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41824342 No.41824342 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41824419

She's ayame 2.0.

>> No.41824489

Lol no, dropped her a year ago.

>> No.41824594

What is there to forgive? She did nothing wrong.

>> No.41824636

No. I can't forgive her when I was never mad at her. She's cute so I don't mind if she streams or not.

>> No.41824731 [DELETED] 

I will when she graduates

>> No.41824870

>Completely blanks the faggots.
This is enough to forgive almost anything.

>> No.41825133

Nope. She's far too secretive, who's paranoia and lazyness makes her stories become borderline lies. I can't be assed with that kind of shit anymore.

>> No.41825318
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I have been kneeling the whole time. Has she done anything wrong in the meantime?

>> No.41825683

she's making a grand comeback right before valentines day to milk all the chumkeks of their money before vanishing again

>> No.41825842

Good. I have been saving my balance just for this very occasion.

>> No.41825891

It's always chumkeks that bring up the homos first.

>> No.41825933

Coming back just before Valentine to bank on chumtards is too fucking hilarious.
Godspeed Shark

>> No.41826053

No, fags think getting sick is some code of getting fucked. My take is that it's their way of coping with being cucks

>> No.41826169 [DELETED] 

I'll forgive her when she's graduated. It's a shame. 2020 was so good for chumbros.

>> No.41826180
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Good. I'm going to show the homocollabing whores what they lost. Dropping my entire holiday bonus on rainbow supers until I reach the youtube daily limit on all my credit cards.

>> No.41826205

forgive what? she literally did nothing wrong

>> No.41826279


she did nothing wrong

>> No.41826340

Gura has been living in the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida for most of her absence in order to hide from the overbearing paparazzi

>> No.41826360
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>> No.41826373

Nothing to forgive. I've just been doing other stuff while she was gone waiting for her to come back.

>> No.41826507

Continues to live like a hobo and eat junk food, while papa and mama shark goes on another cruise.

>> No.41826682

But everyone eats junk food. Her fans make a big deal out of it because it's one of the few things about her life that she actually reveals to them.

>> No.41826802

Haha, guys that give me money, I live like such a poorfag! I don't buy anything like any other woman would in my position! Just trust me! I'm not hustling you why would you think that!

>> No.41826825

Honestly I want her to take care of herself, like what's the point of giving her money if she doesn't use it for herself.

>> No.41826945 [DELETED] 


>> No.41827493
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>ignores your existance for month besides shilling merch
>chumbuds are basedfacing from excitement for her to do it again
lmao, you deserve to be ridiculed constantly

>> No.41832462


>> No.41832955

Same with Tacucks... 3 months, 90 days

>> No.41833028

She doesn't need to be forgiven as she's done no wrong

>> No.41833110
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>teakek trying to get uppity

>> No.41834026

fat ugly whores hate her.
chad love and wants to protect her.
cope and seethe land whales

>> No.41834049

I don't watch her either, it's just a funny gif, but nice try.

>> No.41834089

it's relevant through considering that is a good thing she has done

>> No.41834168

Yes but I don't forgive her for being a literal helmet wearing retard

>> No.41836165

How qbout you go watch your male collabs teacuck?

>> No.41836914
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>(no deliery)
>sowwy i am very (((((((ill))))))) owo *travels to japan to do her shit with the other "ill" of the group*
No, she will stream on valentine collect SC money shill merch fuck off be 5 minutes on stage on holofes maybe do an after talk stream to collect SC and shill merch and then resume normal schedule of (NO DELIVERY) "sowwy i am still ill *posted from Maldive*"


>> No.41837292
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>announced return right before Valentines day
>*brrrrrr cha-ching*
>February 15th: oops sorry I have to go on another unannounced break

>> No.41837310


>> No.41837823

No. She stole my heart and I've never been the same again since.

>> No.41838005

i already have

>> No.41838739

>gura retweeted the homos
It's over.

>> No.41839769


>> No.41839804

are you saying being an EN Ayame > collabing with faggots? KING!

>> No.41840341


>> No.41844758

always did

>> No.41844967


>> No.41845041

A friend of mine got a GF that sounds like her. Like a lot

>> No.41849742

yeah, me

>> No.41853587

based and same

>> No.41853847

I think it's scummy of her to ghost only to come back for valentine, but at the end of the day she's still entertaining when she wants to be and losing her would be a net loss. Besides, she's not my oshi so I'm not the one getting burnt.

>> No.41857857


>> No.41864327


>> No.41864894

You don't have a friend.

>> No.41865400

She dropped you, not the other way around.

>> No.41869516
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I never got mad at her.

>> No.41871204

This for me. I enjoy her content, I'm no a simp so her being gone just means I watch something else until she makes something else.

