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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41996892 No.41996892 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41997087

I fully expect them to announce that she won't be participating in the concert next month.
Hell, not even sure if she'll ever come back at this point. It amazes me how she went from being the biggest holo for about 6 months to having trouble getting 3K viewers and having the least viewers for her anniversary stream out of her branchmates by a wide margin.
All because she had a woman moment.

>> No.41997247

I like Laplus :)

>> No.41997617

What's the current record?

>> No.41998942

It's been so long? Damn, were did time go?

>> No.41999309

Wait what the fuck really? I don't pay attention to her at all

>> No.41999471

>she went from being the biggest holo
Hmm? Wasn't Chloe getting higher numbers than her?

>> No.42001163

Out the gate it was Laplus. Her cover blew up, short streams were easy to follow, cunny, and kusogaki energy. Chloe has held Superchat lead for sure, but only popularity for a short while as laplus tanked and before Koyori overtook

>> No.42006637

She will beat ayame's record.

>> No.42007022

They keep pushing her for the HoloFES promo material, so unless there's a massive Rushia level yab, she'll come back.

>> No.42007497


Yup. There likely was a round up on the second half of the year where management said: "Ok, Fes is the big yearly push and last one had Rushia menhera explosion, so don't care what you do, EVERYBODY has to go to Fes". Deal cut with Gura, Ina and Laplus was "ok, you can drop everything else, but you must do Fes or else".

>> No.42008053

cover will prerecord her for fes4 followed with a single tweet (from her manager) after it ends to make everyone believe her part is live
she was my favorite holoX but after her trainwrecks, cunny fanarts are the only thing she is good for
>not even sure if she'll ever come back at this point
i feel that too, my rrat is she will keep her almost indefinite hiatus mode until that holoX manga ends then she graduates

>> No.42008254

good, she's an awful person and it was a mistake to hire her

>> No.42008291

Thats a good start.

>> No.42008465
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she's on break because she's learning to speak Indonesian, you guys clearly aren't up to speed on the Hologra lore

>> No.42008672

she's on break because she's pregnant, standard maternity leave is 12-13 weeks

>> No.42009717
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>> No.42009886

They probably don't need to do any sort of ultimatum or anything like that. I'm sure every member wants to perform during the fes. It's the biggest annual Hololive event there is. It's an extremely special occasion for the talents and an honor to be a part of.

>> No.42009937

Uh anon? Chloe had a 80k unarchived karaoke in her first two weeks. Nothing Laplus did came close. Chloe also had more subs. Chloe was always the numbers leader in HoloX until her ghost arc

>> No.42010161
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Cute nijikek deflection thread. She's doing fine, despite what you would like to believe.

>> No.42010257
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>> No.42010325
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Miss my daughter, will support her when she's back.

>> No.42010388

Dark green is regular memberships, light green is gifted memberships.

>> No.42010624

>until her ghost arc
wasnt the dead grandma arc first

>> No.42010914

I wonder what the hell is with the discrepancy in membership-to-gift ratio between members.

>> No.42011017

You can't seriously be delusional enough to believe that she kept these memberships when she has been the least popular member of her gen since end of summer.

>> No.42011302
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Come back to /holoX/, anon. The catalogue is no place for you and your daughter.

>> No.42011524

Right. Sometimes I see a cute secret society and I just need to start talking about them.

>> No.42012108

memberships is number of normal supportive fans, higher gifted subs mean a higher number of loaded gachis

>> No.42012140

It's wild how the ratio between gifted memberships and total number of memberships varies between holos. Some holos have literally more than half of their memberships being gifts, while others have less than 10%. I wonder what factors into that kind of discrepancy.

>> No.42012152

nah, she was the biggest at first

>> No.42012223
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Jesus Fuck. You'd swear Watame was a deep sea creature, because she's fucking surrounded by whales.

>> No.42012706

This is what happens when you do off collabs with males, specifically one that shit talks Hololive. And your retarded idiot groomer friend can't keep opsec. Her entire theme had potential. But she's just a lazy bitch now. The JPs don't forgive that shit easily. That's why she's basically on the way out. If she declined anymore it'd be a cliff drop off.

>> No.42012831

Already 2 months ? Still like her tho so will waiting for her comeback

>> No.42013034

Counterpoint: Towa still exists.

