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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41954013 No.41954013 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.41954037
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>> No.41954062

that outfit looks like shit on calli

>> No.41954086

to who they are just like twitch whores nowadays. they are ruining the JP image,

>> No.41954136

God I want to jerk off to Mori’s design so badly but whenever I do her voice and personality start creeping in and I go limp. It’s a sad fate.

>> No.41954219

>not wanting her to break down and quit her wigger persona halfway through due to her sheer arousal

>> No.41954375
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I will only apologize if Cover removes these two.
Idols only

>> No.41954760


>> No.41954794

Just using the same face Vspo is much simpler as the wigger part doesn’t even come into it then.

>> No.41954903


>> No.41954954

>does nothing
>still gets treated like the main character

>> No.41954971

Ina drew homos and talks about their streams plenty

>> No.41955041

You don't understand what people are even mad about, your brain functions are objectively subhuman.

>> No.41955057

I'm happy for Kiara. The rest are no doubt pissed off at the extra effort required.

>> No.41955640


>> No.41955955

I still think they look like ass. They aren't idols, and thus shouldn't get to participate in a idol group's event.

>> No.41955958

Ame was supposed to be the chosen one. How the fuck did it come to this?

>> No.41956032

Gura and Kiara are idols.
Mori and Amelia are anti idol whores.
Ina is the lazy boring sack of shit that tries to play both sides

>> No.41956052

>Mori and Kronii shit on idols any opportunity they get
>we're idols now teehee
hypocritical whores

>> No.41956057

>Myth as IDOLS
TOP KEK cover really knows how to joke around. Got me laughing straight for a few mins.

>> No.41956123

Had promise but then she chose Temlus over her fans. Also she always hated her fans.

>> No.41956157

How the fuck is Ina anti idol ?

>> No.41956234

>Gets furious when asked to dance.
>Makes a song collab with Tempus.
She's kind of a wildcard.

>> No.41956259

Shitting on parasocials isn't the same as shitting on idols

>> No.41956341

>Gets furious when asked to dance.
for kiara*
she doesn't mind dancing for her marine

>> No.41956358

If doing song collabs with dudes is anti idol what does that make Suisei ?

>> No.41956380

Anon, Mori made tweets about how much she doesn't like idol culture.
Kronii sperged out on comment sections about idol culture just so she could collab with Tempus

>> No.41956390

Improve yourself

>> No.41956400

Kronii based
Mori Crine

>> No.41956429

A whore.
They call her the Mori of JP for a reason.

>> No.41956701

The only people who do that ninji fans who larp as Holobronies

>> No.41957062

it's funny hearing that from a literal subhuman who cries "AHHHH I'M BEING KEKED" because of basic human interaction

>> No.41957280
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>> No.41957712
File: 944 KB, 492x562, ame is an idol[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fymfnlw.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seethe

>> No.41958042

Sometimes I swear she is doing a Toad impression.

>> No.41958087

>Unfortunately idol culture is a thing
Cope and seethe Kronii will never be an idol.

>> No.41958295

holy mother of cringe

>> No.41958355


orange woman bad

>> No.41959128

ef pee BEE pee

>> No.41959480

Nah it's more like

Orange woman good

Kfp bad

>> No.41961970

See, you know nothing. Literal retard.

>> No.41962083

the frills are hindrance

>> No.41962973

Ina literally have a Cover with a Male, some male who was on the Japan on the same time she was having a "vacation" on the same place

>> No.41963093

You can feel the lack of sex of this thread

>> No.41963207
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>> No.41963500

You literally can't speak english. Try your local SEA facebook groups maybe

>> No.41964732

Okay, I am not an anti but those outfits are kinda doo-doo. It's like they gave up half-way and didn't finish and what is with that ONE BLUE SHOE!? shit causing my OCD to go into code-red.
They had a chance to make really cool outfits that Reflect each idol but went with this copypasta BS. W/E as long as my Oshi is happy.

>> No.41968435

>lies to her fans
>doesn't stream
>hates her fans
>refuses to dance
>pays hired dancers to skinwalk her character because Takosharts are too dumb to tell and wouldn't care even if they could

>> No.41975166

I’m sorry

>> No.41975995

Where did the RRat about hired dancers come from anyway

>> No.41977925 [DELETED] 


>> No.41979146

Basic common sense? We know how badly she dances so to see her in Umishit concerts suddenly dancing professionally makes it pretty obvious.

>> No.41980465

AAAAAAAA d-delete this! The idolshit only applies to the JPs! Don't look beggarbros!!!

they look like shit in general, the old ones were way better

>> No.41980553

>the one who accepts tempus as much as mori and ame
>the one who shits on her fans and couldn't care less about being a part of hololive over her art career
fuck off, takocuck

>> No.41981538

good post

>> No.41981540


>> No.41982052
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>> No.41982126

nice deflection, teacuck

>> No.41983141


>> No.41985302

