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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 139 KB, 1199x1080, Fauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41882655 No.41882655 [Reply] [Original]

Why don’t people like her?

>> No.41882760

tries too hard on every front
>Gamer Girl
>Le autism block game

>> No.41882815

dont forget the gacha obsession

>> No.41882873

What do you mean, she's one of the most popular EN vtubers?

>> No.41882904

That is tryharding your diet even.

>> No.41882956

Sadly she is vegan.

>> No.41883148

Something about her doesn't feel genuine. No vulnerability or strong personal opinions, incredibly agreeable on anything. People shit on Kronii for the tempiss shit but at least it feels real knowing that she actually expressed a personal opinion. I finally understand when they say apathy is worse than hate.

>> No.41883603

>Something about her doesn't feel genuine
i feel that way about baelz

>> No.41883687

She raped me in 2005 at seattle center. I went to see the foo fighters and she ambushed me in the restroom

>> No.41883829
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stop spamming your shit thread every day

>> No.41883837

translation: she has no drama for me to post on /vt/ so I'll call her boring

>> No.41883911

She's definitely conforming to be more understandable to non-aussies since everything is outlandish over there.

>> No.41883993

This is true. You just know Fauna is completely okay and even in support of Tempiss given that she follows them. She purposefully avoids mentioning them on stream though outside of the one time when they first debuted. It's very obviois she isn't the most genuine, but that goes for other members as well.

>> No.41884174

I'll actually watch her and buy membership if she does an actual yandere arc for at least two weeks and doesn't break character.

>> No.41884369

Everyone hates her on /#/

>> No.41884588

>conforming to be more understandable to non-aussies
d..do you not watch her?

>> No.41884609
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>literally the same person spamming the shitty mumei bait threads

>> No.41884689

>Bait thread
literally just looks like a mumei thread?

>> No.41884753
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scroll down a little

>> No.41886353

Her fans are numberfags

>> No.41886758

Nothing but nijifags seething because she is funnier and has better numbers than Nijis, and that's without having to leech off of males and doing dick jokes.

>> No.41886924
File: 44 KB, 1508x259, 1928349287432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a new ip
stop samefagging your thread

>> No.41887088

shes the most watched Council vtuber, and the third most popular behind Gura and Ina

>> No.41887444

>shes the most watched Council vtuber,

>> No.41888299

Literally not me, anon stop being a schizo

>> No.41888410

FauMei schizo bait thread #243563

>> No.41888521

The fuck are you on about, OPnigger? People like Fauna. She's elite for the ENs

>> No.41888775
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he's not particularly subtle about it, even made the threads right after each other

>> No.41890269

Because they love her

>> No.41890606

I like Fauna Ceres

>> No.41890722

she's okay?

>> No.41890829

get over yourself man, she has refrained from collabing with them and as far as I know even mentioning them on stream.
she is clearly aware that her audience wouldn't like man collabs, just how far does one have to go please you?

>> No.41890878

Nah this is the right way of doing it. Professional distance, nod that each other exist, but does not interact with each other if she can help it. She and Mumei panders to the CGDCT crowd and they know how to do it.

>> No.41891141

I like her

>> No.41892208

i don't trust green women after the incident

>> No.41892274
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you'll be next

>> No.41893050
File: 224 KB, 480x480, 1648205185665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Fauna. She's nice.

>> No.41893670

Damn. Can't believe /vt/ is shitting on Fauna now. As a contrarian I feel the need to protect her.
At least Mumei is popular here so I don't have to watch her.

>> No.41893731 [DELETED] 

Her boyfriend is a prick

>> No.41893832

Her creepy past

>> No.41893892

skill issue

>> No.41894077

She has strong opinions all the time, you don't watch her to find out you absolute schizo fag.

>> No.41894132

She likes to slip a finger in, yeah. Everyone knows it and honestly your fault for not being careful.