>> No.42013210

Also another factor to consider is number of streams, if a Holo has been on break awhile they won't have had many or possibly any opportunities to get gift subs since those can only be given out during a live stream.

>> No.42013282

>higher gifted subs mean a higher number of loaded gachis
The converse is not true though, going by that graph. It takes more than oil princes to have a lot of gifted memberships.

>> No.42013460

And yet, she's living comfortably enough to pay for her own and her family's place of living. Keep writing off your head canons that "it's over".

>> No.42013571

Towa is not really a counterexample. She (accidentally) cut ties with unicorns very early on and it nearly killed her. It took a long time, lots of westerners and FPSfags for her to recover.

>> No.42013585

It's almost like collabing with guys is a bad idea.

>> No.42013639

based Hologra enjoyer

>> No.42014355

Didn't ask and I never said it was over. I said she's tanking her career. This is now the website to dump your purse on, white knight. Go back to your trannies on Twitter.

>> No.42014373

If they forgave Gozaru, they will forgive her too.

>> No.42014942

Towa has redeemable qualities and tried her best to succeed regardless of the negative downfall she took at the start. She has none to very little unicorns but plenty of gachikoi still.

>> No.42016110

the ninja had a slow start and isn't always the best at expressing herself, laplus' problems are far worse than that

>> No.42016229

miComet saikou

>> No.42016709

When did she collab with males again? I’ve forgotten.

>> No.42017069

They didn't forgave Gozaru (who did absolutely nothing, by the way), they just found a new, more interesting target.

>> No.42018397

What the fuck is wrong with Watamates?

>> No.42018759

You do know that is for the entirety of 2022 right? She didn't fall off until part way through the year.

>> No.42019703
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I miss her like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.42020072

Probably ARS poorfags in the fanbase that want to """flex""" their shitty currency

>> No.42020232

It's a cult.

>> No.42021785

That hololive chart is the total number of memberships and gifted memberships for 2022. If someone joined for one month it counts and if someone renewed their membership several times it counts. The chart gives some idea of popularity but only for the entire year.

>> No.42021837

Ayame's competition is starting to catch up to her.

>> No.42021971
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I was watching the stream when she was practicing Daishikyu Daishikyu and was so happy to see it for her premiere idol costume song.

>> No.42022137

Is she out of the asylum yet?

>> No.42022178

Amateur, talk to me when she gets to Ayame numbers.

>> No.42022241

Management forced hee into an idol outfit it was awesome

>> No.42022416
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That was a very nice unveiling song for her idol outfit. My favorite parts of her anniversary was her duet with Kanata and especially this part. I was so happy to finally see her unschackled form in a 3D setting.

>> No.42023368

So why did she never get her own 3D room or stage?

>> No.42024414

Ayame got like 94 or 96 days

>> No.42024648

>not even a single membership gifted

>> No.42025519

Same goes for Aqua, Ayame, Mio and Aki, but there's nothing sugoi about it. You can turn off membership gifting.

>> No.42025557

Wasn't the Mel rape break much longer than that?

>> No.42025621

A gift sub is pretty much a $5 Supa. If you got nothing to say and don't want to send out a blank supa just send a gift sub instead.

>> No.42025670


>> No.42025942

how new?

>> No.42025994

I don’t pay attention to anyone that speaks jap.

>> No.42026004

On the plus side it's a $5 supa with the potential to catch a new member. On the other hand, if used irresponsibly it has the potential to ruin member streams filling them with tourists.

>> No.42026076

I smell rrats

>> No.42026818

Hasn't had any impact on Watame's membership streams. I'd be more worried about EN though.

>> No.42026930

>your EN branch has a biggest vtuber in the world
>want to make a JP version of her
>hire a zoomer girl
>make her a leader of her gen in lore
>promote her
>she does dumb zoomer girl things
>antis find her irl
>she stays on the first page of a doxx site for half a year
>has a mental breakdown
>what do you do?
>force her friend who lives with her to move out
I'm convinced that a higher-up at Cover is a chinese spy. same manager shit with Roa. Is the lawsuit worth not streaming for 2 years?

>> No.42028795

>want to make a JP version of her
Laplus was actually funny and talented though

>> No.42030186

She'll be back

>> No.42031200
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>> No.42031275

Stop shitposting and start enjoying your life instead.

