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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41615069 No.41615069 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41615112

I wouldn't want to marry this impressionable menhera

>> No.41615113

she can marry her crazy fan, is a cute girl too

>> No.41615211

I will sacrifice myself.

>> No.41615326
File: 51 KB, 1023x682, strong cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world realized marriage sucks even if the other person's super cute and attractive. She's probably entirely out of luck.

>> No.41615363


did that lyger dude gave up on her or something

>> No.41615614

>both matsuri and choco are stuck
they should marry each other and have my children

>> No.41615673

There's a difference between wanting to use an unstable menhera as a cum bucket and marrying her.

>> No.41615871

I almost said I would but then I regained my senses

>> No.41615980

I think it would be a happy marriage until she accuses you of cheating and stabs you - but you're dead then so that's not your problem anymore after

>> No.41616167

I can save her

>> No.41616248

>especially in japan
lol lmao

>> No.41616930

What does she bring to the table other than OK looks?
Is she a good chef? Do I get sex whenever I want?

>> No.41616973

no worries im on it

>> No.41617072

I have never watched matsuri but she has always given me vibes of being the girl who can easily cheat on you and when you catch her she plays the victim

>> No.41617112

Listen. It's ok. Ill sacrifice myself and marry her. Ill drill her until she faints every day with out fail

>> No.41617152

I can fix her

>> No.41617306

Matsuri has better odds since she's under 25.

The good news is you're correct, the bad news is that's all Japanese women. Cheating is rampant in Japan.

>> No.41617356

Men cheat as much if not more
It's why so many holos are permanently single after having one relationship

>> No.41617366

Marrying her would be a mistake once the novelty of fucking her wears off and you realize you're stuck with her and attempting to divorce her will ruin your life if not turn her homicidal.

>> No.41617389

>marrying a plastic surgery whore
I am poor sorry Matsuri I can't afford your surgery fees.

>> No.41617438

Please no, EN really really really does not need any more whores in it. They are full in that regard.

>> No.41617496

>novelty of fucking her wears off

>> No.41617511

Men are more likely to be virgins and are having less sex, shit like tinder is also totally different for men and women. Women have more sex than men and women cheat more. Even if you play whataboutisms it doesn't change the fact that if you did get with your Japanese vtuber gf she's probably going to cheat on you with the exception of maybe Watame.

>> No.41619013

This happens. Just like listening to your favorite songs on loop can get you burned out from it, fucking the same girl everyday turns boring after a while

>> No.41619506

She doesn't need saving

>> No.41620063

wait, what's happen to the owner of ze hand?

>> No.41620632

Sex pretty much.

>> No.41621196

Probably eating at an Italian restaurant.

>> No.41621283

Men can't cheat when they're working 22 hours a day

>> No.41621415

>Women have more sex t
That's mathematically impossible.

>> No.41621519

In about 6 more years Matsuri will be prime marriage material she will have gotten ripe like a good piece of fruit as all her menhera slowly cools down do to the flood of hormones entering her brain for one last push at having a child before the eggs rot then and only then will I save her

>> No.41623054

lyger btfo

>> No.41623121

I'll take one for the team and marry her for you guys.

>> No.41623330

h-ha ha just l-like me fr

>> No.41623507

What's the Choco red flag she doesn't look that bad to me. During her prime age I mean

>> No.41623584

dr. kim nose is a big turn off

>> No.41623732

more women are having sex with few alphas while hopeless beta cucks jerk off to vtubers is what he meant.

>> No.41625004

Now, if only same could be said about Miguel...

>> No.41625054

She could be the one to get Baelz out of the cuck shack.

>> No.41625556

you'd have to lower the age of consent even more

>> No.41626530

can't save her, she doesn't want to be saved

>> No.41627374

she can 100% find a guy to marry her. the fuck is she on about?

>> No.41627599

Why does she act like this and then the next stream she's slurping some homo's dick?

>> No.41627654

when even the prime whore hoshikawa wants nothing to do with her, you know she's a lost cause

>> No.41627758

Shes trying to attract a husband. And to people pretending begging to suck your cock isnt going to get it done, she doesnt have any other skills of interest.

>> No.41627919

shes just pity baiting. she is sexy with nice boobs

>> No.41628484

I've seen clips of her basically saying this. I'm not sure what she thinks marriage is.

>> No.41628517

>Trying to save someone who doesn't need saving
Just continue giving her your money.

>> No.41629231

I know autism is to be expected in 4chan but I wish it was a just a little autistic in times like this lol

>> No.41630612

That's the perfect excuse to easily have an affair though

>> No.41635172


>> No.41635682

spend less of her

>> No.41635771
File: 75 KB, 221x200, 1601790819627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He absolutely 200% wants to marry her.

Dude literally built an app for stalking her AND moved to Japan.

>> No.41635855

Too much exigent. Men just lies to her and follows up but dumping her ass off, be it after an one-night-stand or just deceiving her out of her money

>> No.41636084

Lock her in a room with Gura for a couple days

>> No.41636180

what the fuck, and these actions taken by him are not alarming to Cover at all? surely some form of restraining order should have been implemented now?

>> No.41636199

learn english properly you fuck
the word is "demanding"

>> No.41636388

anon he did both of that years ago, before holoEN even existed, it's old news

>> No.41636434

Even better, hes a mod!

>> No.41636902


If you think about it....what is modern marriage exactly? What does a husband do except simp for her, give her money, and get the bare minimum in transactional pseudo-affection in exchange (while she cheats on you for maximum NTR effect).

If you look at it this way.... chat basically IS ALREADY MARRIED to her, you just didn't realize it yet

>> No.41637441

i wish i was Haachamas lyger....

>> No.41638096

but she's spigging it...

>> No.41638761


>> No.41638822
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Uh that's the problem?

>> No.41640050

Sheit i volunteer fo dat.

>> No.41640918

>she is sexy with nice boobs

>> No.41641746

what she needs is a BWC from a nice conservative man and a lot of hafu babies. that will fix the menhera

>> No.41641823

>no one wants to get married to an unlikable menhera whore
No shit

>> No.41643535

