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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41775795 No.41775795 [Reply] [Original]

Every fucking comment on this board is about how all the streamers are whores, how everyone has fallen off and launching every slur immaginable at each other. Is this what you do with your day? Seriously?

Grow the fuck up and get touched by a woman instead of trying to sexually harras the only ones who talk to you

>> No.41775842

You are a faggot and a whore

>> No.41775847 [DELETED] 

Maybe all the streamers should stop being whores and maybe anons should stop being faggot niggerdick addicted trannies

>> No.41775908

Holy shit OP btfo...theres nothing he can do now....its over for him

>> No.41775934


>> No.41775971

Vtubing was objectively better in 2020 and is in its third consecutive year of decline

>> No.41775995

Damn, you got me. Your words shook me to my core. Guess I should kill myself

>> No.41776000

Whores.are good. Ditch your cuck religion and get laid.

>> No.41776026
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>> No.41776052

Enjoy your aids

>> No.41776083

someone's paying good money to smear holoEN

>> No.41776548

None of my communities have that issue OP maybe the threads you follow are shit.
We constantly enjoy the slow incline an appreciate our vtubers. There are antis visiting sometimes and yabs can put people trmporarily on edge but overall life is good.
There are slurs but if that's your problem you should have never come here.

>> No.41777086

No streams, talents mocking fans, company neglecting the branch, management abusing talents, males nijisanjification.
No one needs to be paid to talk badly about HoloEN. People already have many reasons.

>> No.41777325

Anons could do more than getting laid out there, though.

>> No.41777442

I get what you're saying, but it's way harder than you think. You can't start a post praising a vtuber without having people shit on you.
Talking about a vtuber positively seems to only be effective if you're measured with your words and only do it as a reply to a negative comment (i.e. "X vtuber is an example of someone who's not that bad").
>Is this what you do with your day?
It's way too easy to get sucked into that negativity and waste way more time than you expected. It's why I've started spending more time at /a/ recently.
>/vt/. Where the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.41778318

Anon you don't have to pay money to get people angry when Cover has released two gens of Tempus within 6 months, they keep delaying the release of EN3 so they can promote Tempus, and some of the holoEN talents are so burnt out with management they have taken several months worth of breaks. The 2022 Christmas collab was Kiara putting on a sockpuppet stream by herself.

>> No.41778458

Quit crying, you fucking pussy.
Did someone hurt your little feelings?

>> No.41778481
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>> No.41778486

there was very little hate on HoloEn or just in general on /vt/ until the arrival of NijiEN and the flood of normalfags looking for console wars

>> No.41778668
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Take a fucking guess

>> No.41778903

Go back to where you came from, you megafaggot. You're too retarded and weak for even mild chan banter.

>> No.41779008

Literally the opposite.
There's is no vtubing community on the internet that pampers and babysits negative opinions about HoloEN more than this board and it's sell out moderation.

Make a thread about the HoloEN ghosting whores and get's taken out instantly, even if it's just neutral criticism.
All while spam, drama and out right hatred for other vtubers reaches bump limit with disabled reports.

>> No.41779111

Everywhere else is too positive so we're negative here to balance it out

>> No.41781240

>The 2022 Christmas collab was Kiara putting on a sockpuppet stream by herself.
Fuck NijiEN, it's worse than Vshoujo but the anti HoloEN sentiment began to spread with the release of Tempus, which is also the same time the girls started showing burnout, treating fans like shit and stopped doing intetesting stuff.
Complains about management also went up and against Cover for their neglect of the branch .
Before there were negative comments but it was less loud and limited to specific girls not the whole company.
NijiEN's audience does hate HoloEN and trolls them but there aren't enough of them to pull this off and it's clear a lot of the negativity towards Hololive comes from bitter fans tired of their shit and not simps of its rival corpo.

This is 100% true. The moderation pro holo bias is insane.
It's like there is a completely different rulebook and mof staff in charge of anythinh Cover related.
If it's about another corpo it's a joke or banter but if you say it about Hololive it's low quality posting or trolling and you get a 3 day vacation.
You can call other girls fat or flat but joke about the physicsl appearance of a Holo girl and its doxing.
It depends on the mood of the mods at the moment, you basically play with RNG if you say negative things about hololive.

