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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41740146 No.41740146 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>41713130

Big dreams for the future edition.

(Streams not listed because I'm boycotting)

More info about Wactor:

>> No.41740322

bunch of retards

>> No.41740388

chad yes.jpg

>> No.41740513

Zona piece of shit Hypocrite if she does not put her account in public is for something, you are doing the same as before pretending that you are in contact with the girls fucking groomer.

>> No.41740536

Next boycott no thread pls

>> No.41740540

>Himea is like a grave when keeping a secret
You heard it from me first.

>> No.41740580

I'm just fucking sad I don't know what to do.

>> No.41740618
File: 156 KB, 305x276, 1673559164418677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want her back...

>> No.41740895

Groomers now has direct contact with hina
Groomers now has direct contact with hina
Groomer now has direct contact with hina
Groomers now has direct contact with hina
Groomers now has direct contact with hina
Groomers now has direct contact with hina

>> No.41741045

resign yourself anon, she's gone. but soon you will have her doing collabs with nimu, emikukis,locochon and dating zilverk on vrchat.

>> No.41741105

>Implying that groomers didn't have direct contact with her before
How to out yourself as a threadwatcher newfag

>> No.41741270

Isn't Hina being an hypocrite? she didn't say anything when everyone left and now she's doing the same.

>> No.41741599

thell me whats going on
i only watch himea now a days
what's the midget doing?

>> No.41741803


Only Himea and Seiza are still alive, the others seem to have either graduated or have been forced to rest. no espiko english

>> No.41741836

He made his own grave

>> No.41742125

This girl needs a new model, don't be stingy and drop a bill


>> No.41742133

It's really over, isn't it.

>> No.41742135

And Neon.

>> No.41742146

HIMEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont cry dont cry

>> No.41742186

Fuck I'm not home, what's happening.

>> No.41742336

i told her that im not going to fuck her today

>> No.41742346

she says that at home nobody listens to her and that we are the only ones who do it. I don't want wactor to end.

>> No.41742565

Sadly even if Sopa and Luna graduate their fans will not move on to the other girls, so this has to end sooner or later.

>> No.41742600

Yes, I did DM her account to the "groomers" and told them to spread it around.
Yes, I don't care about grooming.
I read signals in her stories that she wants her fans to know about the account.
>I'm looking forward to my future. I'm very happy.
>It's a great thing I'm not longer with gastritis.
>Thanks for the support.
Also before that there were already people trying to "groom" her
>Sorry I don't reply to DMs
She was aware of her fans suffering and wanted them to know she's okay.
And on top of this, Misopitas need to finally wake up and realize that she isn't coming back not because she's resting, but because Akira already decided to memory hole her.

>> No.41742681

Why would you just go ahead and admit you're a massive faggot? It's not even Pride Month yet.

>> No.41742765

I told you that it was going to be like the asshole with the audios.

>> No.41742827


>> No.41742991

Misora is very weak she is not like luna and even Himea, I don't know why Akira wants to graduate her but Hina is not ready for the real world. Like it or not Akira brought her out of her miserable situation.

>> No.41743007

Tik tok Akira cocksuckers. You can't keep the truth from emerging.

>> No.41743067
File: 23 KB, 690x460, you-should.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your solution is to harass the girl in her new account instead of holding Akira accountable?

Fucking retard.

>> No.41743167

You don't do any good anon everything should be like with suzu without Hina Akira will fall, what you have is an obsession.

>> No.41743195

You are a fucking retard, and you ruined everything.

>> No.41743198

Akira's cocksuckers now can find her thanks to you fucking retard

>> No.41743285

I'm not harassing her, and I'm confident that this is what she wants.

>> No.41743428

You imbecile retard

>> No.41743438

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But you are just a dopamine crazed monkey that wants to see the word burn.

>> No.41743473

How can Akita be held accountable when Misopitas keep deluding themselves into thinking she's still on break due to gastritis and they should only wait? They need to see the reality.

>> No.41743518

Bro you are cringe

>> No.41743554

Listen to you, you sound like some religious freak talking to God.

>> No.41743586

Are you trying to take away /here/'s Most Hated Man award from Akira or something? Instead of doing that you could have told those fags to demand answers from Akira on Twitter.

I hate you fags sometimes.

>> No.41743722

If she leaves she leaves if she comes back people will follow her like all the other girls no one has ever stayed for Akira.

>> No.41744047

I really feel bad for Lunita, she must be very desperate to ask for help in a place infested with useless retards like him.

>> No.41744081
File: 101 KB, 720x557, 20230126015812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was she reading the thread?