>> No.42031387

She played with Ragus offscreen. Either way, her downfall is roommate related anyways.

>> No.42031824

Had a /here/ break and wasn't really following half of HoloX back then, can some anon spoonfeed me what was the gozaru yab anyway?

>> No.42035301

no way...

>> No.42036248

Correct, Mel has the record for the longest break at 141 days.

>> No.42036329

Plusmate, maybe you shouldn't keep track. I don't know how many days Ina was gone, or Gura

>> No.42039100

There was no yab, she just expressed some insecurity about being in Hololive because she felt like she didn't measure up to her senpai. Only God knows why the jap antis absolutely lost their minds over this.

>> No.42039205

Reminder that despite being on break for more than 2 months, Laplus got more views today than Aki, Haachama, Ayame, Choco, Ina, Ame, Mumei, Bae, Risu, Iofi, Anya and Reine

>> No.42039293

Her sub growth also somehow increased from not streaming. She cratered to something like 6-7k a month before her break and went up to 10k after

>> No.42041034

they desperately wanted a JP Gura..
but they got a JP retard

>> No.42041250

Actually surprised by this, would have thought older members would have more memberships, but I guess they just work the same was as superchats, with the latest hottest thing getting all the attention. Either that or the chart isn't showing everything.

>> No.42041486

So what happened? She got caught lying about not being able to stream while playing games with males on her roommate account? So now she is very embarrassed about being caught lying

>> No.42041603

>shill holox everywhere instead of the very successful Holo Myth

Holox gets shilled more than Gura despite neither of them being nearly as successful.

>> No.42041670

You really have no fucking idea what has happened with her. Where did you hear all of this? /#/? Global?

>> No.42041697

A few anons explained it out in how the JP antis and those who took it poorly perceived it. Its definitely nowhere near the janitor yab but I guess for JP pedantics its enough.
>I checked the comments and almost all of them referred to the last bit of stream so I skipped everything but that. Seems like the problem stemmed from the word 'Pro' and how she sees it. Commonly there are 2 definitions that could be derived from the word, either 'Pro' as in a professional, which means someone who's engaged in a specified activity as their main income or 'Pro' as in someone who's pretty good at what they're doing, which is usually used when talking about a 'pro gamer' for example.
>Iroha sees the word with the latter perspective, while her viewers see it with the former. The main argument by the comments are that since she's receiving money from streaming it doesn't make any sense to hide behind the excuse that she still only has 4 months under her belt and not a 'Pro' yet, even more when she was questioning whether just being a streamer would automatically make someone a 'Pro'.
>All in all, it's misunderstanding which is quite common out there in the outside world.

> Iroha : Do 'professional' streamers even exist?

>> No.42044183

>not even a single membership gifted
Cover did turn off membership gifting for certain older hololive talents but not for anyone in holoEN. Ame and Ina were both annoyed by membership gifting but management wouldn't turn it off for them. Stuff like that indicates that management doesn't really listen to newer talents.

>> No.42044442

Why would you be annoyed by free money.

>> No.42044553

The janitor yab was another nothingburger pushed by nijiniggers still high from getting Aloe canned.

>> No.42044749

Some girls act like membership content is their own secret club, and that some of their suscribers getting free membership threaten their safe space somehow.
Don't argue with menhera logic.

>> No.42044822

it's not menhera logic it's japanese logic. It's disrespectful to all the loyal members who get member streams to suddenly have new people get in for free.

>> No.42044984

Damn I forgot all about that

>> No.42045053

The memberships are gifted by other members though. I do get the secret club argument, the streamers have some pretty private content in their memberships, and often use it to rant about issues that they don't want their general audience hearing. The membership gifting does seem to select dedicated viewers, so the people getting the gifts aren't completely random.

>> No.42045450

Except it was mostly Ame and Ina being cunts about it. Most JP girls had no issues with it, and those who didn't like it just didn't use the feature.
Gifted memberships goes pretty well with idol culture since it means you're "pushing" your oshi toward a bigger audience.