>> No.41781727

Because it's full of retards who thirst for eceleb drama and are too proud to use LSF on reddit. Make a proper non-vtuber eceleb board and 90% of these retards would go there since they got real drama instead of the mickey mouse shit vtubers have.

>> No.41781899

Lack of youtuber/streamer board is such a big miss
There is a board for tv and movies anf one for cartoon even one for books and youtube/streaming is bigger than all of those but has no board
In 2023!
It's such a retarded situation

>> No.41781982

why do most streamers act like whores?

>> No.41781985

Is it? /hlgg/ has been a complete fucking shithole for the past months with the same dozen schizos ruining threads nonstop and shitting on the girls. Even now you can open the catalog and be 100% sure there will be a Gura and IRyS anti thread out there. And the moment there is the slightest yab the entire board will jump on it like starved hyenas.
But then again I'm literally replying to a retard who calls the HoloEN girls "ghosting whores" and complains about hatred and drama. You don't even see the irony of this shit right?

>> No.41782560

You can tell it's just people who crave drama by the way they make tiny shit seem like massive deals. That she from that /meat/ chuuba was the closest thing to real drama this board ever had and it was scrubbed from the board.

>> No.41782948

At least almost every /vt/ thread is on-topic
Some boards are like 95% off-topic and 5% on-topic

>> No.41783713

Fuck off, Mori. No one outside of your pathetic little circlejerk thread likes you.

>> No.41784105

btw do we know who the fuck these niggers were? like where did they come from, twitter or reddit?

>> No.41784162
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Which reminds me, I noticed a /troon/ poll scroll by. Not even the idol haters want anything to do with her. kek

>> No.41784387

Where's the "no one please quarantine this bitch" option

>> No.41785510

if your oshi is worth dying for, you make better posts

>> No.41786353

Because it's nice to take a break from forced positivity and name&shame social norms.

>> No.41786542

keep lurking faggot

>> No.41787905

>work hard on improving yourself so you can attract a female partner
>get one
>she gets angry at you for reasons you don't understand
>ghosts you
>flirts with other guys in front of you to test how loyal you are to her
>cheats on you
I guess paying a prostitute is the only real option these days

>> No.41789104

Because this is the one place you can say something even slightly critical or negative about any moderately popular chuuba without thirty deranged maniacs leaping down your throat about how you're an incel or immature or a piece of shit, like what you're trying to do right now. So naturally, people overcompensate here due to how bottled up their dislike for someone or something in the vtuber industry is otherwise.

>> No.41790665

kek perfect.

>> No.41791125

Welcome to 4chan then. Here youll only find antis, unicorns and parasocial freaks 95% of the time. You dont fall in this dump to make good honest questions or constructive critisim and suggestioins here you come to poop shit theories, sick delusional fantasies and be as selfish, unfair, ignorant and toxic as you humanly can. Or thats the take of the vast majority of the users here apparently for what i seen. This is what being anonymus encourage.. it brings the worst of people.

I only come here to amuse myself watching them being such gremlins.

>> No.41791727

Well if 30 people from diferent countries, cultures and morals all say that youre acting like an "incel or inmature piece of shit" they might not know you but man you might want to at least make a self reflection on why so many people agree on the same thing.

Everyone if free of having an opinion and ofc you too but when that opinion is hurtfull about someone else and is based on missinformation, personal taste or lack fairness you put youreself a target in the face.

Remember this vtuber thing is a show. An entretaiment thing for everyone to enjoy including the talent itself. We are not their boss its their agency (if they have one ofc). We cannot tell them how to do their job not only its useless but sours the fun for everyone around you.

>> No.41791951

You can find all of the things you mentioned here. You just have skill issues.

>> No.41792009
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This board has gotten really negative since Nijisanji EN became a thing. The mass migration of Chinese Luxiemsisters has turned this board into a fish market of smelly /cgl/-types seething that IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME in whatever vtuber job they applied for and didn't get. To be fair a lot of the girls are retarded thieving whores, but much of the spam comes from organized discords of SEA trannies and seething seagulls angry that girls like Mumei and Sana got chosen over them.

