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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41653410 No.41653410 [Reply] [Original]

Get ready for another love bomb
Not even subtle about it

>> No.41653475

>another gura anti thread

>> No.41653562

And I will eat that shit up. Now fuck off

>> No.41653630

Respect to the chumbuds who waited it out honestly. A lot of people see abandoning their oshii as a thing to brag about. But if you care you care.

>> No.41653719

wow, i never knew being a vtuber was so dangerous!

>> No.41653739

>implying she won't go back on health break before march

>> No.41653781

>I'm very very sick
>Also I travelled to japan on my own

>> No.41653790
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Get ready, boys!

>> No.41653791

oshihen live life frivolously and with no morals
they belong in hell and are the scum of the earth

>> No.41653806

>Gura literally has to wear a retard helmet

>> No.41653829

she should wear a helmet

>> No.41653842

I'll member her when she returns.

>> No.41653841
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>> No.41653916

I don't care enough to even dislike her antics, I just forget she exists in general. More of a mascot nowadays that Cover uses to promote or sell shit, I barely remember she's supposed to be a streamer.

>> No.41653922

better than Ina saying she lost her phone for 3 months

>> No.41653938

>so sick she can't even write the occasional update or function at all
>can somehow travel to japan for training and stay there for weeks? months?
logic checks out

>> No.41654013


>> No.41654015

I never thought I'd start to anti Ina or Gura but this shit's beyond the pale. I'm healthy and can't imagine spending 12 hours on a plane yet these women gotta take months away from their job but can travel no prob. Fuck 'em.

>> No.41654029

cuckmates/cuckFP in shambles, your time is up

>> No.41654113

>i-i am o-okay
Why does she type like an underage twitter tranny?

>> No.41654167

>don't you guys have opposite gender friends

>> No.41654176

wow its almost like japan also has doctors

>> No.41654196

I'm flying to Tokyo saturday. Will let you know how it feels to fuck her

>> No.41654217

Back just in time for valentines day get all that simp money and fuck off for another 2 months.

>> No.41654261

Funny you say that considering Vesper is dying since he can't legally buy his medicine in japan

>> No.41654268

If she can get on a plane she can get on her computer.

>> No.41654320

Strange coincidence to be able to return to streaming right around Valentine's day and soak up lonely gachi money

>> No.41654344

She might go full Shion, but she's earned that imo.

>> No.41654348

>so sick she's fainting and not streaming for months
>Has to go to japan to practice fes
Is cover a black company or is she lying?

>> No.41654401

I would bet 20 bucks on it.
>haha wow streamed sooooo much for 4th fes
>oh-oh the fainting spells
>ah the tummy hort
>mama says I have to stream less haha
>oh that's my 'daddy' in the background you hear haha, he's helping me move stuff
>gotta go, taking another break, love chuuuuuuu! *kiss*

>> No.41654476


>> No.41654520


>> No.41654539
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1649074109803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so sick she can't play video games and talk into a camera
>not sick enough for her doctor to bar her from international travel

>> No.41654546
File: 94 KB, 500x377, am-retarded-15954524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a pic like this but with Gura.

>> No.41654554

>Is cover a black company or is she lying?

>> No.41654588

I demand lengthy reunion cybersex that’s so explicit yagoo himself has to step in and tell her to cut the stream

>> No.41654606 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 911x286, 167566626264562568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. roonFP
your oshi is nothing but a two-faced, repulsive whore and the world would be a better place if she died,

sounds harsh i know but you guys couldn't even argue against it as kiara made no effort to fix herself

>> No.41654622

I want this shark shit to be off the catalog.
Her fanbase have stagnated to the same 15k pedo discordspergs. She’s basically graduated and SEA shitposters use her png to start wars with working chuuba fan bases.

I’m tired of it, she’s worse than Ayame.
Myth was a mistake, they should have given Kiara Polka’s model and axed this dumb idea.

>> No.41654699

Both can be true anon. She was scared of travelling to Japan, due to not liking travelling and her extensive health problems. However, she still wanted to go and got her doctor's approval. She's probably not mentally strong enough to stream right now, since she's adjusting to a new country for the first time.

>> No.41654855

I like how you didn't mention the fes practice since that cannot be explained

>> No.41654904
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You're retarded nigga, she did tweet stuff and do things, she just wasn't keen revaling details of her sickness, like she said numerous times.

>> No.41654938

Sorry, is the implication that Gura's my oshi or whomever I watch now? 'Cause I left Gura behind long ago, I'm not gonna concern myself with someone that doesn't stream.

