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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 429 KB, 1179x986, B3BE03D4-93A2-4004-8EC7-5DD11E3FDAE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41923547 No.41923547 [Reply] [Original]

>unfortunately idol culture is a thing

>> No.41923678

It's nice to see kronii making schizos seethe kek

>> No.41923919

Corporate mandated tweet. Good to see Kronii on a leash, no wonder Vesper is going menhera.

>> No.41924096

You just know every word of this tweet was typed in between tears and angry sobbing.

>> No.41924189

>3 threads for this shit

>> No.41924403

Tempusisters won, get over it

>> No.41925426
File: 12 KB, 591x113, cope and seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41925462

schizos? are you implying she never gave a reason to be held in contempt?

>> No.41925531


>> No.41925607


>> No.41925817

I am not implying it, I am declaring it: Kronii has never done anything wrong. Get fucked.

>> No.41925890

there never was. you and the rest of the nobodies on here are little bitches, plain and simple. it's why you're posting here under anonymity because you're too scared to actually go into her twitter replies.

>> No.41925956

Aw, that's adorable.

>> No.41927167

You know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone shitposting this use the actual image for her entire statement as opposed to just quoting it non-stop

>> No.41927222

I am, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.41927341 [DELETED] 

do you really need two threads dramafaggot?

>> No.41927344

this whole board is nothing but middle-aged housewives with too much time on their hands so they go around desperately seeking or manufacturing drama about nothing.

>> No.41928087

>Get fucked
I think you meant get cucked

>> No.41928227

kronii has to be fucking someone besides me in order for me to be a cuckold. learn english.

>> No.41928412

Even the quote from the OP is both out of context and flat out misquoted.
There was nothing to hold her in contempt for

>> No.41928479

She became the very thing she hates

>> No.41929069

she's not (You) though?

>> No.41929170

having fun?

>> No.41929326

Seething cuckronie hands typed this. Just move on like the rest of us anon kekw

>> No.41929514

Why would they be seething?

>> No.41929614

Menhera meltdowns is inherent to kronies

>> No.41929698

that comment didn't exactly seem like a "menhera meltdown" to me.

>> No.41929701

You guys are as predictable as expected

>> No.41929835

Kek I want to see unicorn make her say that line again after this thing

>> No.41930177

counterpoint, she still collabs with males and therefore i'll anti her until the day she graduates or dies, it's that simple, hololive was a cgdct company till a bunch of whores mucked it up

>> No.41930368

Just abandon all of EN, they're all beyond saving.

>> No.41930423

(You) being a schizo who thinks they're a cuckold because kronii with NOIR VESPER, LORD OF THE VIRGINS, is not the same thing as "she has done something wrong"
don't get me wrong. if you're gonna have the same mindset as the guy from rent-a-girlfriend, that's really none of my business. but don't push your cuckold fantasies on other people. even the rent-a-girlfriend guy's better than that.

>> No.41930503

mindbroken cucks

>> No.41930533

You can tell she's being sarcastic. She might not hate the idea of singing and dancing but she 100% hates the Japanese style of idol, mainly because of MUH MALES bullshit which isn't even true nor is it why people got mad at her to begin with. She's such a fucking retard.

>> No.41930621

She doesn't deserve it

>> No.41930743

Kronies argue like toddlers, lmao. I really like this board.

>> No.41930834

>she still collabs with males
That was always allowed
>i'll anti her until the day she graduates or dies
nobody cares
>hololive was a cgdct company till a bunch of whores mucked it up
very wrong

>> No.41930953

that people think they're getting cucked by vesper of all people is really all you need to know about them

>> No.41931088
File: 56 KB, 700x292, 1658366615654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baited the fuck out of the twittertroons, they are frothing with gender-fluid defending Troonii because of this post. Rot in Tempiss homobeggars.

>> No.41931189

HRT withdrawal, and you will never be a woman.

>> No.41931271

hope she kills herself when she hits the wall

>> No.41931279

uh oh cuckeronii defense force out in full force

>> No.41931381

Move on? Retard, you WILL show up to the Minecraft stream tonight.

>> No.41931516

stop having a menhera meltdown

>> No.41931671

not that anon but who cares, you complain for a retarded reason of her collabing with males while she is a lesbian irl

either way you are not getting anywhere near her pants so what's the deal?

>> No.41931727

Lmao. I wonder what they really see on kronii.

>> No.41931770

She is?

