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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4187613 No.4187613 [Reply] [Original]

at a certain point I begin to wonder why this board wasn't just named /holo/. I don't give a fuck about anything outside of Hololive and about 97% of this board's posts pertain to Hololive. I'm convinced anyone who's trying to break the mold by putting up other literal who vtubers are just being contrarian for the sake of. nobody talked about random indies and small company vtubers on jp but suddenly they pretend to care about them

>> No.4187675

Or just not even have this board at all and keep /hlgg/ in /jp/. It was /qa/ that caused the creation of this board in the first place.

>> No.4187741

newfags do not get a say in how the site operates.

>> No.4187795

can you even see the catalog?

>> No.4187829

But newfags are the reason why this board was created.

>> No.4187861

this is a containment board, like /vg/ /vp/ and /mlp/

>> No.4187972

They've specifically stated that this is not a containment board which is why you can still post hololive shit elsewhere. /jp/ still has hololive threads on life support.

>> No.4188033

you can still post pokemon outisde of /vp/ and it was still made to contain pokefags flooding /v/. same goes for the new /v/ offshoots.

>> No.4188331

Completely banning Pokemon from /v/ wasn't the intention with /vp/ like it was when they created /mlp/ or /vg/. This board is more like /vp/ or some of the other /v/ offshoots like the retro gaming board where you're given a space to talk about a specific interest and hopefully have some specific moderation for the hobby. It wasn't to contain all discussion of vtubers into a single board.

>> No.4188332

If you want a hololive-only board, you can go to r/hololive.

>> No.4188829

it's not meant to prevent all vtuber discussion outside of /vt/, but it was meant to prevent flooding like /vp/ and /vmg/. seems like it does that well enough.

>> No.4188911

/holo/supremacy reigns supreme

>> No.4190460

/hlg/ is doing fine on jp. I'd even say it improved after all the turbo newfags moved here.

>> No.4194383

It hasnt gotten better, it's still based on hating every holo and seeing enemies behind every post

>> No.4194902
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But we all like VOMS too

>> No.4195198 [DELETED] 

make the threads you want, you fuckhead. Sage

>> No.4197798

aren't there only two voms now

>> No.4197971

More and more people are moving from /jp/ to /vt/. Only the most stubborn Anons are still there (of which there are still a few). But within a year /hlg/ will be dead on jp

>> No.4198028

If you're using /jp/ as a basis the Nijisanji threads at the very least have a reason to exist here. Thanks to NijiEN the generals are now more active than ever. And it certainly is characteristic of a Chumbud to imply anybody who watches chuubas with smaller >numbers are just contrarians.

>> No.4198505

Well, yeah. I don't think anyone lives under the delusion that this is anything other than. But the point still stands.

>> No.4198522

I do care about other vtubers. Chumbuds' attitude (who thinks they're the best while it's actually not even close) and r/hololive's cringe memes were making me bored of hololive and I would like to explore other indies.

>> No.4198563

>I don't think anyone lives under the delusion that this is anything other than
You'd be surprised.

>> No.4198983

This is why everybody hates Chumbuds. By far the most insufferable posters

>> No.4200806

market saturation

>> No.4201558

Are the NijiENs any good? I might check them out.

>> No.4201777

jptards can go back to /jp/

>> No.4201959

Call the board /ENfag/ and you might have a point there.

>> No.4202105
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I nearly exclusively post in a single indie general. Sometimes I even forget that the rest of the board even exists. I only happened to find this thread by accident while searching for it. I wonder how common this is.

>> No.4202170
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You will never be japanese

>> No.4202682

No, but my children will.

>> No.4202738

I recommend checking out their debuts and deciding for yourself. Pomu is generally liked among everyone on this board (even Holofans) so maybe check her out first.

>> No.4202761

Just stick to your containment threads we'll stick to ours. You don't have to read threads you're not interested in.

>> No.4202813

Your children will be deformed hafu and will be bullied.

>> No.4202883

you forgot /pol/, /lgbt/, and /co/
pepperidge farm remembers

>> No.4203046

>More and more people are moving from /jp/ to /vt/
They don't. Discussion about JP chuubas here is deader then ever and there's no reason for them to move here, Oldfags are migrating mainly to twitter and private groups. If you aren't completely brain dead you can easily find them.

>> No.4203221

If you say so

>> No.4203238

The NijiEN thread regularly hits the 1500 post limit, why are chumbuds this retarded?

>> No.4203656

>see an obnoxious thread
>gura picture
>chumbud op
Ah, of course. Who else.

>> No.4203770

Pomu's debut wasn't really the strongest, I'd personally recommend her Minecraft stream, Duolingo or her Debut 2.0

>> No.4204295

Those are the contrarians. Niji was shat on relentlessly after all the stupid shit they've pulled now they're okay all of a sudden? A brand with no respect for itself or its talents. The influx of newfags on this board don't represent the overall whole of the community on 4chan. The reality is Hololive is still the premier agency in the West.

>> No.4204410

Why are cuckbuds like this?

>> No.4204442

i agree, we should purge manjisanji from this board

>> No.4206019

Feel free to make a thread about your literally who vtwitter that has yet to debut.

>> No.4208502

>Niji was shat on relentlessly after all the stupid shit they've pulled now they're okay all of a sudden
You mean their fans. Don't try and act like an oldfag when you don't know L*l* was regularly posted in /hlg/. The only people that blame Nijis for their fans are the most tribalist of tribalists.

>> No.4210180

In that case where are they? Where are the threads about JP streams? Where is the non-shitflinging discussion about JP industry? JP chuuba threads here are with exceptions mostly dead and I'm willing to bet that those 5 threads about Holo EN generates more activity than all JP threads combined.

>> No.4210296

>create holo board
>several other vtuber agencies grow in numbers over the years
>now you got to create another board for the fans of said agencies
Sounds pretty fucking retard anon

>> No.4210732

That's just as stupid as making two boards for tendies and snoys.

>> No.4210803


>> No.4210914

Reminder that Nijifags of /vyt/ on /jp/ kicked out holofags out of the thread that's why split happens and now they are fuming again on /vt/

>> No.4211852
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bro if anyone was talking about my oshi on here I would

>> No.4215201

>nobody talked about random indies and small company vtubers on jp but suddenly they pretend to care about them
Literally the opposite. People used to talk about them all the time. Now those people fucked off from this site.

>> No.4215246
File: 143 KB, 1277x715, you're cruisin' for a bruisin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I'm grateful that you schizos aren't talking about smaller chuubas that I like