>> No.41654999


>> No.41655072 [DELETED] 

you stupid nigger those were management’s tweets

>> No.41655079

Holy cope

>> No.41655107

You will never be Japanese.

>> No.41655129

Because he has mental illness, that's a no no in nihongo land

>> No.41655201

No, those were voices in your walls.
Holy mental illness.

>> No.41655208

The amount of coping and seething so fast in this thread is unreal. Keep it up guys! Gonna go watch some Tempus stream now
t. unitychad

>> No.41655273

wdym? she is just going to sing a song and mocap some moves like last year, she didn't do any crazy dance last year and probably would not do one this either

>> No.41655380

>oh that's my 'daddy' in the background you hear haha, he's helping me move stuff
The projection is unreal, teacuck.

>> No.41655399

An obvious act of skinwalking to sell more tickets for pedos. During the fes they'll do their usual thing - use paid dancers, use pre-recorded songs and phrases. Then announce her graduation/termination, probably 2-3 weeks after the fes. Most likely termination, because it would me much more difficult to make a dead person stream their graduation events than just announce that she "leaked" corpo's confidential information.

>> No.41655428

She's getting those Valentine's akasupas, GOOD FOR HER!

>> No.41655434
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>Comeback stream planned on the 12th
>Was obviously precoordinated to finance her Valentine's date
>Will fuck off for another few months because MUH FAINTING SPELLS
You just know she's gonna make at least 10 grand too from chumcucks, you can't make this up.

>> No.41655502

Social Battery hort?

>> No.41655543

Good guy cancer. Stopping just in time for her to collect her simpbucks.

>> No.41655588

Would it be in poor taste to draw fanart of her with a helmet on?

>> No.41655595

Do you think she can record this in 5 minutes? All of these performances get rehearsed for days, that's already more taxing than a single stream

>> No.41655608

>You just know she's gonna make at least 10 grand too from chumcucks, you can't make this up.
10k is lowballing it, small corpos have made that much from donothons

>> No.41655733

> 200 memberships given
> over 900 akasupas
The Ayame of EN

>> No.41655794

>2k retards paid monthly memberships for LITERAL zero content
Chumfucks are truly the most garbage audience

>> No.41655863

it's 3.1k now, including me :3

>> No.41655869

Then proceed to cuck her fans by flirting with her groomer live on voice chat.

>> No.41655902
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Ayame is based though?

>> No.41656033

Take your meds anon

>> No.41656146


>> No.41656165
File: 432 KB, 637x434, 1664548394493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the amount of seethe one little shark can generate will never not be funny

>> No.41656220

>Gura travel to Japan not streaming yet
>Vesper still in japan not streaming

>> No.41656245

man you guys really are strong for putitng up with this shit

>> No.41656370

what information is there about it, she said what she has or what it is related to? (answer only with source)

>> No.41656372

looks like they finished training a new VA

>> No.41656489

>love bomb
i keep reading this word everywhere nowadays, is this some new age zoomer slang? what does it mean

>> No.41656512

Chumcunts once again defending their useless lazy oshi.

>> No.41656523

>they should have given Kiara Polka’s model
Why would they give the good model to the inferior chuuba though?

>> No.41656572

because nobody else in hololive compares

>> No.41656705

Are you retarded?

>> No.41656707

Ina, Sana, and Kronii have taught me to never trust EN when they claim they are "sick".

>> No.41656730
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Cope and seethe. Go back to watching your oshi cucking you with a homo.

>> No.41656734

Good. Can you chumpedos stop doomposting about HoloEN now? Also she missed basically every EN in JP besides the landwhale.

>> No.41656736

sana literally graduated

>> No.41656763

Kind of a cunt move to limit basic updates to members.

>> No.41656806

She can win me back by showing that she'll actually stream consistently this time instead of fucking off for weeks or months at a time. There's tons of other chuubas to watch and support and I'll be with them until Gura gets her shit together

>> No.41656833

it immediately gets posted here for free, so what's your issue?

>> No.41657069

>Everyone thinking she'll announce graduation in February
God, we can only hope

>> No.41657076

have fun going broke then paypig

>> No.41657078

>believes in hell
>believes shork will stick around instead of just milking ATM-kun dry and fuck off again

do you believe in the tooth fairy too by chance?

>> No.41657306

Yeah and she was perfectly fine, she just couldn't balance it with her other job.

>> No.41657332

>cumbuds thinking about men 24/7 again

>> No.41657353
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>> No.41657454

Better than believing the voices in your head and made-up scenarios you're spouting.

