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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41699637 No.41699637 [Reply] [Original]

I still refuse to organize my downloads folder edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and recieve advice related to vtubing

>Can i self post?
Self posting is allowed as long as it's for asking for feedback or starting out, there are other threads for self promotion

>Should i stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos

>Is there an audience for X
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Phase connect (Open until February 12th): https://phase-connect.com/auditions/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Parasocial guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Previous thread: >>41586530

>> No.41700502

Anyone know any sound treatment guides? My room sounds like ass because no furniture, nothing to absorb sound, high ceilings. I know they sell acoustic panels but I've heard those aren't worth it. Just want to make sure my room is treated as room treatment makes even cheap mics sound much better

>> No.41700556

Is doing gfe content bad when you've made a previous relationship known? I mentioned my husband a few times on my stream but recently we split up. It was an idea I was toying with before our split up because the idea made me pretty happy. Help people who are just as lonely feel less lonely for an afternoon. Ive tried some light gfe adjacent stuff but I'm thinking of biting the pill hard and going full force. I know my audience would like it too

>> No.41701066

I think there's two sides. There are those who like GFE from what they think is a unicorn girl, someone who has never had a relationship or collabed with males, and GFE from someone who is just single. Personally, I'd say bite the pill and go all out with GFE if you're actually single. I'd think it would be fucked up if you did it and weren't single (but some chuubas still do it).

>> No.41702426

Don't tell me you're a certain red panda.

>> No.41702451

I submitted an application 10 days ago and Phase never watched it. Is it over bros?

>> No.41702569

Not a red panda

>> No.41703658

I think it might depend on how you flavor it. If you do a whole innocent girl routine I think that's kind of weird. Experienced caring oneesan? Hell yeah.

>> No.41706238


>> No.41706342

I've been told I give cool older sister vibes

>> No.41707955

How do I go from nothing to nijiEN?

>> No.41709262
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hey, someone else who lives in a warehouse! my stream-room is so empty it still echoes when I talk in it.

the cheapest 'normal-passing office' option would be to fill your room with stuff (soft couch behind you) and add carpets and soft wall decorations (tapestries). that's still expensive, but it's compatible with daily life. or you can build a sound booth out of PVC and blankets, which is cheaper but you live in the babicage™, picrel.

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, their program NVIDIA Broadcast does wonders for removing noise. It requires some fine tuning of the settings, and often removes 'good' noises too, but it is free.

there's an acoustic panel company named Gik Acoustics that has informational articles on where to place sound treatment options. even if you don't buy into panels, their guides may help you understand where changes need to be made.

>> No.41709359

What are some vtuber life hacks?

>> No.41710399

Stream with a dildo up your anus to change the mood of the stream.

>> No.41710468

>acoustic panels but I've heard those aren't worth it.
Who on Earth told you that? Foam that absorbs reflective sound to dampen echoing is exactly the sort of thing you're describing as helpful.
If you're asking about post-production as opposed to making streams sound better, I might have better advice, but what Kaiser(?) suggested is a good starting point.
Same way you get to Carnegie Hall, grab a gun and make sure you have nothing to lose.

>> No.41711043

Thanks so much. I appreciate it. I think this is the last part I need to make my audio good. Now to make my streams also as good T.T

>> No.41712915

Not Kaiser, just another sound-challenged anon. I don’t think his space would echo, not with the babicage hulking in it.

>> No.41713644

Get a big pack of thumbtacks and as many towels as you can scrounge up at a thrift/charity shop, then pin them onto every bit of exposed wall you possibly can.

>> No.41714180

Cool enough to GFE your awkward but sweet younger brother?

>> No.41714663

GFE content will attract GFE viewers. If you start to look for love IRL again the GFE viewers will probably see that as a betrayal. If you're prepared to handle that, give it a chance. Just remember you're playing with fire. Maybe throw in a bittersweet angle

>> No.41714928

if i play old as sin games, is it better to put the game's name on category, or just use retro?

>> No.41715140

Fear is the mind killer. Hesitation is defeat. Shame is a form of self harm. Dry clean on Thursdays.

>> No.41715750
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It would be cool to try this thing out, I dig the general high energy around vtubers. It's a shame I am a guy, so I can't be anime girl.

>> No.41715831

you can be anime boy

>> No.41716007
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Not her, but what about a Himeno x Aki type GFE where the point is that we're both lonely as fuck and partnering out of shared pain to feel less of it, but able to find a real thing for either of us at any time? Like a FWBE streamer or something?

>> No.41716692

Yeah, I guess.

>> No.41716783

>Shame is a form of self harm.
That is a new one to me but I like it.

>> No.41717619

I tell it to myself every time I'm afraid I'm being too slutty

>> No.41717963
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Well now I'm imagining you telling it to me while being slutty.

>> No.41718503

While I'm being slutty or you're bring slutty?

>> No.41719219

You but now both.

>> No.41720019

You're adorable, sweetheart. Imagine all you want <3
I'm imagining petting your head a little too hard for it to be platonic and seeing how excited I can get you for later

>> No.41722072

Finally mastered my cute loli voice only to find out nijisanji force you into characters height but I'm 175cm. Staying indie forever.

>> No.41723169

>tfw 185cm
I’m too tall.

>> No.41723289

I'm about to lose my mind. I had 30 viewers early last year, now I can barely hold on to 5 and I have no clue what happened. I may as well be an aspiring vtuber at this point.

>> No.41724497

>tfw 164cm
>I'm female
at least we'll never make it together anon

>> No.41724662

Did you ever stop streaming? Or kept streaming and they slowly left?

>> No.41724817

You sound like you ignored the social aspect outside of streaming and lost momentum to replace the viewers that naturally leave over time. If you held 30 CCV over multiple streams, you probably weren't that boring, but 90% of the people that stop by to watch are just passing by and will drop off within a week or two when the next anime booba girl starts calling them daddy.

>> No.41724943

how short are lolis?WT

>> No.41727884

Going up

>> No.41728356

Are you sure it wasn’t other vtubers lurking and other people you were nice to mostly lurking? Lots of /here/ chuubas lurk in other peoples channels to support each other and brag about how much they watch each other so it gets done back to them. It adds up fast the more networking you do.

