

>Sex with brother Watson while Amelia Watson is forced to watch

>> No.422865
File: 1.29 MB, 1350x1909, 1604910466304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's foolishly ashamed of her deep voice when it's outrageously sexy


>> No.422869


It still works, just look at the rat for 5 seconds and you should be feeling it

>> No.422873

You know that vacation was forced by cover, right? She immediately went back to shitting on Kiara right after it.

>> No.422874

JWU. What the fuck. Zombie and seaweed had a apex collab? How bad were the threads? Also is it worth watching it?

>> No.422875

Most likely she'll either play until she wins and be late to her Priestess duties or end it after dying once saying to "save it until next time" if it's already been ~3 hours.

>> No.422876

>Nier's combat wasn't bad, though
Its pretty fucking shallow.
>If you got bored, maybe you should have cranked the difficulty up so you had to fucking git gud
I did. The only difficulty in 'Hard' mode came from the few attacks that would either 1-shot you or do 60%+ of your HP, and that's more of a nuisance than actual difficulty. Platinum knows how to do better.

>> No.422878

anybody else remember gawr gura? she was a pretty good vtuber wonder whatever happened to her

>> No.422879

She has a translator friend.

>> No.422881
File: 267 KB, 787x787, EsLT18zVoAEWNOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hadn't realized how much a weaboo Ina is until the Yuru Camp watchalong. She's actually Ken-sama levels of "wish I was born Japanese".

>> No.422885

>/hlgg/ caring about ID or stars

no one said much

>> No.422887

Bet you its the same guy that said HK was bad.

>> No.422889

That went right over your head....

>> No.422891

Yes, terrible, no.

>> No.422892

The thread was entirely focused on Haachama's kinography

>> No.422895
File: 82 KB, 318x318, Reine_shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422897

They were actually surprisingly tame, until they weren't.

>> No.422898

The MK II survived two wars despite being obsoleted early into the first. That's more than you can say about most Gundams.

>> No.422900
File: 510 KB, 1500x827, EiC-Qw-UcAcsBRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.422901

Nobody really cared. Nobody actually does care about the Homos collabing with the Holos. It's a consistent joke people like to shitpost with.

>> No.422902
File: 116 KB, 768x768, Ety3BVoXYAEwqRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sims 4

>> No.422904

Why did this get deleted? Something about the new rules I don't know about? Or did you delete this yourself?

>> No.422905

>forced by cover
do you watch the streams? they've been planning it for months.
you seem really desperate to push this narrative that they secretly hate each other.

>> No.422907

This lvl of cope kek

>> No.422908

>watching guras latest VOD
>"I have senpai collabs coming up but i can not talk about it"
is this a timeloop? did she not say the same thing over 3-4 months ago?

>> No.422910
File: 280 KB, 2480x2480, Ina'ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422912

>vacation was forced by cover
Jeez, how retarded are you, anon?

>> No.422915

i cant tell if you are retarded or you never watch any of their streams pre homiemoon

>> No.422918


>> No.422922
File: 2.11 MB, 1084x1500, 1610138141723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this chicken!

>> No.422924

Is he supposed to be a filter? He didn't seem too out of line with the other bosses, from what I remember.

>> No.422926
File: 64 KB, 222x272, 1612664387859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cancelled dinner plans with my fiancée so I can spend it with my oshi, Amelia Watson. Let's fucking gooooooo!

Where we at today boys?

>> No.422930

I don't even think Nier has bad gameplay. People always talk shit like it's horrible but I thought it was serviceable, fun even. I really liked the 9S hacking minigames.

>> No.422932

she's going to enter CRcup so she's a whore.

>> No.422934

Thread basically devolved into actually cuckposting about what would happen if it was Ame, basically a timeloop, but then Haachama started streaming and saved the thread.
I would say it's worth watching, it's only one match and it was fucking hilarious, both were shouting the whole time.

>> No.422935

They only had one match together, so it's worth a watch. Have a finger ready to go on that volume button though

>> No.422938

Both of those games are depressing.

>> No.422940
File: 184 KB, 310x288, reinenervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422941
File: 83 KB, 550x413, 20210209_034905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.422942

>Being surprised how much of a weeb a company gacha artist is
All the girls are massive fucking weebs. Ironically, the one who's the least is Kiara.

>> No.422944

Impromtu collab, threads were fine while it was happening since everyone was tuned in and watching him hard carry her was fucking hilarious, went to shit after since there was some 35p baiting cuckposts.

>> No.422955

Is that a thumbs up or a middle finger?

>> No.422957

>That last panel

>> No.422959

>Nobody actually does care about the Homos collabing with the Holos.
I legitimately want the homos to fuck off.

>> No.422960
File: 658 KB, 814x814, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Gura exercise on her day offs?

>> No.422965

>Male voice


>> No.422967

>People always talk shit
People talk shit about it because its well below what the developer is capable of. Its serviceable, sure. But I don't go into a Platinum game expecting serviceable gameplay.

>> No.422968


>> No.422970

Thread was your usual 'oh noes purity' nonsense.
Streams themselves were worth watching (Astel streamed his as well) if only for the screaming and for Astel performing a better carrying job than Sam Porter Bridges ever did.

>> No.422972
File: 3.13 MB, 2500x3500, 1612856966142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wrong image

>> No.422971

Watch the part when they play together, 20 min or so. Astel carried her hard, won her the champ and left. I liked it.
Threads weren't too good for those 20 min and 10 min after that.

>> No.422973


as expected

>> No.422975


How is it that people STILL don't watch streams yet frequent this thread?

>> No.422976

homofags should get their own threads, nothing good comes up when those fags are brought up

>> No.422978

ame hasn't even streamed in 48 hours yet she's all you niggers talk about

>> No.422979

Matsuri's having a hard time traveling with all of the restrictions, please understand.

>> No.422982

>Male voice on Aki's stream

It's the guitarman, you fags. Still tune in to listen, though, this should be hype.

>> No.422983

Aki's acoustic guitar slave has arrive, now the lounge is in full swing.

>> No.422985

Acoustic guitar!

>> No.422986


>> No.422984
File: 23 KB, 179x251, 1611444665129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just cancelled dinner plans with my fiancée so I can spend it with my oshi, Amelia Watson. Let's fucking gooooooo!
Ame wouldn't like this. Anon, get a hold of yourself. Yes I know this is fake bait, no I don't care.

>> No.422987

>teases original song
it takes forever
>teases JP collabs
it takes forever

Meanwhile other ENs get their 2nd song and had multiple collabs already. What is going on? I really hope it will be something big that justifies all this delaying

>> No.422988

>the threads
Meh, mostly doomposting about the ENs doing it. Not enough zomrades for anyone to bait effectively.
>worth watching
Yeah, it's only one match. Mind your eardrums.

>> No.422996
File: 1.81 MB, 800x600, Reinecutecutecute [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqd6pp2.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine is cute.

>> No.422997
File: 402 KB, 680x709, 1610532867349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.422998

>Ironically, the one who's the least is Kiara.

The idol otaku is the least weeb?

>> No.423001

Are you seriously expecting me to accept Ashino happens to be still up at 3am during an Aki stream just to do a sudden collab?

>> No.423002


>> No.423005
File: 20 KB, 210x240, 1609992728792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a compilation of autistic noises from Towa but the archives are failing me. Anyone have some?

>> No.423006
File: 70 KB, 168x194, amesmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guilty as charged

>> No.423007

They do if it's Reine or Ollie.

>> No.423009

>definitely not her boyfriend btw
the cope

>> No.423010

Sounds like a man

>> No.423012

>Yes I know this is fake bait, no I don't care.
oh no he doesn't know

>> No.423014
File: 99 KB, 800x943, 1611358925954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's giant ass!

>> No.423015

Yeah, but Ina is on another level. After that watchalong I started noticing how she even uses Jap onomatopoeias like "itai" when she get's hit in videogames and stuff.

>> No.423017


>> No.423019


>> No.423022

Why is there a chad male on Aki's stream...

>> No.423024

It's part of the charm.

>> No.423025

It's not, because she's married you dumb fuck

>> No.423026

based Ashino!

>> No.423028

No but Ina is bad and by the time she gets there she'll have been playing for a while.

>> No.423030
File: 599 KB, 740x1500, EtzAXkOVkAEJwZh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's likes are pretty nice sometimes

>> No.423029

Pasty jap hands wrote this

>> No.423031

>What is going on?
Gura is lazy and Cover does nothing. Mori and Kiara has songs because they organized it themselves.

>> No.423033

This is bait, but I will unironically have to think about cancelling on firends to watch streams if the world ever returns to normal.

>> No.423038
File: 481 KB, 4096x2896, Etx1BWsUYAUBZqF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.423039
File: 895 KB, 1789x970, 1604148470541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THATS IT enough fucking around
Starting right now I will be drawing Ame every single day until I reach a decent art level.
I've been too lazy for too long

>> No.423040

Ina admitted on stream to have played it to death and stated when she does get around to doing a stream of NIER it'd be a marathon stream to try and GET ALL THE FUCKING ENDINGS IN ONE or two SITTINGS INA IS GOING TO DIE

>> No.423044
File: 310 KB, 1646x1686, 1612685141707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lack of cun in this thread is disturbing.

>> No.423047

This guy is only playing his guitar in Aki streams, no other holo
Totally not his boyfriend btw

>> No.423048

/hlgg/ = /ameg/
you new here or something?

>> No.423049
File: 878 KB, 806x1200, 1612109003900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live right now


In 2 hours


>> No.423051

I've only got the 124 line singing pastebin, sorry.

>> No.423052

Yeah to me

>> No.423053
File: 8 KB, 384x112, 1608953044976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you imagine the viewership when everyone can go outside again?
Most people are already. This isn't summer 2020. Then again, I can't speak for Europeans nor do I know how many watch Hololive. Personally, I'll listen to streams while I work and I watch streams during my online class. When Unis open again I'll listen to streams while in class.

>> No.423054
File: 660 KB, 4000x4000, 1612847325771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Isn't this the prettiest thing you've ever seen in your entire life? It was—it was almost—it was a year ago. It was over a year ago; I held this belt high in the air after I fought for it for the first time in Dayton, Ohio against Minato Aqua and I proclaimed this right here the most important belt in Hololive. Right now, in my hands, as of this day, 6/18/05, this becomes the most important belt in the WORLD!

This belt in the hands of any other vtuber is just a belt—in my hands it becomes power; just like this microphone in the hands of any of the boys in the back is just a microphone. You put it in the hands of a dangerous man like myself and it becomes a pipe bomb. These words that I speak, spoken by anybody else but me, are simply words strung together in lucid form into sentences. When I say, I mean what I mean I say, and they become ANTHEMS.

You see, if I can be afforded the time to tell all of you here today a little bit of a story. It's a parable of sorts. There was once an old man walking home from work, and he's walking in the snow and he stumbled upon a snake frozen in the ice. He took that snake and he brought it home, and he took care of it. And he thawed it out, and he nursed it back to health. And as soon as that snake was well enough, it BIT that old man. And as that old man laid there dying, he asked the snake, "Why? I took care of you. I loved you. I saved your life." And that snake looked that man right in the eye and said, "You stupid old man. I'm a snake."