>> No.41744132

Either that or people are pestering her in her DMs about her future plans and the status of her vtuber persona.

>> No.41744212

So cute, those emojis she use has a lot of miutomo op girly energy on them

>> No.41744222

The post was a few minutes after that fag wall of text.

>> No.41744262

NOOOO sHe told me she needed help in a dream jaaaaaaaajajajaja

>> No.41744431

>Hina is Miutomo OP

>> No.41744467

> hina has admitted to being a fan of Miu even before she joined wactor

>> No.41744527
File: 20 KB, 480x640, 1674697945816204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is not ok she needs me to save her!! I will kill Akira with my Rasengan!!

>> No.41744538

you screwed up Carlos, that's why you should stay on fb together with axell faggot kys

>> No.41744675

I miss mymo...

>> No.41744693


you see what causes faggot now they are bombarding her with questions and maybe she will close the messages or privatize her account that's why I hate fucking facetards.

>> No.41744723

What a bunch of overreacting fags, nothing will happen. She had to deal with fags DMs for more than half a year before she learned how to disable them on Discord.
She can handle herself in this matter.
It anything it's finally a good thing her fans finally ditch the midget's company.

>> No.41744776

Mymo died after eileen introduced her new gf

>> No.41744822

Look at this suspicious post >>41723690

>> No.41744828

>She will close the messages.
That's a non issue

>> No.41744929

Well I mean, I'm sure every girl on Instagram is used to having a bunch of creeps trying to start a conversation with them and also unsolicited dick pics but that is not the issue here. Demand answers from Akira, don't pester the girls on her rm accounts. That is all.

>> No.41744985

You planned to keep quiet and play Akira's game? You have to understand that's what he wants. With silence you do a favor to his narrative.

>> No.41745095

Then go to annoy Akira on twitter fag, don't involved girl's rm

>> No.41745099

He doxxed laila and nothing happened, do you think that something we do will change anything?

>> No.41745123

Misopitas didn't want to demand anything, they were always calming each other down, trusting the false tale Akira wanted them to believe.
Only when they could see hard proof they would do something.

>> No.41745285

Now they don't have an excuse to refrain from going after the agency.
And this confirms Akira's modus operandi.
Lomitos and championes should watch and demand answers to Akira.
Ask him the truth. And don't believe his pathetic lies about Luna and Neon taking a voluntary break.

>> No.41745344

You have to understand that this isn't just about Misora.

>> No.41745378

why do twitterfaggots abbreviate names or use initials when talking about the ongoing stuff? what does that accomplish

>> No.41745433

What's wrong, you don't answer? say you were lying, you just wanted to troll, that's all you have left.

>> No.41745541

"Y la perra seguia y seguia"
Jesus Anon plis stop

>> No.41745545

There's my answer.
I just showed them the truth. Now they can stop believing the bullshit Akira tells them.

>> No.41745549

The sad thing is... He hasn't mentioned Neon at all. She's for sure suspended, but we're not sure why

>> No.41745695

It's the same as Laila's, an absurd abuse of the noncompete clause.

>> No.41745706

Dice Hina que te calles el hocico

>> No.41745753

Probably caused my miscommunication and language barrier. And even with thay, what Akira asks is totally unreasonable.

>> No.41745800

Misopitas don't even care about the problem with wactor. They saw the Zona's tweet and say "oh at least now we know she's ok". Don't care about the probably correlation that Luna and Neon disappearing has with Hina

>> No.41745810

From the beginning Neon and Luna were the problem the squizos are the ones who put Hina in.

>> No.41745856

And with this I confirm my biggest fear, that after knowing she's ok, Misopitas would just look the other way and leave the rest of the girls at Akira's mercy.

>> No.41745946

exactly Even if we hope that Luna's problems are true, Neon's doesn't look good.

>> No.41746072


>> No.41746219

Well it's getting people to talk. Zona fag's tweet was only a couple of hours ago. Give it time for the information to spread.

This is precisely what I wanted: to get fairly famous and influential (in context) twitter personalities to talk about the situation so that the fans would know what is going on and then demand answers from Akira. But you didn't have to give her name away. You could have simply shared the same censored images Zona did. What's done is done I suppose.

>> No.41746228

internet explorer kun

>> No.41746229
File: 180 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You innocent souls have not realized that this demon is the source of all evil. (Knowing she's the CEO's partner)

>> No.41746268

Fucking retarded wtf

>> No.41746369

Zona just came off as a stalker and a blabbermouth, in addition to proving that he spread false rumors and that he is /here/, he did not help Neon's problem at all.