>> No.41657459

>Breeding difficulty
Don't think i'd have any difficulty tapping that whaleshark for her bank account

>> No.41657472

Too sick to sit on your chair, free of meeting with people in the comfort of your own home, to stream and connect with fans. Not too sick to visit a country she's never been to before, go outside, meet tons of new people for the first time, and rehearse for 4thFes. That's one hell of a sickness she has there, the kind where you'll do anything and everything but interact with your fanbase.

>> No.41657544

so true, maybe gura is learning from the master

>> No.41657568

Well you think about chumbuds 24/7, guess there are some women there.

>> No.41657588

>I'm having fainting spells
>But the doctor said it's okay for me to do rigorous dance and singing lessons in a foreign country!

Yeah, I'm not buying it either

>> No.41657675

>im bouta bust
Is this an Ambatukam reference??

>> No.41657679

She finally learned Ayame technic of milking ATMs

>> No.41657701

Who said anything about traveling on her own?

>> No.41657724

>frequent fainting spells

massive anemia?

>> No.41657838
File: 17 KB, 412x445, 27167FB6-E756-44F1-B29D-3E4F156C058F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Returns on Valentine’s Day to farm superchats from chumkekers
Can’t. Stop. Laughing.

>> No.41657847

Wow so many Nijitrannys seething

>> No.41657872

I'll empty my wallet and my nut bladder on stream

>> No.41657886

you can't even make this shit up lmao. takes months off, will manage to stream for valentine's day to extract the most supas and then disappear again. the funniest part is apparently supas aren't even supposed to matter to cover it's like she's doing this just because she can get some joy out of getting that money out of them.

>> No.41657937

its literal nothingburger, it's white girl syndrome for "i have Munchausen syndrome but i swear if you ask me it's 100% real sickness"

>> No.41657985

Well it's curious that Ina and Gura announced their return stream almost 3 weeks early and gave the official story on a membership post. These health breaks sure do seem to follow a schedule as if they were decided by management.

>> No.41658051

I'll take it.

>> No.41658069

My wife is back!

>> No.41658133

>Chinese Ninjfag feelers typed this
>Vox-Sama will never fertilze your egg clutch

>> No.41658324

Cunny I kneel

>> No.41658362
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I'm one of them. I'm sending her akasupa when she returns. That goes without saying.

>> No.41658560 [DELETED] 

Just like how Ina disappeared for health reasons to work on two anime series LOL

>> No.41658642

pure cuck mentality

>> No.41658685 [DELETED] 

At least Ina has a second job that she gives up doing her Holo streams for, Gura's just a lazy cunt

>> No.41658747

I feel bad for her YouTube chumbuds.

>> No.41658782

Yeah, I'm donating an obscene amount of money when she returns

>> No.41658821

If she got ok from doctor and plans on going back to streaming then that just means they were a problem, but they got better by now.

>> No.41658991 [DELETED] 

Yeah I don't blame her getting your LN animated must feel like a dream. But morons showering them with money like they were in a fucking hospital or something are ridiculous.

>> No.41659029 [DELETED] 

sowwy, can't stweam... tummy hort :'(
but not bad enough to stop me from running off to japan with my bf and live it up with our fat stack of chumbrony cuck bux >;D
u da besto ahehehehe uhuhuhu

>> No.41659227
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I personally don’t mind it. Especially with this post since it shows how shenhas health issues that really inly members knew about.

>> No.41659303

>With my bf

We are married you pissant Nijicuck peasent worker-bug

>> No.41659319

Fuck, now i’m typing like her

>> No.41659398

Become Gwombus

>> No.41659597

That's a lot of assumptions for what is clearly someone making up a barebones story
>I-I almost died of anxiety buying something from a vending machine
Bitch should have had a heart attack on the airport if she's actually that anxious

>> No.41660025

it's extra fucked up because actual epileptic people that will actually worry about and deal with falling to the ground and getting concussions from it have this dumb cunt lying about obvious bullshit but will get at least 10 grand retard bucks for doing a 30-60 minute stream lmao

>> No.41660154

Yes, going out to a large foreign city with vastly different culture, speaking language you barely know is much more taxing to an socially inept introvert than an airport.
But of course your first assumption is that she just making it all up. You're a fucking flat earther level of believable schizo.

>> No.41660244

Go back to your grooming discord you schizophrenic retard.

>> No.41660428

This. I give her three streams at most before fainting hort again.