>> No.41729185

do acoustic panels stop sound from leaking out? I live in an old postwar construction, I can regularly hear my nextdoor neighbours fucking next to my pc setup and I can hear entire conversations from my neighbours above me. presumably they'd be able to hear me if I suddenly started talking all day.

>> No.41729455

No, not really. You'd need to build some kind of dead air gap with two layers, but that's not feasible for whatever poverty hovel you probably live in. You may just have to embrace your neighbors hearing you spout debauchery all day long.

>> No.41729805

damn I guess my best option is moving my setup to a more central location

>> No.41730354
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>finally start streaming
>having fun
>mom tells me we have money problems and we have to move back to our old shitty house in the middle of nowhere with even crappier internet
i hope everyone else makes it, i am going to kms

>> No.41730628

I'm in a similar boat, anon. Rooting for you. Let's do our best together.

>> No.41731052

Get acoustic sealant for any cracks or gaps like the baseboard/crown of your wall. Acoustic panels/foam do help a little bit. Other anon is right though.

>> No.41732149

It's not that tall, you're still shorter than most men

>> No.41732736

I did have a month break, but it was fairly early on and I was actually still growing, it's only recently that my audience kind of died out.

I've never really had many chuuba friends, small handful (5 or so) were people who were chuubas that I've spoken to, but they're actually some of the only ones still left in what little audience I've still got alongside a few old regulars.

This sounds right honestly. I didn't exactly have any kind of real "plan" and was just going with the flow which seemed to be working until the last few months. I've got no clue what I did right to even get those viewers sadly so I don't know how to build myself up, but some of the advice in the OP seems pretty useful.

>> No.41733026

Male or female? Did you play a specific game that brought in people?

>> No.41733105

If my thing is that i'm an evil CEO, how likely to get in trouble would i be for setting up social media for a fake company and promote fake products/services that are so absurd it's clear they're not real (e.g. asbestos clothing, 200% APR loans, etc)?

>> No.41733900

I mean, you wouldn't? Just don't actually sell the things, even on a "donation" basis. Make them go out of stock immediately due to high demand or something.

>> No.41733930

Male and no, I wasn't locked into any one genre or game franchise, I mainly just played variety stuff. Sometimes it was an older Gamecube or PS2 game, sometimes it was FOTM, sometimes it was just generic react stuff that I've seen larger streamers do which oddly enough did the best for me and still does, one of my only recent streams to hit double digits this month has been generic react andy shit.

I think I maybe need to start reaching out and doing the networking thing, it just feels so odd messaging first since I'm afraid to rejection. I just gotta suck it up though I guess.

>> No.41734121

Adding to this, it's basically what Hololive's Coco did and was one of her most popular bits.

>> No.41734300

Yeah, i wouldn't actually sell the stuff, my biggest concern isn't normal people not getting the joke, but Twitter banning the account thinking i'm actually doing it even if i say it's a joke

>> No.41734466

That definitely won't happen

>> No.41734846

Alright, i'll give it a shot then, thanks anon!

>> No.41736575

it keeps saying someone clipped me but i cannot see it, is it a mistake? i wanna see what people found funny

>> No.41736700

They might've done it by mistake and deleted it

>> No.41737123

makes sense, thanks

>> No.41737868
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If you don't have the money to buy sound absorbing foam AND you have a lot of cloth laying around, check this:

Otherwise the main priority of sound "absorption" (which is NOT how it works, it's a treatment to eliminate echo and some low and high frequency noises) is to eliminate FLAT AND HARD surfaces by covering them up. Covering up 100% of your walls with sound foam is pointless, because there's going to be furniture in the way, so covering up the walls that are closest to you will fix about 90% of your room acoustics.

Simplified drawing related.

>> No.41740875


>> No.41741380

Get a day job and move out. Don't quit it until your night job pays.

>> No.41742530

And don't forget about the floor and ceiling either. Carpet and ceiling-mounted panels do wonders for acoustics.

>> No.41742873

The thing is that a carpet is easy peasy AND cheap, but your body covers the side that'd be "picked up" by the microphone anyways, however, ceiling mounted panels are even more tricky and, dare I say (since I don't have experience with ceiling mounted panels), don't offer the same impact as wall panels.
Don't trust me on ceiling panels, but as you can look up, portable microphone booths (the ones that are desk mountables, of course) don't use top or bottom panels.

>> No.41743048

How are people doing worse than I am?

>> No.41743439

For some reason I suddenly got the urge to try this. Problem is, I don't even watch streamers or vtubers, so I'm somewhat clueless as to where to start. What do you guys recommend I know/who should I look into just as a basic starting line so that I know what I'm getting into?

>> No.41743675

>Tsunderia is kil
Do small corpos besides Phase have a chance anymore?

>> No.41744307
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>> No.41744437

Instead of corpos, more chuubas nowadays should emulate elira and shu's independent chuuba groups. A gathering of independent chuubas under a group banner seems more flexible compared to going corpo, downside is everyone needs to chip in and also manage the group

>> No.41744749

I think this is always the best route, assuming you're working with people who are genuinely interesting in creating/growth but it's really easy to filter that by just waiting until everyone has grown their own channels at least a little bit individually.

>> No.41745134

A regular noise gate stops your neighbors from being heard from your mic.

>> No.41745192

But it doesn't stop the neighbors from hearing anon

>> No.41745454

How often do anons with full time jobs stream?

>> No.41746096

>Have full-time job
>streamed 80 hours so far this month

Let's just say I don't get much sleep.

>> No.41746251

How do you prevent burnout? I know I'd go crazy if I streamed that much between my job, studies, and hobbies.

>> No.41747669

Hopeful up

>> No.41748825

More like down

>> No.41748951

Save up and move out asap or buy a better internet
I also had to move back with parents due to money problems, but my room is pretty soundproof and I tell them I’m just on discord with friends when I’m streaming

>> No.41749015

Which chuuba are you, would watch

>> No.41749642

Not sound treatment anon, but how the hell do you block outside noise on a budget.
My room faces a very busy street, and no there are no other spots for my desk.

>> No.41749966

Just turn streaming into your hobby. I really enjoy it, and while I don't have a ton of viewers I consider most of my regulars my friends and we have a lot of fun together.

>> No.41751796

How much does the mic pick up?

>> No.41751914

Audition tips? Not for any company in particular but whats the best way to present yourself?