>> No.41746372
File: 36 KB, 480x468, 60b779366a6f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so fucking stupid, just let people be
if they graduate their fanbase will go with them (as with putiglota)
(you) cant do anything about akira being a fag, those girls are grown adults and everyone is just getting way too much parasocial.

>> No.41746438

yeah we can, literally if we stop watching wactor and giving them money is enough to make akira suffer

>> No.41746498

Don't get me wrong, I hate the motherfucker and most of the clippers. But if they're ever going to be useful for something it's this. They can get the fans talking.

>> No.41746564

I want my girls free asap, and for that wactor should burn, I'm not letting Neon be two years in limbo.

>> No.41746595

I repeat, focus on Neon, the usual 2 weeks suspension in any company and for Luna it could be up to a month of vacation if her message is real.

>> No.41746638

>if her message is real.
It's not.

>> No.41746667

it's real stop talking if you dont know shit

>> No.41746697

It's not only for the girls. Akira and his company have not respect for us

>> No.41746739

Practically the totality of Lomitos agree that she didn't write that tweet, don't delude yourself.

>> No.41746741 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.41746798

oh you mean the twitter one akira made?
yeah my bad, that shit is fake
Fuck that midget

>> No.41746941

Yeah it's real like her message "Hola, onions Luna Rurine de WactorEs" pfff

>> No.41747017

We have nothing anon, see what moving without thinking can cause. If she doesn't tweet anything even by February 14 , then I would start to worry, but in the meantime, see how the account is doing.

>> No.41747131

Me excita

>> No.41747165

>t. Akira

>> No.41747203

We have her rm saying shit's fucked up.

>> No.41747208

>I'm not harassing her
the obsessive underage retards who make 90% of her fanbase will lmao
nice one retard

>> No.41747281

They also had the one of Hina asking for help and look what happened.

>> No.41747390

Hina never asked for help.

>> No.41747408

Why the fucking manlet had to involve Nana in this?
Poor doñita

>> No.41747447

He has no honor

>> No.41747482 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.41747514

(you)´re literally picrel

yeah, but most of the fans don´t care bc any girl will die by getting graduated, wactor will die sooner or later

its an entertainment corpo, what did you expected? making a fuss and exposing rm accounts because "(you)´re worried" its respectful then?

>> No.41747653

see messages further back from the anon saying he was sending secret messages

>> No.41747704

Go back to facetard

>> No.41747706

>quiero comer asado
he was ignored for being a huge fucking retard

>> No.41747748

Typical illiterate hispanic that spams the same meme over and over.

>> No.41747770

What we should be concerned about is what caused the suspension because Sezia is still active and Himea didn't have a famous pl, what was Neon's mistake that Seiza didn't do? And above all, how did HE find out?

>> No.41747912

Dig deeper and remember Laila, and you'll notice. That's the only scenario I can think of right now.

>> No.41747987

Neon and Luna were probably suspended for siding with Hina. Maybe Sezia was spared just to try to keep the appearance of normalcy. But if you noticed, in her stream she was feeling down, she mentioned that it was "only Himea and me for now". Also it seems like she's only streaming the bare minimum as per her contract.

>> No.41748039

>how did HE find out?
I am an anon but I know this because of experience
Neon must've joined Luna's or Hina's side about whatever internal fight happened and the midget punished her to put pressure on the others so they give up. Tactics like that are old fashioned and since Akira is a jap from the countryside I imagine him being a hotheaded idiot

>> No.41748145

>Himea didn't have a famous pl

>> No.41748191

She continued doing her artist gig.
Sincerely it's completely unreasonable from Akira. It's not vtubing, not even streaming. He is nuts.

>> No.41748397

And you know what, probably it's because the shitty machine translation he uses, on top of that he most likely uses wording so vague he can easily bend the rules to his interests whenever he wants.

>> No.41748443

the deal its always the same at any corpo, let the company die and support your oshii on her new life, but never ever believe on a businessman.

>> No.41748624

neither miutomoOP or imagespammer say anything I guess they are taking refuge like pussies.

>> No.41748677

I would lean more towards this but last time with laila it was because the image she used looked a lot like her model and that was the excuse now she has none of that. Sounds like Akira went crazy.

>> No.41748704

You sure would love some image spamming, Akira onahole?

>> No.41748759

basically, that's why it's not good to create unnecessary drama Suzu knew that.

>> No.41748796

Anabolics fry your brain.

>> No.41749455

Was it a coincidence that Misora brought that account to live the same day Luna and Neon were suspended? This is something people outside of here didn't notice.

>> No.41750303


>> No.41751353


>> No.41752225
File: 18 KB, 691x100, Screenshot_20230126-030303_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this? Is this another Akira's puppy? I see him tagged by the sluts all the time.