>> No.41660466

>whoahhh i stood up fast and got a headrush. I almost FAINTED. I might need a helmet!!

>> No.41660497

Yes? Most of these girls are shut-ins.

>> No.41660596

Please dont judge other child grooming creeps by the actions of this one man

>> No.41660650

He's not dying. He's just mentally ill.

>> No.41660662

She avoids talking about her medical issues in any detail. Fainting spells and tummy hurt, is all the info she's given.

>> No.41660828

>going out to a large foreign city with vastly different culture, speaking language you barely know is much more taxing to an socially inept introvert than an airport.
You're right as well, however she didn't mention any of that and simply said that she was anxious buying from a fucking vending machine, you're assuming there's something else to her story as well

>> No.41660890

>proof she's ill
She says it herself
>proof she's faking
[404 not found]

>> No.41661002

Did her manager wrote this one too?

>> No.41661005

Kronii never took a month off.

>> No.41661028

>Too sick to tweet or make community posts
>Not sick enough to travel to an entirely different country
But keep deflecting, it'll work someday

>> No.41661031

Kiara said she's fine

>> No.41661161

Kiara literally says she's fine

>> No.41661261

Yeah, management doesn't want them to take indefinite breaks, because it fuels the chuuba is dead rrats.

>> No.41661428

She skipped the Shion phase straight up to Ayame.

>> No.41661457
File: 59 KB, 450x450, 0EC73B33-216D-4E83-B97A-C0DB1EF74C49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna jot this post down and call you a cuck when Gura inevitably collabs with Tempus.

>> No.41661487

Ayame streams more than Shion, dude.

>> No.41661490

Do you guys ever think that maybe people don't need fucking 4 months to get better? These girls are privileged as fuck if anything 1 month of break is how people deal with sickness in the real world before your job starts to call you back to reality

>> No.41661562

Schizophrenic AND autistic.

>> No.41661569

6 months and counting, any day now....

>> No.41661595
File: 18 KB, 554x554, images - 2023-01-24T202038.876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im bouta bust

>> No.41661610

Pretty hard to collab when you don't stream tbf

>> No.41661641

Gura has been tweeting since she went on break, for fucksake people really do just want a reason to be mad at the shark don't you people get bored of this shit?

>> No.41661675

mane-chan really went all out with this one

>> No.41661704
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>> No.41661711

She doesn't want to make people worry, probably didn't even ask gura how she was doing

>> No.41661789

Is funny how people just accepted Ina losing her work phone after 3 months of silence, meanwhile everything Gura says there's always a "BUT", people don't even hide how much they love to anti her

>> No.41661797

Bank account running low, huh Gura?

>> No.41661810

There's some shitposter posting that Gura won't be streaming on Valentine's day on /ggg/ every day. I'm sure Gura saw that and is just saying fuck you. I love my dorky shark. Proud that she posted on member's page instead of toxic Twitter. Another fuck you to all the shitposts about her Twitter usage. Based Shork.

>> No.41661833

Now nijis are bad too?
Neck urselves, cucknicorns

>> No.41661838

So she was able to take meds?

>> No.41661925

>Bank account running low, huh Gura?
Even multi-millionaires wouldn't mind more money.

>> No.41661952
File: 297 KB, 1186x1381, 1674598216823532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new oshi treats me right and I'll never leave her

>> No.41662000

Just some arbitrary distinction to make Gura seem better than the other four, since all of those niji collabs were female ones

>> No.41662064

Didn't account for inflation, classic mistake.

>> No.41662082

Damn i got cuck by not streaming, it over guys, i guess i will live my normal life back.

>> No.41662098 [DELETED] 

More like no one cares to anti Ina. She wasn't sick at all, she was working on an anime. That's not a part time job someone sick can work.

>> No.41662135

gura reigns supreme, with the state of hololive EN management must have fucked off by now with hassling her about collabing with those fags

>> No.41662142

Dreamybull possessed gura account

>> No.41662204

I swear these manager niggas just typed "gawr gura apologises for going on vacation" into chatGPT

>> No.41662299

She didn't lose her work phone. It was just off.

>> No.41662323

are you sure you can risk that twenty bucks? I don't want you to go hungry

>> No.41662333

In the real world, 1 month+ off is not unheard of for highly paid professionals.
Stop relating to your own blue collar/service industry job.

>> No.41662337

I mean, if you broke the nijien thing, that tier list is still the same. Gura is the most cucknicorn member, followed by fauna- irys, then kiara -mumei and the rest.