>> No.41894707

judge her by her acts not by deeds. The fact she doesnt want them to fail just means she is a nice person. The fact she hasn't collabed means she respects her audience somewhat

>> No.41894862

bros what if Fauna isn't really a Kirin but a deer

>> No.41894897

but why did she do it

>> No.41895195

She seems fake

>> No.41895668
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>> No.41899391

honestly i always loved minecraft vtubers
there was one guy im pretty sure he still makes videos but i havent watched him in years, who made a tutorial survive and thrive series
i never watched him to watch optimized gameplay or whatever so i dont get why now people are complaining about the game or gameplay not being what they like

>> No.41899825 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 654x960, 1670792329826129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she does all these things toxic gamer bros like. I bet she does not even like them and is only pretending. And then she does not even collab with my tempus boys to own the incels. I HATE IT

>> No.41899966

I strongly dislike stupid people like vegans, simple as.

>> No.41900448

If that is true, I will not watch her anymore, since she lied to her viewers

>> No.41900579

Too feminine for a western girl, her existence is an insult to the globalist agenda

>> No.41900694

Hence why she isn't genuine.
The right way of doing things is by ignoring them and showing you don't support the cancer that has infested the EN side.
Not collabing with the cancer of EN isn't respecting your audience if you still suport them. She just doesn't want to deal with the actual ramifications of collabing with them, not because she respectd her audience or because she is an idol or unicorn-friendly.

>> No.41900729

This, it's literally only LGBT and leftists that dislike her.
Also a few autists that don't understand vegan jokes

>> No.41900846

The only other thing is certain ENfags that are upset by how genuine she is, she makes the more fake members stand out as bullshit artists

>> No.41901127

Man you suck at false flagging

>> No.41901138

women shouldn't be allowed to post in /vt/...

>> No.41901153

Not a response

>> No.41901249 [DELETED] 

??? She seems like one of the most genuine and kind vtubers out there?

She's been consistent with her content and persona since she started as lemon leaf in 2018.

She seems supportive of everyone and does the best to promote positivity in both her community and everyone she works with.

What is there not to like?

>> No.41901309

>She seems like one of the most genuine and kind vtubers out there?
That's the reason. Sisters hate it because it makes them feel bad about who they are and certain ENfags hate it because it makes them feel bad about who their oshis are

>> No.41901558

anon, we have rrat templates to generate, you can't just come in /here/ posting sensible responses

>> No.41901711

welcome to 4chan, see you in 3 days

>> No.41901892
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Kill yourself OP

>> No.41903194
File: 284 KB, 2666x3000, 1635775708077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do, your thread is invalid.

>> No.41903334
File: 33 KB, 279x400, Rampage-Roof-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimmie muh cgdct or the next 10 anon gets it

>> No.41903426

She's just too perfect, it's uncannily perfect. She has to be a succubus sent from hell to charm men or maybe just an evil genius who wants to maximize her vtuber following. Either way it's just too good to be true and that makes me feel weird about her.

>> No.41903491

>or strong personal opinions,
She fucking hates furries. Like absolutely fucking hates furries and pokefuckers

>> No.41903507

Well no shit. Fauna knows that she's here to work. Other EN's should learn from her.

>> No.41904233

Mommy issues.

>> No.41904594

Christ, even keeping your content sausage free isn't enough for you people? She has to actively hate the male gender on top of it?

>> No.41904785

That's a good thing 2bh. Transparency might seem good at first, but in the long run it merely tears on the vtuber illusion. Look at Calli and Kiara

>> No.41904873

Vegan is -12 to charisma rolls, it's amazing she's doing as well as she is

>> No.41904892

They do. Everyone adores her, aside from maybe a dozen shit-stirring retards /here/, and the only ammo they've got is lol vegan lol. She is a nearly perfect professional streamer.

>> No.41906043

>not playing life on hard mode

>> No.41906055

fake personality, talentless, fanbase is full of cucks and degenerates. she should be a 3view on twitch

>> No.41906254

But enough about Kronii

>> No.41908506

>she should be a 3view
At least try to hide your seething jealousy, sister.

