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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41754073 No.41754073 [Reply] [Original]

>Oshi finally plays that one game you've been wanting her to play
>It's one of her worst streams she's ever done
Any examples?

>> No.41754325

Korone playing Gran Turismo 2
That game is such a childhood nostalgia trip but that stream was a got dam disaster. She fell so far behind because she wouldn't stop ramming into walls. In a lot of racing games, it will display a time such as "+ 15.00" to let you know how far ahead or behind you are from the next car. She was a few minutes behind, the AI had already finished the race, so when she saw that big number she started celebrating because she thought she got a high score. It was then that I realized Korone is probably actually retarded

>> No.41754380

And I'm pretty sure she only did the one race too, so you just had to watch a solid hour of her scrolling through the car list
>i want skyrine

>> No.41754506
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none because my oshi is a cool gamer who knows how to make any game funny and enjoyable to watch

>> No.41754549

tbf, the older Gran Turismos are simulation games rather than a racing game.
I remember watching my uncle play those when I was a child and I literally could not understand what they were doing and how many menus he goes through just to tune his car. He spends more time admiring the digital car than to actually race.

Now that I'm older, I understand what those games mean when I started playing Armored Core.

>> No.41754667

I've played Epic Seven for like 3 years, I was so stoked when Kiara and (sigh) Kronii did the (crappy) cover and we're going to do a stream about the game. Then Kiara no shows and Kronii does the shittiest, most phoned in half ass sponsored stream I've ever seen, she never even plays the game, hell she barely mentioned it. What a fucking clown fiesta. Oddly enough this same awful pairing had an absolutely dogshit Diablo 2 collab as well, ruining another game I love.

>> No.41754705

Epic Sneedven

>> No.41755214

Diablo II is such a wasted use of permissions. It's such a good grind game but not even Kaela, one of Holo's best grinders, touches it unless playing with Moona
and then of course if those two are playing together there's not a lick of english being spoken so the stream is borderline unwatchable anyway because indonesian sounds awful

>> No.41755350

God fucking damn shut the hell up about it already please

>> No.41755414

That stream was embarrassingly bad. Closed it because of the cringe.

>> No.41755547

NijiEN gamer wave when? Clearly Selen is not cut out to be called a gamer after all.

>> No.41757677
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I enjoyed the stream. It got rough during one point when she got beyond salty that chat was screaming at her to do tutorials. Once she got the basics out of the way, however, she had an absolute blast with it. How do you think she maintained such high energy throughout the entirety of the ten hour stream?

>> No.41757878

I enjoyed ramy playing diablo and I'm forever sad that she apparently dropped it.

>> No.41758829

>10 hours to beat MGR
Kid these days are shit at games that aren't point and click rootin tootin shootin games.

>> No.41758909

It was her first go and it was a genre she never really plays.
Plus that just means we get more Selen.

>> No.41760369

she alsmost said Negro

>> No.41760767

i watched moonas first diablo gameplay, overall is great, she talked in en most of the time, but then one time with kalea was full indonesian are huge dropped off

>> No.41760921

She didn't learn shit about mechanics, she went into the tutorial again after getting bodied by gekkos and said "fuck it I'm not enjoying this" and just through the game button mashing just to get through it all in one sitting. It was not a good stream to watch, its not like Megaman where the mechanics are pretty dismal, MGR actually has fun mechanics and you had to watch hours of her forgetting that blade mode exists.

>> No.41761177

Lamy dropped Diablo 2 because it's servers went to shit and deleted her save

>> No.41761267

She began to enjoy it and learned enough to make it through the game, often nearly first try (minus Armstrong). That's all I can ask for. The main appeal was her, anyways.

>> No.41761303 [DELETED] 

I hate video games.

>> No.41761320

I love video games.

>> No.41761433

>How do you think she maintained such high energy throughout the entirety of the ten hour stream?
Adderall and redbull.

>> No.41761568

She needs to share.

>> No.41761842

surprised she sat through it anyway

>> No.41762260

Pippa's mabinogi stream comes to mind. I reinstalled the game for the nostalgia trip and then she just meekly vented about getting told off by management for her infamous build a bear stream and didn't do anything after that. She left her character standing there for several days which actually got me concerned back then. Funny how her antics are the main force driving Phase into relevancy now. Truly a turntable.

>> No.41762601

I'm feeling bad but Ame when she was my oshi. If you caught her in one of these lazy days or one day she was really trying to bruteforce something ("ameway") it was painful to watch.

