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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41988076 No.41988076 [Reply] [Original]

Something definitely happened to Fauna in Japan, she’s been canceling a third of her streams ever since she came back at this point

>> No.41988158

She was raped by Vesper that's why neither of them have been streaming.

>> No.41988346

This is like gura post meet up all over again.

>> No.41988361

All of ID and EN have been saying they have "homework". Risu and Moona have even been doing theirs onstream while not saying a word.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out they have to do shit for holofes and holo expo.

>> No.41988380

Vesper raped her, there is no other explanation

>> No.41988427

Wtf I still hate Vesper now

>> No.41988723

At least she is streaming inconsistently. IRyS threw streaming to the winds.

>> No.41988861

It's definately Vesper.

>> No.41989027

She doesn't want to overlap with blue homos bday stream

>> No.41989185

They don't have an overlapping audience.

>> No.41989350

>Gura and IRyS literally dead
>Fauna has become flaky as fuck

Unicornbros, why can’t we stop losing?

>> No.41989359

Japanese girls made fun of her for being vegan.

>> No.41989376

She realized she could get away with being lazy and could cancel streams willy nilly. After Sana set the precedent with her month long vacations everybody's suddenly too "sick" or "too busy" to stream.

>> No.41989402


>> No.41989468

>cancelling a third of her streams
She hasn't though. She delayed Slice and Dice to the next day because her jetlag was bothering her, and she delayed the ASMR to the next day that was a day off anyway. Slice and Dice wasn't even on a schedule either.

>> No.41989492

Is he the legendary ugly bastard?

>> No.41989507

Yeah, so?

>> No.41989679

How many times does this have to happen before you faggots understand?
All of your holos are destined for this, they'll all follow the Gura laziness path.
It's just a matter of time.

>> No.41989722

That's why she doesn't care about overlapping homos.

>> No.41989775

She was starving.
Japan doesn't understand veganism. Hopefully they never will

>> No.41989807

Even if that were true, it's management that would've told her to not overlap.

>> No.41989929

Yet they've streamed fine over them before? What is this lame bogeyman excuse?

>> No.41990141

Canceling streams is one thing but why does she keep going all
>AAAhhhh my brain isn't working >.<
not exactly instilling confidence kek

>> No.41990338

Rrat here:
During her trip to Japan [redacted] took care of Snail, but didn't had a good time housesitting so when she returned [redacted] told her to keep it down with the trips. But she wants to go there twice a year which means more work for [redacted]. If [redacted] doesn't back down and kises the floor she steps on they're goung their separate ways.
Source: I'm Snail, I heard everything.

>> No.41990371

Mumei got her pregnant, it's pregnancy brain.

>> No.41990542

Am I going fuckin schizo didn't she start a recent stream saying that something happened to make her nervous and she would talk about it later?

>> No.41990643

Millie deflection thread. Note this was posted in /#/ before anywhere else and Nijinigs love lurking there to defend their failures.

>> No.41990749

Yes. Something happened AFTER she returned, her nervousness, some thigs she says about how people should or should not treat you. Cancelled streams, privated streams where nothing bad happened... It's MEGA sus

>> No.41990821

She found out Gura is graduating that's why she's been feeling under the weather lately

>> No.41990847

another bait/drama/hate thread when the reason is simple...

>> No.41990895

She was nervous because it was her first time doing asmr in a while and it was the first time using the ku100 since it came back so she was worried about audio levels and background noise + chat making her more nervous by meming about it. That's why she privated it, because she thought it was bad quality.

>> No.41990967

the audience exists, you can see it when they send her SC about homocollabs (which she always ignores. based)

>> No.41991028

She's going through guberty (turning into Gura)

>> No.41991047

Mumei is winning purely by virtue of the fact that she consistently streams.

>> No.41991320

she really is becoming gura...
expect a mental health break soon

>> No.41992360

Probably had a chat with her HoloEN friends.

>> No.41992457

She was streaming a ton last week. Maybe she is just feeling overwhelemed with FES+irl tuff+work+finances? I'm sure she has a lot on her plate

>> No.41992498

Except she hasn't really and the only reason you think that is because she has no schedule.