>> No.41752277


>> No.41752526
File: 170 KB, 615x644, 1647236852804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you get that from?

>> No.41752586

>t. newfags

>> No.41752695

I'm so fucking mad that can't sleep...

>> No.41752708

answer anon...please i just want to know my sopa is alright...i want to know she is happy even if i'm getting cucked

>> No.41752814

He is Akira's backup onahole when loyalcucktomo is "unavailable"

>> No.41752852
File: 360 KB, 500x582, soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be so obvious my love we already know it's you

>> No.41752959

Just read the thread faggot, there's even a Twitter link

>> No.41753082

Tsunderia going to shit was a great opportunity to poach some EN girls and it all went to shit thanks to Akira btw

>> No.41753207

>Luna and Hina are united till the end and will stream together in the future.
Basado. Fuck this black company.

>> No.41753351


>> No.41754216
File: 450 KB, 853x480, 1622786031529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41754300
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>Hey retarded spics buy my shit

>> No.41754927

Don't be stingy and drop a bill, this girl needs a new model NOW


>> No.41754969
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1512455464567825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/tards can you reupload al Misora, Luna and Neon's VODs to mega or other sites or something? please i need a backup of those memories with them...

>> No.41755780
File: 215 KB, 381x394, 1623993840886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41755885

kek, akira is paying for twitter blue check

>> No.41755945
File: 313 KB, 1272x1055, 153582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell... i miss her so much... Lunita...

>> No.41756283
File: 47 KB, 377x442, 1660889389874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not usually doomposting, but yeah, I have that intuition.


You're a failure as a threadwatcher

>> No.41756344
File: 225 KB, 599x553, 1661444227622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I'm checking Miu's twitter, she no longer has the mark.

>> No.41756365

I hope they see your posts and arrange an orgy with you as a reward bro

>> No.41756392
File: 47 KB, 607x127, 136345436737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking midget needs to be HEEM'd now

>> No.41756861


>> No.41757176

Clips already take care of that, but are you looking for something in particular? I already have the introductions and a few songs saved to reupload them once their channels get Akira'd

>> No.41757199

again this faggot taking credit from the anons

>> No.41757317

clips are shit, i want the complete VODs, can't you use your nerd power to make something useful like edit that website and make a backup for the vods linking it to a download site or shit, and timestamping stuff (you can get it from the comments), i know that the midget will nuke the channels for sure

>> No.41757323

Fuck off what that faggot did was retarded

>> No.41757343

Funny how those people hate le evil 4chin but they are very attentive to what we post here.

>> No.41757408

You will need over 1TB to save that fag

>> No.41757429

Storage doesn't grow on trees, amigo

>> No.41757457

can't you upload it slowly deleting shit? you probabliy even can do it with a script or someting?

>> No.41758185

LordHalf is /here/ btw
That disgusting groomer, maybe Akira wasn't all wrong...

>> No.41758337

this brat is a retard

>> No.41758457

omg he is here!! she is here!!! they are here!!
fuck off, you are annoying.

>> No.41758467

you know how years ago being an internet celebrity was about having 30k post on some popular forum and managing to get mod status?
some shit never changes and some people still need that recognition to live

>> No.41758583

domadisimos los anons

>> No.41758663

Hi LordHalf

>> No.41758718
File: 175 KB, 1590x910, FnORNnmaAAIicq_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will join the lesbian's group

>> No.41758850

I fucking hate her new model and voice, at least her wactor model wasn't and eyesore and her voice wasn't so fucking ear grating
Not like I watch her now, just what I see from the clips posted

>> No.41758982

No shit sherlock who do you think was the retard pushing faka's rrats like an idiot during the faka's arc?
he is a 40 years old spaniard who spent his whole life on the internet, he is obviously /here/ and as i just checked right now he seems to be afraid of sharing the same fate that schizos like him condemned faka to have

>> No.41759249

What makes you believe that?

>> No.41759292

>just checked right now he seems to be afraid of sharing the same fate that schizos like him condemned faka to have
I need more context on this

>> No.41759400

Schizo schizoing over him removing the follow.
Really this shit is tiring, get over it.

>> No.41759530

I think what you mean

You are so wrong anon

>> No.41759762

He fake this >>41759400 after some post were made /here/ about him to mislead the schizos, he doesn't want to make the same mistake Faka did

>> No.41759866

Sopa probably got poached to a bigger agency. She'll be fine.
Worry about Luna's and Neon's situation. Pressure needs to be applied over the manlet, we don't want them held in limbo for months.

>> No.41759922

Wtf? proof?