>> No.41752306

Are there even any companies taking male auditions at the moment?

>> No.41752381

Sadly no job pays enough(third wordler) for living on my own and my skill(art) isn't good enough to make a living... I am currently learning live2d but i dont know about the marked and how big of a portfolio i need to make a living off it

>> No.41753354

hey i'm an intern for a shady company can i apply to you

>> No.41753441

That sounds like a lot of work and I don't think you will go through with it

>> No.41753475

don't have noise suppression on your obs?

>> No.41753860

If you're a third worlder with dogshit currency you can definitely make some good money rigging, especially if you get even halfway decent at it, I see a bunch of really good SEAriggers charging pennies because the exchange rate is good enough that they're still making bank

>> No.41753939
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>> No.41753999

>Started streaming to make up for the void in my life that was nofriends
>In the past few months have made some awesome friends online completely disconnected from my content
>They don't know I do it because I want to keep these things seperate and I know they have no interest anyway
>We're hanging out more and I'm starting to neglect streams
>Basically having to pick between friends and viewers/"career"

>> No.41754203

Try Nvidia Broadcast

>> No.41754646

Definitely pick friends, streaming is for lonely mentally ill people and sociopaths

>> No.41755260


>> No.41755320

Do you think trying to join a "smaller" company (Phase, Idol) would make you more or less appealing when auditioning for Hololive? Hololive is my ultimate goal but I wonder if they would disregard someone already in a company...

>> No.41755390

It's not as fun as it sounds. They all want a yandere bf until they meet one.

>> No.41756102

Does anyone have Improv tips and conversational tips? I have trouble with coming up with topics to talk about or funny commentary for what ever I’m doing. I can’t really pull funny back stories from my past because every story about my childhood is depressing and actively bums people out. I also just have a terrible memory, probably because I’m blocking out the trauma…

>> No.41756498

Just make shit up, you're a vtuber not a person. You're not limited to being yourself, you don't have to tell stories about your father beating you bloody.

>> No.41756510

thanks i guess i fill focus on building my live2d portfolio

>> No.41756651

Phase less, Idol neutral.
No idea about the poaching element.

>> No.41757206

>want to stream yourself speaking live to potentially hundreds or thousands of people
>afraid someone might hear you talk

>> No.41757222

if you interact with pippa say goodbye to making it on a big corpo

>> No.41757296

Just vshojo. I don't think anyone else will care.

>> No.41757335

it's about being considerate to your neighbors

>> No.41757345

Get a big block of foam from an old couch cushion or chair and cut it to fit the window. This should block most of the sound from reaching the mic itself even if you can still hear some of it. Your noise filter should take care of the rest.

>> No.41757508

That anon said they can hear their neighbors plenty. The barrier of consideration has already been broken and the only thing stopping anon is shame.

>> No.41758087
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Good morning sexies

>> No.41758109

As someone who knows nothing about the practical/tech side of things, does anybody know how easy it is to incorporate physical props into vtubing? I like to juggle in my free time and I’ve been thinking of starting vtubing as a way to keep track of my training without having to record my actual face. There’s a juggling vtuber from Japan, but from what I gather he seems to use balls simulated in vr instead of manipulating physical props. There’s kind of no point for me if I can’t do it without the real things themselves, so would it be possible to put sensors or something inside my balls to track their movements? How hard would it be to get something like that working alongside a 3d model? For reference the balls themselves are only 100g each, so the weight (and durability) of any hardware would be important to keep in mind.

>> No.41758315

didnt tenma say she cant collab with people because of pippa

>> No.41758368

do something like onigiris cooking streams where she wears green sleeves and chroma keys her arms out

>> No.41758449

who knew shitting on every corpo and courting a reactionary audience would make people not want to collab with your company

>> No.41758533
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how long does it take for twitch to update your analitics? i only needed literally one minute of streaming. I want emotes.

>> No.41758682

I don’t think that would work. For performance juggling it would be fine since you’ve already perfected the routine and have a pre-defined area for the balls to move in which you can crop. When practicing, balls tend to veer away (to the other side of the room sometimes) and drop often, and the only way you could capture that using a method like hers is if you wore a full body green skinsuit with a greenscreen filling up the entire room. I don't even think that would end up looking good either to be honest.

>> No.41759153

More or less.
She has been denied collabs because she wants to engage with the speed runining community but most of phase has some level of joking about lgbt. Its jokes but its 2023.
It gets pinned on Pippa because shes the lightning rod due to her community. But they all have a certain level of "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" that makes them all somewhat 'unsanitary'. And I hope the context and intent of that reference isn't lost.

>> No.41759711

I used to get that "damn I've seen some shit" feeling but I don't really get that anymore. I've seen too much.

>> No.41759826

should i make a schedule if i am a literal 4 view

>> No.41760699

Fishman don't want fatties, darkies and males.

>> No.41760701


>> No.41761179

It can help form good habits and motivate you.

>> No.41761394

Babis are disgusting.

>> No.41761741
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>want to stream
>have to stop watching vtubers to stream

>> No.41761831

Are you a boy or a girl? I want to get an idea of where the babi hate comes from

>> No.41763649

I like babis because they remind me of innocence. Something that's in short supply these days.

>> No.41764041

>he has studies and hobbies
Found the problem.

>> No.41764229

It comes from goslings that are now conflicted about their sexuality and taking it out on the person who made them question it rather than accepting they're just a bit bi.

>> No.41764334
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I finally got affilliated /asp/ !!!

>> No.41764430
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Congratulations, anon!

>> No.41764522

Nta, but I dislike babis because I go to female vtubers for cgdct, and I'm always disappointed to find a dude behind the model.

>> No.41764555

You reminded me that i gotta animate my chuuba doing the kodomo dance for the sub animation

>> No.41765436
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Bueno. Take this, it will help you in your quest.

>> No.41765722

Hmm YouTubers scared me from going for affiliate. Is it worth it anon? I thought it's only good if you're a 2view+ and bad for 1views.

>> No.41765918

How is it bad? I average 4-6 viewers, i dont really want money i just want to give them emotes

>> No.41766005

Based. I think it was an argument that ads run on your stream compared to non affiliates where there are non (or at least in my experience I havent seen any when i watch small chuubas).