>> No.41662365

>Both in Japan
>Both taking breaks off not streaming and ghosting their genmates
>Both posted the same day

>> No.41662403

>destroy gura anti arguments
>they stop responding
ruh roh

>> No.41662424

sorry your favorite got pushed around, maybe she will be as strong gura in her next incarnation

>> No.41662554

>1 month+ off is not unheard of for highly paid professionals.
Sure, if you use every single day off from the entire year for a big vacation. But whatever, vtubing isn't even remotely comparable to real jobs, and Gura isn't even remotely comparable to the rest of vtubers

>> No.41662653

true, it's embarrassing how far above them she is

>> No.41662704


>> No.41662715

>gura is sick in Japan
>nowa is sick in Japan

>> No.41662787

you're seething at gura though?

>> No.41662830

Yes, even Ayame is far less lazy than her, other vtubers should step up their game

>> No.41662919

Absolutely retarded post

>> No.41663052

>Gura isn't even remotely comparable to the rest of vtubers
I agree, why I don't mind her taking time off after 2 years. Health is always number one priority. Chumbuds aren't like other fans that wish their oshi streams while sick, caring little about their health and only on self needs.

There are those that need to stream constantly to keep their base viewers, especially those slaved to Twitch's algorithm. Then you have Gura. Not like other vtubers.

>> No.41663204


>> No.41663285
File: 76 KB, 857x960, 1660911374044270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love bomb

>> No.41663714

>they stop responding
>180 posts in this thread

>> No.41664040

Best news of the year. Hoocha!

>> No.41665567

>destroy chumby delusions
>little cucky chum cuck sees post and it hurts his feelings
>they stop responding
>chumcuck pats themselves on the back pretending they won some "argument"
wew lad

>> No.41665659

Finally. I hope we do something fun.

>> No.41665860
File: 172 KB, 475x475, 1673413295448975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, anon posting what voices in your head told you about Gura faking her illness didn't destroy anyone's delusions, those are your own delusions.

>> No.41665874

I dare you to go to /ggg/ and post that shit on their thread

>> No.41666016

>Sorry chumbuddies I'm too sick to stream
>i flew to Japan thpugh and am doing dancing lessons
>Also I'll be back by Valentines day to soak up them juicy superchats
Holy fuck chumcucks lmaos

>> No.41666063

She's finally done with her minecraft run with xqc.


>> No.41666124

So she has a health issue that stops her sitting in front of her computer but not doing dancing lessons for hours?

>> No.41666204

Reminder thta Kronii is the only one that hasn't gone to Japan. You should make a thread about her

>> No.41666273

Returning just in time for unicorn superchat day is really obvious even for Gura.

>> No.41666482

Go make a thread about Kronii already. Leave Gura alone

>> No.41666527
File: 85 KB, 539x809, 1670635826108624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is in Japan with Vesper around

>> No.41666660

Gura. Still my oshi.

>> No.41666818

stress can cause fainting spells. maybe she's stressed out from streaming specifically.

>> No.41667052

Or she simply still has to take it easy, so although getting better, for now she has to choose between streaming and preparing for an important concert.

>> No.41667178

Straight up. I wish I could have taken Gura to Japan for the first time and be there with her for the experience.

>> No.41668394

>his oshi wears a retard helmet
you can't even make this shit up lmao

>> No.41668661

she's also said she hears sounds and see's things out of her peripheral that aren't there

>> No.41668744

Have you not seen the tweet where she literally admitted she was lying?

>> No.41668857

Can't mention something if you don't stream

>> No.41669050

Shut up, nijisister. You're the one making these Gura drama threads.

>> No.41669053

I chalked this one up to being "quirky" rather than anything actually happening

>> No.41669135

It would be pretty neat if she actually becomes full on idol without the cringe

>> No.41669555

>I chalked this one up to being "quirky" rather than anything actually happening
This describes everything about current Gura

>> No.41669618

there's only 2 holos who I couldn't abandon. Miko and Gura.

>> No.41671497 [DELETED] 

Kiki I just finished filing my taxes, please praise me

>> No.41671506

Well Gura abandoned you

>> No.41671698

Suisei, Gura and Ina Holofes unit?!

>> No.41671913

and we're going to like it

>> No.41671936

>Two dead fish and a singer

>> No.41672031

Wait what now?

>> No.41672123

Why? What happened?

>> No.41672344

Ina wrote a light novel? Where do you guys get all this info?