The greatest thing The Demon ever did was make you people believe she didn't exist—and you're looking at her right now. I am the Demon Herself and all of you stupid, mindless people fell for it. You all believed in the same make-believe idolshit that the legendary Kizuna “God” Ai saw some year ago today. No, you see, you didn't know anything. You followed me, hook, line and sinker—all of you did and I'm not mad at you. I just feel sorry for you. This belongs to me. Everything you see here belongs to me. And I did what I had to do to get my hands on this and now I am the greatest idol rapper walking the earth today.

This is my stage. This is my theater. You are my puppets and I pulled those marionette strings, and I used your emotions and I toyed with them, you see, because honestly, I get off on it. I hate each and every single one of you with a thousand—and I will not stop! I will not stop until I prove once and for all, that I am better than you, that I am better than Himemori Luna, that I am better than Akai Haato. I'm better than Minato Aqua. Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here. You don't have to love it, but you better learn to accept it, because I'm taking this with me and there isn't a single person in that locker room that can stop me."

>> No.423055

godspeed anon
draw some lewds too

>> No.423056

well that explains why ame makes no money compared to her genmates.

>> No.423057
File: 475 KB, 1488x2105, 1609192029268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when she streams in 5 hours she's still going to be all I talk about.

>> No.423059
File: 330 KB, 1213x1692, 1612503707109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, how did she do it?

>> No.423060

Phussy... uoh..

>> No.423063
File: 439 KB, 4096x2896, Etx1BWpVkAA4Vb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423064
File: 1.41 MB, 800x659, 1611793235359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just enjoy the music instead of worrying about who's penis and pussy are going where for once

>> No.423065


>> No.423067


Have some from my personal collection

>> No.423069

Rent free after all

>> No.423070
File: 200 KB, 930x1400, 1610961249684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, the numberfags are the ones who decided to bring up Ame in the first place, I'm just using this opportunity to talk about how much I love my oshi.

>> No.423071

Hope he does another collab with AZKi someday. That acoustic concert was something else.

>> No.423073
File: 246 KB, 665x425, kiarafrog1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't sort my downloads folder and clicked the wrong image like a retard

>> No.423076



>> No.423077


>> No.423078
File: 1.35 MB, 1062x1505, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_evanstan__c7c7696fcca0feaf57b465ae395d2bc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423079

I only have this two, but as a bonus i also give you something equally autistic

>> No.423080

oh my

>> No.423081

Holy fuck you werent shitting

>> No.423083

>Ironically, the one who's the least is Kiara.
But that's Gura though. She's into city pop, and that's about it.

>> No.423084

Aki's boyfriend or husband is here to play guitar, yay!!!!!

>> No.423085
File: 139 KB, 378x329, 1610980307494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35p baiting cuckposts.
fuck off with your homos homofag

>> No.423089
File: 151 KB, 1250x1250, EtyM87YUcAg1t8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Sheriff Mori art

>> No.423090


>> No.423092

>He doesn't know about THAT anon

>> No.423093
File: 421 KB, 406x665, 1612155669092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is supported by Ame!

>> No.423094

I should really learn how to schedule youtube-dl for when I have to be out during unarchived streams.

>> No.423097

You are unironically why people keep kekposting with the homos

>> No.423098

>This isn't summer 2020.
Summer was the closest things got to returning to normal though, it's been getting worse since September.

>> No.423102

That would be great. It feels like Sora is really going the extra mile recently.

>> No.423104


>> No.423106

Not watching right now, is he in her house? If so THEY ARE FUCKING. Aki's fans getting kekked live

>> No.423107

God damn YT-Kun
Chat replay is like 1% or actual chat from the video

>> No.423111

He don' mean it, Risu.
He jus' speakin' outta ignorance.

>> No.423113

I mean I'm a DMCfag and I've also played many of the other Clover/Platinum games but I still enjoyed Nier. I think it's pretty clear that it's just not that type of game and your expectations should be metered in regards to that. Could they have made a better combat system? Yeah. I don't think Nier's combat is bad at all though. They at least give you enough stuff to experiment with to keep it interesting and there's also the fact that the game around it is interesting.

>> No.423115

Agree with the same sentiment.

>> No.423118

Atleast Aki has an healthy sexual life UNLIKE A CERTAIN CHICKEN

>> No.423119


>> No.423122


>> No.423123


>> No.423126

T o T

>> No.423128
File: 3.85 MB, 2550x3300, faker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to call this fake chumchad a spic and to fuck off. Real chumchads support all girls

>> No.423131
File: 499 KB, 700x873, Mori gun 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep going

>> No.423134

Good job, Ame would be proud.

>> No.423140

gura doesn't even know that One Piece is originally a manga anon, she thought it's just an anime and her only manga purchase is fairy tail....

>> No.423142

To be fair, she didn't say exactly who it was with, just that it was some people she'd never talked to before despite her being the one who was hosting the collab. Might be a bunch of non-Holos, but it might be her getting a bunch of Holos together that were too afraid of her before.

>> No.423143

Pretty much everywhere but america is back under lockdown because of a second wave and new strains. Even Japan had to ramp restrictions back up.

>> No.423146

Thanks! I found the noise I was looking for and discovered some new autism as well.

>> No.423153
File: 375 KB, 637x537, 1611951338017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people shilling JP holos when 98% of the Global thread can't speak Japanese.

>> No.423155
File: 108 KB, 210x300, 1603074179514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are normalfags like this? no, you don't get "based weeb points" for not appreciating your close ones

>> No.423156
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you not have phones?

>> No.423157
File: 913 KB, 2398x3594, 1605560515984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that makes her so breedable?

>> No.423158
File: 2.74 MB, 640x480, Winning Sikh [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fin01ah.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423159

>that I am better than Himemori Luna

>> No.423162

Yes. I posted it again. No one watches Hololive to see them play games with your irrelevant homos.

>> No.423164

I told you to impale the spics when we had the chance.
t. spic

>> No.423165

Ina earns nothing because she's actually boring as fuck. Teacucks like you should stop trying to use her to salvage your oshi.

>> No.423169

Shit like this is why flags are a fucking blessing. Wish we had them honestly.

>> No.423173


>> No.423175
File: 112 KB, 933x1101, 1499859247098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papers Please inspired art is closer to edgy ANZAC than cowboys tbqh.

>> No.423177

I saw a clip of Pekora and Marine talking about TakaMori, and they talked about how if Kiara gets killed by Mori it's okay because Kiara will just revive again. So now I'm imagining that TakaMori gets into really S&M, guro, and snuff shit just because they know Kiara will always survive it at the end

>> No.423178

Stop replying to yourself, please.

>> No.423179

Calliara friendship is real
Takamori /u/ shit is fake

>> No.423180

>kekposting with the homos
it's literally the sole reason why those homos started to get even discussed back then in /hlg/ and /hlgg/ you stupid fucking newfag. Now you're shifting the blame to me? go back and make your own thread faggot

>> No.423181


>> No.423182

Not our fault you faggots refuse to do your fucking reps.

>> No.423185
File: 645 KB, 658x620, 1611695791366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being the best thread you could be right now?

>> No.423189

So how was the ID/Homostars orgy?

>> No.423190

Amazing stream with Aki as always. Based Ashino.

>> No.423191

Flags are irrelevant, ids are the real deal.

>> No.423192

I was heartbroken when she said it was not OP but Fairy Tail

>> No.423198
File: 1.15 MB, 834x1200, __yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_jefflink__00cb8ec9a4a6d7bfa17bdaad08dba60a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no fat tiddied alcoholic snow elf that steals lonely salaryman money gf

>> No.423201
File: 183 KB, 1350x1150, 1612585543022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That moment was the cutest she's ever been. I'd be delighted to be proven wrong.

>> No.423202

who do I watch right now?

>> No.423203 [SPOILER] 
File: 556 KB, 700x873, 1612893938488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423206


>> No.423208

I want another Ame, Gura and Ina collab...did they forget or drop the Smash Bros Tournament, i thought they were going through a 'so called' training arc?

>> No.423209

Pretty sure this is bait, but in the event that it's not, you should really spend time with your fiancee and loved ones. Streams archives will always be there waiting for you during your free time
t. the anon who used to sneak away from his own fiancee to watch Ame in his car

>> No.423210
File: 347 KB, 2048x2048, 1598151206178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for cute happy married couple

>> No.423217
File: 21 KB, 261x245, 1610843491697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423216

but why

>> No.423220

Ame wants Haachama to reach 1 mil first

>> No.423222

Up to Ina Ina Inaaaa...

>> No.423223

you watch your goddamn mouth

>> No.423224

ironically, flags would probably show that most of them are burgers. What we need is IDs, most of the shitposters are probably using VPNs to ban evade anyway.

>> No.423233
File: 297 KB, 1264x575, 1583459144715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, too, I shall remind you.

>> No.423232

Ame and Gura are both lazy as fuck and Ina is busy, it was inevitable that it would fall through.

>> No.423236

Why not?

>> No.423241

I find it a bit surprising that the one who is the most proficient and fleunt in Japanese is the least weeb
Gura not knowing that One Piece had a manga was more astonishing for me honestly

>> No.423244

You know Ina is an ID member now, right?

>> No.423245
File: 220 KB, 1448x2048, 10247128945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's also going to get worse elsewhere. I'm still often surprised by how normal things appear in Japan, from a Hololive perspective. For example, Mori and Kiara recently went on their little trip together and were allowed to share a room, go to onsens, skiing, small restaurants etc. Cover are also still pumping out 3D videos. In Europe everything has stopped dead and it's difficult to do anything thats recreational or non-essential business things.

>> No.423249
File: 13 KB, 486x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423250

Still scheduled for thursday.
Go back to sleep

>> No.423252

Gura and Amelia realized Smash Bros. is too difficult for them. It's a shame too because Ina practiced quite a bit. Wanted them to come back so I could watch her destroy them.

>> No.423256

I like Roboco's voice...
I can enjoy that without nip reps.

>> No.423259

Please andastan. The girls don't want to work with Ina's schedule and they feel bad for making her use vacation days to collab in a more comfortable time.

>> No.423261

How is Kiara above Ina? This makes no sense

>> No.423264


>> No.423265

Ame dropped smash because single player pissed her off when she kept trying to brute force it instead of coming back after leveling up her stickers.

>> No.423266


>> No.423271


>> No.423278
File: 198 KB, 1336x741, Screenshot_20210209-124526_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura's stream trending 12 hours after the fact
Algorithm loves her.

>> No.423280


>> No.423282

>I don't think Nier's combat is bad at all though.
Again, I agreed it was serviceable. Fine. But for me, that only gets you so far. I fucking wish I could stick with a game well after it gets boring to play, but I just can't. If its not fun anymore, why play it?

>> No.423287

>That tweet
I almost had a panic attack

>> No.423289

Ina learned the pattern of the smash ball. That means she literally wins by default because she's better than the other two. I don't think they were much interested after doing the story mode and failing horribly instead of playing with real people which would be the smarter thing to do.

>> No.423291

Ina doesn't do begging streams and only has like +1k/wk natural growth over Kiara.