>> No.41766151

Oh i see! Thanks

>> No.41767622

just say no homo and it's cool

>> No.41767642

anyone watching on twitch has already accepted this as an inevitability or have adblocker, or turbo

>> No.41767694

an even remotely functional life outside of internet addiction is usually what sets apart chuubas able to hold a conversation on their own from people who just narrate over the game for 100% of their content

>> No.41767928

Day three waiting for an audition view
I wish I could just forget about it lol

>> No.41769717

Workaholic tsundere bfe that has little to no time for you, is this hitting too close to home for some people?

>> No.41770210

Noise suppression/gate is on.
It only pickups assholes revving or sirens, but it’s frequent enough to be an issue

Thanks. Will see what I can do, it’s not the window facing the street but more so my wall.
Should still cut some sound out though.

>> No.41771354

It's over...

>> No.41771365
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Give me one reason to become furry, and one reason not to become furry.

>> No.41771677

For: Numbers buff, art buff, can be as warm and fluffy as you want
Not for: Sexual subculture, hate because of the sexual subculture

>> No.41772080

>Not for: Sexual subculture, hate because of the sexual subculture
This sounds like a plus for me because I want to be a lewd chuuba.

>> No.41772178

I still haven't fully rebranded to evil CEO, once i have everything set up you'll know

>> No.41772326

>Numbers buff
Is it really though? I know furries will eat up almost anything, but is furry content not off putting enough to non furries that it won't hurt your growth outside of just furries either? Are there just enough furries these days to sustain numbers even without non furry audiences?

>> No.41772680

If you're willing to work for minimum wage you can start tomorrow

>> No.41774019

dark comedy and black humour is literally what western audiences love to eat up nowadays

>> No.41775224

Become an occasional furry.
Best of both worlds.

>> No.41777079

Bottom tier trash entertainment. Get better taste

>> No.41778968

It's true sadly, a lot of the best chuubas have lived fairly normal, sociable lives outside of their whatever weird weeb-realted hobbies they have and that's why they've got the bare minimum social skills to interact with people an share stories, or just talk normally with chat.

>> No.41779131

>furry for fuzzy submissive puppy coded gfe cuddle streams
>human for onee chan dommy asmr and pegging streams
Thoughts? I'm a switch so I could pull it off, probably.

>> No.41779166

What is "furry content"? Most of the furries I see outside of the VRChat category are just dudes playing fucking videogames they just happen to be using a furry model.

>> No.41780241

There was an interesting idea a few threads ago about having a model with a bunch of transformation stages between human and full furry. You could put transforming on a points redeem or something. Would probably be pretty expensive or difficult to do but I think furries would love that shit.

>> No.41782964

The entire appeal of vtubers is cgdct.

>> No.41784057

Says who, some cringe hikikomori?

>> No.41784402

Says every vtuber being a cute girl/guy doing cute things.

>> No.41786828

How do you come back after a super long hiatus? I don't know if it's even worth it at this point, even if I do enjoy streaming.

>> No.41786925

How do you advertise yourself without getting "literally who?" comments?
I figured being a real girl would make it easier but people are just as eager to shut me down lol

>> No.41787761

>I figured being a real girl would make it easier
You mean like a flesh streamer? What?

>> No.41788255

Do people actually audition to Hololive just like that, like, anyone can do it anytime? What are they looking for in a talent? Just curious

>> No.41788358

Not trans or babi

>> No.41788362

Like a girl vtuber that is not a babi or trans or whatever
I keep seeing people saying that it's impossible for girls to have sub 20 ccv but I can barely reach that on a good day
I'm not sure what the issue is because I've been putting a lot of effort into writing down topics so there's never dead space and making sure to do kayfabe and read everyone in chat

>> No.41790065
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This model might be available if you reach out to the artist. They had a falling out with the person who commissioned it.

>> No.41790074

Most people who have made it into hololive have some history of successful content creation.

>> No.41790273

Yeah that sounds reasonable, but aren't there one or two members who have come out of some very deep poverty or something? In those cases, what landed them the job?

>> No.41790779 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 750x312, 673EEDBE-C77D-4A54-B6E4-F9FF9AA1F6F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have abandonment issues.

>> No.41790794

Don't take anything the Japanese branch has done into consideration at all, anyone that's been recruited for the English branches have had content creation experience.

>> No.41790933

Ah, gotcha. I guess the English branch has a more strict management when it comes to recruitment. It's just that after seeing that Hakka, a Spanish speaker like me (though I'm from Spain, not the latin countries), actually made it into Hololive, for some reason I was curious about how VTubing goes as an industry I guess

>> No.41791137

>get into HoloEN
>make a 45 minute telenovela stream
>make most of the conversation jokes about Spain and Mexican Spanish differences

>> No.41791407
File: 55 KB, 259x224, 2e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL now if only I actually had an internet presence to back that up. In theory I'm starting out with a webcomic, maybe I can do "normal" streams drawing for like a year or so (though I'm in university so this kind of career path might take a long while to be feasible for me and I ultimately want to work as an animator anyway)

>> No.41793464


>> No.41793511

It makes literally no difference in vtubing until you get doxxed. Your irl genitals aren't a buff if you're not fun to watch like with flesh streamers.

>> No.41793758

Male voice is a huge debuff though

>> No.41793786

https://jamesclear.com/schedule (may also apply to >>41786828)
Let's gooo!
I feel that way about most creative content, though. You need the right balance of consuming what you like, producing what inspires you, and having unrelated life experiences, to keep yourself from burning out or getting stuck in a rut.

>> No.41793835

You're wrong, I will always watch someone with a vagina over a man, even an FtM. It does make a difference.

>> No.41794978

And how do you confirm their vagina haver status without real life details?

>> No.41795109

Nobody's going to watch a nobody with a tranny voice

>> No.41795144

>I keep seeing people saying that it's impossible for girls to have sub 20 ccv but I can barely reach that on a good day
Jesus. Imagine complaining as a new vtuber that you only BARELY getting 20 ccv on a good day... Ive been streaming regularly for over 6 months. Probably hit 20 ccv like 3-4 times. I get that some of the shitposts about this stuff is exaggerated, sure. But you girls don't even realize how good you have it.