>> No.41792107

I wonder what kind of adult unironically bases his self-worth on women. Just kidding I already know you're either a woman or an underage SEAfag. There are more important things in the world than pussy, like calling you a faggot.

>> No.41792155 [DELETED] 
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>muh criticism
>muh debate
>muh argumentation

>> No.41792230

Agreed. I hope you boycott the harry potter game, a lot of people agree it's a hurtful game.

>> No.41792276

Oh, that's just a bunch of trolls looking to stir up some trouble, is all. I try to ignore that sort of thing as much as I can, but... Well, what can I say? Some people just like chaos, or simply want attention. I would try not to pay them any mind, and try to have a good time without them, okay? Some people just aren't worth your efforts.
It would seem that some people just don't have the proper manners. I'm not sure if it is simply .What they do during their day, but, I guess I can understand why they might do it. Perhaps they feel insecure, and find themselves needing to put others down in order to feel better about themselves. I'm not sure, honestly. All I know is that it is a very poor display of manners, and they need to understand that their words can be quite harmful, if not downright cruel. Especially without any sort of context.

>> No.41792394

Fuck off if you don't like it i have fun /here/

>> No.41792463

Why is it so important to you what happens here? This place is pretty isolated except when retards break containment. If the negativity is so bad, why don't you make an old fashioned forum or facebook group or discord to talk about vtubing with people who share your more positive view of everything?

What does this place have that keeps you coming back frequently enough to want it to change?

>> No.41792574

Well if every anon on here, people from diferent countries, cultures and morals all say "how all the streamers are whores, how everyone has fallen off and launching every slur immaginable at each other" you might want to at least make a self reflection on why so many people agree on the same thing. Go back.

>> No.41792630

I agree with the anon to whom you respondend; in the way you put your argument, it's like saying we can't criticize them because we don't own their company, which of course is not realistic, you can talk both good and bad about a product even if you are not part of the group, it's feedback. But in this case, as the anon said it's pretty hard to say something even slighty negative because people will jump you if you try to do that in yt comments or chat. So, this board is the other side of the coin where people will vent about what they can't say otherwise.

>> No.41792656

Wait hold on let's not pretend like Sana hate came from the sisters.
She took a spot she didn't deserve and wasted it. You know who that affected the most?
HoloEN fans. No we are stuck with 1 less girl and look how long it has taken for Gen3 to come out. She cripled the branch.
Plus she nerfed Council by being unentertaining boring dead weight.
That gen has strugled a lot and gets looked down because they never got as big as Myth and having a better talent than Sana taking that spot could have made a world of difference.
Sana hate is organic and comes from Hololive fans.

>> No.41792763

Lurker here, hardly ever post and can confirm I fucking hate Sana. It was up in the air until the RM tweet where she revealed she's just a grifter

>> No.41792782

Same guy

>> No.41792860

if words on a Mongolian knitting forum hurt your feelings grow a thick skin and go back to twitter and white knight there. i swear everyone that posts this is a newfag.

>> No.41792990

misery loves company, and miserable people are attracted to streaming. this is because miserable people can't make friends. if they could, they wouldn't be here.

>> No.41793058

I'd rather be a miserable, friendless loser than a namefag

>> No.41793089

Youre missing the point. You can state youre opinion. But youre opinion is as vulnerable for backslash as the VTubers youre trashing. Think of that as "feedback" on the comment you made about him/her.

>> No.41793461

Hugboxes are not intellectually stimulating. If you want vtubers to just be an opium/xanax and literally your mind breaks down if people actually-treat them like they do other media, maybe you need to stop putting them on a pedestal.

Think about it. You can go to lots of places and have a not-so-positive opinion on a video game. Or a movie or a TV show or musician. Or a fleshtuber streamer or a youtuber. Maybe even just take a huge shit on them verbally. This is just normal discourse because not everyone likes everything and people have varying opinions about what their ideal media are. For vtubers, they've gone through great troubles to try to convince you to break away from this mindset. Treating them like they're not just normal media is basically a grand parasocial scheme in and of itself that because it mutually benefits them all, they all stick to as the meta.

