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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42003280 No.42003280 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Previous thread: >>41769454

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Survive
- Be nice
-Don't be Stupid

>Note that the map is set in stone.
>Casual Stories or Greentexts of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Ignore any trolls, falseflaggers or dramafags. Report, hide and move on.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:




>> No.42003363

Wtf you on my dude, we are on page 9

>> No.42003418
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Please mark and tag the section you want the relevant content to be archived. Unmarked posts will not be archived.
Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
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Anchor post for events in the /vtwbg/ canon timeline.
Reply to this post or commentate directly in the sheet suggestions for events to add to the timeline.

>> No.42003565
File: 202 KB, 1383x2002, 1660108273766393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.


>Vote Results
Aggregated Past Vote Results:
>Vote post archive

>> No.42003720
File: 171 KB, 850x850, 1660134491276743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

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Last thread's new lore/discussion you might have missed:

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

>> No.42003745
File: 1.07 MB, 2881x4093, 1673994854265968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

- - -
Last thread's new lore/discussion you might have missed:

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

>> No.42005397
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>> No.42005980

Mf stole my bake

>> No.42007599

Hoomans. I just discovered potato candy.

>> No.42007951

I'm bored, so why not, I'll fight you on this one. Page 9 is too early to start ANYTHING, hell, even page 10 can be early depending on what state the board is in. Just look at our anchors. OP needs 2 edits, the previous thread link and the edition, that's it. 10s edits total. The lore anchor is a simple copy paste, the vote anchor needs updates once in a blue moon and the prompts anchor needs only the lore posts from previous thread copy pasted in, which is again, a 10s edit at most.

Baking this, even on phone, never took me more than 4 min max, and no matter what is happening on the board, that is fast enough to always get the link in the last thread as well. Which this baker still didn't manage to do, despite starting it way back on page 9. All in all, leave baking to those that know how to do it in the future.

To anyone baking in the future, here's a small tip: open the catalog and look at where we stand. If there are more than 10 threads before us that will get bumped off, don't start anything. Keep refreshing until we move down, preferably in the 8-5 thread range.

>> No.42008279
File: 610 KB, 2386x3579, Papercraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. That's cool.

>> No.42008317
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Neat. There's also the kind that's made out of coconut and has no potats in them. Guess that can be regional to the coast.

>> No.42008635
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>> No.42008968

>lol, you post threads on page 10? that's too early to start anything, bro. you should be able to post the whole thing while the old thread is on page 11. trust me, i'm a pro bread-maker.
can we admit that everyone has different speeds, and that it is fine as long as the bread is made. do you think op wouldn't have benefited from posting the thread earlier if he wanted to be able to link it to the previous thread? i mean, the more time you have to link the threads, the more likely you are to get it before the other dies. who said we had to link the threads only at the absolute last second before the old one died? for me, page 9 is a great compromise between being too early, and too late. or rather, the beginning of page 10 is the best option, and getting everything prepared at page 9 is good because it gives you enough time to make edits in the event that anything isn't done correctly. idk, i prefer taking more time to make sure everything is correct than doing everything in a hurry and getting things wrong, i guess i'm not an infallible, bread-making speedrunner like you.

>> No.42009062
File: 248 KB, 702x799, 1674942506933262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just need a supply of peanuts, sugar, and powdered sugar. I don't think it'll work with honey. You got any ideas where I should put a hearth and fireplace? Do I need to put it more in the middle of the building? If so then I'll arrange the store to the south and lounge/workshop to the northwest.

Reupload for easy access.

>> No.42009153

No need to follow the recipe 1 to 1. I think fruit and berry preserves can still do nicely.

>> No.42009587
File: 523 KB, 2067x2923, fire6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire is tipically to the sides of the building right? Something about avoiding fires and minimizing damage

>> No.42010453

In the case of potato candy you need the sugar to be dry. The sugar crystals bonding with starch is what causes the potato mash to be dough-like. In the meantime we will have hard candy recipes made from honey and maple syrup. Another cheaper recipe would be to make berry filled potato buns. The buns would be potato and barley or wheat flour.