>> No.41672446

Recording her HoloFes appearance just like every other member of EN just did. They did the same thing last year, everyone was in Japan months before HoloFes, it’s like clockwork at this point. Gura won’t interact on stage with anyone that is not in Japan right now. This might be the end, she is only streaming leading up to HoloFes to advertise it.

>> No.41672448

This guy just casually implied Gura is a member of BLM and nobody had anything to say to it?

>> No.41672528

BLM broke the store because niggers only know how to loot.

>> No.41672657

They all got caught lying
>Ina too sick to stream but actually working on drawings for her main job
>Sana too sick to stream but play hours and hours on her personal account
>Kronii too sick to stream but getting finger banged by Twitch streamer

>> No.41672719

Post tweet anon

>> No.41672753

I'd peg Gura as more of a DNC or even RDM

>> No.41672819

Don't feel like a vacation. Feel free to go find it on her twitter

>> No.41672831

It's weird that so many Final Fantasy XIV classes share the same acronyms as political organizations.

>> No.41673006

-Ina was caught roaming around Japan when she had stated she was so sick she was bedridden. Also stated she left her corpo tech behind when visiting her parents
-Sana's entire dead dog debacle, fueled by a couple of streams on her alt account no-lifing Genshin Impact and Arkknights or w/e it's called right after her "i can't stream for very long because of my back" announcement
-Kronii doing everything in her power to backpedal her logic, and also some rrats about twitch fingers

>> No.41673034

This update wasn't written by her, check the punctuation, it's too good to be Gura.

>> No.41673679
File: 54 KB, 808x338, Ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now Ina's back in JP, despite her crippling ailments and bedridden state
So just goes to show, they are actively avoiding their job and only resurface when the funds dry up, they are forced by management, or they get exposed by other talents

>> No.41673797

Recording the Umisea performance with Gura for HoloFes.

>> No.41673896

hundreds of thousands of dollars but can't manage to stream, something you can do with a cheap ass PC for her style of streams and a company provided phone lmao

>> No.41674278

tbf, that's all women.
I work in an office and the women here use their sick time on the stupidest shit. Especially around the Holidays like Gura and Ina.

>> No.41674295

Didn't Moona stream from her car with a generic laptop for a week straight?

>> No.41674383

Moona's a fucking Idol, so it's different.

>> No.41674452

Holy cringe. Well, I guess her fanbase is mostly underage so they'll believe all this and more.

>> No.41674742


t. Pedophile

Not being subtle wither

>> No.41674835

Now it's 6K and probably half the members in any member post don't leave a like.

>> No.41674912

Hey Gura antis. You hate Gura and chumbuds right? Then why would you even click on a positive gura thread? Oh you just want to shitpost

>> No.41675058

>positive gura thread
You sure about that, bud?

>> No.41675157

>a positive gura
Anon, you need to actually see/read the relevant images posted

>> No.41675174

A lot of them probably membered and forgot about it. I know a guy who was subscribed to Netflix for like 2 years without watching it.

>> No.41675400

feels bad man

>> No.41675501

Can confirm, I hit Ina's 6 month without ever watching any of her streams. Wanted to be a day 1 member for when she got better at streaming she never did

>> No.41675721

Easiest million dollars ever

>> No.41676055

Yagoo very likely trying to recruit a much more obedient gura impersonator while he invites whaleshark over to nippon to remind her about japanese work ethics

>> No.41676773

> i'm goiung to stream around valentines to soak up your supas
> but not the valentines because i've got plans with someone special
thank u for stickin by her, she enjoys your money!! uhuhu

>> No.41677027

This year's Fes better be the most amazing shit ever to make it worth the content drought we've been suffering.

>> No.41677269

Why would a uni care about the Pomu collab? I'm pretty sure that I would know if she was actually a tranny.

>> No.41677572

I have never once abandoned Gura. Anyone who even CONSIDERED cancelling their membership is not a true chumbie

>> No.41677625

Considering how dead she is right now I'd say she's DRG before whatever buff that made DRG not tank the floor

>> No.41677647

Kill yourself worm

>> No.41677725 [DELETED] 


At least in Ina's case, the reason she's slowing down on Hololive is because her art career is taking off. Her name is in the credits for an anime that is airing this season. It was dumb of her to lie about it and she should have just said something like "I have priestess duties for awhile and it's just not going to be possible for me to do much Hololive stuff."

In Gura and Kronii's cases it's pretty hard to explain. Gura in particular does not seem to have a good reason to stop streaming.

This "streamers going AWOL" stuff seems like it's becoming a major problem for Hololive. I think Cover is going to need to start requiring minimal amounts of steaming from them going forward. There's a ton of Holos now who are almost constantly absent and never stream. It started with Ayame but is becoming endemic, particularly with HoloEN.