>> No.41908638

Not only this but I think she really is too much of an AW in terms of how she is constantly searching for a gimmick she wont even stick with
Cow Fauna? Two weeks at most
"Fit" Fauna? She wouldnt shut up about gym shit despite her lazy ass only showing ONE time to the gym and never again

>> No.41910192

It's also this guy:



>> No.41912578

asian woman?
>"Fit" Fauna? She wouldnt shut up about gym shit despite her lazy ass only showing ONE time to the gym and never again
shes vegan so the fake protein couldnt build her muscles

>> No.41913342

Why are you so obsessed with homos?

>> No.41913551

>No strong opinions


Literally went on a rant about paranormal

>> No.41918680

Retards can't be reasoned with. If that isn't proof of it then idk what is.

>> No.41919374

>Cow Fauna? Two weeks at most
Cow Fauna lasted until the end of summer because it was a bikini and you don't fucking wear bikinis in fall/winter

>> No.41919540

Easily the dumbest post in the thread.

>> No.41919602

You are seriously braindead. Consider killing yourself please. You are so stupid, it hurts.

>> No.41919787

Are Fauna antis the most schizo antis? Literally half their arguments are like “Well she’s TOO perfect, so I hate her”.

>> No.41920946

I just hope one day she goes full aussie and shout "cunt" every five words

>> No.41921107

She dropped the cowkini thing when the faggot from tempus copied her then he dropped it too when he saw she wasn't using it anymore. Leech going leech

>> No.41921264

I don't not like her. At least she cares about her fans. Wish my oshii had her attitude

>> No.41921682

She has been a northernlion superfan for ages. That dude has avoided drama and controversy for over a decade. She learned from the best and is following in his footsteps because his strat works.

>> No.41921769

Fauna just comes off as coping that she had an experience and is desperately trying to rationalize it.

>> No.41922078

Fauna is just your typical gated community suburban girl who's been sheltered for too long. Please understand

>> No.41923033

Cuz she's the fastest growing EN channel last month

>> No.41927950

That’s boring

>> No.41928067


>> No.41929038

GENUINEfags are the worst human beings to ever exist and nothing will ever satisfy them in life. I hope your retardation causes you nothing but pain until your brainworms are fixed, you absolute piece of shit.

>> No.41929125

>you people
That retard's one of yours.

>> No.41930095


>> No.41930213
File: 57 KB, 339x471, squeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41931505

Who is your oshi

>> No.41931572

wealthy white girl who never had to work a job or struggle in life and is an a vegen cult with her family

>> No.41932315

her being THAT kind of vegan and also rich and snobby really showed during the off collab which killed any interest I had for her

>> No.41933901 [DELETED] 

i don't like her because her roommate has a BF, simple as

>> No.41934112

based. enjoy your vacation anon

>> No.41934541
File: 100 KB, 820x820, FOODfk6aUAAtGVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41934706

I don't think she's wralthy at all. I remember her saying that a 50 dollar purse was expensive.

>> No.41934762


>> No.41935261

>her being THAT kind of vegan and also rich and snobby really showed during the off collab which killed any interest I had for her
?????????????? WTF are you on about. What does that even mean?

>> No.41935367

??? She made an asmr channel and that's it??

>> No.41935689

This is just about the only valid reason

>> No.41937737

valid and based

>> No.41937842

people with this reasoning are even more cucked than the other way of thinking. if you just watch her for who she is as long as she doesn't bring up personal shit, you dont really think about what that personal shit could be. people with (You)r logic are OBSESSED over it and when they think of a vtuber they only think of their roommate and her personal shit. people who only care for the chuuba themselves know that it's a separate identity, and don't care about real life shit as long as they don't bring it up; therefore they are not OBSESSED and mindbroken, at least not as much as retards like (You).

the biggest cucks of all are the chuubas that mix real life shit and their virtual identity, and those who watch said vtubers

>> No.41938073

it's okay anon, we both know you were a tier3 sub until you found out, no need to cope this hard

>> No.41939834

ive never given her a dime in supas or ad revenue. unless YT premium compensates the chuuba for me not watching ads, i dont know how that works if i wanted to support her id probably buy something tangible like merch, not a quick shoutout like some retard zoomer. And even then i haven't bought merch, because i'm not autistic.