>> No.41762750

Back when i watched kronii, she was playing mega man x, she literally skipped the leg upgrade in chill penguins stage and then got mad at people for backseating… like no kronii… the problem that you gave up on the stage too soon which skips the most important power up in the game which lets you move at double the speed

>> No.41763091

It's boring to watch for 99% of the world's population and is more of a background for zatsudans than anything.

>> No.41764636
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she isn't my oshi but calli joining the terraria collab last minute ruined it. I was really looking forward to it too

>> No.41765460

>can’t handle the banter
Lmao fat bitch

>> No.41768684

>How do you think she maintained such high energy throughout the entirety of the ten hour stream?
Anon she's more than well-off enough to afford a drug habit.

>> No.41772913


>> No.41772951

What did she do? I gave up on Selen a while back.

>> No.41773587
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>> No.41775261

She started the game with enthusiasm but kept fucking up basic gameplay elements and died a lot, so by the Blado Wolf fight chat kept telling her over and over again to do the tutorial. At first she was apologetic, but ended up doing a bunch of tutorials to spite backseaters, in the end the tutorial did help clear some things but soured the mood of the stream for a good hour and a half, but she powered-through and was excited to finish the game.
At least until an hour of Armstrong, where we all realized she spent 9 hours playing the game without properly dodging, and the moment she realized she could do that, finally beat it.
The stream had a big hiccup, but people are making this look way worse than it was.

>> No.41775325

Every game Gura hasn't finished

>> No.41775450

What about that Yakuza stream where she had a breakdown because she thought people were making fun of her

>> No.41776926


>> No.41777687

Her Nier Automata, Titanfall 2 and Witcher 3 streams were awful to watch if you liked those games at all

>> No.41778220

Didn't she drop Witcher cuz backseaters?

>> No.41779575

What was up with this one? I opened it and chat was having a civil war, seemed like bad vibes

>> No.41780277

>How do you think she maintained such high energy throughout the entirety of the ten hour stream?
Coffee and energy drinks.
Considering that Selen is almost terminally online and is a lard ass, I'm not surprised that she sucks at MGR and started malding after getting bodies by gekkos.

>> No.41781608
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by no means my favorite game but holy hell this was hard to watch
two four hour streams of stubbornly spamming jump everywhere, constantly depleting her stamina, constantly dying and making no progress
i dont know how she got filtered by this, she will play the most random obscure kusoge for hours and grind and make progress but this game did not click with her

>> No.41786494

>It's one of her worst streams she's ever done
Nah that stream was cringekino. It was fucking funny if not kind of sad.

>> No.41788440
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Chilla's art games just don't seem to work for her.

>> No.41789047

>Window shopping with Mr. Koro
>Her license test
The race is the only bad section, but overall a good stream.

>> No.41789161

Nothing I hate more than turorial skippers so it's nice to see justice was served.

>> No.41790002

it was people spamming her to play gwent, I had no idea they could be so obnoxious before that stream

>> No.41791483

Do they really work for anyone?

>> No.41791650
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Werks for me.
Even the new one coming out works fine.

>> No.41793788

for me any Nier:Autonoma stream. I know the game is not friendly and I don't expect everyone do the C/D routes, but ignoring the gameplay, world build or dialog is always sad.

>> No.41794497

>he didn't like seeing Koro excited by big wings and flashy liveries

>> No.41794656

>oshi only plays casual and FOMO games

can't we get actual female vtubers who actually like to play games

>> No.41794750

For me the worst one she did was probably gynoug. She was visibly tilted and didn't make any progress at all for nearly 12 hours. That and watching her tryharding in Splatoon 2 trying to reach X rank only to fail and getting bashed on Twitter by the Splat autists.

>> No.41797433

I think Vesper did an okay job playing the remake.
>inb4 male

>> No.41798057

Kaneko Lumi, Starcraft

>> No.41800020

I did not like the r-type stream

>> No.41800135

Every Rockstar game she touches seems to cuck her hard. She'll hit a good 3 or 4 stream stride then just stop dead and never pick up that game again either due to technical problems or perms.

>> No.41802072

Amiya's Simcity 2000 stream. But to be fair it was one of her early streams and was also the very first time I watched her (I've never seen a vtuber stream SC2K before). She's grown a lot as a chuuba since then.
I still hope she plans on revisiting it to make Bucktopia and Amiopolis Great Again.

>> No.41802618

why can these streamers never control their chats?
3d streamers like Northernlion deal with way worse and they can use a rowdy chat to their advantage. Why can't vtubers not do that?