>> No.42010958

Didn't see before I hit post. Most buildings older fireplaces were made for were much smaller. That said I seen modern chimney designs where they heated up multiple rooms at once with just a single fire. I could swap the walls between lounge and store and have a fireplace more even with the building. The fireplace is in the lounge because it can be used to boil water needed to clean clothes, towels, and blankets.

>> No.42011421

The interactive map now includes the latest vote’s results.

>> No.42011585

Thanks for the heads up and your work, AtlasAnon.

>> No.42014735

I sometimes spend like 15 minutes trying to look for good images for the anchors so yeah I agree. Announcing a bake at page 9 if the board is fast at the moment isn't that strange to me.

>> No.42015360

So for the heating issue with a ground wood fire is that you need an efficient wood burning furnace to bring heat to the second floor. A hearth is not a very efficient fireplace. Technically we could build a stove on the second floor. However that'd make us burn more wood than we should.

I suppose spaceman design can cheat a little. We can create heat vents that travel through the floor from the ground fire that will heat up the second floor easy. We'd lose the hearth but we can still boil water in a cast iron pan designed to sit on the fireplace. We can cover the burner with a lid and handle when not in use. It might be a little more expensive investment. Alternatively we can heat the ground floor so hot the heat radiates to the second floor. But that'd make the floors thin. I think the vented fireplace works. And if you're worried about smoke then don't. The chimney will be designed to pull smoke into the flue and out the building. We'll have to make a tin cap but it can work.

I think I'll flip the store and the lounge around. Which is just moving walls. And I'll make a fireplace between the lounge and store. Once that's done first floor will be complete. Second floor should be easier to design as its a dormatory. I'm not even going to bother to lay out the attic as its one open floor. Might be able to finish this tomorrow or Tuesday.

>> No.42020226


>> No.42023477

Random question time: which Vitubian country would you most want to vacation in and why?

>> No.42023780

Once upon a time I thought about making a theme park with space age tech. But if you're into troll hunting there's the Schizo Wastelands.

I just want to go where there's bath houses and hotsprings.

>> No.42024036

> I just want to go where there's bath houses and hotsprings.
Then /vnug/‘s the place to be! Maybe give their lore a browse if you haven’t: yet, it’s got a lot of heart.

>> No.42024384

There's also Sakuraun and Moriji. I don't know other countries with a big bathing culture. Also I want to bring Palkyries bananas and strawberries.

>> No.42024711

> I don't know other countries with a big bathing culture
I think Infinitum also had some of that going on?
>Also I want to bring Palkyries bananas and strawberries.
I want to pick one up and punt it like a football

>> No.42025152

Is Infititum /inf/-/infinity/? Because they're going through another volcanic ash storm right now.

>> No.42025331 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1267x1440, 1666028121235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically /meat/. The jungle's got some interesting fauna and the food, aside from the cannibalism should be pretty great. Also the various religious rituals and places of interest like pyramids are pretty unique to /meat/.

>> No.42025602

I’m not sure I even want to ask what they’ve gotten themselves embroiled in this time…
Well, I hear they’re pretty hospitable towards guests at least? Just try to avoid ending up on a one-way trip.

>> No.42026543

Sup. was reconnecting with irl friends for a couple of days. what I missed?

>> No.42026687

Bakery is almost done being drafted.

>> No.42027646


>> No.42030222

Chapter 1: is it acceptable to post bondage image bumps here?

>> No.42031886

alright i had to sleep and had work

so as for the new vote system and the trial vote, from my view since this is meant to be how we do things forward, if all goes well with the voote and there are no major issues to be resolved that the result should be considered valid no matter which it is. only if there are huge failures from it and we feel that as it stands we cannot move on should we consider the votes invalid.

but before that, i would say that we don't have these votes directly this weekend but instead the week after so that:

1. we can discuss some potential issues of some that we can iron out before the first vote with the proposed system.