>> No.41795174

You probably think dakooters and sphere hunter have vaginas lol

>> No.41795425

Nobody has once thought dakooters wasn't a man

>> No.41796070

Remember that no matter how bad you're doing as a girl, you'd be doing worse as a male. Being female is a buff, not a golden ticket to success

>> No.41796898

I just feel like I was sold on an illusion
I just wanted to believe effort alone could make it through

>> No.41797744

No joke, this probably just means your personality is not as appealing as you first thought it would be. "Effort" in this field is 90% about being likeable. The fact that you seem to be ignoring your own initial question to get hung up on the gender barrier (and brought it up unprompted on your own) tells me you probably leak other insecurities onto others without realising.

>> No.41797797


>> No.41799616
File: 218 KB, 595x463, 1488647697512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just raided you with their raid party of 1! Your response?

>> No.41799667

It doesn’t take any effort to be nice, thank the raid and move on.

>> No.41799916

Only if the words that come out of it are boring. If you personally hate men, that is a “you” problem.

I pause the game to introduce the raider to my 1 viewer, my mother, whom I have tied to the seat of her car with only a phone playing my stream on it. She cannot escape for the remainder of this hour and she will learn about Alto Walker.

>> No.41800434

"Yo (x) thanks for the raid, I appreciate it, hope you guys enjoy whatever it is I do here"

>> No.41800695

Here, I have a little project for ya. Lets examine the situations of some male chuubas to put into perspective their shitposts on /asp/ about female chuubas. Lets try looking at this spreadsheet of vtubers that /mvp/ uses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mhfpf9f6qckLBgxgOs4lJp1APLcXfQxQBIGMI_EYvic/edit?usp=sharing

Lets go to https://sullygnome.com and just start entering in and looking at the stats of various 1view males from the spreadsheet.

How long have they been streaming for? (look at the info for the last 365 days, though some of the 1views have been streaming for over a year now)

How many streams have they had where they have an average ccv of 1? (sort from low to high on the average ccv)

After looking at more that 5 chuubas I have yet to find one that hasn't had at least a few with 1ccv. The first one I looked at had 25 1ccv streams, and by a quick count I think he had 50 hours of streaming to literally noone.

What was their record for highest ccv that they got on a stream? How about what their best peak viewer count was?

I'm not gonna judge you or whatever, numbers menhera hits basically all streamers at some point. But there are tons of males who I suspect would consider themselves to have "made it" with what I am guessing your average ccv already is right now. This is where this kind of "females have it so easy" shitposting comes from. But ultimately its all about perspective and your own mindset, no matter where your ccv is at there will be people with better numbers who are considering quitting because they are menheraing in the exact same way you are right now. I dont have any good advice with how to fight this kind of menhera, but you might as well start trying now because just improving your numbers isn't going to get rid of it.

>> No.41801193

The sphere hunter looks kike 15yo boy and he's like 6 foot tall. People that say they pass only do it because they dont want to accept they are homos, it's painfully obvious.

>> No.41803200

I do my raid shebang as normal while only secretly being annoyed
If it gets dumb I will dm them and ask them to stop

>> No.41803440

I go ooooooohohohoho and mock them for the size of their tiny raid. They didn't seriously think a raid that small was going to impress me, did they?

>> No.41803486

only correct response

>> No.41804129

Oh but it's not the size of the raid, it's how you use it? Please, do you honestly think anyone with a big raid says the same thing? You're pathetic. I need a real raid. The BIGGEST RAID AVAIOABKE ON MOBILE PLATFORMS. WITH OVER 200 BILLION PLAYERS, ITS RAID SHADOW LEGENDS, BABY, THE BIGGEST RAID OF THEM ALL. Does YOUR raid have an all new faction called rhe Dylvan watchers, fighting to protect mother earth? I didn't think so! Does YOOOUR raid come with my favourite champion, [random champion that has nothing to do with my actual taste in character design]? Look at this guy! I bet his raid is enormous! And with his ability to debuff enemies and empower his allies, he really knows hoe to sweep a boy off his feet! Unlike SOME people I know. Anyway, with a raid that small, you're better off joining ME in RAID Shadow Legends using my promo code [promo code] to get all thid free stuff and [my favourite champion], so you can get a taste of what a REAL raid is like. That's promo code [code], I'll see you in game, loser. If you're man enough to download it.

>> No.41804312

God gave you a raid to reproduce, not to please wenches, the only size that matters is YOUR FAITH'S

>> No.41804891

>I was led to believe I could hit it big simply by virtue of having a vagina
>I wanted to delude myself into thinking all my success was because of effort alone

>> No.41804974

You need to befriend more vtubers. Then you get a little circle of people who raid each other.

>> No.41805709


thoughts /asp/? I'm suspect of what they get out of this deal.

>> No.41806175

It's more that all I hear is that female vtubers get that high just without effort
It feels like I am underperforming because of that

>> No.41806456

Looks like a scam lol. They should’ve scouted for original talents instead of saying their auditions were open. See how it looks a month from now.

>> No.41806471

Head on to the "vtuber" tag on twitch and sort by low to high and you'll see plenty of female vtubers (you can tab into the stream to check the voice) with low view counts, some of them even with some pretty nice models. Sure, it may be easier for women in the vtuber space, but still most of them are NGMI

Sorry you got lied to by a bunch of jealous men

>> No.41806573

They have their official talents under Akio Air.

>> No.41806638

It says admission is audition based and the form says they will take 20 talents, so my guess is that they will give a cheap model to people they think have potential but are not sure of, then pick the best ones to go into the actual Akio Air

>> No.41807138

I assume it would be like the typical idol training deals. You wouldn't see any money flowing in your account for a while until you've paid them back and you're contract bound. Might be good if you're not in it for the money, but I'd argue you would also feel like shit not seeing any cash inflow for a prolonged period of time after working hard

>> No.41807420

Even with that in mind, no one here is going to be making any money regardless. You won't be seeing any cash inflow for a prolonged period of time even if you started as an indie with a finished model tomorrow. Assuming this isn't a scam, it seems like it'd be good for people who have zero direction and want to learn instead of floundering or losing hope because they're directionless.

>> No.41807449

There are more important things to streaming than just your biology, and you are trying to frame it as an issue about that. You buying into this mindset simply makes you gullible, not "underperforming". If you want to increase your performance, stop thinking in terms of biology and start thinking about sociability. The reason some women get free views is because they lean into lonely guys desperate for literally any vagina bearing organism willing to give them attention. It doesn't sound like you're playing into that through gfe or anything, so why would you think you being a woman matters to your audience? If you do not make gender a central point of your streams, then you are not underperforming because of your or anybody else's gender. It really just sounds like you're getting hung up on a lie you told yourself and are having trouble understanding that the world does not actually work that way.