>> No.41760078

Didn't you were indifferent for sopa besides the last misopita?
Don't act like you suddenly care, you just want cheap drama for your dopamine receptors.

>> No.41760219

Without Akira there is no wall between Misora and her groomers and if what that anon says is true then Lord is hiding from something
I still don't know where the fuck that acc is btw

>> No.41760275

They are the same people that shat on other girls before.

>> No.41760447


>> No.41760616

Poor guy, he's mind-broken

>> No.41760672

I don't care about the autistic girl. I want to know what happened with Luna and Neon, that probably has related with the absence of Hina

>> No.41760749

Most damaging of all was not the Hina issue, but the domino effect it caused with Luna and Neon (and now you can speculate who Neon's oshi was).

>> No.41760847

This retarded exposed it >>41746072 also some facetards were exposing it on her FB group too and some faggots were stupid enough to follow her like that disgusting groomer LordHalf

>> No.41760954

Some anon said Neon talked about taking a break.
She didn't I just went to her latest stream and was all excited talking about her future streams, her Minecraft stream the next day, about collabs.

>> No.41761199

i'm fucking shocked how passive anons are being with all this shit that fucking subhuman midget is pulling

>> No.41761245

I'm still waiting for your proof tho

>> No.41761327


>> No.41761357

The fuck do you want le ebil 4chin hackers to do

>> No.41761372 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 360x298, 1562845355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poof YOFfina, s(he) was exiced and ready to suck champineones dicks on the mem streams

>> No.41761375


>> No.41761526

so? my oshi is still there and the only way for her to be free is for wactor to die

>> No.41761674

not him but for example spam the midget account exposing his bullshit?
You know that it could be a domino effect if regular fans paypigs see it and join those comments, we need to put pressure on his neck

>> No.41761752


>> No.41761807

ogey Loyalcucktomo

>> No.41761836

>Juntas las cuatro por siempre
Somehow this is becoming real

>> No.41761949

>las cuatro
>implying himea will follow them

>> No.41761992

Himea will join Amai Direct

>> No.41762164

can you report his channel for deceptive practices or something? just asking

>> No.41762210 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1080x1080, Picsart_23-01-26_09-52-47-453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam this in Maido's tweets

>> No.41762213

>the midget removed Neon's doomposts from her likes

>> No.41762398
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>turns out everything was sezia's doing so she could do a collab with ayato alone
the audacity of this bitch

>> No.41762605


>> No.41762683

Are these events sponsored? If yes, messing with them will damage even more Wactor's credibility to investors.
I want to believe that retard midget is not stupid enough to ruin it.
>believing in him, how naïve

>> No.41763032

I surely hope no spic buys that shit.

>> No.41763910

>>41761526 >>41761199
If you have a Twitter account with high visibility, go and ask questions.
> Where is Hina? If she is suspended or terminated, why has there been no announcement?
> Where is Luna? We don't believe her last Tweet was written by her. Is she suspended and, if so, why?
> Where is Neon? She has been absent with no explanation either. Is she suspended and why?
Most Anons here don't even have a Twitter account, let alone one with thousands of followers.

>> No.41764008

Don’t ask him to bring the girls back, just boycott. The girls will manage to recover.

>> No.41764265

and thats why faggots like yof-chan should post, but the fags are goodbois from of the "Wactor's community" and don't have the balls to post.

>> No.41764264


But seriously though if she wanted to do that she would have done it like the other times

>> No.41764361

doing shitposts count?
should i upload that meme video for some retweets?

>> No.41764476

I don't want Akira to held them in limbo for the rest of the duration of their contracts like he did with Laila and Rose.
So it's either they come back or wactor comes down. There's no in-between.

>> No.41764595

Shitpost do wonders please do I'm creating a shitpost tweeter acount to spam the faggot on tweeter

>> No.41764651

Remember to say how much you want to buy his merch and how sincere his wishes for Luna's good rest are:

>> No.41764713

i'm trying to post it but fucking tweeter don't want me to post it get stuck at 99%, fuck.
but if you want the meme video there:

>> No.41764730

They won't come back and I'm sure they don't want come back

>> No.41764857

Girls should have some connections behind the scenes, I wonder if they have alt accounts to call each other when they lose access to the accounts.
I don't think they do btw

>> No.41764940

were where you these past 3 days?

>> No.41764941

Reminder that Luna's contract is at least until September. If we go by the past Akira's actions he plans to held her unable to do anything else until then.
Neon contract is for two years...
Akira can't get away with hurting them like this.

>> No.41764973

Hina, Luna and Neon surely have

>> No.41765065

wew anon, are you a GENIUS OMG!!