>> No.41992983

she's streaming twice today

>> No.41993009

And Fauna did on Wednesday. Your point?

>> No.41993106

“figure my stuff out” what does that mean

>> No.41993163

Brain reset.
Sometimes you get stressed and you don't know what to do about it and pushing yourself just doesn't work.

>> No.41993302

you dont understand
if a chuuba isnt streaming everyday then she never streams

>> No.41993638

it's penis, it's always penis

>> No.41993695


>> No.41993713

# of Public Streams: 10
Stream hours: 24 hours 9 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 11
Stream Hours: 34 Hours 26 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 15
Stream Hours: 55 hours 33 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 11
Stream Hours: 39 hours 3 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 13
Stream/Space Hours: 39 Hours 13 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 12
Stream Hours: 44 hours 28 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 8
Stream/Space Hours: 29 Hours 55 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 10
Stream/Space Hours: 36 Hours 28 Minutes

# of Public Streams: 15
Stream/Space Hours: 48 Hours 19 Minutes

This is missing Members streams in which Mumei has one at about 3 hours (not counting today) and Fauna has two that are close to 7 hours in total. But sure, her cancelling one is such a goddamn travesty.

>> No.41994258

crazy how Kiara actually likes streaming

>> No.41994345


>> No.41994946

Ina and Fauna didn't want to overlap with Altare's bday. They can't say that since they know some fans would complain but even Kiara said that her karaoke stream would be less than 2 hours long.

>> No.41995423
File: 80 KB, 721x681, Screenshot from 2023-01-26 07-13-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't believe fauna's fan base has any intention of watching altare whether she streams or not, so it think its unlikely that is the reason. If you claim otherwise prove it with your memberships.

>> No.41995926


>> No.41996078

>no overlap!
Cover are preventing her from streaming, hoping to prop up the Tempiss faggots. Her CCV would have embarrassed them by streaming over their gay ass “event” bullshit.

>> No.41996216

They are trying to stave the audience hoping people will watch these faggots, just like Troonii yesterday by not giving any other alternatives. Using the HoloFes hype to force people to watch shit.

>> No.41996299

All according to OMega's kaykakudori

>> No.41996327

irys is taking care of that special person for her now. no time for her fake persona anymore

>> No.41996558

that screams - someone else was in the house

>> No.41996631

Yeah it's called being badly in love with a rat.

>> No.41997279
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>> No.41997528

She didn't cancel a third. The most likely thing that happened is that there was most likely meetings about some kind of yab that happened with one or more of the talents off screen and now they're being told not to talk about it.

>> No.41997608


>> No.41997636


>> No.41997737

might be something as simple as she has to practice her song for fes, since fauna is a pretty shitty singer. Assume they already recorded the dances, but they might be able to record the audio at home until closer to the concert

>> No.41997746

Just saying, the last time Fauna was this menhera and there was some mystery meeting for EN it ended up being about Sana's graduation.

>> No.41997791

Feels good to be a JP chad.

>> No.41998000

Vesper's graduating and the girls are being forced to attend/produce content for it. All of the anti-homos are panicking atm.

>> No.41998014

if it has to do with one of the faggot's streams it might be that she was told and not that she wants to. When the faggots debuted Gura didn't stream for like a week before they debuted then did a members' stream on wednesday and then scheduled 2 streams directly during the homo debuts, she changed one and canceled the other and was obviously pissed about it so the rrat is she tried to stream over the faggots and management told her she couldn't

>> No.41998068

possible. Gura tried to intentionally stream over the homo debuts and was told by management she couldn't

>> No.41998181

raped by wataome

>> No.41998265

I hope those troons in the management got fired already.

>> No.41998430

You can't just blame everything on the homos. There's no rule that you can't stream over a birthday, it's just another wasted Sunday where EN is being lazy.

>> No.41998828

Surprised Kronii is doing better than Ame, IRyS, and Ina.