>> No.423292

>Smash Bros
maybe they got some better taste in games

>> No.423298

>trending on youtube
Does anybody even look at those?

>> No.423301

I genuinely find numbers fascinating, sadly most retards are just "HIGH NUMBAH GOOD; LOW NUMBAH BAD" when the correlation between different numbers is where the interesting facets lie.
I also watch literally every Kiara stream or VoD when she does her "american" times

>> No.423302

Explain yourselves.

>> No.423303

I just want Gura to get her project diva permissions. For the love of god Enma please do this one thing for her.

>> No.423304

Kiara is easily one of the biggest weebs in the group, she just doesn't direct it all into keeping up anime/manga which in fact only makes her more of a weeb by having interests past just Chinese cartoons.

>> No.423305

You're a little confused but I like your spirit

>> No.423306
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1612840824972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like inebriated elves
>also like gundam
why does life keep presenting us such tough decisions?

>> No.423309

when it's not busy shadowbanning her, anyway

>> No.423319

normalfags and kids

>> No.423321

No really who the fuck is posting in the splinter threads

>> No.423322

Apparently, since that got a bunch of people who don't know Mori to react to her music when Off With Their Heads hit trending.

>> No.423323

She will forget your name mere seconds after she reads your SC...
If you really want to be known you gotta be an artist like Walfie, or the guy she commissioned for her intro, or the dude who made her fan game

>> No.423324

I imagine Fairy Tail is more appealing to women in comparison, I guess.
They'll do something one day and it won't be Smash Bros again. Hard to say when, it's Ina they have a hard time setting things up with (not her fault per se) because Gura and Ame have nothing to do all day and are collabing yet again this week.

>> No.423326

They're both masochists though

>> No.423330

Enma isn't very good at swallowing, that's why EN can't get the permissions they want

>> No.423331

Not really, but it puts it in the recommended feed of a lot of people.

>> No.423333


Ina? I believe she can return to it whenever she wants, and maybe she'd even unlock all the characters by then. Ame and Gura? no. In Smash, if you don't get the very basics of how everything works it's just not gonna be fun and it's gonna feel like a chore to them to even play against CPU in story mode.

>> No.423337

Why have we not gotten a gura project diva stream. We want it, Gura wants it, and she has permissions doesn't she? Whats the holdup?

>> No.423336

According to Amelia she already has them.

>> No.423338

Japan also doesn't mandate testing, never had an official lockdown, and last time I asked my friend in JET masks are "required", but not enforced in public and rarely enforced in private businesses. I'd be surprised none of these girls have had the coof, if they weren't all NEET.

Not saying Japan has had the worst response because the US and UK are dueling to see who can fuck up the most, but Japan's definitely wasn't/isn't good when compared to a country 2 feet away from them.

>> No.423343

Team Youtube recognized their grave mistake and are atoning for it.

>> No.423346

flare is pro-alcohol and gundam-agnostic. or, at least i haven't heard one way or another about her view on gundams.

>> No.423347

Ina stays surprisingly close to Kiara in subs, despite not doing things such as songs or collabs with JP Holos. I suppose what isn't surprising though is how much more relatable and charming she is compared to Kiara. (Just my opinion, and I'm not a tako fag either)

>> No.423348

Doing a weird superchat that sticks in her memory works too. Do your best!

>> No.423349

I knew it was bullshit, yet I still got bamboozled....

>> No.423357

Ina doesn't collab with her genmates.

>> No.423358

Chicken lewds directly from the source
Sasuga 2021

>> No.423359

No fuck off

>> No.423362

Waiting for her schedule for the week.

>> No.423363

i hope this doesn't start a trend though, sukonbus tolerate this shit everytime fubuki collabs with oga somehow but i think it might be because they like being cucked, i cannot fucking understand the point of having an oishi only for her to flirt with men right in front of you, tell me corncucks, how does it feel? am in the wrong here?

>> No.423364

I guess she should start planning for the three million celebration.

>> No.423365
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1500, etx6yfyveaei1xvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a shootout between Sheriff Mori and Outlaw Gura?

>> No.423367

Without fanpatches the game is literally liable to completely break.

>> No.423368

They think watching animu is the only qualifier for being a weeb

>> No.423371
File: 141 KB, 850x1276, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yaguo__sample-636a6b98720fc43bc8e015cf7eb9cca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard me.

>> No.423373

i miss gura...

>> No.423376 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 1514x2278, 2724971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crashing this thread with no survivors

>> No.423379

According to her she hadn't actually asked Enma about it so she doesn't know she has permissions.

>> No.423380

>Gura hits 3m
>cover doesn't even tweet about it

>Cover does an action figure when some literally who like Noel hits 1m

>> No.423383

why is kiara so obsessed with rick rolls

>> No.423385

kiara had that one buff when her channel got nuked by youtube
she also had a singing until i reach 700k stream that boosted her subcount
ina on the other hand had nothing of the sort

>> No.423386

Then it would still be Gura.

>> No.423393
File: 910 KB, 1600x2216, 1593452394048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you didn't know, my oshi Ayame, Fubuki, Matsuri, Shion, Choco, Subaru, Pekora, Marine, and Kanata all came together to bring a fantastic song, if you haven't listened to it yet, please do, and don't forget to buy your Bloom tickets so you can catch the live show where all these fantastic songs will be sung.


>> No.423396
File: 375 KB, 785x849, Etq_qjPXMAAmzP_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet dreams

>> No.423398 [DELETED] 

Since its dead hours watch nijis please


Enjoy anons its much better than shitposting

>> No.423399
File: 49 KB, 427x543, 1610798761208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, some of us here have been watching Hololive since before English content was even an option.
You don't need to know Japanese when live translators, a day or two of Hiragana/Katakana reps and some TL clipfaggotry exists to fill the void between languages.

>> No.423400


I thought today would be a good day. I was wrong.

>> No.423401 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 502x328, Screenshot_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one?

>> No.423403 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 573x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423404

Germans have very blunt dated sense of humor

she probably still thinks "TROLLED EPIC STYLE" is the funniest shit ever

>> No.423406

Do you even know where that shit is from? even anons from those threads doesn't want them

>> No.423407

s-sorry senpai

>> No.423409

wtf its actually real

>> No.423410
File: 61 KB, 736x351, dominospepeloni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, I got a delivery here for "Ms. Haato". That'll be $12.99.

>> No.423413
File: 145 KB, 2048x1108, 20210202_205704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chicken is an acquired taste, I have to agree.
t. KFP

>> No.423412


>> No.423416

If Ame likes Nier Automata, would she like Astral Chain? I wanna see her get mad the minigames.

>> No.423417
File: 57 KB, 814x726, IMG_20210131_101655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself nijinigger.

>> No.423419

Too jagged, try again.

>> No.423420
File: 111 KB, 251x305, 1612844672338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /vt/ not /jp/

fuck your reps and your mahjong

>> No.423421

My only manga purchase was Kill la Kill

>> No.423422

>it's real

>> No.423423

Because it mixes it up by throwing you a completely different combat system during the 9S sections so you don't get bored unless you're an ADHD zoomer.

>> No.423424

The Rick Astley one

>> No.423429
File: 85 KB, 680x680, 1611874014940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423430

Picturing Kiara laughing at dated memes like doge and gangam style and smiling to myself in a pitch black room only dimly lit by my monitor.

>> No.423431

kill yourself

>> No.423433

don't worry, 98% of the other thread can't either

>> No.423434

[Wonderful News] Chicken is a whore

>> No.423435

Gura is literally their fastest and most "successful" (at least in terms of subs) Holo that Cover has ever had, so they're probably spilling their spaghetti too much to even know what the hell to do with her

>> No.423438

>Ironically, the one who's the least is Kiara.
No, she's the one who'se probably the least into anime/manga but that doesn't make her a massive fucking wapanese.

>> No.423441
File: 116 KB, 512x512, EROTIC[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frzo6y3.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423443


>> No.423445

I'd beleb et.

>> No.423446

Oh this is gonna be a disaster holy shit. There is literally no way this ends well. She's already a top earner though. Why would she even need the extra money

>> No.423448
File: 14 KB, 281x281, 1612894704664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was eating

>> No.423451

As in, feather pussy, is that correct?

>> No.423452

>it's actually real

>> No.423453
File: 63 KB, 479x631, 1609992876842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDs and Flags are both useless. We already know they ban evade, and that makes both systems worthless. Hell, it even causes more strife, since you can just swap to another IP and pretend your narratives and posting style doesn't match you to the last IP because your flag/ID is different.
The only thing that fixes retardation are good, active meidos/jannies. You want to fix that, apply when the next round of applications open and become the person who cleans shit up fast while you lurk anyways.

>> No.423455


>> No.423457

Where the fuck is this image from?

>> No.423461

Phoenix pussy duh

>> No.423464
File: 96 KB, 490x332, DzAxWbH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423465


>> No.423466
File: 116 KB, 703x709, 1611988455070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never a dull moment with this girl, huh?

>> No.423468

Phoenix pussy, I assume

>> No.423469
File: 386 KB, 463x453, 1609720702811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.423470

>It's real
Well, I kek'd

>> No.423471

>that chicken sequence of twitters
So this is what happens when you want some of Mori pussy but can't so cope with Sims 4 but it makes it worse....

>> No.423472

go back and neck yourself

>> No.423475
File: 2.02 MB, 1800x1929, 1609476519884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423473

Are you the same fucking guy from a day or two ago who seemed genuinely surprised that people kept telling you to fuck off to a nijinigger board? And wanted /hlgg/ to merge with nijinigger board or something as well? Man, fuck you

>> No.423476
File: 39 KB, 586x324, new tweet dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real

>> No.423477

KFP you know the rules

>> No.423480

It's a Never Gonna Give You Up meme. She deleted it because she posted the link wrong

>> No.423481 [SPOILER] 
File: 411 KB, 1920x1080, 1612894775144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to watch APEX I'd be watching seaweed boy right now.
Never forget

>> No.423482

How do you eat and scroll threads at the same time?

>> No.423483
File: 427 KB, 570x570, 1608352909210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be shitting me.

>> No.423484

>Coco isn't listed in the title

>> No.423486
File: 173 KB, 355x480, 1610583299552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's real

>> No.423487
File: 33 KB, 585x585, 1599537492914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You having fun /hlgg/?

>> No.423488

Why do they have so many males?

>> No.423489

top fucking kek

>> No.423490

I can't believe Ina didn't pass her after the full-gen collab. If it didn't happen then, I don't see it ever happening.

>> No.423491

He's pissing me off because I like Nijis and I know he's just trying to start bad blood for no reason.

>> No.423492

That fucking cheeky austrian

>> No.423493
File: 27 KB, 915x455, 1608691230123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I finally redeem this coupon?

>> No.423494

I was about to say
>it's real

>> No.423496

I got bored before the switch to 9S. Maybe its because I was doing most sidequests as I came across them, but still.

>unless you're an ADHD zoomer
I'm 31.

>> No.423498
File: 3.09 MB, 1715x1715, 1611555995943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just caught up on my boy's HK stream. Her voice is so pleasant to listen to. Chill Mori streams put me at ease.