>> No.41765201

>Facetards just found out about the situation after those leaked Misora's stories.

>> No.41765521

Facetards are very unhinged individuals. I hope they raise hell for Akira lmao.

>> No.41765566

That fucking midget thinks we're stupid.

>> No.41765603

Yes, but i can't blame him, it worked for the first time

>> No.41765780

We are. Bleh.

>> No.41765950



>> No.41765971

Sezia is such a fucking traitor, it should be her who is gone instead because no one would care

>> No.41766047

What the fuck do you mean "traitor"? She's been begrudgingly doing the bare minimum in her streams and she sounded depressed.

>> No.41766059

>t. Akira lapdog trying to deflect conflict

>> No.41766281

She is doing the one hour and fuck, as much as she want to leave she must use what remains of wactor to build a fanbase in a smart the way all the people by now know whats and will support and sympathize with her position, she is a smart and strong girl.

>> No.41766295

anyone knows indonesian for warn the ID branch about the fucking midget?

>> No.41766342


>> No.41766393

For what I saw in the ID chuuba thread, they're not interested in WACTOR and were even upset at the models calling it better suit for the CN branch, calling that Akira knows bullshit about Indonesia.

>> No.41766536
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Look at this Akira apologist

>> No.41766663
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>> No.41766833


>> No.41766881

Hana did it better.

>> No.41766920


>> No.41766995

se me paro el chizito

>> No.41767104

Mentiroso, ¿a ver?.

>> No.41767121

I'm playing Lord Mobile everyday everytime just for that, I even use some money, Lia will have that new model

>> No.41767197

I was checking twitter to see how fans are reacting and found that Sungjü Gu got together with MyMo lol

>> No.41767259


>> No.41767306

>implying i would give her a view

>> No.41767335

Liatards have a lot of nerve.

>> No.41767390

no one cares what facetards think. Feel free to go back

>> No.41767428


>> No.41767439

Graduation when?

>> No.41767443

Don't count on Misopitas to pressure the midget, they're currently on suicide watch.

>> No.41767463

videovor.com + streamsb.com
the tools are right here, don't rely on others

>> No.41767600

Are they? I saw an interaction of them on Twitter but I'm not into Thai and the translation was weird
Good for Mymo tho, if she is happy then I'm happy too, I still miss her

>> No.41767644
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1666964911729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute angry girls

>> No.41767995

Is this yuri?

>> No.41768324

Yes SEA yuri

>> No.41768326

Technically you can, i heard of a girl who got her channel nuked due to antis, but they masive reported it
As youtube is run by bots, they don't care about if the report is leggit as long as it is massive
Also, remember when babu received a strike for nothing and the midget was fighting with youtube on twitter and he was completely ignored? Then anons were laughing because he was treated in the same way as he treated the girls in the past, ignoring them

>> No.41768383

>Wactor investors
Holy kek, besides miu and akira's mom, who are we talking about anon?

>> No.41768575

He always gets away with whatever he does, so in some way we are indeed stupid
Well, i was until gen 4, i haven't watched or supported anything wactor related since them
I'm just waiting for babu and Ito to leave and i will be finally free

>> No.41768592

Come on... You can't be mad with an autistic dude who gets his mom to work in his company...

>> No.41768618

Akira used to go to some places looking for investors money, he probably tricked them and still does with spic numbers.

>> No.41769086 [DELETED] 

we need a grudge schizo like this for the new yab twitter.com/lokymadd

>> No.41769224 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.41769309 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1632615996333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even a stick like Lia has better (or knows how to show them better) thighs

>> No.41769453

those are nice but i like her tummy more

>> No.41769568

oh y god, what are you doing Lia

>> No.41769630

no... tell me its not true...

>> No.41769758

You know what's funny? If WACTOR goes down, Lia will just dump Akira and he'll remain alone, in debts and a failure.

>> No.41769965

I think Akira had already announced that he had paid his debts.

>> No.41770006

>Implying he didn't got in new ones already.

>> No.41770047

We don't know that

>> No.41770244


>> No.41770264

WES is doomed

>> No.41770371

There's that tweet were he said he likes to be indebted

>> No.41770496

I just want to say thank you to all (You) for being my personal clowns all this time and now my "le secret info" source. You are way to useful for me faggots

>> No.41770600

There's so more you'll never get to know :^)

>> No.41770799

Who do you think that will pay her new model? (you)?

>> No.41770826

The new girl made a short

>> No.41770935

Sad for her, but I'm not watching.