>> No.41802744

>chuubas playing racing games in general
Goober's Assetto Corsa stream was also hellish to watch.
At least Kaela's NFS streams are good

>> No.41805524

she never touched AC again after the first stream right? I just saw a random vid of her flipping an R35 on the first turn but never watched the whole stream

>> No.41805627

aw man, I remember her hyping the hell out of her wheel and pedals setup only to use them in what? Two? Three streams?

>> No.41805788
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Kiara with Nier. It wasn't all bad overall but some parts just had me bored.

Her SMT stream was also kinda boring, she was in full shill mode but it was super obvious she wasn't into it. I get she's not into the setting despite it being JRPG but it's a good series Wawa...

>> No.41807102

You will marry selen

>> No.41809345

yeah chuubas can't drive for some reason

>> No.41809471

hey retard she doesnt drink caffeine kill yourself

>> No.41809581

how do you skip the upgrade? isn't it literally in your path in a way that prevents you from jumping around or over it?

>> No.41809623

Fuck man her Titanfall 2 stream was abysmal hell Ina’s play through was 10x better

>> No.41809706

how do you feel about people who finish E route but refuse to give up their data?

>> No.41809835

My favourite games are OoT and FFX and those can never be bad to watch

>> No.41810126

nta but I'm one of them

>> No.41810889

>can't drive

I wonder why?

>> No.41811957

Why did you do this?

>> No.41812140
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MGS fans are some of the most retarded backseaters in any vtuber chat so they shit up the chat after Selen got her ass beat by Blade Wolf, so she went and did tutorials for an hour to filter out the pissbabies. It was hard to watch because at the start you couldn't really tell if she seriously felt bad about her performance or if she was doing it out of spite, but by the end of the first two hours it was clear it was spite.
After that, the other 8 hours of the stream were great. All of the big boss fights were super kino, she got her ass beat by Sundowner and Armstrong but still finished the game in one sitting and was only stuck on Armstrong because she had no healing items before the fight. All of the people shitposting about this stream are either catalog readers or people who didn't actually watch it beyond the first hour.

>> No.41813141

>Selen filters out the pissbabies.
>Pissbabies call it a shitty stream.
Are you surprised 1 + 1 = 2 as well? Besides, who the fuck has the time to watch an entire fuckin 10 hour vod in one go on a weekday. People have jobs, you know?

>> No.41813897

Kys simp

>> No.41814158

>MGS fans are some of the most retarded backseaters
You're just coping. Play like you genuinely care, pay attention, and you will be treated well. Goes for any game. Even the most infamously bad fanbase games like Souls and metroidvania.

>> No.41816329

can't excuse playing like a tard despite proclaiming to be the gamer chuuba and souring the mood from being frustrated that chat just wanting her to learn basics that CAN get your through the game pretty easily

One can only stomach the amount of stupid mistakes that could be avoided by taking 2 mins of familiarizing yourself with the controls.
No need to backseat something that's clearly as retarded as her

>> No.41816509

>Any examples?
literally every single possible instance, day one to end of days

>> No.41816601

>>41816509 (me)
actually, i've got a non-specific example: everyone who's played yume nikki (that i've seen)
call me a faggot but i really like the game. i don't ask for it, no one does, but every once in a while someone in my radar picks it up and drops it after the first stream. they basically drop it 30 minutes in and spend the rest of the stream just fucking around with chat

>> No.41816634
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Unfortunately there's no use in trying get through to people who think acting like absolute SPERGs is in any way justifiable...

>> No.41817254

Yeah, they are clearly only in 2nd place behind Soulsbourne backseaters.

>> No.41821160

Nah, even Soulsborne fans are better than them. Because this level of SPERGing never happened during her Demon's Souls and Bloodborne streams.

>> No.41823345

Well there is the Manko joke I was talking about. wtf she really made a fucking manko joke. Reine really is dfifferent.

>> No.41823779
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cancelled my membership and unsubscribed after that disaster... jeez that was bad...

>> No.41824125

Nice try retard.

>> No.41824241

Project Wingman... Although I wish Fubuki did it after her Ace Combat 7 Stream in the old days.
Although watching that was definitely seeing a rookie flying, minimal High G Turn use, not going for piling up a ton of extra targets hits. B ranks all over the place etc.
But she was having fun.