2. we can discuss the regions that were proposed in case anyone feels that a region or two might not be proper and talk that out first.

3. give regions a chance to figure out how they might best handle voting among themselves.

this gives around 10 days to discuss these things for all those that felt that the proposal as is, is not worked out enough yet and that want to discuss it further before the first vote with it.

as for the votes that would be held on the weekend of next week:

1. With the addition of new maps in the 3.0 map that are further away and not necessarily in the territorial waters of a nation, how should this be handled?

2. Should the rework of the climate of the world be implemented and if we do, how should we handle it for nations that already created lore under the assumption of a different climate?

>> No.42031890

2434, daily event

>> No.42032467

also until some actual discussioon about the vote proposal itself starts i invite the northern indie region to discuss the 2 issues to be voted on.

i propose as i do with this post that we anchor the start of our conversation to the vote anchor so if one of us missed the talk we can more easily see it and as long as we reply to posts related to the discussion of our region i think it will help us all be up to date of what we discuss.

as for my opinion for the votes:

1. i think that any nation that wants to use islands for good lore reasons should be able to make a proposal that then gets voted on. for me the intent should be lore first and foremost, if annyone jsut wants an island "just cause" that for me would not be a reason for that. i also would like anyone to question if the lroe they want to create is indeed of need for an island and cannot be done at home. if its just lore about wanting a place to grow a crop there that could also be planted at home for example i also don't think that should give an island. those islands are limited and we should not jsut nilly willy ask for more islands jsut because we ran out either so i rather avoid some form of "arms race" to get an island before they are all gone. i also want this to be fair to everyone on a meta level and not as i remember before that only naval nation should have reason to claim one because that would be unfair and would also jsut create a situation that means everyone makes naval nations even more as it already is so they can have the right to an island. we want to encourage nations to differ and not to be samey.

2. i think we should implement the new climate because it was made with reason from respectable work that was put in but i also want every nation that gets strongly affected by it to have a right to stick with their old climate even if it means less realism and a bit of weird climate patches because this is a world building project first and foremost and not a second earth simulator

>> No.42033075
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I agree we should anchor us together!!
For the islands, Rumina would like to have a longer look at the map first before any comment but we agree with Retro mostly.
I like the new climate so I support it.

>> No.42033296
File: 47 KB, 440x600, cutelize!4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL NIJIREPS, You are now part of our group which we will call something chuuni eventually but its southern heavenly at the moment.

As of now with active members, it is 2434 niji males, nijien, nenmen and ap global. I want to hear from each one of you, especially my southern kouhais who are SHY.

We will be discussing the proposals for this trial and you we may even discuss regional specific things overall to test the waters. Maybe even discuss some random island close to the shores of some place in our region for discussion about who controls it, yes?

>> No.42033351

>>42033296 (me)
I am also going to test a theory about a group discussion rentry that will go over what we discussed, the stances of each of us, etc.

>> No.42033438

nijimales reporting in. Let me collect my thoughts first.

>> No.42033464

since my climate doesn't really change much and i think your cliamte was already described based on the new climate, would you be fine if we weight /jidf/ a bit more for this because i think the desert they wanted would be affected by this a bit more and its for reasons liek that why i rather have people have a chance to keep the old cliamte even with the new one.

>> No.42033507

Yes!! PKG too since they also are effected.

>> No.42033567
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I know i am not part of this region, but I recommend checking in with Z to see if anything can be done potentially since he is the most active climate anon.

>> No.42033908

Well considering i wanted actually to write for jidf and kawaii at a certain point, and i am always free to help, i can think of some things. It wont be desert but semi arid can happen in some parts of it.