>> No.41998890

I crawled up her asshole and live there now

>> No.41998932

I know chat brought up omega to Gura in one stream, but I forget her response but her tone was clearly a thinly veiled, fuck that faggot.
Gura clearly got told she wasn't allowed to stream over tempus debuts at one point, especially because she specifically scheduled the streams outside of her normal time after missing like a week just so she would purposely over lap. Wouldn't shock me if management was telling the girls they couldn't stream over the faggots. In terms of streaming over the other girls, Gura has implied that whenever the other girls in holo have something important they message her on discord and ask her not to stream. Fauna is basically gura tier numbers compared to the homos.

>> No.41998941

IRyS got, and still is, sick (but getting better), Ina was in Japan, came back in the middle of the month, then fucked off back to Japan. Ame was in Japan and came back and has been streaming sporadically.

Kronii has literally no excuse to have less hours and streams than fucking Fauna who came back in the middle of the month jetlagged to hell

>> No.41998946
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>Something definitely happened to Fauna in Japan, she’s been canceling a third of her streams ever since she came back at this point

>> No.41999001

Did she piss in Mumei's bed?

>> No.41999063

Those were debuts, not some birthday stream.

>> No.41999196

>streams inconsistently, with terrible lazy schedules causing sapfags to spam uuu all the time in the board
>tries consistent streaming for the last month or two
>goes back to regular routine
seems like she's just returning to her norm newfag

>> No.41999475
File: 89 KB, 597x530, Screenshot from 2023-01-29 18-38-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have a meeting right now.

>> No.41999583

mystery solved

>> No.41999639

Management deliberately schedules a meeting during homos bday stream so none of the girls can overlap

>> No.41999669

Wrong - she still lied. If it was just the meeting there'd be no need to bullshit.
Mystery is still afoot.

>> No.41999721

Nijinigger deflection thread

>> No.41999786

>and have some holo work to do off stream,
Where is the lie

>> No.41999847

When is IRyS NOT fucking sick? As far as I’m concerned, she’s in the same corner as Kronii as needs to stream more.

>> No.41999900

I think it's a big meeting including all HoloEN. Ina, bae, and Mumei are all in the meeting right now.

>> No.41999937

Kiara too.
Knowing Fauna she probably didn't want to blame management since she avoids saying anything of the sort.

>> No.41999987

incredibly stupid rrat that's gonna be repeated ad nauseum now great, in reality she hasn't done asmr in a while, and hasn't used ku100 for months because it was being repaired and so she was nervous about doing an asmr stream that was unenjoyable (she cares very much about the quality of her asmr) and delayed it, even when she did do the asmr stream she ended up privating it even though it wasn't bad (probably because she didn't feel confident in it)
as for this delay, well >>41999475 they actually have a meeting

>> No.42000012

Or they met, and fell in love, and this is giving her conflicting feelings and drama with any pre-existing romantic partners. He triggered her both her savior complex and her jealousy of Kronii.

>> No.42000105

I belieb it!

>> No.42000107

Post-Japan clarity. It's when weebs who's one goal is to go to Japan realize it's not Heaven on Earth and they no longer have a singular goal to work towards.

>> No.42000124

yeah, but its the faggots. Fauna streaming over the faggots would means she would mog them and anyone who watches both, and I don't think that is a big group, would pick fauna. I think management told them not to for the homos because they erroneously think that fauna fans would watch the homos when I would literally rather do anything else than watch homostars

>> No.42000131

you're mentally ill

>> No.42000200

I absolutely believe it

>> No.42000331

the sapling cope is real

>> No.42000385
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>he really believes Fauna scheduled a stream over a meeting knowing she'd have to cancel and it isn't to stop the overlap of the blue faggot

>> No.42000538


>> No.42001347

She was bullied by Mori as well for refusing to shill Homos

>> No.42001522

This is how being lazy hurts other Holos not just the Holos who are lazy. Fauna streams pretty regularly but unfortunately she's a standout in her Gen, so that means it falls on her and when she slips, it's more noticeable and people are willing to give her less goodwill.