>> No.41931848

> rejects all that being an idol is about

> Suddenly wants to change her image and be a pure idol after getting 3D

Why are some EN like this? Not even trying to anti or anything I’m genuinely confused by this behavior. It just doesn’t seem genuine and seems like they’re just farming internet points for the occasion.

>> No.41931894

Wr can only hope, anon.

>> No.41931945

>collabs with males
>”unfortunately idol culture is a thing”
>least streaming hours of anyone in EN besides Gura and Ina
>doesn’t give a shit about any of her genmates

>> No.41932037

kronii antis projecting is hilarious.

>> No.41932202

Lmao, seethe more.

>> No.41932298

Atleast Gura has never strayed from her character and has respected the idol culture, I can wait for her return and I think she deserved a good rest.

Kronii however disrespected the fandom entirely, told her idol favoring fans to fuck off and now wants to do a complete 180 as if she didn’t have a whole rebellious whore arc against idol culture

>> No.41932450

see, >>41932202 now THIS is seething.

>> No.41932541
File: 147 KB, 640x1113, Kronii Laugh [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F02vhcw.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally no one took his bait in global so he made 2 (dead) threads about it

>> No.41932625

He's right. Take your ratio and downvotes like a man, you pussy.

>> No.41932762


>> No.41932878
File: 230 KB, 206x498, 12432535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seethe on cooldown niggers, it's happening and you can't do shit about it

>> No.41932951

That's a malding lesbian who thought kronii was still her PL

>> No.41933018

but I don't have any downvotes...

>> No.41934101

I don't post on Twitter because I don't interact with trannies.

>> No.41935056

>unfortunately idol culture is a thing
If only someone was actually bold enough to reply to her post with this.

>> No.41936497

It is almost like Kronii was the real right winger all along and her antis were lying troon sacks of shit.

>> No.41937173

You're a fucking idiot if you honestly believe that. But you don't, you're just trying to get (you)'s, so we'll done. She is a lying, hateful piece of shit and you know it.

>> No.41937433
File: 121 KB, 1877x550, kroniies_betrayal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41937903

it feels so fake of her, i hope she's just trolling

>> No.41938990

You sound like one of those twitter sjws.

>> No.41947191
File: 1.43 MB, 1078x1423, Kronii replying to tweet of male underwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41947462

>hololive was a cgdct company till a bunch of whores mucked it up
>he ACTUALLY doesn't know

>> No.41947596

God they're both so cute together. Vesper can fix her bros

>> No.41947684

this is true. hololive wasn't successful until they embraced idol culture and avoided males as the norm. Their only demonstrable success is in catering to a male audience that doesn't want the coed shit.

>> No.41949738


>> No.41950286

Why are /vt/rannies so sensitive?
>omg she tweeted to a male
>she said idol culture le bad once
>she collabed with a co-worker despite nobody cared and everyone moved on months ago
I have never seen such grudgeful, petty, entitled community made of grown men who act worse than gossiping little girls.
Literally kill yourselves,

>> No.41950329

go back

>> No.41950362


>> No.41950630

The funniest part about that whole thing was how Kronii had to apologize and act like she didn't mean what she said. We all know you meant it Kronii. I wish these girls would be more truthful. But it is funny seeing how Kronii hates idol culture and then posts a tweet like that

>> No.41950659
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, reading reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ still made about this

grow up
go outside
talk to real females

>> No.41950743
File: 31 KB, 1335x396, Kronii sub growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and everyone moved on months ago

her sub count growth got cut in half since the yab and never recovered

>> No.41950766

But women are aliens

>> No.41950784

where's the problem?

>> No.41950860

either I have some terrible eyesight or you're just a dumb motherfucker. Most of the time. It's both.

>> No.41950993

she's a liar

>> No.41951009

I can't read graphs, get the fuck out of here numberfag

>> No.41951088

so put context next time

>> No.41951093

>make quantifiable claim
>"don't show me quantities!"

>> No.41951157

>putting context on something everyone knows, which is the entire point of the grudgeposting to begin with

>> No.41951490

hololive got nowhere with their idol act until they started leeching off nijisanji, and by that point the unicorns were leaving because of the girls' RMs being whores and male collabs, the whole idea that hololive got popular because of idol culture is retarded.

>> No.41951698

She's just doing a part of her job that she hates.

>> No.41952056

>Good to see Kronii on a leash
Hot. That's the best kind of Kronii.

>> No.41952138

Hardly. She hates her audience, pure and simple. Lied right to our faces multiple times. So I will anti her forever.