>> No.41811154
File: 247 KB, 613x630, goosegoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenth page. Stumbled into one of you guys outside the thread the other day, was weird but nice. Pic unrel. Stay hopeful.

>> No.41811365

>It doesn't sound like you're playing into that through gfe or anything, so why would you think you being a woman matters to your audience?
It doesn't even have to be gfe, literally just be nice and that's enough for most guys.

>> No.41811773

I have clawed my way to 40 subscribers while barely uploading at all

>> No.41812662

>waaah I just started and I wanted 20 ccv but I can only get 10 ccv
>waaah this is men's fault somehow
God women are retarded. You know there are sites online where you can look up literally anybody's stats and how long they took to get there right? In great detail even! Just fucking quit right now, you clearly won't b happy with any amount of viewers.

>> No.41813650

I was sorting viewers from low to high to try to find new people outside 4chan, clicked a few streams, read the description OH SHIT IT'S A 13 YEAR OLD GERMAN GIRL WHO LETS KIDS STREAM ON TWITCH WHAT THE FUCK CLICK OFF CLICK OFF!

>> No.41813970

Weird falseflag desu

>> No.41815439

As one of the previous repliers, I'm not sure that's happening. It's very natural to think to yourself "Wait, people said you can achieve X by doing Y and that doesn't seem true. What gives?" It doesn't necessarily mean she expected the result, but rather that she was surprised by it and is looking for the actual explanation.

Like I said here >>41804891 it's impossible to hold both of those beliefs at the same time without lying to yourself in some way. Going down that line of reasoning can eventually lead to false conclusions like "my efforts don't matter because of my biology" or "my biology says I should be doing better than I am, therefore there must be something wrong with my biology." Rather than entrenching this whole "haha dumb bitch women bad" attititude, I was more pointing out how self-torturous the underlying ideas are behind her reasoning. The winning move is to stop thinking in those terms and instead focus on improving yourself in the ways that you can control. At very least, I have faith that she'll come away from this learning to ignore the people who encourage these dumb gender based hang-ups.

>> No.41815706

Or maybe, you know, she'll post her link and it'll turn out she's using a voice changer and the most atrocious looking MS Paint model you've ever seen.
A vagina will help, but not that much!

>> No.41815896

Maybe. But even still I would watch her over someone with your kind of attitude. I would rather not pull falsities out of thin air just because it makes it easier to believe my own insecurities.

>> No.41816237

Wasn't the 20 viewers minimum estimate based on a female shilling herself here, wvt, and viewercord/aspcord/? Because honestly I still think that's probably true.

>> No.41816412

Do I really need to buy an iphone if I want to be a vtuber

>> No.41816445
File: 3.91 MB, 3840x2160, schedule week 30 to 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a schedule!, as always i ended up getting too excited over it and spent more time than i should have(Graphic design IS my passion). Is it readabble enough? any crits?

>> No.41816528

I don't even use a smartphone. There are no rules.
Cool art style.

>> No.41816631

I would make sure your name is on it. Looks really nice though.

>> No.41816694

You need to make sure you're model is compatible with an iphone before you buy one. Otherwise it's just a very expensive webcam.

>> No.41816895

Why would you base anything on a single data point? Even if you thought it was worthwhile information, if said person was shilling themselves in multiple places, then shouldn't the statement be more along the lines of "20 views is the lower estimate for a woman who actively shills herself"? Perhaps it might be true for some women, but as other anons in this thread have pointed out there are plenty of women who never make it that far. If you really think it matters that much, perhaps it's better to think of it as a multiplier, and not a static +minimum value. Regardless of how true it is, in the end all you can do it focus on you and try not to let it get to your head.

I would normally be very critical of something like this but I can't think of any real criticisms for improvement. You clearly put a lot of effort into the design choices like font style and placement of visual elements. It's a very nice style, and it seems like it would be easy to make a new one each week with the overall layout you decided on. This is more than good enough to keep this as-is if you're personally happy with it. If there's ever minor things you want to change like graphical elements, you can play around with that each week if you want. I'm guessing the graphic on the left is more game-specific, so in terms of practicality it might be nice to have something generic you can just slap on for the weeks where you might not be able to spare the time for dedicated schedule images.

>> No.41817025

thank you!
thanks!!! i absolutely forgot about it, thank god you told me before i uploaded it
thank you, the drawing is just my png but edited to appear as a collage, so it honestly doesnt take that long to make, just slap random images onto it.

>> No.41817030

looks nice my one criticism would be making the start time stand out more and potentially changing it to 6pm est since a lot of yanks struggle with 24 hour clocks

>> No.41817074

thank you, noted for the next one!

>> No.41817095

If its easy for you to make then all the better. A very good job my dude.

>> No.41817172

My honest assessment of what the female multiplier (for new streamers at least) is probably something like 3-5 times the viewers that males get. And I think a lot of the variability in that multiplier is down to how hard the female shills herself.

>> No.41817873

You don't need to do mental gymnastics on a mongolian weaving forum, say that you don't like me but you like female vtubers

>> No.41818093

I already did in the post you're replying to. If you want it explicitly in formal writing: I don't like you and I like female vtubers. I also like male vtubers, but regardless of your gender, I don't like you. You seem insufferable to be around and you have less personality than the people you're trying to make yourself out to be better than.

>> No.41818098

alright bitch, I'm pressing the start button, I told you I'd do it
just because your father never came back from the milk run doesn't mean the world is hopeless, I want you to know that there are better people out there baby girl

>> No.41818199

And you need to learn to become a more concise writer.

>> No.41818271

You asked me to spell it out for you. If it was any more concise, you'd still be screaming "mental gymnastics".

>> No.41818413

damn i wish i had 20ccv(i am female)

>> No.41818787

Let me just scream ad hominem though

>> No.41819177

>just tell me you hate me
>"I hate you"
>lol ad hominem
Do you think there's an arguement happening here? You are the only person here who believes your insecurities are intellectual statements worth taking seriously.