>> No.41678708

every day you get more and more news about small corpo chuubas cucking their audience on stream.
It's worth the wait for the scant few who don't hate their fans.

>> No.41678875

I'm probably dumb as fuck but I honestly believe in her. I believe that she has something physically and mentally wrong with her that she's trying her best to get over. I believe she's just such a ball of nerves and has so much anxiety over everything that she can barely function with anything outside her place. I believe that she's worked on herself now and will come back in an okay place and in a bit more physically healthy place. I just hope that whatever she is dealing with is being dealt with and that coming back to streaming won't start reversing the stuff she's been working on.

Even if you consider it delusional, I'm okay with being happy

>> No.41679202

I don't disagree, but I'll wait for her to stream with SC off.

>> No.41679343

old man's a tweaker?

>> No.41680089

The root of all evil is the fact that they stream on YouTube instead of Twitch. Twitch streamers are enslaved because of Twitch Prime. Prime subs have to manually renew and there is no vod-viewing culture on Twitch, streamers who don't stream will see half of their subscribers disappear in a 30 day period. The bleed for YouTube members is much lower. They can depend on these members simply forgetting to cancel or being apathetic towards saving 5 bucks per month. It adds up. They'll get superchats if they stream, but that income is pretty inconsequential. Pretty sure Cover themselves listed superchat income as supplemental and not that important in that financial slideshow shit they showed last year.

>> No.41680351 [DELETED] 
File: 714 KB, 805x715, unknown-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tale old as time

>> No.41680401

Kys schizo cuck

>> No.41680410

She's like the same age as me, why is she pretending to be a naive little girl?
Can't chumpedos see how pathetic this situation is?

>> No.41680512

>collabing with a male = hating your fans
>ghosting fans for a month =/= hating your fans

>> No.41680938

You don't get it. It's over 6k that 'liked' her 'membership' post. Not counting for members that 'forgot', have not read yet, or skipped hitting the like. Sure to be higher tomorrow.

>> No.41681221

I don't watch gura but why does she speak like a stupid teen.

>> No.41681290

>I'd peg Gura as more of a DNC or even RDM
NRA supporter. She has a license to carry. Southern girl.

>> No.41681617

Even in writing, she tries to stay in character. Pro entertainer. Never go out of character.

>> No.41681827

>collabs with matpat
as long as its not tempus or niji we're okay, cope.

>> No.41682807

>mom threatened to make me wear a bike helmet help

>> No.41682926

1.3k likes is pretty low for a membership post, especially a return post. I remember when Gura could easily rack up 10k+ likes. Guess a lot of chumbuds really did get sick of her and left.

>> No.41682977

It's currently 6.4k likes on her membership post. Give it time to reach 10k.

>> No.41683033

Confusing the comments with likes. She has over 1.6k responding sending her well wishes.

>> No.41683626

you're telling me she has more than 10k paying members despite never streaming? what the fuck is wrong with chumbuds?

>> No.41683704

They don't actually enjoy her streams, they're just there for the "experience" of having a pretend-loli pander to their pedophilia by le hecking EPIC retweet of barely-SFW fanart

>> No.41683776
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, Fep-N2CXEAYrLpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homofags are panicking in this thread

>> No.41683835

So cross out all of JP since they collabed with ecelebs

>> No.41683895

You could say she

Get it?

>> No.41683913

Oh boy I totally didn't expect these threads.

>> No.41683945
File: 130 KB, 1024x605, 1667913902719330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41686361

>Calling pre-recorded messages where the two never met, never spoke or saw eachother at all a collab.
Sure thing.

>> No.41687151

All members of UniSea are on different days retard.

>> No.41688720
File: 9 KB, 239x211, 1644243860231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with Gura that makes Nijitrannies and Tempiss sisters seethe so fucking much?
They've been spamming the same shit on the catalog for months and months.

>> No.41689069

Can you please stop thinking about males for 10 minutes

>> No.41689146

to be fair, Gura doesn't stream so they don't have a lot of new material to work with

>> No.41689257

you're paying a rich entertainer for not doing anything

>> No.41689654
File: 581 KB, 687x631, seetheworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas this girl generates insane amounts of seethe
Maybe it'll divert antis from picrel

>> No.41689747

Will this one have her boyfriend on stream or not?