>> No.41952287

Most people would be fired if they tweeted about "a coworker's" dirty underwear.

>> No.41952478

> people feeling NIJ because of RMs being whore and male collabs disproved hololive becoming popular because of idol culture.


>> No.41953513

hololive got popular during its least unicorn friendly period, despite male collabs, and the RM's personal lives being leaked.

>> No.41953602

I hope the ENs and IDs don’t have any group songs with JPs during HoloFes, that will make it easy to time my piss breaks or get more snacks.

>> No.41953734

You're laughing. Cover raped her and you're laughing.

>> No.41955110
File: 180 KB, 870x846, Throwing away used onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape corrections worked

>> No.41955259

I would have, but got banned back in 2016

>> No.41955444

Shit talking idol culture despite not knowing anything about it annoyed the fuck out of me. I don't mind her streaming with Stars or whatever, actual idols go to TV shows with male comedians, singers, talkshow host, athletes, etc. etc. She just comes across as ignorant and needlessly condescending.

>> No.41956979

Reading the tweet I can sense the same attitude coming through.

>> No.41957809

How strange that they never posts the full, accurate quote.

>> No.41957949

It exploded in popularity after it embraced idol culture not before it.

>> No.41957982

words that mindbroke /vt/

>> No.41958280

how she's now wants to be an idol
after shitting on it, no refunds fag
internet remembers forever

>> No.41958511

not my problem lmao i lurk to see faggots cry endlessly

>> No.41958578

yup we all enjoy seeing faggots and tranny seethe they do it daily for free
truly the worthless cucks of humans,

>> No.41958616

A woman that can't make up her mind, what a surprise. She will love it or hate depending on what's more convinient for her at the moment.

>> No.41958728

its not about Vesperoniis tbf I want every fanbase to get Hiroshima'd

>> No.41958830

Off yourself schizo

>> No.41958943

based nuke this shit industry !

>> No.41959093

I hope they do just specifically piss you off

>> No.41959141
File: 431 KB, 1046x1613, 1674984044955376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pagpag thread
Eat up shitskin

>> No.41959145

It's part of her job to be part of holofes. Yes, some are really really happy to be part of it, some take it as a work thing, and some have menhera meltdowns not being able to join. I don't know if she actually wants to do it or not but she signed the contract.

Btw I love holofes and I actually buy that shit; rewatched several times. And Bloom, if that ever happens again and no, holo*27 won't be as good. I just don't want people forced to do it personally.

>> No.41959218

not even there to dance , not even there to record,
someone's just gonna be her stand in and replay some song audio,
it'll come off cheap looking 100%

>> No.41959235

Based, Anons seething at being told they wasted months getting angry at nothingburgers

>> No.41959249


>> No.41959295

Some girls do dance and you can tell. I wonder if Kronii will pay someone to dance for her.

>> No.41959323

ah vespernoiis truly made for each other

>> No.41959334
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>> No.41959358

considering she ain't even in japan nor recording jack shit are we now

>> No.41959395

Most of the company was averaging less than 1k ccv before the idol shit. One year after it Pekora was averaging 45k and the entire branch was averaging 12k. Two orders of magnitude.

>> No.41959555

>anno domini 2023
>still caring about tranii

>> No.41959561

Reddit is 6 miles down the hall and to the left

>> No.41960046

Everyone moved on to other streamers, me included. Btw the number of nijiniggers larping here ja hilarious.

>> No.41960143

you know fags aren't the smartest out there,
just say vespernoii and they can compute somewhat?
it's part of their programming right?

>> No.41960164

I have never seen a love live pfp have good opinions ever

>> No.41960196

They all recorded everything when they were in Japan, the same thing happened last year. Do people actually think it’s a coincidence that every year all of EN is just magically in Japan months before HoloFes? They are refining the dancing animations as we speak, just like a video game. Ina just went back because Gura is in Japan recording something for an Umisea performance.

>> No.41960227

>the meme rabbit is popular because idol

>> No.41960262

did kronii ever go to Japan?
we all know she didn't right?
or is she that toxic no1 wants to meet her there?

>> No.41960271

You mean men, because women don't give a fuck about Kronii

>> No.41960398
File: 1.15 MB, 1284x1299, 1674078493389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly likely during this 6 day gap, not sure who was there then. She probably just went to visit Korea while she was in the area, instead of socializing.

>> No.41960401

Uhhh based

>> No.41961022

Based gigachad right there

>> No.41961431


>> No.41961469

Moona will do a song with Pekora and you will seethe.
