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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42022176 No.42022176 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here humbly asking wtf are unicorns. Please don't judge me.

>> No.42022256

Horse with boner

>> No.42022266

NijiEN deflection, someone post the bee or miko

>> No.42022292

The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead.

In European literature and art, the unicorn has for the last thousand years or so been depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long straight horn with spiralling grooves, cloven hooves, and sometimes a goat's beard. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could be captured only by a virgin. In encyclopedias, its horn was described as having the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness. In medieval and Renaissance times, the tusk of the narwhal was sometimes sold as a unicorn horn.

A bovine type of unicorn is thought by some scholars to have been depicted in seals of the Bronze Age Indus Valley civilization, the interpretation remaining controversial. An equine form of the unicorn was mentioned by the ancient Greeks in accounts of natural history by various writers, including Ctesias, Strabo, Pliny the Younger, Aelian,[2] and Cosmas Indicopleustes.[3] The Bible also describes an animal, the re'em, which some translations render as unicorn.[2]

The unicorn continues to hold a place in popular culture. It is often used as a symbol of fantasy or rarity.[4]

>> No.42022324

the good guys broadly speaking

>> No.42022345


>> No.42022356

subhuman creatures

>> No.42022376

Go back. I won't judge you.

>> No.42022398

In the context of the board, unicorns only show themselves to pure/virgin girls, untainted by interactions with males. They insist they run this place but hardly have any proof of it

>> No.42022401

Well yeah, they're horses.

>> No.42022423
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>> No.42022436

But subhuman implies they're a form or derivative of human, which isn't true

>> No.42022497

They are the true vtuber audience, that's all you need to know

>> No.42022523

White horses with a horn, they only appear before virgin women, no one believes they exist.

>> No.42022557


>> No.42022583

In the context of vtubing and idol culture, unicorn is someone that wants his oshi to be pure, so a virgin.
But this board is full of retarded mongoloids, so anyone that is even a gachi is called a unicorn.
All of these retards have or have HAD celebrity crushes at least once or twice in their lives, which makes them gachi's, but they shit on others and call them "unicorns".

>> No.42022612

>still getting newfags
please no

>> No.42022700
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>> No.42022871

Someone who is willing to join an already established relationship for sex with both male and female partners.

>> No.42023132

Whether you are a legit newfag or another chuubaa looking to fit in, please please PLEASE do not ask people shit like this direcctly because they will feed you all the wrong answers. unironically lurk moar

>> No.42023344

i thought chuubas who dont exclusively stay in their general are mentally ill. or at least thats what the impression ive gotten idk ive been here for about 2 months

>> No.42024011

On Vtubing the Unicorn slang is used on people that hates any females vtubers that interact with males and is commonly used as a derogative. They get super toxic and delusional when a vtuber they like interact with a male like if she shouldnt do it or is a sin if she does. Ofc being a unicorn always comes with a parasocial crush one way or another and this hate for males is pure childish jealousy nothing else. You ussualy only find them here in 4chan or private discords because god forbids them acting like that elsewhere outside the anonymus cover.

Lets make it clear all VTubers hate this kind of people and more repeatedly condem acting like this and with good reason. The good thing is that they are a really small minority so it never goes beyond them acting like schizos here but a while ago before VTubers started calling them out they where annoying acting like if they own the streamer.

>> No.42024012

>i thought chuubas who dont exclusively stay in their general are mentally ill.

>> No.42024073

this tells you everything you need to know, ignore the rest of the thread

>> No.42024319

I don't watch vtubers that:
>collab with males
>are open about having a bf
>can't hide their bfs well enough for me not to find them
>express any form of lust over male vtubers, even if they don't collab
>are open about not being virgin / can't prettend to not be virgin well enough for me to believe it
I can forgive
>stream with family / management (NOT mods) males
>liking anime males if not in excess
>having male friends if not too close and never appear on stream
but that's too much for some people too

(keep in mind those are my hard NOs, I'd drop vtubers for several other reasons too including my own schizophrenic thoughts)

>> No.42024342

>wtf are unicorns.
Basically: incels off ther meds that legit believe their "oshi" loves them (in same case their oshi outright tells them to kill themself already) with a sparkling of repressed homosexuality considering how much other men dicks can live rent free in their heads

>> No.42024462

it is shorted for unique corn, a rare kind of purple, long grain corn that only grows in Alabama.

>> No.42024518

unicorns are the ones rick deckard dream in Bladerunner

>> No.42024538
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>> No.42024574

Out of all the jargons used here, unicorn was the easiest to guess.

>> No.42024596

Actually unicorns are just chads who refuse to tolerate or enable cuckoldry. This makes cucks like the Anon I'm replying to absolutely seethe.

>> No.42024654
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The codename given to the RX-0. A mobile suit to fully explore the possibilities of the use of Psycoframe beyond a cockpit liner. It incorporated the technology throughout the frame of the suit to see what would happen.
Also equipped with the anti-Newtype NT-D system which was designed to further improve performance and act as an anti-funnel weapon which could disable or even hijack the weapon.

Equipped with the ultra high output Beam Magnum beam rifle it was an incredibly powerful mobile suit.
It's also from a series that has made /m/ seethe for years.

>> No.42025421

Lurk more. NIGGER

>> No.42025773

You sound like a legit schizo.

>> No.42025990

In the context of the board, it’s a schizo who opposes female vtubers having any contact with the opposite sex, past, present, or future. It’s commonly misused as a label for people who don’t like public cross-gender interactions. Rule of thumb: if the reason you’re mad has nothing to do with Rule 2 of the board (no mentioning the girls’ non-vtubing lives), you’re not actually a unicorn.

>> No.42027383

>Newfag here humbly asking wtf are unicorns.

>> No.42027418

Don't fucking answer this shit
lurk more

>> No.42027719
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>> No.42028164

I'm sorry anon but underage is not allowed here, please go ask your mom about unicorns

>> No.42030768

>Please don't judge me.
not happening

>> No.42033300

And bicorns are mythical creatures which are identical to unicorns, except they have two horns and instead of liking virgins they hate them.

So in VTuber slang it's another kind of schizo, someone so obsessed with "owning the incels" that they take the same actions for the opposite reasons (following chuubas solely to convince them to collab with males, then dropping them as soon as they actually start).

>> No.42037319


>> No.42039976

Now this is my kind of unicorn

>> No.42040872

lurk more

>> No.42042146

too late retard