>> No.41689772

Sir this is Hololive, not Phase Connect

>> No.41689782

I simply forgot I had it

>> No.41689905

I membered and I didn't forget about it, I just see no reason to stop membering Gura

>> No.41690014

You tryna doxx me faggot?

>> No.41690388

Did you even watch Ina's return stream?
She's obviously not (that) sick now, nor was she during her earlier JP trip
It was more than 2 months between her last stream before her break and her trip to JP, plenty of time for her to recover and/or work on her RM work backlog
Most of her issues were due to her shit work-life balance, which apparently was already bad before she joined holo, compounded with her background heart/anemia issues

>> No.41690950

Sana occasionally pops up in the catalog, Gura threads will never leave /vt/.

>> No.41691296

>She actually went to Japan.
I somehow knew that was going to happen. No wonder so many girls "saw" Gura in the train.
Until when are they staying over there? Til the end of Q1?

>> No.41691501

You think she's describing having epilepsy?

>> No.41691696

If that stutter doesn't tell you anything...

>> No.41691849

>"But I am your prostitute."
How did she say it again? Lmfao

>> No.41691904

I will eat that up like the yes man that i am

>> No.41692029

Gura definitely has anemia and fainting spells - she's talked about it about 2 months after her debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey23zk5lfkM&t=2241s
She probably also has malnutrition considering her eating habits
That's something that could (relatively) easy to fix during her break
Also she's never been that comfortable with being the top EN vtuber - her imposter syndrome was especially bad early on

>> No.41693021

Gura received birthday messages from males, it's so over

>> No.41693625

She's not even back yet lmfao

>> No.41693717

She doesn't usually type like that. I thought it was odd too.
Reminds me of Damar Hamilton, the footballer who died on field that they're pretending is alive. Did Gura take the vax? I would have thought she would have enough American in her not to

>> No.41693802

It's one of the stages in the cycle of abusive relationships
BPD bitch does crazy shit -> you get ready to leave -> they love bomb you -> you think its a one time thing and stay -> BPD bitch does more crazy shit -> repeat

>> No.41693949

>come back just to farm valentine condom money

>> No.41694451

Nah. Her dad follows BLM shit on Instagram. He looks like he would fit in with Antfia. Old bald guy still stuck in the punk rocker phase

>> No.41694506

She has more than that. Half of the members on any channel don't even interact with posts. They don't leave a like or comment

>> No.41694581

>more gura gfe
Based. Will be enjoying my idol shark

>> No.41694937

he's a musician. they're all "leftist" trash.

>> No.41695083

Is it really a syndrome if it is true?

>> No.41695333

Given the talk about the helmet, she might be narcoleptic?

>> No.41695416

So in America you're now painting people who are musicians as members of the opposite tribe therefore bad in every possible way. lol

>> No.41695558

But he is patriotic. He posts stuff showing support for the country and military. He might be one of those old school blue collar democrats

>> No.41695623

The entertainment industry is the most radical outside of academia, because it's how 21c imperialism is done. Nothing was policed as heavily as art and media from the right.

>> No.41695734 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 960x720, MamaSharkJewHair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last 3 people on the right are: Papa Shark, brother Charlie shark and jew hair momma shark. Her mom is so flat, now imagine Gura. The whole family is short. Charlie is on 5'7" and papa shark looks about the same

>> No.41695798

Please do not use "though" at the end of your sentences.

>> No.41696091

narcolepts fall asleep, they don't faint. there's an important distinction there.

>> No.41696143

Kayfabe, I guess. Which would make her the only EN that cares about it.

>> No.41696398

Gura has been talking about/displaying symptoms of anorexia nervosa since her debut but chumbies are clueless about females, so they speculate stupid shit like epilepsy or birth defects.

>> No.41696479

Right, it's thoughever now.

>> No.41696583 [DELETED] 

it's over, she found a boyfriend..

>> No.41696864

it's been a long time since she had more than 8,000 or so.

>> No.41696970

Chuck is handsome, no homo

>> No.41697055

yeah me

>> No.41697091

You can filter that zoomer noise.

>> No.41697202

suisei is not a dead fish...

>> No.41698119

9000 year old anon?

>> No.41698608

Imagine believing this shit

>> No.41698798

I fully believe she will stream in time for valentines day before leaving again

>> No.41698801

I wish she would love bomb my penis.

>> No.41699054 [DELETED] 

Just dropping a line in this thread. As a nigger, I felt compelled to participate

>> No.41699535

Thanks for taking us to page 1, sister

>> No.41701019

Personally, I hope Gura is DTF

>> No.41701111

>or they get exposed by Kiara