>> No.42001558

I thought mori was against homobegging. I took that winner winner chicken dinner tweet to be her mocking /vt/ and that Kronii was a willing homo participant. She and Bae don't mention faggots in front of IRyS

>> No.42001591

she saw how easy it was for the other lazy whores and finally decided to join them
should've graduated ina to set an example since sana wasn't enough

>> No.42001626

Fauna isn't being lazy, omega tranny schedualed a meeting so the girls couldn't stream over the faggot, like 4 other girls tweeted they are in a meeting. Fauna said "holowork" which means also the meeting

>> No.42002006

See >>41993713

>> No.42005629

fuck off, millie

>> No.42006784

>pretended to be Gura to get Free factorio codes
>told his manager to fuck off
>is Laplus' boyfriend and keeps inviting her to Valorant games when she's supposed to stream
>wore a sheet over his head and pretended to be a ghost to scare the shit out of Chloe
>sells Mori her Xanax, lean, alcohol and fastfood
>hacked Rushia's discord during the GTA collab with Miko
>is the Japanese drama tuber that Rushia contacted and lied about her leaking confidential information
>hacked Towa's discord and was the male voice on her stream
>opened the door behind Matsuri and accidentally showed his hand onstream
>is the host that blackmailed Matsuri
>was Mel's manager and sexually harassed her
>fingerbanged Ollie onstream
>set fire to Subaru's house
>orchestrated the trash taste collab
>Connor and Veibae's statements about hololive were written by him
>is the reason for Nene, Laplus and Shion's depressions
>photoshopped Luna out of the holofes poster when nobody was looking
>spoke perfect Cantonese and perfectly impersonated Bae's mother onstream
>keeps spiking Ame's food with bread
>convinced Pekora to buy a monkey
>dug the hole in minecraft
>injected Ina with the vax and gave her heart disease
>broke Luna's neck during the VR horror stream
>ripped a fat shart during Mori's stream
>gave Kronii books about woke gender shit during her childhood
>built Bae's cuckshed
>damaged Suisei and Marine's voices
>is the reason why Aqua, Shion and Ayame barely stream
>sent anti messages to Iofi after the among us collab
>made kobo eat literal shit
>traced Nene's drawing
>forces cover to sell acrylic stands
>drugged Mori right before meme review
>gave Mio food poisoning and made her puke onstream multiple times
>runs the Argentinian central bank and is responsible for ARS superchats
>intercepted Flare, Nene and Irys' initial designs and replaced them with designs he made
>coded the YouTube analytics page to list Taiwan
>is the shadow president of Taiwan
>simultaneously runs the Chinese anti botfarms
>managed HoloCN and is responsible for every bad decision they made causing the entire branch to get fired, including watching wolf warrior onstream
>ordered Russia to invade Ukraine so Russian fans couldn't donate to Botan any longer
>Killed Fauna's cat, Noel's hamster, Sana's dog and Roboco's cat
>told Mori's sister about the airBNB and suggested the "rager"
>fed boner pills to every dude at the houseparty and told them where Gura was hiding, told Mori she was up to "shenanigans"
>added himself as a friend on Gura and Irys' switch accounts
>is singlehandedly responsible for every orange woman bad post, ran the eggcord
>convinced Miko that Pekora would totally enjoy it if she initiated sex with her out of nowhere without asking during their sleepover
>is the CEO of Capcom and caused the holocaust by deciding to copyright strike Mio for playing some decade old DS game, requiring permissions for games ever since (also caused the real holocaust)
>planted the Reine dox pictures in Ollie's image folder
>infected Kanata with her ear disease
>got Choco and Kiara shadowbanned
>told Susan to crack down on lewd content
>tweeted out all the anti tweets that made Huke cancel the Kiara minecraft collab
>Fired Shinove
>Forced Kira, Suzaku and Kaoru to graduate
>Hired Hitomi Chris
>gave Hitom Chris her equipment in return for sexual favors
>Graduated Hitomi Chris
>is Aloe's father
>leaked Aloe's private stream
>pretended to be Nijisanji fans and anti'd her until she graduated
>convinced Ame, Kronii and Ina to Collab with tempus, still trying to convince the rest of EN/JP
>hired Tempus
>hired Mori
>raped every single member of Hololive in front of Yagoo while doing lines of coke off his dick and suckerpunching Sora

Guess he really did get to do the last part while in Japan.

>> No.42006971
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Guess it's hard to stream from a basement.

>> No.42007302

all me
Verification not required.

>> No.42009054

That other man's baby? Me.