>> No.423497
File: 198 KB, 463x453, 8a9237d9ed4317d876c92a58d02bf029209f74dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423499

ask the burgers

>> No.423500

>Mori permanently moved to Japan to chase Japanese shotajijis using her exotic raps as a lure. Loves jRPGs and NIS in-house indies but doesn't bring it to the spotlight of her streams
>Ina self-taught her drawing skill using a fucking "Create your own Manga" artbook as a jumping point. Is now a gacha artist and admitted to learning Japanese to consume more JP media. Hardcore /a/-fag in taste and knows by heart all current Hololive news as soon as it's released.
>Ame has similar tastes as Ina (both self-admitted and shown in their debuts). Has the added love of observing prostate stimulation between teamates like the gaijin fujo she is.
>Chiara doesn't know much manga or anime but was in love with idol culture. Chased her dreams and missed the mark landing into Hololive. Still fanatical about it since the outcome may have been better for her in the long run.
>Gura owns a crunchyroll account and didn't know Wan Piss was a manga initially.
>Ina > Mori > Kiara > Ame >> Gura

>> No.423501

Yes I quite enjoy Rick Astley's music

>> No.423503

The talents are the actual creatives anyway, Cover doesn't do shit. They're going to just let Gura keep printing money like she already is then come out with a figure or a shark hoodie or something to make even more money.

>> No.423504

Fuck I still need to make the edit

>> No.423506

What in the goddamn...?

>> No.423507

Gawr Engels desu

>> No.423513 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1080x1009, 1612894859739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423514

Mori didn't do as bad as I thought on HK.

>> No.423515

Males are more successful in nijisanji

>> No.423516


>> No.423517

Can someone with a fucking working brain explain her thought process for this??!?!

>> No.423518

Try following the link, dipshit.

>> No.423520

and so do I

>> No.423522
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x1633, 1607161125852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!

>> No.423525


>> No.423530
File: 34 KB, 333x379, glasses dagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG chicken. You got me.

>> No.423529

kek, alright I'm actually kind of impressed

>> No.423532

I have, I'm on my second orgasm now, this shit is insane

>> No.423534

>Ame lower than Kiara
I literally never heard Kiara talking about anime ever. If you don't like anime/manga you're not a weeb to me. Kiara is just a regular idolfag.

>> No.423533

The audience isn't idolfags

>> No.423535


>> No.423539

People unironically posting dox shit and it not getting deleted. Nice.

>> No.423540

>Haato likes pepperoni
>Haachama dislikes pepperoni
Suddenly it all makes sense.

>> No.423541


>> No.423544

It's really funny to imagine all her tweets in the chicken voice.

>> No.423547
File: 84 KB, 700x500, average teamate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Ame have a Lars and the Real Girl watchalong?

>> No.423548

Eating burger with one hand and scrolling with the other?

>> No.423549
File: 415 KB, 463x635, 1612020154102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423550

Does anyone happen to have the "I may be dumb" image? I could've used it right about now.

>> No.423552

In terms of music,
Mori is professional, not only she can mix her own music write lyrics etc but she also has friends in the industry
kiara has idol connections, she’s got a writer, artist, animator and audio engineer/producer lined up
Gura has been a bit lost, her old music is mostly just free to use audio back track + random friend who poorly mixes her vocals over it. That said she recently seems to have found some people who can produce/mix her music so hopefully its released soon.

>> No.423553

Jesus, it's not healthy to fap that much to Rick.

>> No.423554

This bitch got me... Nice one chicken.

>> No.423556

Personally think that may be more of an Ina game, but I think the combat is nice enough for Ame to enjoy

>> No.423557
File: 24 KB, 139x129, 1612157379940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a rickroll
I love this fucking girl so goddamn much

>> No.423558 [DELETED] 

>Niji antis still at it
Dont you get tired? would you rather shit up the thread instead of talking about streams? legit worst kind of posters
Im doing you a favor by saving from dead hours

>> No.423560
File: 167 KB, 1500x859, ElFr7kIVcAA2iy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me people mostly use SEA this SEA that as a scapegoat for anything they don't like?
This cannot possibly be true...

>> No.423563

Why is this a joke? This is the actual truth. Please Gura eat the Communists out of Europe.

>> No.423564

idolfags are worse than your bargain bin anime watcher

>> No.423568

>this would've happened if Hololive hadn't rescued her off the streets

>> No.423569

So much for no doxx shit rules on this board

>> No.423570

I subbed to him after today. He is cool in my book.

>> No.423576

I can't see the onlyfans tweet. what the fuck is going on?

>> No.423577 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 349x338, NotaNiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, not at all! I'm sure he's only a fine, upstanding citizen promoting unity between all Vtubers, just like the good ol' days!
Isn't that right, my fellow Westerners? Say, I notice you've all got the Hororive bug recently, huh? Millions and millions of views and subscribers! I'm sure you've got some spare avalible, right? Why not get ready for the NijiEN debuts, coming any time now?
What? Astro-turfing? No, no, not at all! I'm just a fine UNITY loving citizen of this establishment! Look, if I was astroturfing, would I wear so much Hororive paraphenalia?
Be sure to tune in!

>> No.423578

weeb is just an obsession with japanese culture. Practicing to be an idol for like 13 years is a pretty big obsession. One of the few weebs who actually made an effort to integrate herself within japan as well

>> No.423579

My heart actually started beating like crazy when i saw this on twitter. What the fuck kiara.

>> No.423580

Zero Wing permissions when?

>> No.423582

Music is quite a bit different from gaming streams

>> No.423583

SEAnig hours were always real, but newfags would get baited into believing it wasn't

>> No.423584

You have your own thread, please go back.

>> No.423586

It’s off topic faggot

>> No.423587

quality rickroll kek

>> No.423588
File: 62 KB, 250x250, 1587941030610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.423590

She talked about it in this superchat reading

>> No.423591

Is she implying she wants 3 dicks in her hole?

>> No.423592

Have faith anon

>> No.423593

Yeah, she fucking got me. I was already thinking about how these threads were gonna be fucked for like the next week

>> No.423595
File: 364 KB, 1014x2152, 7BE8CE97-3350-4636-8CC5-D4A45D9D4640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423596

She's cashing in on extra revenue. Noel does it too.

>> No.423598
File: 1.91 MB, 2124x1749, Okayu [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2j5rip.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423599
File: 50 KB, 1019x480, 1594783937668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest, I've got.

>> No.423600 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 2894x4093, 1583958704695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana is cute

>> No.423602

Why she is not ogey?

>> No.423603
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1612875987902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those replies from users with Hololive girls as their profile pics
I wonder what she thinks about this.

>> No.423604

>Kiara is just a regular idolfag.
Oh I wish she was but she wasn't

>> No.423605

Fuck off, someone made a HoloNiji thread yesterday just for you and you didn't even go there. You got no fucking excuse faggot.

>> No.423608

Nobody really seems interested in it so not likely.

>> No.423611

wrong thread

>> No.423613


>> No.423614

So this is a small tease at hololive fans following her right?

>> No.423616


>> No.423617

asacoco man, once you've had it you can't go back.

>> No.423620

Try reporting them maybe, since I can't

>> No.423622

But it was dead

>> No.423623

>I literally never heard Kiara talking about anime ever
I've watched maybe 5 Kiara streams in total and I heard her talk about anime in all of them. She even sang semi-obscure anime songs in her karaoke streams

>> No.423625
File: 62 KB, 500x500, kanata[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fukd3ps.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.423626
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, 1606796997390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this fucking chicken

>> No.423630

>here's some of the content you can get
This cheeky cock

>> No.423631

Saw a rrat

>> No.423633

She know, we know, everyone knows.

>> No.423637

I am IP rangeblocked from reporting bro

>> No.423638

Up to you to start a convo there don't you tihnk?

>> No.423639

Probably comfy knowing that she'll have a backup plan if Hololive goes under. It's not like it's a personal twitter.

>> No.423644

I wouldn't be surprised if the rickroll is literally meant for them

>> No.423645
File: 18 KB, 495x369, 1611336554684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423647
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, deadbraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's real.

>> No.423646
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having supper. Then I'm going to play some more Omori, so yeah.

>> No.423649
File: 36 KB, 400x400, EtzfhZRUUAEE2nU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423650

The idea of an android that enjoys swimming is weird
I picture a hunk of metal just sinking forever

>> No.423651

ohhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooo
kiara what are you dooooooing?????
>but for real is the chuuba money not enough to get by?

>> No.423654
File: 17 KB, 334x370, morishock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's fucking real

>> No.423656


>> No.423657

How new? She knows, we know, they know, jenma knows.

>> No.423659

I can't unsee the Soldier BETA coming up behind Ame there.

>> No.423660

The rick roll is for them anon

>> No.423661

Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN
Access to perks ends: Feb 10

>> No.423662

why is anon so obsessed with towa baby

>> No.423663

Kiara is too experienced with this kind of stuff to not expect for that to happen

>> No.423664

>nijinigger thinks he's "saving" /hlgg/ from dead hours
>despite the fact that he's been told to fuck off repeatedly
I want holo-wrestling to come back...

>> No.423666

She saw the reddit posts about how people wish the Hologirls could collab with vshojo and do porn.

>> No.423667

RRats in the walls, literally

>> No.423668

Heyy she is ogey again!

>> No.423670

3 Ip its dead...
And no I wont talk with myself Im not mentally ill

>> No.423671

Given that she's interacted with KFP as her roommate before I don't think she minds.

>> No.423672
File: 181 KB, 436x456, 1609198798423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, Giggle Goobilla here. Who else is waiting patiently for Ame to play Super Mario Galaxy?

>> No.423673

She really loves Rick Astley

>> No.423674


>> No.423675


>> No.423682

>she wants attention this badly

>> No.423683

Is haato-san ogey?

>> No.423686
File: 25 KB, 230x230, chimkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.423688

This fucking chicken

>> No.423689

she got her actual body back?

>> No.423692

Haach what? Do you mean Haato-sama?

>> No.423691
File: 839 KB, 1070x1240, 1604269092004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diagnosed submissives are prescribed a certain number of spankings every week. No excuses

>> No.423695

why are you people real

>> No.423698
File: 225 KB, 500x500, 1592228353756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN
Access to perks ends: Feb 7

>> No.423699


>> No.423700


>> No.423705

I love polka

>> No.423707

C-chicken bros?

>> No.423706

>Amelia makes a shitty drawing
>blows up into meme fanart
How does she always do it?

>> No.423708

Schizo chiken...

>> No.423709


>> No.423710

You are if you keep pushing anons in a Holo thread to talk about Nijis. >We do not want them here.

>> No.423717
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1610949191066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-watch Ina's Hollow Knight first onegai...

>> No.423719

WAIT, SHE'S HERE and saw this:

>> No.423718
File: 455 KB, 569x509, 1611523417248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, but I seethe because I'd rather have her play SM64 and get angry at the camera.

>> No.423722

I bet she just dressed Haachama's body up in her usual outfit.
But what are we going to do about the Missing Haachama head?