>> No.41873692

she left me when I needed her most

>> No.41873983
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despised her since day 1

>> No.41878413


>> No.41878574

I guess you had plenty of time to save up kek

>> No.41879033

Hell no. Let's say the whole "health hort" excuse was legit, she still went silent for weeks before that; with the only tweet from her account clearly not being written by her. And even if anyone was to make the claim that she had to stay silent about her activities
since they couldn't afford to let anyone know she was going to be in japan, she didn't have to and most likely wouldn't divulge any info of the sort. She's probably the most paranoid in Myth about that stuff and wouldn't dare let it slip. Plus, i find it extremely hard to believe her health was so bad she couldn't tweet out a silly post or two, but is healthy enough to travel to and be out n about in japan. Kiara even confirmed Gura was just fine. This isn't the first time she's ghosted her audience and there's no signs of this being the last. And I get it, the streamer has no real obligation to say anything. I can even respect it. But there's no way I'm gonna continue being a member when there has been no content to justify it. I'll stay subscribed for a while longer to see if she goes back to streaming as much as she did in the first year and a half. I like gura but she's no longer a must watch vtuber for me. My JP oshi and countless other vtubers have only gotten better over time, can't say the same about Gura

>> No.41879547

>can't make it to the first jp trip because doctor said she's too sick so it gets pushed back.
>recently got the doctor ok to take the trip after a few weeks of being home.
Wow, I solved the riddle. And all it took was actually reading the membership post and not schizo.

>> No.41879586

>words from kiara
god i wish that european whore had gotten shot in the middle of her head

>> No.41880109

Yea and there was almost complete silence from her during that entire period. Way to miss the point yet again, chumkek

>> No.41880513

The doctor didn't give the ok to take her phone and tweet, please understand it was totally out of her control. She would NEVER ghost her audience by choice.

>> No.41883261

for now

>> No.41883312

But enough about your mom

>> No.41885406
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You sound like a mentally handicapped child that needs people to literally hold your hand and tell you what's going on instead of having a big boy brain and not freaking out because you're not getting an immediate answer. kek

>> No.41886474

Nothing to forgive, retard-chama. If she's burnt out of streaming, relax for awhile. I will happily watch when she comes back. She's carried the entire English vtuber industry on her hunched little back for years, she can rest sometimes.

>> No.41886566

I'll never forgive Gura for a very specific reason that I won't elaborate on. Fuck her.

>> No.41886877

The constant ghosting is pretty much her only sin. And it doesn't affect me because she's not my oshi, I'm fine with just watching her once in a while. She'll definitely be more respectable if she stops ghosting, though.

>> No.41889309

No amount deflecting will make Gura any better

>> No.41893012


>> No.41897465


>> No.41897708

For living in your head rent-free? yes.

>> No.41898088

You fucking faggots keep posting this on the board and shitting up the catalog every fucking day, why the fuck do you do this? Who the fuck is this chick? Stop posting random anime pics

>> No.41901588

I'm in the same boat. Never liked her from the start. Her style of humor was just painfully unfunny and still is as far as I can tell.

>> No.41901678

What is there to forgive? She hasn't done anything. I mean that literally, she doesn't even stream.

>> No.41901769

This just sounds like cope

>> No.41902048

Not until she delivers on the daki and the succubus asmr.

>> No.41905714


>> No.41906072

You clearly don't know what ghosting is.

>> No.41906941

Nah, she made it clear that she only came back due to Valentines Day, I really tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it is all just cope from Chumbuds due to sunk cost fallacy

>> No.41907173

>I am going to ignore being treated like an ATM by Gura deliberately choosing to return right before Valentines Day because she ignores Tempus existing
RUMAO, the absolute state of Chumkeks, she has made it very clear that she does not love you

>> No.41907317

I mean at least they have recent streams to watch, lol

>> No.41907905

>It is okay that Gura is not working, because she got tired of it, while still being paid thousands of dollars in passive income
Fuck your simping, if Gura is going to not put work in, she should fucking retire already, so actual streamers in HololiveEN can get rewarded instead of unfunny Reddit shark

>> No.41907996

>Rest sometimes
That is the problem, she takes breaks way too often for it to be considered sometimes, but I get it you are a coping Chumkek with sunk cost fallacy

>> No.41908024

She never did anything wrong. This is just another gura anti thread baiting for negative gura comments and some retards are falling for it

>> No.41908022

Instead of seething and malding on the Mongolian basket weaving forum everyday may I suggest just watching something else?

>> No.41908189

I have forgiven her but that doesn't mean I'll be back. I cancelled my membership long ago and lost interest when the lack of streams and effort became too much to ignore. I do think she has the potential right there to be an absolutely amazing entertainer but with the health issues or whatever you want to believe she isn't able to be it yet. Hopefully the future is good to the chumbuds that are still around.