People who claim they're "not parasocial" and then fucking lose their shit at the sight of someone even making a thoughtful critique of a chuuba? I got bad news for you. You are, because you care to a degree beyond rational. That anime girl on the computer/phone is not your friend. This doesn't mean you can't like them, it just means you should take a look at your surroundings and think about how you had a life and interests before vtubers, and you will have a life and interest after vtubers, and you will in the future realize you were retardedly parasocial for the fucking concept itself and claimed otherwise.

>> No.41793467

Anon all these dudes are the antis and are desperate for attencion. Actually beliving themselfs that their are hundreds of thousands and in reality there are at best 100 people regularly here. This is why /vt/ or 4chan in general is an avoided topic almost everywhere. Is a land of outcasts.

>> No.41793500

Yeah I'm sure all the turbo parasocial simps on twitter who only say wonderful things in public and are desperate for a vtuber's attention, who live through vtubers and build their online identity around them and circlejerk in their discord hugbox communities all day have have rich healthy social lives.

>> No.41793546

This vtuber thing is a scam run by e-thots to pray on lonly people.the talents do watever brings them money and i take atwantage of that.oh and nice spacing reddit whore

>> No.41793948

Sana is retarded but the constant spam was clearly from discordniggers and sisters, when she wasn't being a retarded bitch I had no reason to care what she was doing. Only someone personally dedicated to shitposting would post a fucking "WHERE IS THIS BITCH" thread every single day she wasn't streaming.

I will admit she and Kronii and Gura and IRyS and Ame all ruined hololive en for me, since there was a high point in August-October 2021 when it felt like the girls had a massive hivemind working together having fun and then they all got weird and went off and did their own retarded things out of spite. It was sad.

>> No.41793962

Stick to generals and watch people being supportive of their oshi, easy.

>> No.41794055

Hey Transrightspinoy2201 on twitter told me "she" gets laid all the time and only incels believe otherwise.

>> No.41794180

People don't want to admit that the golden days are gone and have too much faith that those days are coming back.

>> No.41794241

Might as well just go to reddit

>> No.41794243

No it was cruel that i spompt your mothers head in after i rapet her,she clearly got braindamage and threw the baby in the dupster,raising the afterbirth instead which is now posting here ,(you)

>> No.41794271

>pro holo bias
>I go to the catalog and most of it is holo bait threads
>Holo Bias

>> No.41794280

Ah yes because it's remotely the same.

>> No.41794372

wow great summary and your right if people shitting on a vtuber angers you your parasocial.

>> No.41794389

Thats the issue with you people. A big portion of the public watch them because they are funny, relaxing, like watchin reaccions of their favorite game or even likes how the person relates to them. Hell there are even couples and married people with kids watching vtubers.

But you people.. youre different. You only go to watch their tits and demand them to be youre gf cause you cant get one irl. If they dont comply then you act as toxic rejected guys and start boicotting her for not listening to you.

>> No.41794423

Some people have been miserable for a long time, all you can hope is for them to get well soon.
I think the biggest problem here is that people are so lonely they don't even understand what it's like not to hurt from it. They just think it's how life is.

>> No.41794499 [DELETED] 

I'd take a hugbox over a hatebox like this shithole. /vt/ is good for only one thing: taking massive dumps that make everyone feel stupid for having seen it, and then screencapping it for Twitter and Reddit. This board is satire.

>> No.41794511

I genuinely only came here after I started having chronic pain and irratation. I think everyone here is hurt in some way and needs a way to lash out even though it's unhealthy

>> No.41794532

Bro you are coping, the people watching vtubers are the same people who watch streamers in general, lonely young dudes with no friends. Couples and married people are the minority and the kids are probably some of the losers posting on social about their streamers that you are complaining about.

>> No.41794559

Think of this place as the downtown suburbs. You might find a couple decent people but mostly trash and scums lurk around here.

>> No.41794582
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show tits

>> No.41794595
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This basket weaving forum clearly isn't the place for you, might I suggest going back to wherever the fuck you crawled out from?