>> No.423723
File: 22 KB, 444x125, 1587329534315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423725
File: 45 KB, 227x222, 1607480699656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The what.

>> No.423726
File: 446 KB, 1545x2048, 1610424788739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's making more models and setting it up as far as I saw. Give it a few days or something.
They have their own thread, too, so you can discuss it in live hours without disrupting streams.
What's wild is that the guy didn't even mean to disrupt the thread during the Gura stream, it was posted on this thread, but someone cross-posted it and it fucking blew up. Hope it ends up going well as a dead hours holdover.

>> No.423728

fuck off you retarded concernfag.

>> No.423729

Please watch your genmate Ina play Hollow Knight first Gantz Gordo

>> No.423731

That post exploded in such popularity that it became a catalyst for JP dumpsterdiver anons to make an official account to translate 4chan screencaps.

>> No.423734
File: 23 KB, 292x292, 75263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost shit myself then i clicked the link.

>> No.423735

If I were you faggot, it'd learn japanese and talk about them with the natives on 5ch or wherever.

>> No.423740

This us a Vtuber board not a Hololive board

>> No.423742


>> No.423743

No I dont want to be japanese

>> No.423744

really, if she's an anon, she will be oc-shitposters.

>> No.423745

based Haato is back

>> No.423746

Is it that difficult toask a question a see if someone answers? I saw the archive of it, no one started a convo.

>> No.423748

This is a Hololive thread

>> No.423750

I didn't even know Ame was playing Mario Galaxy today but now I'm pretty hyped.

>> No.423752
File: 3.43 MB, 445x250, TIK-TOK-CHICKEN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423753

This is a hololive thread not a niji thread.

>> No.423754
File: 8 KB, 156x322, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you love Risu? Please explain in detail, thank you.

>> No.423758

Hololive board.

>> No.423759
File: 232 KB, 436x456, 1609808836631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger that!

>> No.423760

this arc is actually pretty interesting

>> No.423761


>> No.423762

meant "to ask a question to see"

>> No.423763

She going to do it once the paypigs stop putting out

>> No.423764
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fllxvzw.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual get fucked.

>> No.423766

jokes on her I like the song
My money on this rrat.

>> No.423767
File: 545 KB, 627x575, 1611461193416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka, you can't just send something so good over twitter, you'll kill people who get distracted while doing something important. I love it, though.

>> No.423768

Further proof that she's here, the entire goddamn internet steals it's OC from 4chan, she learned from us.

>> No.423773

Kiara got multiple buffs. Main one being her channel being nuked which brought her 15k subs in a day sor something crazy like that.

>> No.423775

Jesus she got me, chicken I fucking kneel.

>> No.423778


>> No.423782
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1605725659181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423785

>it's real
>it's on her rommate account
>it's actually a rick roll
JESAS this girl

>> No.423787

See >>423719

>> No.423786
File: 75 KB, 267x267, 1584217062990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes Friend sad.

>> No.423788

I know this is a completely harmless post, but how isn't this against the new rules?

>> No.423789
File: 319 KB, 392x553, 1594121522087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one time she forgot to change accounts
peak dork

>> No.423790

I haven't been rickrolled that masterfully in years.

>> No.423792

maybe in your dreams anon

>> No.423794


Heheh, "yeb". What a crazy, sexually arousing squirrel.

>> No.423793

I wish Ina was watchable

>> No.423795 [DELETED] 


>> No.423798


>> No.423801
File: 12 KB, 434x81, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423805

its funny because you know she was going to do this shit if hololive didnt owrk out

>> No.423812


>> No.423816

It is against the new rules.

>> No.423817

Haato > Haachama

>> No.423819

ehehe yeb

>> No.423820
File: 131 KB, 286x242, 1606107554221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't the only one you know. Both Noel's roommate and Coco's roommate do not even hide the fact and they really don't give a shit, they just ask the fans to not be pieces of shit going "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THIS PERSOOOOOOOOOON SHE SOUUUUUUUUUNDS FAMILIAR HMMMM WINK WINK OHOHOHO IF YOU KNOOOOOOOW DON'T SAY ANYTHIIIIIING."

>> No.423824
File: 540 KB, 1752x2048, EpSugaNVEAMg2A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love This Chicken!

>> No.423826


>> No.423827

it SHOULD be deleted technically, but

>> No.423828 [DELETED] 

Reporting doesn't seem to work on it either. Fun stuff.

>> No.423832
File: 386 KB, 433x493, 1589076985897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423834
File: 137 KB, 904x716, 1566291263332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The battle continues! Godammit Chammers why am I so invested in this bullshit you cooked up.

>> No.423835
File: 139 KB, 852x480, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423836

Comfy streams, nice voice Both of them, up to now the best Nier Automata playthrough of the recently started ones and her design is great.

Alternatively: Jeb.

>> No.423838

Think about it. The only reason rules exist in the first place is to facilitate harmless fun, not to stamp it out.

>> No.423839
File: 213 KB, 463x453, 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As funny as this is, this is just a reminder that a new Hologirl might actually have one one day

>> No.423841

I still remember Coco talking about how great her tits are.

>> No.423845

>hes just now realizing that the rules aren't absolute

>> No.423847

She is.

I wish Hollow Knight was good.

>> No.423851

It was a short but great display of Astel's senpai powers. I recommend watching it.

>> No.423853 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 338x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.423855

will haat0 reach 1mil or will it be chammers?

>> No.423856

That's the Communist Manifesto...

>> No.423857 [DELETED] 

I could, but I'd get banned

>> No.423858

Maybe the mod doesn't know? Where the fuck are you mod, I know this is kinda funpost but still

>> No.423859

If the purpose of law was to follow the writ and not the spirit, it would already be automated.

>> No.423862

hololive thread

>> No.423864

That anon nailed it>>423836

>> No.423865

It IS against the rules but you could argue that it's specifically for roommate faggots too. Still against the rules though

>> No.423866

>Rick Roll
Holy fucking based

>> No.423867

I just can't report, IP blocked and shit only for reporting

>> No.423868

>inb4 someone redraws that as a Kiara art piece
>inb4 Kiara retweets it

>> No.423869

Do you not have the capacity to differentiate between a board and a thread?

>> No.423870

Its not about Gura or Ame

>> No.423871

A lot of girls don't even show anything on their Onlyfans. it's not really that extreme when you consider what some Hololive roommates have put out there.

>> No.423877

Do you go to threads on /a/ talking about Monogatari and try to talk about Naruto, too?

>> No.423878

How have Ina and Mori's Hollow Knight streams been so far? I still need to catch up. Who looks better at the game?

>> No.423881

Mori/Ina: 88 days
Ame/Ina: 86 days
Gura/Ina: 56 days
Mori/Gura: 33 days
Mori/Ame: 30 days
Ina/Kiara: 26 days
Kiara/Gura: 25 days
Kiara/Ame: 19 days
Gura/Ame: 9 days (Feb 12)
Mori/Kiara: 4 days (Shrek next week?)

The Gurame collab is going to be the only one this week.

>> No.423883


>> No.423884

Off burning money on shark loli

>> No.423886

Probably Astral Chain is pretty good game. It would be nice to see Ame or Ina play it.

>> No.423887

>Who looks better at the game?
Mori, easily.

>> No.423889


>> No.423890

Mori's was kind of short because she was already sleepy going in. Ina's not so good at the game.

>> No.423893

Lol Youtube age restricted this video and made me confirm whether or not I was okay with seeing it

>> No.423897

can we get stats for last gura stream without an ame mention?

>> No.423898

So do you guys this is the same faggot from last thread that was defending doxxposting or nah

>> No.423901

I have literally never watched Risu. Were it not for the constant posting here I'd legitimately forget about her. Not for lack of interest, but I quite literally have never seen her appear on jetri which is the only thing I use.

>> No.423902

absolute quality bait, made me check, I kneel chikim

>> No.423905

Astral Chain is way more frustrating and has even more shitty gimmick bosses than Automata.

>> No.423908


>> No.423909

She's been taking her meds.

>> No.423912

sharkmeido is usually active on burger hours moreso than anything. Otherwise, hard to tell for a regular jannie.
But they'll probably get to it. They're just slow sometimes.

>> No.423911

amnesia part 1

>> No.423913

>Ame/Ina: 86 days

>> No.423914

Ina mentioned she played it a bit but was bad at controlling the legions. That said, Bayonetta is absolutely on the table.

>> No.423915

I don't know who's better but Mori's stream surely was more enjoyable than Ina's. For me.
I am surprised I feel this way since Ina was my favorite at the start and now I can't even watch her

>> No.423916

>whether or not I was okay with seeing it
Well? Were you ogey or not?

>> No.423918

I mean sharkmeido only appears during burger hours and obviously he isn't the only mod

>> No.423921

why does Ina not collab with her genmates?

>> No.423926

Don't know about Mori, but Ina's is pretty frustrating if you've ever played a videogame. I'm still watching though, I love Ina and want to see how good she gets.

>> No.423927

Gura should do a cover of this, it describes the experience of listening to her singing

>> No.423928

Mel's labia....

>> No.423932

You think she warned jenma she was gonna pull this or was jenma just stalking the roomate account and had a heart attack for a minute?

>> No.423933

Because they don't ask her.

>> No.423934

Bayo would be nice too...

>> No.423935


>> No.423940

Maybe I'm wrong but Ina is so wrong in collabs, she's perfect by herself
Last time I watched an Ina collab it was with Kiara and she almost couldn't keep up with the chicken autism and energy

>> No.423942

There's literally nothing ESL about my post you mongrel.

>> No.423943

Well are you?

>> No.423941


>> No.423944

she's collabing with holoID this week dude. she's collabed with them once/week for the last month and a half now.

>> No.423948


>> No.423950

If he is, he's a schizo on a level that's higher than I thought.
Different posting styles, different stories, but both intent on fucking over the thread. I wouldn't be completely shocked if he, the other guy, and maybe even the namefag were all the same guy doing different attacks on different scenarios, but at the same time, I would be a little surprised.

>> No.423952

Didn't YT start putting Haachama's videos in the kids section? That's probably why they age restricted this video.

>> No.423956

The mind says she told her, but the heart wants to believe it was a surprise

>> No.423957


>> No.423958

I am but idk about Akai Haato

>> No.423959

Both have been great so far. Ina's better than Mori but she also played for longer. Mori's was really good though because she was more accustomed to the genre due to beating Blasphemous, making the learning curve she needed to traverse a lot shorter.
Basically, Ina > Mori solely due to Ina playing longer. If Mori stuck with it for as long as Ina did she'd probably be better.

>> No.423962

Good, Hololive is not for kids and I'm tired of pretending it is.

>> No.423963

Even if it was ACTUALLY real, I don't think Jenma could do shit anyway. Noel still has her personal gig, after all.

>> No.423965

fuck off fags

>> No.423968

I guess Ina was serious when she said see you in 10 years, huh?

>> No.423969


>> No.423970

These really should include a "Collabed with someone outside of EN" tracker as well.

>> No.423971

>and now I can't even watch her
You don't enjoy her drawing streams? Ina isn't even one of my favorites, but I watch every single one of her drawing streams because it's a mix of a zatsudan, while also getting to see a professional artist at work.