Korone fundamentally didn't realize she should have just taken the L and restarted the level completely considering how bad R-Type 1 punishes you for not having full power later on and is insanely trial and error focused even for games of it's era.
Korone is pretty much the definition of insanity though. So just keep doing the same thing constantly resulted in her constantly getting fucked.

>> No.41830768

Not my oshi but I wanted to watch someone play Dragon's Dogma and I found Lisa the ex-tsunderia, but she's so fucking bad it's painful to watch, and she never streams anyway

>> No.41831004

just kidding it was fine

>> No.41832331

>I-I swear it gets good after two hours I promise, I pinky promise
Sure buddy

>> No.41832496
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tell it to me straight /vt/ - do vtubers even like to play videogames? it cant be just permissions thats stopping them most of the time.

>> No.41833103
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You were in the last thread talking about this, too. Why are you so shit at Mega Man, Anon? It's one of the simplest series out there, and a really bad example considering you could point to something like Solstice or Faxanadu if you really wanted dismal game mechanics. Or any licensed jump 'n shoot game, if you were desperate for a platformer.

>> No.41833268


>> No.41833491

No, because my taste is based and objectively the best, therefore it makes for the best streams.

>> No.41838677


>> No.41839137

none of them reach the gas pedal

>> No.41842480

koone does

>> No.41844105

>infamous build a bear stream
still up? what happened?

>> No.41844183

What happened that stream? I remember a bunch of posts about it but not what they said.

>> No.41844379

you can still free yourself from epic shit anon

>> No.41844775

I admire kaela's desire to push for more "proper" racing game tournament. heard her mention this on a nfs hp post stream zatsu

im so fucking sick and tired of mario kart myself, but there's just no other alternative

>> No.41845261

It wasn't even mgs fans (theyre more into the story, not action game shit), it was just people who were (correctly) annoyed that she wouldn't press parry, wouldn't press dodge, used blade mode when there was nothing to cut off, etc,.
That said, backseaters are OMEGA faggots.
But Selen is very clearly to blame for ignoring the tutorials and dying over and over. It's like playing Mario but never jumping and then getting mad cuz you keep running into goombas.

>> No.41845313
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My oshi never played it, but there was a bunch of sponsored Another Eden streams and all of them were shit.
>inb4 >gacha
I get it, but it's a full 80+ hour jrpg and everything can be done with just free characters. It was made by most of the Chrono Trigger team, the music is great, the story is solid as long as you don't hate time travel, and the AF mechanic means it's not just a turn based "I press attack button and then watch animations" battle system.
If any of them actually played the game as if it was an actual game, instead of just using a sponsored account, doing an hour of the midgame collab, and then rolling the gacha before ending the stream it could have been geuninely fun

>> No.41845385

the only another eden vtuber stream ive seen that didnt suck shit was irys. she was having fun with the voice acting.

>> No.41845609

Gura playing MHRise and DMC5. I've never seen anyone play the games so poorly before, it really hurt to watch her learn combos and then forget them immediately. She got to the final boss in DMC and literally cheesed it by spamming the same move over and over again. She picked the hardest weapon to pick up in MonHun, sucked ass with it, practiced a bit offstream, and came back still sucking ass with it in her next stream. I think she's pretty awful at most games, but she's at her absolute worst when she's playing action games.

>> No.41846234

I forgot she played it again after the first stream, because her first stream was the epitome of everything wrong with that week of sponsored streams
>thrown into the middle of the game with no tutorials, no knowledge of the game's systems
>has a party of unequipped level 40 characters
>while the JP members recieved gacha characters whose strength could still let them contribute despite entirely lacking gear, IRyS only recieved free characters plus a 4* Krervo
>because she was thrown into the middle of the game her gacha pulls couldn't have helped even if they were good because they'd start 30 levels behind

>> No.41847072

kaela must not watch streams or even clips, none of the girls can drive anything else

>> No.41847148

af mechanic?
sell me on this is this an actual game or is it one of those "press auto" things?

>> No.41847564

There's only so much retardation a person can handle. It was like Gura's RE8 playthrough where it literally took her 45 minutes to realize you could interact with the Mia doll in the dollhouse section.

>> No.41848194
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Shut up

>> No.41848954

she was playing with mouse and keyboard. MGR on m+k? fucking wonder she didn't quit halfway through, that's just torture

>> No.41849052

Stop playing shitty mobile games, poorfag.

>> No.41849112

>I've played Epic Seven
stopped reading

>> No.41849286

Ame is just really afraid at looking bad at video games, so she does the "ameway" as an excuse. Like she tries to do it the wrong way on purpose, because then she has an excuse for failure.