>> No.41794596

People don't say negative things about vtubers in public spaces not because others will give them a backlash but because it will alienate them from those communities and most of them only post in public because they want to connect with people.
There are communities built on negativity but when it comes to vtubers most people are fans so the communities are still built around simping.
Vtuber communities are basically simp contests. Whoever can worship vtubers or give them more money has more clout.
But there's interconnection everywhere.
Lot's of guys will use the same identity over stream chat, discord, twitter, reddit.
You are a Gura fan and you think Sana sucked? Well if you say that the other Hololive fans won't be happy and you will lose your status.
So it's better to shut up.
Oh someone said something bad about Mori? Time to call them out and get a few upvotes.
Everything is just a chase for likes, upvotes, clout, status
The vtuber community is like a teen movie girl's high school.
Everyone is fake and just pandering to each other for their own gain, holding back any opinion that the social circle would not like and ridiculing others to gain clout.
No one is entirely genuine or real.
And the lies add up over time.
It gets in people's heads and you get mental cases where fans will start to cry, shit and piss because someone called their oshi lazy for taking a long break.
That's why some people actually get upset this place even exists.
For them it's not enough that people don't disrespect their precious anime wives in their own communities out there, the fact that somewhere out there someone is saying something mean is enough to make them seethe.
This isn't just the place where people go to be mean online.
It's also where they go to be honest.
This is the only place online where you can get genuine honest no bullshit discussion about vtubers and if you keep coming here it means you secretly love it too.

>> No.41794788

And thats YOU coping. You cant accept that people can have a healthy way to watch vtubers so you just generalize everyone is the same as you to not make youreself feel bad.
Anyway thats a you problem.

>> No.41794801

Holy based

>> No.41794810

people come here

>> No.41794867 [DELETED] 
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>We live in a society

>> No.41794877

Watching hours upon hours of streams isn't healthy. This isn't only about vtubers. Its streams in general. If you think it is, something's wrong bruh.

>> No.41794931

You have no idea what you are talking about. Your opinions are so stupid and your views so ignorant I'm actually wondering if you are a troll just pretending to be a sad, pathetic little bitch who somehow stumbled here, knows nothing about the site and starts complaining about a ridiculous cartoon strawman of people on a place he only knows from twitter screencaps.

>> No.41795124

Nah dont worry this place is full of trolls. Ignore them and honestly this is a dead place theres nothing worthy here exept make fun of these haters. This is the shithole of the community so the less you get involved here the better.

>> No.41795255

If you want positivity, just go to any heavily modded boards or social media like the girls' youtube channel. Say anything negative there and it gets deleted instantly.

>> No.41795278

owo aggeyy thankies anon

>> No.41795334

Who is this supposed to be?

>> No.41795462

Yeah and?
The mods will enforce rules more harshly to protect Hololive because they can get away with it.
If they went on a purge of every thread they hated and ruled with an iron fist shit would escalate and there would be a janny purge.
They'd love to get rid of all the anti-Hololive threads but if they go too far they will lose their "jobs".
It's why they always give 3 day bans. It's the longest ban they can give that won't give people the option to appeal it, because they don't want their modetation to moderated.
A corrupt can get away with a lot but there are still limits.

>> No.41795686

Then what are you doing /here/?make fun of haters?they don't give a shit about your opinion, no face it you are missing something that other places can not give you

>> No.41795822

>The mods will enforce rules more harshly to protect Hololive because they can get away with it.
The holo bait threads are still up
>If they went on a purge of every thread they hated and ruled with an iron fist shit would escalate and there would be a janny purge.
>They'd love to get rid of all the anti-Hololive threads but if they go too far they will lose their "jobs".
The rules say they can do it and SHOULD be doing it
>It's why they always give 3 day bans. It's the longest ban they can give that won't give people the option to appeal it, because they don't want their modetation to moderated.
Because they post DOXX pics left and right and sometimes fucking IRL cp
>A corrupt can get away with a lot but there are still limits.
It's in the rules to eliminate that shit....
As I said
>Pro HoloBias