>> No.41908305

Holy cope

>> No.41908377

There's nothing to forgive. She, like everybody else, inevitably got exhausted mentally and I can completely understand it. To add potentially health conditions on top of it, why would I be mad at her? She's an entertainer and I want her to be in peak spirits and health. Who wins if she's in a miserable place a minute away from fainting? And no, she didn't drop anybody. She would not have gone out of her way to get an animation, provide an amazing 3D, give us one of the most heartwarming Halloween streams, and try to force her computer to work for her when Sonic destroyed it if she didn't care. She loves her job but for whatever reason, she wasn't feeling the spark in life.

She got a break. She needed it.

>> No.41908512

>not wasting your time raging over someone you hate is a cope
Holy fucking retarded

>> No.41908554

>Being an anti means pointing out facts about Gawr Gura
RUMAO, please spare me your sunk cost fallacy cope, when Gura respects you as much as the average Twitch e-thot respects her viewers, heck she even wanted to make easy content by suggesting doing reaction to YouTube videos on stream, you do not GET TO PLAY THE SCHIZO CARD, WHEN YOU CHUMKEKS HAS SPENT THE LAST 2 YEARS SEETHING AT THE OTHER HOLOEN MEMBERS.

Karma is a bitch ain't it?

>> No.41908843


>> No.41909104

I can't get mad at her! She's cute!

>> No.41909145

What was there to forgive?

>> No.41910454

>getting sick

>> No.41910548

Migo took a very long break and nobody hates her, why should I hate Gura?

>> No.41910653

People fear Migo. She has the nigger-word pass. That's too much power to risk upsetting.

>> No.41910856

Miko kept being active and draw a whole diary for her fans. Gura had her manager shill merch on twitter

>> No.41911038

Japanese are workaholics, if they have to take a break due to health you know its real
westerners are lazy fucks that most likely are using it as an excuse for vacation

>> No.41911053

>manager shill merch on twitter
Can you actually prove that this meme is real? Other than Gura saying that the manager retweeted something one time.

>> No.41911101

Absolutely based.

>> No.41911686

even if it wasn't her manager there's still a world of difference between Miko during her break and Gura

>> No.41912439

When Japanese take breaks, they still do stuff. Hell, even Fauna shows EN's are sometimes capable of this as she used to plan her breaks in advance and release shorts during them. Obviously she ultimately turned out as worthless as the rest of her branch but it's not like they can't acknowledge their audience during breaks. People used to defend EN's laziest member by saying she had too many health problems to post on Twitter even while she was happy and active on her real Twitter.

>> No.41912603

Not really convinced. I'll tune into her return stream though and so will you

>> No.41913970

>ignores >>41910856, which showcases the exact differences between Miko's break and Gura's
Anon, as a 35p that is also member Ed to Gura, I haven't withdrawn my membership out of respect, precisely because I know what a forced break feels and acknowledge that Gura may be going through something similar. However, her severe lack of communication is not easily excusable.

>> No.41914869

Easily the most cucked fanbase in existence.

>> No.41915040

>Is supposedly “sick”
>Conveniently comes back right on Valentine’s Day to harvest a buttload of SCs

I don’t know how chumkeks actually fall for this shit. Hands down the dumbest fanbase.

>> No.41915165

Yes. Gura can do no wrong

>> No.41915325

Are you just illiterate and can't read the member post properly? If she wasn't sick she wouldn't have had to postpone her original japan trip you dumb monkey.

>> No.41915949

Yea, she'd be better off just not streaming at all.

>> No.41916237

Unless her new model has a helmet on it, no.

>> No.41916451
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ah it's 35piss and their compulsive need to start shit again
remember when those rabid dogs blamed *chumbuds* for make their whore cry on stream?

>> No.41919693

Are you sure about that?

>> No.41920639

But enough about fandeads

>> No.41920804

Yeah, she's cute.

>> No.41921457
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based on everything she has told us and her heart rate monitored streams, my rrat is that she has/had hypotension, likely caused by her diet. a lack of b12 from her partial vegan tendencies and lack of iron. this diagnosis would explain her fainting and abnormally high heart rate. So there is nothing to forgive. I am glad she took a break after going to a doctor to fix her horrible diet and get healthy.

>> No.41924533


In due Time, You will realize what a huge fucking Mistake it was to support Hololive (V-tubing) overall

>> No.41925106

>sick person needs money to pay for healthcare.

>> No.41930367

how many chances by now? no

>> No.41931767

I don't watch memeshark, she fainted on stream?

>> No.41935879

Nope. Lazy as hell. If you can be in Japan complaining about rum and raisin cookies in Ina's chat, you can update your fans more.

>> No.41936293

Nothing to forgive. Always be by her side.