>> No.41849856
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>Goober's Assetto Corsa
I still remember the pitch of her screams when she went straight from a Miata to a McLaren. Other than that, the stream was pretty painful, but that at least partially redeemed it.

>> No.41849875

It was right after the twitter post about lean and reddit post where she was being defensive about wanting to have some fun too. This is the first time I hear about here joining on short notice though. Iirc it was announced to include her from the very start.
She seemed to be very eager to act as inoffensively as can be and talked whenever it seemed like there might be dead air. She sounded much more like debut-era Calli. Other than that people kind of split up and weren't really playing together most of the time.
At the end she said that someone else is going to preselect supas for her to readfor the time being. I don't know when that stopped.
I did not hate the collab. It was fine, but I will concede that it could have been more. On the grounds of Terraria being a great game to play over several streams in smaller groups with stream specific objective or just more exploration. They never played together after it, I presume due to lack of interest.

>> No.41850470

I don't know why this would surprise anyone after her DMC1 stream. Her spamming Holy Water against every boss only to find out it doesn't work on Mundus was really fucking funny though.

>> No.41851242
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It's very much not a "press auto" thing, especially with Another Force which is abbreviated to "AF".
Normally it's a turn based game where you input the commands to your entire party, press the "Start Turn" button and then your party and the enemies attack in order of fastest to slowest (with some minor variations to SPD, so a 95 SPD character will occasionally act faster than a 100 SPD one, but never before a 200 SPD one)
Another Force changes that entirely; for a single turn you input your commands and your party members execute them immediately, then have to recharge before you give them another command. Think ATB systems like Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger, etc.
During the AF, every hit slightly refills the AF gauge which continuously drains and once the AF gauge is empty your AF is over, the total damage you deal is calculated, and then the turn progresses as normal; if any enemies are still alive after your AF they get to hit you back.

Here's an example of a Turn 1 AF which brings a superboss down to its 50% HP stopper, then finishes it off with an end-of-turn attack:

Here's a battle simulator (boss rush) which uses a Turn 1 AF to set up some buffs and kill the first boss, another AF on Turn 5 which is basically exclusively used on buffs/debuffs to make the bosses do no damage the following turn, and a final AF turn 9 because during AF you consume 0 MP and the final wave drains all of your MP like an asshole:

This is one of the superbosses from the sponsored streams Hololive was doing. None of them found him, and it's been so long that I don't even remember his mechanics. I think he has a stopper which was hit in the first AF:

One final battle, this is actually a massive piece of shit boss because he summons 4 elemental meatshields, one at a time, each of which absorbs a different element. So characters were carefully geared to go in a specific order so each would oneshot the minion of the correct element, all during the first turn. Then a turn 2 AF which barely squeezes enough damage through all of his defense buffs to kill him:

There's a ton of strategy to employ between choosing characters, gearing them with weapons and grasta, which skills to put on and in which skill slots, buffs, debuffs, backrow characters, etc. that is difficult to convey with just screenshots and videos.

>> No.41851939
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Tenma played metro, but it's the worst one in the trilogy.
Also a bit different but Pina finally did a watchalong for bocchi the rock, so I downloaded both streams and added every episode at the bottom (synced with timer), after rendering the whole thing for an hour and experiencing 2 crashes and one corruption, I realised that she stopped the video midway so everything was out of sync.

>> No.41851942
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In the first video for example
The backrow characters play their own part despite not participating in the battle. On the far right we have Cyrus, the Frog ripoff, who is a Katana user with the Eastern personality. He's equipped with special gear called Grasta which buffs Katana users Victor and Melissa in the frontline, and the Eastern personality Kikyo. Beside him is Nagi, an Axe user who shares even more grastas with the Axe using Kikyo. Without this backrow (or similar characters filling the same role) the frontrow wouldn't reach the boss' HP Stopper during the AF, and would get killed immediately after.

In the third video
Morgana from the video game Persona 5 switches with Akane in the backrow. This activates Akane's "Valor Chant" which is basically a special move, typically a buff or debuff, that only applies when a character moves from the back to the front. This gives her +40% PWR and +40% SPD for 3 turns. Note that the AF counts as 1 turn, so she gets that +40% PWR for 7 of her attacks, not just the first 3.

>> No.41852187

Pekora playing Dragon Quest Monster Joker 1 and 2. That stupid bunny didn't bother playing the post-game content...

>> No.41856034

thanks bro, ill give it a shot
>frog called cyrus