>> No.41819477

Do you know why this is so funny? I'm not even the person you were arguing with. You're a real schizo, you know that?

>> No.41820016

If this were true, it would mean you're whiteknighting some guy who got sad when I told him to fuck off for inventing reasons to hate women. Take a moment to think what that means for you if you think this is a debate you need to inject yourself into.

>> No.41820334

Damn he on a high horse tonight

>> No.41820420

Making GFE content is still making lonely people dependent on you and whether you’re single or not it’s just a fucked up thing to do. Sit down and think about the kind of people watching, ideally they would all know it’s a fun role for you and for them to get distracted but in reality you will attract a lot of real people with real feeling. If that is what you want to do then I can’t stop you but no matter what anons say who crave any female attention they can get it won’t change the fact that this is insanely manipulative and unhealthy.

>> No.41821643

Morality on this will vary person to person. Personally, I think the more important factor is if you yourself are strong enough to handle all those emotions coming from all parties. Regardless of how your morality skews, its important to ask yourself if you can actually handle that toll on your mental health, especially after getting out of a relationship. The idea of doing gfe because you're just as lonely as your viewers is its whole own can of worms which compounds every problem you outlined even more. I had a friend who went down that route and it was just awful for her sanity.

>> No.41822106

There was never any argument here, just a man and his ice cream.

>> No.41822221

Furries are not sexy to anyone but their own.

>> No.41822642
File: 434 KB, 160x160, 1674410843201048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the neko pill

>> No.41823570 [DELETED] 

So... whos the pink one?
Did you figure it out already?

>> No.41824348


>> No.41825794

Granted, except you can only BARELY reach 20 viewers, ON A GOOD NIGHT. Gyahahahahaha, the monkey paw strikes again!

>> No.41825947

thats more friends than i ever had in my life and enough people to make game nights with vieweers, i take it

>> No.41826168

That's my dream too desu. Having 20 people is way more than enough to bounce off of.

>> No.41826836

My reading comprehension is at an all time low.

The real monkey’s paw would be that it’s exactly 20 CCV every night, but every word they say somehow involves fetishizing fecal matter.

Join the discord? They talk about it in there too. Go on your Twitter? They reply talking about how steamy her shits are. Block them? It’s not hard to make a new account. Parasites, those little dung beetles.

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.41827037

How much would a model like this cost? Would it be popular as a vtuber model?

>> No.41827468

I was just kind of making fun of this post from last night.

>> No.41827773

Shouldn't be too hard, what do you think is holding you back?

>> No.41827887

Why are all vtuber (re)debut teaser videos all the fucking same
And why are overlays a marketing point
I don’t get it

>> No.41828071

i was memeing i just started and doing fine, i would probably have a sperg attack if i had that many viewers. People arent ready yet for an ESL to rant about stark trek and movies nobody cares about.

>> No.41829817

Day 1: I streamed to the void and that was a good thing. My mic wasn't set to mono nor loud enough. And I sounded like a jittery motherfucker because of the cold and coffee.
I feel like I talked too much about the game and not enough about me, but that's alright. I don't want to do too much character exposition when no one is watching.

>> No.41830030


>> No.41830316 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.51 MB, 370x370, 1674835137211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I wish I was female for the buff and collab buff

>> No.41830758

Bros, it feels so good to have returning watchers.

>> No.41831103

Felt that. Worst part is my vod died because I forgot to set it to "save vods"...

>> No.41832315
File: 77 KB, 700x629, 1636147669908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you take inspiration from other streamers? i am trying to copy the energy of chibidoki and vinny

>> No.41832556

I've begun sinking my money into expensive microphones and interfaces...I'm ngmi. I really should have used the money for assets and a model.

>> No.41832564

I basically lifted my "gimmick" from a flesh streamer I watched

>> No.41832602

what gimmick

>> No.41832995

Tallying data about things that happen across a play session for a game. Not especially unique sure, but seeing as I primarily play games that feature some sort of random element to them, I like the idea of assigning hard values to my luck. People seem to enjoy it, so I'd say poaching it was a good idea

>> No.41834876


>> No.41835187

What to do if I said I would stream but then don’t feel like streaming and instead lay down all night

>> No.41835271

I wish I was a girl so I could do female vocals, but I'm not about to troon out over it or anything.
Papermoon cover NEVER EVER

>> No.41835555

You do it anyway because momma didn't raise no little bitch

A dude can totally sing this song and make it sound good, give it a whirl

>> No.41835631

You need a space between the foam and the wall for it to work. So mount your acoustic panels don't just stick them to your wallpaper ffs

>> No.41836913

Dang some people near me after selling those panels I was shown yesterday (the fiberglass ones) for sound treatment for $80 a pop. A bit of a markup for their labor and time. Might bite the bullet since I don't know any woodworkers...

>> No.41836963

I love flipped vocals like that. would have killed for male covers of certain songs a few years ago.

papermoon would have been one of them, since most of the male covers of that have a more 'hardcore' feeling to them than the original.

>> No.41839139


>> No.41839464

beep boop

>> No.41840867


>> No.41841227

but you still wont selfpost haha

>> No.41841335
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1670987871111968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can self post here?

>> No.41842074

Yes you can self post here, it's also how people get specific feedback on their streams and channels. Even if you weren't allowed to self post somewhere, self post anyway. Golden rule: Be shameless. Even when there's anti-promotion rules, just execute the most shallow pretext otherwise and basically promote anyway. The world is a fuck.

>> No.41842575

I won't allow you to fall in love with me, I'm such a great guy, you'd get wet to the sound of my voice and develop a dependency

>> No.41842656

>dead air
>doesnt respond to anyone in chat
>1 year~ subs
>month long absence
>streams only 4 days a week for 10-20 hours
>100-200 views
>10x as many impressions per vod because of 100+ buff
female buff everyone. not shitting on females, but I want females to know they can very easily make it pro by being even slightly consistent for a year.
i don't need to say anything about males because you already know that %90 of male vtubers are as boring as this female (she is really boring) but probably have a 10th the audience

>> No.41843069

what did she do behind the scenes?
you can't do that without connections or advertising or commissioning some big artist or something

>> No.41843129

just do it you goof

>> No.41843280
File: 605 KB, 680x575, Akutan gets caught stealing your heart.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a twitch category that guarantees views regardless of sex gender or sexual identity

>> No.41843840

Joined the viewercord and offered ice cream, I shit you not

>> No.41844184

Getting over it. You'll get random joining just to trick you into pressing the restart button.