>> No.41771137

I have my beloved sopita accounts and you are still my personal clowns, that's all what I need

>> No.41771236

>falseflag nigger is a misopitard
how surprising

>> No.41771239

Sorry but I'm done with Wactor, I'm not watching her. She will never replace sopita

>> No.41771265
File: 219 KB, 265x465, 1646422412643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deleted and banned
Why? It's not doxxing, it's part of a stream done by her, she publicity posted it, so it's relevant to the discussion of the vtuber.
Are you fucking jannies gonna ban hand-cam streams too?
Or tweets like >>41766833
Eat a bag of dicks, faggot.

>> No.41771422

jannies and mods are lazy and dont care about this general so they dont know shit.
So if you post something out of a stream they will still ban you

>> No.41771867


>The whole situation is killing cukstavo....

>> No.41772276

The modern man can't live without le happy pills. Pathetic.

>> No.41772321

Sorry Stephanie im not into gossips, popular and cool like you

>> No.41772415

any news about neon or lunita?
Sopita is fine.

>> No.41772518
File: 60 KB, 429x314, 16320326523202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut the strings and let her go.

>> No.41772551

They're being locked out of their accounts, that's all you need to know tourist-kun.
Remember how Akira handled Rose's disappearance and following suspension? He expects things to go the same way.

>> No.41772704

Damn, I felt that way when Rose was suspended but I was able to be strong and see Merun a few times because she no longer gave me that happiness that I had before.

>> No.41772817

It would be surprising if wactor dissolves sooner and the girls' designs are free to use

>> No.41772931

>are free to use
how it is noticeable when tourists come from fb

>> No.41773066

Well they're disabling comments in any post where the issue is being discussed, also deleting comments that address them.

>> No.41773103

I know Akita’s management skills are a meme but even that manlet should be bending backwards to not lose his 230k sub vtuber.

>> No.41773176 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 720x1039, Akiralapdogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of Akira apologists.

>> No.41773202

Villacuck, lordfag and merol, put that money printer machine of your to work and buy Sopita and Luna's models....

>> No.41773266

Report Akira account faggots

>> No.41773313

he already lost it, he should have done that months ago

Tsunderia didn't do it like that?

>> No.41773420

Where are the sopihaters that appeared around here?

>> No.41773480


>> No.41773650

I wish Akira could give them the models and set them free as indies, but that greedy manlet will never allow that to happen.

>> No.41773703

Happy birthday in advance Misora, may your future be manlet free

>> No.41773734

I still hate that lying traitor and I'm only using her to know more about Luna's issue.

>> No.41773735

Isn’t Hina good enough (number wise)to be instantly poached by another company the minute she’s free?

>> No.41773814

>trying to deflect conflict and make the fandom fight within.

>> No.41773824

We don't even know if she wants to continue streaming.

>> No.41773850


>> No.41773854

That's probably what happened.

>> No.41773916

Sedai should approach her. Also swear I'll drop Sopita if she joins Owozu...

>> No.41773925

Now zona is going to use this to clear his name after he and his fagot friends threw shit at hina and were part of the stress that made hina sick

>> No.41773977

She was optimistic about her future just yesterday.

>> No.41774015

I saw, but that could mean anything. Perhaps she wants to go back to studying, who knows. I want her back, I'm just saying we know nothing about her plans for the future.

>> No.41774106

I thought the same thing but with what is happening I don't think it will success, if akira sues the japanese companies will deny her (besides she hates them) so she would have to look for a latam company and we already know how that will end and if she goes indie I imagine she won't be able to do it alone and the groomers will have to help her so yes or yes hina is screwed and I doubt she will never reach her old numbers but if you want a good hopium maybe with the contacts the girl niji has will take pity on her.

>> No.41774161

>breaking the containment as always
that surprises me

>> No.41774167

After what the manlet has done to Neon's notorious Nijisanji friend, I'm sure said friend would be happy to help just to spite him.

>> No.41774221

liaschizos are deranged subhumans

>> No.41774223

This is the one time breaking containment is justified. Pressure Akira to give us information and/or release the girls' from their contracts so they can pursue their own gig.

>> No.41774252
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>> No.41774301

Why are Miutomos like this?

>> No.41774323

>hina is dealing with some health issues
yeah, manletinitis

>> No.41774330

Man I fucking hate cucktomos

>> No.41774363

Based this guy has my respect

>> No.41774372

What did Akira do to that friend? Isn’t she the only Niji who bothered collaborating with Wactor?

>> No.41774373

I'm going to laugh a lot if hina ends up in sendai or owusu

>> No.41774386

would be nice but his argument is pure rrats and the guy is a lvl 100 schizo if you're going to break containment at least talk seriously.