>> No.41939985

>>41939834 (me)
I forgot to mention no membership either. I can just find archives of members streams and watch them later

>> No.41940328

Please elaborate

>> No.41940924

Aren't most reasonable human beings this way? The whole "you have to have a strong opinion on everything" attitude is really something that just happened in the last decade or so and I find it way more shallow and artificial than just being a person.

>> No.41940957

She's doing great during the EN decline.
Can't say for most others. Like seeing many Niji streaming with 2 views, my heart goes out to them. Trying, but abandoned by their company. No where to go. Best of luck to them.

>> No.41942647

Fauna's pleasant to watch. She can come off like a valley girl at times but over all i find myself able to watch her longer than say mumei.
Plus she's a good addition to any collab she's in where she can bounce off others.

>> No.41942839

She’s kinda boring.
Mumei is boring but autistic, Kronii is boring but has MENHERA moments.

Fauna is just boring boring.
There’s a reason why she’s not as clippable.

>> No.41942878

I love Fauna

>> No.41942965

Doesn't collab with Tempiss

>> No.41943876

I like her her streams are comfy.

>> No.41946874

>Aren't most reasonable human beings this way?
They are, and fags like the one you're replying to are the most performative, shallow pieces of shit to ever exist. They genuinely have no personality or identity beyond a series of overlapping in-groups and out-groups, so they HAVE to draw an outspoken bold line on every single topic they can so that everyone knows they're DEFINITELY part of a group they identify with. They deal in black and white in a world of grays.
>I find it way more shallow and artificial than just being a person
Ironically true, because they force themselves to take on stances that they don't actually hold just to avoid "fence-sitting" and to fit into some group, but will readily flip sides if it's to their advantage or go against everything a group stands for since they didn't actually mean it when they took a hardline stance. The end result is the only thing you can reliably trust them on is that they are going to escalate everything into shitflinging instead of acting human and reasonable. Every single faggot shitting themselves on social media, all the absolute retards here, all the fags on Twitter, every single dramawhore, they are all this type of person. I genuinely hate these people, and that's one of my few "strong opinions" that I hold with extreme prejudice.

>> No.41946890

Fauna is great. Soothing to listen to. No drama. Observational sense of humor. Endearing giggles. Good at playing while engaging with chat. Knows how to keep things interesting and moving along unlike some others (Mumei).

Her main weakness is that she isn't very assertive in collabs, so she becomes a bit of a background character.

>> No.41947203

I think she’s cute

>> No.41949704

>incredibly agreeable on anything

you haven't seen her tier lists

>> No.41949831

She is not based (and is in fact a racemixer) how dare you give her that crown

>> No.41950055

She's one of THOSE vegans..

>> No.41950223

which race? is it animals?

>> No.41950417

>you either have a strong opinion on everything or have the most shallow fake personality crafted only to appeal to your viewers
retard, most people are obviously in between these two extremes

kek, look at this sapcuck working overtime. keep going and maybe she will notice you one day

>> No.41951531

He's someone who lists Kronii as an example of someone who "feels real". His idea of "genuine" consists of being an explosive bundle of drama and conflagration. Unironically the kind of person to say "people call me an asshole because I tell it like it is".

>> No.41952448

t. a seething Kronie who's mad that his oshii gets all the bad rep

>> No.41952831

ah queen of numberfags, I see now

>> No.41956638

rather be hated for who she is than loved for what she's not

>> No.41959622

they do

>> No.41960020

being a cuck isn't good in any case.
has western society fallen this low? or is it just reddit fags?

>> No.41960085
File: 140 KB, 512x658, nazi-flag-970x546_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is the first National Socialist Vtuber. Remember the Nazis were the first people in europe to create national parks and advocate for animal rights!

>> No.41960589

she thinks she's smarter than she is.

>> No.41961160

you're malding so hard nigger

>> No.41961449

I'm glad my wife is popular enough to have schizos

>> No.41961943

thats a good thing
its called being professional. not everyone has to force their opinions down your throat. Fauna is literally the most genuine EN holo out there, while still staying wholesome. I want to watch idols. If you dont, then feel free to watch your streamer whores.

>> No.41963633

too much fan interaction. just focus on your streams you green bitch