>> No.41844382

I've been streaming on youtube for the last 4 months and almost never have live viewers, sometimes getting VOD views. Is twitch better for starting out?
I just wanted to make some friends and play video games.

>> No.41844392

her model maker is extremely popular as an artist. 30k likes on twitter posts kind of popular, so maybe she had an initial buff, it might be relevant since she is her artists only live2d and the artist doesnt do commissions, so they might be friends or something and she potentially gets free redirects from her art mamas community but thats not really clear, and i doubt she has good retention of even her art mamas audience, keeping in mind she just casually wastes 1800 impressions daily.
she seems to have a youtube that was active for the past year, but infrequently uploaded only once a month, but it was popular, 1000+ impressions and interacting well with at least 100 people a video, then for this year it continued for several months but hasnt been active for about half a year now. she seems to have hired an editor for this purpose though.
she really isnt remarkable in any other way though besides the fact that she's just not very interesting or entertaining.
if I had to guess it looks like this is someone who either has a direct relationship / network with some very popular or important people, and through them probably also has very little separation from some absolutely huge people (like one notable large indie im seeing under her ex-editor) and just isnt that interesting on her own to grow though.

>> No.41844403

I'll see you there anons B-) when I get my audio finally set up

>> No.41844750

so anon you do remember too actually talk right and don't just sit in complete silence focusing on a game for twenty minutes right?

>> No.41845064

Who do I talk to if no one is in my streams T.T

>> No.41845095

Females have a much lower floor but reach their ceiling a lot faster. What I’m saying is the average female vtuber will cap out around a certain point and never grow past those numbers.

>> No.41845192

I've been trying to do text heavier games so I'm constantly reading aloud and doing voices (when I can) just to fill dead air since I'm a 0view.

>> No.41845546

So do you guys just use normal obs with plugins or streamlabs?

>> No.41846097

finally found the effort to draw a png and try streaming is it better to at first just stream to my lonely self so that i stop talking like a complete idiot and learn to talk normally instead of slurping my words and mispronunciation or start trying to advertise myself on twitter and things like that? the only good thing about me is that i talk to myself a bunch so there isn’t any dead air for more than 2 minutes max
actual ass mic though because i’m broke and streaming is the only idea i got to get money for games besides 10$ sales

>> No.41846650

Took me a year to be able to talk to myself without mush mouthing and mumbling. I have csgo clips were I just randomly start talking aloud to my mic and sometimes I am literally incoherent.
English native btw... Used to have a problem with speaking too quietly and sometimes mumbling prior though, but because of this I could definitely see the value in just improving things as you go and starting to improve things early.

>> No.41847422

thank you for the advice! I can talk normally but once i started recording it suddenly turned into mush can’t even tell what i’m saying myself when i replay some parts
i guess it’s all about learning everything along the way!

>> No.41850543


>> No.41851049

no lmao

>> No.41851978
File: 10 KB, 1226x605, 5ethyjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys post your vtubing stats

>> No.41852520

>collab buff
but males are the ones that benefit the most by collabing with females

>> No.41852535

Wait is hardcore the generic one now
I thought my harsh vocals were what set me apart

>> No.41852587


>> No.41853654

Another question. So I (male) want to become a vtuber. I'm usually in multiple streams with the Twitch account I plan to start streaming from. I have a catchy name, and many Vtubers and streamers recognize me and remember me. But I know the etiquette is that you absolutely shouldn't advertise yourself. I saw a streamer chew someone else out for trying that, and honestly that wouldn't be me. But still, let's say that I do end up becoming a vtuber with viewers, how do I let some other people know, without it looking like an advertisement? Mainly I want to put it out there, because it would be nice to make friends and collab with people in the far future. A streamer with 69k followers, did say that if anyone from his chat ever became more than just a 2 view vtuber, he would gladly do a collab with them.
I'm guessing the best way to signal that you are now a streamer, is to raid them? A raid is beneficial to them, but you kinda can't raid without being a streamer, and usually you get a shout out. Basically I wanna get my name out there, but I don't want to embarrass myself or seem desperate.

>> No.41853909

>Another question. So I (male)
Stopped reading

>> No.41854319
File: 21 KB, 1199x299, wQ0NNT1cF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, here you go. it looks good until you look at the actual viewer count. 5ccv is pretty much what i can call my median peak.

>> No.41855109

Raid chuubas and staple "VT" to your account name, yeah. Other than that, just be patient. If a streamer recognizes you, then their audience will be able to as well, and then you'll have the chance to start building your network off-stream.

>> No.41855210

Cart before the horse.
You need viewers to do raids.

>> No.41855764

I know, I know. I'm currently looking up the tech I need, and making notes of everything I need to know. This is just something that crossed my mind, when I saw someone getting a new chewed out for advertising themselves.
>and then you'll have the chance to start building your network off-stream.
Meaning Twitter and Discord right? I have avoided those two places as much as possible, but I guess they are essential when building a brand. I guess I can make those two, but fuck me if I ever willingly visit tiktok.

>> No.41857146

my 1view target has a job and real friends it's over

>> No.41859970


>> No.41861388

Just bot yourself. Its fucked but it works.

>> No.41862122

I'll be honest. I thought about it. But I don't want to do it. I want to build something with my own hands and skill, not pay some chink to watch me through 50 of his phones. Is that naive of me?

>> No.41862197

>aspie makes it to Hololive
>he has the lowest subs of his Gen
Is this good?

>> No.41863270

>Meaning Twitter and Discord right?
Pretty much. Twitter, you can mostly curate to your tastes (less so with this stupid 4U update) and only interact with the few dozen more talented people whose coterie you'd feel comfortable intruding in on. My followeds hover between 90-110 people, including a few Holos and such but mostly people I'd actually be interested in communicating with. Discord servers inevitably fill up with genderspecials, misanthropes, and trauma dumping, but it's a better format for DMs and small-group conversations about the particulars of making content.
As for TikTok, it's nightmare zoomer garbage that's banned on a significant number of American uni networks, but it pulls in the biggest noombers by far and is good for learning to edit short-form content. Where you put yourself out there is part of your brand as well, so ultimately it's up to you.