>> No.423974

Ah, there we go, I figured meidos would get around to it over time.
Just a little time needed to start up the engine on the old girl.

>> No.423975

>Didn't YT start putting Haachama's videos in the kids section
No. Look at the title and thumbnail.

>> No.423976

>excessively high energy Kiara
>collab with low energy Ina
That's your problem right there. Ina's collabs with Gura (Portal 2) and Ame (zatsudan), or even both (Smash) were really fun to watch

>> No.423978

its finally deleted

>> No.423979
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600467127266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fucking Takodachi you blithering retard. I'm not going to pretend that Ina's been some fucking God Gamer. She's average at BEST.

>> No.423984

Imagine not supporting your oshi in doing whatever makes her happy

>> No.423985

I haven't even seen Mori play Holoknight yet and I already know she's better at it than Ina.

>> No.423987
File: 76 KB, 853x649, 1611460021120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the mori's hollow knight VOD worth watching?

>> No.423988
File: 386 KB, 612x626, 1610054947676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report it faster next time (I can't)

>> No.423994

Noel shows her tits on screen, short of showing pussy anything else is tame in comparison

>> No.423996

her genmates are too autistic to ask her, that's why she's doing so many collabs with the IDs, because they don't give a shit and just ask anyone for collabs at any time

>> No.423995

I knew HK had a shit audience but why is it being brought into the threads here?

>> No.423997

Why? I'm >>423926
I feel like I'm being pretty fair and I'm a day 1 tentacultist. Are we not even allowed to say anything negative now?

>> No.423998


>> No.424002

I would be disappointed but still jerk off to it.

>> No.424006

I mean, that's what I was thinking. Namefag out, niji/vshitter defenders in. Nijifags out, discord nigger in. New thread, back to the nijis.

But like that one /his/anon avatarfagging with kanata, I don't want to give up the game in case he stops repeating the pattern, which so far has been assuming innocence until it gets called out. It always devolves near thread death, aside from the nijifag.

>> No.424005

Do you mean my oshi oshi, or my oshi's roommate? Either way, I'd sub

>> No.424008

It was fun and only 90 minutes of gameplay since she's busy with recording this week.

>> No.424010

RIP My nigga Akai Haato, y'all eating Pepeloni and smelling feet in heaven now

>> No.424011
File: 41 KB, 901x678, 85764764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I see

>> No.424013

Ina sucks cock at the game. Mori is much better.
Her playthrough gives me second hand embarrassment

>> No.424014

Leeching. Her own genmates and coworkers. That are all working in the same company. Holy fuck and I thought the retardation of /vt/ couldn't get any worse.

>> No.424015

why are takocucks like this? why does it rest on everyone else to ask Ina to collab

>> No.424018

>can't post Risu

>> No.424022

roommate twitter

>> No.424023

>Risu makes Friend sad
Wait what?

>> No.424024

I'd rather we keep to the writ for as long as we can, anyways. It was funny, but I don't want to give retards wiggle room on that subject.
It was funny though.

>> No.424025

I love our average skilled priestess, I really hope the chat doesn't backseat her into avoiding the Mantis Lords

>> No.424029

>Ina got her vidya brain fried by easy mode FFXIV
Ina... That's why I do my shmups reps on the side...

>> No.424034

This. People ragging on Ina despite how quickly she learned and how fast she progressed is just weird. For how loudly people complain about backseating, this is almost as bad as HL2-levels of whining just because she didn't get something immediately despite not getting stuck on anything for long.

>> No.424038


>> No.424041

Also, shadowmanlet should have shown you the tenacity of some schizos. Never underestimate them.

>> No.424042


>> No.424045

all newfags.
get used to it.

>> No.424047


>> No.424048

Can anyone explain?
But we can post clips!

>> No.424050

How can Hololive improve even more?

>> No.424051

How doot?

>> No.424053

She's been collabing a lot with FBK's personal boytoy Oga.

>> No.424056

Mori is better but Ina seems to like the game more, at least for now. Interestingly they both took about the same amount of time to reach the first boss, and they both beat him damageless on the second try.

>> No.424057

Kiara rick rolled doxxfags

>> No.424058

imagine watching vtubers for the gameplay

>> No.424059

Hollow Knight backseaters are worse because the game has so many missables.

>> No.424062

>This is age restricted
>The H-art reviewing stream isn't.
My bwain is bwoken.

>> No.424064

By getting rid of managers and becoming a worker co-op

>> No.424066


>> No.424072

It's a member post, you have to pay to see it Anon.

Fake and gay bait. Come on.

>> No.424074

Bayo has one of the lowest Platinum game skill floors and is the rec I'd give to any of the girls to try before moving onto other Platinum stuff. Astral Chain isn't terribly hard once you get a hang of it but it controls uniquely enough that I wouldn't throw it on anyone who already struggles with action games with more normal control schemes.

>> No.424077


>> No.424078

It probably is the HL2 whining; it smells like the same /v/ crowd.

>> No.424079

Cuckposters. Pay them no mind.

>> No.424080

We have Heimin here, too? That's news to me. Glad to see it, though, that girl lives up to her avatar as an angel.

>> No.424082

Do you think any of the ENs have the potential to produce the level of kino Haachama is putting out right now? I'm thinking Watson.

>> No.424085


>> No.424088

It's just gonna be Battleblock Theatre again, right? That she's not mentioning what game they're playing is weird. Maybe Gura will put BBT on her schedule and we'll actually be blessed with TWO Gurame streams this week.

>> No.424091


>> No.424094

I would gladly tree rrat.

>> No.424095

I am watching vtubers for cute noises and the deepest insights in the human mind.

>> No.424101

I'd believe it. The amount of butthurt faggotry over the HL2 streams is still felt today despite the streams themselves being pretty good.

>> No.424106

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.424107

They probably think it’s too cringe and they’re half right.

>> No.424109

Ame could, but she would fry her brain trying to do it every day like Haato is.

>> No.424108

Kiara has the potential, but we'll never see circumstances under which it would manifest

>> No.424112 [DELETED] 

Maybe Ina if she ever gets free of her priestess duties

>> No.424111

The fact that she needed backseating in HL2 is just sad. She should stick to auto playing gachashit, Hollow Knight is above her level.

>> No.424113

>nijinigger's posts deleted
>doxpost also deleted
based jannies/mods

>> No.424115

Watchama is still suppressing her powerlevel. The last time she went all out was her debut stream and you all couldn't handle her true power.

>> No.424116

Gura is watching fish gutting videos as we speak.

>> No.424117

yeah, if she wasn't so restricted by enma and if she got a lot more experience I could see her doing something like that

>> No.424118

Why the fuck do so many anons follow their roomate's twitters?

>> No.424121

no one said anything about whether it's right or wrong for ina to be passive when it comes to arranging collabs, it's simply the answer to the question of why ina's collabing with id instead of en. id asked, en didn't. simple as.

>> No.424123

meidos, this was a shitpost joke...
But I guess if you got the whole batch, that's ok.

>> No.424125

Enemies definetely got more aggressive on hard, though. I still think the game was designed to be played on very hard, though. Sounds brutal, but thats just the kind of experience Yoko Taro wants to give to the players of his games.

>> No.424127

the haachama zone is a weird and twisted place

>> No.424129


>> No.424130

ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.424133

Haachama has been doing this vtuber shit for 3 years, she's a veteran. Our girls will get there eventually.

>> No.424134


>> No.424138

I dont, but that post gave me a heart attack, I had to check it

>> No.424139

the vtuber mind is truly an enigma

>> No.424140

Collab again onegai

>> No.424142

Kill the thread

Your oshi
Fictional universe/series you're obsessed with

>> No.424143

The last stream was painful due to how long it took her to beat a section but overall it was pretty solid.

>> No.424144

Toss-up between Gura and Mori. Not even joking.
Mori has experience crafting stories for MV's. Most of her roommate's EP's have short stories in webcomic form.

>> No.424146

Maybe Ina if she ever gets free of her priestess duties

>> No.424147

The streams were fine. It was just the cocksuckers that were not OGEY with Ina's take on the game. HL2 didn't age well to be honest and she would have had a better time with OG HL2 or Black Mesa.

>> No.424148

h n

>> No.424151

By the way, Gura is now in the top 100 most subb'ed channels in Japan, and the top 10k world wide.

>> No.424153

Probably easier for YT to review this video instead of the 69 minute lewd review. Also her head gets chopped off in this one so I could see why they don’t want kids to see it...

>> No.424154

You're missing the point. The point is that Ina accepts collabs when she's asked since she does all these ID/Pochi collabs, so if she's not collabing then it's because they don't ask her. Of course, she's not asking them either. They're all too introverted for their own good.

>> No.424155

just... one... collab... please

>> No.424156

I hope she knows when to conclude this arc, i've seen enough horror projects on youtube to know stretching them only makes things worse over time

>> No.424158

believe it or not, there's a way to support a holo's roommate without being a doxxnigger

>> No.424159

No, enemies definitely change their behavior on hard. I noticed a lot more of the stubbies will backdash out of your combo strings so I started using the spear together with a small sword because the small sword into spear attack kicks ass at chasing backdashing enemies.

>> No.424160

But that's the thing, even shcizophrenics have to sleep, right?
I don't see an obvious hole in the schedule that's patched up, unless we have an aberrant again who fills in the timeslot between the usual SEA hours.

>> No.424162

welcome to the chum zone

>> No.424164

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

>> No.424167

Touhou I play lunatic mode

>> No.424165

Haachama has had a lot more time to establish a lore and personality(ies). Don't forget, Haachama also has Australian wyrdness stuck on her brain. Ame can probably do it, but she'd have to slowly and "naturally" build up lore around her, and being a "time traveller" really helps

>> No.424166

It's sad to see people say this about someone trying to be creative. Whether you like the content itself or not I think it's amazing to see Haato do what she's doing. Being afraid to experiment in fear of being "cringe" stifles creativity. Being a vtuber gives you so much freedom to do crazy character stuff I'm surprised more people aren't doing it.

>> No.424169

I still don't know who the fuck that is since I missed that whole debacle

>> No.424170

But FBK and Oga just had a collab yesterday?

>> No.424172

the lobotomy corpoation/library of ruina universe
it's just cool as fuck.

>> No.424174

Steven Universe

>> No.424176

She has become too powerful. A master bater. I think I had a mild stroke for a second when I saw that the tweet is real.

>> No.424178

Often beyond our comprehension.

>> No.424179

Shitposting is against the rules

>> No.424181

Literally more /jp/ than all /jp/ combined, based

>> No.424182

delusional retard
Ame is the only one that's come up with great creative streams.

>> No.424184

The legend of zelda

>> No.424187

Gundam/Final Fantasy

>> No.424189


>> No.424191

The Amnesia series. Yes, all games.

>> No.424192

Stop doxing my oshi onegai.

>> No.424194

Not sure why it was deleted.

>> No.424195

new vegas playthrough when

>> No.424196


>> No.424197


>> No.424198

Have you not seen the admittedly godlike rickroll further up itt? Kiara doesn't just have the potential, she's already tapping into it.