>> No.42034702

Okay, so forget about chuuni name or ranks for now. Let's discuss the current topics.

I will make my stance clear that I support the new climate system with the way retro described it as well since this isn't a real-world simulator. I like it overall personally.

Islands... I think that the first step is to decide what islands were are even talking about, as in showing them on the map and what territorial waters are. I remember Alice's proposal for territorial waters being accepted by most but morig has their own definition. Do we consider the at large concept or base it one what a nation thinks. I lean to the former just because while a nation can set its own waters, we cannot reasonably apply that to all nations.

And about an island around our area. Let's find one and discuss it.

>> No.42035200

I pretty much share the same opinions as I also like the cooler climate model personally but our two nations didn't change really. As for the islands, agreed with what retro said but also want to add that I also think there is no problem with Islands swaping hands as time goes along as they did IRL in many such cases.

>> No.42035422
File: 464 KB, 583x648, akirafrown2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on didn't we discussed on a warmer model 3beat proposed?

>> No.42036036

What warmer model?

>> No.42036669

>warmer model

>> No.42040216


>> No.42042530

Good morning. I rested well enough I suppose.

>> No.42044953


>> No.42044992

Haaton anon, how much conflict would you say is in your setting and to what scale does the God King Yagoo allow his children to do war?

>> No.42045045

morn' breadman, good to know you rested well. I wrote up more stuff but I don't know where the fuck it goes or where I have to anchor it so I'm kinda spooked.

>> No.42045290

This >42003418 is the archive anchor and this >42003720 is the catch-up anchor. Just reply to the first anchor to every thread if you are posting new lore. Unless you are changing the URL if you edited a old lore doc just announce it in the thread, no need to anchor again. The latter, catch-up anchor is "non-mandatory" since the anon baking can just use the archive anchor to find most of the lore posts posted in the old thread.

>> No.42045501

I wanted to take a shower but the city pipe busted. I really don't want to buy a gallon of water and boil it to spit bath.

>> No.42046155

I dont have the heart for this project anymore. They keep undermining everything I do and get no backlash. Lies upon lies, have broken me. But Moriji will live on i guess…

>> No.42046423

Schizo autists have been attacking the mentally exhausted. I'd like to know what happened to the other deadbeats. Discord leaks don't help.

>> No.42048469

Can i get another chuubanite autist break down of the heavenly realm and the catalog and the conceptual realm and all that bullshit, just for funsies?

>> No.42048892
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1000, 1666312428369912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only known deadbeat is currently chained in my basement, forced to practice his parries, the fucking casual. You'll get him back within the year, if all goes well.

>> No.42049335

Okay, cool, thanks! I'll keep that in mind, I just want to polish the tiny rentry I have at the moment so I can anchor it, though right now I'm going to get busy once again. Hopefully its decent enough though...

>> No.42049504

More common in the past but rarer now. Since his children can die and technology has advanced over time plus the threat of outside monsters has made warfare uncommon. Brief border skirmishes occasionally happen. Once they realized they could be killed they mostly stopped trying to kill each other.
Yagoo doesn’t care if they kill each other, only if one grows too large or too powerful as to overwhelm the others.
I previously had it that he wouldn’t let them annex others territory but I decided that was dumb

>> No.42050360

You got a map in mind that this takes place on? There were a few holomaps back in the day

>> No.42051192

Yeah but I gotta get home first so it’ll be a few hours

>> No.42051226

Other one is a verified schizo who is likely Alice’s anti. Other one just makes stonks.

>> No.42051573

Alice is Alice's schizo though

>> No.42052408

Sure bud. Whatever helps you sleep at night considering how rent free she lives in your head. You probably go to your therapist and cry about it.

>> No.42052589

I am Alice's schizo tho...

>> No.42052797

Oh right, almost slipped my mind. Archiveanon, if you would be so kind, remove https://files.catbox.moe/nryinz.png from /hag/ archive. There was a misunderstanding and it's not a correct one.