>> No.42045617

Stop talking out of your ass, it does not select dedicated viewers. Also saying it's members that are gifting is bullshit too, it's antis that want to shitstur and try to get antis in to members streams. Like this fag >>42045450 and probably you also

>> No.42045694

>I do get the secret club argument, the streamers have some pretty private content in their memberships, and often use it to rant about issues that they don't want their general audience hearing.
Important stuff leaks anyway.
I always found memberships a waste of money except for some very specific content (watchalongs, karaoke streams, multiplayer games with viewers,...)

>> No.42045806

>Stop talking out of your ass, it does not select dedicated viewers.
Yes, it does, you fucking muppet. Youtube is garbage but I trust them more to know about their algorithm than your rrat-infested brain.

>> No.42045818

With regular idols, would a bunch of people giving out tickets for handshake events to random people on the street make sense?

>> No.42045903

It's been shown that people who viewed streams once get gifted subs. You're the fucking Muppet that has been parroting the same shit that was mistranslated from Korone ages ago.

>> No.42045951

Since the discussion got to this, retarded girls who use their membership as venting spaces almost always get BTFO. I don't even know why they think it's a safe space when literally anyone can join and upload their shit to some site.

>> No.42046040

>It's been shown that people who viewed streams once get gifted subs.
Stop believing everything you read on /vt/.

>> No.42046112

Yes every single person on vt is lying believe nothing you see here at all everything is false

>> No.42046132

Pretty sure if does, I got gifted Lamy memberships twice because I pretty much watch every one of her streams even though most of it was not live. Haven't gotten one from any of the other channels I'm subscribed to. I would have bought my own membership, but I found that financial attachment makes me expect more from a streamer and changes the relationship for me.

>> No.42046194

Secret club fags are profoundly retarded. They really think anti use gifted membership to get dirt on chuubas when even your average SEAfag can get in with a single ARS payment.

>> No.42046315

>Yes every single person on vt is lying believe nothing you see here at all everything is fals
If you don't honestly believe this you should unironically leave this website or take your meds.
It's not even /vt/, it's 4chan as a whole. Most of the shit posted here is complete bull and if you fall for it you're either a schizo or a newfag.

>> No.42046378

I dont believe you

>> No.42046425

They can use the membership to vent about little things that aren't major scandals, just need to understand the limits. Stuff like how they're stressed out by their schedule, not about the size of their boyfriend's dick. It might actually be a healthy thing to do depending on the streamer, a lot of them are introverts without real friends.

>> No.42046696

I don't believe you for sure. I watched Fubuki like twice, not even subscribed to her but I still got gifted her membership from a stream I didn't even open.

>> No.42046981

Membersheeps are just based.

>> No.42048030

Most don’t use it exactly to vent (I’m talking about holo JP). It’s most like a “non friendly” stream in the sense that they don’t feel obliged to act happy or be in high spirits. Also if they are sad about something they tell you.
You could say the free stream is more professional and has some standards set while the membership stream is a space where the talent can still be with her community in a more relaxed manner, which ends up benefiting her (they can take it easy and let some stuff out) and at the same time benefits the most invested fans as they aren’t there just because they like said talent’s professionality but because they care about her more personally and want both to help her out if possible and to get something that normally they can’t get from regular streams.
Also nips don’t really pirate stuff. I’ve even seen antis not mentioning member’s content and suggesting the other antis to join and see for themselves.

>> No.42053208

I know membersheeps. They just want to brag about having no greys in chat.

>> No.42058754

make it 65

>> No.42061355


>> No.42067131


>> No.42067212

Wtf this happened to me with Axel.

>> No.42071219

Tell that to Watamates.

>> No.42071308

Most of the donators are JP, so you talking to some anon on here is irrelevant.

>> No.42071418

If I fuck her raw and ejaculated inside her to get a new baby will you be happy or sad? What do I do?

>> No.42072200

Still cute though.

>> No.42074519

Still making money

>> No.42081314

all you have to do for it to happen is become a small fps streamer, don't let your dreams be dreams

>> No.42081564

would call you a newfag but holoEN is like 2.25 years old now... holy shit...

>> No.42083069

If you aren't a lesbian, hololive just isn't for you.

>> No.42083388

Lack of good counting probably, there is no way subaru doesn't have a single gift member, unless there is a way to block gift members.

>> No.42083622

Because they actually made some semblance of lore for holox unlike myth where they just did nothing.

>> No.42083686

Bullshit, Japanese logic says that you NEED an invitation to join clubs/restaurants.