>> No.424199

I think the only one who wouldn't be able to do that is Gura. The others have some form of theatrics they could rely on, but Gura..

>> No.424200

I miss InAme collabs so goddamn much...

>> No.424201


>> No.424202


>> No.424206

Its probably because Kiara said that she its been some time since she felt like watching anime and is hooked on netflix series instead. But these things come and go all the time, she will eventually burn out of netflix series and go back to anime and vice versa, or maybe even find another hobby. She stills talks about some obscure shit from time to time though, like Wixoss.

>> No.424207

>the universe where we're friends
I kneel.mp4

>> No.424210


>> No.424211 [DELETED] 

wait, kiara opened an only fans? LMAO
how are chicken fans reacting to this?

>> No.424212

>mfw the entire vtuber thing was a ruse before the horror begins like in Everyman Hybrid

>> No.424214


>> No.424215

too busy being obsessed with my oshi for that

>> No.424217

They're subbing and fapping right now.
t. cum hands KFP

>> No.424218

You people really are adamant about this fucking game.

I'm gonna give it one more shot, a clean fair shake. But if I get bored again I'm throwing the disc in the dumpster.

>> No.424219

Ame and Ina are the only ones that attempt at character lore. The rest probably doesnt give a fuck

>> No.424222

inamekeks you're never getting your collab again :)

>> No.424223

Try searching if something else is deleted, maybe he got banned for something else and got that post deleted as well.

>> No.424224

I'm cumming

>> No.424226

I never goona give her up~

>> No.424228

If they're here, no reason to nip that one to prevent thread wars.

>> No.424230


>> No.424229

i cummed

>> No.424232

The only ones dedicated enough to their Roleplay reps are Kiara and Mori. Mori could if she takes off her self-cringing limiters, and Kiara could do it in a heartbeat if she had a good enough storyline, probably involving her actual limiter.
Ina, Ame and Gura aren't really into the roleplay aspect of Vtubing as much as Kiara and Mori. Ina is the closest to playing into it with her Takos, but Gura and Ame mostly use their RP the same way a bored college kid would play D&D at their school club for one semester, that is to say, very light RP with the majority of it being their real reactions and morals.

>> No.424234

I'm already subscribed

>> No.424235

we're going to reach EN's anniversary before these two decide to do a collab again...

>> No.424238

Digimon/Final Fantasy (mostly the Ivalice part though.)

>> No.424239

Been fapping for the past hour.

>> No.424244

And now I'm officially obligated to call you a newfag nigger or something like that.
Where do you people think the word "weeb" is derived from?

>> No.424245

>muh delusional.
>Most of Mori's MV's pre-hololive have themed concepts that are way beyond Ame's company-made theme.

>> No.424247

You're a Wiseau, Mori.

>> No.424249

It changes near monthly. Right now it's WoD because I've been thinking about whether or not Mori will actually do an EN /tg/ collab

>> No.424251

t. gura

>> No.424253

wait, are you still subscribed to her YT membership then? after knowing this?

>> No.424254

I just love it

>> No.424256

at least give it away to someone if you're gonna do that.

>> No.424257

Fair enough, fair enough. It wasn't very high effort anyways. I'll take the warn if it means the other retard gets it, too.

>> No.424258

DC comics
i am very lost what are these anime girls

>> No.424259

t. ame

>> No.424260

Never gonna let her down~

>> No.424263

She's hot

>> No.424264

Based Squidling/Sharkling

>> No.424265

Any side quests you don't do on the first loop as 2B will be there as 9S, so just go through the story if you want switch things up.

>> No.424266

I upgraded it to T4

>> No.424270

>Your Oshi
>Do you care about them collabing with the Homos

>> No.424272

>the level of kino
You mean "XD XD XD REVIEW PORN OF ME XD XD XD XD" all while paypigs throw money at her

>> No.424273

I wanna point out I don’t think it’s cringe personally but I could see why a lot of people would. It takes guts to be creative like that and it’s risky. I could see why someone would cringe at the thought of trying to break the mold and do something different.

>> No.424274

Mass Effect

>> No.424277


>> No.424276

Never gonna say goodbye

>> No.424279

I'm worried about a German teaching class from Kiara, what if she tries to get Gura to heil Hitler?

>> No.424281

Fuck off

>> No.424283

I'd rather she not but i'm not gonna flip my shit

>> No.424287

>your oshi
>how's the view outside your window?

>> No.424288

Kingdom Hearts and Type Moon are the ones I always turn back to, but UC Gundam is there, too.
I also write my own universe for a TTRPG and really like it but that's self-indulgence

>> No.424289

all me

>> No.424291

The schizochama arc is starting to spook me a bit now. I wonder if she's gonna conclude it for her 1M celebration.

>> No.424293


>> No.424297

Kiara's specifically gushed about Penguindrum and Minami-ke a few times. Which is how you know she has great taste.

>> No.424299

yes but only because they're boring

>> No.424305

Now that would be based.

>> No.424303

Gura COULD do it and I think she could do it very well. Unfortunately she's still at the stage where she has no confidence to do much weird stuff yet. Give her a couple years.

>> No.424307

Yes. I'm glad Gura's the only EN member that hasn't directly mentioned the homos (closest she got was cafeteria in my soul during the SOMA playthrough).
If any of my girls play with the homos I'm dropping them. Case closed.

>> No.424309

>>424082 >>>424232 >>424107 >>424108 >>424109 >>424115 >>424117 >>424133 >>424144 >>424146 >>424165 >>424199 >>424247
She is overrated and doing this for subs and views

>> No.424313

there are two quests that are exclusive to 2b though, one of them is super important to the ending twist and the other is a trigger for a minor event in route c.

>> No.424315

If it makes her happy, I'm all for it

>> No.424318

It really is the same crowd with HK. Her chat being more grey than green should have been indicative.

>> No.424319

all me

>> No.424320

No, I'm not retarded

>> No.424321


In fact, I'm looking forward to the collab song she teased, though her guest tracks haven't been as strong in the past.

>> No.424325

Good attempt

>> No.424326

No I mean kill yourself

>> No.424333

All me but you're right

>> No.424334


>> No.424335


>> No.424336

Here's hoping because it's the second stream and not the first that less of those niggers pop up.

>> No.424337

t. kfp

>> No.424340

yeah, and?

>> No.424342

I can't wait for it to happen and I hope there will be a lot of sexual tension between them
t. proud cuck

>> No.424343

all me. also, learn how to quote posts correctly. who the fuck does it horizontally, instead of vertically

>> No.424345

Kiara saw the Ame vs Haato shitflinging and decided to drop the tactical nuke to derail the thread. Sasuga Unity chimkin.

>> No.424346

Has any EN watched Utena? Any holo in general?

>> No.424347

>doing this for subs and views
Gee, I never thought of it that way.

>> No.424348

tout moi

>> No.424353

All me

>> No.424354

One Piece

>> No.424355

t. kfp

>> No.424356

Gura would probably be the one most capable of it.

>> No.424358

I prefer not, but I wouldnt flip a lid if she did. She probably wont though

>> No.424360

My blinds are always shut

>> No.424362

Good thing I never look at the chat. I hope Ina just keeps playing at her own pace.

>> No.424365

yes but only because they're boring
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:58:29 No.424303
Gura COULD do it and I think she could do it very well. Unfortunately she's still at the stage where she has no confidence to do much weird stuff yet. Give her a couple years.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:58:28 No.424305
Now that would be based.
[Streamable] Austrian Megalomania is a tale as old as time (embed)
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:58:30 No.424307
Yes. I'm glad Gura's the only EN member that hasn't directly mentioned the homos (closest she got was cafeteria in my soul during the SOMA playthrough).
If any of my girls play with the homos I'm dropping them. Case closed.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:58:38 No.424309>>424319 >>424325 >>424333 >>424335 >>424340 >>424343 >>424347 >>424348 >>424353
>>424082 >>>424232 >>424107 >>424108 >>424109 >>424115 >>424117 >>424133 >>424144 >>424146 >>424165 >>424199 >>424247
She is overrated and doing this for subs and views
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:58:47 No.424313
there are two quests that are exclusive to 2b though, one of them is super important to the ending twist and the other is a trigger for a minor event in route c.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:58:49 No.424315>>424337
If it makes her happy, I'm all for it
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:01 No.424318>>424336
It really is the same crowd with HK. Her chat being more grey than green should have been indicative.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:04 No.424319
all me
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:07 No.424320
No, I'm not retarded
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:12 No.424321

In fact, I'm looking forward to the collab song she teased, though her guest tracks haven't been as strong in the past.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:24 No.424325
Good attempt
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:26 No.424326
No I mean kill yourself
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:33 No.424333
All me but you're right
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:33 No.424334
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:34 No.424335
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:34 No.424336
Here's hoping because it's the second stream and not the first that less of those niggers pop up.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:38 No.424337>>424355
t. kfp
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:48 No.424340
yeah, and?
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:52 No.424342
I can't wait for it to happen and I hope there will be a lot of sexual tension between them
t. proud cuck
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:53 No.424343
all me. also, learn how to quote posts correctly. who the fuck does it horizontally, instead of vertically
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:53 No.424345
Kiara saw the Ame vs Haato shitflinging and decided to drop the tactical nuke to derail the thread. Sasuga Unity chimkin.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:55 No.424346
Has any EN watched Utena? Any holo in general?
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:57 No.424347
>doing this for subs and views
Gee, I never thought of it that way.
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)20:59:57 No.424348
tout moi
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)21:00:09 No.424353
All me
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)21:00:14 No.424354
One Piece
Anonymous 02/09/21(Tue)21:00:16 No.424355
t. kfp

>> No.424366

>HL2 didn't age well
>she would have had a better time with OG HL2

>> No.424368

>>424319 >>424325 >>424333 >>424335 >>424340 >>424343 >>424347 >>424348

>> No.424369

i want to have sex with kiara

>> No.424370

Wait, don't they all stream for sub and views? What the fuck do you think is their goal?

>> No.424371

I won't deliberately restrict her actions, she can do whatever she wants if that makes her happy

>> No.424372

I don't want the homos to have to deal with it if they don't want to, and they seem very content keeping to their side of the fence with only occasional collabs if both parties are interested in it.
I think most of the people who want homo collabs aren't actually fans of the homos themselves, because if they were, they'd know that the homos aren't fond of this kind of discussion in the first place.

>> No.424373

I wouldn't mind a holotalk

>> No.424374

>your LEAST liked EN holo
>say one nice thing about her

>> No.424375

hard to call it shitflinging when there's only two retards throwing shit

>> No.424377

All me, including the website text

>> No.424382

Never gonna give her up

>> No.424383

ok mori

>> No.424384

Ask me how much I've donated to Gura. You're gonna hate my answer :)

>> No.424385

GOOD post.

>> No.424386

You whores CANNOT stop yourself from replying "all me" every time. Watch, you're gonna do it again.

>> No.424388

>this formating

>> No.424389

Literally me

>> No.424390

Anon, I think you got his game. He's reacting.

>> No.424393

I find it funny that the homos are referred to as such so much that it became a term of endearment.