>> No.42052890

Its been a rough Monday with the city pipe busting. At least they dug up some stumps for us. Just doing updates and maintenance now.

>> No.42054226

I am her love but she doesnt love meee ToT

>> No.42054595

I miss haganon...

>> No.42054666

Same dude, same...

>> No.42055276

Is the ban 30 days or permanent?

>> No.42055353

Anon was here for 2 weeks and gets more love for being retarded and “I miss you” shit than anyone else. Never seen anything like this. Kys, its fucking cringe.

>> No.42055393

How would the guy even get a permaban? Those aren't just doled out, kek.

>> No.42055412

They are gone. PG and the dickriders like cunt, 3beat and clocks scared them away because their hand was being held on everything by them.

>> No.42055435

This but less vile, guy was cool but was either an unironic retard abuse victim or someone larping as one. Don't quite get the obsession here...

>> No.42055525

Nta but same. I never see this kind of obsession over anyone else and its kind of creepy ngl.

>> No.42055572

Don't worry anon, I'll make a "I miss..." post for you as well once you're gone. If you could expedite the process though, that would be nice.

>> No.42055577

So they quit?

I remember somebody got a 30 day ban but I don't remember who.

>> No.42055584

They were the last good anon we got and we miss them. Sorry, but i just dont like how you guys think this is a big deal. We just want them back.

>> No.42055637

Its alright cunt, you got parasocial over an anon on here like dragoon and just have a hard time coping. You can cry a little bit, we understand

>> No.42055663

Oh its objectively creepy, same with alot of the shit people say here in a discord groomer kind of way but unironic.

>> No.42055762

The only one I'm parasocial for is (you), anon <3

>> No.42055806

I'm thinking they might have just left and used the ban thing as a cover to not have anyone running after them like last time, or they got into a convo that made them swear off vt and didn't want anyone here to cause a big hubub over their absence. The guy was talking about leaving every other post

>> No.42055879

This is probably it, ngl.

>> No.42056317

I miss alice

>> No.42056481

I miss ri2ner

>> No.42058140

Dude was just writing his own thing while not caring about group politics at all, it was also fun to watch him figure stuff out.
The fact he most likely left because of stupid shit and stupid rulemongering also sucks.

>> No.42061386


>> No.42064553

Don't know if I'll stick around much after the bakery. Once the bakery is built and the business plan is written I think I'll take a long break. To be honest its demoralizing to see someone quit every week.

>> No.42067376
File: 358 KB, 1131x916, 1654514091728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42067549
File: 1.04 MB, 1279x765, chrome_fhxIlqvq8q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's the map I've currently gotten. Sorry for the delay, had to finish work first
It's probably not finalized but this is what I have so far.

>> No.42068161

I'm assuming it was a random gen and not made in any editing programs, I think if you're going full "flat earth fantasy" you can essentially do whatever you want unless you're good with that map, feel free to ask anyone willing to map it out if you wanted a more cohesive alternate map with a bit less clutter.
We've got several duds lying around.

>> No.42068728

I randomly generated the map using a flat earth layout and then started sticking the countries together. The congested feel is intentional, difficult navigation is supposed to be part of the setting. Likewise all the empty bits is the fog I mentioned before. The map is actually way larger, this is only the bit I'm currently using.
Still not settled on the countries sizes but I'm leaning towards it, with the idea that in order to reduce conflict nations agreed to partition up their lands into relatively equal spaces.
The environment is relatively habitable with the exception of abandoned territories which are giant empty wastelands teeming with monsters that are basically impossible to tame. One a ruler dies, the land itself becomes chaotic and twisted
That being said if you wanna take a shot at it be my guest mi amigo. I've already gotten all the different nations their flags and rulers and some of the towns. Currently working on full names for each state + reason why some states were lost.