>> No.41795891

I took the time to read this and I agree. the vtubing community is full of hypocrites and simps and has grown this way in favor of the companies which managed to create an illusory concept about their product where you if criticize you are ostracized by the community so nobody really speak their mind. the vt fans are indeed lonely people and have found this media as their ideal hobby, but there are those who recognize it and those who don't. when people sc it's because they want to be noticed by their imaginary friend which is on the other side of the "camera" and business is made on this false relationship. I've know of this board for years but I joined it a couple of months ago because I was tired by people deluding themselves about the fact that this is a perfect world where in thruth everyone is fake and just pandering to each other for their own gain like the anon said. In my opinion the ones who cannot see beyond the stratagem which is the vtubing phenomenon are doomed to remain cogs in a wheel far beyod their comprehension

>> No.41795979


>> No.41796016

The only interesting thing about this thread is how many people claim to hate this place and its people and still keep coming and then proceed to tell others *they* have issues.
Bro you are spending your time in a place you hate with people you hate.
If anyone has some problems it's you.

>> No.41796076

People enjoy tribalism

>> No.41796113

tribadism too.

>> No.41796396

Just got here and my only take on this is a say i learned as a kid:

"Even if youre right if you act like a jerk about it youre wrong. And if youre wrong but you have charisma youre right"

It seems all this thread is not about having a disagreement. Is about how people present it. My only suggestion to you boys is that if you have something youre not happy about mind youre language. The way you show discontent matters, a lot, even if youre right. If you wanna suggest changes mind youre language and you will definetly have a different response from both the fans and even the streamer. I have my reasons to belive that might work better than attacking them.

>> No.41796419

How come people get banned for calling someone in hololive fat but not for calling someone from nijisanji fat?
Technically both are doxing. Doxing happens all the time. It's not only posting pictutes, other information counts. But only if it's Hololuve. It just has its own dedicated modding team with a diffetent way of interpreting rules.
Im' talking about vague micro agressions that are common place like jaywalking but only when Hololive is on the line they are treated as a problem.
You are in denial and seem hopeless.

>> No.41796521

We're watching something that brought joy and happiness be destroyed by incompetence and malice. We're getting bitter and we won't forget who did this.

>> No.41796580

>Still no proof of Holobias and the bait threads REMAIN up
I'll accept your concession.

>> No.41796670

Yeah, I'm in a few vtuber groups and I know what I can and can't say and how to say it.
There are some things that are very hard to say tho, even if you are careful.

>> No.41796998

There are threads anti other shit too, hololive is big so it gets more threads.
Dealing with Hololive is still like walking on a minefield compared to everyone else.
If anti thread=no bias to you bias will always be impossible because there will always be bait threads and anti threads here.
It's why I told you the mods cannot go too far with the bias.
They can be passive agressive and ban people who say shit they dislike but they can't purge the whole board.

>> No.41799001 [DELETED] 
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>/vt/ should not be a hugbox
>I agree

>> No.41799051

These two posts encapsulate things I really wish the broader vtuber fandom would even bother to contemplate. Things like the fact that the positivity is forced as a contest to out-simp each other and that anyone stepping out of line is simply used as a stepping stone for someone else to try to raise their own status, not because they agree or disagree with you but because you're a freebie for simp goodboy points.

There is also a great cognitive dissonance in the fandom where a lot of people welcome in stuff they likely had no real authentic interest in (such as males in HoloEN; almost everyone into Hololive got pulled in by cute girls clips objectively which are an experience men just cannot do) just because they really-are that afraid to speak out against it because the system rewards you not thinking critically about ANYTHING going on in it and to literally comply with blind brand and idol worship. The funny thing is a lot of vtuber girls make a point that they're not idols, don't wanna be looked at as them and such but are totally fine with being worshipped as idols somehow and are not at all cool with you treating them like one would a platonic neutral media subject. If they don't wanna be idols they aren't at all entitled to blind faith/worship either and should welcome cross-examination of their content from honest eyes just looking to point out what they'd like and not like from them in the future.