>> No.41774390

When Hina's suspension/termination notice is finally given by Akira, be sure to post this image and ask this motherfucker to step down from whatever position of authority he is in right now.

>> No.41774439

Don't put me in the same bag, retard.

>> No.41774446

Imagespammer doko?? something to say faggot?

>> No.41774463

Sorry I got it all mixed up. Wrote a little too fast there. What I was trying to say was:
> after what the manlet has done to Neon, Neon's notorious Nijisanji friend might help Hina just to spite him

>> No.41774494

You are all a bunch of hipocrital faggots, fuck off, hopefully wacshit and Miu is done for good

>> No.41774509

>que bueno que la gastritis se me curo hace mucho !
This shameless fuck is faking ignorance doesn't he?

>> No.41774513

niji has enough drama already and you want her to meddle with wactor? lol lmao

>> No.41774525

i'm here what you want fucking faggot?

>> No.41774526

Why are misopitas like this?

>> No.41774536

Well, you can laugh because that is what is most probably going to happen.

>> No.41774558

That faggot was probably under orders from Akira himself to prevent any meaningful discussion of the girls' whereabouts on this platform. After all that has happened he realized he has been played.

Someone shop Meido's face on this guy >>41766663

>> No.41774603

Told you... she's the final boss. She hates Everyone specially Luna which was close in surprassing her subscribers on YT.
I remember Lunas christmas tree stream that she didnt include Lia as a ornament...

>> No.41774614

you niggers are the same as akira attacking the other girls. Literally doing the same as that faggot does.
At the end of the day you just want everything to explode not caring if even the girls go to the trash too

>> No.41774664

Why is Akira going to punish his loyal bitch?

>> No.41774670

how new can you be to not recognize that schizo? are you retarded?

>> No.41774674

This is a real man who takes the situation calm and without losing his head...not like other fagots that start to make a scandal like fags
>zone save us please!1!1

>> No.41774711

Sup Loyal

>> No.41774712

I hate Lia so fucking much. I hate everything about her. I hate that she cucka her fans. I hate her disgusting skeleton hands. I hate that Akira shoves her into everything and dedicates every penny the company earns in making her happy for the chance of getting his micropenis in her cesspool of a putrid cunt.

>> No.41774753

kek mindbroken

>> No.41774791

well, since wactor's days are numbered, what are you going to call the new thread? or are you going to wait for the manlet to say he went bankrupt? at least the thread can be called /WACTORX/ extended edition

>> No.41774814

Not like the girls have literally asked for help haha

>> No.41774850

>he ele pe eme

>> No.41774854

You must be a tremendous newfag, Hana already spoke in her debut that she wants to start her agency. Imagine the great attraction that it would mean to have Hana and Hina and not to mention if Luna and Neon sign up . Neither Nijisanji nor Hololive will be able to overcome that, just keep that possibility in mind .
If that doesn't happen they will be indies but the question is the support for the content that this does not manage itself and I say this if they look with the desire to overcome their past lives

>> No.41774863

doom, it ends with fure doom and sadness... i wanted to live the HoloES dream with this jap company...

>> No.41774868


>> No.41774883

Quick anon take a screenshot and send it to Dross!!

>> No.41774902



>> No.41774913

Yes Stephanie im new to your safe space now deao with it.

>> No.41774924

opinion of the event and why so much damage control at the beginning? did you really believe in the manlet?

>> No.41774996

lurk more newfag

>> No.41775010

>you niggers are the same as akira

no, we are worse.
I'm gonna enjoy every second blowing up this company.

for my oshi, of course

>> No.41775084

i never trusted the fucking midget.

>> No.41775114

Fuck off, the moment Sopita and Luna are out of this shitty company I will be so relieved of not being in the same bandwagon as (You)

>> No.41775202

we never were shitter, feel free to fuck off

>> No.41775206

lol anon
Wactor still has EN and CN branch, they don't give a shit about your supeingo drama, this will be forgotten even quicker than L/R drama

>> No.41775410
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>> No.41775538

Congratulations on following the etiquette, you have gained a little bit more of self-esteem.

>> No.41775539

Freeing the girls from this company is a good cause.

>> No.41775594

>t. cuck who let's Akira fuck him in silence.
>lEtS nOt lOsE oUr hEaDs gUyS

>> No.41775633


>> No.41775728

All of them have 0 charisma.

>> No.41776074
File: 761 KB, 752x723, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing this is the average vtuber fan, no wonder they can get away with shit like this.

>> No.41776317

I want to punch this fatherless rat, is not ablut a parasocial relationship, is about "work" about all the money fucktards gave to them, all the memberships etc.

>> No.41776849

what????????????????????????????????????? mmm nice yuri