>> No.424394

>She is overrated and doing this for subs and views
I don't have animosity towards her but I agree. I just don't feel attached to her because she acts like such a meme most of the time.

>> No.424398

all me

>> No.424399

No, in fact Astel's current stream is making me want it more. His English is hilarious

>> No.424401

please stop typing (You) in brackets you guys, it makes it harder for me to find replies to my posts.

>> No.424403

¿Todos esos post que ves? Todos son yo

>> No.424404

all of me

>> No.424405


>> No.424406

Joke on you, I have self control.
All me btw

>> No.424409

Snow and dead trees

>> No.424408

She can sing good

>> No.424412

I share a thread with people like this...

>> No.424413

>Anon is a whore
That's true tho
All me btw

>> No.424415

She's definitely resilient

>> No.424416

I fucking love her.

>> No.424417

lla em<

>> No.424418

>she does a good job at controlling her chat

>> No.424419


>> No.424420

Why is it EN/ID's job to promote the stars?

>> No.424422

Ina inan hour

>> No.424423

HL1, sorry that was a typo on my end.
I run 4chan btw

>> No.424424


>> No.424425

You mean T2?

>> No.424426

all me
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>> No.424428

Or I might call you based, it depends. So, how much?

>> No.424429


>> No.424430

I don't give a fuck, people can keep shitflinging and baiting here but I'll love my oshi dearly no matter what the homos are up to

>> No.424432

that is, in fact, my posts.

>> No.424434

Haachama will never be EN

>> No.424435


>> No.424438

>One Piece
Yonko are overrated. Akainu can extreme diff Kaido.

>> No.424439



>> No.424441

I want a Pizza Dad collab where they just try to outpun each other like how the POCHI collabs were like

>> No.424442

>Astel and his friends are making fun of foreigners who speak Jap
Bros, I thought they were cool...

>> No.424443

She has a cute voice in low doses and is a nice singer.

>> No.424444

Can you see all of me?
Walk into my mystery
Step inside and hold on for dear life
Do you remember me?
Capture you or set you free
I am all, I am all of me

>> No.424446

Todos yo

>> No.424448

Didn't she make a Rose of Versailles reference at one point or am I thinking of one of the other ENs?

>> No.424449


>> No.424451


>> No.424453

I haven't had a chance to start the void but why is Mori's video so short did she rage quit?

>> No.424454


>> No.424452

Good wordplay sticks around, just like deadbeats and doxxbeats.

>> No.424455

all by my lonesome

>> No.424459

A deadbeat and a homofag

>> No.424460

Her beats are nice

>> No.424461

Could make for some fun streams, not opposed

>> No.424463

Schizo that was so upset that his post history got nailed down he gave the thread cheese pizza and kept insisting it was the mods trying to ban him that posted it, despite (You)ing me several times to it to try and get me in trouble as well. Stuck around in poals to defend himself afterwards, might still lurk.

Chumbat has him on his list, though.

Saw a theory thrown around that it was graveyard shift SEAnigs. Could also be two or more shifts of shitters that pick up and drop masks as needed, I've done my fair share of t.deadbeating when that was still fresh.

hlgg welcomes all Holos, as that guy recounted.

Fucking hell, I leave for ten minutes to grab some toast and he shifts again. We really need some detectivefags to track the shitposts of a single thread as it develops, I can't be around 24/7.

>> No.424465

Great art

>> No.424469

All me

>> No.424470

She's better than my oshi at games

>> No.424471

I like Dragonball. Kamehameha.

>> No.424472

She exists i guess and teamates like her so thats nice

>> No.424476

She's still really good, there isn't a bad EN, but a standout is probably her ability to light a fire under people's asses, for better or worse.

>> No.424477

>she's one cute and amusing dork

>> No.424480

Man that last pic Kiara posted on her Onlyfans is fucking hot. Opening her pussy like that on all fours really gets me going..

>> No.424479

I don't care, but I'm not going to push for it and I doubt it would make for good content.

>> No.424481


>> No.424482

Everyone mocks weebs, especially self hating Japanese.

>> No.424484

her lobotomy corporation streams are nice.

>> No.424485

Lots of fucking snow

>> No.424487

1300 United States dollars

>> No.424489

She knows what she wants. I wish the other girls were as straightforward

>> No.424493

Well, I'm not doing my reps.
t. deadbeef

>> No.424492

>dream collab

>> No.424494


>> No.424498

she tries her best

>> No.424499


>> No.424502

>RBC not topping that list

>> No.424503

Why wont Gura collab with her jp senpais? Does she hate them or something? Does she think she is far above them because she has more subscribers?? I just wish she would stop being rude to the ones that put her up there......

>> No.424505

Alles von mir.

>> No.424507

Is nice with my oshi

>> No.424508

1) Quote like 10-15 anons at the start of a thread
2) Get "all me" (you)s
3) Quote all of them again
4) Get "all me" (you)s again
5) Repeat ad nauseam until the thread dies
Congratulations, you've defeated /hlgg/.

>> No.424510

She seems very passionate about streaming

>> No.424511

Whats a window?

>> No.424512


>> No.424515

please refrain from abusing (*you)s by typing it in your post. People search for them with the find option and it makes it difficult.

>> No.424517

The big problem is that Haachama can't speak english

>> No.424519

It wasn't, it got killed super early on in the thread. Presumably for talking about roommate while using Vtuber terms.

>> No.424520


>> No.424522

Works hard.

>> No.424524

Yes, anyone wanting a collab doesnt care about the homo's they just want to piss a certain segment of the fanbase off

>> No.424525

You mean, t. deadweight?

>> No.424526

What did we tell you about fisting the robot girls

>> No.424527

She's pretty funny and has had some good ideas up her sleeve, also clearly cares for her fans very much.

>> No.424528

>I guess she is an alright friend for the chicken...

>> No.424529

>Does she think she is far above them because she has more subscribers??
Ironically, she thinks she's below them because of the language barrier.
And that's good by the way, just take a look at Ame collabs with the JPs.
She could collab with Haachama or Coco tho.

>> No.424530


>> No.424531

sry rbcbros, i'm out.

>> No.424532

She is very hardworking and her music is pretty good even if I personally don't like it

>> No.424533

This fucking gaijin japanese voice is killing me

>> No.424534

She is very calming

>> No.424536

What is mean can’t speak English ? I’m spiggin it!

>> No.424537

cunny isn't the same as a full fledged vagina

>> No.424538

You forgot the
>get banned

>> No.424541

>implying I'm not intentionally helping kill the thread

still all me

>> No.424543

Never gonna see the mountaintop, come back next week

>> No.424545

Astel singing archive!


>> No.424546

I only start "all me" posting when the thread is dying and survey posting dies. It helps kill the thread faster, you're right

>> No.424547


>> No.424550

t. (You)beat

>> No.424555

She deleted but one of her first roomate tweets post debut was basically "gee I wonder where all the new followers are from..." and liked a tweet that referred to Aloe

>> No.424553

Has anyone ever been banned for this shit?

>> No.424557

It will only make me hate these threads, might dip out of them depending on how bad they get, but it wouldn't stop me from watching or anything.

>> No.424560

She is pro Unity

>> No.424561

It's literally fresh pussy that just matured

>> No.424563

>BR 2049
So which holo will complete the trinity and watch Drive?

>> No.424565

She has good eyes?

>> No.424566


>> No.424568

no. (you) will be first

>> No.424571

Nah, Brother Watson is what Ame uses to refer to her brother when she mentions him, it's not roommate posting.

>> No.424572

I really liked her last single

>> No.424574


>> No.424579


>> No.424580

(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>> No.424581

What's sex with Kiara like?
I know you're here Mori!

>> No.424582

I enjoyed her cyberpunk watchalongs, hope she does more.

>> No.424585


>> No.424588


>> No.424590

I thought the implication was that it'd be Haato, Hachama and Hawatson. Am I too much of a (yuri)cuck? Does it matter?

>> No.424591

Yes, when it starts being annoying and retarded, even anons stop answering with all me, they're just doing it now to kill the thread.

>> No.424593

I like her unarchived karaoke streams a lot, because I can recognise like half the songs in her set list and I listened to a fair amount of them beforehand.

>> No.424594

That shit still cracks me up

>> No.424595

Idk, ritualposting then? Saw it a bunch over the last few days.

>> No.424597

>your oshi
>has it ever actually been all you?

>> No.424599

my oshi is cuter than yours

>> No.424601

They form the actual trinity

>> No.424602

Anal with Kiara

>> No.424604

Yea, flooding will get you a ban.

>> No.424605


>> No.424607

>just matured
cunny is the opposite of matured

>> No.424610

Literally every single time

>> No.424611

Mouth full of feathers/10, wouldn't recommend.

>> No.424612

Not Gura's 9000 yo cunny

>> No.424613

your oshi is smelly and dumb

>> No.424615

I still think it's hilarious that killing a thread over a hundred posts away from 1500 posts is a thing. On normal boards, hitting bump limit is a really good achievement for a thread.

>> No.424617

All me

>> No.424621

Anything the vtuber has talked about in a stream is free game, but you gotta remember that our jannies do not have to watch all streams of the Holos.

>> No.424622

too far :(

>> No.424625

I bet she'd cry but still wouldn't tell you to stop, god that's so hot

>> No.424626

Its pretty schizo but at least he's doing it to try and protect Gura. Just hope he doesn't take it too far.

>> No.424627

No, but it would probably be awkward and boring (think the Roboco collab minus a cute girl) and it would make the threads unusable.

>> No.424628

Sweaty and awkward

>> No.424629

>always has been

>> No.424631

If she's smelly I'll lick her clean

>> No.424632

How did you know that Gura's my oshi?

>> No.424633

I'm attached to my dick and want it to stay attached, so I'd rather she just vibed heh and we played some Apex or soemthing.

>> No.424636

She has good comedic timing. The EN collab where she silently contemplated stealing from Mori's chest was grade A humor. I wish I had saved a clip or timestamp.

>> No.424637

Pretty sure chimkin said she goes to a salon and gets it all lasered off or whatever.

>> No.424638

my oshi's better than your oshi >:)

>> No.424639

I wish holo's could collab with males

>> No.424643

>Your Oshi
>A JP indie you want to see people recognize more often

>> No.424644

Yes sometimes the UUOOHH poster literally just tags me 10 times because the cunny was all me

>> No.424645


Point and laugh at the cucks, anons. Point and laugh.


Well-adjusted, heterosexual, high-T men. Congratulations, you're not a flaming cuckfaggot.

>> No.424648


>> No.424649

I love gura

>> No.424653

She makes an entire region of the planet seethe c:

>> No.424656

Not one bit

>> No.424657

yeah well smelly's the best part

>> No.424658

all me

>> No.424659

That's exactly why she's my oshi
t. teamate

>> No.424660

All (you)

>> No.424663


>> No.424665

Then I'd lick her clean
Aren't girls the hottest when they're almost retarded?

>> No.424667


>> No.424666

All me.

>> No.424668

"Holos" is for the girls, and "stars" sounds weird.

>> No.424670


>> No.424671

I wish your asshole would collab with my cock.

>> No.424673


>> No.424674

All us

>> No.424676

Kiara love