>> No.42068765

Yeah totally unbiased response here. Likely from one of the mongrels that accuses other newfags all the time. Do yourself a favour, you are the ones who constantly make group politics a thing with them so knock it off.

>> No.42069914

or you know, you could not be butthurt and jealous of someone simply having been liked by others. why the fuck are you all making such a huge deal out of it?

>> No.42070405

Sup vnugget, what you working on these days?

>> No.42070623

anon it feels like you're the one making a big deal out of anons pointing out your weird ass behavior and you're spurging out about it. These conversations only go on because you go full defense and don't know how to ignore others

>> No.42070816
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1648294706872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know if I’m in the mood of writing for now but I’ve been working on another chapter for Borasmor’s story

>> No.42071009

Look in the mirror, you are being a creepy sperg over this.

>> No.42071096

No, not really. I dont see how me and others really liking someone and missing them is worthy of such outrage. It is disturbing that i cannot express my feelings on it without hatred.

>> No.42071234

that was my first response in this whole conversation but sure whatever, pretend like you are the reasonable people that throw shit at people jsut because they mentioned they miss someone, not like half the thread held a funeral for panon in the thread when they all knew he would still be talking with them via cord

>> No.42071243

There is nothing creepy about it kek. now shut up alice [spoiler/]

>> No.42071306

Retro, this has been done for weeks now. Thats why its fucking creepy.

>> No.42071379

Its not outrage or hatred.
It's just really creepy dude, I liked the guy's lore and interacted with him positively too but they were just a random anon. It's really weird to have this kind of reaction to a random guy for this long when there have and are other new writers in the thread.

>> No.42071659

and? just let people miss others, i miss many people that are gone now, and the new writers are still there, they haven't potentially left. i can consider many things from other anons as creepy too but i can also choose to ignore it because its not a fucking issue in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.42071776

Well when you add the cards up and remember that the same person who constantly says i miss haganon specifically targeted newfags they didnt like as alice sockpuppets, it really makes ya think here.

>> No.42072011

Hasnt left my mind either. Its rich actually. “Anyone i dont like is alice.”

>> No.42072016

the fact i couldn't even be distinguished in this conversation from the previous posts before i used my trip really makes me question that statement, but sure, believe what you want, but surely you can distinguish everyone just based on a single statement

i got work to get ready for and jsut wanted to see if actual worthwhile discussions happened by now, have fun sperging out about one person being missed by some that liked them with reasonings liek that and then wonder how we ever got to this group mentality shit to begin with.

>> No.42072138

Retro, you can always just NOT respond to this or these comments. You giving such a charged reaction makes it sound like you understand how weird it is to be constantly prying about the status of this one anon for weeks. It's really weird that some of you treat people no longer writing here as some kind service and if he left because he was uncomfortable, I doubt this weird fixation is going to help make him more comfortable posting here.

>> No.42072171
File: 10 KB, 225x225, E543FD93-A264-4C48-99E5-585820E164A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oh my, this thread is fucking retarded too much. Let someone miss someone but also stfu about saying it all the time. Its not that big of a deal, like all things here. >We do not care.

>> No.42072343

I miss Sana but I don't bring it up every thread.

>> No.42073142

How the hell would that new ai gen fit with the lore scraps we have for the current ai threads? From what I can tell, most of it is making chuubas fuck horses.

>> No.42073455

I miss Pink Man...

>> No.42073594

VNUGBOI! Did you see kokones call of cthulu character creation. It was fucking amazing

>> No.42073915
File: 211 KB, 500x500, 1656545339273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did! TRPG streams are always nice to watch especially if they spawn more lore/memes for us

>> No.42073964

>Call of Cthulhu
I will now watch your shill, Call of Cthulhu is a real man's tabletop game

>> No.42074043


>> No.42074302

Much thanks.
Planning my own tabletop scenario for Delta Green and I've been wanting some chuubas to watch while I plan shit. She sounds like she knows a bit about CoC too, this'll be nice.