>> No.41799112

the board would be better is vwhorjo got relegated to reddit

>> No.41799686

It's easier to write a simple bait that's only one or two lines. It's easier to call someone a whore or just watch a clip or dramanigger video. You can write out a whole essaypost with maximum effort but seeing as how there's a whole bunch of ESLs here, it will most likely get annoyed. Occasionally you get an effort post in a trash thread but its usually just pissing in the wind. And again, we have so many clipniggers and dramanigger watchers here, you can't have any meaningful discussion in the first place, because most people are at best, thread readers.

>> No.41800374

>If anti thread=no bias to you bias will always be impossible because there will always be bait threads and anti threads here.
Exactly, so there is no ''Holobias'', do you even know what bias is in the first place? also you admited Hololive is so fucking big that is hard to manage, exactly, so they go to the threads so people like (You) don't start up shitting them up or posting fucking cp to get the board in trouble with the glowies, not because ''MUH HOLOBIAS''. Try to fucking see your favorite chuubas smeared ont the daily here, many times or trying to discuss your chuuba when some fucking Seanigger drops webms of what naughty stuff he's doing to his 7 year old female cousin, not because they're Holofags.
And as I said, you can delete and BAN the people making those threads, they are 14 up rn and many times is the same people, yet they don't...... nice Holobias.

>> No.41802082

All the same shit happens in jp.
>No streams
Ayame, aqua.
>talents mocking fans
Most of them at various points
>Company neglecting the branch
ID same problem. Jp clearly the same few are favored
>management abusing talents
Pekora being mangement bullied. Mel getting stalked almost raped by a manager
>males nijisanjification.
Many jp have and actively interact with holostars

>> No.41806110

It's almost like this "hobby" attracts the worst kinds of delusional omega orbiters with worthless genes known to men.

>> No.41806371

The last point is a lie. Only a small minority in JP interacts with the homos and half of that consists of early gens before idol culture was embraced.

>> No.41806420

Feel free to go back.

>> No.41806475
File: 64 KB, 256x256, 1656805987282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking kek shitposters being defensive about how they need their safe space to shit on things without being banned or called out
actually pathetic

>> No.41806594

holy fucking kek hugboxers being defensive about how they need their safe space to ban things that hurt their feelings because they're emotionally 8 year olds
actually pathetic

>> No.41806665

wow great post
sure showed me

>> No.41806739

Every negative post is a shill operation. I'm not kidding, some of them come from Discord and are literally paid to shitpost. Some of them are just mindbroken antis still bitter their oshi hurt their feelings. Others are basement-dwelling tribal fags with nothing better to do than wage a meaningless internet war.

Just ignore them, or report them if they're clearly breaking the rules. Ignore obnoxiously negative people in real life too. They aren't worth the air they breathe.

>> No.41806785

This board has been shit since its inception

>> No.41806949

the problem with dramafags and their ilk is that they are not even here to discuss vtubers
they are here for /vt/
vtubers are merely a vehicle for getting their shitposting and drama fix

>> No.41807096

>get touched by a woman instead of trying to sexually harras the only ones who talk to you
ERROR: Conceptually Impossible.

>> No.41807234

Nah, the autistic tears and patheticness of secondaries and social outcasts rarely gets old.

>> No.41807241
File: 1.27 MB, 2258x3491, holobroniesmod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41807455

So the bait threads that are out right now never existed, nice to know!!!!

>> No.41807543

Take me back to the early pandemic where Haachamaa broken English was peak vtubing

>> No.41807666

I think at this point everyone should see them as platonic media. The idol worship is the only way they get away with all the stuff they do. I really feel like there was less of this idol worship back in the Kizuna ai day which was good. And it is definitely hypocritical for a Vtuber to not want other aspects of being a idol and want the idol worship hugbox.

>> No.41807668

Pro tip: ignore any thread that isn’t a general.
if you’re here long enough it becomes easy to mentally filter out the garbage and focus on real posts

>> No.41812469


>> No.41812517

because /vt/ is basically the reddit downvotes dumpsite

that's why it's fun here

>> No.41814515

Most of this board made up of newfags and ex-redditors who think being an insufferable faggot is mandatory for a 4chan poster. Also this >>41778668 Just stick to generals if you want somewhat normal conversations and ignore the catalog

>> No.41818540

No community is immune to outrage culture.
